A Compositional Analysis of Dependence Statements
Terence Hui

This thesis investigates the semantic structure of dependence statements which feature the verb depends on. The analysis of these statements will be done in a typed system which will be based on an inquisitive notion of meaning. Various types of dependence statements will be presented which are unable to be represented in a standard typed inquisitive semantics. These dependence statements feature concealed questions and propositional anaphora. Two typed inquisitive semantics systems will be presented. The first system that we will present is designed to represent dependence statements which feature concealed questions. This system will be able to represent a number of different readings of dependence statements which contain concealed questions. The second system will be based on a dynamic inquisitive semantics framework and is designed to represent dependence statements which feature propositional anaphora. This framework will allow us to represent the dynamic effect of propositional anaphora in dependence statements.