View publication by year:
- CT-1996-01:
- Peter van Emde Boas The Convenience of Tilings
- CT-1996-02:
- A.S. Troelstra From Constructivism to Computer Science
- LP-1996-01:
Renate Bartsch
Understanding Understanding
1.Full Text.
- LP-1996-02:
David Beaver
1.Full Text.
- LP-1996-03:
- Theo M.V. Janssen Compositionality
- LP-1996-04:
Reinhard Muskens, Johan van Benthem, Albert Visser
1.Full Text.
- LP-1996-05:
- Dick de Jongh, Makoto Kanazawa Angluin's Theorem for Indexed Families of R.E. Sets and Applications
- LP-1996-06:
François Lepage, Serge Lapierre
The Functional Completeness of 4-value Monotonic Protothetics
1.Full Text.
- LP-1996-07:
- Frans Voorbraak Probabilistic Belief Expansion and Conditioning
- LP-1996-08:
- John Case The Power of Vacillation in Language Learning
- LP-1996-09:
- Jaap van der Does, Willem Groeneveld, Frank Veltman An Update on \em Might \em
- LP-1996-10:
- Jelle Gerbrandy, Willem Groeneveld Reasoning about Information Change
- LP-1996-11:
- Renate Bartsch Propositional Attitudes in Dynamic Conceptual Semantics
- LP-1996-12:
- Paul Dekker Reference and Representation
- LP-1996-13:
- Rens Bod, Remko Scha Data-Oriented Language Processing: An Overview
- LP-1996-14:
- Michiel van Lambalgen, Jaap van der Does A Logic of Vision: Preliminaries (preliminary to LP-1997-07: updated version on author's homepage)
- ML-1996-01:
- Domenico Zambella Algebraic Methods and Bounded Formulas
- ML-1996-02:
Domenico Zambella
On Forcing in Bounded Arithmetic (superseded by ML-1996-11)
1.Full Text.
- ML-1996-03:
Hajnal Andréka, Johan van Benthem, István Németi
Modal Languages and Bounded Fragments of Predicate Logic
1.Full Text, 2.Old version.
- ML-1996-04:
- Kees Doets Proper Classes
- ML-1996-05:
Søren Riis
Count($q$) versus the Pigeon-Hole Principle
1.Full Text.
- ML-1996-06:
- Angelo Montanari, Alberto Policriti A Decidable Theory of Finitely-Layered Metric Temporal Structures
- ML-1996-07:
- Angelo Montanari, Adriano Peron, Alberto Policriti Decidable Theories of $\omega$-Layered Metric Temporal Structures
- ML-1996-08:
- Johan van Benthem, Angelo Montanari, Giovanna D'Agostino, Alberto Policriti Modal Deduction in Second-Order Logic and Set Theory - II
- ML-1996-10:
- Vladimir Kanovei On a Dichotomy related to Colourings of Definable Graphs in Generic Models
- ML-1996-11:
- Domenico Zambella Forcing in Finite Structures (revised version of ML-1996-02)
- ML-1996-12:
- Jon Barwise, Johan van Benthem Interpolation, Preservation, and Pebble Games
- ML-1996-13:
- Lex Hendriks Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with only Equivalence has no Interpolation
- X-1996-01:
- Ingmar Visser Mind Rules: a Philosophical Essay on Psychological Rules and the Rules of Psychology
- X-1996-02:
Arthur Bakker, Renatus Ziegler
1.Full Text.