Theo M.V. Janssen

Compositionality, by Theo M.V. Janssen
(to appear in J.F.A.K. van Benthem & A. ter Meulen (eds), Handbook of Logic
and Linguistics, North Holland, Amsterdam)

The first topic of the paper is to provide a formalization of the principle
of compositionality of meaning. A mathematical model (based upon universal 
algebra) is presented, and its properties are inverstigated. The second topic 
is to discuss arguments from the literature against compositionality (of 
Hintikka, Higginbotham, Pelletier, Partee, Schiffer and others). Methods are
presented that help to obtain compositionality. It is argued that the 
principle should not be considered an empirical verifiable restriction, but a
methodological principle that describes how a system for syntax and semantics
should be designed. The paper has an appendix by B. Partee on the 
compositional treatment of genitives.