Searchable List of Research Output

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  • Kontinen, J.A. (2010) Coherence and complexity in fragments of dependence logic.
    Institute for Logic, Language and Computation.
    Thesis, fully internal | UvA-DARE
  • Koolen, C., Garnett, A., Siemens, R. (2013) Electronic environments for reading: a select annotated bibliography of pertinent hardware and software (2011).
    In Kircz, J. van der Weel, A. (Eds.), The unbound book (pp 117-129). Amsterdam University Press.
    Chapter | UvA-DARE
  • Koolen, C., Garnett, A., Siemens, R. (2012) Electronic Environments for Reading: An Annotated Bibliography of Pertinent Hardware and Software (2011).
    Scholarly and Research Communication, Vol. 3 (pp 1-62)
  • Koolen, C., van Cranenburgh, A. (2017) These are not the Stereotypes You are Looking For: Bias and Fairness in Authorial Gender Attribution.
    In Proceedings of the First Ethics in NLP workshop (pp 12)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Koolen, C., van Cranenburgh, A. (2018) Blue Eyes and Porcelain Cheeks: Computational Extraction of Physical Descriptions from Dutch Chick Lit and Literary Novels.
    Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Vol. 33 (pp 59-71)
  • Koolen, C., Wubben, S., van Cranenburgh, A. (2014) Beautiful lips and porcelain cheeks: extracting physical descriptions from recent Dutch fiction.
    Poster | UvA-DARE
  • Koolen, C. (2012) Hoe duurzaam is het digitale boek?.
    Boekman, Vol. 24 (pp 52-58)
    Article | UvA-DARE
  • Koolen, C. (2014) On being crazy about your trade: Digital Humanities 2014 in Lausanne, Switzerland.
    eHumanities eMag, Vol. 3
  • Koolen, C. (2018) Reading beyond the female: The relationship between perception of author gender and literary quality.
    Thesis, fully internal | UvA-DARE
  • Koolen, M.H.A., Adriaans, F., Kamps, J., de Rijke, M. (2006) A Cross-Language Approach to Historic Document Retrieval.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3936 (pp 407-419)
    Article | UvA-DARE
  • Koolen, M.H.A., Adriaans, P., Kamps, J., de Rijke, M. (2006) A Cross-Language Approach to Historic Document Retrieval (Abstract).
    Article | UvA-DARE
  • Koolen, M.H.A., Arampatzis, A., Kamps, J., de Keijzer, V., Nussbaum, N. (2007) Unified access to heterogeneous data in cultural heritage.
    In Proceedings of RIAO 2007: Large-Scale Semantic Access to Content (Text, Image, Video and Sound)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Koolen, M.H.A., Bogers, T., Gäde, M., Hall, M., Hendrickx, I., Huurdeman, H., Kamps, J., Skov, M., Verberne, S., Walsh, D. (2016) Overview of the CLEF 2016 Social Book Search Lab.
    In Fuhr, N. Quaresma, P. Gonçalves, T. Larsen, B. Balog, K. Macdonald, C. Cappellato, L. Ferro, N. (Eds.), Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 7th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2016, Évora, Portugal, September 5-8, 2016: proceedings (pp 351-370) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9822). Springer.
  • Koolen, M.H.A., Bogers, T., Gäde, M., Hall, M., Huurdeman, H., Kamps, J., Skov, M., Toms, E., Walsh, D. (2015) Overview of the CLEF 2015 Social Book Search Lab.
    In Mothe, J. Savoy, J. Kamps, J. Pinel-Sauvagnat, K. Jones, G.J.F. SanJuan, E. Cappellato, L. Ferro, N. (Eds.), Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 6th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF'15, Toulouse, France, September 8–11, 2015 : proceedings (pp 545-564) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9283). Springer.
  • Koolen, M.H.A., Bogers, T., Kamps, J. (2015) Overview of the SBS 2015 Suggestion Track.
    In Cappellato, L. Ferro, N. Jones, G.J.F. San Juan, E. (Eds.), Working Notes of CLEF 2015 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum: Toulouse, France, September 8-11, 2015 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1391). CEUR-WS.
    Conference contribution | | UvA-DARE
  • Koolen, M.H.A., Bogers, T., Kamps, J. (2016) Overview of the SBS 2016 Suggestion Track.
    In Balog, K. Cappellato, L. Ferro, N. Macdonald, C. (Eds.), Working Notes of CLEF 2016 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum: Évora, Portugal, 5-8 September, 2016 (pp 1039-1052) (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1609). CEUR-WS.
  • Koolen, M.H.A., Bogers, T., Kazai, G., Kamps, J., Preminger, M. (2014) Overview of the INEX 2014 Social Book Search Track.
    In Cappellato, L. Ferro, N. Halvey, M. Kraaij, W. (Eds.), Working Notes for CLEF 2014 Conference: Sheffield, UK, September 15-18, 2014 (pp 462-479) (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1180). CEUR-WS.
  • Koolen, M.H.A., Bogers, T., van den Bosch, A., Kamps, J. (2015) Looking for Books in Social Media: an analysis of complex search requests.
    In Hanbury, A. Kazai, G. Rauber, A. Fuhr, N. (Eds.), Advances in Information Retrieval: 37th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2015, Vienna, Austria, March 29-April 2, 2015 : proceedings (pp 184-196) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9022). Springer.
  • Koolen, M.H.A., Huurdeman, H., Kamps, J. (2013) Comparing topic representations for Social Book Search.
    In Forner, P. Navigli, R. Tufis, D. Ferro, N. (Eds.), Working Notes for CLEF 2013 Conference: Valencia, Spain, September 23-26, 2013 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1179). CEUR-WS.
  • Koolen, M.H.A., Huurdeman, H., Kamps, J. (2013) University of Amsterdam at the TREC 2013 Contextual Suggestion Track: Learning user preferences from Wikitravel categories.
    In Voorhees, E.M. (Eds.), The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2013) Proceedings (NIST Special Publication). National Institute of Standards and Technology.

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