Memory, Time and Language:
A Mental Time Travel Model in a Narrative Discourse
Federico Schiaffino

In this thesis, the cognitive implications following the emergence of a memory system capable of locating events in time are discussed. With this evolution individuals have been able to mentally travel in time, which has significantly altered their learning processes and behaviour. In particular, individuals have been able to mentally represent scenes independently of context. Such ability has had far reaching consequences as humans have been able to communicate about non-present objects or events. We argue that this cognitive ability has set the groundwork for the evolution of narratives. This thesis proposes a model to evaluate the cognitive relation between mental time travel and narratives. We undertake such analysis by examining the cognitive processes related to mental time travel and investigate their role in narrations. Finally, empirical data are provided, with the cases of autism and schizophrenia. Both disorders are characterised by an impaired ability to form meta-representations. We analyse the effects of such deficit in relation to their narrative skills.