The Epistemic Logic of Full Communication and Social Networks: An Analysis of Mediation and Network Formation
Luca van der Kamp

Recent developments in Dynamic Epistemic Logics of social networks formalise the relation between epistemics and communication restricted by the existence of connections between people situated in a social network. There are two key aspects to social networks: communication over a social networks is often mediated, the ability of a groups to communicate to one another is determined by the existence, or non-existence of crucial positions; and social networks are dynamic, they change form and shape as people form and lose friendships and relations. Logical studies on epistemics and networks almost never treat these two aspects of social networks to its fullest. We set out to analyse these two aspects and their relation to epistemics from a logical perspective. We formalise a dynamic epistemic logic of full and semi-public communication over a social network, Communication Logic, and provide its sound and complete axiomatisation. Through Communication Logic, we identify and study crucial positions in social networks that either enable or block the flow of knowledge between groups. Moreover, we construct a game-theoretic framework of network formation and change that treats network formation as something driven by the people inside the social network itself. We formulate axioms that capture properties of such network formation games, and identify properties of network formation implicit in most socio-economic studies of network formation. Finally, we sketch how to use coalition logic to talk about coalitional ability in these network formation games, and hint towards a unified logic of full communication over, and coalitional ability of a social network.