Searchable List of Research Output

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  • Kozhevnikov, M., Titov, I. (2013) Cross-lingual Transfer of Semantic Role Labeling Models.
    In Fung, P. Poesio, M. (Eds.), ACL 2013 : 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: proceedings of the conference : August 4-9, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria (pp 1190-1200). Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Kozhevnikov, M., Titov, I. (2014) Cross-lingual Model Transfer Using Feature Representation Projection.
    In Toutanova, K. Wu, H. (Eds.), The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: proceedings of the conference : ACL 2014 : June 22-27, Baltimore (pp 579-585). Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Kracht, M., de Rijke, M., Wansing, H., Zakharyaschev, M. (1998) Advances in modal logic, vol 1.
    CSLI Publications.
  • Kröse, B.J.A., de Rijke, M., Schreiber, G., van Someren, M. (2001) Proceedings BNAIC'01.
    Unknown Publisher.
    Book (Editorship) | UvA-DARE
  • Kruger, J., Endriss, U., Fernández, R., Qing, C. (2014) Axiomatic Analysis of Aggregation Methods for Collective Annotation.
    In Lomuscio, A. Scerri, P. Bazzan, A. Huhns, M. (Eds.), AAMAS '14: proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems: May 5-9, 2014, Paris, France (pp 1185-1192). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
  • Kruger, J., Terzopoulou, Z. (2020) Strategic Manipulation with Incomplete Preferences: Possibilities and Impossibilities for Positional Scoring Rules.
    In AAMAS'20: proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems : May 9-13, 2020, Auckland, New Zealand (pp 645-653). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
  • Krzyżanowska, K., Collins, P.J., Hahn, U. (2020) ...that P is relevant for Q: Indicative conditionals and learning from testimony.
    In 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2020): Developing a Mind: Learning in Humans, Animals, and Machines : online, 29 July-1 August 2020 (pp 987-993). Cognitive Science Society.
  • Krzyżanowska, K., Collins, P.J., Hahn, U. (2021) True clauses and false connections.
    Journal of Memory and Language, Vol. 121
  • Krzyżanowska, K., Douven, I. (2018) Missing-link conditionals: pragmatically infelicitous or semantically defective?.
    Intercultural Pragmatics, Vol. 15 (pp 191–211)
  • Krzyżanowska, K., Douven, I. (2023) Williamson on conditionals and testimony.
    Philosophical Studies, Vol. 180 (pp 121-131)
  • Krzyżanowska, K. (2019) What is wrong with false-link conditionals?.
    Linguistic Vanguard, Vol. 5
  • Krzyżanowska, K. (2019) The Logic of Conceivability.
    The Reasoner, Vol. 13 (pp 13-14)
  • Krzyżanowska, K. (2020) Deliberationally Useless Conditionals.
    Episteme, Vol. 17 (pp 1-27)
  • Kühnberger, K.-U., Löwe, B., Möllerfeld, M., Welch, P.D. (2005) Comparing inductive and circular definitions: parameters, complexities and games.
    Studia Logica, Vol. 81 (pp 79-98)
    Article | UvA-DARE
  • Kühnberger, K.-U., Löwe, B., Möllerfeld, M., Welch, P.D. (2005) Comparing inductive and circular definitions: parameters, complexity and games.
    ILLC Publications. Institute for Logic, Language and Computation.
    Working paper | UvA-DARE
  • Kuijper, W., Viana, P. (2003) An application of sahlqvist theory to bisorted modal logic.
    In ten Cate, B.D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th ESSLLI Student Section (pp 149-158). ESSLLI.
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Kuiper, Leanne, Orken, Ada, Burgoyne, J.A. (2021) It's Beginning to Sound a Lot Like Christmas: Exploring Short- and Long-Term Memory of Christmas Music through an Online Game.
    Paper | UvA-DARE
  • Kumpulainen, S., Huurdeman, H. (2015) Shaken, Not Steered: The Value of Shaking Up the Search Process.
    In Gäde, M. Hall, M.M. Huurdeman, H. Kamps, J. Koolen, M. Skov, M. Toms, E. Walsh, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks: co-located with the 37th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2015) : Vienna, Austria, March 29, 2015 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1338). CEUR-WS.
  • Kunert, R., Fernández, R., Zuidema, W. (2011) Adaptation in Child Directed Speech: Evidence from Corpora.
    In Artstein, R. Core, M. DeVault, D. Georgila, K. Kaiser, E. Stent, A. (Eds.), SemDial 2011 (Los Angelogue): Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue : September 21-23, 2011, Los Angeles, California (pp 112-119) (Proceedings SemDial, Vol. 2011). Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California.
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Kupke, C., Kurz, A., Pattinson, D. (2004) Algebraic Semantics for Coalgebraic Logics.
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 106 (pp 219-241)

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