Natural Language and Logical Consequence: An Inferentialist Account
Simon Dominik Vonlanthen

Writing a Master’s thesis is no small task, and it cannot be properly done without the help of others. As such, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who helped me throughout this time, be it directly involving the thesis itself, or by simply giving me a roof over my head for the duration. I would like to give my special thanks to both of my supervisors, Dr. Luca Incurvati and Dr. Julian Schlöder, who accompanied me throughout the entire creation process. Without their continuous suggestions, criticisms, and pointers to the literature – as well as the occasional pep talk and encouragement – the thesis would have turned out quite differently. I have thoroughly enjoyed working together, and I hope the feeling was mutual. Furthermore, my thanks go to the defense committee for the organisation of my public defense and the stimulating discussion during the session. I would also like to thank some of my fellow students, especially Bas Kortenbach, Lukas Zenger, Tianwei Zhang and everyone else who had to listen to me ramble on about philosophy, ordinary language and logic one too many times. Special thanks on the side of emotional support go to my friends and family for the much needed diversions, and last but not least to Bingzi Jiang for the aforementioned roof as well as the general patience for putting up with me during these stressful times. 我爱你!