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MoL-2024-22 :
Teodor-Ștefan Zotescu
Multi-agent Topological Models for Evidence Diffusion
MoL-2024-21 :
Frank J.A. Goossens
Formalizing the FLINT Ontology: Building an action-oriented formal language for the interpretation of normative texts
MoL-2024-20 :
Raufs Duņamalijevs
Predicate Pushdown in FastLanes
MoL-2024-19 :
Yilun Wang
Oblivious Transfer from Quantum One-way Functions
MoL-2024-18 :
Jan W. Gronwald
A Practice-Based Critique of Reverse Mathematics
MoL-2024-17 :
Floris Westerman
PageZero: Mitigating Speculative Execution Attacks by Clearing Page Tables
MoL-2024-16 :
Michael A. Müller
Arguing with Doubt
MoL-2024-15 :
Paul Seip
A Constructive Small Object Argument
MoL-2024-14 :
Arunavo Ganguly
Characterizing Formulas using Post’s Lattice
MoL-2024-13 :
Hannah Van Santvliet
Parameterizing the Notion of Automatability in Proof Complexity
MoL-2024-12 :
Wouter Smit
Axiomatising Protocol-Dependent Knowledge in Gossip
MoL-2024-11 :
Alyssa Renata
Homotopy Theory of Computable Spaces
MoL-2024-10 :
David Quinn Alvarez
The temporal Heyting calculus
MoL-2024-09 :
Liam Chung
Automata Closure Constructions for Kleene Algebra with Hypotheses
MoL-2024-08 :
Justus Becker
Proof Translations for Intuitionistic Modal Logic
MoL-2024-07 :
Swapnil Ghosh
An Exploration of Contraction Free Arithmetic
MoL-2024-06 :
Wessel Kroon
Knowledge as Issue-Relevant Information
MoL-2024-05 :
Lingyuan Ye
Algebraic Monoidal Model Categories and Path Category Structures for Effective Kan Fibrations
MoL-2024-04 :
Fiona Spencer-Piacentini
Wondering about Mood in Romance: the view from Italian
inquisitive predicates
MoL-2024-03 :
Pelle Nelissen
Consistent Judgment Aggregation in Liquid Democracy: Utilizing Delegation Structure in the Ranked Agenda Rule
MoL-2024-02 :
Elynn Louise Weijland
An Analysis of Visual and Morphosyntactic Cues in Biased Polar Questions in Dutch
MoL-2024-01 :
Max Pohlmann
Analytic Nondualism: Why Reality is Objectively Subjective
MoL-2023-37 :
P. Maurice Dekker
Polyhedral semantics of modal logic
MoL-2023-36 :
Jonathan Thul
The Logical Dynamics of Social Networks: From Homophily to Polarization
MoL-2023-35 :
Kirill Kopnev
Dynamic logics of polyhedra and their application in 3D modeling
MoL-2023-34 :
Evelina Lissoni
Why logical pluralists should be anti-exceptionalists
MoL-2023-33 :
Iris Luden
Beyond Perplexity: Examining Temporal Generalization of Large Language Models via Definition Generation
MoL-2023-32 :
Yunsong Wang
General Topological Frames for Polymodal Provability Logic
MoL-2023-31 :
Evan (Evangelos) Iatrou
Reclaiming Enlightenment: on the logical foundations of the rule of law in a legitimate algocracy
MoL-2023-30 :
Isabella Cissell
The Pretense View of Fiction
MoL-2023-29 :
Siyuan Cao
Wh-indefinites in Mandarin: The case of shenme (什么)
MoL-2023-28 :
Simon Lemal
Hereditary structural completeness of weakly transitive modal logics
MoL-2023-27 :
Elias Bronner
Unrestricted Fusion and Unrestricted Quantification: Mereological Essentialism and the Universe
MoL-2023-26 :
Valentin Müller
On the Proof Theory of Inquisitive Logic
MoL-2023-25 :
Steef Hegeman
Priority arguments in transfinite computability theory
MoL-2023-24 :
Tianyi Chu
Topic-relevance and Hyperintensional Belief
MoL-2023-23 :
Dominique Marie Danco
How Many Oracle Calls Does It Take to Locate a Lightbulb?
MoL-2023-22 :
Xavier Ripoll Echeveste
Alternative Impredicative Encodings of Inductive Types
MoL-2023-21 :
Franciscus Cornelis Lambertus Wildenburg
Investigations into Semantic Underspecification in Language Models
MoL-2023-20 :
Noortje Catelijn ten Wolde
The Nature of Quantum Information
MoL-2023-19 :
Gianluca Michelli
Intentions behind metaphor use
MoL-2023-18 :
Martijn Brehm
Quantifying quantum walk speed-ups
MoL-2023-17 :
Borja Sierra Miranda
On the Provability Logic of Constructive Arithmetic: The Σ_1-provability logics of fragments of Heyting Arithmetic
MoL-2023-16 :
Tuva Vigen Bardal
Size Approval Voting Rules
MoL-2023-15 :
Philemon L. Huising
Multiwinner Voting with Priority Candidates
MoL-2023-14 :
Jesse A. Comer
Homomorphism Counts, Database Queries, and Modal Logics
MoL-2023-13 :
Sabina Dominguez Parrado
Metaphysical Multiversism: from Armchair to Practice
MoL-2023-12 :
Raúl Ruiz Mora
Team Semantics for Modal mu-Calculus
MoL-2023-10 :
Isa Anne Kooiman
Unraveling vagueness: Exploring its puzzles, its nature, and their interplay
MoL-2023-09 :
Patrick Weigert
A Program Calculus for Dynamical Systems
MoL-2023-08 :
Anne Marleen Gaasbeek
Polar Questions in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT) and Dutch
MoL-2023-07 :
Cheng Liao
Stable Canonical Rules for Intuitionistic Modal Logics
MoL-2023-06 :
Storm Diephuis
Effective Kan fibrations for simplicial groupoids, semisimplicial sets and Ex∞
MoL-2023-05 :
Christian Oliver Scholz
Imaginability as Representability: A Wittgensteinian Approach to Aphantasia
MoL-2023-04 :
Gerson Foks
Towards Efficient Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding
MoL-2023-03 :
Alex C. Keizer
Implementing a definitional (co)datatype package in Lean 4, based on quotients of polynomial functors
MoL-2023-02 :
Andrew Fish
Extensional Realism: Interesting and Uninteresting Truths
MoL-2023-01 :
Bo Lazlo Flachs
Neglect-Zero Effects on Indicative Conditionals: Extending BSML and BiUS with an implication
MoL-2022-29 :
Nikki Weststeijn
The Relation Between Shannon Information and Semantic Information
MoL-2022-28 :
Thibault Rushbrooke
Taming the Infinity Quantifier: On Well-Behaved Fragments of First-Order Logic with the Quantifier 'There are Infinitely Many'
MoL-2022-27 :
Daniël D. Otten
De Jongh’s Theorem for Type Theory
MoL-2022-26 :
Rover Junior Samwel
Explorations in Coalgebraic Predicate Logic (With a Focus on Interpolation)
MoL-2022-25 :
Pepijn Vrijbergen
Validity, Logic, and Models
MoL-2022-24 :
Søren Brinck Knudstorp
Modal Information Logics
MoL-2022-23 :
Tianwei Zhang
Bisimulations over Parity Formulas
MoL-2022-22 :
Lide Grotenhuis
Natural Axiomatic Theories and Consistency Strength: A Lakatosian Approach to the Linearity Conjecture
MoL-2022-21 :
Gian Marco Osso
Some results on the Generalized Weihrauch Hierarchy
MoL-2022-20 :
Erin McCloskey
Relative Weak Factorization Systems
MoL-2022-19 :
Rodrigo Nicolau Almeida
Polyatomic Logics and Generalised Blok-Esakia Theory with Applications to Orthologic and KTB
MoL-2022-18 :
Anouk Michelle Oudshoorn
Cost Fixed Point Logic
MoL-2022-17 :
Anton Chernev
Degrees of FMP in extensions of bi-intuitionistic logic
MoL-2022-16 :
Koen Leijnse
On the Quantum Hardness of Matching Colored Triangles
MoL-2022-15 :
Valentino Filipetto
Constructing queries from data examples
MoL-2022-14 :
Tomasz Klochowicz
Investigating semantic and selectional properties of clause-embedding predicates in Polish
MoL-2022-13 :
Arie W. Soeteman
Artificial Understanding
MoL-2022-12 :
Vasily Romanovskiy
"A-ha, I hadn’t thought of that": the Bayesian Problem of Awareness Growth
MoL-2022-11 :
Noel Arteche Echeverría
Parameterized Compilability
MoL-2022-10 :
Mike Cruchten
Topics in Ω-Automata: A Journey through Lassos, Algebra, Coalgebra and Expressions
MoL-2022-09 :
Jasmijn van Harskamp
The National Contests Behind International Success: A Musical Comparison of the Eurovision Song Contest, the Festival di Sanremo and the Melodifestivalen
MoL-2022-08 :
Marie Christin Schmidtlein
Voting by Axioms
MoL-2022-07 :
Raoul Koudijs
Learning Modal Formulas via Dualities
MoL-2022-06 :
Thomas klein Goldewijk
Fairness in Perpetual Participatory Budgeting
MoL-2022-05 :
Lukas Felderhoff
Single-Peaked Electorates in Liquid Democracy
MoL-2022-04 :
Nicolien S. Janssens
Communicate and Vote: Collective Truth-tracking in Networks
MoL-2022-03 :
Zichen Peng
Simultaneous Substitution Algebras
MoL-2022-02 :
James Carr
Hereditary Structural Completeness over K4: Rybakov’s Theorem Revisited
MoL-2022-01 :
Daniela Loustalot Knapp
Justification of Matching Outcomes
MoL-2021-28 :
Pepijn Kroes
Finiteness, Invariance, and Analogy: A Minimal Model for Adaptive Processes
MoL-2021-27 :
Hrafn Valtýr Oddsson
Paradefinite Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory: A Theory of Inconsistent and Incomplete Sets
MoL-2021-26 :
Luca van der Kamp
The Epistemic Logic of Full Communication and Social Networks: An Analysis of Mediation and Network Formation
MoL-2021-25 :
Bas Kortenbach
The Classicality of Epistemic Multilateral Logic
MoL-2021-24 :
Jonathan Osinski
Symbiosis and Compactness Properties
MoL-2021-23 :
Sebastian N. Køhlert
Measuring What Exactly? A Critique of Causal Modelling in Atheoretical Econometrics
MoL-2021-22 :
Antonio Maria Cleani
Translational Embeddings via Stable Canonical Rules
MoL-2021-21 :
Terence Hui
A Compositional Analysis of Dependence Statements
MoL-2021-20 :
Quentin Gougeon
The Expressive Power of Derivational Modal Logic
MoL-2021-19 :
Dominik Wehr
An Abstract Framework for the Analysis of Cyclic Derivations
MoL-2021-18 :
Anna Dmitrieva
Positive modal logic beyond distributivity: duality, preservation and completeness
MoL-2021-17 :
Nima Motamed
Multivalued Coalgebraic Modal Logic for Multiagent Systems and Multiplayer Games
MoL-2021-16 :
Maximilian Siemers
Hyperintensional Logics for Evidence, Knowledge and Belief
MoL-2021-15 :
Ezra Schoen
Relation Lifting and Coalgebraic Logic
MoL-2021-14 :
Matteo Michelini
When Being the Fifth Wheel Pays Off: Wisdom of the Crowds with Costly Information
MoL-2021-13 :
John Fergus William Smiles
Learning Deterministic Finite Automata with Signed Examples: An Investigation into the Role of Entropy in Optimal Model Selection
MoL-2021-12 :
Mateo C. Jaramillo
Epistemic Logics for Cryptographic Protocols and Zero-Knowledge Proofs
MoL-2021-11 :
Lorenzo Pinton
You may like or dislike this thesis, and I do care which.
An inquiry into sluicing and free choice
MoL-2021-10 :
Leyla Ade
Iterative Goal-Based Voting
MoL-2021-09 :
Jason Tsiaxiras
Strategic Voting under Incomplete Information in Approval-Based Committee Elections
MoL-2021-08 :
Simon Dominik Vonlanthen
Natural Language and Logical Consequence: An Inferentialist Account
MoL-2021-07 :
David Joël de Graaf
"A partition calculus in set theory" by Erdös and Rado for readers from the twenty-first century
MoL-2021-06 :
Giovanni Varricchione
Complexity of Locally Fair Allocations on Graphs
MoL-2021-05 :
Damiano Fornasiere
Representable Forests and Diamond Systems
MoL-2021-04 :
Daniël Louwrink
A Separation Logic for Stacked Borrows
MoL-2021-03 :
Aleksi Anttila
The Logic of Free Choice Axiomatizations of State-based Modal Logics
MoL-2021-02 :
Wijnand Koen van Woerkom
Algebraic models of type theory
MoL-2021-01 :
Lukas Zenger
Proof theory for fragments of the modal mu-calculus
MoL-2020-16 :
Valentin Vogelmann
Statistical Methodology for Quantitative Linguistics: A Case Study of Learnability and Zipf’s Law
MoL-2020-15 :
Marta Campa
Deflationism about Reference
MoL-2020-14 :
Brandon Ryan Hoogstra
From Cross-World Predication to Cross-World Travel:
Building a Bridge between Worlds
MoL-2020-13 :
Sebastian David Melzer
Canonical Formulas for the Lax Logic
MoL-2020-12 :
Martin Karlsson
Proofs and Strategies: A Characterization of Classical and Intuitionistic Logic using Games with Explicit Strategies
MoL-2020-11 :
Eric Flaten
Toward a formal representation of radical interpretation
MoL-2020-10 :
Boas Kluiving
Computationally Efficient Representation Languages for Fairly Dividing Indivisible Goods
MoL-2020-09 :
Leo Lobski
Quantum quirks, classical contexts: Towards a Bohrification of effect algebras
MoL-2020-08 :
Tex Aston Felix Schönlank
Syntactic logical relations for System F with recursive types and call-by-name semantics
MoL-2020-07 :
Angelica M. Hill
The Only Thesis
MoL-2020-06 :
Maëlle Havelange
‘White horse not horse’: An Analysis of Modern Interpretative Approaches to Kung-sun Lung’s White Horse Discourse
MoL-2020-05 :
Teodor Tiberiu Călinoiu
What Structural Objects Could Be: Mathematical Structuralism and its Prospects
MoL-2020-04 :
Thijs Benjamins
Locally finite varieties of Heyting algebras of width 2
MoL-2020-03 :
Rachel Maden
The nature of referential intentions
MoL-2020-02 :
Cornets de Groot Sven Hugo
Logical systems with left-sequential versions of NAND and XOR
MoL-2020-01 :
Federico Schiaffino
Memory, Time and Language:
A Mental Time Travel Model in a Narrative Discourse
MoL-2019-28 :
Giuliano Rosella
A Truthmaker Semantics Approach to Modal Logic
MoL-2019-27 :
John Hunter McKnight
Quantum Shell Games: How to Classically Delegate the Preparation of Authenticated Quantum States
MoL-2019-26 :
Dimitrios Koutsoulis
Lifschitz Realizability for Homotopy Type Theory
MoL-2019-25 :
Davide Emilio Quadrellaro
Lattices of DNA-Logics and Algebraic Semantics of Inquisitive Logic
MoL-2019-24 :
Rachael H. Colley
Guaranteeing Feasible Outcomes in Judgment Aggregation
MoL-2019-23 :
Chase Ford
Investigations into the Expressiveness of First-order Logic and Weak Path Automata on Infinite Trees
MoL-2019-22 :
Jacqueline Harding
Incorporating Preference Information into Formal Models of Transitive Proxy Voting
MoL-2019-21 :
Ho-Yin Lui
Expressive Limitations and the Liar’s Revenge: A Strict-Tolerant Solution and A Pragmatic Solution For Dialetheism
MoL-2019-20 :
Gaia Belardinelli
Gatekeepers in Social Networks: Logics for Communicative Actions
MoL-2019-19 :
Wouter Posdijk
The influence of the simplicity/informativeness trade-off on the sematic typology of quantifiers
MoL-2019-18 :
Matteo Ferrari
Questioning Philosophy
MoL-2019-17 :
Michael Vollmer
On Logical Nihilism
MoL-2019-16 :
Robin Martinot
Sets and Categories: What Foundational Approaches Tell Us About Mathematical Thought
MoL-2019-15 :
David O’Connell
Lorentzian Structures on Branching Spacetimes
MoL-2019-14 :
Tomislav Karačić
The Informational View of Technologies in the Scientific Practice
MoL-2019-13 :
Zhuoye Zhao
Varieties of Distributivity: From Mandarin Dou to Plurality, Free Choice and Scalarity
MoL-2019-12 :
Tim Henke
The van Benthem Characterisation Theorem for Descriptive Models
MoL-2019-11 :
Marco Degano
Meaning through Time: A Diachronic and Semantic Study of Italian Free Choice
MoL-2019-10 :
Mina Young Pedersen
Polarization and Echo Chambers: A Logical Analysis of Balance and Triadic Closure in Social Networks
MoL-2019-09 :
David Santamaría Legarda
Defending Classes
MoL-2019-08 :
Sam Adam-Day
Polyhedral Completeness in Intermediate and Modal Logics
MoL-2019-07 :
Nicolò Zamperlin
Intensional Kleene logics for vagueness
MoL-2019-06 :
Anna Franchini
Space and the Continuum from Kant to Poincaré
MoL-2019-05 :
Yvette Oortwijn
Dynamic Set Theory
MoL-2019-04 :
Nuno Maia
Tennenbaum’s Theorem and Non-Classical Arithmetic
MoL-2019-03 :
Bas van den Heuvel
The Logic of Fault-Tolerance in Message-Passing Concurrency
MoL-2019-02 :
Daan van Stigt
Neural language models with latent syntax
MoL-2019-01 :
Kyah Elisabeth Mercedes Smaal
Strategic manipulation in voting under higher-order reasoning
MoL-2018-36 :
Tao Gu
Majorizability Types, Assemblies, and the Fan Theorem
MoL-2018-35 :
Yujie Xing
Examining Personality Differences in Chit-Chat Sequence to Sequence Conversational Agents
MoL-2018-34 :
Jan Rooduijn
A right semimodel structure on semisimplicial sets
MoL-2018-33 :
Krsto Proroković
Learning to Decide a Formal Language: A Recurrent Neural Network Approach
MoL-2018-32 :
Gian Carlo Milanese
An exploration of closure ordinals in the modal μ-calculus
MoL-2018-31 :
Krzysztof Mierzewski
Probabilistic Stability: dynamics, nonmonotonic logics, and stable revision
MoL-2018-30 :
Morwenna Hoeks
Coordinating Questions
MoL-2018-29 :
Jana Haenen
A Gödel-style translation from positive calculus into strict implication logic
MoL-2018-28 :
Dean McHugh
Counterfactuals and the Logic of Imaginative Content
MoL-2018-27 :
Saúl Fernández González
Generic Models for Topological Evidence Logics
MoL-2018-26 :
Max van den Broek
You Don't Believe This Is The Title
Moore's Paradox and its relation to the Surprise Exam Paradox, the Knowability Paradox, the Toxin Problem and Newcomb’s Problem
MoL-2018-25 :
Leon Commandeur
Logical Functionalism
MoL-2018-24 :
Lucy van Oostveen
What You Know About People’s Preferences Matters:
Investigating simpler notions of partial information in the context of strategic manipulation in voting
MoL-2018-23 :
Marlou M. Gijzen
A Constructive Approach Towards Formalizing Relativization Using Combinatory Logic
MoL-2018-22 :
Mrinalini Luthra
How do we Develop Ethically Aware AI?
MoL-2018-21 :
Marvin Schmitt
CRISP: a semantics for focus-sensitive particles in questions
MoL-2018-20 :
Haukur Páll Jónsson
Real Logic and Logic Tensor Networks
MoL-2018-19 :
Hana Möller Kalpak
Inquisitive Logical Triviality and Grammar
MoL-2018-18 :
Jorge Viterbo Ferreira
The Problem of Counterpossibles
MoL-2018-17 :
Max Rapp
Hybrid Logics for Arguments, Beliefs, and their Dynamics
MoL-2018-16 :
Julia Joanna Turska
Conceptual Relativism and Linguistic Anthropology: How to comprehend the incomprehensible?
MoL-2018-15 :
Jonathan Pesetsky
Factual Conditionals and Hypothetical Commitments
MoL-2018-14 :
Ethan S. Lewis
Computation with Infinite Programs
MoL-2018-13 :
Mathijs S. Mul
Recognizing Logical Entailment: Reasoning with Recursive and Recurrent Neural Networks
MoL-2018-12 :
Stefania Ionescu
Advancing the Use of Sparse Knowledge for Qualitative Models and Simulations
MoL-2018-11 :
Silvan Hungerbühler
A Computational Method for Philosophical Interpretation
MoL-2018-10 :
Jelle Wijnand Don
Post-quantum Security of Fiat-Shamir Signatures
MoL-2018-09 :
Raja Oktovin Parhasian Damanik
Optimality in Stabilizer Testing
MoL-2018-08 :
Noor Heerkens
Studies in Minimal Mathematics
MoL-2018-07 :
Grzegorz Lisowski
Preventing Manipulation in Aggregating Value-Based Argumentation Frameworks
MoL-2018-06 :
Heidi Metzler
Algorithmic Complexity in Textile Patterns
MoL-2018-05 :
Matteo Nizzardo
Leibniz's Principle and the Problem of Nonindividuality
MoL-2018-04 :
Jeroen van Wier
Quantum Plaintext Non-Malleability
MoL-2018-03 :
Robert Paßmann
Loyalty and Faithfulness of Model Constructions for Constructive Set Theory
MoL-2018-02 :
Laura S. Molenaar
Quine and Loglan: the Influence of Philosophical Ideas on the Creation of a Logical Language
MoL-2018-01 :
Line van den Berg
Unreliable Gossip
MoL-2017-31 :
Albert Janzen
The paradoxes of self-negation
MoL-2017-30 :
Marco Bacchin
The perception of number: towards a topological approach
MoL-2017-29 :
Esteban Landerreche
Leaning on Impossible-to-Parallelise Work for Immutability Guarantees in the Blockchain
MoL-2017-28 :
Michael Repplinger
Understanding Generalization: Learning Quantifiers and Negation with Neural Tensor Networks
MoL-2017-27 :
Mees de Vries
An Extensional Modified Realizability Topos
MoL-2017-26 :
Rana Klein
The Logical Dynamics of Gossip: an analysis in Dynamic Epistemic Logic
MoL-2017-25 :
Jonathan Frederik Sippel
The Good, the Bad, and the Difficult
Complexity in a Monotonicity-Grounded Natural Logic for Reasoning with Generalized Quantifiers
MoL-2017-24 :
Zeno de Hoop
Context-Free Processes and Push-Down Processes
MoL-2017-23 :
Guido van der Knaap
The Philosophical Motivation for Proof-Theoretic Harmony
MoL-2017-22 :
Shuai Wang
Turing Learning with Nash Memory
MoL-2017-21 :
Alison Pasquariello
Mohawk Temporality: Embodiment, Ritual, and Cognition
MoL-2017-20 :
Ottilia Kasbergen
Abstractions and Idealisations in Epistemic Logic
MoL-2017-19 :
Bas Cornelissen
Bayesian Language Games: Unifying and evaluating agent-based models of horizontal and vertical language evolution
MoL-2017-18 :
Bonan Zhao
Dynamic Epistemic Logic Models for Predicting the Cognitive Difficulty of the Deductive Mastermind Game
MoL-2017-17 :
Jakob Piribauer
The Modal Logic of Generic Multiverses
MoL-2017-16 :
Laura Aina
Not logical: A distributional semantic account of negated adjectives
MoL-2017-15 :
Jana Wagemaker
Gossip in NetKAT
MoL-2017-14 :
Laura Biziou-Van Pol
Quantum Dialogues
MoL-2017-13 :
Stella Moon
Isaacson's thesis and Wilkie's theorem
MoL-2017-12 :
Anthia Solaki
Steps out of Logical Omniscience
MoL-2017-11 :
Lisa Benossi
Pretending to work: a closed world reasoning formalisation of pretend play
MoL-2017-10 :
Andrzej Bułeczka
Medieval vs Contemporary Metaphysics of Intentionality and Logic
MoL-2017-09 :
Natalia Talmina
Quantifiers and verification strategies: connecting the dots (literally)
MoL-2017-08 :
Aafke de Vos
The Logic of Divinatory Reasoning
MoL-2017-07 :
Levin Hornischer
Hyperintensionality and Synonymy
MoL-2017-06 :
Merlijn Koek
Extensions Of The Garden-hose Model
MoL-2017-05 :
Zoi Terzopoulou
Manipulating the Manipulators: Richer Models of Strategic Behavior in Judgment Aggregation
MoL-2017-04 :
Simone Griffioen
Covertly Controlling Choices: Manipulating Decision Making Under Partial Knowledge
MoL-2017-03 :
Tim Coopmans
Robust self-testing of (almost) all pure two-qubit states
MoL-2017-02 :
Pablo Sierra Márquez
A formalization of Spinoza's Ethics, Part 1: Consequences for interpretation
MoL-2017-01 :
Nina Dongen
Analysis and Prediction of Dutch-English Code-switching in Dutch Social Media Messages
MoL-2016-28 :
Nigel Sequeira
Knowing How To Do Semantics
MoL-2016-27 :
Leanne M. Streekstra
On the stability of flexible permission structures
MoL-2016-26 :
Kristina Gogoladze
Evidence-Based Belief Revision for Non-Omniscient Agents
MoL-2016-25 :
Andrés Occhipinti Liberman
Dynamic Evidence Logics with Relational Evidence
MoL-2016-24 :
Iliana Gioulatou
MoL-2016-23 :
Guillaume Massas
Possibility Spaces, Q-Completions and Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemmas for Non-Classical Logics
MoL-2016-22 :
Tom Hendriks
Beyond the Regular: A Formalization of Non-Isochronous Metrical Structure
MoL-2016-21 :
Olim F. Tuyt
Canonical Rules on Neighbourhood Frames
MoL-2016-20 :
Tom Schoonen
Thinking the Impossible
Arguments for Impossible Worlds in Semantics
MoL-2016-19 :
Arianna Novaro
Judgment Aggregation in Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments
MoL-2016-18 :
Eli Drumm
Readtable-Macro Transducer-Chain Parsing
MoL-2016-17 :
Thomas Cattermole
Paraconsistent Logics and Identity - a Pragmatic Approach
MoL-2016-16 :
Anna Bellomo
Theories of size for infinite collections
MoL-2016-15 :
Benjamin Sparkes
Inquisitive Conditional-Doxastic Logic
MoL-2016-14 :
Almudena Colacito
Minimal and Subminimal Logic of Negation
MoL-2016-13 :
Daniil Frumin
Weak Factorisation Systems in the Effective Topos
MoL-2016-12 :
Thom van Gessel
Action Models in Inquisitive Logic
MoL-2016-11 :
Evan Marzion
Closed Sets of Higher-Order Functions
MoL-2016-10 :
Philip W.B. Michgelsen
Genetic-Algorithmic Optimisation for School-Allocation Mechanisms: A Study of Amsterdam's Student to High-School Allocation Problem
MoL-2016-09 :
Sander in 't Veld
Temporal Logics, Automata and the Modal $\mu$-Calculus
MoL-2016-08 :
Sirin Botan
Propositional Opinion Diffusion with Constraints
MoL-2016-07 :
Christopher Badura
Truth in Fiction via Non-Standard Belief Revision
MoL-2016-06 :
Thomas Santoli
Logics for Compact Hausdorff Spaces via de Vries Duality
MoL-2016-05 :
Yfke Dulek
Quantum Homomorphic Encryption for Polynomial-Sized Circuits
MoL-2016-04 :
Rick Bellaar
Understanding Schizophrenia: A Wittgensteinian Response to Double-Bookkeeping
MoL-2016-03 :
Stephen Pastan
Another Approach to Truthmaker Semantics
MoL-2016-02 :
Nikolas Nisidis
A decompositional analysis of discourse relations
MoL-2016-01 :
Sarah Hiller
Corrective Feedback in First Language Acquisition
MoL-2015-32 :
Aldo Iván Ramírez Abarca
Topological Models for Group Knowledge and Belief
MoL-2015-31 :
Francesca Zaffora Blando
From von Mises' Impossibility of a Gambling System to Probabilistic Martingales
MoL-2015-30 :
Ko-Hung Kuan
Coherence Preservation: A Threat to Probabilistic Measures of Coherence
MoL-2015-29 :
Maaike Annebeth Zwart
Sheaf Models for Intuitionistic Non-Standard Arithmetic
MoL-2015-28 :
Francesco Gavazzo
Investigations into Linear Logic with Fixed-Point Operators
MoL-2015-27 :
Ana Lucia Vargas Sandoval
Learning Deductive Reasoning
MoL-2015-26 :
Suzanne van Wijk
Coalitions in Epistemic Planning
MoL-2015-25 :
Joost Vecht
Categorical Structuralism and the Foundations of Mathematics
MoL-2015-24 :
Md. Shahidul Islam
Limits of Argumentation: A Wittgensteinian Approach
MoL-2015-23 :
Eileen Wagner
Superplural Logic
MoL-2015-22 :
Michiel den Haan
The Logic of Framing: The Framing Effect as a Non-Monotonic Decision Process of Path Dependence
MoL-2015-21 :
Konstantinos Gkikas
Stable Beliefs and Conditional Probability Spaces
MoL-2015-20 :
Hanna Sofie van Lee
The Reliability of Scientific Communities: a Logical Analysis
MoL-2015-19 :
Wouter P.J. Kroese
When an Algorithm Cannot Help You Find a Wife: Modeling Two-Sided Matching Markets Using Stochastic Matching
MoL-2015-18 :
Frederik Möllerström Lauridsen
One-Step Algebras and Frames for Modal and Intuitionistic Logics
MoL-2015-17 :
Kees van Berkel
Kant's Logic in the Critique of Practical Reason
MoL-2015-16 :
Pietro Pasotti
Chisholm's Paradox in Action Deontic Logics
MoL-2015-15 :
Fangzhou Zhai
Toward Probabilistic Natural Logic for Syllogistic Reasoning
MoL-2015-14 :
Iris van de Pol
How Difficult is it to Think that you Think that I Think that...? A DEL-based Computational-level Model of Theory of Mind and its Complexity
MoL-2015-13 :
Lorenzo Galeotti
Computable Analysis Over the Generalized Baire Space
MoL-2015-12 :
Frank Feys
Fourier Analysis for Social Choice
MoL-2015-11 :
Moritz Bäumel
'On Certainty' and Formal Epistemology
MoL-2015-10 :
Bill Noble
All together now... This time with meaning: A hierarchical lexicon for semantic coordination
MoL-2015-09 :
Tingxiang Zou
Filtered Order-partial Combinatory Algebras and Classical Realizability
MoL-2015-08 :
Jonathan Mallinson
Modelling Syntactic and Semantic Tasks with Linguistically Enriched Recursive Neural Networks
MoL-2015-07 :
Babette Paping
A game theoretic approach to cost allocation in the Dutch electricity grid
MoL-2015-06 :
Johannes Emerich
Applying Types as Abstract Interpretation to a Language with Dynamic Dispatch
MoL-2015-05 :
Roosmarijn Goldbach
Modelling Democratic Deliberation
MoL-2015-04 :
Sanne Kosterman
Learning in Games through Social Networks
MoL-2015-03 :
Maša Močnik
Slovenian Perfective and Imperfective Explicit Performative Utterances
MoL-2015-02 :
Ignas Vyšniauskas
$\pi_{dist}$: Towards a Typed $\pi$-calculus for Distributed Programming Languages
MoL-2015-01 :
Jouke E. Witteveen
Structural Parameterized Complexity
MoL-2014-23 :
Yuning Feng
Constructing Variants of the Category of Partial Equivalence Relations
MoL-2014-22 :
Gijs Wijnholds
Categorical Foundations for Extended Compositional Distributional Models of Meaning
MoL-2014-21 :
Lara Elise van Weegen
Informational cascades under variable reliability assessments: A formal and empirical investigation
MoL-2014-20 :
Laura Mojica
Anxiety: A Grammatical Investigation
MoL-2014-19 :
Jessica Olsen
Would You Believe That? The Prerogative of Assent and Utility of Disagreement
MoL-2014-18 :
Justin Kruger
Actions in Social Choice
MoL-2014-17 :
Sanne Brinkhorst
On Evolution of Compositionality
MoL-2014-16 :
Malvin Gattinger
Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Guessing Games and Cryptographic Protocols
MoL-2014-15 :
Nikhil Maddirala
Philosophy of logical practice: a case study in formal semantics
MoL-2014-14 :
Sarah McWhirter
An Automata-Theoretic Perspective on Polyadic Quantification in Natural Language
MoL-2014-13 :
Michele Herbstritt
Why can't we be surprised whether it rains in Amsterdam? A semantics for factive verbs and embedded questions
MoL-2014-12 :
Simon Docherty
A Model Of Type Theory In Cubical Sets With Connections
MoL-2014-11 :
Guus Willem Eelink
Davidson on belief, truth, and the sceptic
MoL-2014-10 :
Julia Ilin
An Outline of Algebraic Set Theory with a View Towards Cohen's Model Falsifying the Continuum Hypothesis
MoL-2014-09 :
Julian J. Schlöder
Uptake, Clarification and Argumentation
MoL-2014-08 :
Seyed Mohammad Yarandi
Proper Names and Propositional Attitudes
MoL-2014-07 :
Nadine Theiler
A Multitude of Answers: Embedded Questions in Typed Inquisitive Semantics
MoL-2014-06 :
Ciyang Qing
Quantiative Social-Cognitive Experimental Pragmatics
MoL-2014-05 :
Sebastian Speitel
Limning the True and Ultimate Structure of Reality
MoL-2014-04 :
Andreea Achimescu
Games and Logics for Informational Cascades
MoL-2014-03 :
Rachel Boddy
Epistemic Issues and Group Knowledge
MoL-2014-02 :
Alexander C. Block
Operations on a Wadge-Type Hierarchy of Ordinal-Valued Functions
MoL-2014-01 :
Maria Dimarogkona
The Problem of Existence in Western Philosophy: Aristotle - Thomas Aquinas
MoL-2013-29 :
Dieuwke Hupkes
An Empirical Account of Compositionality of Translation through Translation Data
MoL-2013-28 :
YunQi Xue
Towards Closed-World Reasoning in Games - Ultimatum Game Revisited
MoL-2013-27 :
Vlasta Sikimic
Towards a Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Dynamic Logics
MoL-2013-26 :
Ásgeir Berg Matthíasson
A Chalet on Mount Everest: Interpretations of Wittgenstein's Remarks on G\"odel
MoL-2013-25 :
Anthony Renard
A Final Coalgebra Theorem in the Context of Algebraic Set Theory
MoL-2013-24 :
Sylvia Pauw
Synthesis, Judgment and the Categories of Quantity
MoL-2013-23 :
Maximilian Johannes Fillinger
Reconstructing the Cryptanalytic Attack behind the Flame Malware
MoL-2013-22 :
Heleen Booy
Philosophy in primary schools - Developing teachers' manuals for different age groups
MoL-2013-21 :
Adam Crager
The infinite in Aristotle's logical epistemology
MoL-2013-20 :
Cecilia Chávez Aguilera.
Non-well founded semantics for belief revision
MoL-2013-19 :
Alessandra Marra
What should have been the case. A temporal update semantics for necessity deontic modals
MoL-2013-18 :
Robert Carrington
Learning and Knowledge in Social Networks
MoL-2013-17 :
Ryan Nefdt
Constituentless Compositionality: A Compositional Account of Dependency Grammar
MoL-2013-16 :
Hugo de Holanda Cunha Nobrega
Game characterizations of function classes and Weihrauch degrees
MoL-2013-15 :
Maurice Pico
Completeness proofs via canonical models on increasingly generalized settings
MoL-2013-14 :
Hans Bugge Grathwohl
Programming with Classical Proofs
MoL-2013-13 :
Aybüke Özgün
Topological Models for Belief and Belief Revision
MoL-2013-12 :
Apostolos Tzimoulis
Determinacy and measurable cardinals in HOD
MoL-2013-11 :
José Pedro Correia
The Bivalent Trap: Vagueness, Theories of Meaning and Identity
MoL-2013-10 :
Zhiguang Zhao
Algebraic Canonicity in Non-Classical Logics
MoL-2013-09 :
Femke Bekius
The Iterative Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problem
MoL-2013-08 :
Nathaniel Forde
A Demand of Reason: Dependence in Logic and Probability
MoL-2013-07 :
Tanmay C. Inamdar
On The Modal Logics of Some Set-Theoretic Constructions
MoL-2013-06 :
Elbert J. Booij
Kinds, Composition and the Identification Problem
MoL-2013-05 :
Giovanni Cinà
On the connection between the categorical and the modal logic approaches to Quantum Mechanics
MoL-2013-04 :
Georgios Sarailidis
On the Power of Evolution
MoL-2013-03 :
Gianluca Paolini
Dependence Logic in Algebra and Model Theory
MoL-2013-02 :
Radek Ocelák
Carving up the rainbow: how to model linguistic categorization of color
MoL-2013-01 :
Maria Velema
Classical Encryption and Authentication under Quantum Attacks
MoL-2012-23 :
Peter van Ormondt
Finite narrative modelling, contextual dynamic semantics and Elusive Knowledge
MoL-2012-22 :
Ekaterina Garmash
Refining translation grammars through paraphrase clustering
MoL-2012-21 :
Aadil Hanif Kurji
An Update Semantics for Promises and Other Obligation-Creating Speech Acts: A Promising Start
MoL-2012-20 :
Marta Sznajder
Dynamic Semantics for Intensional Transitive Verbs - a Case Study
MoL-2012-19 :
Yves Fomatati
Sahlqvist Correspondence for Intuitionistic Modal Mu-Calculus
MoL-2012-18 :
Stefanie Kooistra
Logic in Classical and Evolutionary Games
MoL-2012-17 :
Nal Emmerich Kalchbrenner
Walking the Graph of Language: On a Framework for Meaning and Analogy
MoL-2012-16 :
Aleks Knoks
Abnormality Counts!
MoL-2012-15 :
Kyndylan Nienhuis
Automatic Verication of Programs with Indirection
MoL-2012-14 :
Vahid M. Hashemi
Extracting Trends from Incomplete Ordinal Preferences
MoL-2012-13 :
Riccardo Pinosio
Kant's Transcendental Synthesis of the Imagination and Constructive Euclidean Geometry
MoL-2012-12 :
Haitao Cai
Causation and the Semantics of Counterfactuals
MoL-2012-11 :
Tong Wang
An Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse Game for the Logic L-omega1-omega
MoL-2012-10 :
Paula Henk
Supremum in the Lattice of Interpretability
MoL-2012-09 :
Antonio Florio
Science in Axiomatic Perspective
MoL-2012-08 :
Fabio Zanasi
Expressiveness of Monadic Second Order Logics on Infinite Trees of Arbitrary Branching Degree
MoL-2012-07 :
Fenner Tanswell
Proof and Prejudice: Why Formalising doesn't make you a Formalist
MoL-2012-06 :
Alwin Blok
Interaction, observation and denotation: A study of dialgebras for program semantics
MoL-2012-05 :
Pawel Lojko
Inquisitive Semantics and the Paradoxes of Material Implication
MoL-2012-04 :
Daan Staudt
Completeness for Two Left-Sequential Logics
MoL-2012-03 :
Thomas Peetz
On Context-Free Grammar Induction by Incremental Compression
MoL-2012-02 :
Sylvia Boicheva
Mechanism Design without Money
MoL-2012-01 :
Viktoriia Denisova
Ontological Commitment of Natural Language Semantics
MoL-2011-21 :
Bruno Jacinto
Consequence in Context: Two-Dimensional Semantics meets Logical Consequence
MoL-2011-20 :
Floor Rombout
"|": Frege, Russell and Wittgenstein on the Judgment Stroke
MoL-2011-19 :
Annemieke Reijngoud
Voter Response to Iterated Poll Information
MoL-2011-18 :
Andreas van Cranenburgh
Discontinuous Data-Oriented Parsing through Mild Context-Sensitivity
MoL-2011-17 :
Rogier Jacobsz
The Cylindric Algebras of 4-Valued Logic
MoL-2011-16 :
Gabriela Asli Rino Nesin
Completing partial algebra models of term rewriting systems
MoL-2011-15 :
Johannes Marti
Relation Liftings in Coalgebraic Modal Logic
MoL-2011-14 :
Zhenhao Li
Degrees of Non-Determinacy and Game Logics on Cardinals under the Axiom of Determinacy
MoL-2011-13 :
Willem M. Baartse
Finding the phase transition for Friedman's long finite sequences
MoL-2011-12 :
Spencer C. Johnston
Buridan's Theory of Logical Consequence
MoL-2011-11 :
Kasper Højbjerg Christensen
Counterfactual Dependencies
MoL-2011-10 :
Cian Chartier
Tarski's Threat to the T-Schema
MoL-2011-09 :
Irma Cornelisse
Context Dependence of Epistemic Operators in Dynamic Evidence Logic
MoL-2011-08 :
Ilan Frank
Information and Representation in Computational Social Choice
MoL-2011-07 :
Navid Talebanfard
Tightening the Compression Hierarchies
MoL-2011-06 :
Noortje Joost Venhuizen
Negation in Questions
MoL-2011-05 :
Sophie Arnoult
Smoothing a PBSMT Model by Factoring Out Adjuncts
MoL-2011-04 :
Douwe Kiela
Variable Binding in Biologically Plausible Neural Networks
MoL-2011-03 :
Lars Wortel
Side Effects in Steering Fragments
MoL-2011-02 :
Peter Fritz
Matrices and Modalities: On the Logic of Two-Dimensional Semantics
MoL-2011-01 :
Tom Florian Sterkenburg
Sequences with Trivial Initial Segment Complexity
MoL-2010-20 :
Antonio Negro
Quine's challenge and Logical Pluralism
MoL-2010-19 :
Remi Turk
A modern back-end for a dependently typed language
MoL-2010-18 :
Alexandru Marcoci
The Surprise Examination Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic Logic
MoL-2010-17 :
Bert Christiaan Regenboog
Reactive Valuations
MoL-2010-16 :
Hélène Tourigny
Exploiting Systematicity: a Connectionist Model of Bootstrapping in Language Acquisition
MoL-2010-15 :
Matthew P. Wampler-Doty
Evidentialist Logic
MoL-2010-14 :
Lorenz Demey
Agreeing to Disagree in Probabilistic Dynamic Epistemic Logic
MoL-2010-13 :
Hanne Kristin Berg
Philosophy of time: Combining the A-series and the B-series
MoL-2010-12 :
Jonathan Shaheen
Relevance-Based Partition Semantics for Why-Questions
MoL-2010-11 :
Margaux Smets
A U-DOP approach to modeling language acquisition
MoL-2010-10 :
Ernst Odolphi
Temporal Binding by Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity
MoL-2010-09 :
Kian Mintz-Woo
Independence Weakening in Judgment Aggregation
MoL-2010-08 :
David Fiske
Toward an Evolutionary Linguistic Theory
MoL-2010-07 :
Mark Beumer
Apportionment in Theory and Practice
MoL-2010-06 :
Stephan Schroevers
Expressiveness and Extensions of an Instruction Sequence Semigroup
MoL-2010-05 :
Nicola Di Giorgio
Non-Standard Models of Arithmetic: a Philosophical and Historical perspective
MoL-2010-04 :
Yacin Hamami
The Interrogative Model of Inquiry meets Dynamic Epistemic Logics
MoL-2010-03 :
Charlotte Vlek
Definability in the Degrees of Randomness
MoL-2010-02 :
Christian Geist
Automated Search for Impossibility Theorems in Choice Theory: Ranking Sets of Objects
MoL-2010-01 :
Frank Nebel
Shortest Path Games: Computational Complexity of Solution Concepts
MoL-2009-18 :
Salvador Mascarenhas
Inquisitive Semantics and Logic
MoL-2009-17 :
Maarten Versteegh
iDOP: Iterated Data-Oriented Parsing as a Model for Diachronic Syntax
MoL-2009-16 :
Samuel Jacob van Gool
Methods for Canonicity
MoL-2009-15 :
Floor Sietsma
A Case Study in Formal Testing and an Algorithm for Automatic Test Case Generation with Symbolic Transition Systems
MoL-2009-14 :
Lisa Maree Fulford
A study of Canonicity for Bi-Implicative Algebras
MoL-2009-13 :
Olga Grigoriadou
A Momentary Lapse Of Reason
MoL-2009-12 :
Karel Van Oudheusden
The Advent of Recursion \& Logic in Computer Science
MoL-2009-11 :
Ivano A. Ciardelli
Inquisitive Semantics and Intermediate Logics
MoL-2009-10 :
Maria Spychalska
Scalar Implicatures and Existential Import: Experimental Study on Quantifiers in Natural Language
MoL-2009-09 :
Simon Pauw
A BiOT Account of Gricean Reasoning
MoL-2009-08 :
Wouter Beek
Truth-Theoretic Contextualism: Dissolving the Minimalism/Contextualism Debate
MoL-2009-07 :
Chris Brumwell
A Dynamic Analysis of Epistemic Possibility
MoL-2009-06 :
Pablo Cubides Kovacsics
Decomposition Theorem for Abstract Elementary Classes
MoL-2009-05 :
Petros D. Stamatis
Going for a Walk on a Fine Summer's Day While a Sea-battle is Taking Place, or Concerning Future Contingents and Intentional Action
MoL-2009-04 :
Daan Dirk de Jonge
Autistic Number Learning: What Autism Can Tell Us About the Acquisition of Number Concepts
MoL-2009-03 :
Daniele Chiffi
Analysis of Knowledge, Assertion, Verification
MoL-2009-02 :
Nicole R. Hausen
Wittgenstein's Investigations and Damasio's Explanations: A Comparative Study of Emotion
MoL-2009-01 :
María Inés Crespo
Normativity and interaction: from ethics to semantics
MoL-2008-12 :
Fan Yang
Intuitionistic Subframe Formulas, NNIL-Formulas and n-universal Models
MoL-2008-11 :
Rachel Sterken
Concatenation as a basis for Q and the Intuitionistic variant of Nelson's Classic Result
MoL-2008-10 :
Dewi S. Harten
How to solve the conjunction fallacy? A discussion of alternative approaches
MoL-2008-09 :
Sara Ramezani Khorshid Doost
Nash Social Welfare in Multiagent Resource Allocation
MoL-2008-08 :
Pietro Galliani
Game values and equilibria for undetermined sentences of Dependence Logic
MoL-2008-07 :
Loes Olde Loohuis
Multi-Player Logics
MoL-2008-06 :
Thomas Icard
Models of the Polymodal Provability Logic
MoL-2008-05 :
Luite Menno Pieter van Zelst
Modeling Computer Viruses
MoL-2008-04 :
Martijn Pennings
A Konolige bridge between default logic and autoepistemic logic
MoL-2008-03 :
Szymon Klarman
ABox Abduction in Description Logic
MoL-2008-02 :
Silvia Gaio
Gradability without Degrees
MoL-2008-01 :
Caroline Foster
The Problem of the Perfect Agent: Investigations into Determinism
MoL-2007-23 :
Federico Sangati
Towards simpler tree substitution grammars
MoL-2007-22 :
Petter Remen
Automata on flows
MoL-2007-21 :
Theodora Achourioti
Logic, Normativity, and the A Priori
MoL-2007-20 :
Gustaaf Haan
How illiterates interpret syllogistic problems
MoL-2007-19 :
Raul Andres Leal Rodriguez
Expressivity of Coalgebraic Modal Languages
MoL-2007-18 :
Lena Kurzen
Logics for Cooperation, Actions and Preferences
MoL-2007-17 :
Brammert Ottens
Comparing Winner Determination Algorithms for Mixed Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions
MoL-2007-16 :
Jesse Aron Harris
Revealing Concealment: A (Neuro-)Logical Investigation of Concealed Questions
MoL-2007-15 :
Christian Kissig
Decidability of S2S
MoL-2007-14 :
Joost Winter
Space Complexity in Infinite Time Turing Machines
MoL-2007-13 :
Ansten Mørch Klev
Extending Kleene's O Using Infinite Time Turing Machines
MoL-2007-12 :
Sandeep Murthy
Group-theoretic Methods for Bounding the Exponent of Matrix Multiplication
MoL-2007-11 :
Yurii Khomskii
Regularity Properties and Determinacy
MoL-2007-10 :
David Chabot
Individual-level Predicates and When-Conditionals
MoL-2007-09 :
Harald Bastiaanse
Clarity in Non-Monotonic Logic
MoL-2007-08 :
Ori Garin
A computational model of reference
MoL-2007-07 :
Marcello Di Bello
Formalizing Legislation in the Event Calculus: The Case of the Italian Citizenship Law
MoL-2007-06 :
Gerben de Vries
Formalizing Implicatures Using Extended Logic Programming
MoL-2007-05 :
Can Baskent
Topics in Subset Space Logic
MoL-2007-04 :
Tijmen R. Daniëls
Social Choice and Logic via Simple Games
MoL-2007-03 :
Höskuldur Hlynsson
Transfer Learning Using the Minimum Description Length Principle with a Decision Tree Application
MoL-2007-02 :
Wouter Koolen
Discovering the truth by conducting experiments
MoL-2007-01 :
Jonathan Zvesper
A Revised Version: Belief Revision and Epistemic Acts
MoL-2006-09 :
Jacob Vosmaer
Connecting the profinite completion and the canonical extension using duality
MoL-2006-08 :
Gaëlle Fontaine
Axiomatization of ML and Cheq
MoL-2006-07 :
Martin Müller
Accent and Focus in OT: a Cross-Linguistic Perspective
MoL-2006-06 :
Jill Cirasella
Classical and Quantum Algorithms for Finding Cycles
MoL-2006-05 :
Yanjing Wang
Indexed Semantics and Its Application in Modelling Interactive Unawareness
MoL-2006-04 :
Clive Nettey
Link-Based Methods for Web Information Retrieval
MoL-2006-03 :
Ioanna Dimitriou
Strong limits and Inaccessibility with non-wellorderable powersets
MoL-2006-02 :
Dirk Buschbom
Understanding As A Teleonomical Concept: Fundamentals of the Hermeneutical game
MoL-2006-01 :
Edgar Andrade
Meaning and Form in Event Calculus
MoL-2005-09 :
Scott Grimm
The Lattice of Case and Agentivity
MoL-2005-08 :
Gustavo Lacerda da Melo
Automating Normal Science: Reusing Exemplars in Quantitative Explanations
MoL-2005-07 :
Samson Tikitu de Jager
Analysing the complexity of games on graphs
MoL-2005-06 :
Teresita Mijangos
Penalty Logic and Genomic Encoding
MoL-2005-05 :
Floris Roelofsen
Exploring Logical Perspectives on Distributed Information and its Dynamics
MoL-2005-04 :
Michael Franke
MoL-2005-03 :
Evangelos Tzanis
Algebraizing Hybrid Logic
MoL-2005-02 :
Boaz Leskes
The Value of Agreement: a new Boosting Algorithm
MoL-2005-01 :
Reut Tsarfaty
`binyanim ba'avir': An investigation of Aspect Semantics in Modern Hebrew
MoL-2004-09 :
Spencer Gerhardt
A Construction Method for Modal Logics of Space
MoL-2004-08 :
Ji Ruan
Exploring the Update Universe
MoL-2004-07 :
Piotr Labenz
Event-calculus semantics of Polish aspect
MoL-2004-06 :
Thuy Linh Nguyen
Rank Consistent Estimation: The DOP Case
MoL-2004-05 :
Fenrong Liu
Dynamic Variations: Update and Revision for Diverse Agents
MoL-2004-04 :
Be Birchall
Duality for Distributive Modal Algebras
MoL-2004-03 :
Giosuè Baggio
Two ERP studies on Dutch temporal semantics
MoL-2004-02 :
Andreas Zollmann
A Consistent and Efficient Estimator for the Data-Oriented Parsing Model
MoL-2004-01 :
Katrin Schulz
A Case Study on the Paradox of Free Choice Permission
MoL-2003-07 :
Loredana Afanasiev
XML Query Evaluation via CTL Model Checking
MoL-2003-06 :
Oren Tsur
Definitional Question Answering Using Trainable Classifiers
MoL-2003-05 :
Tanja Hötte
A Model for Epistemic Games
MoL-2003-04 :
Gilad Mishne
Source Code Retrieval using Conceptual Graphs
MoL-2003-03 :
Guillaume Aucher
A Combined System for Update Logic and Belief Revision
MoL-2003-02 :
Fadillah Tala
A Study of Stemming Effects on Information Retrieval in Bahasa Indonesia
MoL-2003-01 :
Chunlai Zhou
Some Intuitionistic Provability and Preservativity Logics (and their interrelations)
MoL-2002-10 :
Fabrice Nauze
Scenarios for the Pass\'e Simple and Imparfait: An Event Calculus Approach to French Semantics
MoL-2002-09 :
Rajvinder Singh
A Study of Optimality Theory and the Human Sentence Processing Mechanism
MoL-2002-08 :
Marian Counihan
What do four-year-olds have in common with Frege?
MoL-2002-07 :
Luciano Buratto
Back-off as Parameter Estimation for DOP models
MoL-2002-06 :
Börkur Sigurbjörnsson
Structural Properties of Questionnaires
MoL-2002-05 :
Bernadette Martínez Hernández
Automated Reasoning with Boolean ABoxes
MoL-2002-04 :
Mathieu Vidal
Classifying Conditionals
MoL-2002-03 :
Willem Conradie
The Beth Property for Three Extensions of Modal Logic
MoL-2002-02 :
John Duda
Context and Mythology
MoL-2002-01 :
Seth Cable
Stand Over There, Please: The Dynamics of Vagueness, the Origins of Vagueness, and How Pie-Cutting Relates to Ancient Heaps of Sand
MoL-2001-15 :
Mehmet Giritli
From 3-SAT to \{2+p\},\{3\}-SAT
MoL-2001-14 :
Andreas P. Giannakoulopoulos
Frog Leaps and Human Noises: An Optimality Theory Approach to Cultural Change
MoL-2001-13 :
Troy Lee
Is Multiplication Harder than Addition? Arithmetical Definability over Finite Structures
MoL-2001-12 :
Darrin Hindsill
On the Turning Verbs into Nouns
MoL-2001-11 :
David Gabelaia
Modal definability in topology
MoL-2001-10 :
Marcello Vavassori
Isn't my question a real question? A Pragmatic Approach to Polar Questions
MoL-2001-09 :
Nick Arevadze
Finite Projective Formulas
MoL-2001-08 :
Alexander Bergo
Text Categorization and Prototypes
MoL-2001-07 :
Ben Rodenhäuser
Updating Epistemic Uncertainty: an essay in the logic of information change
MoL-2001-06 :
Jon Ragetli
Towards Concept-based Structuring of Electronic Information
MoL-2001-05 :
Rasa Leijting - Paulékaité
Intentional Identity and the Edelberg Asymmetry
MoL-2001-04 :
Jason Mattausch
On Optimization in Discourse Generation
MoL-2001-03 :
Marie Nilsenová
Uncertainty in the Common Ground
MoL-2001-02 :
Iouri Netchitailov
An Extension of Game Logic with Parallel Operators
MoL-2001-01 :
Levan Khavtasi
Extending Focus Theories: Particles in Focus
MoL-2000-06 :
Shai Berger
Studies on the Uses and Usefulness of Diagrams
MoL-2000-05 :
Patrick Yancey
Indeterminacy and Translatability
MoL-2000-04 :
Catarina Dutilh Novaes
A Study of William of Ockham's Logic - from Suppositio to Truth Conditions
MoL-2000-03 :
Sjaak Verbeek
An Information Theoretic Approach to Finding Word Groups for Text Classification
MoL-2000-02 :
Mariana Haim
Duality for Lattices with Operators: A Modal Logic Approach
MoL-2000-01 :
Sophia Velissaratou
Conditional Questions and Which-Interrogatives
MoL-1999-04 :
Walter Dean
Three Recursion Theoretic Concepts of Genericity
MoL-1999-03 :
Rafael Accorsi
Exploring the Behaviour of Feature Interaction via Stable Models
MoL-1999-02 :
Clemens Grabmayer
Cut-Elimination in the Implicative Fragment $->G3mi$ of an Intuitionistic $G3$-Gentzen-System and its Computational Meaning
MoL-1999-01 :
Alessandra Palmigiano
Normal Gentzen Deductions in the Classical Case
MoL-1998-03 :
Eyal Hurvitz
Towards a Uniform Strategy of Plural Quantification? Iterative Cumulativity and the Witness Condition
MoL-1998-02 :
Paulo E. Santos
Formalising the Common Sense of a Mobile Robot
MoL-1998-01 :
Rosella Gennari
Temporal Reasoning and Constraint Programming
MoL-1997-03 :
Marc Pauly
Transforming Predicates or Updating States? Total Correctness in Dynamic Logic and Structured Programming
MoL-1997-02 :
Brian Semmes
The Raisonnier-Shelah Construction of a Non-Measurable Set
MoL-1997-01 :
Dimitris Dimitriadis
Identity and Identification