Propositional Attitudes in Dynamic Conceptual Semantics
Renate Bartsch

In this paper the shortcomings of the treatment of propositional attitudes
in several branches of formal semantics will be discussed, shortly
indicated by the names of Stalnaker, Hintikka, Carnap, Cresswell, Von
Stechow, Asher, Barwise and Perry. One of the well-known shortcomings is
that the structures of propositional contents in these approaches are
either too coarse or too fine, and that the semantics contains
syntactic-semantic hybrids like structured propositions or abstract
situations. Furthermore, they cannot provide a good understanding of the
quite flexible notion of identity of propositional attitudes. Another
well-known shortcoming is the logical closedness of the set of beliefs in
formal semantic theories. In traditional theories of cognition such as
Fodor's, on the other hand, the notion of a propositional content as a
representation formulated in some formal or natural language is not
adequate, taking into account that beliefs are possible without being
framed in a language. An alternative approach to propositional attitudes
will be formulated in dynamic conceptual semantics, which can avoid the
above mentioned shortcomings.