Betti, A. (2020) Corpus Building: WorldCat, Part 1.quine1960.Web publication or website | https://quine1960.wordpress.com/2020/05/28/corpus-building-worldcat-part-1/ | UvA-DARE
Beynier, A., Maudet, N., Rey, S., Shams, P. (2021) Swap dynamics in single-peaked housing markets.Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Vol. 35Article | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10458-021-09503-z | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Carai, L., Gabelaia, D., Ghilardi, S., Jibladze, M. (2021) Diego's Theorem for nuclear implicative semilattices.Indagationes Mathematicae, Vol. 32 (pp 498-535)Article | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indag.2020.12.005 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., de Groot, J. (2022) A coalgebraic approach to dualities for neighborhood frames.Logical Methods in Computer Science, Vol. 18Article | https://doi.org/10.46298/lmcs-18(3:4)2022 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., de Jongh, D. (2008) The Kuznetsov-Gerčiu and Rieger-Nishimura logics: The boundaries of the finite model property.Logic and Logical Philosophy, Vol. 17 (pp 73-110)Article | https://doi.org/10.12775/LLP.2008.006 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Harding, J. (2015) Modal compact Hausdorff spaces.Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol. 25 (pp 1-35)Article | https://doi.org/10.1093/logcom/exs030 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Harding, J. (2015) Modal operators on compact regular frames and de Vries algebras.Applied Categorical Structures, Vol. 23 (pp 365-379)Article | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10485-013-9332-9 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Iemhoff, R. (2016) Stable canonical rules.Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 81 (pp 284-315)Article | https://doi.org/10.1017/jsl.2015.54 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Ilin, J. (2016) Cofinal stable logics.Studia Logica, Vol. 104 (pp 1287–1317)Article | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11225-016-9677-9 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Ilin, J. (2018) Stable modal logics.Review of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 11 (pp 436-469)Article | https://doi.org/10.1017/S1755020317000375 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Ilin, J. (2019) Subframization and stabilization for superintuitionistic logics.Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol. 29 (pp 1-35)Article | https://doi.org/10.1093/logcom/exy035 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Lucero-Bryan, J., van Mill, J. (2015) S4.3 and hereditarily extremally disconnected spaces.Georgian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 22 (pp 441-4759)Article | https://doi.org/10.1515/gmj-2015-0041 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Lucero-Bryan, J., van Mill, J. (2017) Krull dimension in modal logic.Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 82 (pp 1356-1786)Article | https://doi.org/10.1017/jsl.2017.14 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Lucero-Bryan, J., van Mill, J. (2018) Tychonoff HED-spaces and Zemanian extensions of S4.3.Review of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 11 (pp 115-132)Article | https://doi.org/10.1017/S1755020317000314 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Lucero-Bryan, J., van Mill, J. (2018) A new proof of the McKinsey-Tarski Theorem.Studia Logica, Vol. 106 (pp 1291-1311)Article | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11225-018-9789-5 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Lucero-Bryan, J., van Mill, J. (2019) On modal logics arising from scattered locally compact Hausdorff spaces.Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Vol. 170 (pp 558-577)Article | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apal.2018.12.005 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Lucero-Bryan, J., van Mill, J. (2021) The McKinsey-Tarski theorem for locally compact ordered spaces.The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 27 (pp 187-211)Article | https://doi.org/10.1017/bsl.2021.16 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Lucero-Bryan, J., van Mill, J. (2021) Characterizing existence of a measurable cardinal via modal logic.Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 86 (pp 162-177)Article | https://doi.org/10.1017/jsl.2021.5 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Lucero-Bryan, J., van Mill, J. (2021) Tree-like constructions in topology and modal logic.Archive for Mathematical Logic, Vol. 60 (pp 265–299)Article | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00153-020-00743-6 | UvA-DARE
Bezhanishvili, G., Bezhanishvili, N., Moraschini, T., Stronkowski, M. (2021) Profiniteness and representability of spectra of Heyting algebras.Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 391Article | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2021.107959 | UvA-DARE
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