Please note that these newsitems have been archived, and may contain outdated information or links.
- Past Events
- Calls for Paper
- Past Conferences
- MoL and PhD defenses
- Projects and Awards
- Funding, Grants and Competitions
- Open Positions at ILLC
- Open Positions, General
- Past appointments
- Miscellaneous
- Former Regular Events
Headlines Past Events
- 20 December 2023, Current Affairs Meeting & ILLC Winter Colloquium 2023 (+ Christmas party)
- 19 December 2023, RDT Keywords Project: ‘Responsibility’
- 18 December 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Göran Sundholm
- 15 December 2023, NihiL Seminar, Lorenzo Pinton
- 15 December 2023, Coinduction: a Categorical tour of Computation, Liam Chung
- 15 December 2023, Philosophy of Mathematics (Φ-Math) Reading Group
- 15 December 2023, EDEV Online Seminar, Veli-Pekka Parkkinen
- 14 December 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Andreas Herzig
- 14 December 2023, PhD assembly meeting on 14 December
- 13 December 2023, LLAMA seminar, Evgenia Ternovska
- 8 December 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Karolina Krzyzanowska
- 8 December 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Tristan van der Vlugt
- 8 December 2023, Annual VvL Joint Seminar
- 7 December 2023, Data-Driven History of Ideas Seminar Series (DaDriH), Leon van Wissen
- 1 December 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Andreas Niskanen
- 30 November 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jakob Dirk Top
- 30 November 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Julian Chingoma
- 29 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Blaise Boissoneau
- 29 November 2023, ILLC meets art - paint a tote bag
- 28 November 2023, VVL Essentials, Rustam Galimullin
- 28 November 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Jerry Spanakis
- 28 November 2023, Perception and the language of thought, Prof. Ned Block
- 28 November 2023, A further step into science communication?
- 27 November 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Sonja Smets
- 24 November 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Sander Beckers
- 24 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Clara List
- 24 November 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Artem Tsikiridis
- 21 November 2023, NihiL Seminar, Flavia Naehrlich
- 21 November 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Miloš Stanojević
- 21 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Luke Gardiner
- 21 November 2023, Algebra, Categories and Models Reading Group, Lingyuan Ye
- 20 November 2023, Vossius lectures, Peter van Emde Boas and Ghica van Emde Boas-Lubsen
- 17 November 2023, DIP Colloquium, Laura Caponetto
- 17 November 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Malvin Gattinger
- 17 November 2023, EDEV Online Seminars, Ekaterina Kubyshkina
- 16 November 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan-Willem Romeijn
- 16 November 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Wessel Kroon
- 15 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Igor Sedlár
- 15 November 2023, Music Cognition Group Guest Speakers, Vincent Lostalen
- 15 November 2023, Responsible Digital Transformations (RDT) Monthly Meeting, Paula Helm & Roanne van Voorst
- 10 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Luke Gardiner
- 10 November 2023, Philosophy of Mathematics (Φ-Math) Reading Group
- 10 November 2023, Connecting Humane AI at the University of Amsterdam
- 9 November 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Natasha Alechina
- 9 November 2023, LAB42 meet-ups
- 8 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Sylvy Anscombe
- 8 November 2023, MoL thesis presentations, MoL students
- 8 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Franziska Jahnke
- 7 November 2023, NihiL Seminar, Karl Nygren
- 6 November 2023, First-Order Modal Logic Seminar, Melvin Fitting
- 6 November 2023, Algebra, Categories and Models Reading Group, Daniël Otten
- 3 November 2023, Cool Logic, Michael Müller
- 3 November 2023, DIP Colloquium, Thomas Brochhagen
- 3 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Jonathan Osinski
- 30 October 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Dag Westerståhl
- 27 October 2023, Data-Driven History of Ideas Seminar Series (DaDriH), Chiara Latronico
- 26 October 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Fausto Barbero
- 25 October 2023, LLAMA seminar, Marianna Girlando
- 25 October 2023, Encoding Polyphony – Symposium in honor of Simha Arom
- 23 October 2023, VVL Essentials, Marianna Girlando
- 23 October 2023, Algebra, Categories and Models Reading Group, Lide Grotenhuis
- 20 October 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Daira Pinto Prieto
- 17 October 2023, NihiL Seminar, Yichi Zhang
- 16 October 2023, Responsible Digital Transformations (RDT) Monthly Meeting, Regina Nockerts & Diliara Valeeva
- 12 October 2023, Philosophy of Mathematics (Φ-Math) Reading Group
- 12 October 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Alexandru Baltag
- 12 October 2023, ILLC Workshop on Participatory Budgeting and Related Topics
- 10 October 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Clara Meister
- 9 October 2023, EDDY Meetup on Online Deliberation
- 9 October 2023, Amsterdam Causality Meeting, Sander Beckers and Nan van Geloven
- 7 October 2023, Open Day Amsterdam Science Park
- 6 October 2023, "J.L. Austin: Philosopher and D-Day Intelligence Officer", Mark Rowe
- 6 October 2023, DIP Colloquium, Natasha Korotkova
- 5 October 2023, LAB42 one-year anniversary
- 4 October 2023, LLAMA seminar, Stefan Zetzsche
- 4 - 6 October 2023, PhDs in Logic 2023, Granada, Spain
- 29 September 2023, ILLC Autumn Colloquium 2023 & Current Affaris Meeting
- 28 September 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Gillman Payette
- 26 September 2023, Joint NihiL and LIRa session, Yanjing Wang & Zilu Wang
- 25 September 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Thomas Bolander
- 22 September 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Ulle Endriss
- 21 - 28 September 2023, Career workshop for international spouses
- 19 September 2023, NihiL Seminar, Siyuan Cao
- 18 - 22 September 2023, Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation (TbiLLC 2023), Telavi, Georgia
- 15 September 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Philipp Dreibrodt
- 14 September 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Avijeet Ghosh
- 12 September 2023, JRC Joint PhD Celebration Event
- 7 September 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Daniil Khaitovich
- 7 September 2023, Logical pluralism discussion
- 28 August 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Thomas Ågotnes
- 31 July - 11 August 2023, 34th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2023), Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 18 - 19 July 2023, Workshop on Global Perspectives on Platforms, Emerging Technologies, and the News Industry
- 17 - 21 July 2023, Summer School on Computational Social Choice
- 13 July 2023, LIRa summer session, Joshua Sack
- 1 July 2023, 7th Women in Logic Workshop (WiL 2023), Rome, Italy
- 30 June 2023, ABC Day 2023
- 27 June 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Roberto Dessì
- 27 June 2023, NihiL Seminar, Aleksi Anttila & Søren Knudstorp
- 26 June 2023, Guest Lecture, Dr. Pascal Bercher
- 26 - 27 June 2023, Workshop on Algorithmic Injustice
- 23 June 2023, ILLC Midsummer Colloquium 2023 and Current Affairs Meeting
- 23 June 2023, Dutch Logic PhD Day 2023, Groningen
- 22 June 2023, PhD Assembly 2023
- 19 June 2023, NihiL Seminar, Tomasz Klochowicz
- 16 June 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Wan Fokkink
- 15 June 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Amanda Vidal
- 14 June 2023, LLAMA seminar, Paula Menchón
- 14 June 2023, LLAMA seminar, Tommaso Moraschini
- 13 June 2023, ILLC Party 2023
- 13 June 2023, Inaugural lectures, Raquel Fernández and Floris Roelofsen
- 13 June 2023, ERC Starting Grant workshop
- 13 June 2023, NihiL Seminar, Jialiang Yan
- 10 June 2023, Talk That Science live anniversary event
- 9 June 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Sylvia Pauw
- 8 June 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan Rooduijn
- 8 June 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Franz Berto
- 7 June 2023, LLAMA seminar, Dmitry Shkatov
- 6 June 2023, VvL Logic at Large Lectures, Lukasz Kaiser
- 5 June 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Hugo Gilbert
- 2 June 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Juan Aguilera
- 2 June 2023, Talent Scheme information meeting (Rubicon, Veni, Vidi, Vici)
- 31 May 2023, LLAMA seminar, Nick Bezhanishvili
- 26 May 2023, DIP Colloquium cancelled
- 26 May 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Raiean Banerjee
- 25 May 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Niccolò Rossi
- 22 May 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Magdalena Ortiz
- 22 May 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Markus Utke
- 22 May 2023, Workshop "Causation and Modality in Logic and Language"
- 17 May 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Eduardo Pérez Navarro
- 17 May 2023, EDDY meetup on Digital Divides
- 16 May 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Lukas Galke
- 16 - 17 May 2023, Workshop on Reasoning about Responsible Agency in AI
- 16 - 17 May 2023, Workshop "Interrogatives and imperatives in the visual modality"
- 12 May 2023, DIP Colloquium, Bridget Copley
- 12 May 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Deborah Kant
- 12 May 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Guido Schäfer
- 12 May 2023, The Lindström Lectures, Rineke Verbrugge
- 11 May 2023, The Lindström Lectures, Rineke Verbrugge
- 11 May 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Hein Duijf
- 11 - 12 May 2023, The Strength of Weak Type Theory
- 10 May 2023, LLAMA seminar, Mojtaba Mojtahedi
- 5 May 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Jonathan Osinski
- 2 May 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Michał Godziszewski
- 26 April 2023, MoL thesis presentations, MoL students
- 26 April 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jon Williamson
- 26 April 2023, VU Inaugural Lecture, Assia Mahboubi
- 24 April 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Artem Khovanov
- 24 April 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Neil Tennant
- 21 April 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Balder ten Cate
- 20 April 2023, Joint LLAMA and LIRa session, Ekaterina Kubyshkina & Mattia Petrolo
- 19 April 2023, MoL thesis presentations, MoL students
- 19 April 2023, LLAMA seminar cancelled
- 14 April 2023, DIP Colloquium, Deniz Rudin
- 13 April 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa) cancelled
- 13 April 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Sebastian Speitel
- 12 April 2023, LLAMA seminar, Rodrigo Almeida
- 6 April 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Emiliano Lorini
- 6 April 2023, Research Facility Visit: Centre for Mathematics & Computer Science
- 4 April 2023, NihiL Seminar, Giorgio Sbardolini
- 3 April 2023, SignLab Open House: Investigating NGT: What, how and why?
- 3 April 2023, A morning with ChatGPT: A discussion of generative language models & its impact on the university
- 31 March 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Tristan van der Vlugt
- 30 March 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Hykel Hosni
- 29 March 2023, LLAMA seminar, Tiziano Dalmonte
- 28 March 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Sarenne Wallbridge
- 27 - 28 March 2023, 1st Amsterdam/Saint-Etienne Workshop on Social Choice
- 27 March 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Ali Enayat
- 24 March 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Valentin Imbach
- 24 March 2023, DIP Colloquium, Corien Bary
- 24 March 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Rebecca Reiffenhäuser
- 23 March 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa) session cancelled
- 21 March 2023, NihiL Seminar, Reinhard Muskens
- 17 March 2023, DIP Colloquium, Daniel Hoek
- 16 March 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Vlasta Sikimić
- 16 March 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Jaap van Oosten
- 10 March 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Tristan van der Vlugt
- 10 March 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Clara List
- 10 March 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Tom Roberts & Deniz Özyıldız
- 9 March 2023, Joint LLAMA and LIRa session, Johan van Benthem and Nick Bezhanishvili
- 8 March 2023, LLAMA seminar, Lev Beklemishev
- 6 March 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Ehud Shapiro
- 27 February 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Sven Ove Hansson
- 24 February 2023, COOL Logic, Liam Chung
- 24 February 2023, DIP Colloquium, Michael Wagner
- 24 February 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Gregor Behnke
- 24 February 2023, PEPTalks, Sadjad Soltanzadeh
- 23 February 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Søren Knudstorp
- 22 February 2023, LLAMA seminar, Fan Yang
- 20 February 2023, NihiL Seminar, Aleksi Anttila
- 17 February 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Tamar Johnson
- ILLC Current Affairs Meeting cancelled
- 16 February 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jos Baeten
- 16 February 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Giorgio Lenta
- 16 February 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Mayesha Tasnim
- 14 February 2023, Site Visit by Faculty Boards
- 10 February 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Takanobu Nakamura
- 8 February 2023, LLAMA seminar, Lingyuan Ye
- 7 February 2023, EXPRESS-Philmath Seminar, Sarah Moss
- 4 February 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Philipp Dreibrodt
- 2 February 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jialiang Yan
- 30 January 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar , Vann McGee
- 26 January 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Frederik Van De Putte
- 26 January 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Julian Chingoma
- 25 January 2023, LLAMA seminar, Rosalie Iemhoff
- 24 January 2023, An afternoon with ChatGPT: A discussion of generative language models & its impact on the university
- 24 January 2023, Webinar about causality in economics, computer science, logic and language
- 21 January 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Clara List
- 20 January 2023, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium
- 19 January 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Christian Laußmann
- 17 January 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Giada Pistilli
- 11 January 2023, LLAMA seminar, Leo Lobski
- 9 January 2023, Societal Challenges, Global Mental Health and Humane AI
- 6 - 7 January 2023, ALiAS: Amsterdam Lectures in Artificial Intelligence and Society
Headlines Calls for Paper
- 18 - 20 December 2023, 36th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2023), Maastricht, the Netherlands (deadline: Friday 8 September 2023)
- Special Issue I of Kuenstliche Intelligenz on Non-Classical Reasoning for Contemporary AI Applications (deadline: Monday 18 December 2023)
- CfP topical collection of Global Philosophy on "Mathematical neutrality in science, technology, & society" (deadline: Friday 15 December 2023)
- 14 - 16 December 2023, 19th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences (AISC 2023): “Values and Cognition", Genoa, Italy (deadline: Friday 1 September 2023)
- 7 December 2023, Conference on Techniques from Logic in Mathematics (CTLM 2023), Vienna, Austria (deadline: Tuesday 7 November 2023)
- CfP topical collection of Synthese on Hyperintensional Formal Epistemology (deadline: Friday 1 December 2023)
- 22 - 24 November 2023, Trends in Logic XXIII: Bridges between Logic, Ethics and Social Sciences (BLESS), Toruń, Poland (deadline: Thursday 31 August 2023)
- 21 - 22 November 2023, 5th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM 2023), Amsterdam, the Netherlands (deadline: Saturday 15 July 2023)
- 18 - 20 November 2023, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENSL 20), Osaka, Japan (deadline: Thursday 31 August 2023)
- 17 - 19 November 2023, 20th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI2023), Jakarta, Indonesia (deadline: Monday 12 June 2023)
- 16 - 17 November 2023, 15th Latin American Workshop on New Methods of Reasoning (LANMR 2023), Mexico City, Mexico (deadline: Friday 8 September 2023)
- 6 - 9 November 2023, 2nd international workshop on the emerging ethical aspects of AI, with a focus on Bias, Risk, Explainability and the role of Logic and Computational Logic (BEWARE-23), Rome, Italy (deadline: Sunday 10 September 2023)
- 2 - 5 November 2023, Challenges and Adequacy Conditions for Logics in the New Age of Artificial Intelligence (ACLAI23) (deadline: Tuesday 12 September 2023)
- 31 October - 3 November 2023, Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles (Wormshop 2023), Bern, Switzerland (deadline: Thursday 31 August 2023)
- 26 - 28 October 2023, Workshop on Reasoning with Imperfect Information in Social Settings, Pisa, Italy (deadline: Friday 14 July 2023)
- 26 - 29 October 2023, 9th International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-2023) , Shandong University, China (deadline: Monday 15 May 2023)
- 11 - 13 October 2023, Formal Philosophy 2023, Moscow, online (deadline: Sunday 1 October 2023)
- CfP Online Handbook of Argumentation for AI (OHAAI) Volume 4 (deadline: Sunday 8 October 2023)
- CfP special issue of Studia Logica on "Information Sharing in Networks" (deadline: Saturday 30 September 2023)
- CFP special issue of Review of Analytic Philosophy on "Logics of Communicative Interaction" (deadline: Saturday 30 September 2023)
- 26 September 2023, Deduktionstreffen 2023 (DT 2023), Berlin, Germany (deadline: Monday 7 August 2023)
- 18 - 24 September 2023, 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023), Oslo, Norway (deadline: Monday 20 March 2023)
- 18 September 2023, 3rd International Workshop on Recent Advances in Concurrency and Logic (RADICAL 2023) (deadline: Friday 30 June 2023)
- CfP special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation JSC on interaction of symbolic computation & machine learning (deadline: Sunday 17 September 2023)
- 15 - 16 September 2023, 5th Workshop on Dynamic Logic - New trends and applications (DaLí 2023), Tbilisi, Georgia (deadline: Monday 1 May 2023)
- 11 - 15 September 2023, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2023 (LATD 2023), Tbilisi (Georgia) (deadline: Saturday 15 April 2023)
- 7 - 9 September 2023, 20th International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2023), Dubrovnik, Croatia (deadline: Wednesday 9 August 2023)
- 5 - 7 September 2023, 1st Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics, Londen, U.K. (deadline: Thursday 15 June 2023)
- 30 August - 1 September 2023, The Eleventh Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic (Progic 2023), Utrecht, the Netherlands (deadline: Saturday 15 April 2023)
- 21 - 25 August 2023, 11th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 11), Vienna, Austria (deadline: Friday 20 January 2023)
- 7 - 11 August 2023, ESSLLI 2023 Workshop on First-order Modal and Temporal Logics: State of the art and perspectives (deadline: Sunday 16 April 2023)
- 7 - 8 August 2023, ESSLLI2023 Workshop "Modalities in substructural logics: Applications at the interfaces of logic, language and computation" (deadline: Friday 19 May 2023)
- 7 - 8 August 2023, ESSLLI Workshop "Modalities in substructural logics: applications at the interfaces of logic, language and computation" (AMSLO23) (deadline: Friday 19 May 2023)
- 31 July - 4 August 2023, Procedural and computational models of semantic and pragmatic processes, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (deadline: Monday 8 May 2023)
- 24 - 25 July 2023, MCMP Workshop "Causality for Ethics and Society" (deadline: Monday 15 May 2023)
- 10 - 13 July 2023, 16th International Conference on Grammatical Inference (ICGI 2023), Rabat, Morocco (deadline: Saturday 10 June 2023)
- 28 - 30 June 2023, Nineteenth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2023), Oxford, U.K. (deadline: Wednesday 15 March 2023)
- 24 June 2023, DPFO'23: The Decision Problem in First-Order Logic (deadline: Wednesday 19 April 2023)
- 23 June 2023, LLRC conference: curriculum and course design for language teaching, Leiden, the Netherlands (deadline: Wednesday 15 March 2023)
- 18 - 22 June 2023, Logica 2023, Tepla Monastery, Czech Republic (deadline: Monday 27 March 2023)
- 15 June 2023, 2nd International Workshop on Automatic Translation for Signed and Spoken Languages, Tampere, Finland (deadline: Friday 14 April 2023)
- 13 - 16 June 2023, The 13th International Symposium on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC 2023), Batumi, Georgia (deadline: Wednesday 16 November 2022)
- 16 - 18 May 2023, 15th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2023), Houston TX, U.S.A. (deadline: Friday 9 December 2022)
- 22 - 27 April 2023, 26th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2023), Paris, France (deadline: Thursday 13 October 2022)
- 6 - 8 March 2023, Conference on the history of logic in the islamic world, Tehran (Iran) & Virtual (deadline: Monday 31 October 2022)
- CfP special issue of IJAR on logics for the new AI spring (deadline: Wednesday 1 March 2023)
- 13 - 17 February 2023, Computer Science Logic 2023 (CSL’23), Warsaw, Poland (deadline: Saturday 9 July 2022)
- 18 - 20 January 2023, British Postgraduate Model Theory Conference 2023 (BPGMTC 13), Leeds, England (deadline: Thursday 1 December 2022)
- 16 - 17 January 2023, Conference on Certified Programs & Proofs (CPP 2023), Boston MA, U.S.A. (deadline: Wednesday 14 September 2022)
Headlines Past Conferences
- 6 - 8 December 2023, Workshop on Contradictory Logics, Bochum, Germany
- 5 - 6 October 2023, Central Topics in Situated Cognition, Bochum, Germany
- 3 October 2023, 5th ENCODE workshop: Group Accuracy, Deliberation, & Social Influence, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 30 September - 1 October 2023, 2nd International Workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems & Strategic Reasoning (LAMAS & SR 2023), Krakow, Poland
- 21 September 2023, TbiLLC 2023 Workshop on Learning and Logic
- 21 - 24 September 2023, The 19th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2023), Oslo, Norway
- 20 - 22 September 2023, 18th Edition of the European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2023), Dresden, Germany
- 20 September 2023, Workshop "Actions & norms in deontic logic", Milan, Italy
- 18 - 20 September 2023, ILDS Coq & Lean Autumn School 2023, Bucharest, Romania
- 11 - 15 September 2023, International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School
- 11 - 13 September 2023, 28th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2023), Berlin, Germany
- 9 - 10 September 2023, Workshop "Working with Truth", Bristol, England
- 7 - 8 September 2023, Formal modeling of ignorance, Urbino, Italy
- 7 - 9 September 2023, British Logic Colloquium 2023 (BLC 2023), Bristol, England
- 5 - 8 September 2023, Sinn und Bedeutung 28, Bochum, Germany
- 30 August - 1 September 2023, Workshop "Trivalent suspension, uncertainty, & reasoning with conditionals", Regensburg, Germany
- 28 - 30 August 2023, Symposium of the Swiss Philosophical Society 2023: Concepts & Their Uses, Bern, Switzerland
- 17 - 22 July 2023, CfA: 1st Bayreuth Summer School in Philosophy & Computer Science, Bayreuth (Germany)
- 3 - 14 July 2023, Eighth EPICENTER Summer Course in Epistemic Game Theory 2023, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
- 20 - 21 June 2023, Algebra, Categories and Logic in Computing (ACLiC), St Erme, France
- 16 June 2023, Workshop on Topic Modelling
- 16 June 2023, Logic: Norms and Forms, Utrecht (the Netherlands)
- 6 - 17 February 2023, The São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Contemporary Logic, Rationality and Information (SpLogIC 2023), Campinas, Brazil
- 3 February 2023, UU National Conference on Responsible AI, Utrecht, the Netherlands
- 14 January 2023, UNESCO World Logic Day 2023
Headlines MoL and PhD defenses
- 15 December 2023, PhD Defence, Mario Giulianelli
- 13 October 2023, PhD defense, Simon Rey
- 12 October 2023, Master of Logic defense, Evan Iatrou
- 9 October 2023, PhD defense, Ivar Kolvoort
- 28 September 2023, Master of Logic defense, Jonathan Thul
- 26 September 2023, Master of Logic defense, Steef Hegeman
- 25 September 2023, PhD defense, Ned Wontner
- 12 September 2023, PhD defense, Yiyan Wang
- 11 September 2023, PhD Defense, Jialiang Yan
- 11 September 2023, PhD Defense, Lei Li
- 30 August 2023, Master of Logic defense delayed
- 30 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Shinichiro Tanaka
- 29 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Timo Diedering
- 29 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Siyuan Cao
- 28 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Xavier Ripoll Echeveste
- 28 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Tianyi Chu
- 28 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Frank Wildenburg
- 25 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Gianluca Michelli
- 25 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Kirill Kopnev
- 25 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Elias Bronner
- 24 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Katia Parshina
- 24 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Isabella Cissell
- 24 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Annica Vieser
- 22 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Borja Sierra Miranda
- 21 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Dominique Danco
- 21 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Simon Lemal
- 14 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Tuva Bardal
- 13 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Raúl Ruiz Mora
- 13 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Hugh Mee Wong
- 12 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Jesse Comer
- 12 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Jelle Bosscher
- 11 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Philemon Huising
- 10 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Iris Luden
- 10 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Sabina Domínguez Parrado
- 6 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Valentin Müller
- 6 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Marcus Briët
- 5 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Martijn Brehm
- 4 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Yunsong Wang
- 30 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Maurice Dekker
- 29 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Noortje ten Wolde
- 29 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Evelina Lissoni
- 23 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Cheng Liao
- 21 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Isa Kooiman
- 16 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Marleen Gaasbeek
- 12 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Patrick Weigert
- 12 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Storm Diephuis
- 23 May 2023, PhD Defense, Dean McHugh
- 15 May 2023, PhD Defense, Robert Paßmann
- 24 April 2023, PhD Defense, Samira Abnar
- 20 April 2023, Master of Logic defense, Dorin Neagoe
- 20 April 2023, Master of Logic defense, Chris Scholz
- 14 April 2023, Master of Logic Defense, Patrik Sestic
- 24 February 2023, Master of Logic defense, Gerson Foks
- 22 February 2023, Master of Logic defense, Alex Keizer
- 9 February 2023, Master of Logic defense, Andrew Fish
- 3 February 2023, Master of Logic defense, Paul Stoeckle
- 3 February 2023, Master of Logic defense, Nathan Malik
- 23 January 2023, Master of Logic defense, Bo Flachs
Headlines Projects and Awards
- Enrico Cinti and his co-authors receive the 5th Graduate Student Essay Prize
- Aybüke Özgün member of Amsterdam Young Academy
- Tobias Kappé and his coauthors receive a Distinguished Paper Award at OOPSLA 2023
- Balder ten Cate and his co-authors receive the IJCAI 2023 Distinguished Paper Award
- Lide Grotenhuis and Lukas Zenger awarded Best Junior Researcher Paper at Tableaux 2023
- Marie Christin Schmidtlein and Ulle Endriss Runner-up for Best Paper Award at AAMAS-2023
- The 2023 Gödel Prize awarded to Ronald de Wolf et al.
- Gregor Behnke is awarded an Open Competition Domain Science - M grant
- Benedikt Löwe elected to membership of Academia Europaea
- Sonja Smets appointed to the National Organisation of Scientific Integrity
- Rens Bod appointed KNAW member
- ACM PODS'23 best paper award
- Benedikt Löwe appointed to the advisory board of the UK Academy of the Mathematical Sciences
- Sanne Vergouwen awarded Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize for MSc thesis
Headlines Funding, Grants and Competitions
- Call Computing Time on National Computer Facilities 2023
- NGF AiNed Fellowship Grants
- NWO Open Access Books
- NWO NGF AiNed Fellowship Grants
- ERC Consolidator Grant
- Fulbright Foreign Student Program
- Helmut Veith Stipend for Female Master’s Students in Computer Science
- NWO Rubicon 2023-3
- Nederlandse Prijs voor ICT-onderzoek
- Didactic Innovation grant, Responsible AI grant
- Call for nominations: 2023 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award
- FGW RIS Fund 2023-I
- ERC Starting Grant
- UvA FGw Finishing Fellowships 2024
- Small grants Evert Willem Beth Foundation
- NWO Veni
- KB Researcher-in-Residence 2024
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoc Fellowship
- NWO Vici
- QAL Open Call for Quantum Application Development
- NWO Rubicon 2023-2
- Call for Nominations: Ackermann Award 2023
- UvA Diamond Open Access Fund
- KIEM GoCI 2022-2023
- AiNed XS Europe call
- Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2023
- NWO SSH Open Competition XS pilot – round 4
- Call for Nominations: VvL Master's Thesis Award 2023
- NWO Rubicon 2023-1
- ESM Prize for Interdisciplinary Thesis
- 2023 call for the UvA Data Science Centre Accelerate Programme
- Open Competition XS
- Take-off
- Take-off phase 2
- ERC Consolidator Grant
- Call for Nominations: S. Barry Cooper Prize 2023
- FGw Consortium Fund
- Call for Nominations Dov Gabbay Prize for Logic and Foundations
- ETAPS Doctoral Dissertation Award
- Helmut Veith Stipend for Female Master’s Students in Computer Science
Headlines Open Positions at ILLC
- MacGillavry Fellowship, Assistant Professor Neuro-symbolic Integration for AI
- MacGillavry Fellowship: Tenure Track Assistant Professor AI for Social Good
- Postdoc in Sign Language Acquisition
- PhD Candidate in Data-Driven History and Philosophy of Science
- Onderzoeksassistent Ontwikkeling Online Lexicon voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek naar Gebarentaal
- Technische Onderzoeksassistent voor Video/motion Capture Opnames van Gebarentaal
- PhD in SAT-based Planning
- Senior management-assistent
- Postdoc in Logic and Cognition
- PhD in Philosophical Logic
- PhD Position on Knowledge-Driven Learning for Explainable AI in Fraud Detection
- PhD position on NLP and IR on legal and financial textual documents.
- PhD Position in Low-Resource NLP
- Scientific Programmer Motion Capture and Animation
- Management/Office-assistent
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Machine Learning with NLP and Computer Vision
- PhD in Machine Learning with NLP and Computer Vision
- PhD on Safety in Conversational AI
- Postdoctoral Researcher Computational Argumentation and Information Quality
- PhD in Theoretical Computer Science
- Assistant Professor in AI and Digital Culture
- Assistant Professor in Computational Methods for Digital Journalism
- Opleidingscoördinator Master of Logic en PhD Programma (0,5fte)
- Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Logic and Language
- Assistant Professor in the Philosophy of AI
- Assistant Professor Virtual Simulation of Human Conversational Behavior
- PhD Position in Explainable AI in Finance
- Scientific Programmer
- PhD in Quantum-Safe Cryptography
- Two Assistant Professors in Mathematical and Computational Logic
- Assistant Professor in Computational Social Science
- Postdoc in Socio-political approach to GANs
- Assistant Professor in Generative AI in the Arts
- PhD Project Digitale Ondersteuning voor het Leren van Nederlandse Gebarentaal
Headlines Open Positions, General
- Professorship (m/f/x) in Explainable and Safe AI, Oldenburg (Germany)
- 1 Postdoc & 2 PhDs in Polynomial-time Computation:, Prague (Czech Republic)
- PhD position in Logic and Legal Reasoning, Vienna (Austria)
- PhD position in Deontic Logic, Bochum (Germany)
- Postdoc in computational linguistics with specialisation in language grounding to vision, robotics, and beyond, Gothenburg (Sweden)
- Tenure-track positions in computer science, Prague (Czech Republic)
- Postdoc on "Purity and Simplicity in Mathematical Proofs", Rome (Italy)
- Full Professor in Foundations of Computer Science, Graz (Austria)
- Postdoc in Verification and Game Theory, Liverpool (UK)
- PhD student position in situated autonomous systems, Gothenburg (Sweden)
- Assistant/Associate Professor of Philosophy (Logic) (Stanford, USA)
- Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Science, Boston (USA)
- PhD position in Economics and Computation, University of Edinburgh (Scotland)
- 2 PostDocs (3y,2y) in LoDEx, deontic explanation and defeasible reasoning, Bochum (Germany)
- Scholarships for Master's programme in philosophy of mind & cognition, Taipeh (Taiwan)
- Research Assistantship in NLP with Quantum Technology, London (UK)
- PhD opening in TCS and/or combinatorial optimization, Lund (Sweden)
- PhD position on Knowledge Engineering for Smart Diagnostics
- Associate Professorship in Fundamental Technology for CS, Nomi (Japan)
- PhD student position in Causal Analysis of Deep Neural Networks, Konstanz (Germany)
- Senior Lecturer in programming languages
- Two PhD student positions & one postdoctoral position in formal analysis of autonomous systems, Gothenburg (Sweden)
- PhD student position in evidence-based policy, Antwerp (Belgium)
- Education Tenure Track Assistant Professor Mathematics or Applied Mathematics, Groningen (the Netherlands)
- Postdoctoral position in philosophy of language or epistemology, Düsseldorf (Germany)
- PhD position in Proof Theory at the University of Birmingham (England)
- PhD student and Postdoctoral positions at the Centre for Argument Technology, Dundee (Scotland)
- Postdoc in Formal Methods and AI, Leiden University (The Netherlands)
- PhD position in Social Epistemology, Utrecht
- PhD and Post-doctoral Positions Available in Formal Methods for Reversible Concurrent Calculi
- PhD opening in TCS and/or combinatorial optimization, Lund (Sweden)
- Postdoc position (2-3 years) in Computational Linguistics focused on Logic, Gothenburg (Sweden)
- PhD position in History of 20th-Century Philosophy (of Science), ERC Project “Exiled Empiricists”, Tilburg University (the Netherlands)
- Postdoc position (2-3 years) in Digital Humanities, ERC Project “Exiled Empiricists”, Tilburg University (the Netherlands)
- Doctoral position in Logic, Gothenburg (Sweden)
- 12 PhD positions in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Hamburg (Germany)
- PhD position in Computational Social Choice, University of Warwick (UK)
- PhD position on Automata Learning at the Open Universiteit, Heerlen (the Netherlands)
- PhD position in Algorithmic Game Theory, Paris-Dauphine University (France)
- Postdoc in cognitive science, Aarhus (Denmark)
- Associate Professor in Hybrid Intelligence, VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
- Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor positions in Mathematics and Computer Science, TU Eindhoven (the Netherlands)
- PhD position in Algorithms and Mechanisms for Economic Environments, University of Edinburgh (Scotland)
- Two PhD positions in Argumentation Theory, Sorbonne University & Artois University (France)
- PhD position in Computational Social Choice, Paris-Saclay University (France)
- PhD position on Knowledge Engineering for Smart Diagnostics
- PhD position on Model-driven System Engineering for Smart Diagnostics
- Danish Data Science Academy PhD positions
- Full-time Assistant Professor with Tenure Track of Artificial Intelligence Ethics
- PhD position in Computational Social Choice, IRIT, Toulouse (France)
- PhD position in Model Checking and Automated Mechanism Design, IRIT, Toulouse (France)
- Assistant professor position in logic / semantics, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
- 4 PhD Positions in Logic-based Methods for Data Management , Umeå (Sweden)
- One or more Postdoctoral researcher in Logic, Gothenburg (Sweden)
- 8 Open Positions in Philosophy at Utrecht University, UItrecht (the Netherlands)
- PhD Positions in TCS at Lund University, Lund (Sweden)
- Lecturer in Computational Linguistics in UCL, London (UK)
- PhD Position in the History of Philosophy of Science and Mathematics, Vienna (Austria)
- PhD fellowship in Philosophy, Padua, Italy
- Professorship Theory of Correct Systems, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
- PhD position in Theoretical Philosophy, Stockholm (Sweden)
- Professor of Cognition, Communication and Argumentation, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
- Senior & Junior Fellowships in Mind & Cognition, Bochum (Germany)
- Postdoc positions in combinatorial optimization, Copenhagen (Denmark)
- PhD opening in TCS and/or combinatorial optimization, Lund (Sweden)
- PhD positions in TCS and/or combinatorial optimization in Copenhagen
- Postdoc positions in TCS, Copenhagen (Denmark)
- Assistant Professor Tenure Track in Theoretical Computer Science, University of Groningen (NL)
- Full Professor in AI, Open Universiteit, the Netherlands
No Past appointments
Headlines Miscellaneous
- Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in China visits the Amsterdam - Tsinghua Joint Research Center in Logic
- How do you humanise talking machines (but without the bad parts)?
- Funding Opportunities via ResearchConnect
- 13 November 2023 - 30 January 2024, ACE Incubation Program
- Meaning-making from a global perspective
- A taxonomy and review of generalization research in NLP
- In memoriam Paul van Ulsen (1946 - 2023)
- In memoriam Lex Hendriks (1952 - 2023)
- Jeroen Groenendijk (20 July 1949 - 17 October 2023)
- LAB42: one year!
- World Deaf Day: Prof. Floris Roelofsen connects deaf community with science
- Paul van Ulsen (14 January 1946 - 23 September 2023)
- Month of the Union (Vakbondsmaand)
- Floris Roelofsen appointment as advisor NGT Ministry of Internal Affairs
- Szabolcs Mikulas (1966-2023)
- Jan van Eijck launches new book
- European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics
- 12 July 2023, SignLab Open Day AfterMovie
- Line van den Berg (Sep 1992 - May 2023)
- Lex Hendriks (2 March 1952 - 13 May 2023)
Headlines Former Regular Events
Past Events
20 December 2023, Current Affairs Meeting & ILLC Winter Colloquium 2023 (+ Christmas party)
Location: ILLC Common Room F1.21, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe ILLC Colloquium is a festive event that brings together the six research units at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of two or three talks by representatives from different units, sometimes followed by Wild Idea Talks.
The ILLC colloquium is preceded by the Current Affairs Meeting.
The purpose of the Current Affairs Meeting is to inform you about issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and/or the Master of Logic programme. We will also use this opportunity to welcome new members of staff and to provide you with an update about upcoming and other plans.
For more information, see here or contact Peter van Ormondt at p.vanormondt at, or Malvin Gattinger at b.r.m.gattinger at -
19 December 2023, RDT Keywords Project: ‘Responsibility’
Location: Bushuis/Oost-Indisch HuisTarget audience: ResearchersCosts: FreeDeadline: Monday 18 December 2023What do we mean by 'responsibility' in the digital age? How do disciplines differ in their understanding of responsibility? Where do they meet?
We are excited to invite you to our second edition of the Responsible Digital Transformations Keywords Project, with focus on 'responsibility'. Marjolein Lanzing, Jelle Zuidema and Somendra Narayan will share their views on responsibility with us, and we invite you to join a lively interdisciplinary discussion.
For more information, see here or at or contact Cheyenne Fiene at c.fiene at -
18 December 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Göran Sundholm
Speaker: Göran SundholmTitle: Curry-Howard—a meaning explanation or just another realizability interpretation?Location: ZoomThe Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide. This is the announcement for the next talk. If you wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, please subscribe here: .
For more information, seeöran-Sundholm.html or contact Val Goranko at valentin.goranko at -
15 December 2023, NihiL Seminar, Lorenzo Pinton
Speaker: Lorenzo Pinton (Massachusetts)Title: Exclusive Disjunction in BSML. Hurford Disjunctions as evidence for split disjunction support and split conjunction rejectionLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at s.b.knudstorp at -
15 December 2023, Coinduction: a Categorical tour of Computation, Liam Chung
Speaker: Liam ChungLocation: TBDInduction is well known as both an important method of definition as well as proof, but it has some important blind spots. Inductive definitions use constructors, that is, methods to make new objects. Inductively constructed data must have an end, in the context of real programs. This makes it more difficult to use for modelling computation with (possibly) infinite data streams, or where program termination is not guaranteed.
In this talk we'll discuss coinduction, the dual notion to induction. Where induction is formulated as rules for creating new things, coinduction is formulated as rules for taking them apart. This gives it wide utility in modeling computational states without assuming we know what they look like, a so-called black box approach.
We'll also delve into the basics of the mathematical concepts underpinning this duality, namely the duality of algebras and coalgebras. While these topics take heavy inspiration from category theory and universal algebra, no prior significant knowledge of either will be assumed.
For more information, contact Paulius Skaisgiris, Josef Doyle at coollogic.uva at -
15 December 2023, Philosophy of Mathematics (Φ-Math) Reading Group
Title: Reading Meeting 18: Structuralism in Mathematics : CategoriesLocation: Room G3.02, Science Park 904, Amsterdam / OnlineFor more information, contact Jan Gronwald at jan.gronwald at, or Alexander Lind at alexander.lind.math at -
15 December 2023, EDEV Online Seminar, Veli-Pekka Parkkinen
Speaker: Veli-Pekka Parkkinen (Bergen)Title: Varieties of Causal Effect in EpidemiologyLocation: Online ( EDEV Online Seminars are part of the PRO3 project "Understanding Public Data: Experts, Decisions, Epistemic Values" promoted by SNS Pisa, IMT Lucca and IUSS Pavia. The project aims to explore the scaffoldings of the epistemological framework, which underlies public decision-making when confronted with complex scientific data. The methodological assumption underlying the project is that the tools provided by logic, epistemology, philosophy of science, and critical reasoning can make a substantial contribution to a number of pressing issues.
For more information, see or contact Caterina Sisti at caterina.sisti at -
14 December 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Andreas Herzig
Speaker: Andreas Herzig (LILaC, IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)Title: Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments and its PropertiesLocation: Online only (not hybrid)For more information, see -
14 December 2023, PhD assembly meeting on 14 December
Location: ILLC Common Room F1.21, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTo all PhD candidates of the ILLC,
The next PhD assembly meeting is on Thursday 14 December from 12 till 13 o'clock in the Common Room of SP107. During this meeting, you can ask questions to the Management Team of the ILLC. Lunch will be provided.
Hope to see many of you then!For more information, contact Tugba Altin at phd-illc at -
13 December 2023, LLAMA seminar, Evgenia Ternovska
Speaker: Evgenia Ternovska (Simon Fraser University)Title: Promise Algebra: An Algebraic Model of Non-Deterministic ComputationsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
8 December 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Karolina Krzyzanowska
Speaker: Karolina KrzyzanowskaTitle: Conditionals in health communication: where theory can inform practiceLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see -
8 December 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Tristan van der Vlugt
Speaker: Tristan van der Vlugt (Hamburg)Title: Dominating and Eventually Different κ-realsLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
8 December 2023, Annual VvL Joint Seminar
Location: The Sweelinckzaal (Room 0.05), Drift 21, UtrechtUtrecht University will organize the second edition of the annual seminar of the Dutch Association for Logic (VvL). The event is inspired by the departmental logic seminars that are organized at each university, and aims to unify the universities for a collaborative seminar. Besides hosting a main speaker, the seminar will also be the location of the award ceremony of the VvL MSc Thesis Prize winners, who will give a short presentation of their thesis.
Main Speaker: Natasha Alechina.
MSc Thesis Prize winners: Rodrigo Almeida (supervisors: Nick Bezhanishvili and Tommaso Moraschini), Søren Brinck Knudstorp (supervisors: Johan van Benthem and Nick Bezhanishvili), Raoul Koudijs (supervisor: Balder ten Cate).For more information, see -
7 December 2023, Data-Driven History of Ideas Seminar Series (DaDriH), Leon van Wissen
Speaker: Leon van WissenTitle: Lessons and recommendations: LOD and Cultural Heritage DataLocation: OnlineConcepts in Motion is hosting a series of online seminars on data formats, tools, and best practices for working with data relevant to the history of ideas. In particular, in this series we will have experts discussing the managing of authority records, identifiers for persons, timelines, and works, as well as infrastructures on which to clean and enrich these data.
This seminar's speaker is Leon van Wissen (Universiteit van Amsterdam), a data engineer working with cultural heritage data in CREATE and GLOBALISE, and previously in the Golden Agents project. In this session Leon will share experiences and best practices relevant to working with Linked Open Data and the implementation of ontologies. Bring your questions to the seminar for a live Q&A session.
For more information, see or contact Thijs Ossenkoppele at t.ossenkoppele at -
1 December 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Andreas Niskanen
Speaker: Andreas NiskanenTitle: SAT-based Judgment AggregationLocation: Room L3.33, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamAbstract:
Judgment aggregation (JA) offers a generic formal logical framework for modeling various settings where agents must reach joint agreements through aggregating the preferences, judgments, or beliefs of individual agents by social choice mechanisms. In this work, we develop practical JA algorithms for outcome determination by harnessing Boolean satisfiability (SAT) based solvers as the underlying...
For more information, see or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at, or Ronald de Haan at r.dehaan at -
30 November 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jakob Dirk Top
Speaker: Jakob Dirk Top (University of Groningen)Title: Predictive Theory of Mind Models Based on Public Announcement LogicLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineFor more information, see -
30 November 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Julian Chingoma
Speaker: Julian ChingomaTitle: Proportionality for Constrained Binary DecisionsLocation: Room L2.07, Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
29 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Blaise Boissoneau
Speaker: Blaise BoissoneauTitle: NIP_n fieldsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
29 November 2023, ILLC meets art - paint a tote bag
Location: ILLC Common Room F1.21, Science Park 107, AmsterdamTake a break from science and come have fun with art! With Christmas around the corner, it is time to relax, mingle and socialize. Who knows, you might even end up crafting the most one-of-a-kind present ever!
For more information, contact Alexandra Zieglerová at a.zieglerova at -
28 November 2023, VVL Essentials, Rustam Galimullin
Speaker: Rustam GalimullinTitle: Dynamic Epistemic Logic EssentialsLocation: Room 005, Marinus Ruppertgebouw, Leuvenlaan 21, UtrechtVvL Essentials talks are high-level introductory talks, that introduce early-career logicians to a field they may not be familiar with. This forms a low-threshold way to broaden their own specific research area and encourages collaborations. The talks will be hosted by different universities within the Netherlands, and they will have a hybrid format - for those who attend in person, drinks and snacks will be provided afterwards!
The second edition of VvL Essentials is organized by Rodrigo Almeida (PhD student at the ILLC), Giovanni Varricchione, Nima Motamed and Robin (PhD students at Utrecht University).
For more information, see here or at or contact Rodrigo Almeida at r.dacruzsilvapinadealmeida at -
28 November 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Jerry Spanakis
Speaker: Jerry Spanakis (Maastricht University)Title: Find and free the law: How NLP can help access to legal resourcesLocation: Room L3.36 at LAB42, Amsterdam Science Park, plus live streaming on Zoom.For more information, see -
28 November 2023, Perception and the language of thought, Prof. Ned Block
Speaker: Prof. Ned Block (NYU)Location: onlineThe Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities cordially invites everybody to the upcoming talk by Prof. Ned Block (NYU, Department of Philosophy) entitled Perception and the language of thought. The online talk will be given in English.
Abstract: The language of thought hypothesis is reborn but does it apply to perception? It has been claimed that object perception satisfies the conditions for a language of thought representation. This talk will start at the beginning with a consideration of the difference between iconic and discursive format, moving to the evidence that perceptual representation, including perceptual object representation, is iconic.
For more information, see here or at or contact Attila Németh at nemeth.attila at -
28 November 2023, A further step into science communication?
Location: CREA, Roeterseilandcampus - gebouw I, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, AmsterdamJoin us at the theatre performance 'Wetenschapscommunicatie: Gewaardeerd!' (in Dutch) on Tuesday, 28 November, from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm in CREA. The performance is offered by the KNAW in collaboration with UvA Press Office.
27 November 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Sonja Smets
Speaker: Sonja SmetsTitle: Reasoning about Epistemic Superiority and Data ExchangeLocation: ZoomThe Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide. This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here:
For more information, see or contact Val Goranko at valentin.goranko at -
24 November 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Sander Beckers
Speaker: Sander BeckersTitle: A Functional Account of CausationLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
24 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Clara List
Speaker: Clara List (Hamburg)Title: Proving upper bounds in the predicate modal logic of forcing, Part ILocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
24 November 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Artem Tsikiridis
Speaker: Artem TsikiridisTitle: Partial Allocations in Budget-Feasible Mechanism Design: Bridging Multiple Levels of Service and Divisible AgentsLocation: Room L3.33, Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
21 November 2023, NihiL Seminar, Flavia Naehrlich
Speaker: Flavia Naehrlich (Groningen)Title: Homogeneity and non-maximality in default plural predicationLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see -
21 November 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Miloš Stanojević
Speaker: Miloš Stanojević (DeepMind)Title: The role of syntax in the world of large language modelsLocation: Room L3.36, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, Amsterdam / OnlineTBA
For more information, see -
21 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Luke Gardiner
Speaker: Luke Gardiner (Cambridge)Title: Uncountable exponent partition relations on the reals, Part IILocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
21 November 2023, Algebra, Categories and Models Reading Group, Lingyuan Ye
Speaker: Lingyuan YeTitle: Section 3.1 + Section 3.2 - R-Heyting Categories and Model Completions of Finitely Presented AlgebrasLocation: Room F2.11, ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThis session will be lead by Lingyuan Ye and we will finish Section 5.1 and begin looking at Section 5.2 of the book by Ghilardi and Zawadowski.
For more information, see or contact Rodrigo Almeida at r.dacruzsilvapinadealmeida at -
20 November 2023, Vossius lectures, Peter van Emde Boas and Ghica van Emde Boas-Lubsen
Speaker: Peter van Emde Boas and Ghica van Emde Boas-LubsenTitle: Analyzing the Logic of Sun Tzu in “The Art of War”, Using Mind MapsLocation: Belle van Zuylenzaal, UBA, Singel 425, AmsterdamIn this talk we will discuss the contents of a book we published in the Springer series “Logic in Asia: Studia Logica Library”: Analyzing the Logic of Sun Tzu in “The Art of War”, Using Mind Maps. We will first introduce Sun Tzu, a Chinese strategist who lived 2500 years ago and who wrote “The Art of War”. Next, we will talk about “mind maps”: diagrams used to visually organize information, and our way of using them to represent the text of Sun Tzu, both in Chinese and English. Our Mind Maps present the text in the format of a tree where the nodes are formed by structural phrases in the text. This allows to recognize the logical structure of the text in a visual format.
For more information, see or contact Rens Bod at rens.bod at -
17 November 2023, DIP Colloquium, Laura Caponetto
Speaker: Laura Caponetto (Cambridge)Title: How to Undo Things with WordsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see -
17 November 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Malvin Gattinger
Speaker: Malvin GattingerTitle: The Limits to Gossip: Second-order Shared Knowledge of all Secrets is UnsatisfiableLocation: Room L2.06, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at, or Ronald de Haan at r.dehaan at -
17 November 2023, EDEV Online Seminars, Ekaterina Kubyshkina
Speaker: Ekaterina Kubyshkina (University of Milan)Title: Trustworthy AI: probabilities meet possible worldsThe EDEV Online Seminars are part of the PRO3 project "Understanding Public Data: Experts, Decisions, Epistemic Values" promoted by SNS Pisa, IMT Lucca and IUSS Pavia. The project aims to explore the scaffoldings of the epistemological framework, which underlies public decision-making when confronted with complex scientific data. The methodological assumption underlying the project is that the tools provided by logic, epistemology, philosophy of science, and critical reasoning can make a substantial contribution to a number of pressing issues.
For more information, see or contact Caterina Sisti at caterina.sisti at -
16 November 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan-Willem Romeijn
Speaker: Jan-Willem Romeijn (University of Groningen)Title: Reverse-engineering the modelLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineFor more information, see -
16 November 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Wessel Kroon
Speaker: Wessel Kroon (ILLC)Title: Knowledge as issue-relevant informationLocation: Janskerkhof 13, room 0.06, UtrechtThis is a hybrid talk. Please contact the organizer for a link.
For more information, see here or at or contact Colin R. Caret at c.r.caret at -
15 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Igor Sedlár
Speaker: Igor Sedlár (Czech Academy of Sciences)Title: Kleene Algebra with Dynamic TestsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
15 November 2023, Music Cognition Group Guest Speakers, Vincent Lostalen
Speaker: Vincent LostalenTitle: Deep Learning Meeting Wavelet Theory for Music Signal Processing: Applications in Timbre Similarity LearningLocation: Room A1.22. Science Park 908, AmsterdamJoin the Music Cognition Group in welcoming Dr. Vincent Lostanlen who will be sharing a review of research on timbre similarity learning that uses methods that combine deep learning and and wavelet theory.
For more infomation about Dr. Lostanlen's research, please see his website :
For more information, contact Dave Baker at d.j.baker at -
15 November 2023, Responsible Digital Transformations (RDT) Monthly Meeting, Paula Helm & Roanne van Voorst
Speaker: Paula Helm & Roanne van VoorstTitle: Exploring future methodologiesLocation: Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48. AmsterdamImagining futures to empower the present: Exploring and experimenting with future methodologies.
With regular meetings, the UvA wide research community Responsible Digital Transformations (RDT) aims to create a space for interfaculty encounters and conversations. We give a podium to UvA groups to present their research, their methodologies, or open questions to the RDT community. At this month's special edition, Paula Helm and Roanne van Voorst will speak about exploring and experimenting with future methodologies.For more information, see or contact Christine Erb at m.c.erb at -
10 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Luke Gardiner
Speaker: Luke Gardiner (Cambridge)Title: Uncountable exponent partition relations on the reals, Part ILocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
10 November 2023, Philosophy of Mathematics (Φ-Math) Reading Group
Title: Reading Meeting 16: Responses to Higher Order LogicLocation: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, Amsterdam / OnlineTarget audience: EveryoneThe Phi-Math reading group continues the discussion on Higher-Order Logic (HOL). This time we focus specifically on arguments against adopting Higher-Order logics for various purposes. These arguments include HOL being set theory in disguise, the (lack of) applicability of HOL for its intended purposes, and the serious metalogical issues the logics face.
Students and faculty from all backgrounds are welcome to join. Even if you did not join for the first meeting, there is no issue in joining at this point! More information about readings and previous meetings can be found on our website.
For more information, see or contact Alexander Lind at alexander.lind.math at -
10 November 2023, Connecting Humane AI at the University of Amsterdam
Location: KNAW, Kloveniersburgwal 29, AmsterdamTarget audience: scientific members of UvA staffCosts: freeWe warmly invite scientific staff members of the UvA who have a broad interest in AI or are working on AI to attend the ‘Connecting Humane AI at the University of Amsterdam’ event on the 10th of November from 9:30 to 13:00 at KNAW on the Kloveniersburgwal 29 in Amsterdam.
You are also most welcome to attend the afternoon session, from 14h00 to 17h00, during which Seed Funding projects of the RPA Human(e) AI will give presentations and in-depth discussions on a variety of topics on Humane AI will be held. If you are interested in attending the event, please register at:
For more information, see or contact Pam Rossel at p.rossel at -
9 November 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Natasha Alechina
Speaker: Natasha Alechina (Utrecht University)Title: Norms in multi-agent systemsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineFor more information, see -
9 November 2023, LAB42 meet-ups
Location: ILLC LAB 42 (3rd floor and bridge), Science Park 900, AmsterdamIn continuation of our one-year anniversary celebrations, we're introducing LAB42 meet-ups. Every first Thursday of the month, we'll host drinks on the third-floor bridge, providing you with a great opportunity to connect with other LAB42 residents. These meet-ups will vary between program activities and casual networking. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make new connections within LAB42. Our first meet-up will take place on the 2nd of November at 16.30. If you plan to attend, please RSVP through this link. You also have the option to introduce yourself to the community or make specific requests.
For more information, contact at lab42-illc at -
8 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Sylvy Anscombe
Speaker: Sylvy Anscombe (Université Paris Cité)Title: Transfer of decidability for existential theories of (valued) fieldsLocation: KdVI seminar room F3.20, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
8 November 2023, MoL thesis presentations, MoL students
Speaker: MoL studentsTitle: MoL thesis presentations (Semester 1)Location: Room A1.16. Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, contact Maria Aloni at m.d.aloni at -
8 November 2023, LLAMA seminar, Franziska Jahnke
Speaker: Franziska Jahnke (ILLC)Title: Transfer theorems between fields of different characteristic - a model-theoretic approachLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
7 November 2023, NihiL Seminar, Karl Nygren
Speaker: Karl NygrenTitle: Inquisitive logic with modal operators that quantify over alternativesLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at s.b.knudstorp at -
6 November 2023, First-Order Modal Logic Seminar, Melvin Fitting
Speaker: Melvin FittingTitle: De Re, De Dicto, and Binding ModalitiesLocation: OnlineThe seminar officially starts on 6 November 2023 at 4:30 pm (UTC+1, Vienna). We are delighted to announce that the first talk will be given by Melvin Fitting on 'De Re, De Dicto, and Binding Modalities'. The seminar will be held on Zoom every first or second Monday of the month and will consist of a 60-minute talk followed by 30 minutes of discussion.
For more information, see here or at or contact Clara List and Dominik Pichler at contact.fomolo at -
6 November 2023, Algebra, Categories and Models Reading Group, Daniël Otten
Speaker: Daniël OttenTitle: Section 3.1 (Model Completions - R-Heyting Categories) (pp.49-60)Location: ILLC Room F2.11, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe Algebras, Categories and Models Reading Group (formerly the Categorical Model Theory Reading Group) is organised bi-weekly by PhD Students at the ILLC, and is geared towards discussing the interactions between these areas. Currently the focus is on reading Ghilardi and Zawadowski's "Shaves, Games and Model Completions". Participants, especially PhD and master students, are welcome to join the sessions.
This session will be lead by Daniel, and we will discuss Sections 3.1 of the book, as well as some exercises.For more information, see or contact Rodrigo Almeida at r.dacruzsilvapinadealmeida at -
3 November 2023, Cool Logic, Michael Müller
Speaker: Michael MüllerTitle: Formal argumentation theory: what is it, and what is it good for?Location: Room L3.36, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamAbstract: Rational reasoning is logical reasoning, so they say. But is it? Looking at the reasoning expressed through arguments, one is lead to the conclusion that the standard logical approach isn't able to capture ordinary reasoning. But don't be afraid, for there are other ways! Argumentation theory, in it's formal and informal variety, is dedicated to study ordinary arguments that might escape the grasp of standard logic. This talk gives an introduction to formal argumentation theory and discusses some of its advantages and drawbacks - for there are always drawbacks.
For more information, see or contact coollogic.uva at -
3 November 2023, DIP Colloquium, Thomas Brochhagen
Speaker: Thomas Brochhagen (Pompeu Fabra)Title: From language development to language evolution: a unified view of human lexical creativityLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
3 November 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Jonathan Osinski
Speaker: Jonathan Osinski (Hamburg)Title: New Results on Upward LST NumbersLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
30 October 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Dag Westerståhl
Speaker: Dag WesterståhlTitle: From consequence to meaning: the case of intuitionistic propositional logic (IPL)Location: ZoomThe Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide. This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here:
For more information, seeåhl.html or contact Val Goranko at valentin.goranko at -
27 October 2023, Data-Driven History of Ideas Seminar Series (DaDriH), Chiara Latronico
Speaker: Chiara LatronicoTitle: Golden AgentsLocation: OnlineWe kick off the DaDriH series on the 27th of October 14:00-15:30 with Chiara Latronico, who will share her experience gathered in the Golden Agents project.
For more information, see or contact Thijs Ossenkoppele at t.ossenkoppele at -
26 October 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Fausto Barbero
Speaker: Fausto Barbero (University of Helsinki)Title: Generalizations of causal modelsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineFor more information, see -
25 October 2023, LLAMA seminar, Marianna Girlando
Speaker: Marianna Girlando (ILLC)Title: Intuitionistic S4 is decidable!Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
25 October 2023, Encoding Polyphony – Symposium in honor of Simha Arom
Location: Room 101A, University Theatre, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16-18, AmsterdamThis symposium consists of two lectures, given by Dr. Christoph Finkensiep (Music Cognition Group, UvA) and Prof. Dr. Frank Scherbaum (SeismoSoundScape-Lab, Univ. Potsdam), on computational modelling of polyphonic music, preceded by an introduction by Prof. dr. Julia Kursell (UvA). The symposium is part of a four-days event in honor of the eminent musicologist Prof. dr. h.c. Simha Arom (Paris), director emeritus at the CNRS, whose work on polyrhythm and polyphony has opened up new perspectives on the notation as well as the cognitive and computational modelling of music. The lectures will highlight Arom's work on Georgian polyphonic singing (Scherbaum) and embed it in the history and current state of research music and AI.
Entrance is free, but registration is required via j.j.e.kursell at
For more information, see here or contact Julia Kursell at j.j.e.kursell at -
23 October 2023, VVL Essentials, Marianna Girlando
Speaker: Marianna GirlandoTitle: Proof Theory EssentialsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomVvL Essentials talks are high-level introductory talks, that introduce early-career logicians to a field they may not be familiar with. This forms a low-threshold way to broaden their own specific research area and encourages collaborations. The talks will be hosted by different universities within the Netherlands, and they will have a hybrid format - for those who attend in person, drinks and snacks will be provided afterwards!
The very first edition of VvL Essentials is organized by Rodrigo Almeida (PhD student at the ILLC) and Giovanni Varricchione (PhD student at Utrecht University).
For more information, see here or at or contact Rodrigo Almeida at r.dacruzsilvapinadealmeida at -
23 October 2023, Algebra, Categories and Models Reading Group, Lide Grotenhuis
Speaker: Lide GrotenhuisTitle: Where we are - Infinitary Logic and Infinitary Completeness TheoremsLocation: ILLC Room F2.11, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe Algebras, Categories and Models Reading Group (formerly the Categorical Model Theory Reading Group) is organised bi-weekly by PhD Students at the ILLC, and is geared towards discussing the interactions between these areas.
For more information, see or contact Rodrigo N. Almeida at r.dacruzsilvapinadealmeida at -
20 October 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Daira Pinto Prieto
Speaker: Daira Pinto PrietoTitle: Multi-Layer Belief Model: Justified Belief for Uncertain and Conflicting EvidenceLocation: Room L3.33, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at, or Ronald de Haan at r.dehaan at -
17 October 2023, NihiL Seminar, Yichi Zhang
Speaker: Yichi (Raven) ZhangTitle: Beyond the Empty Set: Discourse (In)consistency in Commitment Space SemanticsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at s.b.knudstorp at -
16 October 2023, Responsible Digital Transformations (RDT) Monthly Meeting, Regina Nockerts & Diliara Valeeva
Speaker: Regina Nockerts & Diliara ValeevaTitle: The Computational Social Science (CSSci) ProgrammeLocation: Roeterseilandcampus Building A, Nieuwe Achtergracht166, AmsterdamWith regular meetings, the UvA wide research community Responsible Digital Transformations (RDT) aims to create a space for interfaculty encounters and conversations. RDT gives a podium to UvA groups to present their research, their methodologies, or open questions to the RDT community. At this month's event, Regina Nockerts and Diliara Valeeva will speak about the Computational Social Science (CSSci) Bachelor's programme.
For more information, see or contact Christine Erb at m.c.erb at -
12 October 2023, Philosophy of Mathematics (Φ-Math) Reading Group
Title: Reading Meeting 15: Philosophy of Higher Order LogicLocation: Room B1.19D, Science Park 904, AmsterdamTarget audience: EPhi-Math is starting up again!
The reading group in the philosophy of mathematics is back and we hold the first meeting on the 12th of October. The topic will be Higher-Order Logic. We will base the discussion around Stewart Shapiro's chapter Higher-order logic in the Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic.
All students (and faculty) from all backgrounds are welcome to join. Please bring your own thoughts and ideas on the topic if you have any! For more information and location, see the website
For more information, see or contact Alexander Lind at alexander.lind.math at -
12 October 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Alexandru Baltag
Speaker: Alexandru Baltag (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)Title: The Dynamic Logic of Causality: from counterfactual dependence to causal interventionsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see -
12 October 2023, ILLC Workshop on Participatory Budgeting and Related Topics
Location: Room F0.01 at the Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48. AmsterdamTarget audience: EveryoneCosts: Free, registration requiredIt is with a lot of excitement that I am advertising a workshop that will take place in Amsterdam on the 12th of October. The workshop is organised to celebrate my PhD defence that will take place the following day. It will be a one-day workshop with 5 speakers and a panel discussion about participatory budgeting and related topics. The workshop is free of charge and open to everyone. You just need to fill in a registration form.
For more information, see here or at or contact Simon Rey at s.j.rey at -
10 October 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Clara Meister
Speaker: Clara Meister (ETH Zürich)Title: On the Use of Language Model Embeddings for Evaluation in Natural Language Generation TasksLocation: Room L3.36 at LAB42, Amsterdam Science Park, plus live streaming on Zoom.For more information, see -
9 October 2023, EDDY Meetup on Online Deliberation
Location: OnlineThe European Digital DemocracY network (EDDY) bring together academics and practitioners actively working on or with digital democracy, to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange. The network's third public meet-up will be devoted to the topic of online deliberation.
Deliberative democrats hold the view that discussion is just as crucial to democracy as voting. Proponents of this view believe that digital tools - social media and voting apps - can and should play a central role in a democratic society. But what are the drawbacks and pitfalls of online deliberation? How "deliberative" are current online platforms for participation, or social media more generally? Where, why, and how should we (not) move deliberation online? The aim of this meet-up is to shed light on these questions both from the viewpoint of practitioners, and in light of current scientific work on the topic.
For more information, see -
9 October 2023, Amsterdam Causality Meeting, Sander Beckers and Nan van Geloven
Speaker: Sander Beckers and Nan van GelovenTitle: Moral responsibility for AI systems / Prediction under hypothetical interventions: evaluation of counterfactual performance using longitudinal observational dataLocation: Room D1.114, Science Park 904, AmsterdamIn Fall 2023, a new causality seminar will start, co-organized by Sara Magliacane, Joris Mooij and Stéphanie van der Pas.
The aim of the seminar is to bring together researchers in causal inference from the VU, UvA, Amsterdam UMC and CWI, but the seminar is open to everyone.
We plan to organize 4 events per year, where each event consists of two scientific talks and a networking event with drinks afterwards.
For more information, see -
7 October 2023, Open Day Amsterdam Science Park
Location: Amsterdam Science Park, AmsterdamOn Saturday 7 October, the open day at the Amsterdam Science Park will take place as part of the Weekend of Science (Weekend van de Wetenschap). Companies and research institutes at the Science Park will open their doors to interested parties.
At the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science and other locations, visitors can attend guided tours, workshops and demonstrations. Learn more about cosmic wave research and what happened immediately after the Big Bang, or discover what cells your body is made of! This event can be visited by young and old alike free of charge, no registration is necessary.
For more information, see or contact Marion Vetter at m.e.j.vetter at -
6 October 2023, "J.L. Austin: Philosopher and D-Day Intelligence Officer", Mark Rowe
Speaker: Mark RoweLocation: Spui25, AmsterdamOn behalf of the Philosophy Department at VU and the English Literature Department at UvA, in collaboration with the venue Spui25, we cordially invite all of our interested colleagues and students to an evening with Dr. Mark Rowe, who has just published the first full-length biography of the celebrated ordinary-language philosopher, J.L. Austin. The book reveals the true complexity of Austin's character and the full range and significance of his achievements, including his lesser-known role in planning the D-Day landings. The biography has received stellar reviews, including the most recent one by Thomas Nagel in the London Review of Books.
For more information, see or contact Tamara Dobler at t.dobler at -
6 October 2023, DIP Colloquium, Natasha Korotkova
Speaker: Natasha Korotkova (Utrecht)Title: Conversational dynamics of Russian questions with "razve" and the typology of question biasLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see -
5 October 2023, LAB42 one-year anniversary
Location: ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamTarget audience: all ILLC membersJoin us for LAB42's first-year anniversary celebration where we'll raise a toast to the remarkable year gone by and the promising years ahead! We're celebrating on October 5th, from 16:00 to 18:00, right here at LAB42. The agenda for the event features a warm welcome by Marcel Worring, brief introductions showcasing the innovative work of four of our esteemed LAB42 residents, and the opportunity to mingle and connect with fellow LAB42 residents. Let's make this celebration memorable!
For more information, contact at lab42-illc at -
4 October 2023, LLAMA seminar, Stefan Zetzsche
Speaker: Stefan Zetzsche (Amazon Web Services)Title: The Dafny Programming Language and Static VerifierLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
4 - 6 October 2023, PhDs in Logic 2023, Granada, Spain
Location: Granada, SpainDeadline: Tuesday 23 May 2023PhDs in Logic is an annual graduate conference organised by graduate students. This interdisciplinary conference welcomes contributions to various topics in mathematical logic, philosophical logic, and logic in computer science. This edition of the congress will take place from 4 to 6 October at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada (IMAG).
For more information, see here or at or contact Organising Committee at phdsinlogic at -
29 September 2023, ILLC Autumn Colloquium 2023 & Current Affaris Meeting
Location: Science Park 107, ILLC Common RoomThe ILLC Colloquium is a festive event that brings together the six research units at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of two or three talks by representatives from different units, sometimes followed by Wild Idea Talks.
The ILLC colloquium is preceded by the Current Affairs Meeting.
The purpose of the Current Affairs Meeting is to inform you about issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and/or the Master of Logic programme. We will also use this opportunity to welcome new members of staff and to provide you with an update about upcoming and other plans.
For more information, see or contact Peter van Ormondt / Malvin Gattinger at p.vanormondt at / b.r.m.gattinger at -
28 September 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Gillman Payette
Speaker: Gillman Payette (Department of Philosophy, University of Calgary)Title: Connecting Schotch-Jennings forcing and Rescher-Manor inferenceLocation: online only. (i.e. not hybrid!)For more information, see -
26 September 2023, Joint NihiL and LIRa session, Yanjing Wang & Zilu Wang
Speaker: Yanjing Wang & Zilu WangTitle: A Bundled Approach to Deontic LogicLocation: KdVI seminar room F3.20 in Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at s.b.knudstorp at -
25 September 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Thomas Bolander
Speaker: Thomas BolanderTitle: Epistemic Planning: Logical formalism, computational complexity, and robotic implementationsLocation: ZoomThe Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open both for professional and for aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide. This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here:
For more information, see or contact Val Goranko at valentin.goranko at -
22 September 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Ulle Endriss
Speaker: Ulle EndrissTitle: Automated Reasoning for Economic TheoryLocation: Room L2.06, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamAbstract:
The research area of computational social choice deals with the application of techniques from computer science and AI to the design and analysis of economic mechanisms for collective decision making. In this talk, I will report on one of the most exciting recent developments in the field, namely the use of automated reasoning tools, and notably SAT solvers, to support economic theorists in their quest to gain a deeper understanding of what is and what is not possible when it comes to designing fair and efficient mechanisms for decision making. I will exemplify this approach with recent work on the design of matching markets, where the goal is to match, for instance, job seekers and companies on the basis of their preferences. No specialised technical background will be required to follow the exposition.For more information, see or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at, or Ronald de Haan at r.dehaan at -
21 - 28 September 2023, Career workshop for international spouses
International academic staff members are often joined by a partner who is also interested in continuing a professional career. This career workshop is designed for newly-arrived international partners in the Netherlands. The workshop is a co-production of the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
This workshop consists of two sessions (on the 21st and 28th of September, from 10:00 - 14:00), which both need to be attended. The workshop also includes a lunch which can be used to informally network with the other attendees.
19 September 2023, NihiL Seminar, Siyuan Cao
Speaker: Siyuan CaoTitle: Wh-indefinites in Mandarin: The case of shenmeLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at s.b.knudstorp at -
18 - 22 September 2023, Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation (TbiLLC 2023), Telavi, Georgia
Location: Telavi, GeorgiaDeadline: Friday 17 March 2023The Fourteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation will be held 18-22 September 2023 in Telavi, located in the Kakheti region, Georgia, north-east of Tbilisi. The Symposium is organised by the TSU Razmadze Mathematical Institute, the Centre for Language, Logic and Speech at the Tbilisi State University, the Georgian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam.
The programme will include the following tutorials and a series of invited lecturers:
Tutorial speakers:
- Language: Peter Sutton (UPF, Barcelona)
- Logic & Computation: Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool)
Invited speakers:
- Language: Heather Burnett (CNRS-LLF, Paris), Stephanie Solt (ZAS, Berlin)
- Logic & Computation: Balder ten Cate (University of Amsterdam), one more speaker to be confirmed
There will be two workshops embedded in the conference programme:
- "The Semantics of Hidden Meanings"
- "Learning and Logic"For more information, see or contact Peter van Ormondt at P.vanOrmondt at -
15 September 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Philipp Dreibrodt
Speaker: Philipp Dreibrodt (Hamburg)Title: Two proofs of the measurability of \(\aleph_1\) under the axiom of determinacyLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
14 September 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Avijeet Ghosh
Speaker: Avijeet GhoshTitle: Complexity Study of Reasoning about Knowledge and Public ObservaLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineFor more information, see -
12 September 2023, JRC Joint PhD Celebration Event
Location: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineOn 12 September 2023, the joint research center for Logic at both Tsinghua University and the University of Amsterdam (UvA) will organize a small workshop to celebrate the completion of three new joint PhD theses. The work reported on in these new PhD thesis projects is perfectly aligned with the main mission of the JRC centre to further broaden the interdisciplinary view of logic. We will take the opportunity in the afternoon of 12 September to celebrate these new achievements and warmly invite all interested researchers and students to attend the event.
For more information, see -
7 September 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Daniil Khaitovich
Speaker: Daniil Khaitovich (ILLC)Title: Fixing group STIT logicLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineFor more information, see -
7 September 2023, Logical pluralism discussion
Location: StudentD0k VU Amsterdam, AmsterdamTarget audience: MoL students + teachersCosts: freeSome MoL students and the Utrecht philosophical society (know as 'What is Important?') are organising a philosophical discussion event on the question whether there is 'one true' logic, i.e. logical pluralism. We are expecting about 25 people with 10-25% professional philosophers/logicians.
For more information, see here or contact David Zuilhof at david.zuilhof at -
28 August 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Thomas Ågotnes
Speaker: Thomas ÅgotnesTitle: Somebody Knows and Weak Conjunctive Closure in Modal LogicLocation: ZoomThe Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open both for professional and for aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide.This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here:
For more information, see or contact Val Goranko at valentin.goranko at -
31 July - 11 August 2023, 34th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2023), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Location: Ljubljana, SloveniaDeadline: Friday 13 January 2023Under the auspices of the Association for Logic, Language, and Information (FoLLI), the European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI) runs every year. Except for 2021, where the school was virtual, it runs in a different European country each year. It takes place over two weeks in the summer, hosts approximately 50 different courses at both introductory and advanced levels, and attracts around 400 participants from all over the world.
The main focus of ESSLLI is the interface between linguistics, logic and computation, with special emphasis in human linguistic and cognitive ability. Courses, both introductory and advanced, cover a wide variety of topics within the combined areas of interest: Logic and Computation, Computation and Language, and Language and Logic. Workshops are also organized, providing opportunities for in-depth discussion of issues at the forefront of research, as well as a series of invited evening lectures.
Registration is now open. Early bird registration deadline: June 14th (extended).
For more information, see or contact Ivano Ciardelli at sobekal at -
18 - 19 July 2023, Workshop on Global Perspectives on Platforms, Emerging Technologies, and the News Industry
Location: Oudemanhuispoort (TBC)Target audience: Anyone interested in Emerging Technologies, Platforms, and MediaCosts: FreeDeadline: Wednesday 12 July 2023This event will bring together leading experts in the field who will shed light on the methodologies to study platforms, technologies, and marginalized communities. They will also discuss challenges and opportunities presented by platforms and emerging technologies in shaping the news industry and society, particularly marginalized communities. Through their research and expertise, they will delve into topics such as artificial intelligence, disinformation, digital media, and the role of platforms on society. Professor Tobias Blanke from Human(e) AI will open the workshop.
For more information, see or contact Mathias Felipe de Lima Santos at m.f.delimasantos at -
17 - 21 July 2023, Summer School on Computational Social Choice
Location: LAB42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamCosts: EUR 100Deadline: Friday 31 March 2023During the week of 17-21 July 2023, the ILLC will be hosting a Summer School on Computational Social Choice. The school is specifically intended for individuals pursuing a PhD in or related to social choice (not only of the computational variety). But others—from different fields or at different career stages—are also very welcome. The international team of lecturers is composed of leading figures in the field. They will be covering axiomatic, algorithmic, and behavioural aspects of social choice, discussing both foundations and applications. Besides a rich set of lectures, the programme will include a poster session and a number of social activities.
Please note that registration is required by 31 March 2023.
For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
13 July 2023, LIRa summer session, Joshua Sack
Speaker: Joshua Sack (California State University Long Beach)Title: Relating algebraic quantum logic structuresLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15 in Science Park 107 and onlineFor more information, see -
1 July 2023, 7th Women in Logic Workshop (WiL 2023), Rome, Italy
Location: Rome, ItalyDeadline: Sunday 23 April 2023Women in Logic 2023 is a satellite event of the 8th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2023) to be held in Rome, Italy, from July 1 to July 6, 2023.
The Women in Logic workshop (WiL) provides an opportunity to increase awareness of the valuable contributions made by women in the area of logic in computer science. Its main purpose is to promote the excellent research done by women, with the ultimate goal of increasing their visibility and representation in the community.
For more information, see here or at or contact Tephilla Prince at wil2023 at -
30 June 2023, ABC Day 2023
Location: De Brakke Grond, Nes 45, AmsterdamJoin us for a unique and exciting event that will explore the past, present, and future of Amsterdam Brain and Cognition and brain research at the UvA:
- The Past: Highlights from ABC success stories
- The Present: Ongoing projects, cutting edge science
- The Future: Young ABC members, poster session (and best poster prize!)
and lots of Networking.For more information, see -
27 June 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Roberto Dessì
Speaker: Roberto Dessì (Facebook AI Research Paris and Universitat Pompeu Fabra)Title: Cross-domain image captioning with discriminative finetuningLocation: Room L3.36 at LAB42, Amsterdam Science Park, plus live streaming on Zoom.For more information, see -
27 June 2023, NihiL Seminar, Aleksi Anttila & Søren Knudstorp
Speaker: Aleksi Anttila & Søren KnudstorpTitle: BSML and Expressive CompletenessLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomAbstract:
Within team semantics, a focal point of study has been that of expressive power (what properties can a given logic express). One such team logic is BSML, a modal team logic designed for modeling free choice inferences and related linguistic phenomena.
In recent work, Aloni et al. (2023) present two extensions of BSML, demonstrating their expressive completeness for all properties [invariant under bounded bisimulation] and all union-closed properties, respectively, and leave open the problem of characterizing the expressive power of BSML. Continuing this line of work, we solve this problem by showing that BSML is expressively complete for all convex, union-closed properties. This leads us to ponder a logic that is expressively complete for all convex properties simpliciter. We introduce a logic which accomplishes precisely that.
For more information, see or contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at s.b.knudstorp at -
26 June 2023, Guest Lecture, Dr. Pascal Bercher
Speaker: Dr. Pascal BercherTitle: Hierarchical Planning: Introduction and Modeling SupportLocation: Room L1.10, Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamDr. Bercher visits the ILLC and gives a guest lecture on the topic of Hierarchical Planning focussing on Modelling Support.
For more information, see here or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at -
26 - 27 June 2023, Workshop on Algorithmic Injustice
Location: Bushuis, University of AmsterdamArtificial intelligence applications play an increasingly important role in our daily life. But these technological advances come with serious societal risks. In this workshop we bring together researchers from various disciplines who work on the societal impact of AI applications.
On Monday we organize a scientific panel discussion on the role of researchers in the debate on algorithmic fairness. Confirmed speakers include Prof. Dr. SennayGhebreab (Civic AI Lab, University of Amsterdam); Jenneke Evers (eLaw, Leiden University); Agathe Balayn (Computer Science, TU Delft) and Dr. Winnie Ma (Philosophy, Kings College London).
We close the workshop with a public event on Algorithmic Injustice at Spui25 on Tuesday 27th at 20.00.Our speakers are:Su Lin Blodgett, who has been working on AI and fairness, Erin Beeghly, who studies the wrong of stereotypes, legal scholar Naomi Appelman who sued the VU University for its online proctoring softwareand documentary maker Nirit Peled, who documentedpeople who suffered the consequences of unfair police algorithms. Together, they will explore pressing matters around algorithmic injustice.
For more information, see or contact Katrin Schulz at k.schulz at -
23 June 2023, ILLC Midsummer Colloquium 2023 and Current Affairs Meeting
Location: ILLC, Science Park 107, AmsterdamThe ILLC Colloquium is a festive event that brings together the six research units at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of three talks by representatives from different units, sometimes followed by Wild Idea Talks.
From this time onwards the ILLC colloquium will be preceded by the Current Affairs Meeting.
As in previous editions, the Current Affairs Meeting, the purpose of this meeting is to inform you about issues that are currently of importance in the ILLC and/or the Master of Logic programme. We will also use this opportunity to welcome new members of staff and to provide you with an update about upcoming and other plans.
For more information, see -
23 June 2023, Dutch Logic PhD Day 2023, Groningen
Location: GroningenTarget audience: PhD students in logic (and related areas) in the Netherlands (if places are available, the event is also open to master's students).Costs: FreeDeadline: Tuesday 30 May 2023The Dutch Logic PhD Day 2023 is a VvL event that brings together PhD students in Logic and related areas (Philosophy, Computer Science and AI) with the aim of fostering exchanges of ideas and collaborations between young researchers from all over the Netherlands.
The event is planned as a full-day event, during which PhDs students will have the possibility to present their research in the form of contributed talks.
For more information, see here or at or contact at -
22 June 2023, PhD Assembly 2023
Location: ILLC Common Room F1.21, Science Park 107, AmsterdamPeriodic meeting where PhDs can be informed (and ask questions) about PhD life at the ILLC.
19 June 2023, NihiL Seminar, Tomasz Klochowicz
Speaker: Tomasz KlochowiczTitle: Free Choice QuestionsLocation: Oude Turfmarkt 147, Faculteitskamer 1.17 / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at s.b.knudstorp at -
16 June 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Wan Fokkink
Speaker: Wan FokkinkTitle: Supervisor Synthesis: Turning Automata into Control SoftwareLocation: Room L2.06, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamAbstract:
Supervisory Control Theory, initiated by Ramadge and Wonham, automatically transforms a formal system model and its safety requirements into a (minimally) restricted system that satisfies all safety requirements. This approach turns out to be very suitable for designing and generating software for the control of large infrastructural systems like bridges, locks and tunnels. In this talk recent research results will be discussed that are pivotal in tackling such large applications, including multilevel synthesis, determining a control problem dependency graph, and several modeling guidelines.For more information, see or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at, or Ronald de Haan at r.dehaan at -
15 June 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Amanda Vidal
Speaker: Amanda Vidal (IIIA – CSIC)Title: Computability for some modal many-valued logicsLocation: KdVI Seminar Room F3.20, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online (Zoom)For more information, see -
14 June 2023, LLAMA seminar, Paula Menchón
Speaker: Paula Menchón (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)Title: Conditional algebras related to weak extended subordinationsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
14 June 2023, LLAMA seminar, Tommaso Moraschini
Speaker: Tommaso Moraschini (University of Barcelona)Title: Elementary equivalence in positive logic via prime productsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
13 June 2023, ILLC Party 2023
Location: Hannekes boot, Dijksgracht 4, 1019 BS AmsterdamTarget audience: The entire ILLC communityOn the occasion of the inaugural lectures of Raquel Fernández and Floris Roelofsen we are throwing a big party to which the entire ILLC community is invited!
From the Aula where the inaugural lectures are presented, you can easily cycle (7 minutes), walk (27 minutes) or take the tram (20 minutes) to Hannekes Boom. Should you opt for public transport: trams (2, 12, 4, 14, 24) go to central station from Koningsplein and Rokin - metro 52 also runs here.To make sure there is enough of everything for everyone, it would be hugely appreciated if you register. See you at Hannekes Boot!
For more information, see here . -
13 June 2023, Inaugural lectures, Raquel Fernández and Floris Roelofsen
Speaker: Raquel Fernández and Floris RoelofsenTitle: Language Use in Humans and Machines / Language Sciences for Social GoodLocation: Aula, Singel 411, 1012 WN AmsterdamIn the first part of this joint inaugural lecture, Raquel Fernández will look at how language and cognitive sciences can be used for artificial intelligence systems and what they can teach us about our own language skills. In the second part, Floris Roelofsen will discuss the social value that linguistics can offer and how new methods and applications are being developed from a people-oriented perspective.
For more information, see here or at -
13 June 2023, ERC Starting Grant workshop
Location: The Roeterseiland campus (REC), room A2.09We are delighted to invite you to join our upcoming ERC Starting Grant workshop. This workshop will equip you with hands-on tools to write a successful proposal.For more information, see -
13 June 2023, NihiL Seminar, Jialiang Yan
Speaker: Jialiang YanTitle: Formalizing and reasoning epistemic might in multi-agent scenariosLocation: Oude Turfmarkt 147, Faculteitskamer 1.17 / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at s.b.knudstorp at -
10 June 2023, Talk That Science live anniversary event
Location: De Sering, Rhoneweg 6, AmsterdamTarget audience: Anyone interestedCosts: FreeTalk That Science is a science-communication platform run by a group of science and music enthusiasts. Every month, we broadcast a radio show on, in which we talk about cool research while playing some nice tunes.
To celebrate our 3 year anniversary, to launch our brand new website, and to connect with our show’s guests and listeners, we will be hosting a Talk That Science event in De Sering, Amsterdam this June 10th. It will be a day full of science talks, live music and food.
For more information, see here or at or contact Adrian Haret at a.haret at -
9 June 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Sylvia Pauw
Speaker: Sylvia PauwTitle: Logical vs. surface structure: J.H. Lambert on the nature of geometrical conceptsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
8 June 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jan Rooduijn
Speaker: Jan Rooduijn (ILLC)Title: An analytic proof system for common knowledge logic over S5Location: KdVI Seminar Room F3.20, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online (Zoom)For more information, see -
8 June 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Franz Berto
Speaker: Franz Berto (St Andrews)Title: ‘I Wasn’t Thinking About That!’ – The Logic of Framing EffectsLocation: OnlineThis is a fully online talk in MS Teams, please email the organizer if you would like a link.
For more information, see here or at or contact Colin R. Caret at c.r.caret at -
7 June 2023, LLAMA seminar, Dmitry Shkatov
Speaker: Dmitry Shkatov (University of the Witwatersrand)Title: Undecidability of predicate modal and superintuitionistic logics in restricted languagesLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
6 June 2023, VvL Logic at Large Lectures, Lukasz Kaiser
Speaker: Lukasz Kaiser (OpenAI)Title: How Logic Shapes TransformersLocation: onlineLukasz Kaiser is a researcher at OpenAI, who works on fundamental aspects of deep learning and natural language processing. Prior to joining OpenAI, he was a Staff Research Scientist in the Google Brain team, where he co-designed state-of-the-art neural models for machine translation, parsing and other algorithmic and generative tasks and co-authored the TensorFlow system, the Tensor2Tensor and Trax libraries and the Transformer model, on which modern large language models such as ChatGPT are based. Before his position at Google, he was a tenured researcher at University Paris Diderot and worked on logic and automata theory. He received his PhD from RWTH Aachen in 2008 with a thesis on Logic and Games on Automatic Structures.
19:00-20:00 Lecture by Lukasz Kaiser
20:00-20:30 Panel discussion on the role of logic in modern AIFor more information, see or contact Balder ten Cate at b.d.tencate at -
5 June 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Hugo Gilbert
Speaker: Hugo GilbertTitle: Measuring a Priori Voting Power — Taking Delegations SeriouslyLocation: Room L2.06, Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
2 June 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Juan Aguilera
Speaker: Juan Aguilera (Vienna, Gent, Hamburg)Title: Reflecting ordinals & inductive definitionsLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
2 June 2023, Talent Scheme information meeting (Rubicon, Veni, Vidi, Vici)
Location: Aristo Utrecht LunettenNWO organises an information meeting on Friday afternoon 2 June for researchers who want to apply for a Rubicon, Veni, Vidi or Vici. Besides information on the Talent Scheme, we will share information on various aspects of the rounds, from recognition and rewarding to persuasive writing. There will also be an opportunity to meet NWO staff members involved in the NWO Talent Scheme.For more information, see or contact talentvoorlichting at -
31 May 2023, LLAMA seminar, Nick Bezhanishvili
Speaker: Nick Bezhanishvili (ILLC)Title: Degrees of the finite model propertyLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
26 May 2023, DIP Colloquium cancelled
For more information, see -
26 May 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Raiean Banerjee
Speaker: Raiean Banerjee (Hamburg)Title: More on Willowtree and Matet forcingLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
25 May 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Niccolò Rossi
Speaker: Niccolò Rossi (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)Title: Disjunctions, topics and groundsLocation: ILLC seminar room F3.20 in Science Park 107 and onlineFor more information, see -
22 May 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Magdalena Ortiz
Speaker: Magdalena OrtizTitle: A Short Introduction to SHACL for LogiciansLocation: ZoomThe Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide.
This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here:
For more information, see or contact Val Goranko at valentin.goranko at -
22 May 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Markus Utke
Speaker: Markus UtkeTitle: Fractional Delegation Rules for Liquid DemocracyLocation: Room L2.07, Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
22 May 2023, Workshop "Causation and Modality in Logic and Language"
Location: Room F1.01B, Bushuis, AmsterdamTarget audience: Anyone with an interest in causation and modality in logic, linguistics and/or philosophyOn Monday 22 May the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation will host a workshop on Causation and Modality in Logic and Language. The workshop will be hybrid. Everyone who is interested in causation in philosophy, linguistics and/or logic is very welcome to attend.
The speakers are Sander Beckers (Amsterdam), Ivano Ciardelli (Padua), Bridget Copley (Paris 8), Angelica Hill (UMass Amherst), Thomas Icard (Stanford), Mingya Liu (Humboldt), Dean McHugh (Amsterdam), and Prerna Nadathur (Ohio).
The workshop is followed by the PhD Defense of Dean McHugh on Tuesday 23 May.
For more information, see or contact Dean McHugh at d.m.mchugh at -
17 May 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Eduardo Pérez Navarro
Speaker: Eduardo Pérez Navarro(Abstract)Title: Common ground for expressivistsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam -
17 May 2023, EDDY meetup on Digital Divides
Location: OnlineTarget audience: Everyone interested in Digital DemocracyThe European Digital DemocracY network (EDDY) is having its second online meetup on Wednesday, May 17th at 15h00 (Berlin) on the theme of Digital Divides, featuring Eva de Valk (Dutch Policy Officer for Digital Inclusion) and Jan van Dijk (University of Twente).
For more information, see here or at or contact Jan Maly at j.f.maly at -
16 May 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Lukas Galke
Speaker: Lukas Galke (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)Title: What makes a language easy to deep-learn?Location: Room L3.36 at LAB42, Amsterdam Science Park, plus live streaming on ZoomFor more information, see -
16 - 17 May 2023, Workshop on Reasoning about Responsible Agency in AI
Location: De Doelenzaal (C0.07), University Library, Singel 425, AmsterdamCosts: Free but registration is requiredDeadline: Sunday 30 April 2023As they become increasingly integrated into our lives, autonomous systems are used to execute more and more tasks that have both normative and epistemic relevance. This has led to a growing literature in machine ethics aiming at addressing the question of how to build autonomous systems that can, first, acquire and properly reason about normative and observational information, and, second, use this information to interact with other agents and the environment in a way that is responsible and, at the same time, explainable.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together philosophers, logicians, and computer scientists in order to explore these topics from an interdisciplinary perspective.
For more information, see or contact Aybüke Özgün at a.ozgun at -
16 - 17 May 2023, Workshop "Interrogatives and imperatives in the visual modality"
Location: Room F0.00, Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, AmsterdamThe first workshop day focuses on methods, with different sessions devoted to questions and experiences related to elicitation methods/experimental design, annotation, and analysis in studies on imperatives and/or interrogatives in the visual modality. Each session features 10-minute presentations by several research groups on their ongoing work, followed by general discussion.
On the second workshop day, five research groups present (preliminary) results of their recent or ongoing work into imperatives and/or interrogatives in the visual modality.
For more information, see or contact Floris Roelofsen at f.roelofsen at -
12 May 2023, DIP Colloquium, Bridget Copley
Speaker: Bridget Copley (CNRS/Université Paris 8)Title: Truth, becoming, and other valuesLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
12 May 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Deborah Kant
Speaker: Deborah Kant (Hamburg)Title: Predicting axioms - The prediction-use of large cardinal axioms in set-theoretic practiceLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
12 May 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Guido Schäfer
Speaker: Guido SchäferTitle: Social Welfare Loss in Hybrid Multi-Unit AuctionsLocation: Room L2.06, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamAbstract:
Corruption in auctions, where an auctioneer engages in bid rigging with one (or several) of the bidders, occurs rather frequently in practice, especially in the public sector (e.g., in construction and procurement auctions). We study the social welfare loss caused by corrupt auctioneers, both in single-item and multi-unit auctions.For more information, see or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at, or Ronald de Haan at r.dehaan at -
12 May 2023, The Lindström Lectures, Rineke Verbrugge
Speaker: Rineke VerbruggeTitle: Aspects of provability and interpretabilityLocation: University of GothenburgThe Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg launched a lecture series in 2013 to celebrate the singular achievements of Pelle Lindström, former professor of logic at the department.
Annually, a distinguished logician is invited to deliver a general lecture to the public, and a specialized presentation at the logic seminar.For more information, see or contact Bahareh Afshari at bahareh.afshari at -
11 May 2023, The Lindström Lectures, Rineke Verbrugge
Speaker: Rineke VerbruggeTitle: Combining probability and provability logicLocation: University of GothenburgThe Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg launched a lecture series in 2013 to celebrate the singular achievements of Pelle Lindström, former professor of logic at the department.
Annually, a distinguished logician is invited to deliver a general lecture to the public, and a specialized presentation at the logic seminar.
For more information, see or contact Bahareh Afshari at bahareh.afshari at -
11 May 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Hein Duijf
Speaker: Hein Duijf (Utrecht)Title: Individualism, reductive explanations, and logical regularityLocation: Room 1.06, Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, UtrechtThis is a hybrid talk. Contact the organizer for a link.
For more information, see here or at or contact Colin R. Caret at c.r.caret at -
11 - 12 May 2023, The Strength of Weak Type Theory
Location: Amsterdam Science Park, AmsterdamOn May 11 and 12 we will have an informal workshop devoted to weak type theories. Speakers include: Rafael Bocquet, Matteo Spadetto, Sam Speight and Theo Winterhalter.
For more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg at bennovdberg at -
10 May 2023, LLAMA seminar, Mojtaba Mojtahedi
Speaker: Mojtaba Mojtahedi (Ghent University)Title: On provability logic of Heyting ArithmeticLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
5 May 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Jonathan Osinski
Speaker: Jonathan Osinski (Hamburg)Title: Model-Theoretic Characterizations of Weak Vopěnka's PrincipleLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
2 May 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Michał Godziszewski
Speaker: Michał Godziszewski (Warsaw)Title: Complexity of Control Problems in Elections with Euclidean PreferencesLocation: Room L2.06, Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
26 April 2023, MoL thesis presentations, MoL students
Speaker: MoL studentsTitle: MoL thesis presentations: Logic and PhilosophyLocation: ILLC Common Room F1.21, Science Park 107, Amsterdam -
26 April 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jon Williamson
Speaker: Jon Williamson (Kent)Title: A decidable class of inferences in first-order objective Bayesian inductive logicLocation: Online via zoomFor more information, see -
26 April 2023, VU Inaugural Lecture, Assia Mahboubi
Speaker: Assia Mahboubi (VU/Inria)Title: Computer assisted MathematicsLocation: Aula, Main Building VUOn Wednesday 26 April, Assia Mahboubi will give her inaugural lecture, preceded by a mini symposium. Everything takes place in the main building ("hoofdgebouw") of VU Amsterdam.
For more information, see here or at or contact Sander Dahmen at s.r.dahmen at -
24 April 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Artem Khovanov
Speaker: Artem Khovanov (Cambridge)Title: Intersection models of set theoryLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
24 April 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Neil Tennant
Speaker: Neil TennantTitle: It's All or Nothing: Explosion v. ImplosionLocation: ZoomThe Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide.
This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here:
For more information, see or contact Val Goranko at valentin.goranko at -
21 April 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Balder ten Cate
Speaker: Balder ten CateTitle: Data examplesLocation: Room L2.06, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at, or Ronald de Haan at r.dehaan at -
20 April 2023, Joint LLAMA and LIRa session, Ekaterina Kubyshkina & Mattia Petrolo
Speaker: Ekaterina Kubyshkina & Mattia PetroloTitle: Creating new worlds: a PAL for excusable ignoranceLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15 in Science Park 107 and online -
19 April 2023, MoL thesis presentations, MoL students
Speaker: MoL studentsTitle: MoL thesis presentations: Logic, Language and PhilosophyLocation: ILLC Common Room F1.21, Science Park 107, Amsterdam -
19 April 2023, LLAMA seminar cancelled
For more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
14 April 2023, DIP Colloquium, Deniz Rudin
Speaker: Deniz Rudin (USC)Title: Asserting Epistemic ModalsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
13 April 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa) cancelled
For more information, see -
13 April 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Sebastian Speitel
Speaker: Sebastian Speitel (Bonn)Title: Logic, Logicality and Arithmetical DeterminacyLocation: Stijlkamer (room 0.06), Janskerkhof 13, UtrechtThis is a hybrid talk, you can contact the organizer for a link to the online meeting.
For more information, see here or at or contact Colin R. Caret at c.r.caret at -
12 April 2023, LLAMA seminar, Rodrigo Almeida
Speaker: Rodrigo Almeida (ILLC)Title: The Goldblatt Translation between Orthologic and KTB, revisitedLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
6 April 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Emiliano Lorini
Speaker: Emiliano LoriniTitle: Non-Classical Logics for Explanations in AI SystemsLocation: online only (i.e. not hybrid!)For more information, see -
6 April 2023, Research Facility Visit: Centre for Mathematics & Computer Science
Location: CWI, Science Park 123, 1098 XG AmsterdamThe UvA campuses Amsterdam Science Park, Roeterseiland and Universiteitskwartier will offer researchers the opportunity to look into each other's (research) kitchens, to encourage the use of each other's facilities. During the first Amsterdam Research Facility Visit on 6 April, researchers in the social sciences and humanities are welcome to visit the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) at the Amsterdam Science Park.
4 April 2023, NihiL Seminar, Giorgio Sbardolini
Speaker: Giorgio SbardoliniTitle: Homogeneity and RejectionLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at s.b.knudstorp at -
3 April 2023, SignLab Open House: Investigating NGT: What, how and why?
Location: SignLab, Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsDeadline: Monday 27 March 2023How does a researcher investigate Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT)? And why is it important to do this? If you want to know the answers to these questions, come visit SignLab’s open house on Monday, April 3rd, 2023! Both deaf and hearing researchers from SignLab Amsterdam, Hogeschool Utrecht and the Dutch Sign Centre (Nederlands Gebarencentrum) will present about what they have been working on and what they have found. All presentations are about research on NGT. Topics that will be covered include plurals in NGT, different ways to ask a question in NGT, the development of sign language avatars, and different sentence types in NGT. All presentations will be given in NGT, and there will be interpreters present. You’re welcome to drink a cup of coffee or tea from 16:30, the presentations will start at 17:00.For more information, see or contact c.m.j.vanboven at -
3 April 2023, A morning with ChatGPT: A discussion of generative language models & its impact on the university
Location: Room BH-F0.01, the Humanities Lab, OMHP (Oudemanhuispoort), AmsterdamEveryone is talking about ChatGPT, and many predict that it and similar ‘large language models’ will have a major impact on education, learning, science and publishing. The ILLC – home to Amsterdam’s largest research group studying language models – invites lecturers, students, and collaborators to a morning on ChatGPT & the university.
How does it work? What can it do, and what can it not do? What are some of the ethical and legal dilemma’s when using this technology? We’ll have some short talks and demonstrations, and plenty of time to answer your questions. With: Prof Raquel Fernández (dialogue systems), Dr Jelle Zuidema (explainable AI), Dr Jelke Bloem (digital humanities), Dr. Sandro Pezzelle (responsible AI), and others.
For more information, see or contact Jelke Bloem at j.bloem at -
31 March 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Tristan van der Vlugt
Speaker: Tristan van der Vlugt (Hamburg)Title: Separating \kappa^+ many localisation cardinals, Part IILocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
30 March 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Hykel Hosni
Speaker: Hykel HosniTitle: Inference in Scientific InferenceLocation: online only (i.e. not hybrid!)For more information, see -
29 March 2023, LLAMA seminar, Tiziano Dalmonte
Speaker: Tiziano Dalmonte (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)Title: Connecting proof theory and semantics for non-normal modal logicsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
28 March 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Sarenne Wallbridge
Speaker: Sarenne Wallbridge (University of Edinburgh)Title: Speech as a multi-channel system: Quantifying perceptual channel valueLocation: Room L3.36 at LAB42, Amsterdam Science Park, plus live streaming on Zoom.For more information, see -
27 - 28 March 2023, 1st Amsterdam/Saint-Etienne Workshop on Social Choice
Location: De Doelenzaal, University Library, Singel 425, AmsterdamCosts: freeDeadline: Monday 13 March 2023We invite everyone working in the area of social choice to join us on 27-28 March 2023 in Amsterdam for the 1st Amsterdam/Saint-Etienne Workshop on Social Choice.
Local colleagues and students are very welcome to attend but are asked to register by the deadline indicated.
For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
27 March 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Ali Enayat
Speaker: Ali EnayatTitle: Arithmetic and set theory through the lens of interpretabilityLocation: ZoomThe Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide.
This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here:
For more information, see or contact Val Goranko at valentin.goranko at -
24 March 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Valentin Imbach
Speaker: Valentin Imbach (Cambridge)Title: Transfinite generative grammarsLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
24 March 2023, DIP Colloquium, Corien Bary
Speaker: Corien Bary (Radboud)Title: Present tense: challenges for a semantic accountLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
24 March 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Rebecca Reiffenhäuser
Speaker: Rebecca ReiffenhäuserTitle: Round-Robin Beyond Additive Agents: Existence and Fairness of Approximate EquilibriaLocation: Room L2.06, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at, or Ronald de Haan at r.dehaan at -
23 March 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa) session cancelled
For more information, see -
21 March 2023, NihiL Seminar, Reinhard Muskens
Speaker: Reinhard MuskensTitle: BSML and left-to-right interpretation of natural languageLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at s.b.knudstorp at -
17 March 2023, DIP Colloquium, Daniel Hoek
Speaker: Daniel Hoek (Virginia Tech)Title: Question-Directed Propositions and the Problems of Logical OmniscienceLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
16 March 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Vlasta Sikimić
Speaker: Vlasta Sikimić (University of Tubingen)Title: The use of AI in scientific evaluation through the lens of virtue theoryLocation: KdVI Seminar Room F3.20, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online (Zoom)For more information, see -
16 March 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Jaap van Oosten
Speaker: Jaap van Oosten (Utrecht)Title: Partial Combinatory Algebras, between realizability and oracle computationLocation: Janskerkhof 13, room 0.06, UtrechtThis is a hybrid event, please contact the organizer for a link to the online meeting.
For more information, see here or at or contact Colin R. Caret at c.r.caret at -
10 March 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Tristan van der Vlugt
Speaker: Tristan van der Vlugt (Hamburg)Title: Separating \kappa^+ many localisation cardinals, Part ILocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
10 March 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Clara List
Speaker: Clara List (Hamburg)Title: On the predicate modal logic of forcing (with corrections to the last talk)Location: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
10 March 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Tom Roberts & Deniz Özyıldız
Speaker: Tom Roberts & Deniz Özyıldız (Konstanz)Title: Bad attitudes: Impossible meanings and the false belief gapLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, seeÖzyıldız-Konstanz. -
9 March 2023, Joint LLAMA and LIRa session, Johan van Benthem and Nick Bezhanishvili
Speaker: Johan van Benthem and Nick BezhanishviliTitle: Modal Structures in Groups and Vector SpacesLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / Online via Zoom -
8 March 2023, LLAMA seminar, Lev Beklemishev
Speaker: Lev Beklemishev (ILLC)Title: Reflection algebras and conservativity spectra of theoriesLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
6 March 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Ehud Shapiro
Speaker: Ehud Shapiro (Weizmann)Title: Equality in Voting, Proposing, Deliberation and Coalition Formation, Constitution Formation and Amendment, and ForkingLocation: Room L1.12, Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
27 February 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar, Sven Ove Hansson
Speaker: Sven Ove HanssonTitle: How to combine probabilities and full beliefs in a formal systemLocation: ZoomThe Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide.
This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here:
For more information, see or contact Val Goranko at valentin.goranko at -
24 February 2023, COOL Logic, Liam Chung
Speaker: Liam ChungTitle: What is Category Theory and Why Should I Care?Location: Room D0.101, Science Park 904, AmsterdamIn this talk we will explore the basic ideas of category theory as an alternative framework for mathematical thought. We will use CT to help us reframe familiar ideas, and explore some new ones. If you've ever heard one of your peers look at some daunting new concept and say "Oh! This is just..." and say a word you swore you knew the meaning of, but apparently don't, this talk is for you. My goal is not to teach you category theory: there are professionals to do that. My goal is to help you understand what it is, and why it seems to capture the obsession of everyone who studies it.
For more information, see or contact Paul Talma at ptalma at -
24 February 2023, DIP Colloquium, Michael Wagner
Speaker: Michael Wagner (McGill)Title: Syntactic Alternative ProjectionLocation: OnlineFor more information, see -
24 February 2023, Formalisation, Optimisation, Algorithms, Mechanisms (FOAM), Gregor Behnke
Speaker: Gregor BehnkeTitle: Lifted Classical Planning via Propositional Logic SatisfiabilityLocation: Room L3.36, ILLC Lab42, Science Park 900, Amsterdam / online (Zoom)Abstract:
Planning models are usually defined in lifted, i.e., first order formalisms, while most solvers need (variable-free) grounded representations. Though techniques for grounding prune unnecessary parts of the model, grounding might – nevertheless – be prohibitively expensive in terms of runtime. To overcome this issue, there has been renewed interest in solving planning problems based on the lifted representation in the last years.While these approaches are based on (heuristic) search, we present an encoding of lifted classical planning in propositional logic and use SAT solvers to solve it. Evaluating this approach shows that it is competitive with the heuristic search-based approaches in satisficing planning and even outperforms them if we are looking for (length-)optimal solutions.
For more information, see or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at, or Ronald de Haan at r.dehaan at -
24 February 2023, PEPTalks, Sadjad Soltanzadeh
Speaker: Sadjad SoltanzadehTitle: PEPTalk #16: From Metaphysics to Ethics, Design and RegulationLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see here or at or contact Aybüke Özgün at a.ozgun at -
23 February 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Søren Knudstorp
Speaker: Søren Knudstorp (ILLC, University of Amsterdam)Title: Modal Information Logics: Axiomatizations and DecidabilityLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see -
22 February 2023, LLAMA seminar, Fan Yang
Speaker: Fan Yang (Utrecht University)Title: The axiomatization problem of dependence logicLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
20 February 2023, NihiL Seminar, Aleksi Anttila
Speaker: Aleksi AnttilaTitle: An Axiomatization of Bilateral State-based Modal LogicLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomAbstract: Bilateral State-based Modal Logic (BSML) is a modal logic employing team/state-based semantics which can be used to model free choice inference and other natural language phenomena. We introduce a natural deduction system for BSML as well as for two extensions: BSML with the inquisitive disjunction and BSML with a novel emptiness operator. We also study the expressive power of these logics—we show that the two extensions are expressively complete.
For more information, contact Søren Brinck Knudstorp at s.b.knudstorp at -
17 February 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Tamar Johnson
Speaker: Tamar JohnsonTitle: Categorization models for the representation of gradable adjectivesLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
ILLC Current Affairs Meeting cancelled
On Tuesday the deans of the Faculties of Science and Humanities will visit the ILLC and a programme was sent around earlier this week. Because of this event we decided to not also organise a Current Affairs Meeting that week.
For more information, contact illc at -
16 February 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jos Baeten
Speaker: Jos Baeten (CWI)Title: Pushdown Automata and Context-Free Grammars in Bisimulation SemanticsLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15 in Science Park 107 and onlineFor more information, see -
16 February 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Giorgio Lenta
Speaker: Giorgio Lenta (Genoa/FINO)Title: The Hyperintensional Kaplan’s ParadoxLocation: Janskerkhof 13, room 0.06, UtrechtThis is a hybrid talk, please contact the organizer if you are interested in joining the online meeting.
For more information, see here or at or contact Colin R. Caret at c.r.caret at -
16 February 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Mayesha Tasnim
Speaker: Mayesha TasnimTitle: Combinatorial Optimization in School Allocation and the Impact of Strategic Manipulation of PreferencesLocation: Room L3.33, Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
14 February 2023, Site Visit by Faculty Boards
On the 14th of February the boards of the faculties of FNWI and FGw will visit the ILLC.
For more information, contact illc at -
10 February 2023, Meaning, Logic, and Cognition (MLC) Seminar, Takanobu Nakamura
Speaker: Takanobu NakamuraTitle: A dynamic homogeneity approach to cumulative dependenciesLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamFor more information, see -
8 February 2023, LLAMA seminar, Lingyuan Ye
Speaker: Lingyuan Ye (ILLC)Title: Towards Functorial Model TheoryLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
7 February 2023, EXPRESS-Philmath Seminar, Sarah Moss
Speaker: Sarah Moss (University of Michigan)Title: A Synthesis View of CounterfactualsLocation: Online via ZoomThere are two prominent accounts of counterfactuals in the literature---variably strict conditional accounts first developed by Stalnaker and Lewis, and strict conditional accounts defended by von Fintel, Hájek, and others. Unfortunately, both accounts face serious challenges. In the first half of this paper, I argue that existing strict conditional accounts fail to accommodate our probabilistic judgments about counterfactuals. The same goes for several other semantic theories of counterfactuals.
Having presented these challenges, I introduce and defend my own positive account of counterfactuals. The account incorporates a key insight of variably strict accounts--namely, that the antecedent of a counterfactual often influences what worlds are relevant to its truth conditions at a context. But unlike variably strict accounts, my view preserves a strict conditional semantics according to which Antecedent Strengthening is valid, thereby capturing the data that have motivated other strict conditional theorists. By adopting the right account of the pragmatics of counterfactuals, we can endorse a strict conditional semantics and still straightforwardly capture the full range of our intuitive judgments, including probabilistic judgments about counterfactuals.
For more information, see or contact Luca Incurvati at L.Incurvati at -
4 February 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Philipp Dreibrodt
Speaker: Philipp Dreibrodt (Hamburg)Title: Two proofs of the fact that AD implies that aleph_1 is measurableLocation: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
2 February 2023, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Jialiang Yan
Speaker: Jialiang YanTitle: Knowing and believing an epistemic possibilityLocation: Fully online (i.e. not hybrid)For more information, see -
30 January 2023, Nordic Online Logic Seminar , Vann McGee
Speaker: Vann McGeeTitle: Boolean Degrees of Truth and Classical Rules of InferenceLocation: ZoomThe Nordic Online Logic Seminar (NOL Seminar) is organised monthly over Zoom, with expository talks on topics of interest for the broader logic community. The seminar is open for professional or aspiring logicians and logic aficionados worldwide.
This is the announcement for the next talk. Those who wish to receive the Zoom ID and password for it, as well as further announcements, can subscribe here:
For more information, see or contact Val Goranko at valentin.goranko at -
26 January 2023, The Utrecht Logic in Progress Series (TULIPS), Frederik Van De Putte
Speaker: Frederik Van De Putte (Rotterdam)Title: Deontic Game Multiplication, Reduction Theorems, and Acceptability VoidsLocation: Kromme Nieuwegracht 80, room 1.06, UtrechtThis is a hybrid seminar, please contact the organizer if you would like to lister to the seminar online.
For more information, see here or at or contact Colin R. Caret at c.r.caret at -
26 January 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Julian Chingoma
Speaker: Julian Chingoma (ILLC)Title: Proportionality in Complex DomainsLocation: Room L1.17, Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
25 January 2023, LLAMA seminar, Rosalie Iemhoff
Speaker: Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht University)Title: Interpolation and terminationLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
24 January 2023, An afternoon with ChatGPT: A discussion of generative language models & its impact on the university
Location: Room L1.01, Lab42, Science Park, AmsterdamEveryone is talking about ChatGPT, and many predict that it and similar ‘large language models’ will have a major impact on education, learning, science and publishing. The ILLC – home to Amsterdam’s largest research group studying language models – invites lecturers, students and collaborators to an afternoon on ChatGPT & the university.
How does it work? What can it do, and what can it not do? What are some of the ehtical and legal dilemma’s when using this technology? We’ll have some short talks and demonstrations, and plenty of time to answer your questions.With: Prof Raquel Fernández (dialogue systems), Prof Robert van Rooij (semantics), Dr Jelle Zuidema (explainable AI), Dr Jelke Bloem (digital humanities), Dr. Sandro Pezelle (responsible AI), Ece Takmaz (vision-language models), Mario Guilianelli (language generation), and others.
For more information, see or contact cllab.assist at -
24 January 2023, Webinar about causality in economics, computer science, logic and language
Location: OnlineTarget audience: Broad audienceCosts: FreeReasoning about causal relationships is an important theme throughout science. The Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded last year to Guido Imbens and Joshua Angrist, for their role in the development of methods to investigate how researchers understand and analyze causal relationships. This webinar, which the Academy organizes together with the Association for Logic (VvL), brings together various experts in the field of reasoning about causality from different disciplines.
Speakers: Guido Imbens, Sara Magliacane, Thomas Icard and Katrin Schulz. The evening will be chaired by Rineke Verbrugge, professor of logic and cognition at the University of Groningen, and Balder ten Cate, associate professor of logic and theoretical computer science at the University of Amsterdam. The language will be English.
For more information, see or contact Balder ten Cate at b.d.tencate at -
21 January 2023, STiHAC Joint Meeting, Clara List
Speaker: Clara List (Hamburg)Title: Canonical models for quantified S4.2Location: Online via ZoomFor more information, see -
20 January 2023, Dutch Social Choice Colloquium
Location: Room T3-14, Mandeville Building, Campus Woudestein, Erasmus University RotterdamThis session of the DSCC is organised jointly with the ENCODE project. Speakers will include Richard Pettigrew (Bristol), Marcus Pivato (Cergy) and Peter Wakker (Rotterdam).
For more information, see -
19 January 2023, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Christian Laußmann
Speaker: Christian Laußmann (Düsseldorf)Title: Dealing with the Uncertain: Why Participatory Budgeting Needs Sophisticated PlanningLocation: Room L1.17, Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
17 January 2023, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Giada Pistilli
Speaker: Giada Pistilli (Sorbonne Université and HuggingFace)Title: Ethics of Large Language Models: considerations and case studiesLocation: Room L3.36 at LAB42, Amsterdam Science Park, plus live streaming on Zoom.For more information, see -
11 January 2023, LLAMA seminar, Leo Lobski
Speaker: Leo Lobski (University College London)Title: String diagrams for layered structuresLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / online via ZoomFor more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
9 January 2023, Societal Challenges, Global Mental Health and Humane AI
Location: Spui 25-27 1012 WX AmsterdamAt this year’s Dies Natalis of the University of Amsterdam, Professor dr. Vikram Patel (Harvard University) and Prof. dr. Chris Manning (Stanford University) will be awarded Honorary Doctorates. During this symposium, a panel of expert speakers will join our honorees to discuss pertinent topics within the fields of mental health and the use of artificial intelligence on a global scale.
For more information, see or contact Khalil Sima`an at k.simaan at -
6 - 7 January 2023, ALiAS: Amsterdam Lectures in Artificial Intelligence and Society
Location: Lab42, Science Park 900, Amsterdam. Room 1.02 and Singel 425, Amsterdam, room 0.07 (Doelenzaal)A small-scall satelite event of this year's Dies Natalis "Societal Challenges, Global Mental Health and Humane AI".For more information, see or contact Jelle Zuidema at w.h.zuidema at
Calls for Paper
18 - 20 December 2023, 36th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2023), Maastricht, the Netherlands
Location: Maastricht, the NetherlandsDeadline: Friday 8 September 2023For more than 30 years, the JURIX conference has provided an international forum for research on the intersection of Law, Artificial Intelligence, and Information Systems, under the auspices of the JURIX Foundation for Legal Knowledge Systems.
The purpose of the JURIX conference series is to foster scientific exchange between researchers, practitioners, students, dedicated to exploring recent advancements, challenges, and opportunities of technologies applied to legal and para-legal activities.
We invite submissions of original papers on legal information, legal knowledge systems, artificial intelligence and law, computational and socio-technical approaches to law and other normative systems, covering foundations, methods, tools, systems, interfaces, and applications. Papers should demonstrate added value, novelty of contribution and/or analysis, significance of the work, (formal) validity and/or proper evaluation.
There are three categories of papers: long, short, and demo. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
For more information, see or contact Program Chair at g.sileno at, or the Organizing Chairs at law-techlab at -
Special Issue I of Kuenstliche Intelligenz on Non-Classical Reasoning for Contemporary AI Applications
Deadline: Monday 18 December 2023This special issue aims at providing an overview of recent work in automation of expressive non-classical logics, AI-related applications thereof, and discussions of perspectives in explicit symbolic knowledge representation and reasoning in contemporary AI applications. Technical contributions (of up to 20 pages), abstracts (4 pages), e.g., on doctoral theses or habilitations, system descriptions (4-6 pages), project reports (4-6 pages), or discussion articles (4-8 pages), are welcome. All submissions will be peer-reviewed.
The full CfP can be found at (but please ignore the old deadline). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (alexander.steen at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 18 December, 2023.
CfP topical collection of Global Philosophy on "Mathematical neutrality in science, technology, & society"
Deadline: Friday 15 December 2023Mathematics is usually regarded as a discipline which admits no grey areas in most situations: answers are either correct or incorrect; there is a universal, objective, correct answer. Similarly, it is usually considered that mathematics is the universal language of the world, one that describes it "as it is". On the other hand, ethical, moral and political questions are usually not "correct" or "incorrect", they are complicated and full of grey areas. This makes it extremely tempting to see the sciences and mathematics as a good way to settle disputes concerning issues like justice or equity. Recent scholarship warns about the increasing use of mathematical techniques in order to prescribe policies and produce knowledge under a veil of neutrality, and argues that we should carefully evaluate the consequences of these techniques in science and society.
This Topical Collection aims at contributing to this literature. Topics include but are not limited to: - The moral responsibility of pure and applied mathematicians - Value-ladenness of mathematics - Algorithmic governance - The mathematization of science: how (not) to use mathematics, and ethical/epistemic consequences - Statistics in science and society: how (not) to use statistics, and ethical/epistemic consequences - Ethical concerns about mathematics education.
For more information, see or contact José Antonio Pérez-Escobar at jose.antonio.perez.escobar at, or Deniz Sarikaya Deniz Sarikaya at deniz.sarikaya at -
14 - 16 December 2023, 19th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences (AISC 2023): “Values and Cognition", Genoa, Italy
Location: Genoa, ItalyDeadline: Friday 1 September 2023The 19th AISC Conference will focus on the relationship between values and cognition, a topic that defines a heterogenous set of problems that cuts across the various souls of cognitive science, in a truly interdisciplinary perspective. What role do values play within cognitive science research? What ethical and social repercussions do the most recent discoveries in AI, neuroscience, cognitive and comparative psychology have? What cognitive processes are involved in aesthetic and moral judgements? How is evaluative language processed? To properly address such questions, a variety of viewpoints, coming from AI, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology are needed. We welcome presentations on the state of the art and on ongoing research, as well as presentations on perspectives that encourage interdisciplinary dialogue among the various subdisciplines of cognitive science.
Confirmed speakers - Fabrizio Calzavarini, Università di Torino (winner of the AISC Young Researcher Prize 2022) - Cristiano Castelfranchi, ISTC, CNR, Roma - Ute Schmid, Universitaet Bamberg - Murray Smith, Kent University - Simone Sulpizio, Università di Milano-Bicocca - Pascale Willemsen, Universitaet Zurich.
We accept submission in all topics related to cognitive science. The 19th AISC Conference will focus on the relationship between values and cognition, by considering a spectrum of issues that cuts across the various souls of cognitive science. We welcome presentations on the state of the art and on ongoing research, as well as presentations on perspectives that encourage interdisciplinary dialogue among the various subdisciplines of cognitive science.
Paper submission requires a short abstract of no more than 50 words, and a long one of no more than 500 words. Paper presentations are allocated 20-minute sessions. Symposia submission requires a short description of no more than 50 words, and a detailed one that should include: - a long description of the proposed symposium of no more than 1000 words; - a list of the participants; - the number of hours required. Abstracts and symposia description should be written in English.
For more information, see or contact aisc2023 at -
7 December 2023, Conference on Techniques from Logic in Mathematics (CTLM 2023), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaDeadline: Tuesday 7 November 2023CTLM 2023 is aimed to enhance the engagement between domestic researchers/students and external researchers working in connections between logic and other areas of mathematics.
Invited speakers: Julia Wolf (University of Cambridge, UK) and Ulrich Kohlenbach (TU Darmstadt, Germany).
We're looking for contributed speakers and we'd appreciate if you take into consideration giving a talk at the conference. The deadline for submitting your presentation proposal (the title and abstr act of your talk) is 7/Nov/2023.
For more information, see or contact Lorenzo Sauras-Altuzarra at lorenzo at -
CfP topical collection of Synthese on Hyperintensional Formal Epistemology
Deadline: Friday 1 December 2023This Topical Collection is devoted to hyperintensionalism in formal epistemology, aiming to collect and bring into contact both contributions developing particular formal hyperintensional theories of epistemic phenomena (broadly construed) as well as more general, foundational discussions of the reasons for, and against, adopting a hyperintensional approach. Appropriate Topics for Submission include, among others: arguments for and against hyperintensionalism in formal epistemology, hyperintensional theories of belief revision, belief, credence, knowledge, and other epistemic notions, the methodology of formal epistemology, the role of model-building and idealization in formal epistemology, applications of hyperintensional methods in philosophy and beyond (computer science, AI).
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 1 December, 2023.
For more information, see or contact Stephan Krämer at stephan.kraemer at -
22 - 24 November 2023, Trends in Logic XXIII: Bridges between Logic, Ethics and Social Sciences (BLESS), Toruń, Poland
Location: Toruń, PolandDeadline: Thursday 31 August 2023The BLESS conference is devoted to the application of formal tools (logical and mathematical) to issues related to actions of individuals and groups of people. The conference’s subject is the problem of formalization of inference about actions, knowledge and beliefs of individuals or groups. Papers focused on formal methods are especially welcome.
Authors are invited to submit original research on all relevant topics in these areas. Papers discussing new ideas that are at an early stage of development are also welcome. The topics covered by the conference include, but are not limited to, the following: uncertain reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, non-monotonic logic, deontic logic, epistemic logic, formal ethics, applications of logic and mathematics to social sciences and philosophical problems.
For more information, see or contact bless at -
21 - 22 November 2023, 5th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM 2023), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Location: Amsterdam, the NetherlandsDeadline: Saturday 15 July 2023The Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM) is returning for its 5th edition on 21 and 22 November 2023. This time, the conference will be hosted by the National Research Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) at Amsterdam Science Park (Netherlands).
MISDOOM values multidisciplinary research and is designed to be inclusive of different academic disciplines and practices.
The symposium provides a platform for researchers, industry professionals, and practitioners from various disciplines such as communication science, computer science, computational social science, political science, psychology, journalism, and media studies to come together and share their knowledge and insights on online disinformation.
Keynote Speakers:
- Prof Dr. Judith Möller, University of Hamburg
- Dr. Pepa Atanasova, University of CopenhagenGiven that we welcome both social scientists and computer scientists, and that the publication strategies of these fields differ, we solicit two types of contributions that, upon acceptance, result in the same opportunity to present at MISDOOM:
- Papers to be published with Springer LNCS proceedings. Up to 15 pages (including references) in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format describing original unpublished and new research. The work should be structured like a research paper, and cover the context of the problem studied, the research question, approach/methodology, and results in 6 to 15 pages.- Authors can also choose to submit an Extended Abstract. The extended abstract should not exceed 500 words, excluding references, and can pertain to previously published work, ongoing projects, or new research ideas. Submissions are not archival and are not formally published. Additionally, authors must submit a conference program abstract of no more than 150 words.
For more information, see or contact Atefeh Keshavarzi at Atefeh.Keshavarzi.Zafarghandi at -
18 - 20 November 2023, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENSL 20), Osaka, Japan
Location: Osaka, JapanDeadline: Thursday 31 August 2023LENLS is an annual international conference on formal linguistics (i.e., syntax, semantics and pragmatics), computational linguistics, the philosophy of language, and related fields. LENLS20 is scheduled to take place in a in-person format (with a physical presence in Osaka), but with a limited option for a virtual presence via zoom. LENLS20 is held under the umbrella of The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI).
Invited Speakers: - Gregoire Winterstein (Universite du Quebec a Montreal).
We invite submissions to this year's workshop. Authors are required to choose from one of the following two submission categories: [Abstract Only] and [Abstract+Full Paper]. For both categories, authors must submit abstracts on original, unpublished research. Upon acceptance, authors (both categories) are expected to submit extended abstracts (up to 5 pages) before the workshop. Note that abstracts submitted to the [Abstract+Full Paper] category may be accepted in the [Abstract Only] category (but not vice versa). The proceedings of the workshop will be made available online, including extended abstracts (both categories).
Authors submitting to the [Abstract+Full Paper] category are required to submit a full paper (up to 14 pages) for the post-proceedings volume after the conference and must agree to review at least one other full paper.
For more information, see or contact lenls20 at -
17 - 19 November 2023, 20th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI2023), Jakarta, Indonesia
Location: Jakarta, IndonesiaDeadline: Monday 12 June 2023The Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI) is an annual international event which concentrates on AI theories, technologies and their applications in the areas of scientific, social, and economic importance for countries in the Pacific Rim. The 20th PRICAI (2023) will be held as a hybrid conference with both physical and online options in Jakarta, Indonesia. PRICAI-2023 aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, educators and users in AI and related communities for in-depth intellectual exchanges, research cooperation and professional development.
The Program Committee invites technical papers on substantial, original, and unpublished research in all aspects of Artificial Intelligence. Presenters of the accepted papers are highly recommended to attend the conference physically.
PRICAI-2023 will feature an AI Impact track, and invites researchers, developers, entrepreneurs, emerging startups and organisations that focus on AI solutions for real world products and services, to share experiences and insights with academic experts and other industry focused researchers. Short papers may consist of up to 4 pages of content, plus unlimited references and appendix. Accepted papers will be included in the PRICAI-2023 AI Impact Proceedings. See Call for AI Impact Track for more details.
For more information, see or contact Fenrong Liu at fenrong at -
16 - 17 November 2023, 15th Latin American Workshop on New Methods of Reasoning (LANMR 2023), Mexico City, Mexico
Location: Mexico City, MexicoDeadline: Friday 8 September 2023LANMR 2023 is the fifteenth edition of the Latin American Workshop series on Logic/Languages, Algorithms and New Methods of Reasoning. The aim of this workshop is to bring together people from different fields such as programming languages foundations, formal verification, philosophy or artificial intelligence, around methods of reasoning and applications involving logic.
LANMR 2023 will be a hybrid event including in-person and online participation. The physical venue will be Ciudad Universitaria UNAM (Facultad de Ingeniería) in México City.
We call for extended abstracts. In particular you can present work in progress or work that is recently published elsewhere. Abstracts should be written in English, limited to 3 pages including footnotes and appendices (but not references) and prepared for anonymous review. The language of the workshop is English, authors of accepted contributions will be required to give a 30 minute presentation, including questions and discussion, either in-person or online. A book of abstracts will be distributed previous to the meeting.
For more information, see -
6 - 9 November 2023, 2nd international workshop on the emerging ethical aspects of AI, with a focus on Bias, Risk, Explainability and the role of Logic and Computational Logic (BEWARE-23), Rome, Italy
Location: Rome, ItalyDeadline: Sunday 10 September 2023Current AI applications do not guarantee objectivity and are riddled with biases and legal difficulties. AI systems need to perform safely, but problems of opacity, bias and risk are pressing. Definitional and foundational issues about what kinds of bias and risks are involved in opaque AI technologies are still very much open. Moreover, AI is challenging Ethics and brings the need to rethink the basis of Ethics. In this context, it is natural to look for theories, tools and technologies to address the problem of automatically detecting biases and implementing ethical decision-making.
This workshop addresses issues of logical, ethical and epistemological nature in AI through the use of interdisciplinary approaches. We aim to bring together researchers in AI, philosophy, ethics, epistemology, social science, etc., to promote collaborations and enhance discussions towards the development of trustworthy AI methods and solutions that users and stakeholders consider technologically reliable and socially acceptable.
BEWARE23 is co-located with the AIxIA 2023 conference.
The workshop invites submissions from computer scientists, philosophers, economists and sociologists wanting to discuss contributions ranging from the formulation of epistemic and normative principles for AI, their conceptual representation in formal models, to their development in formal design procedures and translation into computational implementations.
The workshop invites (possibly non-original) submissions of FULL PAPERS (up to 15 pages) and SHORT PAPERS (up to 5 pages). Short papers are particularly suitable to present work in progress, extended abstracts, doctoral theses, or general overviews of research projects. Note that all papers will undergo a careful peer-reviewer process and, if accepted, camera-ready versions of the papers will be published on the AIxIA subseries of CEUR proceedings (Scopus indexed).
For more information, see -
2 - 5 November 2023, Challenges and Adequacy Conditions for Logics in the New Age of Artificial Intelligence (ACLAI23)
Location: Málaga, SpainTarget audience: Junior and senior researchersDeadline: Tuesday 12 September 2023The widespread diffusion of AI systems today creates new challenges for logics and systems of formal reasoning. If logic is to help make AI more accountable, logic itself needs to be accountable. It should therefore be susceptible to critical examination and evaluation of its adequacy for the objectives which its designers and users have set it. The ACLAI23 workshop will be devoted to challenges and adequacy conditions for logics in light of their important role in contributing to accountable AI.
The workshop will include technical work on current systems of logic for AI as well as philosophical reflections on logical methodology, besides examining external desiderata for logics that arise for instance from legal or ethical requirements for AI systems.Contributions in the form of a 2-5 page abstract may include new research, position papers, as relevant work previously presented elsewhere.
Submissions to be made via EasyChair at
Deadline 12 September, 2023; notification 2 October, 2023.For more information, see here or at or contact Claudia Fernández-Fernández at cffernandez at -
31 October - 3 November 2023, Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles (Wormshop 2023), Bern, Switzerland
Location: Bern, SwitzerlandDeadline: Thursday 31 August 2023The tradition of modal logics inspired by the notion of formal proof dates back to Gödel, but their study has gained great momentum in the last decade due to novel applications in the foundations of mathematics. Their study moreover requires the interaction of several disciplines in mathematical logic and beyond, including computational logic, proof theory, and point-set topology.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts in relevant fields in order to discuss recent advances and foster new collaborations.
Abstracts for contributed talks may be submitted via EasyChair. The abstract should be uploaded as pdf file, the length should not exceed one page. Topics include but are not restricted to: Provability logics and algebras, Lightweight fragments of modal logics, Proof theory and ordinal analysis, Weak and strong systems of arithmetic, Modalities in topology and set theory, Justification logics and logics of proofs, and Computability and complexity.
For more information, see -
26 - 28 October 2023, Workshop on Reasoning with Imperfect Information in Social Settings, Pisa, Italy
Location: Pisa, ItalyCosts: No feeDeadline: Friday 14 July 2023The assessment and understanding of fragmented and vague information has become an increasingly pressing issue in social deliberations. Rational agents and decision-makers must navigate inconsistent and partial information while striving to organise it coherently, and shared information in communication requires agents to continually update their beliefs. Logical methods provide a natural toolkit for formally analysing these complex phenomena.
The workshop “Reasoning with Imperfect Information in Social Settings” at the Scuola Normale Superiore (University of Pisa), aims to bring together researchers in logic, formal and social epistemology, computer science, who are exploring the intricacies of information dynamics in social scenarios. Relevant topics include belief revision and merging, judgment and preference aggregation, multi-agent non-monotonic reasoning, multi-agent epistemic and deontic logic, as well as formal methods for representing social epistemic attitudes.
To submit, please send an anonymized abstract of 800-1000 words (excluding references) to pietro.vigiani at no later than June 30st. Notification of acceptance will be sent by the end of July.
Session times will be 45 min., divided into 30 min. for the presentation followed by 10 min. of discussion. Individuals belonging to underrepresented groups in the field of logic are strongly encouraged to submit their work.A peer review process will select papers for publication in a volume of the Edizioni della Normale series.
For more information, see or contact Mario Piazza at mario.piazza at, Matteo Tesi at matteo.tesi at, or Pietro Vigiani at pietro.vigiani at -
26 - 29 October 2023, 9th International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-2023) , Shandong University, China
Location: Shandong University, ChinaDeadline: Monday 15 May 2023The International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI) conference series aims at bringing together researchers working on a wide variety of logic-related topics that concern the understanding of rationality and interaction. The series aims at fostering a view of Logic as an interdisciplinary endeavour, and supports the creation of an East-Asian community of interdisciplinary researchers.
Papers should be submitted via EasyChair for LORI-IX.
For more information, see -
11 - 13 October 2023, Formal Philosophy 2023, Moscow, online
Location: Moscow, onlineDeadline: Sunday 1 October 2023The "Formal Philosophy" is an annual conference organized by the HSE International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy since 2018. In 2023, the Formal Philosophy conference will be held for the 6th time. We are pleased to invite papers in: philosophical logic, formal epistemology, formal ontology, philosophy of logic, epistemology of logic, formal ethics and other branches of formal and mathematical philosophy.
Abstracts are to be submitted exclusively via the EasyChair system.
The submitted materials will undergo a double-blind review. The Programme Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts that do not fit into the scope of the conference.
Authors are asked to submit an abstract up to 1000 words.
For more information, see -
CfP Online Handbook of Argumentation for AI (OHAAI) Volume 4
Deadline: Sunday 8 October 2023We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the fourth volume of OHAAI (Online Handbook of Argumentation for AI).
We seek papers in the form of short research abstracts from current PhD students, or recent graduates, who wish to submit an abstract relating specifically to their PhD output involving the field of argumentation for AI. Submissions are encouraged from all disciplines, as the ambition is to provide the best possible indication of the scope for applications of argumentation.
OHAAI is set up to be an ongoing project with annual publications which will allow participants to update the research community with their progress throughout their PhD. Therefore, OHAAI presents an excellent opportunity for a PhD researcher to boost their profile by increasing their visibility to other researchers as well as providing a citable publication of their research abstract.
For more information, see -
CfP special issue of Studia Logica on "Information Sharing in Networks"
Deadline: Saturday 30 September 2023In this special issue, we welcome contributions that formally analyse the technical or social aspects of communication in a (social or computer) network. Topics of interest therefore include, but are not limited to:
- combinatorial and computational aspects of gossip and broadcasting
- epistemic gossip protocols,
- social epistemology,
- logics for social networks.The guest editors for the special issue will be:
Louwe Kuijer (University of Liverpool)
Hans van Ditmarsch (University of Toulouse, CNRS, IRIT)
Wiebe van der Hoek (University of Liverpool).Submission date has been extended to Saturday 30 September 2023.
For more information, see here or contact Louwe Kuijer at louwe.kuijer at -
CFP special issue of Review of Analytic Philosophy on "Logics of Communicative Interaction"
Deadline: Saturday 30 September 2023We invite submissions to a Special Issue on 'Logics of Communicative Interaction'. This special issue will appear in the peer-reviewed international journal called the 'Review of Analytic Philosophy', which was first launched in 2021 as a new Open Access journal in analytic philosophy. More specifically, this special issue welcomes work on the following topics:
- Dynamic Logics of Communication
- Logics of Speech Acts
- Logics for Belief Change and Knowledge Updates
- Dynamic Epistemic Logics
- Logical analysis of Communication in Social Networks
- Dynamic Deontic Logic
Please follow the instructions for authors as specified in the Call For Papers. Papers accepted for publication in this special issue will be published free of charge. The submission deadline is 30th September 2023.For more information, see here or at or contact The Review of Analytic Philosophy at rap at -
26 September 2023, Deduktionstreffen 2023 (DT 2023), Berlin, Germany
Location: Berlin, GermanyDeadline: Monday 7 August 2023The annual meeting Deduktionstreffen is the prime activity of the Interest Group for Deduction Systems (FGDedSys) of the AI Chapter (FB KI) of the German Society of Informatics (Gesellschaft für Informatik). It is a meeting with a familial atmosphere, where everyone (not only the German community) interested in deduction can report on their work in a friendly setting.
A special focus of the Deduktionstreffen is on young researchers and students, who are particularly encouraged to present their ongoing research projects to a wider audience. Another goal of the meeting is to stimulate networking effects and to foster collaborative research projects. Deduktionstreffen 2023 is affiliated with the German KI 2023, which brings together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing an ideal place for exchanging news and research results of intelligent system technology.
We welcome contributions on all theoretical, experimental and application aspects of deduction. Accepted abstracts are first presented in short teaser talk and then discussed next to a poster (maximal size: A0 portrait) or tool demo. Please submit an extended abstract (max. 2 pages) via EasyChair. There will be no formal publication of the accepted submissions. The organizers, however, leave open the possibility to organize post-proceedings, possibly as joint workshop proceedings with other workshops at the KI 2023.
For more information, see -
18 - 24 September 2023, 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023), Oslo, Norway
Location: Oslo, NorwayDeadline: Monday 20 March 2023The 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2023) is the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning.
The RuleML+RR 2023 conference is part of the event “Declarative AI: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations” and is co-located with DecisionCAMP 2023 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. It features the RuleChallenge and a Doctoral Consortium as associated events.
We are looking for high-quality papers related to theoretical advances, novel technologies, and artificial intelligence applications that involve rule-based representation and reasoning.
We accept the following submission formats for papers:
* Long papers (up to 15 pages in LNCS style including references)
* Short papers (up to 8 pages in LNCS style including references)
Long papers should present original and significant research and/or development results. Short papers should concisely describe general results or specific applications, systems, or position statements. All submissions must be prepared in Springer's LNCS style.Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference/workshop with formal proceedings. Double submission to a workshop with informal proceedings is allowed. Papers put on arXiv are also allowed as long as they are not refereed (i.e., formally reviewed by peers). Papers can be submitted using EasyChair.
For more information, see or contact Raoul Koudijs at raoulxluoar at -
18 September 2023, 3rd International Workshop on Recent Advances in Concurrency and Logic (RADICAL 2023)
Location: Antwerp, BelgiumDeadline: Friday 30 June 2023RADICAL is a workshop aligned within the intersection between concurrency and logic, broadly construed. Admittedly broad, such an intersection has been explored from very diverse angles for many years now. More recently, the interplay of concurrency and logic with applications such as, for instance verification, synthesis and multi-agent systems has received much attention.
These areas have become increasingly consolidated, and start to have profound impact in neighboring communities such as programming languages, AI and knowledge representation. As an unfortunate side effect, however, the important unifying role that concurrency plays in all of them seems hard to find in a single scientific event. Indeed, there do not seem to exist appropriate venues in which different research communities interested in concurrency and logic can meet closely, cross-fertilize, and share their most exciting recent results. RADICAL intends to fill that gap.
Note that RADICAL will be an informal venue, oriented to interaction, and so it will have no formal proceedings. Rather than regular paper submissions, authors should submit short talk proposals.
For more information, see or contact Giuseppe Perelli at perelli at -
CfP special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation JSC on interaction of symbolic computation & machine learning
Deadline: Sunday 17 September 2023Symbolic computation (SC) aims at providing algorithmic solutions to problems dealing with symbolic objects such as terms, formulas, programs, representations of algebraic objects, etc. From the beginning, SC was also considered a major approach to "artificial intelligence", since the problems solved by SC, typically, are problems that were considered hard for "human intelligence". Meanwhile, machine learning (ML) methods, developed in parallel to symbolic methods for solving hard "artificial intelligence" problems, achieved spectacular results in numerous applications in recent years. This special issue is dedicated to the interaction of symbolic computation and machine learning methods seen as the two major approaches to "artificial intelligence". We expect dramatic advances from a much closer interaction of the SC and the ML approaches to artificial intelligence.
The special issue is organized as a follow-up of the 24th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2022. Participants of the symposium, as well as other authors, are invited to submit contributions. We welcome submissions describing the interaction of SC and ML methods, techniques, and tools, and their applications in AI. This special issue welcomes high-quality contributions, including papers with original research results as well as review articles. They will be peer-reviewed using the standard refereeing procedure of the Journal of Symbolic Computation.
For more information, see -
15 - 16 September 2023, 5th Workshop on Dynamic Logic - New trends and applications (DaLí 2023), Tbilisi, Georgia
Location: Tbilisi, GeorgiaDeadline: Monday 1 May 2023Building on the ideas of Floyd-Hoare logic, dynamic logic was introduced in the 70's as a formal tool for reasoning about, and verify, classic imperative programs. Over time, its aim has evolved and expanded; DL can be seen now as a general set of ideas and tools devised for representing, describing and reasoning about diverse kind of actions. The aim of the DaLí 2023 workshop is to bring together, in a single place, researchers with a shared interest in the formal study of actions (from Academia to Industry and more, from Mathematics to Computer Science and beyond) to present their work, foster discussions and encourage collaborations.
In 2023, DaLí will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, immediately after the Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees conference 2023 (, and immediately before the 14th TbiLLC 2023 symposium (
Submissions are invited on the general field of dynamic logic, its variants and applications, including (but not restricted to):
- Dynamic logic, foundations and applications
- Logics with regular modalities
- Modal/temporal/epistemic logics
- Kleene and action algebras and their variants
- The interface between logic and learning
- Quantum dynamic logic
- Co-algebraic modal/dynamic logics
- Graded and fuzzy dynamic logics
- Dynamic logics for cyber-physical systems
- Dynamic epistemic logic
- Complexity and decidability of variants of dynamic logics and temporal logics
- Model checking, model generation and theorem proving for dynamic logicsSubmissions of original papers (unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere), up to 15 pages (12 pages of main text + 3 pages of appendix and references), are invited through Easychair. The submissions should be *anonymous* and should follow the LNCS formatting style. LaTeX users (preferred) can download the LNCS template directly ; Word users can do the same. A post-proceedings volume and a special issue of a journal are planned, and will be confirmed in the next CfP.
For more information, see or contact Nina Gierasimczuk at nigi at -
11 - 15 September 2023, Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2023 (LATD 2023), Tbilisi (Georgia)
Location: Tbilisi (Georgia)Deadline: Saturday 15 April 2023The assumption that “truth comes in degrees” has proved to be very useful in many theoretical and applied areas of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Philosophy.
The Logic Algebra and Truth Degrees (LATD) conference series started as an official meeting of the working group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic (the subdiscipline of mathematical logic dealing with graded truth) and evolved into a wider meeting in algebraic logic and related areas. Its main goal is to foster collaboration between researchers in these areas, and to promote communication and cooperation with members of neighbouring fields.LATD 2023 will take place in Tbilisi (Georgia) from 11 to 15 of September. It will be co-located with the Seventeenth International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language (TBILISI 2023), 6-9 September. Moreover, after LATD, 18-22 September, there will be the Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation in nearby Telavi (Khacheti).
We invite contributions on any relevant aspects of logical systems (including many-valued, fuzzy, substructural, modal and quantum logics), in particular:
• Proof theory and computational complexity;
• Algebraic semantics and abstract algebraic logic;
• First-order, higher-order and modal formalisms;
• Applications and foundational issues;
• Geometric and game theoretic aspects.
Abstracts of contributed talks of 2-4 pages are to be prepared using the EasyChair class style and submitted via EasyChair:
The deadline for contributions is 15 April 2023 and the notification of acceptance will be sent by 1 June 2023.For more information, see -
7 - 9 September 2023, 20th International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2023), Dubrovnik, Croatia
Location: Dubrovnik, CroatiaDeadline: Wednesday 9 August 2023The conference is concerned with the theory of computability and complexity over real-valued data. Scientists working in the area of computation on real-valued data come from different fields, such as theoretical computer science, domain theory, logic, constructive mathematics, computer arithmetic, numerical mathematics and all branches of analysis. The conference provides a unique opportunity for people from such diverse areas to meet, present work in progress and exchange ideas and knowledge.
The topics of interest include foundational work on various models and approaches for describing computability and complexity over the real numbers. They also include complexity-theoretic investigations, both foundational and with respect to concrete problems, and new implementations of exact real arithmetic, as well as further developments of already existing software packages. We hope to gain new insights into computability-theoretic aspects of various computational questions from physics and from other fields involving computations over the real numbers.
Authors are invited to submit 1-2 pages abstracts in PDF format. If full versions of papers are already available as technical report or arXiv version, then corresponding links should be added to the reference list. Final versions of abstracts might be distributed to participants in hardcopy and/or in electronic form.
For more information, see -
5 - 7 September 2023, 1st Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics, Londen, U.K.
Location: Londen, U.K.Deadline: Thursday 15 June 2023The 1st Conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics will take place at King’s College London from the 5th to the 7th of September 2023.
Invited speakers: Andrew Arana (University of Lorraine), Volker Halbach (University of Oxford), Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht University), Daniel Isaacson (University of Oxford), Øystein Linnebo (University of Oslo), Mary Leng (University of York) and Philip Welch (University of Bristol).
We welcome submissions for up to four contributed talks by early career researchers – including graduate students – in all areas of the philosophy of mathematics (including foundations). Submissions by researchers from underrepresented groups in the philosophy of mathematics are strongly encouraged. In order to be considered, submissions should be sent to carlo.nicolai at and contain:
- A short CV (up to one page), including relevant info about membership in underrepresented groups in the philosophy of mathematics.
- An abstract of up to 1,000 words suitable for blind review.
For more information, see -
30 August - 1 September 2023, The Eleventh Workshop on Combining Probability and Logic (Progic 2023), Utrecht, the Netherlands
Location: Utrecht, the NetherlandsTarget audience: Anybody interested in combining probabilistic and logical tools (including philosophers, computer scientists, economists, mathematicians..)Deadline: Saturday 15 April 2023The special focus of PROGIC2023 is Knowledge representation and reasoning. Classically, logic and probability offer competing representations of partial or incomplete information, with the former assuming a qualitative perspective on uncertainty and the latter focusing on a quantitative account. Both provide their own policies for updating on new information, combining evidence from different sources, and acting under partial information.
Invited Speakers: Joe Halpern (Cornell University), Gabriele Kern-Isberner (TU Dortmund), Aybüke Özgün (University of Amsterdam) and Jon Williamson (University of Kent).
We solicit submissions that bridge these two perspectives. These could, for instance, apply probabilistic or other quantitative tools to the study of logical systems or use logical frameworks, classical or substructural, for understanding probabilistic approaches. They may also apply to specific sub-areas, such as game theory, network theory, causal modelling or machine learning. We especially invite submissions that combine probability and logic for knowledge representation and reasoning broadly construed.
Submissions should consist of a short abstract (~200 words) and an *extended abstract* (~1000 words, pdf format). The submission portal is at Submission deadline: April 15, 2023. Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2023.
For more information, see or contact Dominik Klein at d.klein at, or Dragan Doder at d.doder at -
21 - 25 August 2023, 11th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 11), Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaTarget audience: Analytic PhilosophersDeadline: Friday 20 January 2023The European Society for Analytic Philosophy organizes a major congress every three years. The goal of this congress is to bring together analytic philosophers from Europe and all over the world to discuss their work and to exchange ideas. The 11th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP11) will take place from 21-25 Aug 2023 in Vienna and is being organized jointly by the Central European University and the University of Vienna. The current president of the ESAP is Prof. Katalin Farkas (CEU).
The European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ESAP) invites contributed papers and proposals for symposia to be presented at ECAP11. The total time allocated to each contributed paper at the conference will be 35 minutes and the time allocated to each symposium/panel discussion (3-5 discussants) will be 115 minutes. Submissions must be made via EasyChair in the format specified in the CFP (available at the ESAP website).
For more information, see or contact Nikhil Mahant at ecap11 at -
7 - 11 August 2023, ESSLLI 2023 Workshop on First-order Modal and Temporal Logics: State of the art and perspectives
Location: LjubljanaTarget audience: researchers and graduate studentsCosts: Registration fee at ESSLLI 2023Deadline: Sunday 16 April 2023The workshop will comprise five 90-min sessions, one per day, with invited and contributed talks. It is intended to bring together active researchers in the areas of first-order modal and temporal logics and graduate students interested in these areas, to discuss the state of the art and the most important directions and perspectives for future developments in the areas.Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following for first-order modal and temporal logics:- languages, models, and semantics;- proof theory, deductive systems, and completeness/incompleteness results;- decidability, undecidability, complexity;- problems and applications in philosophy, mathematics, computer science and artificial intelligence.
We invite submissions of extended abstracts (2 to 4 pages long) on recent or ongoing research in the scope of the workshop. The submissions should be in PDF format, preferably prepared with LaTeX, and must be done via EasyChair:
Important dates:
Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 16
Final decision and notification: May 16
Deadline for registration at the workshop: June 30
Workshop: August 7-11See further details in Call for submissions on the Workshop webpage.
For more information, see or contact Dmitry Shkatov at Dmitry.Shkatov at -
7 - 8 August 2023, ESSLLI2023 Workshop "Modalities in substructural logics: Applications at the interfaces of logic, language and computation"
Location: Ljubljana, SloveniaTarget audience: Logicians, Linguists, Computer ScientistsCosts: ESSLLI Registration FeeDeadline: Friday 19 May 2023Substructural logics have brought to the fore new forms of reasoning and provided applications for a variety of disciplines. Modalities, in the substructural setting, provide the tools to control and finetune the logical resource management.The focus of this workshop is on applications in the areas of interest to the ESSLLI community, in particular logical approaches to natural language syntax and semantics and the dynamics of reasoning.
The workshop is held with the support of the Horizon 2020 MSCA-Rise project MOSAIC.
Submissions are invited through EasyChair at Topics for submissions included but are not limited to:
- Modalities in extended typelogical grammars
- Refinements of the linear exponential: prooftheoretic and semantic aspects
- Modalities and the dynamics of NL interpretation: ellipsis, gapping, pronoun resolution
- Substructural Dynamic Epistemic Logic, Intuitionistic Public Announcement logic
- Epistemic substructural logics, e.g. Epistemic Separation Logic
- Intuitionistic Modal Logics
- Quantum Dynamic LogicFor more information, see or contact Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh at m.sadrzadeh at -
7 - 8 August 2023, ESSLLI Workshop "Modalities in substructural logics: applications at the interfaces of logic, language and computation" (AMSLO23)
Location: Ljubljana, SloveniaTarget audience: Logicians, Linguists, Computer ScientistsCosts: ESSLLI Registration FeeDeadline: Friday 19 May 2023By calling into question the implicit structural rules that are taken for granted in classical logic, substructural logics have brought to the fore new forms of reasoning with applications in many interdisciplinary areas of interest. Modalities, in the substructural setting, provide the tools to control and finetune the logical resource management.
The focus of the workshop is on applications in the areas of interest to the ESSLLI community, in particular logical approaches to natural language syntax and semantics and the dynamics of reasoning. The workshop welcomes contributions on topics including, but not limited to,
Modalities in extended typelogical grammarsRefinements of the linear exponential: prooftheoretic and semantic aspectsModalities and the dynamics of NL interpretation: ellipsis, gapping, pronoun resolutionSubstructural Dynamic Epistemic Logic, Intuitionistic Public Announcement logicEpistemic substructural logics, e.g. Epistemic Separation LogicIntuitionistic Modal LogicsQuantum Dynamic Logic
We invite anonymized submissions of either (1) short papers of up to 4 pages, or (2) full articles of up to 12 pages. Short papers can be reporting on existing or in progress work. Full articles should be original work that has not been published or submitted elsewhere. Each submission will be refereed by three PC members. Accepted full articles will be published as a volume of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), available at the workshop.
For more information, see or contact Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh at m.sadrzadeh at -
31 July - 4 August 2023, Procedural and computational models of semantic and pragmatic processes, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Location: University of Ljubljana, SloveniaDeadline: Monday 8 May 2023Procedural and computational modeling frameworks have been applied successfully to various aspects of semantic and pragmatic processes, yielding not only a good fit to empirical data but also insights of theoretical relevance. On the one hand, computational (e.g., Bayesian or information theoretic) models rationalize speaker behavior and explain how a listener can use given information efficiently to infer the intended meaning from an utterance. However, these models often leave the stepwise processing of linguistic information unspecified. On the other hand, procedural (e.g., automata or ACT-R) models explain step-by-step cognitive processes behind meaning-related computations, e.g., the process of building sentence representations. However, they often lack the means to combine different information types in an interactive fashion. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers applying these two modeling methodologies to discuss their strengths and weaknesses and work towards an integrated approach.
We invite submissions that present state-of-the-art applications of computational and procedural models or discuss strengths and limitations of each of the mentioned methodologies. Moreover, because we see great potential for integrated computational and procedural models, we strongly encourage submissions that propose hybrid approaches. Such hybrid approaches may, for example, include sequential sampling decision models (e.g. Schlotterbeck et al., 2020; Ramotowska et al., 2023) or models of incremental interpretation (e.g. Cohn-Gorden et al., 2019; Waldon & Degen, 2021) as procedural extensions of Bayesian approaches.
Abstracts should be anonymous and not exceed 2 pages (plus one extra page for figures, tables, glosses, references, etc.) with 11 pt font size. Submissions can be made at the workshop’s EasyChair site.
For more information, see or contact Sonia Ramotowska at prosandcomps at -
24 - 25 July 2023, MCMP Workshop "Causality for Ethics and Society"
Location: Munich (Germany)Deadline: Monday 15 May 2023Sander Beckers (ILLC, Amsterdam) and Naftali Weinberger (MCMP/LMU Munich) are organising an interdisciplinary workshop on all topics that relate causal models, and causality more broadly, to ethical and/or societal issues. This workshop will bring together participants from a range of academic fields in order to present and discuss the most recent developments on employing formal causal reasoning in ethics and in social contexts.
We welcome contributions debating the applicability of causal concepts within a particular domain as well as proposals for modifying existing causal frameworks for addressing novel problems. As the workshop will include speakers from a wide range of academic fields, we encourage contributions that address problems arising in interdisciplinary contexts. If you are interested in presenting at the workshop, please submit a blinded abstract of no more than 1000 words to Causalityforsociety+submission at by May 15th.
For more information, see or contact Sander Beckers at srekcebrednas at -
10 - 13 July 2023, 16th International Conference on Grammatical Inference (ICGI 2023), Rabat, Morocco
Location: Rabat, MoroccoDeadline: Saturday 10 June 2023Grammatical Inference is the research area at the intersection of Machine Learning and Formal Language Theory. Since 1993, the International Conference on Grammatical Inference (ICGI) is the meeting place for presenting, discovering, and discussing the latest research results on the foundations of learning languages, from theoretical and algorithmic perspectives to their applications (natural language or document processing, bioinformatics, model checking and software verification, program synthesis, robotic planning and control, intrusion detection...).
This 16th edition of ICGI will be held in-person in Rabat, the modern capital with deep-rooted history of Morocco located on the Atlantic Coast. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the ICGI conference, the program will include a distinguished lecture by Dana Angluin. The program will also include two invited talks, on recent advances of Grammatical Inference for Natural Language Processing and Bioinformatics by Cyril Allauzen (Google NY) and Ahmed Elnaggar (TU München), a half-day tutorial at the beginning of the conference on formal languages and neural models for learning on sequences by Will Merrill, as well as oral presentations of accepted papers.
We welcome three types of papers:
- Formal and/or technical papers describe original contributions (theoretical, methodological, or conceptual) in the field of grammatical inference. A technical paper should clearly describe the situation or problem tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested, and the benefits of the contribution.
- Position papers can describe completely new research positions, approaches, or open problems. Current limits can be discussed. In all cases, rigor in the presentation will be required. Such papers must describe precisely the situation, problem, or challenge addressed, and demonstrate how current methods, tools, or ways of reasoning, may be inadequate.
- Tool papers describing a new tool for grammatical inference. The tool must be publicly available and the paper has to contain several use-case studies describing the use of the tool. In addition, the paper should clearly describe the implemented algorithms, input parameters and syntax, and the produced output.
Deadline for submissions: March 12th, 2023.
Additionally we invite extended abstracts on work in progress that may be of interest to the grammatical inference community. You will get the opportunity to present and discuss your work in progress at ICGI in Rabat, Morocco, July 10-13th. Extended abstracts of work in progress will not appear in the proceedings (as they will not be formally peer reviewed), but will be available on the website. Deadline: June 10th, 2023.
For more information, see -
28 - 30 June 2023, Nineteenth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2023), Oxford, U.K.
Location: Oxford, U.K.Target audience: CS, logic, game theory, philosophyDeadline: Wednesday 15 March 2023The mission of the TARK conferences is to bring together researchers from a wide variety of fields, including Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Game Theory, Decision Theory, Philosophy, Logic, Linguistics, and Cognitive Science, in order to further our understanding of interdisciplinary issues involving reasoning about rationality and knowledge. Previous conferences have been held bi-annually around the world. The information of all previous TARK conferences can be accessed at
Topics of interest:
These include, but are not limited to, semantic models for knowledge, belief, awareness and uncertainty, bounded rationality and resource-bounded reasoning, commonsense epistemic reasoning, epistemic logic, epistemic game theory, knowledge and action, applications of reasoning about knowledge and other mental states, belief revision, computational social choice, algorithmic game theory, and foundations of multi-agent systems.Submissions are invited to TARK 2023. Extended abstracts can be submitted at: Deadline for abstract registrations: March 15, 2023, anywhere on earth. Deadline for submissions: March 22, 2023, anywhere on earth.
Strong preference will be given to papers whose topic is of interest to an interdisciplinary audience, and papers should be accessible to such an audience. Papers will be held to the usual high standards of research publications. Extended abstracts should be no longer than 10 pages. Optional technical details such as proofs may be included in an appendix. To format your paper, please use the EPTCS LaTeX style from: TARK reviewing is not double-anonymised, so author names can be included in the submission.
For more information, see or contact Rineke Verbrugge (PC chair), Mike Wooldridge (OC chair) at tark.oxford at -
24 June 2023, DPFO'23: The Decision Problem in First-Order Logic
Location: Boston, United StatesDeadline: Wednesday 19 April 2023[LICS Affiliated Workshop] Nearly a century has now passed since D. Hilbert and W. Ackermann asked if there an algorithm which, when given a formula of first-order logic, determines whether that formula is satisfiable. The negative answer provided by A. Church and A. Turing only a decade later transformed this question into a classification programme: for which fragments of first-order logic, we ask, is the problem of determining the satisfiability of a given formula decidable? Can we chart, in the words of W.V.O. Quine, the limits of decision in first-order logic? Indeed, logicians now typically set themselves a more ambitious goal: given a fragment of first order logic, if its satisfiability (and/or its finite satisfiability problem) is decidable, what is its computational complexity?
From early work on quantifier-prefix fragments, the study of the satisfiability problem (and finite satisfiability problem) for fragments of first-order logic, and indeed of its non-first-order extensions,has now become a central topic in Computational Logic. The aim of the workshop, affiliated with LICS 2023, is to highlight recent developments in this area, with particular emphasis on those fragments which have been the focus of recent interest. These include, for example: Modal and description logics; Logics for ontology-based data access; The negation-guarded fragment; The fluted fragment; Separation logics; Logics of dependence and independence; Combinations of existing fragments.
We invite contributions in the form of 30-minute talks on any topic covered by the workshop title (not confined to the list above). Those interested in giving a contributed talk should submit a short abstract of no more than 2 normally spaced A4/letter pages via via Easy chair.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: (April 19th, 2023).
Final decision by organizers and notification: April 28th, 2023For more information, see or contact Ian Prattt-Hartmann at ian.pratt at -
23 June 2023, LLRC conference: curriculum and course design for language teaching, Leiden, the Netherlands
Location: Leiden, the NetherlandsDeadline: Wednesday 15 March 2023In higher education, curricula and courses are often not cast in stone. They need adaptations regularly, for instance because another course in the curriculum changes. In secondary education, changes are less common. However, in the Netherlands, a curriculum reform is planned to be implemented in the next years, also concerning foreign languages. A question that arises in this context is how reforms are best effectuated, and how courses in existing curricula can be changed?
On June 23rd, 2023, LLRC will organize a one-day conference on precisely this topic. We are very happy to announce that Dr. Marjon Tammenga-Helmantel (SLO) has agreed to give the keynote lecture. She is a specialist in foreign language teaching and currently involved in facilitating the process of curriculum reform in secondary education. Her keynote will start the day with a brief overview about curriculum development at national, school and classroom levels. Concrete tools to facilitate curriculum changes or adaptations in foreign language education will be discussed.
We invite foreign language teachers and researchers to send in an abstract for the conference. The following topics would fit the theme:
- Research on language teaching course design
- Research on curriculum design including foreign language teaching
- Research on changes in language teaching
- Good practice in language teaching course design
- Good practice in curriculum design including foreign language teaching
- Good practice in changes in language teaching
We welcome abstracts for a variety of presentation types: research presentations, good practice presentations, or workshops.
18 - 22 June 2023, Logica 2023, Tepla Monastery, Czech Republic
Location: Tepla Monastery, Czech RepublicCosts: 500 EUR for participants, 370 EUR for accompanying persons.Deadline: Monday 27 March 2023The Institute of Philosophy of the The Czech Academy of Sciences announces 'LOGICA 2023', the 36th in the series of annual international symposia devoted to logic, to be held in Tepla Monastery, Czech Republic, on Sunday 18 June -- Thursday 22 June 2023. Invited speakers: David Corfield (University of Kent), Wesley Holliday (UC Berkeley), Gillian Russell (Australian Catholic University), Sara Uckelman (Durham University)
If you are interested in presenting a paper at the symposium, please submit a two-page blinded abstract via EasyChair by 27 March 2023. Contributions devoted to any of the wide range of logical problems are welcome except those focused on specialized technical applications. Particularly welcome are contributions that cover issues interesting both for philosophically and mathematically oriented logicians.
Simultaneous submission to other conferences or journals is allowed,
and we will also consider submissions based on recently published
papers. However, such submissions will not be considered for the
post-proceedings volume.For more information, see or contact Vit Puncochar & Igor Sedlar at logica at -
15 June 2023, 2nd International Workshop on Automatic Translation for Signed and Spoken Languages, Tampere, Finland
Location: Tampere, FinlandDeadline: Friday 14 April 2023Machine Translation (MT) is a core technique for reducing language barriers for spoken languages. Although MT has come a long way since its inception in the 1950s, it still has a long way to go to successfully cater to all communication needs and users. When it comes to the deaf and hard of hearing communities, MT is in its infancy. The complexity of the task to automatically translate between SLs or sign and spoken languages, requires a multidisciplinary approach.
The rapid technological and methodological advances in deep learning, and in AI in general, that we see in the last decade, have not only improved MT, recognition of image, video and audio signals, the understanding of language, the synthesis of life-like 3D avatars, etc., but have also led to the fusion of interdisciplinary research innovations that lays the foundation of automated translation services between sign and spoken languages.
The AT4SSL workshop aims to open a (guided) discussion between participants about current challenges, innovations and future developments related to the automatic translation between sign and spoken languages. To this extent, AT4SSL will host a moderated round table around the following three topics: (i) quality of recognition and synthesis models and user-expectations; (ii) co-creation - deaf, hearing and hard-of-hearing people joining forces towards a common goal and (iii) sign-to-spoken and spoken-to-sign translation technology in media.
Submissions related to the workshop topics are sollicited. However, submissions related to the general topic of automatic translation between signed and spoken languages that deviate from these topics are also welcome.
Two types of submissions are going to be accepted for the AT4SSL workshop: Research, review, position and application papers (4-8 pages) and Extended abstracts presenting original, ongoing work or innovative ideas (4 pages). Both papers should be formatted according to the official EAMT 2023 style templates. Accepted papers and extended abstracts will be published in the EAMT 2023 proceedings and will be presented at the conference.
For more information, see or contact Floris Roelofsen at f.roelofsen at -
13 - 16 June 2023, The 13th International Symposium on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC 2023), Batumi, Georgia
Location: Batumi, GeorgiaDeadline: Wednesday 16 November 2022The 13th International Symposium on Algorithms and Complexity is planned to take place from 13 June to 16 June 2023 in Batumi, Georgia. It will follow the recent, very successful editions of CIAC 2021 in Larnaca, Cyprus, CIAC 2019 in Rome, Italy, CIAC 2017 in Athens, Greece, CIAC 2015 in Paris, France and CIAC 2013 in Barcelona, Spain.
Invited speakers (confirmed): Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide (University of Paderborn, Germany), Giuseppe Persiano (University of Salerno, Italy), and Paul Spirakis (University of Liverpool, UK and CTI, Greece).
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on algorithms and complexity. Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract or full paper with at most 15 pages, excluding the title page and the references. The paper should contain a succinct statement of the issues and their motivation a summary of the results, a brief explanation of their significance and a comparison to related work, accessible to non-specialists. Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be put into an appendix, to be read by the PC members at their discretion.
Submissions will be through EasyChair. The usage of the LNCS style file is mandatory. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings or to journals is not allowed.
For more information, contact mavronic at, or bdundua at -
16 - 18 May 2023, 15th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2023), Houston TX, U.S.A.
Location: Houston TX, U.S.A.Deadline: Friday 9 December 2022The widespread use and increasing complexity of mission-critical and safety-critical systems at NASA and in the aerospace industry require advanced techniques that address these systems' specification, design, verification, validation, and certification requirements. The NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM) is an annual forum to foster collaboration between theoreticians and practitioners from NASA, academia, and industry. NFM's goals are to identify challenges and to provide solutions for achieving assurance for such critical systems. The focus of this symposium will be on formal techniques and other approaches for software assurance, including their theory, current capabilities and limitations, as well as their potential application to aerospace, robotics, and other NASA-relevant safety-critical systems during all stages of the software life-cycle.
There are two categories of submissions sollicited: Regular papers describing fully developed work and complete results (15 pages + references), and Short papers: (6 pages + references), either (a) Tool Papers describing novel, publicly-available tools, or (b) Case Studies detailing complete applications of formal methods to real systems with publicly-available artifacts. All papers should be in English and describe original work that has not been published or submitted elsewhere. We encourage submissions on cross-cutting approaches that bring together formal methods and techniques from other domains such as probabilistic reasoning, machine learning, control theory, robotics, and quantum computing among others.
For more information, see -
22 - 27 April 2023, 26th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2023), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: Thursday 13 October 2022ETAPS is the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers working on topics relating to software science. ETAPS, established in 1998, is a confederation of four annual conferences:
- ESOP: European Symposium on Programming
- FASE: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
- FoSSaCS: Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
- TACAS: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
accompanied by satellite workshops.
ETAPS 2023 is the twenty-sixth event in the series. New in 2023 is:
- The SPIN symposium will be co-located with ETAPS.
- TACAS will use a double-blind reviewing process.
- ESOP, FASE, and newly also FoSSaCS welcome voluntary submissions of artefacts for evaluation after paper acceptance; the outcome will not change the paper acceptance decision.
- Presentations of the test-of-time-award and the doctoral- dissertation-award winners will take place.
- A plenary session for TOOLympics will be organised.
- There will be a PhD student mentoring workshop organised by Caterina Urban and Wolfgang Ahrendt.
ETAPS'23 will also host another edition of TOOLympics, organised by Dirk Beyer, Fabrice Kordon, and Arnd Hartmanns.
The four main conferences of ETAPS 2023 solicit contributions of the following types: ESOP: regular research papers of max 25 pp * FASE: regular research papers and empirical evaluation papers of max 18 pp, new ideas and emerging results (NIER) papers of max 8 pp, tool demonstration papers of max 6 pp (+ mandatory appendix of max 6 pp), * FoSSaCS: regular research papers of max 18 pp * TACAS: regular research papers, case study papers and regular tool papers of max 16 pp, tool demonstration papers of max 6 pp (+ mandatory appendix of max 6 pp). Submitted papers must be in English, presenting original research. They must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere.
Regular tool paper and tool demonstration paper submissions to TACAS must be accompanied by an artefact submitted shortly after the paper. The artefact will be evaluated, and the outcome will be considered in the paper's acceptance decision. Authors of research papers and case study papers submitted to TACAS may submit an artefact for evaluation after receiving the acceptance notifications. ESOP, FASE, and FoSSaCS will also accept artefact submissions (participation in it is voluntary). In either of the latter cases, the outcome of the artefact evaluation will not change the paper acceptance decision.
For more information, see -
6 - 8 March 2023, Conference on the history of logic in the islamic world, Tehran (Iran) & Virtual
Location: Tehran (Iran) & VirtualDeadline: Monday 31 October 2022The Iranian Institute of Philosophy (IRIP) in collaboration with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Fundamental Sciences (IRFS) in Iran is organizing an international conference on the history of logic in the Islamic world. The event will be held in a hybrid format where, depending on their choice, some speakers will talk virtually and others will attend in person at the Iranian Institute of Philosophy (IRIP) in Tehran.
Conference Scope:
A. Pre-Avicennan Logic
B. Avicenna’s Logic
C. Post-Avicennan Logic
D. Comparative logicOn behalf of the organizing committee, we kindly invite all researchers in logic, history, and philosophy to contribute to the conference with papers on the conference topics.
For more information, see or contact logicconf2023 at -
CfP special issue of IJAR on logics for the new AI spring
Deadline: Wednesday 1 March 2023We invite submissions for a Special Issue on Logics for the new AI Spring, to be published with the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
The development of logics capable of representing human-like reasoning has always been one of the central objectives of logic-based Artificial Intelligence. In addition to providing very successful tools for knowledge representation and reasoning, logic-based AI is now facing the new and pressing challenge related to the integration of symbolic and sub-symbolic AI. In pursuing it, logic can once again shape significantly the future developments of AI. The primary goal of this special issue is to gather cutting-edge contributions which will jointly provide a comprehensive state-of-the-art in the subject.
To achieve this, the scope of the special issue focuses on, but is not limited to, the following topics: (1) Logical methods in symbolic AI; (2) Logical methods in machine learning; (3) Machine learning in a logical setting; (4) Reasoning and (interactive) decision making under uncertainty.
For more information, see or contact tommaso at -
13 - 17 February 2023, Computer Science Logic 2023 (CSL’23), Warsaw, Poland
Location: Warsaw, PolandDeadline: Saturday 9 July 2022Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). It is an interdisciplinary conference, spanning across both basic and application oriented research in mathematical logic and computer science.
CSL'23 will be held on February 13 - 16, 2023, in Warsaw, Poland, with satellite workshops on February 17. It is planned as an on-site event, with support for remote presence for those participants who are unable to come for pandemic reasons. Keynote speakers: Claudia Faggian (Université de Paris, France), Nina Gierasimczuk (Danish Technical University, Denmark), Dale Miller (Inria Saclay, France), Michał Pilipczuk Pilipczuk (University of Warsaw, Poland) and Davide Sangiorgi (University of Bologna, Italy).
Authors are invited to submit contributed papers of no more than 15 pages in LIPIcs style (not including appendices or references), presenting unpublished work fitting the scope of the conference. Papers may not be submitted concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings. The PC chairs should be informed of closely related work submitted to a conference or a journal.
Submitted papers must be in English and must provide sufficient detail to allow the Programme Committee to assess the merits of the paper. Full proofs may appear in a clearly marked technical appendix which will be read at the reviewers' discretion. Authors are strongly encouraged to include a well written introduction which is directed at all members of the PC. The paper should be submitted via Easychair.
For more information, see -
18 - 20 January 2023, British Postgraduate Model Theory Conference 2023 (BPGMTC 13), Leeds, England
Location: Leeds, EnglandDeadline: Thursday 1 December 2022The British Postgraduate Model Theory Conference (BPGMTC) 2023 is a Model Theory conference organised entirely by PhD students running from 18 to 20 January 2023. The conference is open to PhD students and early career researchers, one of its main goals being to bring together young researchers interested in model theory from the UK and abroad. The BPGMTC has been a longstanding tradition in the UK, this year the University of Leeds is proud to be holding the thirteenth edition of BPGMTC!
We will also have approximately 12 contributed talks by PhD students and early career researchers. In addition, we have three invited talks and an invited mini-course given by established model theorists. Registration closes on the 1st of December, but we encourage people to register as soon as possible.
If you would like to contribute a talk, please indicate this in your registration form, or, in case you have already registered and changed your mind, e-mail the organisers.
For more information, see -
16 - 17 January 2023, Conference on Certified Programs & Proofs (CPP 2023), Boston MA, U.S.A.
Location: Boston MA, U.S.A.Deadline: Wednesday 14 September 2022Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) is an international conference on practical and theoretical topics in all areas that consider formal verification and certification as an essential paradigm for their work. CPP spans areas of computer science, mathematics, logic, and education.
CPP 2023 will be co-located with POPL 2023. The CPP 2023 organizers will strive to enable both in-person and remote participation, in cooperation with the POPL 2023 organizers.
We welcome submissions in research areas related to formal certification of programs and proofs. Prior to the paper submission deadline, the authors should upload their anonymized paper in PDF format through the HotCRP system. The submissions must be written in English and provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee to assess the merits of the contribution. They must be formatted following the ACM SIGPLAN Proceedings format. The submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages, including tables and figures, but excluding bibliography and clearly marked appendices. The papers should be self-contained without the appendices. Shorter papers are welcome and will be given equal consideration.
For more information, see or contact Steve Zdancewic at stevez at, or Brigitte Pientka at bpientka at
Past Conferences
6 - 8 December 2023, Workshop on Contradictory Logics, Bochum, Germany
Location: Bochum, GermanyThe first workshop ever on non-trivial negation inconsistent logics is going to be held at Ruhr University Bochum, December 6-8, 2023.
For more information, see here or at or contact sara.ayhan at -
5 - 6 October 2023, Central Topics in Situated Cognition, Bochum, Germany
Location: Bochum, GermanyOur Research Training Group ‘Situated Cognition’ has now started its third and last training generation of twelve new PhD students, with the second cohort simultaneously finalizing their projects. At this unique point in time, we would like to unite all three generations of PhDs together with many current, former and future members and collaborators, both internal and external. This includes our highly regarded external guests: Louise Barrett, Joel Krueger, N.N., and Heidi Maibom covering topics like situated affectivity, agency, perspectivism, social cognition and the interaction of neuroscience and AI.
Keynote talks will be hybrid.
For more information, see or contact rtg-situatedcognition at -
3 October 2023, 5th ENCODE workshop: Group Accuracy, Deliberation, & Social Influence, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Location: Rotterdam, The NetherlandsAccording to the celebrated Condorcet Jury Theorem, if we can dispose of a series of jurors who each have an independent, better than random accuracy regarding a binary issue, then the larger the group of jurors we take, the more accurate the group’s majority opinion on this issue will be. In the limit, the majority opinion will be fully reliable. This mathematical result has provided the starting point for a rich literature on the wisdom of crowds and democratic decision-making.
In practice however, opinions are not independent. Decision-makers are typically connected through networks of social influence, and before casting their opinion, they may deliberate collectively. When doing so, the shape of the network, the order in which they exchange information, the levels of trustworthiness attributed to them, and strategic considerations are crucial for the eventual outcome of the process. The aim of this workshop is to cast light on the role of these and other parameters in group deliberation, and their implications for group accuracy and democracy.
Participation is free of charge, but the available spots are limited. Please notify us before September 19th in case you would like to attend.
30 September - 1 October 2023, 2nd International Workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems & Strategic Reasoning (LAMAS & SR 2023), Krakow, Poland
Location: Krakow, PolandLogic and strategic reasoning play a central role in multi-agent systems. Logic can be used, for instance, to express the agents' abilities, knowledge, and objectives. Strategic reasoning refers to algorithmic methods that allow for developing good behaviour for the agents of the system. At the intersection, we find logics that can express the existence of strategies or equilibria, and can be used to reason about them.
The LAMAS&SR workshop merges two international workshops: LAMAS (Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems), which focuses on all kinds of logical aspects of multi-agent systems from the perspectives of artificial intelligence, computer science, and game theory, and SR (Strategic Reasoning), devoted to all aspects of strategic reasoning in formal methods and artificial intelligence. As such, the LAMAS&SR workshop aims to bring together researchers working on different aspects of either logic or strategic reasoning in computer science, artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems research, both from a theoretical and a practical viewpoint.
For more information, see -
21 September 2023, TbiLLC 2023 Workshop on Learning and Logic
Location: Telavi, GeorgiaThis workshop will take place as part of the 14th International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation (TbILLC 2023). It brings together researchers who are working on topics at the intersection of learning and logic, ranging from the epistemology and ethics of machine learning and the logical foundations of learnability, to computational learning theory, and machine learning for knowledge representation and reasoning.
The program of the workshop will consist of 4 presentations by invited speakers: Victor Dalmau (Barcelona), Konstantin Genin (Tübingen), Dick de Jongh (Amsterdam) and Ana Ozaki (Oslo/Bergen).
For more information, see or contact Aybüke Özgün at a.ozgun at -
21 - 24 September 2023, The 19th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2023), Oslo, Norway
Location: Oslo, NorwayThe purpose of the Reasoning Web Summer School is to disseminate recent advances on reasoning techniques and related issues that are of particular interest to Semantic Web and Linked Data applications. It is primarily intended for postgraduate (PhD or MSc) students, postdocs, young researchers, and senior researchers wishing to deepen their knowledge.
In 2023, the broad theme of the school is: “Declarative Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge, Rules, Logic”. As in the previous years, lectures in the summer school will be given by a distinguished group of expert lecturers. This year the school is part of Declarative AI 2023 and co-located with the RuleML+RR 2023 and DecisionCAMP conferences. The number of attendees will be limited and participation will depend on submitting an application which will undergo a reviewing process.
For more information, see or contact Marco Console at console at, or Boris Konev at konev at -
20 - 22 September 2023, 18th Edition of the European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2023), Dresden, Germany
Location: Dresden, GermanyThe aim of JELIA 2023 is to bring together active researchers interested in the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence, in order to discuss current research, results, problems, and applications of both theoretical and practical nature. JELIA strives to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas among researchers from various disciplines, among researchers from academia and industry, and between theoreticians and practitioners.
Invited speakers: Mario Alviano (University of Calabria), Katie Atkinson (University of Liverpool), Franz Baader (TU Dresden) and Vaishak Belle (University of Edinburgh).
For more information, see or contact jelia2023 at -
20 September 2023, Workshop "Actions & norms in deontic logic", Milan, Italy
Location: Milan, ItalyThe use of formal methods in the analysis and representation of normative reasoning has faced plenty of interesting challenges over the last few decades, ranging from theoretical puzzles to automation endeavours. The workshop "Actions and norms in deontic logic", hosted by the Department of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Milan on 20 September 2023, aims at offering fresh insights into recent developments in the area and open directions of research.
Workshop attendance is free. To register for the workshop, please write in advance to any of the two organizers. This event also supports young researchers' activity by means of two participation scholarships funded by AILA, the Italian Association for Logic and its Applications.
For more information, see here or at or contact Alessandro Giordani at alessandro.giordani at, or Matteo Pascucci at matteo.pascucci at -
18 - 20 September 2023, ILDS Coq & Lean Autumn School 2023, Bucharest, Romania
Location: Bucharest, RomaniaThe ILDS Coq and Lean Autumn School 2023 aims to introduce potential students to the Coq and Lean proof assistants, as well as to theoretical underpinnings of interactive theorem proving. It is the second school on interactive theorem proving organized in Bucharest, following the ICUB Coq Autumn School, which was held in September 2018.
The event is co-located with FROM 2023, whose participants are eligible for a special discounted fee for the school.
For more information, see -
11 - 15 September 2023, International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School
Location: Tübingen, GermanyTarget audience: Interested students at Bachelor, Master and PhD level as well as researchersCosts: freeThe International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Summer School (IICCSSS) is an annual educational meeting for students and young researchers interested in computational approaches to brain and cognitive sciences.
We are happy to invite you to the fourth iteration of our Computational Cognitive Science Summer School! The summer school will take place on Sep 11th – 15th 2023, in Tübingen, Germany. This year, the summer school will be a particularly interactive event with workshops, talks, a panel discussion and a hackathon.
For more information, see or contact Polina Tsvilodub at polina.tsvilodub at -
11 - 13 September 2023, 28th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2023), Berlin, Germany
Location: Berlin, GermanyThe International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) focuses on the formal analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge, at the crossroads of artificial intelligence, human cognition, computational linguistics, and related areas of computer science and cognitive science.
The ICCS conferences evolved from a series of seven annual workshops on conceptual graphs, starting with an informal gathering hosted by John F. Sowa in 1986. Recently, graph-based knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR) paradigms are getting more and more attention. With the rise of quasi-autonomous AI, graph-based representations provide a vehicle for making machine cognition explicit to its human users. The aim of ICCS 2023 is to build upon its long standing expertise in graph-based KRR and focus on providing modelling, formal and application results of graph-based systems.
For more information, see -
9 - 10 September 2023, Workshop "Working with Truth", Bristol, England
Location: Bristol, EnglandThe workshop brings together researchers on formal theories of truth and aims to display recent cutting edge research in this area. The workshop is hosted by the ERC-Starting Grant 'Truth and Semantics' (TRUST 803684) at the University of Bristol directed by Johannes Stern. It focuses on recent work on formal theories of truth and will take place directly after the BLC Annual Meeting 2023, which also takes place at the University of Bristol.
Confirmed Speakers - Martin Fischer (MCMP, LMU Munich) - Kentaro Fujimoto (Bristol) - Volker Halbach (Oxford) - Mateusz Lelyk (Warsaw) - Carlo Nicolai (KCL) - Thomas Schindler (Amsterdam)
For more information, see or contact Johannes Stern at johannes.stern at -
7 - 8 September 2023, Formal modeling of ignorance, Urbino, Italy
Location: Urbino, ItalyThe workshop will take place in Urbino on Thursday afternoon, September 7, and Friday morning, September 8, as a side event of the SILFS 2023 Triennial Conference. It will focus on diverse formal (logical) approaches to the notion of Ignorance. Everyone interested is free to participate. The event is in presence but talks will be also streamed on-line.
For more information, see here or contact Pierluigi Graziani at pierluigi.graziani at -
7 - 9 September 2023, British Logic Colloquium 2023 (BLC 2023), Bristol, England
Location: Bristol, EnglandThe 2023 annual British Logic Colloquium Meeting will be held at the University of Bristol Between 14.00 on Thursday Sep. 7th and 13.00 Saturday Sep. 9th. The confirmed speakers are Sandra Müller (TU Vienna), Paul Shafer (Leeds), Juan Aguilera (Ghent and TU Vienna), Vincenzo Mantova (Leeds), Carlo Nicolai (KCL), Elaine Pimentel (UCL), Juliette Kennedy (Helsinki), Anupam Das (Birmingham) and Ali Enayat (Gothenburg).
On the Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning there will be a "PhD day" where PhD students can present work and have discussions. There will be an Annual Meeting of the BLC following on the Thursday lectures, before a conference dinner. Following on the BLC meeting, from Saturday lunchtime until Sunday afternoon, there will be a contiguous and co-located conference "Working with Truth" which is the concluding Workshop on Johannes Stern's ERC grant.
For more information, see or contact Philip Welch at p.welch at -
5 - 8 September 2023, Sinn und Bedeutung 28, Bochum, Germany
Location: Bochum, GermanySinn und Bedeutung 28 will feature a three-day main session (Sept. 6-8) and a one-day special session on The Semantics and Pragmatics of Co-Speech / Co-Sign Communication (Sept. 5).
Invited Speakers (main session): — Dorothy Ahn (Rutgers University) — Hazel Pearson (Queen Mary University of London) — Graham Priest (City University of New York, University of Melbourne, RUB).
Invited Speaker (special session): — Cornelia Ebert (Goethe University Frankfurt).For more information, see or contact sub28 at -
30 August - 1 September 2023, Workshop "Trivalent suspension, uncertainty, & reasoning with conditionals", Regensburg, Germany
Location: Regensburg, GermanyThe international workshop on "Trivalent Suspension, Uncertainty and Reasoning with Conditionals" (TSUC) aims to bring together renowned researchers from philosophy, logic, formal epistemology, and mathematics to discuss the major issues, contemporary methodologies that have arisen in the study of suspension, uncertainty, and conditionals. We would like to investigate a specific perspective concerning trivalent logic, probability and conditionals. Specifically, this workshop intends to bring together researchers to introduce and discuss i) major TSUC research issues that have arisen in recent years, ii) innovative methodologies developed in response to such issues, iii) the connections between the three components of TSUC, and iv) major TSUC research challenges in its future development. Such research issues include the formal models of judgment suspension, indeterminism, uncertainty inference, many-valued connectives and consequences, subjective prob- ability, conditional probabilities, trivalent conditionals, branching time structure, and so forth. We will be able to understand the major issues, and research problems and gaps for the future development of TSUC.
For more information, see -
28 - 30 August 2023, Symposium of the Swiss Philosophical Society 2023: Concepts & Their Uses, Bern, Switzerland
Location: Bern, SwitzerlandPhilosophical knowledge is often described as being conceptual. Therefore, concepts have been an important topic in phosophy since Plato’s theory of forms. Very recently, the study of concepts has taken new and exciting routes. Experimental philosophers investigate the understanding of concepts with tools that are unprecedented in philosophy. Drawing on research from the empirical sciences, in particular from psychology, philosophers have taken new approaches to what concepts are and do. Finally, an increased awareness of problematic concepts – e.g., concepts that contribute to discrimination – has helped to establish the new field of conceptual ethics. Against this backdrop, the symposium of the Swiss Philosophical Society aims at bringing together and discussing new work on concepts. In this way, we also hope to reflect upon the self-understanding of philosophy and upon the contribution that work on concepts can make in broader society.
For more information, see -
17 - 22 July 2023, CfA: 1st Bayreuth Summer School in Philosophy & Computer Science, Bayreuth (Germany)
Location: Bayreuth (Germany)The focus of this event is on AI and its role in our modern society. We’re bringing together experts from philosophy, computer science and AI research to discuss about topics such as (Artificial) Intelligence, Machine Ethics, Explainability, Algorithmic Bias, Fairness, Privacy & Security, AI in Healthcare, …
Speakers: Aldo Faisal, Sine Fazelpour, Susanne Gaube, Henrik Heuer, Eva Lermer, Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Wojciech Samek, Elizabeth Seger, Tobias Seitz, Mariya Toneva, Kate Vredenburgh, Herbert Zech.
Keynotes: Joe Halpern, Marija Slavkovik, Johanna Thoma.Attendance: Keynotes are free to attend and open to everyone. To participate in the full summer school program, students (advanced BA-level or higher) must apply through our website. A limited number of travel bursaries is available. Senior researchers interested in attending (some of) the talks can contact us directly at phil+cs at; we’ll make seats in the lectures available as room capacity permits.
For more information, see or contact Olivier Roy at olivier.roy at -
3 - 14 July 2023, Eighth EPICENTER Summer Course in Epistemic Game Theory 2023, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Location: Maastricht University, Maastricht, The NetherlandsThe EPICENTER, our research center on Epistemic Game Theory at Maastricht University, offers this two-week intensive course as an introduction to the blooming field of Epistemic Game Theory. This field takes a new, fresh approach to game theory, and studies how people reason in game theoretic situations before they eventually make a choice. More precisely, it explores how we reason about the minds of others before we make a choice. Hence, the reasoning of people like you and me is at the center stage of epistemic game theory.
The course is primarily meant for advanced bachelor students, master students and PhD students all over the world, but researchers are also very welcome.
For more information, see or contact Andrés Perea at course at -
20 - 21 June 2023, Algebra, Categories and Logic in Computing (ACLiC), St Erme, France
Location: St Erme, FranceAlgebra, category theory and logic have traditionally played an important role in our understanding of computing. Recently, there has been a surge in new ways of understanding how these disciplines can help in tackling challenges in the theory and applications of computing. Examples are: combining machine learning and proof-theoretic approaches to natural language; reasoning about multi-agent systems; developing programming languages and compositional models; and specifying and analyzing systems and protocols.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together both leading and upcoming researchers who use such approaches, with the goal of promoting collaborations across the different disciplines.
This workshop is the first event in a program aimed at offering Farsi-speaking mathematicians — as well as any mathematician interested in building cross-cultural connections — opportunities to build a network and receive mentoring from leading Farsi-speaking mathematicians. The workshop will be held in a bilingual Farsi-English setting, and participants do not need to be fluent in both languages to attend.
For more information, see here or at or contact Nima Motamed at n.motamed at -
16 June 2023, Workshop on Topic Modelling
Location: P.C. Hoofthuis Room 5.55, Spuistraat 134, AmsterdamTarget audience: Students and staff, accessible to people with humanities backgroundsTopic modelling is one of the most popular methods for explorative research in large collections of documents, and topic models can also be foundational to various other language technology such as search engines. Recently, it has found many applications in the humanities as well, for example for exploring collections of reviews of media, trends in social media posts or by correlating topics to sociolinguistic variables in text corpora. In this workshop, we will cover some basics of topic modelling and we will do some hands-on practice, both with easy-to-use tools and with Python for those who have programming experience (but programming experience is not required to participate in the workshop).
The workshop is led by Jelke Bloem and Viktorija Kostadinova. There will be coffee, tea, and sandwiches, kindly sponsored by the ACLC. If you're interested in participating, please register by June 9th.
For more information, see or contact Jelke Bloem at j.bloem at -
16 June 2023, Logic: Norms and Forms, Utrecht (the Netherlands)
Location: Room 005, Drift 21, Utrecht (the Netherlands)New work on the philosophy of logic, formality, proofs, normativity, and pluralism.
Speakers: Rachel Boddy (Utrecht), Leon Commandeur (Bergen), Robin Martinot (Utrecht), Evelina Lissoni (ILLC), Sabina Domínguez Parrado (ILLC), Sebastian Speitel (Bonn), Pilar Terrés (UCLouvain).
Keynote Address: Catarina Dutilh Novaes (VU Amsterdam).
For more information, see or contact Colin R. Caret at c.r.caret at -
6 - 17 February 2023, The São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Contemporary Logic, Rationality and Information (SpLogIC 2023), Campinas, Brazil
Location: Campinas, BrazilAfter having been postponed due to the COVID pandemics,the “Sao Paulo School of Advanced Science on Contemporary Logic, Rationality and Information – SPLogiC”,promoted by the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science (CLE) of the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, will be held at Unicamp from February 6th to 17th, 2023.
The School, funded by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), celebrates the 90th anniversary of Newton da Costa and the 45 years of CLE, and aims at (1) Providing an overview of the state-of-art methodology and research on contemporary logic (featuring non-classical logics), rationality. and information, and (2) attracting qualified candidates to work at research institutions in the State of São Paulo. The program comprises 8 courses and 9 plenary talks delivered in English by experts in each topic, as well as oral presentations (LED Talks) and poster sessions by the students.
The event will select 100 fully-funded participants (50 grantees from all states of Brazil and 50 international grantees). Funding includes airfare, medical insurance, accommodation and meals throughout the two weeks. Undergraduate, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (up to 5 years after completion of the Ph.D) from all countries are encouraged to apply. Deadline for applications: 30 october 2022.
For more information, see or contact splogic at -
3 February 2023, UU National Conference on Responsible AI, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Location: Spoorwegmuseum, Utrecht, the NetherlandsCosts: freeFeaturing renowned international keynote speakers, the conference will highlight the importance of the theme of responsible AI by approaching it from different perspectives (AI, data science, governance). Registration is open now and will remain open until 18 January.
For more information, see -
14 January 2023, UNESCO World Logic Day 2023
UNESCO proclaimed 14 January to be World Logic Day, a global day of supporting the development of logic through teaching and research, as well as to public dissemination of the discipline.
The coordination of World Logic Day 2023 is -- for the third time -- in the hands of the Conseil International de Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines (CIPSH) and its member organization, the DLMPST/IUHPST. We would like to encourage logicians all around the world to organize (possibly small) events in close proximity to 14 January 2023 to celebrate this day. Events will be listed on the CIPSH website.
The Covid pandemic still has an effect on international travel and the question whether in person meetings are appropriate; in addition, we have learned over the last years that online meetings are easier to finance, better for the environment, and considerably more inclusive. As a consequence, we should like to ask all organisers to weigh pros and cons of planning in person events, purely online events, or hybrid events before making an announcement. Note that online and hybrid events have the advantage of allowing easy access of people from around the world.
For more information, see or contact wld.assistantcoordinator at
MoL and PhD defenses
15 December 2023, PhD Defence, Mario Giulianelli
Title: Neural Models of Language UseLocation: Aula, Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, AmsterdamPromotor: Raquel FernándezCopromotor: Willem ZuidemaMario Giulianelli will defend his PhD thesis on Neural Models Of Language Useon 15th December. The defence will take place in the Aula (Oude Lutherse kerk, Singel 411) at 11 am.
For more information, contact Mario Giulianelli at m.giulianelli at -
13 October 2023, PhD defense, Simon Rey
Title: Variations on Participatory BudgetingLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Ulle EndrissCopromotor: Ronald de Haan, Jan MalyThe past 40 to 50 years have seen the rise of a wide range of innovative tools developed to deepen and renew the democratic process. One such tool is participatory budgeting (PB), which encompasses a large range of mechanisms that aim at making budgeting decisions in a participatory and collective manner. This thesis studies PB mechanisms. We view them as ways of obtaining a collective budgeting decision. More specifically, we investigate PB as a voting procedure in which citizens are asked to submit their preferences in order to decide which projects should be funded, subject to a budget constraint. Throughout the thesis, we define new fairness criteria to assess the outcome of PB processes; we develop a novel epistemic approach to PB; we present intricate ways to incorporate additional constraints into the formal analysis; we analyse the temporal aspects of PB; and finally, we study a multi-stage model. The end product covers a large diversity of implementations of PB processes, studied from various angles. I hope that this work, at its small scale, can help make better decisions for PB, and by that, improve the democratic process at a larger scale.
For more information, see or contact Simon Rey at s.j.rey at -
12 October 2023, Master of Logic defense, Evan Iatrou
Title: Reclaiming Enlightenment: on the foundations of the rule of law in a legitimate algocracyLocation: Room L3.36, Science Park 900, AmsterdamSupervisor: Katrin Schulz -
9 October 2023, PhD defense, Ivar Kolvoort
Title: Novel Perspectives on the Causal Mind: Experiments, Modeling, and TheoryLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamSupervisor: Katrin Schulz, Leendert van MaanenPromotor: Leendert van Maanen, Han van der MaasIn my PhD thesis, I present research into human causal cognition using a variety of perspectives and methodologies. Causal cognition refers to people's ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships and to reason about how events are connected in terms of causes and effects. This plays a crucial role in most of our daily activities, including decision-making, problem-solving, and learning. The research in my thesis is structured in three parts. In the Part 1, I present experimental research investigating variability in causal judgments and the effect of time pressure on causal reasoning. In Part 2, I develop and test a new computational cognitive model of causal reasoning: the Bayesian Mutation Sampler. Lastly, in Part 3, I identify a lack of an embodied perspective on causal cognition. To address this gap, I put forward an affordance-based theory of causal engagement that is grounded in the principles of ecological psychology and enactivism.
For more information, contact Ivar Kolvoort at i.r.kolvoort at -
28 September 2023, Master of Logic defense, Jonathan Thul
Title: The Logical Dynamics of Social Networks: From Homophily to PolarizationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Sonja Smets -
26 September 2023, Master of Logic defense, Steef Hegeman
Title: Priority arguments in transfinite computability theoryLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Benedikt Löwe -
25 September 2023, PhD defense, Ned Wontner
Title: Views from a peak: Generalisations and Descriptive Set TheoryLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Benedikt LoeweCopromotor: Luca Incurvati, Lorenzo GaleottiStarting at 14:00 sharp!
For more information, contact Ned wontner at ned.wontner at -
12 September 2023, PhD defense, Yiyan Wang
Title: Collective Agency: From Philosophical and Logical PerspectivesLocation: Aula, Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: prof. dr. S.J.L. Smets; prof. dr. F. LiuCopromotor: prof. dr. M.J.B. StokhofPeople inhabit a vast and intricate social network nowadays. In addition to our own decisions and actions, we confront those of various groups every day. Collective decisions and actions are more complex and bewildering compared to those made by individuals. As members of a collective, we contribute to its decisions, but our contributions may not always align with the outcome. We may also find ourselves excluded from certain groups and passively subjected to their influences without being aware of the source. We are used to being in overlapping groups and may switch identities, supporting or opposing the claims of particular groups. But rarely do we pause to think: What do we talk about when we talk about groups and their decisions?
At the heart of this dissertation is the question of collective agency, i.e., in what sense can we treat a group as a rational agent capable of its action. There are two perspectives we take: a philosophical and logical one. The philosophical perspective mainly discusses the ontological and epistemological issues related to collective agency, sorts out the relevant philosophical history, and argues that the combination of a relational view of collective agency and a dispositional view of collective intentionality provides a rational and realistic account. The logical perspective is associated with formal theories of groups, it disregards the psychological content involved in the philosophical perspective, establishes a logical system that is sufficiently formal and objective, and axiomatizes the nature of a collective.
For more information, see or contact Yiyan Wang at yiyanthu at -
11 September 2023, PhD Defense, Jialiang Yan
Title: Monotonicity in Intensional ContextsLocation: onlinePromotor: Maria Aloni & Fenrong Liu -
11 September 2023, PhD Defense, Lei Li
Title: Games, Boards and Play: A Logical PerspectiveLocation: Aula, Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: prof. dr. S.J.L. Smets; prof. dr. J.F.A.K. van BenthemCopromotor: dr. S. Ghosh -
30 August 2023, Master of Logic defense delayed
Title: Reclaiming Enlightenment: On the logical foundations of the rule of law in a legitimate algocracyLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineSupervisor: Katrin Schulz and Vladislava StoyanovaThe defense of Evan Iatrou has been delayed to september (date to be announced).
30 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Shinichiro Tanaka
Title: Effective Kan Fibrations for W-Types in Homotopy Type TheoryLocation: Room L3.36, Science Park 900, AmsterdamSupervisor: Benno van den Berg -
29 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Timo Diedering
Title: Neutral Relations in Mathematical StructuralismLocation: Room C4.174, Science Park 904, Amsterdam / onlineSupervisor: Joop Leo and Luca Incurvati -
29 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Siyuan Cao
Title: Wh-indefinites in MandarinLocation: Room L1.01, Science Park 900, AmsterdamSupervisor: Maria Aloni and Marco Degano -
28 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Xavier Ripoll Echeveste
Title: Alternative Impredicative Encodings of Inductive TypesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Benno van den Berg and Daniël Otten -
28 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Tianyi Chu
Title: Topic-relevance and hyperintensional beliefLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Sonja Smets and Aybüke Özgün -
28 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Frank Wildenburg
Title: Investigations into Semantic Underspecification in Language ModelsLocation: Room L0.12, Science Park 900, AmsterdamSupervisor: Sandro Pezzelle -
25 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Gianluca Michelli
Title: Intentions behind metaphor useLocation: OnlineSupervisor: Katia Shutova and Xiaoyu Tong -
25 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Kirill Kopnev
Title: Dynamic logics of polyhedra and their application in 3D modellingLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineSupervisor: Nick Bezhanishvili and Vincenzo Ciancia -
25 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Elias Bronner
Title: Unrestricted Fusion and Unrestricted Quantification: Mereological Essentialism and the UniverseLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineSupervisor: Thomas Schindler -
24 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Katia Parshina
Title: Intuition and Insightfulness in AI-assisted ProofsLocation: OnlineSupervisor: Luca Incurvati -
24 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Isabella Cissell
Title: The Pretense View of FictionLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Paul Dekker -
24 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Annica Vieser
Title: Frameworks for Intuitionistic MegethologyLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineSupervisor: Jeroen Smid and Arianna Betti -
22 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Borja Sierra Miranda
Title: Sigma_1-Provability Logic of Subsystems of Heyting ArithmeticLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineSupervisor: Bahareh Afshari and Albert Visser -
21 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Dominique Danco
Title: How Many Oracle Calls Does It Take to Locate a Lightbulb?Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Malvin Gattinger and Luca Corolli -
21 August 2023, Master of Logic defense, Simon Lemal
Title: Hereditary structural completeness of weakly transitive modal logicsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam / onlineSupervisor: Nick Bezhanishvili and Tommaso Moraschini -
14 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Tuva Bardal
Title: Size Approval Voting RulesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Ulle Endriss -
13 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Raúl Ruiz Mora
Title: Team semantics for modal mu-calculusLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Bahareh Afshari -
13 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Hugh Mee Wong
Title: Assessing Language Model Robustness on Multiple-Choice TasksLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Elia Bruni -
12 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Jesse Comer
Title: Homomorphism Counts, Database Queries, and Modal LogicsLocation: OnlineSupervisor: Balder ten Cate -
12 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Jelle Bosscher
Title: Fine-tuning Natural Language models for End-to-End generation through Proximal Policy OptimizationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Raquel Fernández -
11 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Philemon Huising
Title: Multiwinner Voting with Priority CandidatesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Ulle Endriss -
10 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Iris Luden
Title: Beyond Perplexity: Definition Generation for Examining Temporal Generalization of Large Language ModelsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Raquel Fernández -
10 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Sabina Domínguez Parrado
Title: Metaphysical Multiversism: from Armchair to PracticeLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Luca Incurvati -
6 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Valentin Müller
Title: On the Proof Theory of Inquisitive LogicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Marianna Girlando -
6 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Marcus Briët
Title: The Arrow algebra: a more general structure of obtainig Realizability ToposesLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Benno van den Berg -
5 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Martijn Brehm
Title: Quantifying quantum walk search speedupsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Harry Buhrman -
4 July 2023, Master of Logic defense, Yunsong Wang
Title: General Frames of the Polymodal Provability LogicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Lev Beklemishev -
30 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Maurice Dekker
Title: Polyhedral semantics of modal logicLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Nick Bezhanishvili -
29 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Noortje ten Wolde
Title: The Nature of Quantum InformationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Sonja Smets -
29 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Evelina Lissoni
Title: Why logical pluralists should be anti-exceptionalistsLocation: OnlineSupervisor: Thomas Schindler -
23 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Cheng Liao
Title: Stable Canonical Rules and Their Application for Non-classical LogicsLocation: Room TBA, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Nick Bezhanishvili -
21 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Isa Kooiman
Title: The Sorites paradox and the Problem of the Many: The essential element underlying the two puzzles and how they are thereby intertwined with our ontologyLocation: Room TBA, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Robert van Rooij -
16 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Marleen Gaasbeek
Title: Polar questions in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT) and DutchLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Floris Roelofsen and Marloes Oomen -
12 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Patrick Weigert
Title: A Program Calculus for Dynamical SystemsLocation: OnlineSupervisor: Benno van den Berg/Levin Hornischer -
12 June 2023, Master of Logic defense, Storm Diephuis
Title: Effective Kan fibrations for simplicial groupoids, semisimplicial sets and Ex∞Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Benno van den Berg -
23 May 2023, PhD Defense, Dean McHugh
Title: Causation and Modality: models and meaningsLocation: Aula, Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229-231, AmsterdamSupervisor: Katrin SchulzPromotor: Sonja SmetsThis thesis aims to answer two questions about causal claims (such as sentences containing cause or because). Firstly, the modelling question: what kind of information do we use when we judge that a causal claim holds? Secondly, the meaning question: under what conditions do we judge that a causal claim is true?
For more information, see or contact Dean McHugh at d.m.mchugh at -
15 May 2023, PhD Defense, Robert Paßmann
Title: Logical Structure of Constructive Set TheoriesLocation: Aula, Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Benedikt LöweCopromotor: Rosalie IemhoffFor more information, see or contact Robert Paßmann at r.passmann at -
24 April 2023, PhD Defense, Samira Abnar
Title: Inductive Biases For Learning Natural LanguageLocation: Aula, Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamSupervisor: Jelle ZuidemaPromotor: Jelle ZuidemaCopromotor: Wilker AzizSamira's dissertation studies LSTMs, Transformers and other deep language models, inductive biases that facilitate learning, and connections with the cognitive (neuro)science of language.
For more information, see or contact Jelle Zuidema at zuidema at -
20 April 2023, Master of Logic defense, Dorin Neagoe
Title: Confirmation Holism, Communication and Conceptual AlignmentLocation: Online (closed session)Supervisor: Martin Stokhof -
20 April 2023, Master of Logic defense, Chris Scholz
Title: Imaginability as Representability: A Wittgensteinian Approach to AphantasiaLocation: ILLC seminar room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Martin Stokhof -
14 April 2023, Master of Logic Defense, Patrik Sestic
Title: Unique Characterisability of Linear Temporal LogicLocation: Room L1.17, Lab42, Science Park 900, AmsterdamSupervisor: Balder ten CateMentor: Dick de Jongh -
24 February 2023, Master of Logic defense, Gerson Foks
Title: Towards Efficient Minimum Bayes Risk DecodingLocation: Room L2.06, Lab 42, Science Park 100, AmsterdamSupervisor: Wilker Ferreira Aziz and Bryan Eikema -
22 February 2023, Master of Logic defense, Alex Keizer
Title: Implementing a definitional (co)datatype package in Lean 4, based on quotients of polynomial functorsLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Jasmin Blanchette and Benno van den Berg -
9 February 2023, Master of Logic defense, Andrew Fish
Title: Extensional Realism: Interesting and Uninteresting TruthsLocation: Room L3.35, Lab 42, Science Park 100, AmsterdamSupervisor: Sebastian De Haro Ollé -
3 February 2023, Master of Logic defense, Paul Stoeckle
Title: An Event Calculus based approach to Kant's Cognitive ArchitectureLocation: Online (closed session)Supervisor: Michiel van Lambalgen -
3 February 2023, Master of Logic defense, Nathan Malik
Title: Morphology and Compositional InterpretationLocation: Room L3.35, Lab 42, Science Park 100, AmsterdamSupervisor: Maria Aloni and Tom Roberts -
23 January 2023, Master of Logic defense, Bo Flachs
Title: Neglect-Zero Effects on Indicative Conditionals: Extending BSML and BiUS with an implicationLocation: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, AmsterdamSupervisor: Maria Aloni
Projects and Awards
Enrico Cinti and his co-authors receive the 5th Graduate Student Essay Prize
The European Philosophy of Science Association awarded Enrico Cinti and his co-author the 5th Graduate Student Essay Prize for their article "On entanglement as a relation" during their biennial conference in Belegrade. This prize is awarded for the most engaging paper published in EJPS by a graduate student at the time of submission. The article is available here.
For more information, see or contact Enrico Cinti at e.cinti at -
Aybüke Özgün member of Amsterdam Young Academy
Aybüke Özgün joined the Amsterdam Young Academy (AYA). Amsterdam Young Academy is an independent platform where talented young scientists from different disciplines meet to develop views on science, scientific policy and how to build bridges between science and society in Amsterdam. It is an initiative of the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universtiteit.
Aybüke Özgün specializes in logic and formal epistemology. Before her current appointment, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the Logic of Conceivability project at the ILLC, UvA and the Arché Research Center at the University of st. Andrews.
For more information, see or contact Aybüke Özgün at a.ozgun at -
Tobias Kappé and his coauthors receive a Distinguished Paper Award at OOPSLA 2023
The OOPSLA 2023 paper Formal Abstractions for Packet Scheduling (Anshuman Mohan, Yunhe Liu, Nate Foster, Tobias Kappé, and Dexter Kozen) has received a Distinguished Paper Award.
This award recognizes the best papers presented at the conference each year. This year, ten articles were selected as distinguished papers (out of 111 accepted papers).
Balder ten Cate and his co-authors receive the IJCAI 2023 Distinguished Paper Award
The paper IJCAI 2023 paper SAT-Based PAC Learning of Description Logic Concepts (Balder ten Cate, Maurice Funk, Jean Ch. Jung, and Carsten Lutz) has received the IJCAI'23 Distinguished Paper Prize.
The IJCAI distinguished paper awards recognise the best papers presented at the conference each year. This year, three articles were selected as distinguished papers (out of 600+ accepted papers).
For more information, see or contact Balder ten Cate at b.d.tencate at -
Lide Grotenhuis and Lukas Zenger awarded Best Junior Researcher Paper at Tableaux 2023
Lide Grotenhuis (ILLC) and Lukas Zenger (University of Bern, previously ILLC) won the Best Junior Researcher Paper Award at the 32nd International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods for the paper “Ill-founded Proof Systems For Intuitionistic Linear-time Temporal Logic” co-authored with Bahareh Afshari and Graham Leigh. Many congratulations to Lide and Lukas.
For more information, see -
Marie Christin Schmidtlein and Ulle Endriss Runner-up for Best Paper Award at AAMAS-2023
We are delighted to announce that a paper on computational social choice authored by Marie Christin Schmidtlein and Ulle Endriss was selected as the runner-up for the Best Paper Award at the 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), which took place in London in early June. AAMAS is the leading conference in the area of multiagent systems and this year attracted over 1,000 paper submissions. The paper is based on Marie's MSc Logic thesis, defended at the ILLC in June 2022. It develops a new approach to collective decision making from first principles. You can read it at
For more information, contact Ulle Endriss at ulle.endriss at -
The 2023 Gödel Prize awarded to Ronald de Wolf et al.
The 2023 Gödel Prize is awarded to the paper by Samuel Fiorini, Serge Massar, Sebastian Pokutta, Hans Raj Tiwary and Ronald de Wolf: Exponential Lower Bounds for Polytopes in Combinatorial Optimization. STOC 2012: 95-106. J. ACM, 62(2), 17:1-17:23 (2015).
Linear Programming and polyhedral methods form the backbone of combinatorial optimization. Associating a polytope to a discrete optimization problem, and characterizing its structure, has long furnished important insights in combinatorics and algorithm design. A basic question is whether the polytopes for classical problems such as traveling salesman and matching admit a small description. Resolving a long-standing question, Fiorini, Massar, Pokutta, Tiwary and de Wolf made ingenious use of techniques from communication complexity (following a framework pioneered by Yannakakis) to show that any extended formulation for the TSP polytope has exponential size.
For more information, see or contact Ronald de Wolf at rdewolf at -
Gregor Behnke is awarded an Open Competition Domain Science - M grant
We are pleased to announce that Gregor Behnke has been awarded an Open Competition Domain Science - M grant. This grant will provide funding for one PhD position.
For more information, see or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at -
Benedikt Löwe elected to membership of Academia Europaea
Benedikt Löwe was elected as a member of the Academia Europaea in the Class Humanities, Section Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies.
The object of Academia Europaea is the advancement and propagation of excellence in scholarship in all academic disciplines, in particular, to promote European research, advise governments and international organisations in scientific matters, and further interdisciplinary and international research. The Academy elects scientists and scholars of international distinction to recognise their sustained academic excellence.
For more information, see or contact Benedikt Löwe at bloewe at -
Sonja Smets appointed to the National Organisation of Scientific Integrity
We are pleased to announce that Sonja Smets has been appointed to the National Organisation of Scientific Integrity (LOWI).
LOWI is an independent advisory body in the complaints procedure for possible violations of research integrity.
For more information, see or contact Sonja Smets at s.j.l.smets at -
Rens Bod appointed KNAW member
We are happy to announce that Rens Bod has been selected as new member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
For more information, see or contact Rens Bod at L.W.M.Bod at -
ACM PODS'23 best paper award
The Best Paper Award of 42nd ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) goes to B. ten Cate, V. Dalmau, M. Funk, and C. Lutz (2023). Extremal Fitting Problems for Conjunctive Queries.
For more information, see or contact Balder ten Cate at b.d.tencate at -
Benedikt Löwe appointed to the advisory board of the UK Academy of the Mathematical Sciences
The mathematical community in the United Kingdom is represented by a number of separate learned societies; in 2018, the creation of an Academy of the Mathematical Sciences speaking for the entire discipline with one voice was recommended by an external review.
In 2022, a proto-academy was created with the intent to launch the Academy in 2025. Benedikt Löwe was appointed to serve on the proto-academy's Advisory Board.
For more information, see or contact Benedikt Löwe at bloewe at -
Sanne Vergouwen awarded Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize for MSc thesis
Sanne Vergouwen has been awarded the prestigious Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize for her MSc thesis on Emergent Solitons and the Philosophy of Non-Perturbative Quantum Field Theory.
For more information, see here or at or contact Sebastian De Haro at s.deharo at
Funding, Grants and Competitions
Call Computing Time on National Computer Facilities 2023
Deadline: Sunday 31 December 2023Through the call for proposals Computing Time on National Computer Facilities 2023, researchers and research groups can gain access to computing time and associated data services and expertise on the national advanced computer systems Snellius supercomputer, Data Processing (Grid/Spider), Custom Cloud Solutions and/or HPC Cloud.For more information, see or contact rekentijd at -
NGF AiNed Fellowship Grants
Deadline: Sunday 31 December 2023The aim of the NGF AiNed Fellowship Grants programme is to attract AI talent, in view of the international competition for AI talent. This programme is intended for Dutch academic research organisations that, in line with their strategy, want to invest in attracting AI talent for the position of (tenure track) assistant professor, associate professor or full professor. This programme enables research organisations to offer this AI talent a more attractive starting package.
For more information, see or contact Solveig van der Vegt at NGF-AiNedFellowship at -
NWO Open Access Books
Deadline: Sunday 31 December 2023Project leaders or co-applicants of awarded NWO research projects can apply for funding of the costs of Open Access publishing of academic books that result from NWO funding. This instrument has a short lead time (maximum 6 weeks) and the procedure is relatively simple.
It is possible to submit an application up to 5 years after the completion of the project. Applications may be submitted at any time. There are no deadlines. Applications can be submitted as soon as there is a publishing contract between the author(s) and the publisher, the manuscript has passed the peer-review process and the manuscript is ready to be put into production by the publisher.
Applications for books that have already been published will not be accepted.
For more information, see or contact open-access at -
NWO NGF AiNed Fellowship Grants
Deadline: Friday 15 December 2023The aim of the NGF AiNed Fellowship Grants programme is to attract AI talent, in view of the international competition for AI talent. This programme is intended for Dutch academic research organisations that, in line with their strategy, want to invest in attracting AI talent for the position of (tenure track) assistant professor, associate professor or full professor. This programme enables research organisations to offer this AI talent a more attractive starting package.
For more information, see or contact NGF-AiNedFellowship at -
ERC Consolidator Grant
Deadline: Tuesday 12 December 2023Are you a scientist who wants to consolidate your independence by establishing a research team and continuing to develop a success career in Europe? The ERC Consolidator Grant could be for you. You can also apply if you have recently created an independent, excellent research team and want to strengthen it.
For more information, see -
Fulbright Foreign Student Program
Deadline: Friday 1 December 2023The Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States at U.S. universities or other academic institutions. Dutch researchers can apply for a Fulbright scholarship through the Fulbright Commission.
For more information, see or contact info at -
Helmut Veith Stipend for Female Master’s Students in Computer Science
Deadline: Thursday 30 November 2023The VCLA invites applications for the Helmut Veith Stipend. The Helmut Veith Stipend is awarded annually to exceptionally talented and motivated female students in the field of computer science who pursue (or plan to pursue) one of the master's programs in Computer Science at TU Wien taught in English and have (or have the interest to develop) a solid mathematical and technical background in at least one of the areas in which Austrian scientist Helmut Veith worked.
Students who are awarded the Helmut Veith Stipend receive:
- EUR 6000 annually for a duration of up to two years.
- Waiver of all tuition fees at TU Wien.For more information, see or contact VCLA at master at -
NWO Rubicon 2023-3
Deadline: Tuesday 28 November 2023Rubicon aims to encourage talented researchers who recently received their PhD to spend some time at a foreign research institute to further their scientific career. Postgraduates who are currently engaged in doctoral research or who have been awarded a doctorate in the twelve months preceding the relevant deadline can submit a proposal.
For more information, see or contact rubicon at -
Nederlandse Prijs voor ICT-onderzoek
Deadline: Wednesday 15 November 2023De jaarlijkse Nederlandse Prijs voor ICT-onderzoek is bestemd voor een wetenschappelijk onderzoeker die op 1 januari van het jaar van de prijs niet langer dan 15 jaar na zijn/haar promotie werkzaam is, volgens de dan geldende officiële Europese regels van de European Research Council voor compensatie, en die vernieuwend onderzoek op zijn/haar naam heeft staan of die verantwoordelijk is voor een wetenschappelijke doorbraak in de ICT, en is bedoeld als eerbetoon aan zijn/haar persoon en als promotie van het vakgebied ICT.
For more information, see or contact Saskia van Manen at secretaris at -
Didactic Innovation grant, Responsible AI grant
Deadline: Friday 10 November 2023Don't wait any longer! You can still apply for a UvA TLC Education grant until 10 November. As an educator, do you want to improve education by innovating with didactics? Please apply now for the TLC Didactic Innovation grant and experiment with your improvement idea. Do you want to experiment and ethically integrate GenAI applications in your teaching? Then choose the Responsible AI grant. Bring your innovative teaching idea to life!
Call for nominations: 2023 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award
Deadline: Tuesday 31 October 2023IFAAMAS, the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, is pleased to announce the call for the 2023 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award. The award is named after Professor Victor Lesser, a long-standing member of the AAMAS community who has supervised a large number of outstanding PhD students in the area. It is awarded for dissertations written as part of a PhD, defended in the specified period, and nominated by the supervisor (with supporting references), which show originality, significance and impact, and are supported by high quality publications.
Nominations are invited for the award which is sponsored by IFAAMAS and will be presented at AAMAS-2024. Eligible doctoral dissertations are those defended between October 1, 2022 and September 30, 2023 (both endpoints included) in the area of Autonomous Agents or Multiagent Systems. The award includes a certificate and a 1500 EUR payment. Every submitted dissertation must be nominated by the thesis supervisor.
For more information, see here or contact Svetlana Obraztsova at svetlanaobraztsova at -
FGW RIS Fund 2023-I
Deadline: Monday 30 October 2023The UvA Faculty of Humanities offers the Research Innovation and Sustainability (RIS) Fund that aims at supporting staff with research time in their career development and expanding their opportunities to conduct research. Through the RIS Fund staff can apply for a temporary increase of research time in order to have more time to write grant applications, or to finish one or more (substantial, strategic) publications so as to strengthen their track record for an upcoming grant application.
For more information, see or contact subsidie-fgw at -
ERC Starting Grant
Deadline: Tuesday 24 October 2023Are you a talented early-career scientist who has already produced excellent supervised work, is ready to work independently and shows potential to be a research leader? The ERC Starting Grant could be for you.
For more information, see -
UvA FGw Finishing Fellowships 2024
Deadline: Sunday 15 October 2023Every year the Faculty of Humanities offers a number of Finishing Fellowships to PhD candidates who have succeeded in writing an advanced draft of their thesis without the support of structural funding. The fellowships aim to enable self-funded PhD candidates to concentrate exclusively on the completion of their thesis in their last year.For more information, see or contact Dr. Eloe Kingma at aihr-fgw at -
Small grants Evert Willem Beth Foundation
Deadline: Thursday 12 October 2023Researchers may apply for a grant between EUR 2,000 and EUR 6,000 to cover expenses associated with research, study trips, translation or the organization of scientific meetings. Applications for a grant must concern research focused on modern logic, philosophy of science, history of logic, history of the philosophy of science or scientific philosophy in general.
For more information, see or contact wetenschapsfondsen at -
NWO Veni
Deadline: Saturday 30 September 2023Veni is part of the NWO Talent Programme. It allows researchers who have recently obtained their PhD to conduct independent research and develop their ideas for a period of three years.
To apply, you are required to submit a pre-proposal, the deadline for which is 5 September 2023 14:00. The deadline for submitting the full proposal afterwards is 30 January 2024 14:00.
For more information, see or contact enw-veni at -
KB Researcher-in-Residence 2024
Deadline: Friday 29 September 2023Are you an early career data scientist, social scientist, computer scientist, humanities scholar, or more simply put, a researcher working with or interested in our digital collections, such as the web archive, 130 million pages of digitised text or ground-truth sets? Then we’re looking for you!For more information, see or contact dh at -
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoc Fellowship
Deadline: Wednesday 13 September 2023The goal of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality. The scheme also encourages researchers to work on research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector and is open to researchers wishing to reintegrate in Europe, to those who are displaced by conflict, as well as to researchers with high potential who are seeking to restart their careers in research.
NWO Vici
Deadline: Tuesday 12 September 2023The NWO Talent Programme Vici is a grant for senior researchers who have demonstrated an ability to develop their own line of research. The Vici target group consists of researchers at the stage of consolidation and further development of their leadership/research group. The goal of the Vici grant is to contribute to the researcher's development in this area.
Closing date for pre-registration: 14 March 2023 14:00 hrs.
For more information, see or contact enw-vici at -
QAL Open Call for Quantum Application Development
Deadline: Friday 1 September 2023QAL invites researchers who want to explore the use of quantum computers for their scientific use cases to apply for in-kind contributions from QAL members!
At QAL we are interested in supporting the development of use cases and applications in different fields. We want to understand: how could quantum computers benefit an application? What type of algorithms can we use? What are the requirements and bottlenecks of implementing and executing these use cases? In order to explore these questions, we are looking to further engage with academic use cases and learn together what quantum computing can do for us!
For more information, see or contact info at -
NWO Rubicon 2023-2
Deadline: Tuesday 29 August 2023Rubicon aims to encourage talented researchers who recently received their PhD to spend some time at research institutes outside of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to further their scientific career.
For more information, see or contact rubicon at -
Call for Nominations: Ackermann Award 2023
Deadline: Saturday 1 July 2023The Ackermann Award is the EACSL Outstanding Dissertation Award for Logic in Computer Science. Nominations are now invited for the 2023 Ackermann Award. PhD dissertations in topics specified by the CSL and LICS conferences, which were formally accepted as PhD theses at a university or equivalent institution between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022 are eligible for nomination for the award.
The award consists of a certificate, an invitation to present the thesis at the CSL conference, the publication of the laudatio in the CSL proceedings, an invitation to the winner to publish the thesis in the FoLLI subseries of Springer LNCS, and financial support to attend the conference.
For more information, see here or at or contact Maribel Fernandez at Maribel.Fernandez at -
UvA Diamond Open Access Fund
Deadline: Saturday 1 July 2023The UvA Open Access Fund supports ‘diamond open access’ initiatives: publication platforms and journals that do not charge for publication or reading. This year, it is once again possible for new, emerging or proven UvA diamond open access initiatives to apply for funding.
The UvA Diamond Open Access Fund has two funding routes. The new round of applications closes on 1 July 2023. This round concerns funding applications for Route 2: the launch of new or professionalization of existing UvA diamond initiatives. For each route, €50,000 is available annually.
For more information, see or contact Pascal Braak at p.braak at -
KIEM GoCI 2022-2023
Deadline: Friday 30 June 2023The innovation programme GoCI is an initiative by CLICKNL, the TKI of the top sector Creative Industry. KIEM GoCI is open to exploratory research in the field of the creative industry. University researchers and universities of applied sciences can apply in collaboration with SMEs and the public sector. Possible outcomes of projects are new research requests, network activities, prototypes, tests, (business) models, methods, methods, demonstrators, processes, product concepts and service concepts.
For more information, see or contact Jerry Verschuren at jerry.verschuren at -
AiNed XS Europe call
The AiNed Programme aims to strengthen the AI knowledge and innovation base in the Netherlands. An important aspect of this is the connectedness of Dutch researchers worldwide, and especially in Europe. The aim of the AiNed XS Europe Programme is therefore to stimulate European research cooperation with influential partner organizations in AI. Here, project proposals are eligible that address fundamental or applied groundbreaking AI research challenges in sections 3 and 4 of the national AI research agenda AIREA-NL.
For more information, see or contact info at -
Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2023
Deadline: Sunday 7 May 2023The Innovation Award is the Amsterdam competition for research based innovative ideas that contribute to a better world. It is open to ideas to all research disciplines and domains, no matter at what stage your idea is in. The innovation award will give you a kick-start in turning your idea into reality. Submit your idea and compete to win € 10,000!
For more information, see or contact info at -
NWO SSH Open Competition XS pilot – round 4
Deadline: Thursday 20 April 2023The NWO Domain Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) has three different funding programmes in the Open Competition. There are small-scale grants, large-scale grants, and grants for ideas that hold great promise. The SSH-XS grants are available for projects with a maximum budget of 50,000 euro to enable proposals for curiosity-driven, fundamental research in the research fields covered by the NWO SSH. This Call for proposals has four rounds. This information concerns the fourth round.
For more information, see or contact sgw-ocxs at -
Call for Nominations: VvL Master's Thesis Award 2023
Deadline: Friday 31 March 2023The Dutch Association for Logic and Philosophy of the Exact Sciences (VvL) is happy to announce the VvL Master's Thesis Award 2023.
Any Master's thesis from the calendar year 2022 with a topic in logic or in philosophy of the exact sciences written as part of a Master's program at a Dutch university is eligible to be nominated for the Award. A thesis is eligible if the corresponding Master's graduation date lies between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022. A thesis must be nominated by the supervisor(s). Submissions will be selected for the prize by the VvL Master’s thesis award committee based on their academic qualities. More than one prize may be awarded per edition.
We are looking forward to receiving many high-quality submissions on a broad range of topics within logic and philosophy of the exact sciences!
For more information, see -
NWO Rubicon 2023-1
Deadline: Tuesday 28 March 2023International research experience is often essential for building up one’s scientific career. Rubicon offers talented researchers who have completed their doctorates in the past year the chance to gain experience at a research institution outside the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as international research experience is likely to be an advantage at a later stage in the applicant’s academic career.For more information, see or contact rubicon at -
ESM Prize for Interdisciplinary Thesis
Deadline: Wednesday 15 March 2023The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMV) announces that, with effect from 2023, the Dr Elizabeth Schram-Mulley (ESM) Foundation will annually award a prize of €10,000 to reward research of a particularly interdisciplinary nature that bridges the boundaries between the classical alpha/science/grammar science fields
For more information, see or contact Saskia van Manen at secretaris at -
2023 call for the UvA Data Science Centre Accelerate Programme
Deadline: Friday 24 February 2023The Accelerate programme stimulates the hiring of data scientists and data engineers within faculties through the provision of matching funding. This funding helps support the costs of hiring a new or existing staff member in these roles.For more information, see or contact dsc at -
Open Competition XS
Deadline: Thursday 9 February 2023The NWO Domain Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) has three different funding programmes in the Open Competition. There are small-scale grants, large-scale grants, and grants for ideas that hold great promise. The SSH-XS grants are available for projects with a maximum budget of 50,000 euro to enable proposals for curiosity-driven, fundamental research in the research fields covered by the NWO SSH. This Call for proposals has four rounds. This information concerns the third round.For more information, see or contact Ninja Rijnks-Kleikamp at sgw-ocxs at -
Deadline: Tuesday 7 February 2023Take-off, the funding instrument available to all scientific fields, encourages activity and entrepreneurship within the Dutch knowledge institutions. With this instrument, academic entrepreneurs – but also starters from universities of applied sciences (HBO) and starters who are making use of knowledge from institutions for Applied Research Organisations (TO2) – can bring their innovative research results to the market. Take-off is one of the instruments for knowledge utilisation which NWO implements together with ZonMw (The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development).For more information, see or contact Daan Brocken at aanvragentake-off at -
Take-off phase 2
Deadline: Tuesday 7 February 2023Founders of a start-up company that have taken over or owned by Dutch
universities, recognized by NWO research institutes, recognized TO2 institutions and
Dutch universities of applied sciences, can take out a loan applications for a maximum of 250,000 euros. This can be done via Take-off phase 2, a program aimed at
stimulating and supporting activity and entrepreneurship from (applied) science.For more information, see or contact Daan Brocken at aanvragentake-off at -
ERC Consolidator Grant
Deadline: Thursday 2 February 2023Are you a scientist who wants to consolidate your independence by establishing a research team and continuing to develop a success career in Europe? The ERC Consolidator Grant could be for you. You can also apply if you have recently created an independent, excellent research team and want to strengthen it.
For more information, see -
Call for Nominations: S. Barry Cooper Prize 2023
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2023The S. Barry Cooper Prize is awarded to a researcher who has contributed to a broad understanding and foundational study of computability by outstanding results, by seminal and lasting theory building, by exceptional service to the research communities involved, or by a combination of these. This award is presented every two to three years, with the presentation taking place at the International Conference Computability in Europe (CiE). The Prize is named in honor of S. Barry Cooper, the founding President of the Association Computability, in recognition of his vision of the fundamental concept of computability that brought together several different research communities.
Nominations may be made by any member of the scientific community and any such member can be nominated. Nomination letters can have multiple signatories and should provide a motivation for awarding the prize to the nominee, precisely stating their outstanding results, their seminal and lasting theory building, and/or their exceptional service to the research communities involved.
For more information, see or contact Anuj Dawar at anuj.dawar at -
FGw Consortium Fund
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2023The FGw Consortium Fund supports research events aimed at network/consortium building and activities benefitting the submission of a grant application for research consortia.For more information, see or contact Simon Speksnijder at aihr-fgw at -
Call for Nominations Dov Gabbay Prize for Logic and Foundations
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2023The Dov Gabbay Prize for Logic and Foundations is an international research prize launched on the occasion of Professor Dov Gabbay's 77th birthday. This initiative is meant to honour the extraordinary and multi-faceted scientific and editorial work of Dov Gabbay, known in particular for his creation of dozens of specialized Logic Handbooks.
For more information, see or contact dgp at -
ETAPS Doctoral Dissertation Award
Deadline: Monday 16 January 2023The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software Association has established a Doctoral Dissertation Award to promote and recognize outstanding dissertations in the research areas covered by the four main ETAPS conferences (ESOP, FASE, FoSSaCS, and TACAS). Doctoral dissertations are evaluated with respect to originality, relevance, and impact to the field, as well as the degree of reproducibility (where this applies). The award winner will receive a monetary prize and will be recognized at the ETAPS Banquet.
Eligible for the award is any PhD student whose doctoral dissertation is in the scope of the ETAPS conferences and who completed their doctoral degree at a European academic institution in the period from January 1st, 2022 to December 31st, 2022. Award candidates should be nominated by their supervisor.
For more information, see or contact Caterina Urban at caterina.urban at -
Helmut Veith Stipend for Female Master’s Students in Computer Science
Deadline: Monday 16 January 2023The VCLA invites applications for the Helmut Veith Stipend. The Helmut Veith Stipend is awarded annually to exceptionally talented and motivated female students in the field of computer science who pursue (or plan to pursue) one of the master's programs in Computer Science at TU Wien taught in English and have (or have the interest to develop) a solid mathematical and technical background in at least one of the areas in which Austrian scientist Helmut Veith worked.
For more information, see or contact master at
Open Positions at ILLC
MacGillavry Fellowship, Assistant Professor Neuro-symbolic Integration for AI
Deadline: Thursday 30 November 2023We are seeking to hire a new colleague at the Assistant Professor level who will develop an ambitious new line of research in the area of neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence (AI), with particular emphasis on natural language processing or related fields. We look forward to applications from excellent female candidates whose research programme brings together approaches from symbolic reasoning, knowledge representation or cognitive modelling with the recent advances in machine learning. The ILLC is home to world-leading research groups in logic and formal semantics, machine learning and natural language processing. An ideal candidate for this position would strengthen the link between the current research in neural natural language processing, language technology and symbolic AI, conducted by these groups.
For more information, see here or at or contact Katia Shutova at e.shutova at -
MacGillavry Fellowship: Tenure Track Assistant Professor AI for Social Good
Deadline: Thursday 30 November 2023We are seeking to hire a new colleague at the Assistant Professor level who would like to develop an ambitious new line of research in the area of AI for Social Good. This new colleague will be making fundamental contributions to AI that are driven by some of the big societal questions of our time. Relevant domains of application include but are not limited to sustainability and climate change, digital democracy and the fair distribution of societal resources, public health and well-being, and quality education and accessibility. Developing such a line of research likely will require expertise not only in Computer Science and AI but also in a field concerned with understanding and modelling human behaviour at either the individual or the collective level, such as psychology, cognitive science, behavioural economics, or game theory.
For more information, see here or at or contact Peter van Ormondt at p.vanormondt at -
Postdoc in Sign Language Acquisition
Deadline: Tuesday 10 October 2023In this collaborative project between the University of Amsterdam and educational technology provider Prowise Learn, we will create a digital learning environment for Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT) and make it available to more than 300.000 children in the Netherlands, contributing to increased familiarity with NGT in Dutch society. This will also create a unique opportunity to investigate how children learn a visual language like NGT. Our digital learning environment will yield extensive language acquisition data, which will allow us to address fundamental questions in sign language linguistics and its acquisition. Thus, the project is expected to have substantial scientific and societal impact.
For more information, see here or at or contact Beyza Sümer at b.sumer at -
PhD Candidate in Data-Driven History and Philosophy of Science
Deadline: Friday 29 September 2023Are you looking for a challenging position in a dynamic setting? The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation currently has a vacant PhD position as part of the 'Open Competitie' Project Counting the Bees - A Data-Driven Investigation Into Early Modern British Thought, funded by NWO and led by principal investigator Arianna Betti at the Concepts in Motion lab. The ILLC is one of the five Research Schools within the Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research.
For more information, see here or at or contact Prof. Dr. Arianna Betti at a.betti at -
Onderzoeksassistent Ontwikkeling Online Lexicon voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek naar Gebarentaal
Deadline: Friday 8 September 2023Samen met vier andere universiteiten wordt er door SignLab Amsterdam bij het Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation (ILLC) en het Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research (AIHR) gewerkt aan datasets voor onderzoek naar Nederlandse Gebarentaal. Een belangrijk doel is om het digitale wetenschappelijke NGT lexicon in Global Signbank verder uit te breiden. We zoeken meerdere onderzoeksassistenten die vloeiend zijn in NGT en die hieraan mee willen werken.
For more information, see here or at or contact Marloes Oomen at m.oomen2 at -
Technische Onderzoeksassistent voor Video/motion Capture Opnames van Gebarentaal
Deadline: Friday 8 September 2023Samen met vier andere universiteiten wordt er door SignLab Amsterdam bij het Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation (ILLC) en het Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research (AIHR) gewerkt aan datasets voor onderzoek naar Nederlandse Gebarentaal. Een belangrijk doel is om het digitale wetenschappelijke NGT lexicon in Global Signbank verder uit te breiden met video- en motion capture-opnames van gebaren in NGT. We zoeken één of twee technische onderzoeksassistenten die mee willen werken aan het maken en verwerken van deze opnames.
For more information, see here or at or contact Marloes Oomen at m.oomen2 at -
PhD in SAT-based Planning
Deadline: Friday 28 July 2023Are you interested in combining theoretical research with interesting algorithmic challenges? If so, AI planning could be the right PhD topic for you!For more information, see here or at or contact Gregor Behnke at g.behnke at -
Senior management-assistent
Deadline: Sunday 23 July 2023(Dutch only)
Het Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), een interdisciplinair onderzoeksinstituut van de Faculteiten FGw en FNWI, is op zoek naar een gedreven en enthousiaste professional om ons team van het bedrijfsbureau te versterken. Ben jij klaar voor een uitdagende positie waarin je kunt floreren in een unieke, interfacultaire en internationale omgeving? Als je goed kunt samenwerken en een passie hebt voor dynamiek, dan is deze positie wellicht perfect voor jou!For more information, see here or at or contact Peter van Ormondt at P.vanOrmondt at -
Postdoc in Logic and Cognition
Deadline: Wednesday 31 May 2023The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) currently has a vacant Postdoc researcher position as part of the Nothing is Logical (Nihil) project, led by dr. M.D. Aloni. The ILLC is a research institute at the UvA in which researchers from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Humanities collaborate.For more information, see here or at or contact Maria Aloni at M.D.Aloni at -
PhD in Philosophical Logic
Deadline: Monday 22 May 2023Are you looking for a challenging position in an interdisciplinary environment? The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) currently has a vacant 4-year PhD position in Philosophical Logic / Philosophy of Logic as part of the ERC funded project “Generalisation into sentence and predicate positions”, led by Dr. Thomas Schindler. The ILLC is a research institute at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in which researchers from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Humanities collaborate.For more information, see here or at or contact Dr. Thomas Schindler at t.schindler at -
PhD Position on Knowledge-Driven Learning for Explainable AI in Fraud Detection
Deadline: Sunday 21 May 2023We have a PhD position in ILLC on combining formal reasoning and machine learning for Explainable AI in Fraud detection, supervised by Erman Acar (Official title: "Knowledge-Driven Learning for XAI in Fraud Detection”). More specifically, the goal is to develop a novel neuro-symbolic framework that mainly combines the strengths of both the data-driven approaches (which comes with adaptability, autonomy, and good qualitative performance) and the knowledge-driven approaches (which comes with interpretability, maintainability, and well-understood computational characteristics) to provide explanations for experts in terms of relevant features and the structures in-between.
For more information, see here or at or contact Erman Acar at e.acar at -
PhD position on NLP and IR on legal and financial textual documents.
Deadline: Sunday 21 May 2023There is ILLC PhD position on natural language processing and information retrieval applied to legal and financial textual documents. In the Artificial Intelligence for Due-diligence Analysis (AIDA) project, we aim to develop IR and NLP technology for e-discovery and due diligence analysis, and to support legal professionals searching for very specific information in huge sets of disclosed documents. Any strong NLP and/or IR candidate is encouraged to apply for this PhD position!
This opening is part of the new AI for FinTech lab hiring 7 new PhD's. You may also want to look at the ILLC project on Knowledge-Driven Learning for XAI in Fraud Detection.
For more information, see here or at or contact Jaap Kamps at kamps at -
PhD Position in Low-Resource NLP
Deadline: Monday 15 May 2023Do you get excited by the prospect of scientific exploration? Are you seeking a PhD position at the crossroads of Language Technology and Machine Learning? If you imagine yourself conducting cutting-edge research in AI, in an interdisciplinary and international environment, then you should apply for this position.For more information, see here or at or contact Prof. Khalil Sima`an at k.simaan at -
Scientific Programmer Motion Capture and Animation
Deadline: Monday 15 May 2023Are you an enthusiastic and skilled software developer with an interest in motion capture and XR technology and are you looking for an opportunity to interact with scientists to enable exciting new applications? Then you might be a great addition to our teamFor more information, see here or at or contact Floris Roelofsen at F.Roelofsen at -
Deadline: Friday 12 May 2023Het Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) zoekt een nieuwe management-/office assistent om het team van het bedrijfsbureau te versterken. Kan jij goed in teamverband werken? Hou jij van een dynamische omgeving in een uniek interfacultair, internationaal georiënteerd instituut? Binnen een interdisciplinair onderzoeksinstituut van de Faculteiten FGw en FNWI? Dan is deze positie misschien geschikt voor jou!
For more information, see here or at or contact Peter van Ormondt at P.vanOrmondt at -
Postdoctoral Researcher in Machine Learning with NLP and Computer Vision
Deadline: Monday 1 May 2023Are you passionate about machine learning, natural language processing, or computer vision? We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join the research group led by Ivan Titov (, part of the natural language processing group of the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC).
For more information, see here or at or contact Dr. Ivan Titov at titov at -
PhD in Machine Learning with NLP and Computer Vision
Deadline: Monday 1 May 2023Are you passionate about machine learning, natural language processing, or computer vision? We are seeking a Ph.D. candidate to join the research group led by Ivan Titov (, part of the natural language processing group at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC).For more information, see here or at or contact Dr. Ivan Titov at titov at -
PhD on Safety in Conversational AI
Deadline: Wednesday 12 April 2023Are you looking for a PhD position where you can contribute to making conversational agents safer? If you are excited about doing this kind of research within a diverse team, then you may want to join us. We are looking for a PhD candidate with knowledge of Natural Language Processing to join the Dialogue Modelling Group led by Raquel Fernández at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam. If you are passionate about doing research that leads to AI systems that are useful for society, we would be happy to have you on board.For more information, see here or at or contact Prof. Raquel Fernández at raquel.fernandez at -
Postdoctoral Researcher Computational Argumentation and Information Quality
Deadline: Friday 7 April 2023Are you interested in computational argumentation and reasoning? Do you have experience with working with formal approaches to the study of argumentation and information quality?
The Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation (ILLC) currently has a vacancy for a postdoctoral research position as part of the broader field Human(e) AI. Within this field the focus is on data and platforms for social, cultural and economic innovation. ILLC is one of the five Research Schools within the Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research.
For more information, see here or at or contact dr. Federica Russo at f.russo at -
PhD in Theoretical Computer Science
Deadline: Thursday 9 March 2023Do you enjoy working in an interdisciplinary research setting on intellectually challenging questions? The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) is looking for an ambitious PhD candidate for the research unit Theoretical Computer Science (
For more information, see here or at or contact Ronald de Haan at r.dehaan at -
Assistant Professor in AI and Digital Culture
Deadline: Sunday 5 March 2023In the context of the sector plan for the Humanities titled ‘Tradition in transition’, the faculty currently has a vacant Assistant Professor position as part of the research theme Humane AI. Within this research theme the focus is on data and platforms for social, cultural and economic innovation.For more information, see here or at or contact Prof. Misha Kavka at m.kavka at -
Assistant Professor in Computational Methods for Digital Journalism
Deadline: Sunday 5 March 2023You will provide education in a dynamic context with ample opportunities for the development of innovative teaching methods. Your research will be part of the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, one of the five research schools of the Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research.
You will join the New Media & Digital Culture team in the Department of Media Studies. New Media & Digital Culture specialises in research strategies for developing critical media theory as well as digital research methods. Its emphasis is on internet studies.
For more information, see here or at or contact Prof. Misha Kavka at m.kavka at -
Opleidingscoördinator Master of Logic en PhD Programma (0,5fte)
Deadline: Friday 3 March 2023Heb jij ervaring met het ondersteunen van het onderwijs op de universiteit? Ben jij een organisatorisch talent, een echte multitasker die tegelijkertijd het overzicht bewaart? Heb je een ondersteunende instelling en vind je het leuk om binnen de dynamiek van een interdisciplinair onderzoeksinstituut te werken? En trekt werken binnen een complexe organisatie je aan?
Het Institute for Logic, Language and Computation is op zoek naar een coördinator van haar Master en PhD Programma.
In deze veelzijdige functie coördineer je een van de meest gewaardeerde masteropleidingen van Nederland, en een van de weinige logicaopleidingen ter wereld. Voor beide programma’s heb je te maken met studenten, promovendi, docenten, begeleiders en ondersteunende staf en fungeer jij als vraagbaak voor deze medewerkers.
For more information, see here or at or contact Peter van Ormondt at p.vanormondt at -
Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Logic and Language
Deadline: Thursday 2 March 2023We are looking for a strong candidate in philosophy of logic and language with a proven track-record of expertise in formal semantics and a broad background in philosophy. A successful candidate is expected to be able to offer teaching in philosophy of language, philosophy of logic, and theoretical philosophy.For more information, see here or at or contact Prof. Arianna Betti at a.betti at -
Assistant Professor in the Philosophy of AI
Deadline: Thursday 2 March 2023Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently become very successful and has made a huge impact in our lives. However, this success has an important downside as well: the novel machine-learning methods on which this success depends behave (for us) like a black box. The reason behind the predictions and decisions made by AI-products are rarely well-understood, not even by experts. Worse, such predictions and decisions are well-known to be biased as well. All of this leads to unwelcome consequences, typically to the disadvantage of members of underrepresented social groups. For this reason and more, we are looking for a colleague who can reflect upon these recent developments in AI and teach on its philosophical foundations.For more information, see here or at or contact prof. A. Betti at a.betti at -
Assistant Professor Virtual Simulation of Human Conversational Behavior
Deadline: Wednesday 15 February 2023Research on human communication has mostly focused on text and speech. In face-to-face communication, however, gestures, facial expressions, eye gaze, and body postures also play an essential role. This is especially true in sign languages, which are entirely non-vocal in nature. But in spoken languages, too, gestures and facial expressions play an important role.For more information, see here or at or contact Floris Roelofsen at F.Roelofsen at -
PhD Position in Explainable AI in Finance
Deadline: Wednesday 15 February 2023Are you interested in doing a PhD in Explainable AI (XAI) with applications on financial services? Do you want to make a substantial scientific contribution to field of algorithmic fairness while being part of the University of Amsterdam’s new AI4Fintech hub?
At the Socially Intelligent Artificial Systems (SIAS) group of the Informatics Institute (IvI), and the Cognition, Language and Computation (CLC) lab of the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), we are interested in both advancing fundamental AI research and developing novel solutions for concrete problems from the Fintech Industry; targeting, in particular, explainability and fairness. As a part of this research, we are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate, with a strong computational background and curiosity and passion for scientific research, to be part of these groups, and to help us push the boundary of explainability and fairness in algorithmic decision making, together with the Fintech industry.
We offer a temporary contract for 38 hours per week for the duration of 4 years (the initial contract will be for a period of 18 months and after satisfactory evaluation it will be extended for a total duration of 4 years). The preferred starting date is March 2023. Your work should lead to a dissertation (PhD thesis). We will draft an educational plan that includes attendance of courses and (international) meetings. We also expect you to assist in teaching undergraduates and master students.
For more information, see here or at or contact Erman Acar at e.acar at -
Scientific Programmer
Deadline: Friday 10 February 2023Are you an enthusiastic and creative software developer who cares about user experience, and are you looking for an opportunity to interact directly with scientists trying to make their research accessible to the general public? Then you might be a great addition to our team!For more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at u.endriss at -
PhD in Quantum-Safe Cryptography
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2023Do you enjoy working in an interdisciplinary research setting on intellectually challenging and societally relevant questions? The Informatics Institute is looking for an ambitious PhD candidate. Your research is part of the NWO-funded research project ‘Quantum Impact on Societal Security’.
As the potential risks and consequences of cybersecurity breaches of existing cryptography by future quantum computers would be devastating, there is an urgent need to prepare for a transition to quantum-safe cryptography (QSC). Addressing the many complexities of this transition requires a multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists, financial and governmental institutions, and civil society groups. The ‘Quantum Impact on Societal Security’ (QISS) consortium will analyse the technical, ethical, legal and societal impact of this upcoming society-wide transition. QISS’s objective is to contribute to the creation of a Dutch ecosystem where quantum-safe cryptography can thrive, and mobilize this ecosystem to align technological applications with ethical, legal, and social values.
For more information, see here or at or contact Christian Schaffner at c.schaffner at -
Two Assistant Professors in Mathematical and Computational Logic
Deadline: Sunday 22 January 2023Are you working at the forefront of mathematical and computational logic and are you passionate about research and teaching in this field? Are you looking forward to take the next step in your career and are you excited about joining a renowned interdisciplinary research institute with a strong international orientation?
The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is seeking to hire two new faculty members in this area. These appointments are envisaged at the assistant professor level, but, in the case of an exceptionally strong candidate, one of the appointments could be made at the associate professor level.
For more information, see here or at or contact Prof.dr. Yde Venema at y.venema at -
Assistant Professor in Computational Social Science
Deadline: Friday 20 January 2023Are you a passionate and committed teacher and researcher in computational social science who also is well-versed in cutting-edge methods in AI? Would you like to be involved in innovative computational social science teaching and research, working with leading researchers in an interdisciplinary academic environment?For more information, see here or at or contact Ulle Endriss at U.Endriss at -
Postdoc in Socio-political approach to GANs
Deadline: Tuesday 17 January 2023Are you looking for a challenging position in an interdisciplinary environment? The Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation currently has a vacant Postdoc researcher position as part of the HORIZON – SOLARIS project, led by main researcher Dr Federica Russo. ILLC is one of the five Research Schools within the Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research.
For more information, see here or at or contact Federica Russo at f.russo at -
Assistant Professor in Generative AI in the Arts
Deadline: Thursday 12 January 2023Generative AI in the past decade has changed the field of artistic creativity, making us ask new questions that are relevant not only for scientific research but also for musicians and artists of all kinds. With this position, we are seeking to broaden our profile with respect to AI-assisted music generation and how AI-generated art can be positioned within the humanities and cognitive science more generally.For more information, see here or at or contact dr. John Ashley Burgoyne at j.a.burgoyne at -
PhD Project Digitale Ondersteuning voor het Leren van Nederlandse Gebarentaal
Deadline: Thursday 12 January 2023Wist je dat de meeste dove kinderen horende ouders hebben die nog nooit in aanraking zijn geweest met gebarentaal op het moment dat hun kind geboren wordt? Wil jij bijdragen aan het ontwerpen, ontwikkelen en testen van nieuwe technologieën om deze ouders te ondersteunen bij het leren van gebarentaal, zodat zij beter met hun kinderen kunnen communiceren?
For more information, see here or at or contact Floris Roelofsen at F.ROELOFSEN at UVA.NL.
Open Positions, General
Professorship (m/f/x) in Explainable and Safe AI, Oldenburg (Germany)
Deadline: Sunday 31 December 2023The Department for Computing Science at the Universität Oldenburg School of Computing Science, Business Administration, Economics, and Law (School II) seeks applications for a Professorship (m/f/x) in Explainable and Safe AI (salary scale W2), commencing as soon as possible.
For more information, see -
1 Postdoc & 2 PhDs in Polynomial-time Computation:, Prague (Czech Republic)
Deadline: Friday 15 December 2023The ERC Synergy Grant POCOCOP (Polynomial-time computation: opening the black boxes in constraint problems) is offering 1 Postdoc and 2 PhD positions at Charles University, Prague. The goal of the project is to systematically explore polynomial-time tractability in the field of constraint satisfaction and its extensions, in particular promise CSPs, valued CSPs, and CSPs over infinite domains. The project is jointly led by three principal investigators: Manuel Bodirsky (TU Dres den), Michael Pinsker (TU Vienna), and Libor Barto (Charles University, Prague). Successful candidates will be based at Prague, but collaborate with the other two groups intensively.
PhD position in Logic and Legal Reasoning, Vienna (Austria)
Deadline: Thursday 30 November 2023The research group Theory and Logic, Institute of Logic and Computation of the Vienna University of Technology is seeking an exceptionally talented and motivated student for a PhD position.
The position is embedded in the LoDEx project (Logical Methods for Deontic Explanations), a joint project between TU Vienna (PI: Agata Ciabattoni), the University of Luxembourg (PI: Leon van der Torre), and the Ruhr-University Bochum (PI: Christian Straßer). The PhD position focuses on advancing and applying logical methods for explanations in legal reasoning.
This PhD position is a shared position with the University of Luxembourg: the candidate is expected to spend the first two years at TU Wien in Vienna and then two years in Luxembourg completing his/her PhD under a Cotutelle agreement in the Computational Law and Machine Ethics (CLAiM) group at the University of Luxembourg.
For more information, see or contact Agata Ciabattoni at agata at, or Réka Markovich at reka.markovich at -
PhD position in Deontic Logic, Bochum (Germany)
Location: Bochum, GermanyDeadline: Thursday 30 November 2023The research group Logic in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence (Christian Straßer, Ruhr-University Bochum) has an opening for a PhD-position embedded in the LoDEx project (Logical methods for Deontic Explanations), a joint project between the Ruhr-University Bochum (PI: Christian Straßer), the University of Luxembourg (PI: Leon van der Torre) and the TU Vienna (PI: Agata Ciabattoni). The call is for a 2 year (65%) position at the Ruhr-University Bochum, to be extended for another 2 years (years 3 and 4) at the University of Luxembourg under a Cotutelle agreement. Starting point: February 2024.
The PhD position focuses on the application of formal explanation methods to (bio)ethical reasoning. In the context of bioethics, deontic explanations answer why it is morally correct or justified to resolve a given case in a particular way. For this purpose, the candidate will combine methods from deontic logic, argumentation theory and philosophical conceptual analysis. They will develop and apply formal frameworks for (bio)ethical explanations. Formal argumentation provides a rich toolbox for representing and analyzing ethical conflicts in a transparent way that closely resembles human reasoning. By integrating dialogical contexts, it provides a natural framework for modeling deontic explanations that are optimized for understanding.
For more information, see or contact Christian Straßer at christian.strasser at -
Postdoc in computational linguistics with specialisation in language grounding to vision, robotics, and beyond, Gothenburg (Sweden)
Location: Gothenburg, SwedenDeadline: Tuesday 21 November 2023The broad focus of this position is computational modelling of language (computational linguistics, natural language processing or language technology) in the context of data from other modalities such as vision, perception and action from the perspective of human-centred AI. The topics relevant for this position are computational modelling of language and perception, human-robot interaction, situated spoken dialogue systems, and computational representation of meaning (semantics).
The work will be done within the Cognitive Systems group (lead by Simon Dobnik) which is one of the four research groups within The Centre for Linguistic Theory and Studies in Probability (CLASP) and is devoted to research and advanced training in the application of probabilistic modelling and machine learning methods to core issues in linguistic theory and cognition. The postdoctoral candidate will will have an opportunity further their scientific skills and advance the scientific filed by conducting research in collaboration with the research group by connecting ideas from several areas.
For more information, see or contact Sharid Loáiciga at sharid.loaiciga at -
Tenure-track positions in computer science, Prague (Czech Republic)
Deadline: Monday 20 November 2023The Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS) is opening two tenure track positions:
1. Tenure-track position with focus on Artificial Intelligence
2. Tenure-track position, general focusResearchers focusing on Logic in Computer Science (broadly construed) are very welcome to apply within the general call. Researchers focusing on Logic and Artificial Intelligence (broadly construed) are very welcome to apply within the AI-specific call as well. Interested candidates are invited to consult the webpages if the ICS CAS Logic Group and get in touch with us with informal inquiries.
For more information, see -
Postdoc on "Purity and Simplicity in Mathematical Proofs", Rome (Italy)
Deadline: Saturday 18 November 2023A one-year postdoc position is now open at the Dep. of Literary, Philosophical and Art History Studies, University of Rome Tor Vergata. The position is founded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research within the national project PUMa (Proof and Understanding in Mathematics) involving the Scuola Normale in Pisa, the IUSS in Pavia, and the universities of Torino and San Raffaele in Milan.
The postdoctoral researcher is expected to carry out his/her research in the fields of proof-theory and philosophy of mathematics. In particular, the focus shall be on Hilbert's 24th problem concerning the possibility to devise logico-mathematical criteria for determining the simplest, given two demonstrations of the same theorem. The problem of the "purity of methods" in mathematics - especially in connection with the one about the simplicity of proofs - can be also considered as a central issue. The research shall be led by examining both formalized and "ordinary", non-formalized, proofs as they occur in the mathematical practice.
Gross income: 25000 euros per year.
Web page for online applications (English version available):
For more information, contact Gabriele Pulcini at gabriele.pulcini at -
Full Professor in Foundations of Computer Science, Graz (Austria)
Deadline: Thursday 16 November 2023Graz University of Technology is looking for a candidate with proven scientific expertise who will represent the field of "Foundations of Computer Science" in research and teaching. Applications from any subfield of theory are welcome.
For more information, see or contact Robert Legenstein at robert.legenstein at, or professorship at -
Postdoc in Verification and Game Theory, Liverpool (UK)
Deadline: Friday 10 November 2023We have an opening for a postdoc position in the intersection of Game Theory, Automata/Logics and Computer-aided Formal Verification.
The position is funded through the upcoming EPSRC project "Games for Good" with Patrick Totzke, Sven Schewe and Qiyi Tang. This project aims to better understand the notion of good-for-games (GfG) and related restricted forms of non-determinism, especially for computational models with infinite state spaces. We will investigate new ways to restrict non-determinism that maintain high expressiveness while simultaneously allowing for efficient verification procedures. In particular, we plan to study stochastic variants of history-determinism, such as automata that are good-for-Markov chains / Markov Decision Processes, as well as stochastic resolvers and their memory requirements.
The position is for 3 years; the starting date is flexible but should be early in 2024.
For more information, see or contact totzke at -
PhD student position in situated autonomous systems, Gothenburg (Sweden)
Deadline: Saturday 4 November 2023A fully funded 5-year Ph.D. position in Computer Science and Engineering with the subject Space-Aware Synthesis of Situated Autonomous Systems is open at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Sweden. We are looking for excellent and motivated candidates. This is a joint call at our department with several projects and is limited to a maximum of 4 projects being funded in this round. The Ph.D. position advertised will be hosted by the Formal Methods (FM) research unit and supervised by Dr. Yehia Abd Alrahman.
The objective of the Ph.D. project is to develop novel methods and algorithms for automatic production of correct-by-design situated autonomous systems. That is, systems that live on autonomous machines (such as robots) and populate a shared physical space. Such machines can influence each other by merely moving/modifying the space. Situated Autonomous systems are expected to operate while co-existing with other machines and/or humans. Thus, there is a pressing demand to make them safe, reliable, and robust to sudden changes. Testing is very expensive and is shown to have low coverage in distributed settings. We will use Formal Methods instead, and more specifically Controller Synthesis as a design technique. Our goal is to extend existing synthesis techniques to permit native reasoning about time-space related design properties. The work in this project is on the intersection of computer science, control theory, and AI.
For more information, see or contact Dr. Yehia Abd Alrahman at yehiaa at -
Assistant/Associate Professor of Philosophy (Logic) (Stanford, USA)
Deadline: Wednesday 1 November 2023The Department of Philosophy at Stanford University seeks applicants for an appointment in Logic. This is an open-rank search; the appointment may be at the rank of Assistant Professor (on the tenure-track), Associate Professor (with tenure), or Full Professor. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in a related field by the time of employment and will be expected to teach and advise students at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. The term of appointment is expected to begin on September 1, 2024.
For more information, see or contact Linda Fagan at linda.fagan at -
Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Science, Boston (USA)
Location: Boston, USADeadline: Wednesday 1 November 2023As part of a cluster hire initiative, the Department of Philosophy at Boston University invites applications for a tenure track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor. AOS: philosophy of data, computing, and artificial intelligence, broadly construed, including but not limited to work on their ethical, social, and political implications, as well as their connections to logic and the formal sciences, epistemology, cognitive science, and/or the philosophy of mind and language. AOC: open.
Teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels; 2/2 load, semester-system. Ph.D. direction is expected; normal committee work is required. Qualifications required of all applicants include a PhD or equivalent degree; a strong record of research; a capacity for cross-disciplinary collaboration; and a commitment to innovative teaching.
For more information, see -
PhD position in Economics and Computation, University of Edinburgh (Scotland)
Deadline: Tuesday 31 October 2023Fully-funded PhD position in Economics and Computation at the School of Informatics of the University of Edinburgh. The position is for 3.5 years and the topic is in the general area of Economics and Computation, e.g., game theory, mechanism design, computational social choice, fair division, or computational complexity of these domains.
2 PostDocs (3y,2y) in LoDEx, deontic explanation and defeasible reasoning, Bochum (Germany)
Deadline: Tuesday 31 October 2023The research group Logic in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence
(Christian Straßer, Ruhr-University Bochum) has an opening for two
PostDoc-positions (3y and 2y). Deadline: 30. October 2023.
Position 1 (3y) is embedded in the LoDEx project (Logical methods for
Deontic Explanations), a joint project between the Ruhr-University
Bochum (PI: Christian Straßer), the University of Luxembourg (PI: Leon
van der Torre) and the TU Vienna (PI: Agata Ciabattoni).
Position 2 (2y) is funded by the Ruhr University Bochum.For more information, see here or at or contact Christian Straßer at christian.strasser at -
Scholarships for Master's programme in philosophy of mind & cognition, Taipeh (Taiwan)
Deadline: Monday 30 October 2023The Institute of Philosophy of Mind & Cognition (IPMC) at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) in Taipei, Taiwan, is inviting applications from international students for our Master’s program in Philosophy.
The IPMC is dedicated to studying cognition, whether in humans, other animals, or computers, using an interdisciplinary approach that draws from philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, neurolinguistics, and cognitive science. The institute offers two tracks for Master's students: the “analytic track”, which uses tools like conceptual analysis and reflective equilibrium, and the “empirical track”, which employs scientific methods from fields like psychology, sociology, education, and cognitive (neuro)science. Full and partial scholarships are available. Most classes at the IPMC are taught in English, and a mastery of Chinese is not required to study with us.
For more information, see or contact Bella Yang at phil at -
Research Assistantship in NLP with Quantum Technology, London (UK)
Deadline: Saturday 30 September 2023UCL's Department of Computer Science is looking for a 2-year research assistant/fellow in Natural Language Processing with Quantum Technology. The post will be within the Principles of Natural Language, Logic, and Statistics Research Lab of the UCL CS department. The post holder will have an exciting opportunity to work on the highly popular and timely areas of NLP and quantum computing, and in the design of a pipeline to use quantum technology to model natural language.
For more information, see or contact Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh at m.sadrzadeh at -
PhD opening in TCS and/or combinatorial optimization, Lund (Sweden)
Deadline: Monday 25 September 2023The Department of Computer Science at Lund University invites applications for a PhD position in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization.
The PhD student will be working in the Mathematical Insights into Algorithms for Optimization (MIAO) group headed by Jakob Nordström, which is active at both the University of Copenhagen and Lund University on either side of the Øresund Bridge. The MIAO research group has a unique profile in that we are doing cutting-edge research both on the mathematical foundations of efficient computation and on state-of-the-art practical algorithms for real-world problems. This leads to classical questions in computational complexity theory—though often with new, fascinating twists—but also involves work on devising clever algorithms that can exploit the power of such paradigms in practice.
This is a four-year full-time employed position, but PhD positions usually (though not necessarily) include 20% teaching, in which case they are prolonged for one more year. The starting date is negotiable, but should ideally be during the autumn of 2023 or in early 2024. All positions in the research group are fully funded, employed positions (including travel money) that come with an internationally competitive salary.
For more information, see or contact Jakob Nordstrom at jakob.nordstrom at -
PhD position on Knowledge Engineering for Smart Diagnostics
Deadline: Sunday 24 September 2023The Formal Methods and Tools (FMT) group at the University of Twente is looking for a highly motivated and talented PhD candidate to join the team working on diagnostic methods for malfunctions of cyber-physical systems. Designing systems such as MRI printers and scanners, for instance, is by no means easy and failures are often expensive and dangerous. To lower these costs, and increase system availability and reliability, more knowledge about these failures is needed: how do they arise and how to prevent and repair them?
You will be working on the ZORRO project: Engineering for Zero Downtime in Cyber-Physical Systems via Intelligent Diagnostics, led by Prof. Dr. Mariëlle Stoelinga. The project is a collaboration between the University of Twente, VU Amsterdam, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, TNO-ESI and five industrial partners. Two of the PhD positions in this project will be working at the FMT group, the other one on the topic of system engineering. You will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Mariëlle Stoelinga and Dr. Georgiana Caltais.
For more information, see or contact Georgiana Caltais at g.g.c.caltais at -
Associate Professorship in Fundamental Technology for CS, Nomi (Japan)
Deadline: Friday 15 September 2023The Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) has an open call for Associate Professor.
For more information, see -
PhD student position in Causal Analysis of Deep Neural Networks, Konstanz (Germany)
Deadline: Friday 15 September 2023The Chair for Software and Systems Engineering (Prof. Stefan Leue) of the University of Konstanz (Germany) has the opening of a full-time PhD Student Position (reference no. 2023/214). The start date is October 1st, 2023, or by mutual agreement. The position is initially available for three years with a possibility of extension.
The position is to support the research, teaching and administrative activities of the Chair for Software and Systems Engineering and in particular to contribute to achieving the scientific goals of the research project “SCADNet - Structural Causal Analysis of Deep Neural Networks”, which recently received funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
For more information, see or contact Stefan Leue at stefan.leue at -
Senior Lecturer in programming languages
Location: Konstanz, GermanyDeadline: Friday 15 September 2023The Department of Computer Science of the Univesity of Konstanz (Germany) has an opening for the position of a Senior Lecturer (with Tenure) in Programming Languages.
The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the research and teaching of the Department in Programming languages. Applicants should be internationally recognised and able to advance the state of the art in programming language research. With their teaching load of 13 weekly teaching hours, they will be expected to primarily teach introductory courses in our B.Sc. programme (e.g., concepts in programming languages, programming courses, and programming projects).
For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. Bastian Goldlücke at bastian.goldluecke at -
Two PhD student positions & one postdoctoral position in formal analysis of autonomous systems, Gothenburg (Sweden)
Deadline: Friday 1 September 2023The group for Safe and Trustworthy Autonomous Reasoning at Chalmers University has openings for two PhD positions and a PostDoc position in Formal Analysis of Autonomous Systems. We are looking for candidates interested in developing techniques and tools for the construction of provably-safe and -reliable learning-enabled autonomous systems.
Please pass this information on to potential candidates. It would be great if you could also share this information within your network. The announcements for the positions are linked below:
- -
PhD student position in evidence-based policy, Antwerp (Belgium)
Deadline: Thursday 31 August 2023The University of Antwerp (Belgium) is hiring a full-time (100%) doctoral scholarship holder (PhD student) in the field of philosophy of science to work on the following research project: "Defending the virtues of evidence-based policy". Starting date: 1 November 2023 (or as soon as possible after that date if necessary). Duration: 2 + 2 years.
Summary of the research project: Evidence-based policy (EBP) is based on the idea that policy makers should use evidence as the basis for their policy decisions, in the hope that the latter will work. EBP is highly important in present-day societies, but faces important challenges in practice: on the one hand evidence-based policy proposals face opposition, whereas on the other hand some non-evidence based proposals gain surprisingly much support. If we want to defend the virtues of EBP much can be gained from increasing conceptual clarity (what precisely is EBP?; what should it be?; what crucial features does or should it involve?).
For more information, see here or at or contact Prof. Dr. Bert Leuridan at Bert.Leuridan at, or Paride Del Grosso at Paride.DelGrosso at -
Education Tenure Track Assistant Professor Mathematics or Applied Mathematics, Groningen (the Netherlands)
Deadline: Sunday 27 August 2023We are looking for an early-career academic who is interested in starting a tenure-track that focuses on education, and who can strengthen our teaching and research in mathematics or applied mathematics. Our ideal candidate is interested in creating and implementing new teaching strategies to encourage students to participate in lectures and tutorials, and wants to work on improving the overall coherence between the courses within our mathematics programmes.
For more information, see or contact Prof. Roel Verstappen at r.w.c.p.verstappen at -
Postdoctoral position in philosophy of language or epistemology, Düsseldorf (Germany)
Deadline: Wednesday 23 August 2023The Department of Philosophy at Düsseldorf University is inviting applications for a position as postdoctoral researcher (four years, fixed term) in theoretical philosophy.
Tasks: - Research in theoretical philosophy - Teaching of two courses per semester (4 SWS) in theoretical philosophy - Administrative tasks at the chair of Theoretical Philosophy and in affiliated research projects (e.g. organization of workshop and support in acquiring third-party funding)
Requirements: - A completed scientific university education (M.Sc./M.A./Diploma/Magister) and a PhD in philosophy, to be completed before the starting date of the position - Very good knowledge of philosophy of language or epistemology - Research project in philosophy of language or epistemology.
For more information, see or contact Julia Zakkou at julia.zakkou at -
PhD position in Proof Theory at the University of Birmingham (England)
Deadline: Monday 14 August 2023I am looking for a motivated PhD student to joint the Theory group at the University of Birmingham. Possible start date: Autumn 2023 or later. The studentship will cover tuition fees at the UK rate and provide a tax-free stipend. International students are eligible to apply.
The proposed topic is flexible, and can be co-developed with the applicant. One idea (see link below) is to study justification logics for intuitionistic modal logics and develop their proof theory, in order to establish them as a basis of a new lambda-calculus (prototype programming language) with the intensional power to reason about its own programs. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact me directly.
For more information, see or contact Sonia Marin at s.marin at -
PhD student and Postdoctoral positions at the Centre for Argument Technology, Dundee (Scotland)
Deadline: Monday 14 August 2023The Centre for Argument Technology at the University of Dundee is continuing to expand. We are looking both for candidates for PhD positions, and now also for postdoctoral research positions that are permanent (subject to funding review after three years). We are looking both for junior candidates who have either just finished or are about to finish their PhD, and for more senior researchers with significant research experience.
We currently run a portfolio of research projects for government, charity and commercial funders in the UK, US, EU, Germany, Portugal and Switzerland worth over £1m per year. With many dependencies between these projects, we need new talent to join the team and help drive forward the research of the Centre. This is a unique opportunity for someone with interest and expertise in working with argumentation to join a world-leading research group – regardless of their disciplinary background.
For more information, see or contact Prof Chris Reed at chris at -
Postdoc in Formal Methods and AI, Leiden University (The Netherlands)
Deadline: Monday 10 July 2023The theory group at LIACS at the University of Leiden is looking for a Postdoc candidate with expertise in Formal Methods and in Artificial Intelligence. The ideal candidate will have a track record in research that connects the two fields, for example in automata and/or model learning, data-driven verification, or data-driven controller synthesis with guaranteed properties. Also, the connection of formal methods with decision-making under uncertainty using, e.g., reinforcement learning is of strong interest.
For more information, see or contact Prof.dr. Marcello Bonsangue at m.m.bonsangue at -
PhD position in Social Epistemology, Utrecht
Deadline: Sunday 18 June 2023The Theoretical Philosophy Group at Utrecht University is advertising a PhD position (4 years, full-time) in Social Epistemology with a focus on communication environments and their effects on belief polarization. We are particularly interested in candidates who are open to combining traditional philosophical analysis and formal tools like epistemic network models (follow the link for more details). The successful candidate will work with a group of supervisors in an attractive academic environment and will be part of an interdisciplinary research network working on Social Dynamics.
For more information, see or contact Dominik Klein at d.klein at -
PhD and Post-doctoral Positions Available in Formal Methods for Reversible Concurrent Calculi
Deadline: Thursday 1 June 2023Candidates interested in a PhD in formal and algebraic methods for concurrent, reversible computation in Augusta University (Georgia, USA), starting in January 2024 are invited to apply by June 1st, 2023. A post-doctoral position will open shortly after, but interested candidates should feel encouraged to reach out informally.
In addition to accepting applications, I will be very happy to respond to informal inquiries about any aspect of the position, from technical ones to ones about life in the US "Garden City".
For more information, see or contact Clément Aubert at clement.aubert at -
PhD opening in TCS and/or combinatorial optimization, Lund (Sweden)
Deadline: Thursday 1 June 2023The Department of Computer Science at Lund University invites applications for a PhD position in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization.
The PhD student will be working in the Mathematical Insights into Algorithms for Optimization (MIAO) group headed by Jakob Nordström, which is active at both the University of Copenhagen and Lund University on either side of the Øresund Bridge. The MIAO research group has a unique profile in that we are doing cutting-edge research both on the mathematical foundations of efficient computation and on state-of-the-art practical algorithms for real-world problems. This leads to classical questions in computational complexity theory—though often with new, fascinating twists—but also involves work on devising clever algorithms that can exploit the power of such paradigms in practice.
This is a four-year full-time employed position, but PhD positions usually (though not necessarily) include 20% teaching, in which case they are prolonged for one more year. The starting date is negotiable, but should ideally be during the autumn of 2023. All positions in the research group are fully funded, employed positions (including travel money) that come with an internationally competitive salary.
For more information, see or contact Jakob Nordstrom at jakob.nordstrom at -
Postdoc position (2-3 years) in Computational Linguistics focused on Logic, Gothenburg (Sweden)
Deadline: Thursday 1 June 2023The department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) invites applications for a postdoc position (2-3 years) in Computational Linguistics focused on Logic. The postdoc will be working within The Centre for Linguistic Theory and Studies in Probability (CLASP), which is funded by a 10-year grant from the Swedish Research Council (2015-2025). CLASP is devoted to research and advanced training in the application of probabilistic modeling and machine learning methods to core issues in linguistic theory and cognition.
The focus for this position is on combining symbolic and machine learning approaches for Natural Language Inference. Specifically, we aim to investigate what kind of logic existing leading deep learning model are capable of learning, through probing for structural properties of the learned entailment relation, such as reflexivity and monotonicity; and design new kinds of deep learning models that are specifically attuned to certain logical/algebraic structures, through using compositional unitary representations.
For more information, see or contact Rasmus Blanck at rasmus.blanck at -
PhD position in History of 20th-Century Philosophy (of Science), ERC Project “Exiled Empiricists”, Tilburg University (the Netherlands)
Deadline: Monday 8 May 2023PhD position (0.8-1.0 fte, 4-5 years) in History of 20th-Century Philosophy (of Science), ERC Project “Exiled Empiricists”, Tilburg University (the Netherlands)
Summary: In the 1930s, hundreds of European academics fled to the United States, escaping the quickly deteriorating political situation on the continent. Among them were a few dozen philosophers from a variety of schools: logical empiricists, critical theorists, and phenomenologists. Especially the first group would have a tremendous impact on American philosophy. Whereas the local intellectual climate had been dictated by American traditions like pragmatism, U.S. philosophers soon began to advance views that were heavily indebted to the empiricists. In fact, much of academic philosophy today is still shaped by the discussions and practices first instigated in this disruptive period.
Although historians have reconstructed the fate of the exiled empiricists, little attention has been paid to the American context in which their movement came to full bloom. This is surprising, since any account of the empiricists’ success requires an explanation of why the Americans were so receptive to their views. To what extent did developments in American philosophy pave the way for logical empiricism? And why was the American community more receptive to empiricism than to critical theory or phenomenology? This project shifts the perspective from the refugees to the local philosophical climate by 1) quantitatively analyzing thousands of American journal publications and 2) qualitatively examining the archives of dozens of key American philosophers and institutions.
For more information, see or contact Sander Verhaegh at A.A.Verhaegh at -
Postdoc position (2-3 years) in Digital Humanities, ERC Project “Exiled Empiricists”, Tilburg University (the Netherlands)
Deadline: Monday 8 May 2023Postdoc position (2-3 years, 0.8-1.0 fte) in Digital Humanities, ERC StG/NWO Vidi Project “Exiled Empiricists”, Tilburg University (the Netherlands)
Summary: In the 1930s, hundreds of European academics fled to the United States, escaping the quickly deteriorating political situation on the continent. Among them were a few dozen philosophers from a variety of schools: logical empiricists, critical theorists, and phenomenologists. Especially the first group would have a tremendous impact on American philosophy. Whereas the local intellectual climate had been dictated by American traditions like pragmatism, U.S. philosophers soon began to advance views that were heavily indebted to the empiricists. In fact, much of academic philosophy today is still shaped by the discussions and practices first instigated in this disruptive period.
Although historians have reconstructed the fate of the exiled empiricists, little attention has been paid to the American context in which their movement came to full bloom. This is surprising, since any account of the empiricists’ success requires an explanation of why the Americans were so receptive to their views. To what extent did developments in American philosophy pave the way for logical empiricism? And why was the American community more receptive to empiricism than to critical theory or phenomenology? This project shifts the perspective from the refugees to the local philosophical climate by 1) quantitatively analyzing thousands of American journal publications and 2) qualitatively examining the archives of dozens of key American philosophers and institutions.
For more information, see or contact Sander Verhaegh at A.A.Verhaegh at -
Doctoral position in Logic, Gothenburg (Sweden)
Deadline: Tuesday 2 May 2023The Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg invites applications for one PhD position in Logic. The position is open to all topics in mathematical, philosophical and computational logic within the expertise of the Logic Group.
* Duration: 4 years fully-funded
* Starting date: September 2023 or by agreement
* Deadline: 2 May 2023
For more information, see or contact Bahareh Afshari at b.afshari at -
12 PhD positions in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Hamburg (Germany)
Deadline: Sunday 30 April 2023The DFG-funded group "Collective Decision-Making" at the University of Hamburg has announced a call for applications for 12 PhD positions in the fields of Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
The candidates are expected to work on topics concerning collective decision-making. Possible fields of research are: game theory, social choice, decision theory, algorithms for decision-making, philosophy of AI, formal epistemology.
For more information, see or contact cdm.wiso at -
PhD position in Computational Social Choice, University of Warwick (UK)
Deadline: Sunday 30 April 2023Applications are invited for a PhD position at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick. The selected candidate will be advised by Markus Brill on topics related to Computational Social Choice (e.g., multiwinner voting, proportional representation, participatory budgeting, liquid democracy, e-democracy).
For more information, see -
PhD position on Automata Learning at the Open Universiteit, Heerlen (the Netherlands)
Deadline: Wednesday 26 April 2023Automata learning is a technique for improving software quality by smarter testing. It tests systems thoroughly, while at the same time constructing understandable models of the system. Such models can be analysed mathematically to ensure correctness. This has already found numerous software bugs in software we use for our daily communication.
Nevertheless, the learning techniques are still in their infancy, as they are laborious to apply and do not scale to bigger systems. The research project will improve automata learning by leveraging modularity. This makes the approach align with current software engineering practices and makes it more applicable to real-world situations.
For more information, see or contact Joshua Moerman at joshua.moerman at -
PhD position in Algorithmic Game Theory, Paris-Dauphine University (France)
Deadline: Saturday 15 April 2023The Laboratory for Analysis and Modeling of Decision-Making (LAMSADE) at the University of Paris-Dauphine is looking for candidates interested in pursuing a PhD in algorithmic game theory.
For more information, see here or contact Angelo Fanelli at angelo.fanelli at -
Postdoc in cognitive science, Aarhus (Denmark)
Deadline: Friday 14 April 2023The Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics at the School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University invites applications for a postdoctoral position in cognitive science. The postdoc position is affiliated with the EU ERC Consolidator project ‘The Evolution of Early Symbolic Behavior – eSYMb’ awarded to Professor Kristian Tylén. The postdoc position is a full-time, three-year, fixed-term position. The position begins on 1 September 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.
For more information, see or contact Professor Kristian Tylén at kristian at -
Associate Professor in Hybrid Intelligence, VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Deadline: Thursday 13 April 2023Would you want to start a new group as an Associate Professor in Hybrid Intelligence (AI systems that collaborate with people instead of replacing them)? Examples of relevant areas of expertise include conversational AI, formal argumentation, computational social choice theory, multi-agent systems, plan recognition, safe and explainable reinforcement learning, explainable AI, computational game theory, causality, and common-sense reasoning and AI in game playing. The welcome package includes the possibility to hire an additional assistant professor to work with you + 2 PhD positions for you + 2 more for the new assistant professor.
For more information, see -
Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor positions in Mathematics and Computer Science, TU Eindhoven (the Netherlands)
Deadline: Sunday 9 April 2023We are looking for 25 new colleagues to complement our department, and we welcome applications in all areas of computer science, mathematics, data science, and artificial intelligence. Appointments can be at Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level, depending on the seniority of your profile.
For more information, see or contact Hella Ploegmakers at h.a.m.ploegmakers at -
PhD position in Algorithms and Mechanisms for Economic Environments, University of Edinburgh (Scotland)
Deadline: Sunday 9 April 2023Applications are invited for a PhD position in Economics and Computation at the School of Informatics of the University of Edinburgh. The selected candidate will be advised by Aris Filos-Ratsikas on topics related to game theory/mechanism design, fair division, social choice theory and computational complexity.
The deadline for applications is April 9th, 2023. Applications will still be considered after the deadline until the position is filled.
The intended starting date is October 1st, 2023, but that is negotiable.
Two PhD positions in Argumentation Theory, Sorbonne University & Artois University (France)
The ANR project AGGREEY (An argumentation-based platform for e-democracy) studies e-democracy and aims at proposing tools based on AI and argumentation theory in order to improve the quality of public debate. There are two full-funded PhD positions available on the project.
No formal application deadline, but the advice is to make contact in April.
For more information, see here . -
PhD position in Computational Social Choice, Paris-Saclay University (France)
Fully funded PhD position on the topic of "Explaining Fairness in Preference-Based Assignments", at the interface of Computational Social Choice and Explainable AI.
No official deadline, but the advice is to make contact in April.
For more information, see or contact Anaëlle Wilczynski at anaelle.wilczynski at -
PhD position on Knowledge Engineering for Smart Diagnostics
Deadline: Wednesday 29 March 2023The Formal Methods and Tools (FMT) group at the University of Twente is looking for a highly motivated and talented PhD candidate to join the team working on diagnostic methods for malfunctions of cyber-physical systems. Designing systems such as MRI printers and scanners, for instance, is by no means easy and failures are often expensive and dangerous. To lower these costs, and increase system availability and reliability, more knowledge about these failures is needed: how do they arise and how to prevent and repair them?
You will be working on the ZORRO project: Engineering for Zero Downtime in Cyber-Physical Systems via Intelligent Diagnostics, led by Prof. Dr. Mariëlle Stoelinga. The project is a collaboration between the University of Twente, VU Amsterdam, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, TNO-ESI and five industrial partners. Two of the PhD positions in this project will be working at the FMT group, the other one on the topic of system engineering. You will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Mariëlle Stoelinga and Dr. Georgiana Caltais.
For more information, see or contact Georgiana Caltais at g.g.c.caltais at -
PhD position on Model-driven System Engineering for Smart Diagnostics
Deadline: Wednesday 29 March 2023The Formal Methods and Tools group at the University of Twente is looking for a highly motivated and talented PhD candidate to join the team working on software modelling, model-driven system engineering and model transformations. The successful candidate will work on a cutting-edge research project on intelligent diagnostics. In particular, the work will be about finding ways to specify diagnosable monitoring systems, to identify models with the best diagnostic potential, to describe available knowledge to facilitate diagnostics, to define diagnostic algorithms, and to combine domain knowledge and system knowledge to provide diagnosability guarantees.
You will be working on the ZORRO project: Engineering for Zero Downtime in Cyber-Physical Systems via Intelligent Diagnostics, led by Prof. Dr. Mariëlle Stoelinga. The project is a collaboration between the University of Twente, VU Amsterdam, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, TNO-ESI and five industrial partners. Two of the PhD positions in this project will be working at the Formal Methods & Tools group, the other one on the topic of knowledge engineering. This PhD position will be supervised by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev and Dr. Marcus Gerhold.
For more information, see or contact Vadim Zaytsev at v.zaytsev at -
Danish Data Science Academy PhD positions
Deadline: Sunday 19 March 2023The Danish Data Science Academy announces an open call for PhD positions for visionary and ambitious young data scientists who want to pursue their own research ideas in collaboration with a Danish research environment. The positions will be awarded to the most promising candidates according to their scientific qualifications, motivation and engagement, as well as the quality, originality, relevance and potential impact of the proposed project. It is a requirement that the applicant has a well-defined research project proposal as well as an agreement with a principal supervisor at a Danish university.
Informal inquiries about opportunities in the Algorithms and Complexity Section at the University of Copenhagen are welcome.
For more information, see or contact Jakob Nordstrom at jn at -
Full-time Assistant Professor with Tenure Track of Artificial Intelligence Ethics
Deadline: Thursday 16 March 2023Full-time Assistant Professor with tenure track; the position is directed to Artificial Intelligence Ethics and is affiliated to the Institute of Logic and Computation, Research Unit Theory and Logic. The estimated starting date is October 2023.
The successful candidate will have an outstanding research record in the field of Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI), with a strong grounding in symbolic AI methods. The candidate should have experience in working with industry, relevant postdoctoral experience, and a compelling research vision. We are particularly interested in candidates working in areas that will complement our existing expertise and lead to fruitful collaborations with other members of the Faculty of Informatics and TU Wien in general.
For more information, see here or at or contact Andrea Hackl, MA (Project Manager) at andrea.hackl at -
PhD position in Computational Social Choice, IRIT, Toulouse (France)
Deadline: Wednesday 15 March 2023We have an opening for a PhD position in computational social choice at IRIT, Toulouse (France) starting in September 2023. The topic is preference learning for e-democracy.
For more information, see -
PhD position in Model Checking and Automated Mechanism Design, IRIT, Toulouse (France)
Deadline: Wednesday 15 March 2023We have an opening for a PhD position in Model Checking and Automated Mechanism Design at IRIT, University of Toulouse (France) starting in September 2023. The duration is 3 years, with a salary of 2300 EUR gross which can be complemented by teaching hours.
Two-step selection procedure: first by the AI departement (April), then by the doctoral school (May). Deadline for applications (CV, cover letter, name and contact of two references): 15 March 2023.
For more information, see or contact Laurent Perrussel at laurent.perrussel at -
Assistant professor position in logic / semantics, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
Deadline: Tuesday 14 March 2023The Department of Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers an open position as assistant professor in Theoretical Computer Science, in the area of logic or semantics, broadly construed.
For more information, see or contact Wan Fokkink at w.j.fokkink at -
4 PhD Positions in Logic-based Methods for Data Management , Umeå (Sweden)
Deadline: Tuesday 28 February 2023We seek 4 PhD students to strengthen the group on Formal Techniques for Knowledge and Data Management at Umeå University (Sweden), funded by the WASP program (Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program). The students will join a growing group that currently consists of WASP faculty members Diego Calvanese, Magdalena Ortiz, Mantas Šimkus, as well as PostDoc researchers and other doctoral students. The main theme of our research is the applications and further development of logic-based methods and techniques for smart data management. The students will also join the WASP Graduate School, gaining access to a vast professional network involving other top institutions in Sweden. We seek students with strong interest in the following research areas:
* Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
* Description Logics
* Foundations of Databases
* Logic for Computer Science
* Computational Complexity of Reasoning
* Non-monotonic Reasoning
* Logic Programming
* Automated Reasoning
* Formal MethodsThe positions are fully funded for 4 years.
For more information, see or contact Magdalena Ortiz at magdalena.ortiz at -
One or more Postdoctoral researcher in Logic, Gothenburg (Sweden)
Deadline: Tuesday 28 February 2023The Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg invites applications for several postdocs in Logic. The positions are available on the research project "Taming Jörmungandr: The Logical Foundations of Circularity" lead by Graham E. Leigh and funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
* Duration: 2-3 years each
* Starting date: September 2023 or by agreement
* Deadline: 28 February 2023
For more information, see or contact Graham Leigh at graham.leigh at -
8 Open Positions in Philosophy at Utrecht University, UItrecht (the Netherlands)
Deadline: Sunday 26 February 2023The department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Utrecht University has 8 open permanent positions in philosophy. The application deadline for all positions is February 26.
The positions are:
1. Associate Professor of Ethics or Political Philosophy of Technology (1.0 FTE)
2. Assistant Professor of Ethics or Political Philosophy of Technology (1.0 FTE)
3. Assistant Professor of Moral, Political, or Social Philosophy (1.0 FTE)
4. Assistant Professor of Philosophy of AI (1.0 FTE)
5. Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Science (1.0 FTE)
6. Assistant Professor of Theories of Practical Reasoning (1.0 FTE)
7. Assistant Professor of History of Islamic and European Philosophy (1.0 FTE)
8. Assistant Professor of Modern European Philosophy (1.0 FTE)For more information, see here . -
PhD Positions in TCS at Lund University, Lund (Sweden)
Deadline: Monday 20 February 2023The Department of Computer Science at LTH Lund University invites applications for up to two PhD positions in theoretical computer science with focus on computational complexity and algorithms. These are four-year full-time employed positions (including travel money) that come with an internationally very competitive salary. The PhD students will be working in the research group of Susanna de Rezende.
There is a growing research group in algorithms and complexity theory at Lund University. We expect to have six PhD students by the autumn, in addition to two faculty and some MSc students working in computational complexity. The PhD students can also look forward to interacting with the five additional faculty in complexity theory in Copenhagen, together with their students and postdocs, as well as with the algorithms group at the Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC) centre.
For more information, see or contact Susanna de Rezende at susanna.rezende at -
Lecturer in Computational Linguistics in UCL, London (UK)
Deadline: Friday 17 February 2023The Linguistics department of University College London (UCL) is recruiting a lecturer (permanent academic post) in Computational Linguistics, with a deadline of 17th of February 2023! This is a very special opportunity in the heart of London, in one of the best UK universities. There will be potential for collaborations with the department of Computer Science and its AI Centre.
For more information, see or contact Richard Breheny at r.breheny at -
PhD Position in the History of Philosophy of Science and Mathematics, Vienna (Austria)
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2023Fully funded 3-year PhD position in history of philosophy of science and mathematics at the University of Vienna as part of Georg Schiemer's ERC project "The Formal Turn – The Emergence of Formalism in Twentieth-Century Thought”.
For more information, see here or at or contact Florian Kolowrat at florian.kolowrat at, or Georg Schiemer at georg.schiemer at -
PhD fellowship in Philosophy, Padua, Italy
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2023A fully funded PhD fellowship (€32.520 per year — gross amount) in Philosophy at Padua University.
For more information, see or contact Ivano Ciardelli at ivano.ciardelli at -
Professorship Theory of Correct Systems, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2023The Department of Computing Science at the School of Computing Science,
Business Administration, Economics, and Law (School II) seeks applications for a Professorship (m/f/x) in "Theory of Correct Systems" (salary scale W2) starting as soon as possible.For more information, see or contact Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schröder at berufungen.informatik at -
PhD position in Theoretical Philosophy, Stockholm (Sweden)
Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2023The Department of Philosophy at Stockholm University advertises a PhD position in Theoretical Philosophy, which includes epistemology, metaphysics, logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, as well as the history of philosophy. Applications in any area of theoretical philosophy are welcome, and all applications will be given equal consideration, but we particularly encourage applications in the areas of logic and philosophy of mind.
For more information, see or contact Henrik Lagerlund at henrik.lagerlund at -
Professor of Cognition, Communication and Argumentation, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
Deadline: Thursday 19 January 2023The way humans communicate has changed dramatically over the last decades. Our minds and societies have to keep up with the dynamics and consequences of globalization and technological innovations. Our communicative environment is thus under constant development, for instance seen in the type of communication platforms available (online and offline resources); the multimodal nature of communication (integrating textual, visual and/or oral information); and the speed at which information flows. These factors impact the way humans communicate and argue in our societies and affect existing societal power structures. With this professorship, the department of Dutch studies seeks to strengthen and innovate research lines and teaching programmes that address those developments within the domains of cognition, communication and argumentation.
This professorship will take an interdisciplinary approach grounded in communication and argumentation theory and cognitive science, with bridges to the Social Sciences and Media Studies. The domains of cognition, communication and argumentation and their interfaces will be studied using state of the art methods and techniques in which the use of corpora, the analysis of big data, and the development of (computational) models play a key role. This professorship will not only lead to innovative scientific research and research-based academic teaching, but will also contribute to societal applications in the context of discussions about argumentative language and communication, and how competing interactions with information play a significant role in everyday life.
Your research will be situated in the research school Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC). Your research aims to find innovative ways of investigating communication and argumentation from a cognitive perspective, using up-to-date methods that enable the analysis of corpora and/or modelling theoretical assumptions.
For more information, see here or at or contact prof. Judith Rispens at J.E.Rispens at -
Senior & Junior Fellowships in Mind & Cognition, Bochum (Germany)
Deadline: Wednesday 18 January 2023The Center for Mind and Cognition is a platform at the Ruhr-University Bochum that aims to foster interdisciplinary research at the intersection of philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, computational modelling, neuroscience and other areas of cognitive research in engineering, law and educational research. We are pleased to announce an international call for fellowships from April 2023 to March 2024 aimed at outstanding researchers.
- Short-term Senior Fellowship (2 weeks: 1500 Euro) on "Episodic Memory and Spatial Representation"
- Senior Fellowship (1 month: 3000 Euro/month) or Postdoc Fellowship (1 month: 2000 Euro/month) on "Philosophy of Perception and/or (Formal) Epistemology"
- Senior Fellowship (1 month: 3000 Euro/month) or Junior Fellowship (2 months: 2000 Euro/month) on "Predictive Processing"
- Junior Fellowship (1-2 months: 2000 Euro/month) on "Episodic Memory and the Self"
- Senior Fellowship (1 month: 3000 Euro/month) on "Philosophy of AI and Animal Cognition"
- Senior Fellowship (1 month: 3000 Euro/month) on "Social Psychology"
- Junior/Senior Fellowship (1-2 months: 2000 Euro/month) on "Philosophy of Memory and/or Language"
- Senior Fellowship (1 month: 3000 Euro/month) or Junior Fellowship (2 months: 2000 Euro/month) on "Advanced analyses and computational modelling of electrophysiological data"
We provide a lively and productive research environment with a great variety of scientific activities including workshops, research colloquia, and international guest researchers. All fellows are invited to deliver a fellow lecture and will have the opportunity to meet members of the Center for Mind & Cognition.
For more information, see or contact sen.cheng at -
Postdoc positions in combinatorial optimization, Copenhagen (Denmark)
Deadline: Sunday 15 January 2023The Department of Computer Science (DIKU) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for postdoc positions in combinatorial optimization. We are looking for outstanding junior researchers with an innovative mind-set and intellectual curiosity to strengthen and complement the research profile of the Mathematical Insights into Algorithms for Optimization (MIAO) group headed by Jakob Nordström, which is active at both the University of Copenhagen and Lund University on either side of the Øresund Bridge.
The MIAO research group has a unique profile in that we are doing cutting-edge research both on the mathematical foundations of efficient computation and on state-of-the-art practical algorithms for real-world problems. This leads to classical questions in computational complexity theory—though often with new, fascinating twists—but also involves work on devising clever algorithms that can exploit the power of such paradigms in practice.
These postdoc positions are full-time research positions for an expected duration of two years. Within the overall framework sketched above, the postdocs will be expected and encouraged to contribute to and influence the research agenda. Taking part in teaching graduate seminar courses is encouraged but not required. Travel funding is included, and the group also receives visitors on a regular basis. The starting date is negotiable, but the default would be in August-September 2023.
For more information, see or contact Jakob Nordstrom at jn at -
PhD opening in TCS and/or combinatorial optimization, Lund (Sweden)
Deadline: Thursday 12 January 2023The Department of Computer Science at Lund University invites applications for a PhD position in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization.
The PhD student will be working in the Mathematical Insights into Algorithms for Optimization (MIAO) group headed by Jakob Nordström, which is active at both the University of Copenhagen and Lund University on either side of the Øresund Bridge. The MIAO research group has a unique profile in that we are doing cutting-edge research both on the mathematical foundations of efficient computation and on state-of-the-art practical algorithms for real-world problems. This leads to classical questions in computational complexity theory—though often with new, fascinating twists—but also involves work on devising clever algorithms that can exploit the power of such paradigms in practice.
This is a four-year full-time employed position, but PhD positions usually (though not necessarily) include 20% teaching, in which case they are prolonged for one more year. The starting date is negotiable, but should ideally be during the first half of 2023, or at the latest in August/September 2023. All positions in the research group are fully funded, employed positions (including travel money) that come with an internationally competitive salary.
For more information, see or contact Jakob Nordstrom at jakob.nordstrom at -
PhD positions in TCS and/or combinatorial optimization in Copenhagen
Deadline: Tuesday 10 January 2023The Department of Computer Science (DIKU) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for PhD positions in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization.
The PhD students will be part of a world-leading research environment. We are home to the Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC) centre, joint with the IT University of Copenhagen, and have extensive collaborations with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and with Lund University on the Swedish side of the Oresund Bridge, as well as with our many visitors. Using the power of mathematics, we strive to create fundamental breakthroughs in algorithms and complexity theory. While our focus in on foundational research, we do have a track record of surprising algorithmic discoveries leading to major industrial applications.
These positions are available for period of 3-5 years, depending on the current education level of the applicant. All our PhD positions are fully funded, employed positions (including travel money) that come with an internationally competitive salary. The starting date is negotiable, but the default is August-September 2023.
For more information, see or contact Jakob Nordstrom at jn at -
Postdoc positions in TCS, Copenhagen (Denmark)
Deadline: Tuesday 10 January 2023The Department of Computer Science (DIKU) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for several postdoc positions in theoretical computer science. We are looking for outstanding junior researchers with an innovative mind-set and intellectual curiosity to strengthen and complement the research profile of the Algorithms and Complexity Section at DIKU. These postdoc positions are full-time research positions for an intended duration of two years. Teaching of advanced courses is encouraged but not required. Travel funding is included, and we are also receiving visitors from all over the world on a regular basis. The starting date is negotiable, but the default would be in August-September 2023.
We are home to the Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC) centre, joint with the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU), and have extensive collaborations with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and with Lund University on the Swedish side of the Oresund Bridge, as well as with our many visitors. Using the power of mathematics, we strive to create fundamental breakthroughs in algorithms and complexity theory. While our focus in on foundational research, we do have a track record of surprising algorithmic discoveries leading to major industrial applications.
For more information, see or contact Jakob Nordstrom at jn at, Mikkel Abrahamsen at miab at, or Rasmus Pagh at pagh at -
Assistant Professor Tenure Track in Theoretical Computer Science, University of Groningen (NL)
Deadline: Sunday 8 January 2023The University of Groningen (NL) invites applications for one assistant professor position (tenure-track) in Theoretical Computer Science. The successful candidate will join us at the Fundamental Computing group of the Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and AI. The group already has research expertise on concurrency theory, modal logic, coalgebra, and proof theory (see We seek to reinforce our profile in Theoretical Computer Science, broadly construed.
This is a tenure-track position with 60% teaching, 30% research, 10% organizational tasks. Our tenure-track system offers well-defined perspectives for career and personal development.
For more information, see or contact Helle Hvid Hansen at h.h.hansen at, or Jorge Pérez at j.a.perez at -
Full Professor in AI, Open Universiteit, the Netherlands
Deadline: Saturday 7 January 2023The Open University of the Netherlands is hiring a full Professor in AI. The deadline is 7.01.2023.
For more information, see or contact A.J. Hommersom at Arjen.Hommersom at
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in China visits the Amsterdam - Tsinghua Joint Research Center in Logic
The Embassy's Education and Innovation teams (finally!) visited the University of Amsterdam - Tsinghua University Joint Research Centre for Logic on December 7th, 2023, where they met with professors and graduate, Ph.D., and postdoc students.
For more information, see or contact Fenrong Liu at F.Liu at -
How do you humanise talking machines (but without the bad parts)?
This year, AI systems that can write almost human-like texts have made a breakthrough worldwide. However, many academic questions on how exactly these systems work remain unanswered. Three UvA researchers are trying to make the underlying language models more transparent, reliable and human.
For more information, see or contact Raquel Fernández at raquel.fernandez at -
Funding Opportunities via ResearchConnect
ResearchConnect is a funding opportunity database, which can be utilised by all UvA staff, academics and students looking for ways to fund their research. It is also a useful tool to locate funding opportunities for a travel grant, for instance to attend a conference.
For more information, see or contact projecten-illc at -
13 November 2023 - 30 January 2024, ACE Incubation Program
Location: Startup Village, Science Park 608, AmsterdamTarget audience: Students, researchers and academics with a tech or science-based business idea.Costs: Free of chargeDeadline: Tuesday 17 October 2023ACE (Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship) is the university business incubator in Amsterdam. ACE is powered by the University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Hogeschool van Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC.
With the ACE incubation program we help turn entrepreneurial academics into academic entrepreneurs. The 10-week program consists of hands-on expert sessions with seasoned entrepreneurs, growth sessions to keep yourself and your peers accountable for your growth and networking events that connect you to experienced mentors, relevant service providers and potential investors.
For more information, see here or at or contact Maxime ten Brinke at maxime at -
Meaning-making from a global perspective
Is there a scientific answer to the question of why we are here? In his new book, professor of Digital Humanities Rens Bod shows that there is. The book provides the first historical-anthropological overview of the hundreds of forms of meaning-making in the world. What do science and scholarship have to say about the search for meaning in life? More than we think. There is, for example, compelling evidence that people with more meaningful activities lead healthier, longer, happier lives, and that they are more attractive. Thus knowledge of meaning-making pays off.
For more information, see or contact Rens Bod at rens.bod at -
A taxonomy and review of generalization research in NLP
The ability for NLP models to generalize well is one of the main desiderata of current NLP research. However, there is currently no consensus as to what 'good generalization' entails and how it should be evaluated. The rough definition is the ability to successfully transfer representations, knowledge and strategies from past to new experiences, but different researchers use different definitions and there are currently no common standards to evaluate generalization. As a consequence, newly proposed NLP models are usually not systematically tested for their ability to generalize.
To help overcome this problem, an international team of researchers, including researchers from the ILLC, has now published an Analysis in Nature Machine Intelligence[/i] in which they present a taxonomy for characterizing and understanding generalization research in NLP. The publication is the first result of the larger project GenBench, led by UvA-ILLC alumna Dieuwke Hupkes.
For more information, see or contact Mario Giulianelli at m.giulianelli at -
In memoriam Paul van Ulsen (1946 - 2023)
Johan van Benthem wrote an obituary in memory of Paul van Ulsen.
For more information, see or contact Johan van Benthem at J.vanBenthem at -
In memoriam Lex Hendriks (1952 - 2023)
Dick de Jongh wrote an obituary in memory of Lex Hendriks.
For more information, see or contact Dick de Jongh at d.h.j.dejongh at -
Jeroen Groenendijk (20 July 1949 - 17 October 2023)
We are very sad to announce that Jeroen Groenendijk unexpectedly passed away on Tuesday.
Jeroen received his doctorate, together with Martin Stokhof, on 23 November 1984, under the supervision of Renate Bartsch and Johan van Benthem. On 14 May 1998 Jeroen was appointed professor of philosophy of language. He retired from this position on the 1st of July 2014.
Jeroen played a very important role in founding the ILLC and was a previous director of ILLC.
A more elaborate obituary is currently being worked on and will be made availabe online soon.
For more information, see or contact illc at -
LAB42: one year!
It all started with a dream... About a unique place where students, researchers and companies all work together under one roof. To share knowledge and nurture innovation.
And now... this dream is very real: LAB42 has been open for one year! Hurray!
For more information, see or contact Marion Vetter at m.e.j.vetter at -
World Deaf Day: Prof. Floris Roelofsen connects deaf community with science
Last week it was World Deaf Day 2023. At the UvA we have a designated cross-faculty lab, that researches and develops innovations concerning Dutch sign language: SignLab.
This year, the first-ever SignLab Open House was held, where the deaf community and UvA researchers met and talked about the current innovations. Professor Floris Roelofsen from the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation was present to highlight the need for research on sign language.For more information, see or contact Marion Vetter at m.e.j.vetter at -
Paul van Ulsen (14 January 1946 - 23 September 2023)
We are very sad to announce that Saturday, the 23rd of September, Paul van Ulsen passed away.
Paul successfully defended his dissertation entitled E.W. Beth als logicus in September 2000, which he wrote under the supervision of profs Troelstra and Van Benthem.
He has since been a long-term guest at ILLC taking responsibility for the Beth library and ILLC's reference library.For more information, contact Peter van Ormondt at P.vanOrmondt at -
Month of the Union (Vakbondsmaand)
Thanks to the new Collective Labour Agreement (CAO), every employee who becomes a member of a union (e.g., FNV, AOb, CNV) in the month of September will receive €100 back from the UvA, in addition to other offers that unions have for new members and a tax benefit.
Being a union member comes with many advantages, such as legal advice on labour issues and a vote on the next collective agreement. Please consider signing up!
For more information, see or contact Tobias Kappé at t.kappe at -
Floris Roelofsen appointment as advisor NGT Ministry of Internal Affairs
Floris Roelofsen has been appointed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs as member of the Minister's advisory board on Sign Language of the Netherlands.
For more information, see or contact Floris Roelofsen at f.roelofsen at -
Szabolcs Mikulas (1966-2023)
With deep sorrow we announce that Szabolcs Mikulás died on 27th June 2023. He was 56, and had been beset by cancer for the last three years.
Szabolcs will be very well known to many in the logic community. He took his first degree, in Mathematics and Philosophy, in 1990 at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. His doctoral thesis "Taming Logics” (1995) was in Algebraic Logic under the joint supervision of Hajnal Andréka and Johan van Benthem, at ILLC Amsterdam. The thesis is available on request from r.hirsch at (see also for related work). It has been hugely influential in subjects ranging from linguistics to algebras of relations, and continues to be the basis of current investigations into relational representability, which corresponds to (lack of) provability in the Lambek Calculus. Szabolcs had made a recent breakthrough, by proving the failure of the finite representation property for representable ordered residuated semigroups ( As recently as May, he was working with PhD students on closely related research.
Szabolcs worked at King’s College London from 1996, and then at Birkbeck College London from 2000 until 2022, as a Lecturer and (from 2011) Senior Lecturer. He published nearly fifty research papers, many with co-authors, on subjects including algebras of relations, temporal logic, relevance logic, and databases.
The last 20 years were the happiest of Szabolcs’s life. He was lucky enough to find a true soulmate, Nataša Perović, who cherished and loved him right through to the end.
For more information, contact Yde Venema at Y.Venema at -
Jan van Eijck launches new book
On Friday the 29th of September 2023 Jan van Eijck will launch his new book Twijfelen aan de werkelijkheid at Huis De Pinto.
You are cordially invited to this event.
For more information, see or contact Jan van Eijck at jan at -
European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics
In the last few years the European community of Philosophy of Mathematics has grown considerably in number and maturity. With the aim of giving a clearer and more structured perspective to young scholars, the European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics (ESPM) has recently been founded.
The mission of the ESPM is to foster the study and research in the Philosophy of Mathematics and to coordinate the activities of the national communities. Towards this goal, the ESPM organizes an international conference and a summer school.
For more information, see -
12 July 2023, SignLab Open Day AfterMovie
Have a look at the aftermovie of the Open Day that SignLab organised last April.
To our knowledge, this was the first time that an event about sign language research took place in the Netherlands where all presentations were given in NGT (Sign Language of the Netherlands), making them fully accessible for members of the deaf community. The aftermovie is also in NGT, with subtitles and voice-over in Dutch.For more information, see or contact Floris Roelofsen at f.roelofsen at -
Line van den Berg (Sep 1992 - May 2023)
We are shocked and sad to hear the news that one of our Master of Logic alumni, Line van den Berg, has passed away due to an avalanche while climbing in the Swiss Alps. She was 30 years of age.
Line started in the MoL in February 2015 and graduated in January 2018. She wrote her thesis with Jan van Eijck and Dora Achourioti with the title 'Unreliable Gossip'.
She went on to do a PhD at Université Grenoble Alpes, where she graduated in October 2021. After that she spent time doing more alpinism and found quite some accomplishment in it. She joined the team of Georges Metcalfe at the University of Bern as a postdoc, and in parallel to her outdoor activities also managed to work on editing and promoting a short movie about her life experience. She was recently considering new opportunities.
A condolence register has been open by the Dutch alpinism society:
We wish everybody who knew Line much warmth and strength.
On behalf of the ILLC and the Master of Logic,
Robert van Rooij
Peter van Ormondt
Paul Dekker
Tanja Kassenaar -
Lex Hendriks (2 March 1952 - 13 May 2023)
We are very sad to announce that Saturday, the 13th of May, Lex Hendriks unexpectedly passed away.
Lex successfully defended his dissertation entitled Computations in Propositional Logic in 1996, which he wrote under the supervision of Gerard Renardel de Lavalette and Dick de Jongh. He has since been a long-term guest at ILLC still actively engaged in research, working on themes in intuitionistic logic.
Former Regular Events
Reading Group 'New Trends in Formal Semantics'
Location: ILLC, Science Park, AmsterdamThe aim of the reading group is to examine recent research in the area of formal semantics and pragmatics. The focus will be on analyzing linguistic phenomena through formal theories of semantics and pragmatics. However, if relevant, the group may consider papers that address new data, experimental findings, and the cognitive aspects of language.
Whether you are a seasoned researcher or just starting to explore the field, everyone is welcome to attend.
For more information, see or contact Maria Alon; Marco Degano at m.d.aloni at;, or m.degano at