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26 April 2023, VU Inaugural Lecture, Assia Mahboubi
On Wednesday 26 April, Assia Mahboubi will give her inaugural lecture, preceded by a mini symposium. Everything takes place in the main building ("hoofdgebouw") of VU Amsterdam.
Mini symposium, in room HG-08A33:
12:45 Welcome with coffee/tea
13:00-14:00 Antoine Chambert-Loir (Université Paris Cité, France): Simplicity — Group actions and proof formalization
14:00-15:00 Benedikt Ahrens (Delft University): Univalent foundations for the formalization of (higher) category theory
Inaugural lecture, in the aula:
15:45 (sharp, doors open at 15:30) Assia Mahboubi (VU/Inria): Computer assisted mathematics
Followed by a reception
You are very welcome to each of the events. No registration necessary.
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