Please note that these newsitems have been archived, and may contain outdated information or links.
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- Former Regular Events
Headlines Past Events
- 16 December 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Floor Sietsma
- 16 December 2010, Games, Logic, Language And Computation 19: Learning and Knowledge Change (GLLC-19)
- 13 December 2010, Modal Logic and Stone Duality
- 10 December 2010, DIP Colloquium, Keith Stenning
- 10 December 2010, Discrete Strategies in Keyword Auctions and their Social Inefficiency, Orestis Telelis (U Liverpool, UK)
- 8 December 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Stephen Clark
- 8 December 2010, FLiRT workshop: Fixed-point LogIcs and Reasoning about Trees
- 7 December 2010, Logic Tea, Szymon Klarman
- 7-8 December 2010, Workshop "From cognitive science and psychology to an empirically-informed philosophy"
- 6 December 2010, Faculty Colloquium, Ulle Endriss / A. Osseyran
- 6 December 2010, Probabilistic and Algebraic Methods in Discrete Mathematics, Optimization and Computer Science
- 3 December 2010, DIP Colloquium, Yoad Winter
- 3 December 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Stéphane Airiau
- 3-18 December 2010, Sino-European Winter School in Logic, Language and Computation (SELLC-2010), Guangzhou, China
- 1 December 2010, Inaugural Lecture, Henkjan Honing (Bijzonder Hoogleraar Muziekcognitie)
- 27- 28 November 2010, 91st Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic
- 26 November 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Andrew E.M. Lewis
- 26 November 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Marek Zawadowski
- 26 November 2010, DIP Colloquium, Elena Tribushinina
- 24-26 November 2010, Workshop on History of Logic in China, Amsterdam
- 23 November 2010, Logic Tea, Gillman Payette
- 19 November 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Stefan Minica
- 15 November 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Rod Downey Wellington
- 12 November 2010, DIP Colloquium, Rosanna Keefe
- 12 November 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Eric Pacuit
- 11 November 2010, LIRa Seminar Special Session, David Etlin (Groningen), Wes Holliday (Stanford), Olivier Roy (Groningen)
- 10 November 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Federico Sangati
- 9 November 2010, Logic Tea, Gideon Borensztajn
- 5 November 2010, DIP Colloquium, Jaap van der Does
- 4 November 2010, Empirical Game-Theoretic Analysis for Practical Strategic Reasoning, Michael Wellman
- 29 October 2010, Theoretical Computer Science Amsterdam (TCSA) Day
- 28 October 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Sara Uckelman
- 26 October 2010, Logic Tea, Inés Crespo
- 26 October 2010, ACG Colloquium, Jacopo Mauro
- 25 October 2010, LIRa Seminar Special Session on Social Choice, Ulle Endriss, Cedric Degremont, Umberto Grandi
- 23 October 2010, Book Presentation, Rens Bod, "De Vergeten Wetenschappen: Een Geschiedenis van de Humaniora" ("The Forgotten Sciences: A History of the Humanities")
- 21-23 October 2010, The Making of the Humanities II: Second International Conference on the History of the Humanities
- 15 October 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki and Amsterdam)
- 15 October 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Krzysztof Apt
- 15 October 2010, NAP-Dag 2010
- 8 October 2010, DIP Colloquium, Lucia M. Tovena
- 8 October 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Cédric Dégremont
- 5 October 2010, Logic Tea, Bruno Loff
- 1 October 2010, DIP Colloquium / AGPC event, Paul Egré
- 1 October 2010, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Minghui Ma
- 1 October 2010, Reading/discussion group on Music Cognition and Computation
- 30 September - 2 October 2010, Amsterdam Graduate Philosophy Conference on "Truth, Meaning, and Normativity" (AGPC'10), Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam
- 29 September 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Tejaswini Deoskar & Markos Mylonakis
- 24-25 September 2010, SIGdial 2010 Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan
- 22 September 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Stefan Evert
- 21 September 2010, Logic Tea, Stéphane Airiau
- 21 September 2010, The Many Faces of Protocols and Knowledge
- 20 September 2010, Public communication in games of imperfect information, Sunil Simon
- 17 September 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
- 17 September 2010, DIP Colloquium, Graham Priest
- 15 September 2010, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
- 14-15 September 2010, Mini-course on positional games by Milos Stojakovic
- 10 September 2010, DIP Colloquium, Mark Colyvan
- 10 September 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Eva S. Hendriks
- 7 September 2010, TF Lunch Talk, Nuel Belnap
- 2-3 September 2010, Workshop on Advances in Algorithmic Game Theory
- 16-20 August 2010, Workshop on Dependence and Independence in Logic, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 9-20 August 2010, 22th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-2010), Copenhagen, Denmark
- 9-20 August 2010, ESSLLI 2010 Student Session, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 7 July 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Federico Sangati
- 1 July 2010, C&O Seminar, Vincenzo Bonifaci (MPI Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany)
- 1 July 2010, C&O Seminar, Tobias Harks (TU Berlin, Germany)
- 29 June 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Stefan Frank
- 28-29 June 2010, PALMYR IX: Logic and the Use of Language, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
- 25 June 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Amaldev Manuel
- 25 June 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Umberto Grandi
- 22 June 2010, A Workshop on Dependence Logic
- 21 June 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Edith Elkind
- 17 June 2010, One-Way Flow Nash Networks, Frank Thuijsman (Maastricht University)
- 16 June 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Henk Zeevat
- 16-18 June 2010, The 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial 2010, "PozDial"), Poznan (Poland)
- 11 June 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Daniele Porello
- 9 June 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Willem Zuidema
- 9 June 2010, Dynamic Logics for Multi-Agent Information Flow: From quantum protocols for secure communication to belief-revision strategies for rational players, Sonja Smets
- 7 June 2010, NWO: Bessensap 2010
- 4 June 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Burak Can
- 2 June 2010, Logic and Interactive RAtionality Seminar, Katsuhiko Sano (ILLC and Kyoto University)
- 1 June 2010, Computational Humanities Workshop at ICCS 2010
- 1-2 June 2010, Set Theory in Amsterdam 2010
- 31 May - 2 June 2010, International Conference on Computational Science 2010 (ICCS 2010), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- 28 May 2010, DIP Colloquium, Matthew Stone
- 26 May 2010, General Mathematics Colloquium, Alessandra Palmigiano
- 25 May 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Gideon Borensztajn
- 23 May 2010, Is iedereen muzikaal?, Henkjan Honing
- 21 May 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Gido Scharfenberger-Fabian
- 21 May 2010, Cognition Lecture 2010
- 20 May 2010, New Ideas Competition 2010
- 19 May 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Afra Alishahi (University of Saarland, Saarbrücken)
- 12-18 May 2010 , An intensive course on model theory by Jouko Väänänen
- 11 May 2010, Congo, Jelle Zuidema
- 10 May 2010, Concrete incompleteness from PA through large cardinals, Harvey Friedman
- 7 May 2010, DIP Colloquium, Juliet Floyd
- 6-7 May 2010, Set Theory, Classical and Constructive
- 4 May 2010, RISC Seminar, Professor Ron Rivest (MIT)
- 29 April 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Paolo Turrini
- 26 April 2010, Logic Tea, Matthew Wampler-Doty
- 23 April 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Umberto Grandi
- 23 April 2010, DIP Colloquium, Stefan Kaufmann
- 23 April 2010, A Post-Kuhnian Approach to History and Philosophy of Science, Michael Friedman
- 23 April 2010, Leve de Wiskunde, UvA-onderzoekers aan het woord
- 22-23 April 2010, Philosophy of Mathematics: Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice (PhiMSAMP-6), Amsterdam & Utrecht (The Netherlands)
- 21 April 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Raquel Fernández Rovira
- 16 April 2010, DIP Colloquium, Peter Ludlow
- 16-18 April 2010, Music meets Science - The art of understanding
- 13 April 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Vaughan Pratt
- 12 April 2010, Logic Tea, António Zilhão
- 12 April 2010, Logic and Interactive RAtionality, Dick de Jongh / Lorenz Demey
- 7 April 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Gerold Schneider
- 7 April 2010, WiF Annual Meeting 2010
- 7-8 April 2010, Set theory seminar.
- 30 March 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Pantelis Eleftheriou
- 29 March 2010, Logic Tea, João Marcos
- 26 March 2010, DIP Colloquium, Margot Rozendaal
- 26-28 March 2010, Modelling Interaction, Dialog, Social Choice, and Vagueness (MIDiSoVa), ILLC, Amsterdam
- 25 March 2010, Farewell lecture of dr. P. van Emde Boas, Peter van Emde Boas
- 24 March 2010, Logic and Interactive RAtionality, Sara Uckelman
- 23 March 2010, Workshop Theory, Typology & Techonolgy: Parsing in the face of diversity
- 22 March 2010, Logic Tea, Mathias Madsen
- 15 March 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, André Nies
- 12 March 2010, DIP Colloquium, Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson
- 12 March 2010, NVTI Theory Day 2010
- 11 March 2010, CWI-DIAMANT Seminar Combinatorics and Optimization, Dov Samet
- 10 March 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Hartmut Fitz
- 8 March 2010, Workshop GLLC-17: Believing in Games
- 5 March 2010, DIP Colloquium, Stephan Hartmann
- 4 March 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Bart de Keijzer
- 3 March 2010, Coalgebra Day, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
- 15 February 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Joerg Brendle
- 15 February 2010, PROSE Colloquium, Joshua Sack (Reykjavik)
- 12 February 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Stéphane Airiau
- 12 February 2010, DIP Colloquium, Regine Eckardt
- 11 February 2010, Viva Informatica!, Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
- 10 February 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Karl Magnus Petersson
- 3 February 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Vera Demberg
- 1 February 2010, Logic Tea, Margaux Smets
- 29 January 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Robert van Rooij
- 27 January 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Frans Adriaans
- 25 January 2010, Logic Tea, Cédric Dégremont
- 22 January 2010, DIP Colloquium, Sebastian Loebner
- 22 January 2010, VvL Symposium "Lindström's Legacy"
- 20 January 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Ingrid Nieuwenhuis
- 18-19 January 2010, Formal Models of Norm Change 2
- 14-15 January 2010, GLoRiClass Farewell Event
- 4 January 2010, Faculty Colloquium, Rens Bod
Headlines Calls for Paper
- 15-17 December 2010, International Conference of the Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Sciences (SILFS 2010), Bergamo, Italy (deadline: 30 May 2010)
- 9-11 December 2010, First International Meeting of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (APMP), Brussels, Belgium (deadline: 30 September 2010)
- 27-28 November 2010, PRINCIPIA (100 years Russell & Whitehead), Cambridge (U.K.) (deadline: 15 September 2010)
- 18-19 November 2010, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS7), Tokyo, Japan (deadline: 15 August 2010)
- 17-19 November 2010, Second Paris-Nancy PhilMath Workshop (P-NPMW 2), Paris, France (deadline: 31 August 2010)
- 15-16 November 2010, Games, Logic and Security (GIPSy 2010), Rennes, France (deadline: 22 October 2010)
- 6-7 November 2010, The Arche / CSMN Graduate Conference 2010, Oslo (Norway) (deadline: 1 September 2010)
- 5 November 2010, 8th Semantics in the Netherlands Day (SiN VIII), Nijmegen, Netherlands (deadline: 17 September 2010)
- 3-5 November 2010, Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication and Action (LogKCA-10), San Sebastian, Spain (deadline: 25 June 2010)
- 25-26 October 2010, 22nd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2010), Luxembourg, Luxembourg (deadline: 4 June 2010)
- 22-25 October 2010, 30 Years of Nonmonotonic Logic, Lexington KY, U.S.A. (deadline: 11 June 2010)
- 18-20 October 2010, 3rd Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, Athens, Greece (deadline: 3 May 2010)
- 18-20 October 2010, Computational Linguistics - Applications (CLA'10), Wisla, Poland (deadline: 31 May 2010)
- CfP special issue of Studia Logica, "Residuated Lattices and Substructural Logics" (deadline: 30 October 2010)
- 10-15 October 2010, Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-17), Yogyakarta, Indonesia (deadline: 30 September 2010)
- 6-8 October 2010, Rene Descartes Lectures 2010 and Workshop: Ian Hacking, Tilburg, The Netherlands (deadline: 1 June 2010)
- 5-16 October 2010, 3rd European Graduate School on Philosophy of Language, Mind and Science, Tilburg (The Netherlands) / Lausanne (Switzerland) (deadline: 1 June 2010)
- 24-26 September 2010, "Logic and Language" Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland (deadline: 18 April 2010)
- 22-24 September 2010, Colloquium Logicum 2010, Muenster, Germany (deadline: 22 August 2010)
- 22-23 September 2010, Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems 2010 (YRRSDS'10), Tokyo, Japan (deadline: 23 July 2010)
- 21-23 September 2010, Workshop on Lattices and Binary Relations, London, UK (deadline: 1 July 2010)
- 21-14 September 2010, Context Aware Intelligent Assistance (CAIA 2010), Karlsruhe, Germany (deadline: 1 August 2010)
- 20-22 September 2010, LRR10: Logic, Reasoning and Rationality, Gent, Belgium (deadline: 15 March 2010)
19-23 September 2010, Annual Workshop of the ESF Networking Programme on
Games for Design and Verification (GAMES 2010), Oxford, U.K. (deadline: 1 July 2010) - 16-18 September 2010, Levels of Processing: Foundations of Social Cognition, Bonn, Germany (deadline: 15 June 2010)
- 16-18 September 2010, Non-Classical Logic (LNK10), Turin, Poland (deadline: 15 August 2010)
- 15-17 September 2010, Meeting of the Swiss Graduate Society in Logic, Lausanne, Switzerland (deadline: 26 May 2010)
- 13-16 September 2010, Epistemic Aspects of Many-Valued Logics, Prague, Czech Republic (deadline: 15 April 2010)
- 13-16 September 2010, 10th International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference (ICGI 2010), Valencia, Spain (deadline: 26 April 2010)
- 13-15 September 2010, 12th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA-2010), Helsinki (deadline: 3 May 2010)
- 13-16 September 2010, 3rd International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC-2010), Duesseldorf, Germany (deadline: 15 May 2010)
- 7-10 September 2010, 7th Italian-Spanish Conference on General Topology and its Applications (ItEs 2010), Badajoz, Spain (deadline: 12 August 2010)
- 6-7 September 2010, Second Young Researchers Days & Workshop on the Relation between Logic, Philosophy and History of Science (YRD2), Brussels, Belgium (deadline: 15 May 2011)
- 6-8 September 2010, Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'10), Paris, France (deadline: 9 April 2010)
- 6-10 September 2010, Thirteenth International Conference on Text, Speech, and Dialogue (TSD 2010), Brno, Czech Republic (deadline: 15 March 2010/23 July 2010)
- 2-4 September 2010, British Logic Colloquium (BLC 2010), Birmingham, U.K. (deadline: 20 July 2010)
- 25-29 August 2010, 8th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic (AiML-2010), Moscow, Russia (deadline: 1 June 2010)
- 23-27 August 2010, CSL 2010: Computer Science Logic, Brno, Czech Republic (deadline: 26 March 2010)
- 21-22 August 2010, 7th Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science (FICS 2010), Brno, Czech Republic (deadline: 20 June 2010)
- 19-20 August 2010, "The Epistemology of Liberal Democracy" (2nd Copenhagen Epistemology conference), Copenhagen, Denmark (deadline: 1 April 2010)
- 16-20 August 2010, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2010), Lisbon, Portugal (deadline: 15 February 2010)
- 16-20 August 2010, ESSLLI 2010 Workshop: Logic, Rationality and Intelligent Interaction, Copenhagen (deadline: 1 April 2010)
- 16-20 August 2010, Workshop on Theories on Information Dynamics and Interaction and their Application to Dialogue (TIDIAD), Copenhagen, Denmark (deadline: 12 April 2010)
- 16-20 August 2010, Workshop on Theories of Information Dynamics and Interaction and their Application to Dialogue, Copenhagen, Denmark (deadline: 12 April 2010)
- 16-17 August 2010, Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA XI), Lisbon, Portugal (deadline: 7 May 2010)
- 16-20 August 2010, Fifth European "Starting Artificial Intelligence Research" Symposium (STAIRS 2010), Lisbon, Portugal (deadline: 20 May 2010)
- 15-17 August 2010, Conference on Mathematical Logic and Set Theory (ICM 2010 Satellite), Chennai, India (deadline: 1 April 2010)
- 9-11 August 2010, Sixth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams (Diagrams 2010), Portland OR, U.S.A. (deadline: 8 January 2010)
- 29 July-04 August 2010, 2nd Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil (deadline: 15 March 2010)
- 25-31 July 2010, 2010 ASL European Summer Meeting (Logic Colloquium 2010), Paris, France (deadline: 19 April 2010)
- 16-19 July 2010, The 5th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2010), Edinburgh, UK (deadline: 15 January 2010)
- 12-14 July 2010, 2010 International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (TMFCS-10), Orlando, USA (deadline: 3 March 2010)
- 11-14 July 2010, Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2010), Edinburgh, Scotland (deadline: 10 January 2010)
- 10 July 2010, International Workshop on Hybrid Logic and Applications (HyLo 2010), Edinburgh, Scotland (deadline: 30 March 2010)
- 9-21 July 2010, Fifth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'10), Edinburgh, Scotland (deadline: 15 January 2010)
- 7-9 July 2010, 10th Interational Conference on Deontic Logic in Computer Science (DEON 2010), Florence, Italy (deadline: 20 February 2010)
- 6-9 July 2010, 17th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2010), Brasilia, Brazil (deadline: 28 February 2010)
- 5-7 July 2010, Ninth Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT 2010), Toulouse, France (deadline: 15 March 2010)
- 30 June-5 July 2010, Computability in Europe 2010 (CiE 2010): Programs, Proofs, Processes, Ponta Delgada (Azores, Portugal) (deadline: 7 January 2010)
- 30 June - 5 July 2010, Computability in Europe (CiE 2010), Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal (deadline: 20 January 2010)
- 28 June to 2 July 2010, 9th Summer School on Modelling and Verifying Parallel Processes (MOVEP 2010), Aachen (Germany) (deadline: 21 May 2010)
- 25-26 June 2010, Graduate Conference "Philosophy of Probability III", London, U.K. (deadline: 16 April 2010)
- 21-23 June 2010, "From Practice to Results in Logic and Mathematics", Nancy, France (deadline: 15 January 2010)
- 20-26 June 2010, North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (NASSLLI 2010), Bloomington IN, U.S.A. (deadline: 5 April 2010)
- 17-20 June 2010, 2nd World Congress on the Square of Oppositions, Corte (Corsica, France) (deadline: 15 January 2010)
- 17-18 June 2010, 1st Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification (GandALF 2010), Minori, Italy (deadline: 21 March 2010)
- 9-11 June 2010, 4th Workshop in Decisions, Games & Logic (DGL10), Paris, France (deadline: 30 March 2010)
- 8-10 June 2010, Algebra and Substructural Logics (AsubL4), Ishikawa, Japan (deadline: none)
- 2-5 June 2010, PHILOSOPHY AND MODEL THEORY: History and Contemporary Developments, Philosophical Issues and Applications, Paris, France (deadline: 1 February 2010)
- 2-6 June 2010, Boolean Algebras, Lattices, Algebra, Set Theory, Topology (BLAST 2010), Boulder CO, U.S.A. (deadline: 1 March 2010)
- 1-6 June 2010, AAA80 workshop on general algebra / non-classical algebraic semantics, Bedlewo, Poland (deadline: 30 March 2010)
- 28 - 29 May 2010, Game Theory and Communication: Prospects and Syntheses (deadline: 1 March 2010)
- 27-29 May 2010, Third Colloquium 'Semantics and Philosophy in Europe' (SPE3), Paris, France (deadline: 28 February 2010)
- 27-28 May 2010, Mathematical Logic in the Netherlands (MLNL'10), Utrecht, The Netherlands (deadline: 16 May 2010)
- 24-28 May 2010, 4th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2010), Trier, Germany (deadline: 3 December 2009)
- 21-25 May 2010, 100th Anniversary of Principia Mathematica, Conference, Hamilton ON, Canada (deadline: 1 February 2010)
- 17-20 May 2010, Symposium "Meaning, Modality and Apriority", Cologne, Germany (deadline: 15 March 2010)
- 14-16 May 2010, NMR'2010 Special session on Argument, Dialogue and Decision, Toronto, Canada (deadline: 29 January 2010)
- 13-15 May 2010, Logic in Cognitive Science, Torun, Poland (deadline: 1 March 2010)
- 12-14 May 2010, NICSO 2010 (The IV International Workshop on Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization), Granada, Spain (deadline: 15 October 2009)
- 11-13 May 2010, 3rd Formal Epistemology Festival: Learning from experience & defeasible reasoning, Toronto ON, Canada (deadline: 28 February 2010)
- 8-14 May 2010, The 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2010), Toronto ON, Canada (deadline: 8 October 2009)
- 7-8 May 2010, Third New York Graduate Student Logic Conference, New York NY, U.S.A. (deadline: 25 March 2010)
- 25 April - 1 May 2010, Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-16), Dakar, Senegal (deadline: 5 January 2010)
- New open access journal: RMM, Rationality, Markets, Morals (deadline: none)
- 15-16 April 2010, The 2010 Synthese Conference (focus on epistemology and economics), New York NY, U.S.A. (deadline: 1 February 2010)
- 14-16 April 2010, Sydney-Tilburg Conference on "The Future of Philosophy of Science", Tilburg, The Netherlands (deadline: 15 November 2009)
- 13 April 2010, Workshop "Scientific Philosophy: Past and Future", Tilburg, The Netherlands (deadline: 15 January 2010)
- CfP special issue of Studia Logica, "Algebras related to non-classical logics" (deadline: 30 September 2010)
- 10-11 April 2010, Special Session on Universal Algebra, St. Paul MI, U.S.A. (deadline: 16 February 2010)
- 6-9 April 2010, Symposium on AI and Games (AISB 2010), Leicester (U.K.) (deadline: 1 July 2009)
- 3 April 2010, Harvard-MIT Graduate Student Philosophy Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA (deadline: 10 January 2010)
- CfP Special Issue on "Formal Models of Norm Change", Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logic (JANCL) (deadline: 30 June 2010)
- 29-30 March 2010, Symposium on Mathematical Practice and Cognition, Leicester, U.K. (deadline: 30 December 2009)
- 29 March - 1 April 2010, Linguistic and Cognitive Approaches to Dialog Agents (LaCATODA 2010), Leicester, U.K. (deadline: 11 January 2010)
- 29-30 March 2010, 5th International Workshop on Normative Multiagent Systems (NorMAS'10), Leicester, UK (deadline: 15 January 2010)
- 27-28 March 2010, Second International Workshop on Philosophy and Ethics of Social Reality (SOCREAL 2010), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan (deadline: 1 November 2009)
- 27-28 March 2010, 2nd Workshop on Philosophy and Ethics of Social Reality (SOCREAL 2010), Sapporo, Japan (deadline: 15 November 2009)
- 27-29 March 2010, 19th Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory (BEST 2010), Boise ID, U.S.A. (deadline: 25 March 2010)
- 26-28 March 2010, The 10th International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS 2010), Paphos, Cyprus (deadline: 27 February 2010)
- 22-24 March 2010, AAAI Spring Symposium on Time and Interactive Behaviour, Stanford CA, U.S.A. (deadline: 2 October 2009)
- 11-15 March 2010, 11th Szklarska Poreba Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poreba, Poland (deadline: 18 January 2010)
- 8-10 March 2010, Rudolf Carnap Lectures 2010 & International Graduate Workshop in Philosophy, Bochum, Germany (deadline: 5 February 2010)
- 5-8 March 2010, 3rd Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI-10), Lugano, Switzerland (deadline: 12 November 2009)
- 18-19 February 2010, Colloquium "PhD's in Logic II", Tilburg, The Netherlands (deadline: 18 December 2009)
- 17-20 February 2010, Workshop on "Logical Approaches to Barriers in Computing and Complexity", Greifswald, Germany (deadline: 15 October 2009)
- CfP special issue of Studia Logica, "Logic and Natural Language" (deadline: 3 September 2010)
- 22-24 January 2010, International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2010), Valencia, Spain (deadline: 28 July 2009)
- 20-22 January 2010, "Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind at the Crossroads", 4th Conference of the Dutch-Flemish Association for Analytic Philosophy, Leuven, Belgium (deadline: 10 November 2009)
- 18-29 January 2010, Third Indian School on Logic and its Applications, Hyderabad, India (deadline: 31 May 2009)
Headlines Past Conferences
- 21 December 2010, Workshop on Kleene Coalgebra, Mohrmannkamer , Comeniuslaan 2, University of Nijmegen
- 20 December 2010, Tractatus in Holland
- 9-10 December 2010, "Rational Trust" (Copenhagen Epistemology Workshop), Copenhagen, Denmark
- 7-8 December 2010, Workshop on Automata and Logic for Data Manipulating Programs, Paris, France
- 6-8 December 2010, Nijmegen Lectures 2010: Music, language, and the brain, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- 6-17 December 2010, Logic Summer School, Canberra, Australia
- 26-28 November 2010, Dialogues, Inference, and Proof - Logical and Empirical Perspectives, Vienna, Austria
- 21-24 November 2010, Highlights of AutoMathA, Vienna, Austria
- 18-19 November 2010, 3rd Workshop on the Philosophy of Information, Brussels, Belgium
- 12 November 2010, CWI Symposium Day on Large-Scale and Uncertain Optimization
- 12-13 November 2010, Leonardo-Kolleg Workshop 2010: "Intelligence, Reflection and the Good Life", Erlangen, Germany
- 10-14 November 2010, Rationality, Heuristics and Motivation in Decision Making, Pisa, Italy
- 3-5 November 2010, The Number Concept: Axiomatization, Cognition and Genesis, Nancy, France, at the Archives Henri Poincaré of Université Nancy 2
- 29-30 October 2010, Colloquium in Honour of Ernst Specker's 90th Birthday, Zuerich, Switzerland
- 15-18 October 2010, Formal Epistemology Workshops, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 29 September 2010, Workshop on Decision Theory, London, U.K.
- 27 September to 1 October 2010, Logic or Logics?, St Andrews, Scotland
- 16-18 September 2010, Meeting in Honour of Jouko Vaananen's 60th Birthday, Helsinki, Finland
- 14 September 2010, Kick-off Symposium Brain and Cognition, Euclides, Plantange Muidergracht 24, P.227
- 7-10 September 2010, Formal Ethics Week, Groningen, The Netherlands
- 6-8 September 2010, Recent Advances in Unprovability, Gent, Belgium
- 5-11 September 2010, MALOA Training Workshop ("From Mathematical Logic to Applications"), Fischbachau, Germany
- 4-5 September 2010, Logic and Mathematics 2010, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois (U.S.A.)
- 30 August - 3 September 2010, The Third Workshop on Logics for Resource-Bounded Agents (LRBA), Domaine Valpré, Lyon, France
- 29 August - 11 September 2010, ICCL Summer School 2010: Cognitive Science, Computational Logic and Connectionism, Dresden, Germany
- 23-27 August 2010, 12th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS-2010), Saint-Etienne, France
- 23-27 August 2010, 5th Cologne Summer School in Philosophy: "New Perspectives in Epistemology", Cologne, Germany
- 16-17 August 2010, 5th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (M-PREF10), Lisbon, Portugal
- 2-6 August 2010, 11th Max Planck Advanced Course on the Foundations of Computer Science (ADFOCS 2010): Approximation Algorithms and Algorithmic Game Theory, Saarbrücken
- 13-15 July 2010, Summer School on Epistemology, Aberdeen, Scotland
- 7-9 July 2010, The 9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI2010), Beijing, China
- 7-9 July 2010, 6th Spain, Italy and Netherlands meeting on Game Theory (SING 6), Palermo, Italy
- 5-17 July 2010, 17th International Summer School in Cognitive Science, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 5-23 July 2010, UCLA Logic Center Summer School for Undergraduates, Los Angeles CA (U.S.A.)
- 3-8 July 2010, 5th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2010), Utrecht
- 28 June - 23 July 2010, Asian Initiative for Infinity (AII) Graduate Summer School in Logic, Singapore
- 26-27 June 2010, Opening Celebration Conference, Center for Formal Epistemology, Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
- 22-25 June 2010, Workshop on Solution Concepts for Extensive Games, Aarhus, Denmark
- 21-25 June 2010, Conference on Algebras and Lattices (ICAL 2010, aka "Jardafest"), Prague, Czech Republic
- 19-25 June 2010, "Model Theory of Fields" for PhD students, Snowbird UT, U.S.A.
- 18 - 19 June 2010, Proof, Computation, Complexity (PCC), Bern
- 16-19 June 2010, Logic and Knowledge, Rome, Italy
- 14-18 June 2010, School in Formal Epistemology, Aberdeen, Scotland
- 11-12 June 2010, 3rd Workshop on Context, Genoa, Italy
- 7-9 June 2010, 5th International Federated Conferences on Distributed Computing Techniques (DisCoTec;10), CWI, Science Park 123, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 7-25 June 2010, Carnegie Mellon Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology, Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.)
- 4-6 June 2010, Modern formalisms for Pre-Modern Indian Logic and Epistemology, Hamburg, Germany
- 30 May 2010, Confluences in Models of Rationality, Leuven, Belgium
- 24-28 May 2010, 5th Conference on Logic, Computability and Randomness, Notre Dame (U.S.A)
- 14-15 May 2010, Workshop "Degrees of Belief vs Belief", Stirling, Scotland
- 7-8 May 2010, Workshop "Vagueness and Similarity", Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
- 9-14 April 2010, COST-ADT Doctoral School on Computational Social Choice, April 2010, Estoril, Portugal
- 29-30 March 2010, Symposium on Mathematical Practice and Cognition, Leicester, U.K.
- 15-19 February 2010, Third Young Set Theory Workshop, Raach, Austria
- 8-9 February 2010, Dialogues and Games: Historical Roots and Contemporary Models, Lille
- 18-29 January 2010, Third Indian School on Logic and its Applications (ISLA 2010), University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, India
Headlines MoL and PhD defenses
- 17 December 2010, PhD defense, Nina Gierasimczuk
- 15 December 2010, Master of Logic defense, Chris Regenboog
- 14 December 2010, Master of Logic defense, Alexandru Marcoci
- 14 December 2010, PhD defense, Jacob Vosmaer
- 9 December 2010, PhD defense, Amélie Gheerbrant
- 9 December 2010, PhD defense, Gaëlle Fontaine
- 2 December 2010, PhD defense, Marc Staudacher
- 19 October 2010, Master of Logic defense, Remi Turk
- 21 September 2010, PhD defense, Yanjing Wang
- 9 September 2010, Master of Logic defense, Kian Mintz-Woo
- 7 September 2010, Master of Logic defense, Charlotte Vlek
- 3 September 2010, Master of Logic defense, Nicola di Giorgio
- 1 September 2010, Master of Logic defense, Lorenz Demey
- 1 September 2010, Master of Logic defense, Matt Wampler-Doty
- 31 August 2010, Master of Logic defense, Margaux Smets
- 30 August 2010, Master of Logic defense, Hélène Tourigny
- 30 August 2010, Master of Logic defense, Yacin Hamami
- 27 August 2010, Master of Logic defense, Hanne Berg
- 27 August 2010, Master of Logic defense, Jonathan Shaheen
- 16 July 2010, Master of Logic defense, Antonio Negro
- 2 July 2010, Master of Logic defense, Christian Geist
- 22 June 2010, PhD defense, Jarmo Kontinen
- 21 June 2010, Master of Logic defense, David Fiske
- 1 June 2010, PhD defense, Daisuke Ikegami
- 21 May 2010, Master of Logic defense, Mark Beumer
- 10 May 2010, Master of Logic defense, Ernst Odolphi
- 24 March 2010, PhD defense, Reut Tsarfaty
- 9 March 2010, PhD defense, Jonathan A. Zvesper
- 9 March 2010, PhD defense, Cédric Dégremont
- 15 February 2010, Master of Logic defense, Stephan Schroevers
- 5 February 2010, Master of Logic defense, Frank Nebel
Headlines Projects and Awards
- VIDI awarded to Catarina Dutilh-Novaes!
- NWO: Cooperation Hong Kong - Joint Research Scheme (JRS)
- Chantal Bax wins Praemium Erasmianum research prize
- VENI award for Katrin Schulz
- Semester programme on "Semantics and Syntax" at the Isaac Newton Institute
- Ivano Ciardelli's MOL thesis wins AILA award
- MoL course 'Kant, logic and cognition' wins 2nd prize in the 'best course competition' of the Faculty of Humanities
- Henkjan Honing awarded honorary KNAW-Muller Chair
- NWO "Free Competition in the Humanities" grant awarded to Jeroen Groenendijk
- Marie Curie grant awarded to Stefan Frank
Headlines Funding, Grants and Competitions
- Fellowship Opportunities in Philosophy
- KNAW Merianprize - women in science
- Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
- NWO: Veni, Vidi, Vici
- International Blaise Pascal research chair programme
- The Feinberg Graduate School: postdoctoral fellowship programme
- Nominations for the Gödel prize
- CORDIS FP7 Marie Curie career integration grants
- CORDIS FP7 Marie Curie co-funding of regional, national and international grants
- Erasmus intensive programmes, students mobility for studies and placements and staff mobility (EACEA)
- CORDIS FP7 Marie Curie Action international research staff exchange scheme
- British Academy Visiting Scholarships
- New EG-Liaison/SenterNovem Newsletter 'R&D in Europa'
- NWO: Rubicon
- Lorentz Center: Call for Workshop Proposals
- NWO: Internationalisation in the Humanities
- KNAW: Hendrik Casimir-Karl Ziegler Research Grant
- Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
- NWO: Cooperation China (CSC) - Talent and Training (TTChina)
- Kurt Gödel Centenary Research Prize Fellowship
- 21 September 2010, Walk-in lunch Knowledge Transfer Office and Amsterdam Centre for Entrepreneurship
- NWO: Information sessions for Innovational Research Incentives Scheme
- NWO: Doctoral Research for Teachers
- Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
- AFR postdoctoral grants
- The Association for Symbolic Logic invites nominations for the Sacks prize
- VINNMER Marie Curie International Qualification
- Rice University's Humanities Research Center External Faculty Fellowships
- NWO: Incentive Fund Open Access Publications
- EG-Liaison training events KP7
- NWO: Incentive Fund Open Access Publications
- Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
- ESF Research Networking Programmes - 2010 Call for Proposals
- Call for Conference Proposals - ESF Research Conferences 2012
- Selby Fellowship
- Investment Subsidy NWO Medium
- Call for Research Group proposals (2012/2013) at the ZiF in Bielefeld (Germany)
- The Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize
- Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
- Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
- ESF travel grants for ESSLLI 2010 (Copenhagen, Denkmark)
- Call for nominations of the Descartes-Huygensprijs 2010
- John Templeton Foundation Research Grant
- Grant Update 3-4 available
- Call for Nominations: E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize 2010
- New EG-Liason/SenterNovem Newsletter 'R&D in Europa'
- Cooperation China - Joint Scientific Thematic Research Programme (JSTP)
- Call for Eurocores Theme Proposals
- Grant Update 3-3 available
- Van Gogh Grant
- Brian Michael Goldberg Memorial Award (Computing & Philosophy)
- NWO: Internationalisation in Humanities
- Grant Update 3-2 available
- Call for Outline Proposals for Collaborative Research Projects under the EUROCORES programme "Understanding and Misunderstanding: Cognition, Communication and Culture" (EuroUnderstanding)
Headlines Open Positions at ILLC
Headlines Open Positions, General
- PhD in Computer Science at University of Luxembourg
- Postdoctoral scholarship and PhD student position in interdisciplinary studies, Brussels (Belgium)
- PhD Studentship, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
- PhD studentship in pragmatics at University College London, UK
- Senior research fellowship in mathematics (including logic/set theory), Pasadena CA (U.S.A.)
- PhD student position in Deontic Logic, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- Assistant Professorship (tenure-track) in mathematics (particular focus on logic), Storrs CT (U.S.A.)
- Lecturer in Multi-agent Systems, University of Liverpool
- Assistant Professorship (tenure-track) in mathematics, Pasadena CA (U.S.A.)
- Assistant Professorship (tenure-track) in mathematics (logic), Denton TX (U.S.A.)
- Tutorial Fellowship and University Lectureship in Philosophy, Oxford (U.K.)
- Postdoctoral position in mathematical logic, Notre Dame IN (U.S.A.)
- Assistant Professorship (tenure-track) in philosophy of science / logic, Philadelphia PA (U.S.A.)
- Assistant professorship (tenure-track) in Epistemology / logic, Bowling Green KY (U.S.A.)
- Postdoctoral positions in theoretical computer science at Microsoft Research New England
- Visiting Assistant Professorship in Philosophy of Science / Logic, Brockport NY (U.S.A.)
- Tenure-track assistant professorship in philosophy of science/mind, Cincinnati OH (U.S.A.)
- Professorship (tenure-track or tenured) in Logic or Philosophy of Logic/Mathematics/Physics, Irvine CA (U.S.A.)
- Postdoc Position at Teamcore Group, University of Southern California
- Postdoctoral Research Fellows at University of Southampton
- Assistant professorship in Philosophy of Mind/Science/Language, Epistemology or Logic, Stillwater OK (U.S.A.)
- Assistant Professorship in Metaphysics and Epistemology, Bloomington IL (U.S.A.)
- W1 Junior Professorship in Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric in Arabic-Islamic Culture (800-1100), Freiburg (Germany)
- Research Positions at NICTA
- Postdoctoral or PhD student position in "Logical Foundations of Computer Science", Leipzig (Germany)
- PhD studentship in probabilistic model checking, Oxford (U.K.)
- UBC Computer Science Merit Scholarships
- Up to two PhD studentships in algorithms, Milwaukee WI (U.S.A.)
- Postdoctoral position in computer science, Munich (Germany)
- Graduate Studies opportunities in Logic, Auckland, New Zealand
- Associate Professorships in Mathematics and CS, Odense (Denmark)
- Two postdoctoral positions in Theoretical Philosophy, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
- A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities, Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.)
- Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme for research on Corpus/Computational Linguistics
- Faculty positions in Computer Science, Haifa (Israel)
- Herbert Simon Fellowship in Scientific Philosophy, Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.)
- PhD positions on Computational Semantics, University of Groningen
- Three postdoctoral research assistant positions, Oxford (U.K.)
- Postdoctoral research assistantship on the Connectionist reading model, Aachen, Germany
- Postdoctoral position in theoretical computer science, Kassel (Germany)
- PhD student position in Logics for Privacy, Bern (Switzerland)
- Postdoctoral fellowship in cognitive models of problem gambling (12m), Uxbridge (U.K.)
- Several PhD student and postdoctoral position in "Automation of Logic", Saarbruecken (Germany)
- Call for one PhD position
- Post-doc position at Arche', St. Andrews
- W2 professorship of Computational Logic, Dresden (Germany)
- PhD grants in the Sciences (including Computer Science and Mathematics), Pisa, Italy
- PhD student position in Algorithmics, Odense (Denmark)
- PhD student positions in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning with Ontologies, Dayton OH (U.S.A.)
- Post-doc Position "Influencing Collective Human Behavior Using Distributed Intelligent Systems", Masdar Institute & MIT
- 3 PhD Positions at KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data, Bolzano, Italy
- PhD/Graduate Teaching Assistants in Computer Science
- Three open positions in Vici project 'Cognitive systems in interaction: Logical and computational models of higher-order social cognition', Groningen (The Netherlands)
- 5 open positions at the Department of Knowledge Engineering, Maastricht University
- TU Wien: 10 PhD student positions in Mathematical Logic in Computer Science
- PhD student position in efficient polynomial time approximation schemes, Kiel (Germany)
- Postdoctoral position in cyrptography, Stockholm (Sweden)
- PhD and postdoc position "Logics for Intelligent Interaction: Expressivity and Succinctness"
- Postdoctoral position in Algorithms and Complexity, Edinburgh (Scotland)
- PhD student position in Algorithms, Bergen (Norway)
- Master of Arts in Language and Information Processing
- Research Position with perspective of a PhD degree in Spoken Language Dialogue Systems Development
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Algorithms and Complexity, Liverpool (U.K.)
- Professorship in Mathematical Logic, Stockholm (Sweden)
- PhD student position in Algorithmic Network Theory, London (U.K.)
- Two PhD student positions in Philosophy of Mind, Duesseldorf (Germany)
- Assistant Professorship (non-tenure track) in Mathematical Philosophy, Munich (Germany)
- Assistant Professorship (non-tenure track) in Logic and Philosophy of Language, Munich (Germany)
- PhD student position in theoretical computer science / mathematical logic, Lausanne (Switzerland)
- PhD student position in Theoretical Computer Science, Kassel (Germany)
- PhD student or postdoctoral position in Theory of Artificial Intelligence, Bremen (Germany)
- 6 June 2010, Post-doc posititon at The Logic and Computation Group at the Australian National University
- MRes student grant in Logic and Computation, Swansea (Wales)
- PhD position in Mathematical Logic at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
- PhD student position in "Formal Analysis of Social Procedures", Tilburg (The Netherlands)
- Three PhD student positions at GSLT
- PhD student position in Contextual approach to scientific problem solving processes, Gent (Belgium)
- PhD Offers on Agents and Multi-agent Systems for Musical Metacreation
- Postdoctoral research assistantship & PhD student position in theoretical computer science, Oxford (U.K.)
- Two PhD student positions in formal methods / mathematical logic, Zurich (Switzerland)
- PhD position in Bordeaux
- Seven postdoctoral positions (E14) in all areas at the Zukunftskolleg, Konstanz (Germany)
- Maastricht University: PhD-position in Coalition Formation and Network Structures
- Postdoctoral Associate position in computational logic, Morgantown WV (U.S.A.)
- 12-month postdoctoral position at INRIA/LIP6/UPMC SALSA
- Temporary (34 months) full professorship in Theoretical Philosophy, Helsinki (Finland)
- PhD studentship in Automated Reasoning, Manchester (U.K.)
- Postdoctoral position in spatial modelling and reasoning, Lausanne (Switzerland)
- PhD studentship Descriptive Complexity Theory, Cambridge (U.K.)
- Postdoctoral position in theoretical computer science, Boston MA (U.S.A.)
- Seven postdoctoral positions on Main and Brain, Berlin (Germany)
- Postdoctoral position in set theory or model theory (17 months), Helsinki (Finland)
- Two lectureships in Economics and Computation, Liverpool (U.K.)
- PhD student position in AI for Formal Methods, Edinburgh (Scotland)
- Four PhD positions in Data and Knowledge Management, Trento, Italy
- Postdoctoral Marie Curie fellowship in philosophy/logic of information, Hatfield (U.K.)
- Four postdoctoral and five PhD student positions in philosophy, Barcelona, Girona & Valencia (Spain)
- Four PhD student positions in computer science, Swansea (Wales)
- PhD student position in mathematical logic (set theory or model theory), Muenster (Germany)
- Two PhD Positions in Logics for Quantum Interaction
- Open Post-Doc position in Logics for Quantum Interaction
- PhD student positions in Algorithms, Lugano (Switzerland)
- PhD student position on theoretical aspects of XML, Edinburgh (Scotland)
- PhD student position in "Formal Verification via SMT Solving", Trento (Italy)
- PETAF Initial Training Network: 7 PhD student positions
- Five PhD student positions in Algorithmics, Odense (Denmark)
- Postdoc on psycholinguistics/cognitive science at Aberdeen
- Open PhD Position (Luxembourg/Lens): Dynamics of Argumentation
- PhD student positions in computer science, Aarhus (Denmark)
- 1 PhD position in either Cognitive Science or General Lingustics at the University of Lund
- Post Doc Researcher Machine Translation, Utrecht
- Faculty of Science: 5 MacGillavry Fellowships (tenure track) for women
- Postdoctoral position in Philosophy of Mind (18m), Berlin (Germany)
- PhD student position in philosophy of science, Tilburg (The Netherlands)
- PhD student stipends on models and logics for verification
- PhD student positions in philosophical logic, London (U.K.)
- Postdoctoral position in Fuzzy Logics, Vienna (Austria)
- Ph.D. Position for Datalog Research
- 2 PhD student scholarships in Computer Science, Hull (U.K.)
- Research Master programme in Philosophy (in cooperation with TiLPS), Tilburg, The Netherlands
- PhD student position in Spatial Cognition, Bremen (Germany)
- Postdoctoral and PhD student position on approximating NP-hard optimization problems, Stockholm (Sweden)
- PhD student positions in theoretical computer science, Leiden (The Netherlands)
- Student research opportunities at USC/ICT
- Tenure-track positions in Computer Science (Theory of Algorithms, Computational Social Science), Los Angeles CA (U.S.A.)
Headlines Past appointments
Headlines Miscellaneous
- 15 November 2010, Leo Esakia died unexpectedly in Tbilisi at the age of 76 years.
- New books in the library
- TV interview Rens Bod with Max Pam and Theodor Holman
- Result Funds gathering retirement event Peter van Emde Boas
- Paper by J. van Benthem, P. Girard and O. Roy among ten best philosophy papers 2009
- "Modelling intelligent interaction: the social face of logic" at ESF News site
- Jelle Zuidema in Trouw 19 April
- ILLC 2008 Annual Report now available online
- 6 March 2010, Mevrouw de Professor: Debat over tekort aan vrouwelijke hoogleraren
- Henkjan Honing in het NRC
- Henkjan Honing bij de VPRO
No Former Regular Events
Past Events
16 December 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Floor Sietsma
Speaker: Floor Sietsma (CWI)Title: On Email ExchangesLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
16 December 2010, Games, Logic, Language And Computation 19: Learning and Knowledge Change (GLLC-19)
Location: Nina van Leer-zaal, Allard Pierson Museum, Oude Turfmarkt 127, AmsterdamThe 19th edition of Workshop Series "Games, Logic, Language and Computation" (GLLC, funded by NWO) will bring together researchers interested in the topic of learning and epistemic change. The workshop will be hosted by the ILLC, on the occasion of the PhD defense of Nina Gierasimczuk.
For more information see:
13 December 2010, Modal Logic and Stone Duality
Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamCosts: FreeThis workshop aims to bring together researchers working in modal logic, duality theory, algebra, point-free topology, domain theory and coalgebraic logic; fields which are all connected through logic and Stone duality.
Speakers include: Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam), Dick de Jongh (Amsterdam), Georges Hansoul (Liège), Achim Jung (Birmingham), Alexander Kurz (Leicester), Alessandra Palmigiano (Amsterdam), Steve Vickers (University of Birmingham), Jacob Vosmaer (Amsterdam).
This workshop will coincide with the PhD defense of Jacob Vosmaer at the University of Amsterdam on 14 December 2010.
For more information, see .
10 December 2010, DIP Colloquium, Keith Stenning
Speaker: Keith Stenning (Edinburgh)Title: Getting biological about language evolutionLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
10 December 2010, Discrete Strategies in Keyword Auctions and their Social Inefficiency, Orestis Telelis (U Liverpool, UK)
Speaker: Orestis Telelis (U Liverpool, UK)Location: room L016, CWI, Science Park 123, AmsterdamWe study formally discrete bidding strategies for the game induced by the Generalized Second Price (GSP) keyword auction mechanism. Such strategies have seen experimental evaluation in the recent literature within iterative best response procedures, which have been shown not to converge.
We give a detailed definition of iterative best response under these strategies and, under appropriate discretization of the players' strategy spaces we find that the discretized configurations space contains socially optimal pure Nash equilibria. We cast discrete strategies under a new light, by studying their performance for bidders that act based on local information; we prove bounds for the worst-case ratio of the social welfare of locally stable configurations, relative to the socially optimum welfare. Finally we discuss open problems regarding convergence of discrete strategies and the social welfare of stable configurations for Keyword Auctions under the GSP mechanism.
For more information, contact k.r.apt at
8 December 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Stephen Clark
Speaker: Stephen Clark (University of Cambridge)Title: Exploiting Lexicalisation in a Wide-Coverage CCG Parser: how to parse fast and still recover unbounded dependenciesLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
8 December 2010, FLiRT workshop: Fixed-point LogIcs and Reasoning about Trees
Location: Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamCosts: freeThe FLiRT workshop will coincide with the public PhD defenses of Gaëlle Fontaine and Amélie Gheerbrant which will both take place on the 9th of December. The workshop will gather young researchers and world top experts in various areas of theoretical computer science related to fixed-point logics. These areas include automata theory, game theory, web languages and coalgebras.
The event will be hosted by the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and will take place in the Euclides building (Plantage Muidergracht 24).
For more information, see
7 December 2010, Logic Tea, Szymon Klarman
Speaker: Szymon KlarmanTitle: From another viewpoint: two-dimensional Description Logics for contextual reasoning and knowledge integration.Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (jacinto.bruno at, Umberto Grandi (u.grandi at, or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
7-8 December 2010, Workshop "From cognitive science and psychology to an empirically-informed philosophy"
Location: Doelenzaal, Singel 425, AmsterdamDeadline: 20 June 2010The workshop will bring together logicians, philosophers, psychologists and cognitive scientists to discuss the interface between cognitive science and psychology, on the one hand, and the philosophy of logic on the other hand. More specifically, we wish to investigate the extent to which (if at all), and in what ways, experimental results from these fields may contribute to the formulation of an empirically-informed philosophy of logic, taking into account how human agents, logicians and non-logicians alike, in fact reason.
For more information, see
6 December 2010, Faculty Colloquium, Ulle Endriss / A. Osseyran
Speaker: Ulle Endriss (ILLC) / A. Osseyran (SARA)Title: "Making Choices" / "Hot, Flat and Crowded, the need for Green IT"Location: Room C1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see
6 December 2010, Probabilistic and Algebraic Methods in Discrete Mathematics, Optimization and Computer Science
Location: CWI, Science Park 123, AmsterdamThe following speakers will give a lecture:
- Dimitris Achlioptas (University of California at Santa Cruz and
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- Roberto Fernández (Universiteit Utrecht)
- Willem Haemers (Universiteit van Tilburg)
- Raphael Hauser (University of Oxford)
- Leen Stougie (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam),
- Juan Vera (Universiteit van Tilburg)There is no conference fee, but registration is required. For more information, see
3 December 2010, DIP Colloquium, Yoad Winter
Speaker: Yoad Winter (Utrecht)Title: Towards a Saussurean Grammar of Signs: Modeltheoretic Phonology and
Hypothetical ReasoningLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
3 December 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Stéphane Airiau
Speaker: Stéphane AiriauTitle: On the Stability of an Optimal Coalition StructureLocation: Room D1.112, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
3-18 December 2010, Sino-European Winter School in Logic, Language and Computation (SELLC-2010), Guangzhou, China
Location: Guangzhou, ChinaDeadline: 10 October 2010This is a winter school for logic students organized in the spirit of the ESSLLI summer schools in Europe. There will be 10 lecture courses on various topics in the areas of logic, linguistics and computer science, a workshop on the topic of Logic, Language and Computation, plus a special student session for student papers.
For more information, see or contact the organizers at sellc-2010 at
1 December 2010, Inaugural Lecture, Henkjan Honing (Bijzonder Hoogleraar Muziekcognitie)
Speaker: Henkjan Honing (Bijzonder Hoogleraar Muziekcognitie)Title: De ongeletterde luisteraar (Dutch only)Location: Aula Universiteit van Amsterdam, Singel 411, AmsterdamHenkjan Honing brengt tijdens zijn oratie, bij de aanvaarding van een KNAW-Muller leerstoel, een ode aan 'de ongeletterde luisteraar'.
Muziek speelt op een intrigerende manier met ons geheugen, onze aandacht en onze verwachtingen. Maar als luisteraar zijn we ons vaak niet bewust dat we zelf een actieve rol hebben in wat muziek zo spannend, troostend of opwindend maakt. Luisteren speelt zich niet af in de buitenwereld van de klinkende muziek, maar in de stille binnenwereld van ons hoofd en onze hersenen. Baby's blijken een grote perceptuele gevoeligheid hebben voor zowel de melodische, ritmische als dynamische aspecten van spraak en muziek. Dit zijn aspecten die taalkundigen graag onder de term ~prosodie' scharen, maar die feitelijk de fundamentele bouwstenen van muziek zijn. Pas veel later in de ontwikkeling van een kind wordt gebruikgemaakt van deze ~muzikale prosodie', bijvoorbeeld bij het markeren en vervolgens herkennen van woordgrenzen. Maar deze al zeer vroeg aanwezige muzikale vaardigheden zijn in essentie niet talig, benadrukt Honing. De oratie is een ode aan het ~ongeletterde luisteren', een - voor zover we weten - menselijke aanleg voor het waarnemen, interpreteren en waarderen van muzikale nuances vanaf dag één, nog voordat er een woord gesproken, laat staan bedacht is. Het is het preverbale en preletter-stadium waar het muzikale luisteren vol van is.
For more information, see
27- 28 November 2010, 91st Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic
Location: Doelenzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, AmsterdamThe Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic (PSSL) is one of the oldest and longest lasting periodic seminars in mathematics. The scope of the PSSL is not limited to sheaves and logic; but more to category theory and its applications.
Category theory constitutes a research field of considerable interest, not only for its applications to computer science and physics, but also because of its rich mathematical theory which has unraveled deep connections between algebra, topology, logic and computer science.
For more information, see
26 November 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Andrew E.M. Lewis
Speaker: Andrew E.M. Lewis (Leeds)Title: The search for natural definability in the Turing degreesLocation: Room D1.110, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
26 November 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Marek Zawadowski
Speaker: Marek Zawadowski (Warsaw)Title: The Opetopic Approach to Higher Dimensional CategoriesLocation: Room D1.114, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
26 November 2010, DIP Colloquium, Elena Tribushinina
Speaker: Elena Tribushinina (Antwerp)Title: The acquisition of relative adjectives: Cognitive and language-specific factorsLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
24-26 November 2010, Workshop on History of Logic in China, Amsterdam
Location: AmsterdamDo different cultures embody fundamentally different styles of thinking? An emphasis on rigorous explicit logic has often been considered a hallmark of Western culture, dating back to Greek Antiquity. But things are more complex, and cultures sometimes have surprising similarities beyond their standard images.
In fact, logic started independently, roughly around the same time, in Greece, India, and China. What does this tell us about analogies in thinking across human beings and their cultures? How do we or should we perceive it? The aim of this workshop is to get clearer on these issues.
The workshop brings together experts in Chinese logic and Western logic, comparing themes and insights in these two traditions in detail. While focusing on the School of Mohism in the Pre-Qin period, the workshop will also study logical contributions by other schools, for instance, Confucianism. Basic concepts and reasoning patterns will be extensively explored at the workshop, linking up with modern logical notions and theories. We will also discuss how ancient Chinese logic developed, even into the 20th century, and study how this affects current ways of thinking. While the main emphasis of this event is scholarly, it also touches on major scientific and cultural issues today.
For more information, see
23 November 2010, Logic Tea, Gillman Payette
Speaker: Gillman PayetteTitle: Prolegomena to a Logic of NormsLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (jacinto.bruno at, Umberto Grandi (u.grandi at, or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
19 November 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Stefan Minica
Speaker: Stefan MinicaTitle: Characterizing and Computing Pure Nash Equilibria in the Location Game on a LineLocation: Room D1.112, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
15 November 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Rod Downey Wellington
Speaker: Rod Downey WellingtonTitle: Yet More on Algorithmic DimensionLocation: Room A.106, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
12 November 2010, DIP Colloquium, Rosanna Keefe
Speaker: Rosanna Keefe (Sheffield)Title: Modelling vagueness: what can we ignore?Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
12 November 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Eric Pacuit
Speaker: Eric Pacuit (Tilburg)Title: Paradoxes of Interactive RationalityLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
11 November 2010, LIRa Seminar Special Session, David Etlin (Groningen), Wes Holliday (Stanford), Olivier Roy (Groningen)
Speaker: David Etlin (Groningen), Wes Holliday (Stanford), Olivier Roy (Groningen)Title: Epistemology and DELLocation: GroningenFor more information, see
10 November 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Federico Sangati
Speaker: Federico SangatiLocation: Room T.b.a., Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
9 November 2010, Logic Tea, Gideon Borensztajn
Speaker: Gideon BorensztajnTitle: Pointers in the brain: What the systematicity of language tells about cortical connectivity and connectionism.Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (jacinto.bruno at, Umberto Grandi (u.grandi at, or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
5 November 2010, DIP Colloquium, Jaap van der Does
Speaker: Jaap van der Does (Amsterdam)Title: Passed over in Silence - On Wittgenstein's Tractatus and its systemLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
4 November 2010, Empirical Game-Theoretic Analysis for Practical Strategic Reasoning, Michael Wellman
Speaker: Michael WellmanLocation: Room L016 ('Hypathia'), CWI, Science Park 123, AmsterdamThe games agents play - in markets, conflicts, or most other contexts - often defy strict game-theoretic analysis. Games may be unmanageably large (combinatorial or infinite state or action spaces), and present severely imperfect information, which could be further complicated by partial dynamic revelation. Moreover, the game may be specified procedurally, for instance by a simulator, rather than in an explicit game form.
With colleagues and students over the past few years, I have been developing a body of techniques for strategic analysis, adopting the game-theoretic framework but employing it in domains where direct "model-and-solve" cannot apply. This empirical game-theoretic methodology embraces simulation, approximation, statistics and learning, and search. Through applications to canonical auction games, and rich trading scenarios, we demonstrate the value of empirical methods for extending the scope of game-theoretic analysis. This perspective also sheds insight into behavioral models and bases for predicting joint action in complex multiagent scenarios.
For more information, contact H.van.Hasselt at
29 October 2010, Theoretical Computer Science Amsterdam (TCSA) Day
Location: Euler-room (room Z009), CWI, Science Park 123, AmsterdamThe TCSA Day is intended to be an annual event, taking place in the Fall, to alternate with the national NVTI Theory Day that takes place in Spring. Last year's edition took place at the VU: The event is organized jointly by CWI, UvA, and VU.
The programme consists of six talks by researchers from CWI, UvA, and VU. There is no need to register. Tea and coffee will be provided. Lunch is not organised, but there is a cafetaria in the CWI building and another one at the UvA building across the street.
For more information, see
28 October 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Sara Uckelman
Speaker: Sara UckelmanTitle: Strategy and Manipulation in Medieval ElectionsLocation: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
For more information, see here . -
26 October 2010, Logic Tea, Inés Crespo
Speaker: Inés CrespoTitle: Against degree-based semantics for tasteLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (jacinto.bruno at, Umberto Grandi (u.grandi at, or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
26 October 2010, ACG Colloquium, Jacopo Mauro
Speaker: Jacopo MauroTitle: Decidability properties for fragments of CHRLocation: Room TBA, CWI, Science Park 123, AmsterdamFor more information, see
25 October 2010, LIRa Seminar Special Session on Social Choice, Ulle Endriss, Cedric Degremont, Umberto Grandi
Speaker: Ulle Endriss, Cedric Degremont, Umberto GrandiTitle: Special Session on Social Choice TheoryLocation: Room F0.02, OMHP building, Oude Manhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamFor more information, see
23 October 2010, Book Presentation, Rens Bod, "De Vergeten Wetenschappen: Een Geschiedenis van de Humaniora" ("The Forgotten Sciences: A History of the Humanities")
Location: Doelenzaal, Singel 425, University of AmsterdamCosts: FreeThis book launches the first comparative history of the humanities from antiquity till today. Rens Bod shows how humanities researchers investigated their material (language, music, art, literature and the past) and the kind of theoretical principles and empirical patterns they found. The book also discusses, from a global perspective (China, India, Arabic world, Europe and Africa), the immense impact the humanities have had on society.
The book presentation will consist of three mini talks by Rens Bod, Joep Leerssen and Floris Cohen, and will be followed by drinks.
For more information, see
21-23 October 2010, The Making of the Humanities II: Second International Conference on the History of the Humanities
Location: Doelenzaal, Singel 425, AmsterdamDeadline: 15 June 2010This is the second of a biennially organized conference that brings together scholars and historians of humanities disciplines to draw the outlines for a comparative history of the humanities. Although there exist histories of single humanities disciplines, a comparative history would satisfy a long-felt need, and fill a conspicuous gap in intellectual history.
The first highly successful conference, held in 2008, discussed the early modern period. The theme of this year's meeting is From Early Modern to Modern Disciplines, focusing on the period 1600-1900. Topics include all aspects of the history of philology, linguistics, rhetoric, musicology, literary theory, historiography, art history, archeology and other humanities disciplines, with an emphasis on their interrelations.
Registration deadline: 30 september. For more information, see the conference website at
15 October 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki and Amsterdam)
Speaker: Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki and Amsterdam)Title: Dependence logic - recent developments and open problemsLocation: Room A1.08, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
15 October 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Krzysztof Apt
Speaker: Krzysztof AptTitle: Diffusion in Social Networks with Competing ProductsLocation: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
15 October 2010, NAP-Dag 2010
Location: Room 4.01 (<em>changed</em>), Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, AmsterdamNAP is the abbreviation of Nieuw Amsterdams Peil and this day is meant for junior ACLC researchers to present their (ongoing) research. The NAPdag will be a full day of presentations, including social events like having lunch and drinks afterwards.
For more information, see
8 October 2010, DIP Colloquium, Lucia M. Tovena
Speaker: Lucia M. Tovena (Paris)Title: Accomplishments and complex eventsLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
8 October 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Cédric Dégremont
Speaker: Cédric DégremontTitle: Distributed Negotiation under Uncertainty as a Foundation for Theories of Social WelfareLocation: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
5 October 2010, Logic Tea, Bruno Loff
Speaker: Bruno LoffTitle: The Theory of Real Recursive FunctionsLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (jacinto.bruno at, Umberto Grandi (u.grandi at, or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
1 October 2010, DIP Colloquium / AGPC event, Paul Egré
Speaker: Paul Egré (Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS)Title: Intentional action, normative expectations and the semantics of
gradabilityLocation: Allard Pierson Museum, Oude Turfmarkt 127, 1012 GC, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see or
1 October 2010, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Minghui Ma
Speaker: Minghui MaTitle: Model Theory for Coalgebraic Graded Modal LogicLocation: Room D1.114, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Yde Venema (Y.Venema at
1 October 2010, Reading/discussion group on Music Cognition and Computation
Location: Room C3.108, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThis is the first (of this academic year) of a series of meetings on the topic of music cognition and computation. The meetings will take the form of a reading group or a seminar.
For more information, see
30 September - 2 October 2010, Amsterdam Graduate Philosophy Conference on "Truth, Meaning, and Normativity" (AGPC'10), Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam
Location: Allard Pierson Museum, AmsterdamCosts: 60 euro (students) or 90 euros (others)Deadline: 18 July 2010The Amsterdam Graduate Philosophy Conference 2010 is organised by the Department of Philosophy and the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. The 3rd Amsterdam Graduate Philosophy Conference is devoted to continue the discussions that were raised in the previous two conferences, as well as to lay the ground for new ones. The theme this year is Truth, Meaning, and Normativity.
We invite submissions from graduate researchers conducting novel philosophical research into any of the three conference topics. We also encourage submissions that inform the discussion about truth, meaning, and/or normativity by offering a philosophical interpretation of results from other fields such as logic, cognitive psychology and linguistics (including formal semantics and sociolinguistics).
Since the topics of truth, meaning, and normativity naturally feed into each other, we also welcome contributions whose particular aim is to explore any of the many intricate ways in which these notions relate to one another. Submissions on the role that these notions have played, or play, in the broad (analytic) tradition or, more specifically, within the linguistic turn are also of interest to the conference.
For more information, please visit the conference website at, or contact agpc at
29 September 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Tejaswini Deoskar & Markos Mylonakis
Speaker: Tejaswini Deoskar & Markos Mylonakis (ILLC)Title: Unsupervised learning of fine-grained lexico-syntactic dependencies using Treebank priorsLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
24-25 September 2010, SIGdial 2010 Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan
Location: Tokyo, JapanDeadline: 7 May 2010The SIGDIAL venue provides a regular forum for the presentation of cutting edge research in discourse and dialogue to both academic and industry researchers. Continuing with a series of successful ten previous meetings, this conference spans the research interest area of discourse and dialogue. The conference is sponsored by the SIGDIAL organization, which serves as the Special Interest Group in discourse and dialogue for both ACL and ISCA. SIGDIAL 2010 will be co-located with Interspeech 2010 as a satellite event.
For more information, see
22 September 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Stefan Evert
Speaker: Stefan Evert (Osnabrueck)Title: Making Sense of Distributional Semantic ModelsLocation: Room TBA, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
21 September 2010, Logic Tea, Stéphane Airiau
Speaker: Stéphane AiriauTitle: Incorporating Learning in BDI agentsLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe relevant paper can be downloaded from The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (jacinto.bruno at, Umberto Grandi (u.grandi at, or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
21 September 2010, The Many Faces of Protocols and Knowledge
Location: Doelenzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, 1012 WP AmsterdamOn Tuesday 21 Sept, 12.00, Yanjing Wang will publicly defend his PhD Thesis on Epistemic Modelling and Protocol Dynamics. After the defence there will be an informal workshop ("The Many Faces of Protocols and Knowledge") on some main themes of the thesis, starting at 14.30. Location, Doelenzaal, University Library, Singel 425.
For further information on the workshop, please consult
20 September 2010, Public communication in games of imperfect information, Sunil Simon
Speaker: Sunil SimonLocation: CWI, Science Park 123, Room L017Abstract: The standard way of modelling imperfect information in games is in terms of information partitions for players. In this view, each player is associated with an equivalence relation over the set of game positions. For multi-player games of imperfect information defined in this manner it turns out that most of the interesting algorithmic questions like determining the winning strategy and synthesis of an equilibrium profile are undecidable. The crucial element which yields undecidability is the ability of the game model to implicitly encode arbitrary private communication between players. In this light, we propose a model where the players' information partitions are generated explicitly by means of communication. We define a notion of locally consistent equilibrium and suggest that this better captures the intuition of stable behaviour of players. We show that when communication is by means of public announcements, it is decidable to check whether locally consistent equilibrium profile exists.
This work is joint with R. Ramanujam (IMSc., Chennai).
For more information, contact Krzysztof Apt at apt at
17 September 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
Speaker: Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (Oxford)Title: What is the vector space content of what we say? A compact categorical approach to meaningLocation: Room A.106, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
17 September 2010, DIP Colloquium, Graham Priest
Speaker: Graham Priest (New York, Melbourne & St Andrews)Title: Is the Ternary R Depraved?Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
15 September 2010, Algebra|Coalgebra Seminar, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
Speaker: Mehrnoosh SadrzadehTitle: Algebraic modal logic for reasoning about information acquisitionLocation: Room P.016, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, AmsterdamFor more information, see or contact Yde Venema (Y.Venema at
14-15 September 2010, Mini-course on positional games by Milos Stojakovic
Location: room L017, CWI, Science Park 123, AmsterdamPositional games are a class in the wide spectrum of combinatorial games. Their main characteristic is a simple basic concept, but at the same time, in contrast to most of the other combinatorial games, a non-trivial theory supporting them. The scientific community working in positional games has witnessed a rapid expansion lately, and there are plenty of new topics in the area.
For more information, contact Tobias Mueller at T.Mueller at
10 September 2010, DIP Colloquium, Mark Colyvan
Speaker: Mark Colyvan (Sydney)Title: The Sorites is a LiarLocation: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
10 September 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Eva S. Hendriks
Speaker: Eva S. HendriksTitle: The Generalized Condorcet Jury Theorem: Formalizing DemocracyLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
7 September 2010, TF Lunch Talk, Nuel Belnap
Speaker: Nuel BelnapTitle: How Case-intensional Semantics Prevents the Slingshot from Hitting its TargetLocation: Ruppertgebouw room 119, the Uithof, Utrecht University (bus stop: Heidelberglaan; bus 11, 12 or 12s from Utrecht Centraal)For more information, see A paper of Belnap's is available for preparatory reading. Please contact Thomas Müller (thomas.mueller at in case you're interested.
2-3 September 2010, Workshop on Advances in Algorithmic Game Theory
Location: CWI, Science Park 123, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsCosts: freeAlgorithmic game theory is a rather recent research field that lies at the intersection of economics, computer science and mathematics. Its origins in the early 1990's were largely motivated by the wealth of new applications that came into existence with the emergence of the Internet. The field pursues mathematical studies of games with a particular focus on computational and algorithmic issues. These studies are interdisciplinary in flavor and often demand for a combination of methodologies and techniques from the areas of optimization, algorithms and game theory. Algorithmic game theory contributed successfully to the understanding of many fundamental games in recent years and has become a highly active research field.
The two-day workshop will be hosted at the Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) in Amsterdam and will take place September 2-3, 2010. There will be four keynote talks and about 12 contributed talks.
Please register before August 16, 2010. For more information, see
16-20 August 2010, Workshop on Dependence and Independence in Logic, Copenhagen, Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, DenmarkDeadline: 1 April 2010Dependence and independence are common phenomena, wherever one looks: ecological systems, astronomy, human history, stock markets - but what is their role in logic and - turning the tables - what is the logic of these concepts?
The possibility of nesting quantifiers, thus expressing patterns of dependence and independence between variables, accounts for much of the expressive power of first order logic. However, first order logic is not capable of expressing all such patterns, and as a consequence various generalizations - such as branching quantifiers, or the various variants of independence-friendly logic - have been introduced during the last fifty years. Dependence logic is a recent formalism, which brings to the forefront the very concept of dependence, isolating it from the notion of quantifier and making it one of the primitive elements of the language. It can also be added to other logics, such as modal logic. This has opened up an opportunity to develop logical tools for the study of complex forms of dependence, with applications to computer science, philosophy, linguistics, game theory and mathematics. Recently there has been an increasing interest in this topic, especially among young researchers.
The goal of this workshop is to provide an opportunity for researchers to further explore the very notions of dependence and independence and their role in formal logic, inparticular with regard to logics of imperfect information.
For more information, see This workshop is organized as part of the European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information 2010 in cooperation with the European Science Foundation EUROCORES program LogICCC project LINT (Logic for interaction).
9-20 August 2010, 22th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI-2010), Copenhagen, Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, DenmarkDeadline: 7 September 2009The European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) is organized every year by the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI, in different sites around Europe. The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic and computation. ESSLLI offers foundational, introductory and advanced courses, as well as workshops, covering a wide variety of topics within the three areas of interest: Language and Computation, Language and Logic, and Logic and Computation.
Previous summer schools have been highly successful, attracting up to 500 students from Europe and elsewhere. The school has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students and researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study of Logic, Language and Information.
For more information, see the full Call for Proposals at here or the website (forthcoming) at
9-20 August 2010, ESSLLI 2010 Student Session, Copenhagen, Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, DenmarkDeadline: 3 March 2010The Student Session of the 22nd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark from August 9 to August 20. We invite submissions of papers describing original, unpublished research conducted in the interdisciplinary areas of LOgic and COmputation, LOgic and LAnguage, and LAnguage and COmputation. All (co-)authors must be students (i.e., before the completion of the Ph.D.).
Deadline for submissions (extended): 3 March 2010. For more information, see or the ESSLLI 2010 website at
7 July 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Federico Sangati
Speaker: Federico SangatiTitle: A probabilistic generative model for an intermediate constituency-dependency representationLocation: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
1 July 2010, C&O Seminar, Vincenzo Bonifaci (MPI Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany)
Speaker: Vincenzo Bonifaci (MPI Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany)Title: Scheduling recurrent real-time task systemsLocation: room L017, CWI, Science Park 123, AmsterdamWe survey some recent results concerning the design and analysis of algorithms that ensure the schedulability of real-time tasks. We consider the problem of analyzing and certifying the feasibility of a system of periodically or sporadically recurring real-time tasks with hard deadlines, that have to be scheduled on a platform composed of one or more identical processors. We provide lower and upper bounds on the complexity of exact feasibility testing, as well as approximate feasibility tests for both the periodic and the sporadic variant.
For more information, see k.r.apt at
1 July 2010, C&O Seminar, Tobias Harks (TU Berlin, Germany)
Speaker: Tobias Harks (TU Berlin, Germany)Title: Strong equilibria in bottleneck congestion gamesLocation: room L017, CWI, Science Park 123, AmsterdamWe provide an axiomatic framework for the the well studied lexicographical improvement property and derive new results on the existence of strong Nash equilibria for a very general class of congestion games with bottleneck objectives. This includes extensions of classical load-based models, routing games with splittable demands, scheduling games with malleable jobs, and more. Furthermore, we discuss the computational complexity of computing pure Nash and strong equilibria in these games.
For more information, see k.r.apt at
29 June 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Stefan Frank
Speaker: Stefan FrankTitle: Insensitivity of the human sentence-processing system to hierarchical structureLocation: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
28-29 June 2010, PALMYR IX: Logic and the Use of Language, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
Location: Science Park 904, AmsterdamBoth Paris and Amsterdam host a lively group of young researchers working at the interface of logic, language, and theories of rationality. PALMYR brings them together.
PALMYR is a yearly meeting taking place alternatively in Amsterdam and Paris. At each PALMYR workshop, visitors give talks about their current reserch interests, each presentation being commented by a fellow researcher from the host town. PALMYR IX will be held at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC).
For more information, see:
25 June 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Amaldev Manuel
Speaker: Amaldev ManuelTitle: Two variable FO on Two SuccessorsLocation: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
25 June 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Umberto Grandi
Speaker: Umberto GrandiTitle: Lifting Rationality Assumptions in Binary AggregationLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
22 June 2010, A Workshop on Dependence Logic
Location: Lecture hall C3.05, OMHP building, Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, AmsterdamThis is a small workshop on June 22, 2010, in connection with the PhD defense of Jarmo Kontinen on the topic of the thesis: Coherence and Complexity in Fragments of Dependence Logic.
Speakers are: Davide Grossi (Amsterdam), Peter Lohmann (Hannover), Lauri Hella (Tampere), Pietro Galliani (Amsterdam), Theo Janssen (Amsterdam), Juha Kontinen (Helsinki). Organizer: Jouko Väänänen
For more information, see
21 June 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Edith Elkind
Speaker: Edith ElkindTitle: Complexity of Safe Strategic VotingLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or, or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
17 June 2010, One-Way Flow Nash Networks, Frank Thuijsman (Maastricht University)
Speaker: Frank Thuijsman (Maastricht University)Location: room L016, CWI, Science Park 123, AmsterdamWe discuss the one-way flow model of dynamic network formation games. Here the nodes in the network correspond to agents, while the directed arcs indicate the flow of profits to these agents. At discrete moments in time agents can choose from any of the local actions: (1) passing (i.e. not changing anything), (2) adding a link, (3) removing a link, or (4) replacing a link, where each agent can only choose from the links pointing at him. In any given network a payoff for each agent is calculated as the total of profits flowing to his node minus the costs for the links directed at his node. We prove the existence of Nash networks for the case of owner-homogeneous costs and we discuss a procedure of local improvements that leads to a Nash network in finitely many steps. Finally, we discuss an example to illustrate that Nash networks fail to exist if costs are heterogeneous, even if they are ε close to owner-homogeneity.
For more information, contact k.r.apt at
16 June 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Henk Zeevat
Speaker: Henk Zeevat (ILLC)Title: Syntactic Paradigms (with Alessandro lo Popolo)Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
16-18 June 2010, The 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial 2010, "PozDial"), Poznan (Poland)
Location: Poznan (Poland)Deadline: 29 March 2010The SemDial Workshops aim at bringing together researchers working on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue in fields such as formal semantics and pragmatics, artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, psychology, and neural science. SemDial 2010 will be the 14th workshop in the SemDial series. It will take place in the historic city of Poznan (Poland), organized by the Institute of Psychology at Adam Mickeiwicz University. Invited talks will be given by Dale Barr, Jonathan Ginzburg, Jeroen Groenendijk, and Henry Prakken.
The (extended) submission deadline for full papers (8 pages) is the 29th of March, 2010. For more information, see and
11 June 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Daniele Porello
Speaker: Daniele PorelloTitle: Modelling Multilateral Negotiation in Linear LogicLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
9 June 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Willem Zuidema
Speaker: Willem ZuidemaTitle: Empirical evidence for recursive hierarchical structure in child languageLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
9 June 2010, Dynamic Logics for Multi-Agent Information Flow: From quantum protocols for secure communication to belief-revision strategies for rational players, Sonja Smets
Speaker: Sonja SmetsLocation: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, AmsterdamIn this short talk, I will briefly present the main highlights of my past and current research. The thread that unifies most of my work is the use of logical formalisms inspired from Dynamic Logic (a type of modal logics), to represent and reason about information flow in multi-agent systems.
Time permitting, I will focus in more depth on two of my research topics: (1) my work on dynamic logics for reasoning about Quantum Information Flow, and its applications to quantum protocols for Secure Communication; (2) my work on logical models for interactive belief revision, and its applications to dynamic rationality and equilibrium concepts in Game Theory.
7 June 2010, NWO: Bessensap 2010
Location: Museon, Den HaagDeadline: 29 March 2010Together with the Association of Journalists of Science (VNW) and the Science center NEMO, NWO organises Bessensap for the 10th time. The event, with the theme "science meets the press, the press meets science" aims to bring together journalists, editors and PR officials.
For more information, see
4 June 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Burak Can
Speaker: Burak CanTitle: Update-Proof Preference CorrespondencesLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
2 June 2010, Logic and Interactive RAtionality Seminar, Katsuhiko Sano (ILLC and Kyoto University)
Speaker: Katsuhiko Sano (ILLC and Kyoto University)Title: David Lewis Dynamically Meets Arthur Prior AgainLocation: C1.110 Science ParkFor more information, see:
1 June 2010, Computational Humanities Workshop at ICCS 2010
Location: Tropenmuseum, Mauritskade 63, AmsterdamComputational Humanities is a new, largely unexplored, field which is situated at the interface between the humanities and the (exact) sciences, in particular information science. The humanities differ from the sciences in their concern with expressions of the human mind, such as language, literature, music, art and history. While computational approaches to the humanities exist since the 1960s, it is only during the last decade or so that digitized data have become available in such quantities that we can observe the emergence of a new overarching field. One of the major aims of this field is to automatically detect novel patterns and concepts in historical, musical, textual and artistic data that are (practically) impossible to find by hand. While initial work in computational humanities focused on local and low-level patterns, there is a shift towards unraveling more complex, higher-level patterns such as the notion of theme in literature, style in painting and music, and long-term relations in history. The goal of this workshop is (1) to give an introduction to this upcoming field, and (2) to investigate to what extent computational humanities share models and techniques with other areas of computational science.
For more information, see
1-2 June 2010, Set Theory in Amsterdam 2010
Location: Room A.008, Oudemanhuispoort, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The NetherlandsOn Tuesday 1 June 2010 at 11:00am, Daisuke Ikegami will publicly defend his PhD thesis entitled "Games in Set Theory and Logic" in the Oude Lutherse Kerk in Amsterdam. Following the defense, we shall hold a set theory workshop where the members of the committee, local set theorists and some additional guests will give talks. Every interested researcher is cordially invited.
Speakers: Jouko Väänänen, Katie Thompson, Christoph Weiss, Jörg Brendle, Joan Bagaria, Yurii Khomskii, Stefan Geschke, Marcin Sabok, Brian Semmes, Philipp Schlicht, Sean Cox, Dominik Adolf, Ralf Schindler
For more information, see
31 May - 2 June 2010, International Conference on Computational Science 2010 (ICCS 2010), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Location: Amsterdam, the NetherlandsThe International Conference on Computational Science 2010 (ICCS 2010) aims to bring together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering advanced application of computational methods to sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, arts and humanitarian fields, along with software developers and vendors, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research, as well as to help industrial users apply various advanced computational techniques.
The theme for ICCS 2010 in Amsterdam is "Advancing Computational Thinking", to mark several decades of progress in computational science theory and practice, leading to greatly improved applications in science. This conference will be a unique event focusing on recent developments in methods and modelling of complex systems for diverse areas of science, scalable scientific algorithms, advanced software tools, computational grids, advanced numerical methods, and novel application areas where the above novel models, algorithms and tools can be efficiently applied such as physical systems, computational and systems biology, environmental systems, finance, and others.
For more information, see
28 May 2010, DIP Colloquium, Matthew Stone
Speaker: Matthew Stone (Rutgers University & University of Potsdam)Title: Intention in Formal PragmaticsLocation: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
26 May 2010, General Mathematics Colloquium, Alessandra Palmigiano
Speaker: Alessandra PalmigianoTitle: Dualities for noncommutative spacesLocation: Room A.104, Science Park 904, AmsterdamQuantales are very simple ordered algebras which can be thought of as pointfree noncommutative topologies. In recent years, their connections have been studied with fundamental notions in noncommutative geometry such as groupoids and C*-algebras. In particular, the class of quantales corresponding to certain very well behaved groupoids (the etale groupoids) has been identified by means of a non-functorial duality. However, there are very interesting examples of groupoids that do not belong to this class. For instance, groupoids that arise from group actions on topological spaces. In a joint work with Riccardo Re, the non-functorial duality has been extended to these latter groupoids as well. In the talk, I will introduce this line of research, sketch the main ideas of the duality, and discuss some examples.
25 May 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Gideon Borensztajn
Speaker: Gideon BorensztajnTitle: Pointers in the brain: What the systematicity of language tells about cortical connectivity and connectionismLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
23 May 2010, Is iedereen muzikaal?, Henkjan Honing
Speaker: Henkjan HoningLocation: NEMO, Amsterdam(Dutch only)
Muziek is emotie. Maar kun je dat ook meten?
Muziek kan ons ontroeren, laten dansen en helpen bij de studie. Wat klanken en ritme met onze hersenen doen weten we nog niet precies, maar volgens muziekwetenschapper Henkjan Honing is iedereen muzikaal. U ook? Kom het zelf testen tijdens deze interactieve lezing.Voor meer informatie, zie
21 May 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Gido Scharfenberger-Fabian
Speaker: Gido Scharfenberger-Fabian (Greifswald)Title: Advanced Souslin tree constructions for algebraic issuesLocation: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
21 May 2010, Cognition Lecture 2010
Location: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, AmsterdamThe annual KNAW Cognition Lecture will be presented on May 21, 2010 by the well known French philosopher of mind, professor Pierre Jacob, of the Institute Jean Nicod, CNRS/ENS, Paris.
For more information, see
20 May 2010, New Ideas Competition 2010
Location: Science Park 904, room C1.110Researchers and students of the institutes and companies located at the Science Park Amsterdam can submit innovative, original and feasible ideas for the Science Park. 5 nominations are made from all submissions. These will compete for a 3000 EUR prize in an event taking place on May 20th, where the nominees will present their ideas to a jury who will judge them based on commercial and/or societal value. The jury for the New Ideas Competition 2010 is chaired by Prof. Robbert Dijkgraaf (President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences [KNAW]).
For more information, see and
19 May 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Afra Alishahi (University of Saarland, Saarbrücken)
Speaker: Afra Alishahi (University of Saarland, Saarbrücken)Title: A Bayesian account of the acquisition of abstract argument structure constructionsLocation: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
12-18 May 2010 , An intensive course on model theory by Jouko Väänänen
Location: Room A1.06/A1.14, ILLC, Science Park 904, AmsterdamJouko Väänänen will give an intensive course "Lindström's Theorem - An invitation to abstract model theory" May 12-18 at ILLC. Interested participants are kindly requested to send an e-mail to jouko.vaananen at .
For more information, see
11 May 2010, Congo, Jelle Zuidema
Speaker: Jelle ZuidemaTitle: Geen aap doet het je naLocation: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information (dutch only), see
10 May 2010, Concrete incompleteness from PA through large cardinals, Harvey Friedman
Speaker: Harvey Friedman (Ohio State)Location: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, AmsterdamNote: Professor Friedman will also speak at the meeting "Set Theory, Classical and Constructive", ILLC, May 6-7.
For more information, contact Jouko Väänänen (ILLC) at jouko.vaananen at
7 May 2010, DIP Colloquium, Juliet Floyd
Speaker: Juliet Floyd (Boston University)Title: "Wittgenstein and Turing"Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
6-7 May 2010, Set Theory, Classical and Constructive
Location: Roeterseiland building M, Plantage Muidergracht 12, AmsterdamThe aim of the meeting is to inform set theorists from whatever denomination about frontier research in the other field, and also to probe possible areas of common interest. Classical and constructive set theory have obvious points of contact: topos models are analogous to forcing, and classical set theory is often instrumental in the construction of models for intuitionistic set theory (e.g. in the work of Friedman and Scedrov). The organizers hope that this meeting brings these points to life.
The following invited speakers have confirmed to come: Peter Aczel, Andreas Blass, Juliet Floyd, Harvey Friedman, Peter Koepke, Ieke Moerdijk, Erik Palmgren, Michael Rathjen, Dana Scott, Alex Simpson, Benno van den Berg, Nik Weaver and Hugh Woodin.
For more information, see
4 May 2010, RISC Seminar, Professor Ron Rivest (MIT)
Speaker: Professor Ron Rivest (MIT)Title: The Security of Voting SystemsLocation: Turing room, CWI (Main Auditorium (Z011), ground floor), Science Park 123, AmsterdamWhile running an election sounds simple, it is in fact extremely challenging. Not only are there millions of voters to be authenticated and millions of votes to be carefully collected, counted, and stored, there are now millions of "voting machines" containing millions of lines of code to be evaluated for security vulnerabilities. Moreover, voting systems have a unique requirement: the voter must not be given a "receipt" that would allow them to prove how they voted to someone else - otherwise the voter could be coerced or bribed into voting a certain way. This lack of receipts makes the design of secure voting system much more challenging than, say, the security of banking systems (where receipts are the norm).
For more information, see
29 April 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Paolo Turrini
Speaker: Paolo Turrini (Utrecht)Title: Dependence Relations in Strategic GamesLocation: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
26 April 2010, Logic Tea, Matthew Wampler-Doty
Speaker: Matthew Wampler-DotyTitle: EviL (Evidentialistic Logic)Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (jacinto.bruno at, Umberto Grandi (u.grandi at, or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
23 April 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Umberto Grandi
Speaker: Umberto GrandiTitle: Complexity of Judgment Aggregation: Safety of the AgendaLocation: Room A1.08, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
23 April 2010, DIP Colloquium, Stefan Kaufmann
Speaker: Stefan Kaufmann (Northwestern University & University of Goettingen)Title: Un)conditionals and modals in Inquisitive SemanticsLocation: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
23 April 2010, A Post-Kuhnian Approach to History and Philosophy of Science, Michael Friedman
Speaker: Michael FriedmanLocation: C1.17 OMHP gebouwWhat I call the dynamics of reason is an essentially historical response to the challenge to the rationality and objectivity of science arising in the wake of Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions. I concentrate on developments in the mathematical exact sciences from Newton to Einstein together with parallel developments in scientific philosophy from Kant to logical empiricism, and I aim to show that Kant's original conception of scientific objectivity and rationality can be relativized and historicized in such a way that a trans-historical version of such objectivity and rationality is nonetheless preserved. I now want to look in more detail at historical developments leading up to the Kantian synthesis so as to bring both theological issues (culminating in Newton's metaphysics of space and Kant's reaction to it) and cultural and institutional events (involving the Church's very complex relationship to the new astronomy) into my historical narrative. Far from compromising the 'purely intellectual' integrity of the scientific and philosophical developments taking place in this wider context, my expanded narrative rather underscores their central importance.
For more information, please contact d.grossi at
23 April 2010, Leve de Wiskunde, UvA-onderzoekers aan het woord
Location: Science Park 904, Amsterdam(Dutch only)
Vrijdag 23 april is het weer zo ver: Leve de Wiskunde! 2010. Tijdens dit jaarlijks terugkerend congres vertellen vooraanstaande wetenschappers over hun bevindingen in en rondom de wiskunde. De onderwerpen zijn zeer uiteenlopend: van logica tot algebra en van vermoedens over priemgetallen tot de filosofie van de wiskunde.Voor meer informatie en aanmelden, zie
22-23 April 2010, Philosophy of Mathematics: Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice (PhiMSAMP-6), Amsterdam & Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Location: Amsterdam & Utrecht (The Netherlands)The Vereniging voor Logica (VvL) invites you cordially to the PhiMSAMP Book Launch (PhiMSAMP-6), held on 22 and 23 April 2010 in Amsterdam and Utrecht.
PhiMSAMP ("Philosophy of Mathematics: Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice") is an international research network funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and coordinated from Amsterdam and Utrecht aiming to combine tools from sociology, psychology, educational studies, history and other subjects to provide a philosophy of mathematics that has a closer affinity to actual mathematical research practice than the traditional foundationalist philosophies. The network worked on this from 2006 to 2010 during a number of workshops and conferences; the result of this work is a volume published in the series "Texts in Philosophy". This volume will be presented to the public at the event.
The event also includes the annual General Membership Meeting of the VvL during the lunch break (12:15-13:45) on the 23rd (in Hoog Catharijne, Utrecht).
For more information, see For the minutes of the previous VvL general membership meeting see
21 April 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Raquel Fernández Rovira
Speaker: Raquel Fernández Rovira (ILLC)Title: Incrementality and Relative Gradable PropertiesLocation: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
16 April 2010, DIP Colloquium, Peter Ludlow
Speaker: Peter Ludlow (Northwestern University)Title: LF and Natural Logic: The Syntax of Directional Entailing EnvironmentsLocation: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
16-18 April 2010, Music meets Science - The art of understanding
Location: Burgerzaal, Lange Hofstraat 4, ZutphenThe "Music meets Science" festival is being held in Zutphen 16, 17 and 18 april. There will be lectures by HenkJan Honing and Xavier Serra, as well as concerts by (amongst others) Uva-emiritus prof. dr. Maarten Boasson.
For more information, see
13 April 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Vaughan Pratt
Speaker: Vaughan PrattTitle: Presketches: Algebra without algebras via categories without
functorsLocation: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
12 April 2010, Logic Tea, António Zilhão
Speaker: António ZilhãoTitle: The mind-body problem in the first decade of the twenty-first century: a guided tour through the physicalistic landscapeLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (jacinto.bruno at, Umberto Grandi (u.grandi at, or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
12 April 2010, Logic and Interactive RAtionality, Dick de Jongh / Lorenz Demey
Speaker: Dick de Jongh / Lorenz DemeyTitle: Comparing Strenghts of Beliefs explicitly / Agreeing to Disagree in Probabilistic DELLocation: Bushuis F0.22, Kloveniersburgwal 48, AmsterdamFor more information, see
7 April 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Gerold Schneider
Speaker: Gerold Schneider (Zurich)Title: Parsing with Dependency Grammar: combining hand-written rules and corpus statisticsLocation: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
7 April 2010, WiF Annual Meeting 2010
Location: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe WiF network will hold the third Annual Meeting, with lectures of prof.dr. Jos Engelen (Chairman NWO), Deniz van Heijnsbergen (FNWI Director of operations), Carolijn van Ditzhuijzen (winner of the WiF Best Publication Prize 2009) and Luusi Hendriks.
For more information, see or, or contact Kathleen Hair at at
7-8 April 2010, Set theory seminar.
Speaker: Daisuke Ikegami, Juliette Kennedy, Lauri Keskinen, Brian Semmes, and Jouko VäänänenLocation: C1.112 on Wed. and A1.08 Thu. at Science Park 904, AmsterdamWe are having an informal set theory seminar. Anyone who is interested in set theory is welcome to attend.
For more information, see here.
30 March 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Pantelis Eleftheriou
Speaker: Pantelis Eleftheriou (Lisbon)Title: On groups definable in o-minimal structuresLocation: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
29 March 2010, Logic Tea, João Marcos
Speaker: João MarcosTitle: What is a Non-truth functional logic?Location: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Bruno Jacinto (jacinto.bruno at, Umberto Grandi (u.grandi at, or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
26 March 2010, DIP Colloquium, Margot Rozendaal
Speaker: Margot Rozendaal (University of Amsterdam)Title: The acquisition of reference: a cross-linguistic studyLocation: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
26-28 March 2010, Modelling Interaction, Dialog, Social Choice, and Vagueness (MIDiSoVa), ILLC, Amsterdam
Location: ILLC, AmsterdamThe cross-CRP workshop "Modelling Interaction, Dialog, Social Choice, and Vagueness (MIDiSoVa)" will take place at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the University of Amsterdam on 26-28 March 2010.
Members of the CFSC, DiFoS, LINT and VAAG LogICCC projects will participate in this workshop, organized by Jouko Väänänen, which aims to further cross-CRP cooperation.For more information, see
25 March 2010, Farewell lecture of dr. P. van Emde Boas, Peter van Emde Boas
Speaker: Peter van Emde BoasLocation: Aula of the UvA, Singel 411, AmsterdamDr. Peter van Emde Boas (UvA, ILLC) has reached the age that he officially has to retire. On this occasion he will give a farewell lecture in the aula of the UvA (at 15:00).
On the day of his farewell speech, there will be a colloquium in which some of the subjects are represented in which Peter was active. The colloquium, in the same location, starts at 10:00.
For more information and a program, see here or contact t.m.v.janssen at -
24 March 2010, Logic and Interactive RAtionality, Sara Uckelman
Speaker: Sara UckelmanTitle: A Dynamic Epistemic Logic Approach to Modeling ObligationesLocation: A114, Science ParkFor more information, see
23 March 2010, Workshop Theory, Typology & Techonolgy: Parsing in the face of diversity
Location: Room AT.03, Oost-Indisch Huis, Oude Hoogstraat 24, AmsterdamThe Computational Linguistics Seminar (CLS) of the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) is hosting a one-day workshop on "Parsing in the face of diversity", discussing the intersection of theoretical, typological, and technological concerns, on the occasion of the public defence of Reut Tsarfaty’s PhD dissertation, entitled "Relational-Realizational Parsing".
Confirmed Speakers:
* James P. Blevins (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Mark Johnson (Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia)
* Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University, Sweden)
* Owen Rambow (Columbia University, USA)
* Gregory Stump (University of Kentucky, USA)
* Yoad Winter (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
* Reut Tsarfaty (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)Attendance is free and open for all. For planning purposes, please let us know by March 15 if you would like to attend the workshop. Any further inquiries can be sent to r.tsarfaty at For more information, see
22 March 2010, Logic Tea, Mathias Madsen
Speaker: Mathias MadsenTitle: The limits of formal language modelsLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Lorenz Demey (lorenzdemey at, Umberto Grandi (u.grandi at or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
15 March 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, André Nies
Speaker: André Nies (Auckland)Title: Demuth randomness and computational complexityLocation: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
12 March 2010, DIP Colloquium, Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson
Speaker: Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson (University of Leuven)Title: In)Compatibility Relations, Operational Semantics, and Test-FailureLocation: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
12 March 2010, NVTI Theory Day 2010
Speaker: Jan Friso Groote, Georges Gonthier, Monika Henzinger, Monique LaurentLocation: Hoog Brabant UtrechtCosts: freeNVTI is the "Nederlandse Vereniging voor Theoretische Informatica". One of the main activities of the NVTI is the organization of the yearly Theory Day. This year, as usual, we have an interesting program with excellent speakers from The Netherlands and abroad, covering important streams in theoretical computer science.
Jan Friso Groote (TU/e)
Monika Henzinger (University of Vienna, Austria)
Georges Gonthier (Microsoft Research)
Monique Laurent (CWI, Tilburg University)It is possible to participate in the organized lunch, for which registration is required. Please register with Ms Caroline Waij (cpwaij at or 020-5983563) no later than one week before the meeting (March 5, 2010). The costs of 15 Euro can be paid at the location.
For more information, see here or
11 March 2010, CWI-DIAMANT Seminar Combinatorics and Optimization, Dov Samet
Speaker: Dov SametTitle: Why Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are a coupleLocation: Amsterdam, CWI, L017The core of a marriage problem consists of its stable matchings. When men and women are objectively ranked in a marriage problem, say by beauty, then the core is a singleton: pairing individuals of equal rank is the only stable matching. We generalize this observation using natural metrics on rankings and on matchings, as well as a measure of the gap in rank between mates in a matching. We provide bounds on the diameter of the core, and on the rank gap of stable matchings in terms of the diameters of the sets of rankings, and conclude that when the set of rankings is small, so are the core and the rank gap in stable matchings. We also show that when the rank gap in stable matchings is small, then the core is also small.
For more information, see
10 March 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Hartmut Fitz
Speaker: Hartmut Fitz (Groningen)Title: Statistical learning of complex questionsLocation: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
8 March 2010, Workshop GLLC-17: Believing in Games
Location: Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, REC-G S.08, AmsterdamThis workshop takes the pulse of current interfaces between logic and games. It is held at the occasion of two thesis defenses, by Jonathan A. Zvesper and Cédric Dégremont, on the topic of dynamic logics of belief and belief change (broadly construed) and their applications to games. In addition, a number of prominent researchers will talk about their current work, ranging from game theory to computer science and philosophy. Talks will be short, and the workshop aims for exchange of ideas and interaction.
For more information, see
5 March 2010, DIP Colloquium, Stephan Hartmann
Speaker: Stephan Hartmann (University Tilburg)Title: Naturalizing BayesianismLocation: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
4 March 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Bart de Keijzer
Speaker: Bart de KeijzerTitle: Enumerating and Designing Weighted Voting GamesLocation: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
3 March 2010, Coalgebra Day, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
Location: Science Park 904, AmsterdamCosts: freeDeadline: 19 February 2010The Algebra & Coalgebra group at The Institute for Logic, language and Computation is organizing a sequel to the successful Dutch Coalgebra Days that took place in previous years (the last one was in the CWI, Amsterdam on the 2nd March 2009).
The Coalgebra Day is an informal one-day meeting on topics related to the theory of coalgebras. We will have talks from the two invited speakers, Jiri Adámek and Stefan Milius (Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany), and from people attending the event. Participation is free for everyone, and there is no registration fee. Lunch and drinks will be offered to the participants.
For practical reasons, please let us know in advance if you plan to attend, and whether you would like to give a talk (+/- 30 min.), by sending an e-mail to R.A.LealRodriguez at and vincenzoml at before the 19th of February. For more information, see
15 February 2010, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Joerg Brendle
Speaker: Joerg BrendleTitle: Almost disjoint familiesLocation: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
15 February 2010, PROSE Colloquium, Joshua Sack (Reykjavik)
Speaker: Joshua Sack (Reykjavik)Title: Probability and dynamics - an overviewLocation: Room 6.96, HG (Main Building), TU EindhovenFor more information, see
12 February 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Stéphane Airiau
Speaker: Stéphane AiriauTitle: Multiagent Resource Allocation with Sharable ItemsLocation: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
12 February 2010, DIP Colloquium, Regine Eckardt
Speaker: Regine Eckardt (University of Goettingen)Title: Speech Acts, Semantics, Self ReferentialityLocation: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
11 February 2010, Viva Informatica!, Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
Location: Room C0.110, Science Park 904, Amsterdam[In Dutch only]
Op donderdag 11 februari 2010 organiseren het Instituut voor Informatica (IvI) en het Institute for Logic, Laguage and Computation (ILLC) van de Universiteit van Amsterdam het congres Viva Informatica! voor docenten, scholieren en andere belangstellenden die geïnteresseerd zijn in de actuele ontwikkelingen in het informatica onderzoek.
Voor meer informatie, zie
10 February 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Karl Magnus Petersson
Speaker: Karl Magnus Petersson (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)Title: The Neurobiology of Syntax: Recursion and Dynamical SystemsLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
3 February 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Vera Demberg
Speaker: Vera Demberg (Edinburgh)Title: A Broad-Coverage Model of Prediction in Human Sentence ProcessingLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
1 February 2010, Logic Tea, Margaux Smets
Speaker: Margaux SmetsTitle: Using DOP to extract syntactic categoriesLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at
For more information, please contact Lorenz Demey (lorenzdemey at, or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
29 January 2010, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Robert van Rooij
Speaker: Robert van RooijTitle: Measurements and Comparatives: Insights from (Social) Choice TheoryLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see here or or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
27 January 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Frans Adriaans
Speaker: Frans Adriaans (Utrecht)Title: StaGe: A Model for the Induction of Phonotactic Constraints from Continuous SpeechLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
25 January 2010, Logic Tea, Cédric Dégremont
Speaker: Cédric Dégremont (ILLC)Title: Agreement theorems in dynamic-epistemic logicLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamThe Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Lorenz Demey (lorenzdemey at or Yurii Khomskii (Y.D.Khomskii at
22 January 2010, DIP Colloquium, Sebastian Loebner
Speaker: Sebastian Loebner (University of Duesseldorf)Title: Frame Semantics as SemanticsLocation: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Vendelstraat 8, AmsterdamFor abstracts and more information, see
22 January 2010, VvL Symposium "Lindström's Legacy"
Location: Jaarbeurs Utrecht, Jaarbeursplein, Utrecht, The NetherlandsThe Dutch Organization for Logic and Philosophy of Science (VvL) would like to invite you to attend a symposium in the honor of Per Lindström, the Swedish logician who has sadly passed away on August 21. Per Lindström's work has had a profound influence on logic, and continues to be of importance in various branches of logic. During the symposium, three distinguished speakers will discuss various aspects of his intellectual legacy.
Everybody is welcome and the program is free. The program of the symposium and the abstracts of the talks may be found at here.
20 January 2010, Computational Linguistics Seminar, Ingrid Nieuwenhuis
Speaker: Ingrid Nieuwenhuis (Nijmegen)Title: Sleep enhances the implicit extraction of grammar rulesLocation: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information and abstracts, see
18-19 January 2010, Formal Models of Norm Change 2
Location: Doelenzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, 1012 WP AmsterdamCosts: FreeThe symposium tackles dynamic aspects involved in normative systems change, by pursuing an interdisciplinary approach at the interface of (deontic) logic, artificial intelligence, and socio-economical disciplines. More specifically, topics of interest will be: norms and games, norms for the dynamics of interaction (procedures), the dynamics of normative systems, norm change and the dynamics of different cognitive attitudes (e.g. knowledge and preference).
Registration deadline: Monday January 4th. For more information, see
14-15 January 2010, GLoRiClass Farewell Event
Location: Doelenzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, AmsterdamAfter four years of research, the Marie Curie Research Training Site GLoRiClass is coming to the end of his four-year lifetime. Eight fellows have been funded by the project and wrote (or are still in the process of writing) their thesis. Their research touched many areas connecting games to other parts of logic. In our Farewell Event, we shall be celebrating the success of their work by inviting leading figures of their respective research areas.
On 14-15 January 2010, we shall meet again in the historical Doelenzaal of the university library (where also the Halftime Event was held). All eight fellows will present their research: Cédric Dégrémont, Amélie Gheerbrant, Daisuke Ikegami, Marc Staudacher, Jakub Szymanik, Joel D. Uckelman, Andreas Witzel, Jonathan Zvesper. In addition to that, we are inviting keynote speakers who are leaders of the research areas touched by the work of our fellows.
For more information, see
4 January 2010, Faculty Colloquium, Rens Bod
Speaker: Rens BodTitle: The humanities from a scientific perspectiveLocation: Room C1.110, Science Park 904, AmsterdamFor more information, see
Calls for Paper
15-17 December 2010, International Conference of the Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Sciences (SILFS 2010), Bergamo, Italy
Location: Bergamo, ItalyDeadline: 30 May 2010The conference has six different sections, as follows:
1. Logic and Applications
2. Philosophy of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
3. Philosophy of Life Sciences and of Cognitive Sciences
4. Methodology and Philosophy of Science
5. Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences
6. Epistemology and History of SciencesFor details of the Association (SILFS) and the Conference (SILFS2010) see the SILFS website at or the conference website at
Contributed papers are welcome in any of the six different sections of the conference. Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30 May 2010
9-11 December 2010, First International Meeting of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (APMP), Brussels, Belgium
Location: Brussels, BelgiumDeadline: 30 September 2010The Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (APMP) aims to foster the philosophy of mathematical practice, that is, a broad outward-looking approach to understanding mathematics which engages with mathematics in practice ? including issues in history of mathematics, the applications of mathematics, cognitive science, etc. The Association was launched in 2009. The First International Meeting of the APMP will be held next December 9-11 in Brussels.
For more information, see or here.
The call for papers is now open, with deadline September 30. A title and abstract should be sent to Bart van Kerkhove: bvkerkho at
27-28 November 2010, PRINCIPIA (100 years Russell & Whitehead), Cambridge (U.K.)
Location: Cambridge (U.K.)Deadline: 15 September 20102010 is the hundredth anniversary of Russell-and-Whitehead's Principia, and a symposium to comemmorate it is to be held at the University where the authors were working. Speakers: Robert Constable, Michael Potter, Mohan Ganesingalam, John Harrison, Randall Holmes, Ivor Grattan-Guinness and Fairouz Kamareddine.
As can probably be discerned from the list of speakers, this meeting is intended to address a broad range of interests: history, foundational mathematics, philosophy, type theory and mechanical theorem-proving. The symposium will be valuable to people interested in the intersection of these areas, or in relevant sub-branches of each area. Practitioners and students alike would benefit from attending this meeting.
The URL of the conference is and there is a link thence to a mailing list.
There is space in the timetable for contributed papers. People wishing to offer talks - as well as people who might wish to attend or merely want more information - are encouraged to contact the organisers (deadline 15th September): Thomas Forster (tf at, Peter Smith (peter_smith at and Nik Sultana (nik.sultana at
18-19 November 2010, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS7), Tokyo, Japan
Location: Tokyo, JapanDeadline: 15 August 2010LENLS is an annual international workshop focusing on formal semantics and pragmatics. It will be held as one of workshops of JSAI isAI 2010, sponsored by JSAI.
For more information, see
We invite submissions to this year's workshop on topics in formal semantics and pragmatics, and related fields. This year we especially welcome submissions related to the "Formal Structures of Salience". Abstract submission deadline : August 15, 2010
17-19 November 2010, Second Paris-Nancy PhilMath Workshop (P-NPMW 2), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 31 August 2010This is the second in an annual series of workshops on the philosophy of mathematics organized by a team of scholars from Paris, Nancy and elsewhere in France. The three-day meeting will feature both invited and contributed talks.
For more information, see here. or contact marco.panza at
Submissions of full-text papers are invited in the philosophy of mathematics for presentation at the workshop as one of six contributed talks. The deadline for submission is August 31st.
15-16 November 2010, Games, Logic and Security (GIPSy 2010), Rennes, France
Location: Rennes, FranceDeadline: 22 October 2010Many tasks in computer science, such as design, synthesis, verification, etc. can be formulated in game-theoretic terms. Game playing is thus a powerful paradigm that fits many situations in which interaction between autonomous agents plays a central role. Abstracting security problems as games reveals the underlying theoretical and algorithmic questions, and helps to clarify the relationships between different domains. As an organizational principle, the concept of game offers a fresh and intuitive way of thinking through complex issues. There is now ample evidence that the diverse applications mentioned above can benefit from common analytical techniques and insights offered by algorithmic game theory, automata theory and logic.
The main goal of this workshop is to gather researchers interested in games, logic and security (in a broad sense), and to offer a privileged forum to present their work and exchange ideas on these topics.
The registration is free but mandatory. Deadline for registration: 4th November 2010.
All important details are available at
Participants are welcome to give short talks (approximately 20 minutes). Selection will be made on the basis of an extended abstract of at most 2 pages. Submissions can contain work published elsewhere. Submission deadline: 22nd October 2010.
6-7 November 2010, The Arche / CSMN Graduate Conference 2010, Oslo (Norway)
Location: Oslo (Norway)Deadline: 1 September 2010Arché, the Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology (University of St Andrews), and CSMN, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (University of Oslo), are pleased to announce the fourth in a series of graduate conferences aimed at showcasing international graduate work in contemporary analytic philosophy.
For more information, please visit the conference website: or contact the conference organizers at archecsmngc4 at
We invite high-quality papers in all areas of contemporary analytic philosophy. Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2010.
5 November 2010, 8th Semantics in the Netherlands Day (SiN VIII), Nijmegen, Netherlands
Location: Nijmegen, NetherlandsDeadline: 17 September 2010The Nijmegen Centre for Language Studies (CLS, Radboud University Nijmegen) presents the Eighth Semantics in the Netherlands Day (SiN VIII). SiN provides a possibility for graduate students (PhD, MA, MSc, MPhil) working in various theoretical frameworks to present their ongoing research on semantics. The keynote speaker this year will be Henk Zeevat (Department of Computational Linguistics/ ILLC University of Amsterdam).
For more information, see here or contact Erwin Komen at sin8nijmegen at
We cordially invite graduate students affiliated to any of the Dutch universities to present their current research. The deadline for submission is 17 September 2010.
3-5 November 2010, Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication and Action (LogKCA-10), San Sebastian, Spain
Location: San Sebastian, SpainDeadline: 25 June 2010This Workshop seeks to examine and explore issues concerning the logical and philosophical aspects of knowledge, communication and action in an integrated view. Perspectives are sought from those engaged in the fields of logic, history and philosophy of logic, logic applied to artificial intelligence and cognitive systems, general epistemology, social epistemology, belief theory, communication theory, discourse theory, formal semantics, pragmatics, philosophy of action, and history of philosophy connected with those topics. These disciplines are indicative only, as papers are welcomed from any area in which logic and philosophy of KCA play a part.
For more information, see or contact Dr. María Ponte (e-mail: maria.deponte at or Dr. Xabier Arrazola (e-mail: josebaxabier.arrazola at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Abstracts should be submitted by June 25, 2010.
25-26 October 2010, 22nd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2010), Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Location: Luxembourg, LuxembourgDeadline: 4 June 2010BNAIC is an international scientific conference for research in Artificial Intelligence. The BNAIC conferences series was initiated in 1988 by the Netherlands Association for Artificial Intelligence (later incorporating Belgium and Luxembourg to become the Benelux Association for AI) in order to promote research in AI among Benelux AI researchers, scientists and engineers in related disciplines. This year we are delighted to bring BNAIC for the first time to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. According to the success of previous years, BNAIC 2010 will include invited speakers, research and industry presentations and project demonstrations.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit papers on all aspects of artificial intelligence. Paper submission deadline: June 4, 2010. Researchers are invited to submit unpublished original research, but high-quality research results possibly already published in international conferences or journals are also welcome. Three types of submissions are invited: regular papers (presenting new original work), compressed contributions (resubmissions of papers that have been accepted after June 1st 2009 for AI-related refereed conferences or journals), and demonstrations & applications.
22-25 October 2010, 30 Years of Nonmonotonic Logic, Lexington KY, U.S.A.
Location: Lexington KY, U.S.A.Deadline: 11 June 2010The publication of the seminal issue on Nonmonotonic Logics by the Artificial Intelligence Journal in 1980 resulted in the new area of research in Knowledge Representation. This development changed the paradigm of logic originated in antiquity, created an important area of mathematical logic, and resulted in exciting discoveries of logical techniques creating new bridges between logic, knowledge representation and computation. The research contributed to mathematical logic, computer science and philosophy, and changed the perspective on applications of logic.
This conference aims to sum up the experience of the first 30 years of nonmonotonic logics and map paths into the future. It will interleave longer invited talks covering all major research trends of the past 30 years with shorter technical presentations providing an account of the current research. Invited presentations will be published in an edited book by the College Publications. A special issue of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research will provide a venue for technical presentations.
For more information, see
We invite papers in all areas of nonmonotonic reasoning, and especially encourage submissions underlying the role of nonmonotonic reasoning in artificial intelligence and knowledge representation. Paper submission deadline: July 11 (Monday)
18-20 October 2010, 3rd Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, Athens, Greece
Location: Athens, GreeceDeadline: 3 May 2010The purpose of SAGT is to bring together researchers from Computer Science, Economics and Mathematics to present and discuss original research at the intersection of Algorithms and Game Theory.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished work for possible presentation at the conference. Submission deadline: May 3, 2010, 24:00 GMT / 12:00pm GMT.
18-20 October 2010, Computational Linguistics - Applications (CLA'10), Wisla, Poland
Location: Wisla, PolandDeadline: 31 May 2010The CLA Workshop is located within the framework of the IMCSIT conference to create a dialog between researchers and practitioners involved in Computational Linguistics and related areas of Information Technology. It was created in 2008 in response to the fast-paced progress in the area.
Traditionally, computational linguistics was limited to the scientists specialized in the processing of a natural language by computers. Scientific approaches and practical techniques come from linguistics, computer science, psychology, and mathematics. Nowadays, there is a number of practical applications available. These applications are sometimes developed by smart yet NLP-untrained developers who solve the problems using sophisticated heuristics. CLA'10 Workshop is a place where the parties meet to exchange views and ideas with a benefit to all involved. The Workshop will focus on practical outcome of modeling human language use and the applications needed to improve human-machine interaction.
For more information, see
Papers are solicited that present research and developments on all aspects of Natural Language Processing used in real-life applications. Submission deadline is May 31, 2010.
CfP special issue of Studia Logica, "Residuated Lattices and Substructural Logics"
Deadline: 30 October 2010Studia Logica is the second oldest journal in logic, publishing continuously for 60 years. One of the distinctive features of Studia Logica is its focus on thematically organized issues, hence the large number of special issues in the journal's history. One of the next special issues will be entitled "Recent Developments related to Residuated Lattices and Substructural Logics", and devoted to recent developments in the field, as the title suggests. We have been asked to serve as guest editors. We invite submissions of papers presenting new results in the area.
For more information, see or
Please send your submissions to ngalatos at by (extended deadline) October 30.
10-15 October 2010, Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-17), Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Location: Yogyakarta, IndonesiaDeadline: 30 September 2010The series of International Conferences on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR) is a forum where, year after year, some of the most renowned researchers in the areas of logic, automated reasoning, computational logic, programming languages and their applications come to present cutting-edge results, to discuss advances in these fields, and to exchange ideas in a scientifically emerging part of the world. The 17th LPAR will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
For more information, see
Papers describing new results in the fields of computational logic and applications are welcome. Also welcome are more exploratory presentations, which may examine open questions and raise fundamental concerns about existing theories and practices, as well as tool papers that describe implemented systems. Deadline for submissions: 1 June 2010.
In keeping with the tradition of LPAR, researchers and practioners are encouraged to submit short papers reporting on interesting work in progress or providing system descriptions. They need not be original. Submission deadline: 30 August 2010.
6-8 October 2010, Rene Descartes Lectures 2010 and Workshop: Ian Hacking, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Location: Tilburg, The NetherlandsDeadline: 1 June 2010Every other year, a distinguished philosopher visits Tilburg University for one week to deliver the René Descartes Lectures. The inaugural lectures were given by Professor Huw Price from the University of Sydney in May 2008. The Descartes Lectures 2010 will be delivered by Professor Ian Hacking from the University of Toronto and the Collège de France. The title of the series of three lectures is "Proof: Calculation, Intuition, and A Priori Knowledge". Each lecture is followed by two commentaries.
The Descartes lectures are accompanied by a workshop that brings together scholars debating issues related to Professor Hacking's lectures.
For more information, see
We invite submissions of short and extended abstracts. Deadline for submissions: June 1, 2010. -
5-16 October 2010, 3rd European Graduate School on Philosophy of Language, Mind and Science, Tilburg (The Netherlands) / Lausanne (Switzerland)
Location: Tilburg (The Netherlands) / Lausanne (Switzerland)Deadline: 1 June 2010The respective parts of the Philosophy Departments at Bochum (Germany), Lausanne (Switzerland) and Tilburg (The Netherlands) coordinate their graduate education in philosophy of language, mind and science. In this context, week-long meetings are organized which bring together students from all three locations as well as interested graduate students from other universities. Each meeting focuses on one main topic, which is covered in extended tutorials by invited speakers. Additionally, students are invited to present and discuss their own work. The graduate school is kindly sponsored by the DAAD within the Bi-national Graduate Program.
This year's Tilburg week is focused on "Calculation, Intuition, and A Priori Knowledge", and is embedded in the series of biannual René Descartes Lectures, which will this year be delivered by Professor Ian Hacking (Toronto/Paris). There will also be two mini-tutorials, held by James Conant (Chicago) and Martin Kusch (Vienna), on aspects of Professor Hacking's work.
This year's Lausanne week focuses on reductionism in philosophy of mind and neuroscience. The main lecturer is John Bickle. Further invited speakers are Mauro Dorato, Michael Heidelberger, Max Kistler, Albert Newen, Michael Pauen, and Joëlle Proust.
For more information, see and
Graduate students in Philosophy are cordially invited to attend the School, and to submit an extended abstract for contributed talks. We invite submissions of short and extended abstracts, before 1 July 2010.
24-26 September 2010, "Logic and Language" Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland
Location: Aberdeen, ScotlandDeadline: 18 April 2010The 2010 Logic and Language Conference is the first of a series of conferences co-organized by the Northern Institute of Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen, and by the Centre for Logic and Language of the Institute of Philosophy at the School of Advanced Study, University of London. Staged every two years, alternating location between Aberdeen and London, this workshop aims at resurrecting the traditional UK Logic and Language conference series and at becoming a prominent feature in the British philosophical calendar.
The Conference is meant primarily as a showcase for young philosophers to present and discuss their best work, but will host keynote speakers as well. For this first edition, the topic for the invited contributions is 'Fiction and Fictionalism'.
For any other enquiries or further information please contact f.berto at or see the conference website at
We welcome submissions in any areas of Philosophical Logic broadly conceived, Philosophy of Language, and the interface between Linguistics and Philosophy. Submission deadline: April 18, 2010.
22-24 September 2010, Colloquium Logicum 2010, Muenster, Germany
Location: Muenster, GermanyDeadline: 22 August 2010Biannual meeting of the DVMLG (Deutsche Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik).
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Deadline for registration of talks (updated): 22 August 2010.
22-23 September 2010, Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems 2010 (YRRSDS'10), Tokyo, Japan
Location: Tokyo, JapanDeadline: 23 July 2010The Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems (YRRSDS) is an annual workshop designed for post-graduate students, post-docs and junior researchers working in research related to spoken dialogue systems in both academia and industry. The roundtable provides an open forum where participants can discuss their research interests, current work and future plans. The workshop is meant to provide an interdisciplinary forum for creative thinking about current issues in spoken dialogue systems research, and help create a stronger international network of young researchers working in the field.
Participants will be asked to submit a 2-page position paper. Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis until the maximum number of participants for the workshop (50) is reached, or until the submission deadline 23 July 2010.
For more information, see or contact Raquel Fernandez.
21-23 September 2010, Workshop on Lattices and Binary Relations, London, UK
Speaker: Peter Jipsen, Hilary Priestley (tbc), Georg Struth, and othersLocation: London, UKDeadline: 1 July 2010The aim of the workshop is to draw together new research, conducted in various countries, under the broad heading of lattices with additional operations. A particular focus will be on lattices of binary relations expanded with relational operations. Examples of such lattice expansions include various fragments/variants of relation algebra, Kleene algebra, domain algebra, residuated algebras, etc. Particular research topics include
- (finite) axiomatisability of classes of algebras
- computational aspects e.g. decidability and complexity of the equational theory, representation problem for abstract algebras, finite representation property
- duality theory, completions and canonical extensions
- applications to substructural logics and program semantics.The workshop is aimed at postgraduate research students with a background in mathematics and advanced researchers in the field.
For more information, see
We invite contributed talks on any topic related to these themes. Please send a title and brief abstract to szabolcs at by 1st July 2010.
21-14 September 2010, Context Aware Intelligent Assistance (CAIA 2010), Karlsruhe, Germany
Location: Karlsruhe, GermanyDeadline: 1 August 2010This workshop will be held at the 33th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2010). It's goal is to bring together researchers from the fields of recommender systems, pervasive computing, mobile computing, urban sensing, social networking, context- aware systems and human computer interaction in order to foster the development of mobile services in context.
The main matters are:
- What is the nature of services provided to users on the move?
- How do needs and interests depend on contextual parameters?
- What levels of uncertainty have to be handled? / How is uncertainty handled?
- How can users configure and adapt systems? recommendations? / How are preferences handled?For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Demos and applications are also welcome. Deadline for Submission (extended): August 1, 2010.
20-22 September 2010, LRR10: Logic, Reasoning and Rationality, Gent, Belgium
Location: Gent, BelgiumDeadline: 15 March 2010The idea that there is a strong connection between logic, reasoning, and rationality, which was very popular among the philosophers of the Wiener Kreis, has long been out of fashion. Findings from history and philosophy of science and from cognitive psychology have revealed that the traditional logician's tool, Classical Logic, is not fit for explicating human reasoning either in the sciences or in everyday life. Times have changed, however. Today, a multiplicity of formal frameworks (ranging from non-classical logics over probability theory to Bayesian networks) is available in addition to Classical Logic. Also, historians and philosophers of science as well as psychologists have described a rich variety of patterns in both scientific and common sense reasoning.
The aim of LRR10 is to stimulate the use of formal frameworks to explicate concrete examples of human reasoning and, conversely, to challenge scholars in formal studies by presenting them with interesting new examples of actual reasoning. Therefore, we welcome papers in all areas related to non-classical logics and non-classical formal frameworks. We also welcome case studies from history and philosophy of science, as well as from psychology, that enhance our apprehension of concrete reasoning patterns that occur in the sciences and in everyday life. Finally, we welcome contributions that deal with the philosophical implications of the present-day insights for our understanding of rationality.
For more information, see
If you would like to present a paper at the conference, please submit an abstract (500 to 1000 words) by March 15, 2010.
19-23 September 2010, Annual Workshop of the ESF Networking Programme on
Games for Design and Verification (GAMES 2010), Oxford, U.K.Location: Oxford, U.K.Deadline: 1 July 2010The ESF Networking Programme on Games for Design and Verification is a European Network pursuing research and training on the design and verification of computing systems. This network proposes a research and training programme for the design and verification of computing systems, using a methodological framework that is based on the interplay of finite and infinite games, mathematical logic and automata theory. GAMES is the annual workshop of the Network.
The scope of the workshop includes the mathematical and algorithmic analysis of finite and infinite games, the interplay of games with automata theory and logic, and applications of games, automata, and logic to the design and verification of computing systems. As in previous years, GAMES 2010 will be an informal workshop, without proceedings. Its programme consists of six invited tutorials, contributed talks (30 min) and short presentations (15 min). GAMES 2010 will also feature an open problem session, which will consist of very short (10 min) descriptions of interesting open problems about games.
More information about the games workshop can be found at
Researchers who would like to present a talk at GAMES 2010 are invited to submit an extended abstract of up to two pages by email to games2010 at by 1st July 2010.
16-18 September 2010, Levels of Processing: Foundations of Social Cognition, Bonn, Germany
Location: Bonn, GermanyDeadline: 15 June 2010As part of the interdisciplinary research project on "Knowing how and knowing that" sponsored by the Volkswagen Foundation we organize a three-day international workshop on the Foundations of Social Cognition.
This interdisciplinary meeting starts with philosophical investigations of different levels of processing realized in cognitive and social abilities. These methodological considerations will then be used to develop and discuss a new research framework of investigating social cognition. The workshop will be organized in four Symposia on (1) Levels of Processing, (2) Understanding Other Minds, (3) Social Cognition, and (4) Cultural Cognition/Neuroscience. In addition there will be a Session with Graduate Student presentations and a Poster Session. The conference language will be English.
For more information, see
PhD students and Postdocs are invited to submit papers or posters on topics related to the main topic of the conference. Paper submissions must be appropriate for short talks of 20 min for a total 30 min session. Papers may not exceed 2500 words including an abstract of 150 words. Submissions are to be sent in electronical form (.pdf, .doc, .docx) to ramiro.glauer at Submission Deadline is JUNE 15th, 2010!
16-18 September 2010, Non-Classical Logic (LNK10), Turin, Poland
Location: Turin, PolandDeadline: 15 August 2010Nonclassical logics form one of the most important branches of modern logic. In last decades a great variety of formal systems was developed especially in the context of computer science, artificial intelligence, formal linguistics, cognitive studies, as well as for the deeper analysis of traditional philosophical problems.
The diversification of systems and solutions calls for stricter cooperation between researchers from different fields of investigation. The main aim of conference is to provide a forum for better transfer of results.
This is the third edition of "Non-Classical Logic. Theory and Applications". Two times the conference was organized by Departament of Logic and Methodology at Lodz University. This year's edition is organized in Torun by Department of Logic at Nicolaus Copernicus University (
Deadline for registration and payment: August 31, 2010. For more information, see
The formula of the conference is open. We expect declarations (reports; answers) devoted both to theoretical problems and practical applications. We welcome all those who want to make a summary of some research done in a specific field or to present some new original results. Deadline for submissions (title and abstract): August 15, 2010.
15-17 September 2010, Meeting of the Swiss Graduate Society in Logic, Lausanne, Switzerland
Location: Lausanne, SwitzerlandDeadline: 26 May 2010We are pleased to announce that the annual meeting of the Swiss Graduate Society in Logic will take place in collaboration with the ESF Scientific Network Infty between 15-17 September 2010 in Lausanne. The topic of this year is The Infinite in Mathematical Logic and the invited tutorials will be given by Matteo Viale (Torino) on Infinite Combinatorics, Gerhard Jaeger (Bern) on Operational Set Theory and Large Cardinals, and Jean-Louis Krivine (Paris) on Realizability in Classical Logic. We organize the meeting to bring together graduate, postgraduates and postdocs in order to learn from senior researchers in the field but also from each other by discussing research issues during presentation sessions.
For more information, see
Young researchers interested in giving a presentation of their research (30min + discussion) are invited to submit an abstract to: alessandro.facchini at before Sunday 16th May. Notification: Sunday 23d May.
13-16 September 2010, Epistemic Aspects of Many-Valued Logics, Prague, Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech RepublicDeadline: 15 April 2010The Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Technical University of Vienna is organizing a colloquium broadly dedicated to the role of uncertainty calculi in epistemology.
Tentatively invited speakers and participants include Colin Howson, Peter Milne and Nick Smith.
For more information, see or contact the organizers at colloquium at
The Programme Committee invites submissions on the colloquium topics. Deadline for submissions (extended): April 30, 2010.
13-16 September 2010, 10th International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference (ICGI 2010), Valencia, Spain
Location: Valencia, SpainDeadline: 26 April 2010ICGI-2010 is the tenth in a series of successful biennial international conferences in the area of grammatical inference. The conference seeks to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of original research papers on all aspects of grammatical inference,
For more information, see
Prospective authors are invited to submit a draft paper which represents original and previously unpublished work. All papers should be submitted electronically by (extended deadline) April 26, 2010.
13-15 September 2010, 12th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA-2010), Helsinki
Location: HelsinkiDeadline: 3 May 2010The European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA) is a biannual forum bringing together researchers interested in all aspects concerning the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence to discuss current research, results, problems, and applications of both theoretical and practical nature.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research in all areas related to the use of logics in Artificial Intelligence. Deadline: 3 May 2010.
13-16 September 2010, 3rd International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC-2010), Duesseldorf, Germany
Location: Duesseldorf, GermanyDeadline: 15 May 2010Computational social choice is a new discipline at the interface of social choice theory and computer science. It is concerned with the application of computational techniques to the study of social choice mechanisms, and with the integration of social choice paradigms into computing.
COMSOC-2010, the third in a series of biannual international workshops, will be held in association with the COST Action on Algorithmic Decision Theory and be accompanied by a LogICCC Tutorial Day with general introductory talks. Registration fees will cover both the workshop and the tutorial day and will be kept very low.
For more information, see
Submissions of papers describing original or recently published work on all aspects of computational social choice are invited. Paper submission deadline: 15 May 2010
7-10 September 2010, 7th Italian-Spanish Conference on General Topology and its Applications (ItEs 2010), Badajoz, Spain
Location: Badajoz, SpainDeadline: 12 August 2010The meeting, which alternately takes place in Italy and in Spain, aims to promote the cooperation between Italian and Spanish topologists. The participation of researchers from other countries is warmly encouraged. Traditionally, it is emphasized on the relation between the general or set-theoretic topology, and other areas of mathematics or sciences. Thus, topics like, for example, topological methods in functional analysis or in dynamical systems, hyperspaces, applied topology for computer sciences or economy, algebraic methods in spaces of continuous functions, etc, are usually considered.
Deadline for registrations: August 12, 2010. For more information, see or email ites2010 at
The program will include short individual contributions (20 minutes). Participants who would like to propose a short communication are encouraged to submit the abstract of their talk by August 12, 2010.
6-7 September 2010, Second Young Researchers Days & Workshop on the Relation between Logic, Philosophy and History of Science (YRD2), Brussels, Belgium
Location: Brussels, BelgiumDeadline: 15 May 2011For more information, see
Abstracts of contributed papers should be submitted before the 15th of May 2010
6-8 September 2010, Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'10), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 9 April 2010This annual event brings together researchers from all areas of computer science that involve temporal representation and reasoning. The program includes three tracks: temporal representation and reasoning in AI, temporal database management, and temporal logic and verification in computer science. The invited speakers include: I. Hodkinson, B. Kuijpers, and M. Leucker.
For further information, visit the website below
Submissions of high quality papers describing research results or on-going work are solicited. The deadline for submission of abstracts is April 9, 2010.
6-10 September 2010, Thirteenth International Conference on Text, Speech, and Dialogue (TSD 2010), Brno, Czech Republic
Location: Brno, Czech RepublicDeadline: 15 March 2010/23 July 2010TSD series evolved as a prime forum for interaction between researchers in both spoken and written language processing from the former East Block countries and their Western colleagues. Proceedings of TSD form a book published by Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. Springer publications are regularly indexed by all major citation databases.
The conference program will include presentation of invited papers, oral presentations, and poster/demonstration sessions. Papers will be presented in plenary or topic oriented sessions. Keynote speakers: John Carroll (University of Sussex, UK) and Christiane Fellbaum (Princeton University, USA).
For more information, see or contact Dana Hlavackova at tsd2010 at
Authors are invited to submit a full paper, to be presented either orally or as posters. Deadline for abstracts: March 15, 2010.
Authors are also invited to present actual projects, developed software or interesting material relevant to the topics of the conference. The presenters of the demonstration should provide the abstract not exceeding one page, by July 23rd, 2010.
2-4 September 2010, British Logic Colloquium (BLC 2010), Birmingham, U.K.
Location: Birmingham, U.K.Deadline: 20 July 2010The British Logic Colloquium exists to support, promote, and foster the study of logic (especially, but not exclusively, formal and mathematical logic) in Britain. It embraces diverse aspects of logic, from the studies of traditional formal systems to philosophical logic and the modern applications in artificial intelligence, computer science and linguistics; above all, it aims to encourage communication between logicians working in related fields.
The annual meeting of The British Logic Colloquium will take place from 2-4 September 2010 in Birmingham. The aim of this meeting is to present current topics in all areas of logic. BLC 2010 is supported financially by the London Mathematical Society and by the British Logic Colloquium.
For further details see the webpage
Contributed talks of 30 min length are solicited. A limited number of grants for UK-PhD-students is available. The deadline for proposing talks and early registration is 20 July.
25-29 August 2010, 8th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic (AiML-2010), Moscow, Russia
Location: Moscow, RussiaDeadline: 1 June 2010Advances in Modal Logic is an initiative aimed at presenting the state of the art in modal logic and its various applications. The initiative consists of a conference series together with volumes based on the conferences. Information about the AiML series can be obtained at AiML-2010 is the eighth conference in the series.
For more information, see or contact the chair of the organizing committee at lbekl at or the PC co-chairs at aimolog2010 at
Authors are invited to submit, for presentation at the conference and publication in the proceedings, full papers reporting on original research and not submitted elsewhere (deadline: 16 March 2010). Alternatively, authors may submit abstracts for short presentations, which may describe preliminary results, work in progress etc., and will be subject to light reviewing (deadline: 1 June, 2010). We invite submission on all aspects of modal logics.
23-27 August 2010, CSL 2010: Computer Science Logic, Brno, Czech Republic
Location: Brno, Czech RepublicDeadline: 26 March 2010Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). The conference is intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer science. The 19th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2010) and the 35th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2010) are federated and organized in parallel at the same place. The federated MFCS & CSL 2010 conference has common plenary sessions and social events for all participants, and is accompanied by satellite workshops on more specialized topics. The Ackermann Award for 2010 will be presented to the recipients at CSL'10.
For more information, see or contact the organisers at mfcsl2010 at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline (title & abstract): March 26, 2010
21-22 August 2010, 7th Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science (FICS 2010), Brno, Czech Republic
Location: Brno, Czech RepublicDeadline: 20 June 2010Fixed points play a fundamental role in several areas of computer science and logic by justifying induction and recursive definitions. The construction and properties of fixed points have been investigated in many different frameworks such as: design and implementation of programming languages, program logics, databases. The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers to present their results to those members of the computer science and logic communities who study or apply the theory of fixed points.
FICS-2010 is a satellite workshop to MFCS & CSL 2010. For more information, see
19-20 August 2010, "The Epistemology of Liberal Democracy" (2nd Copenhagen Epistemology conference), Copenhagen, Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, DenmarkDeadline: 1 April 2010We tend to think of liberal democracy as providing the most ethically defensible way to set up a modern society. A separate yet highly relevant issue is whether liberal democracies also are preferable from an epistemological perspective, i.e., from the point of view of promoting true over false belief, knowledge over ignorance, and so on. The purpose of this conference-and of the research project that it is part of-is to investigate the norms, practices, and institutions that determine how belief and knowledge is acquired and transmitted in liberal democracies.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invite you to submit a 500 word abstract on any topic relevant to the conference theme. Abstracts should be submitted no later than April 1, 2010.
16-20 August 2010, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2010), Lisbon, Portugal
Location: Lisbon, PortugalDeadline: 15 February 2010Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a central topic in contemporary computer science and informatics. The fruits of fifty years of AI research have benefited application domains as disparate as industrial systems control and medicine. The milestone events in AI research are increasingly regarded as milestones in human scientific and technological development: from the first chess playing program to defeat a reigning world champion under standard chess tournament rules, to the first robot to autonomously traverse 150 miles of rough terrain. Techniques, results, and concepts developed under the banner of AI research have proved to be of fundamental importance in areas such as economics, philosophy, linguistics, psychology, and logical analysis. And of course, AI remains a topic of perennial fascination in popular culture.
Initiated in 1974, the biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) is Europe's premier archival venue for presenting scientific results in AI. Organised by the European Coordinating Committee for AI (ECCAI), the ECAI conference provides an opportunity for researchers to present and hear about the very best research in contemporary AI. As well as a full programme of technical papers, ECAI-2010 will include the Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems conference (PAIS), the Starting AI Researcher Symposium (STAIRS), and an extensive programme of workshops, tutorials, and invited speakers.
For more information, see
Papers, posters and workshop proposals by all members of the international AI community are welcome. Workshops should be one- or two-day interactive events, and ample time should be allocated to discussion. Deadline for proposals: 11 December 2009 (early submissions are welcome!). Deadline for abstracts of papers and posters: 15 February 2010.
16-20 August 2010, ESSLLI 2010 Workshop: Logic, Rationality and Intelligent Interaction, Copenhagen
Location: CopenhagenDeadline: 1 April 2010In recent years there has been a good deal of interest in developing two perspectives in tandem: logics that analyze agent interaction, and introducing interactive viewpoints into logic itself. While this has generated much new research, many broad questions remain. This ESSLLI 2010 workshop will systematically cover a number of major issues that arise here.
For more information, see
We solicit short pieces (5 pages) about at least one of the themes described above. The accepted pieces will be made available on the website before the conference, and we will select a number of them for a short presentation (10 minutes) during the workshop. Please email submissions to logratint2010 at"> by April 1, 2010.
16-20 August 2010, Workshop on Theories on Information Dynamics and Interaction and their Application to Dialogue (TIDIAD), Copenhagen, Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, DenmarkDeadline: 12 April 2010Theoretical approaches to communication and dialogue modeling are varied and often unrelated because separately focusing on different aspects of dialogue (speech acts, goals, beliefs, plans, questions, conventions, roles, cooperation, disputes, argumentation, reference, semantics-pragmatics interface...). On the other hand, the area of foundations of multi-agent systems is inducing new developments in logics of interaction and information dynamics, with a recent trend towards comparison and integration. Analyzing the impact of this trend on communication and dialogue modeling is timely.
This ESSLLI-2010 workshop aims at discussing formal theories and logics of information dynamics and interaction and their applications to dialogue and communication modeling. It is intended to bring together logicians, linguists and computer scientists in order to provide a better understanding of the potentialities and limitations of formal methods for the analysis of dialogue and communication. Its scope includes not only the technical aspects of logics, but also multidisciplinary aspects from linguistics, philosophy of language, philosophy of social reality, social sciences (social psychology, economics).
For more information about the workshop, see
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract presenting work relevant to the area of information dynamics, interaction and dialogue. Deadline for submission: April 12, 2010.
16-20 August 2010, Workshop on Theories of Information Dynamics and Interaction and their Application to Dialogue, Copenhagen, Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, DenmarkDeadline: 12 April 2010Theoretical approaches to communication and dialogue modeling are varied and often unrelated because separately focusing on different aspects of dialogue (speech acts, goals, beliefs, plans, questions, conventions, roles, cooperation, disputes, argumentation, reference, semantics-pragmatics interface). On the other hand, the area of foundations of multi-agent systems is inducing new developments in logics of interaction and information dynamics, with a recent trend towards comparison and integration. Analyzing the impact of this trend on communication and dialogue modeling is timely.
This workshop aims at discussing formal theories and logics of information dynamics and interaction and their applications to dialogue and communication modeling. It is intended to bring together logicians, linguists and computer scientists in order to provide a better understanding of the potentialities and limitations of formal methods for the analysis of dialogue and communication. Its scope includes not only the technical aspects of logics, but also multidisciplinary aspects from linguistics, philosophy of language, philosophy of social reality, social sciences (social psychology, economics). The focus of the workshop will be on recent developments, especially those that combine several approaches to deal with complex dialogue and communication phenomena.
For more information, see This workshop is organized as part of the European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information 2010.
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract presenting work relevant to the area of information dynamics, interaction and dialogue. Deadline for submission: Apr 12, 2010.
16-17 August 2010, Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA XI), Lisbon, Portugal
Location: Lisbon, PortugalDeadline: 7 May 2010The purpose of the CLIMA Workshop Series is to provide a forum for discussing techniques, based on computational logic, for representing, programming and reasoning about agents and multi-agent systems in a formal way. Following the previous ten, very successful, editions, the 11th CLIMA will be affiliated with ECAI'10 and will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on the 16th and 17th of August 2010.
In addition to CLIMA's regular topics and sessions, this edition will feature two special sessions:
* Norms and Normative Multi-Agent Systems
* Logics for Games and Strategic ReasoningDetailed information regarding CLIMA, its topics of interest, the two Special Sessions, formatting and submission instructions is available at, or send enquiries to clima2010 at
We welcome and encourage the submission of high quality, original papers, which have not been accepted for publication nor are currently under review for another journal or conference. Submission deadline: May 7th.
16-20 August 2010, Fifth European "Starting Artificial Intelligence Research" Symposium (STAIRS 2010), Lisbon, Portugal
Location: Lisbon, PortugalDeadline: 20 May 2010STAIRS is an international meeting intended to support AI researchers, from all countries, at the beginning of their career: PhD students or people holding a PhD for less than one year. STAIRS offers doctoral students and young post-doctoral AI fellows a first experience on submitting and presenting a paper in an international forum with a broad scope and a peer review process, as well as an opportunity to gather knowledge and exchange ideas related to their research problems and approaches together with information on European research careers and mobility.
STAIRS 2010 will be co-located with ECAI 2010, the European Conference on AI. Co-location with both ECAI and PAIS aims at creating a unique and valuable opportunity for young researchers to gain experience at presenting their work in a supportive scientific environment, and obtain constructive feedback on the technical content of the work as well as how to present the work and other related topics.
For more information, see
Papers are welcome on all aspects of contemporary AI. At least one of the authors must be a PhD student, or a person holding a PhD for less than one year. Paper submission deadline: Thursday, 20 May 2010. Multiple submissions with ECAI and PAIS is allowed if clearly indicated.
15-17 August 2010, Conference on Mathematical Logic and Set Theory (ICM 2010 Satellite), Chennai, India
Location: Chennai, IndiaDeadline: 1 April 2010In the successful tradition of logic satellite meetings at recent ICMs, we shall hold a satellite conference on mathematical logic and set theory in India to provide a specialized venue for logicians and set theorists connected with ICM 2010 in Hyderabad. The scope of the intended meeting is all of mathematical logic, including its areas of application (theoretical computer science, algebraic logic and others) with a special emphasis on set theory.
For more information, see or contact the organizeres, Benedikt Löwe (Amsterdam) and R. Ramanujam (Chennai), at jam at
Submissions are invited for abstracts to be presented in the short sessions. Submissions should be made by (extended deadline) April 1st, 2010.
9-11 August 2010, Sixth International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams (Diagrams 2010), Portland OR, U.S.A.
Location: Portland OR, U.S.A.Deadline: 8 January 2010Diagrams is an international and interdisciplinary conference series, covering all aspects of research on the theory and application of diagrams.
Recent advances in technology have enabled the use of diagrams, sketches and other visualizations to become an integral part of our lives. For effective communication with these novel and sophisticated visual representations, we need insight into how diagrams are used, how they are represented, which types are available and when it is appropriate to use them. These concerns have triggered a surge of interest in the study of diagrammatic notations for communication, cognition, creative thought, computation and problem-solving.
For more information, see or contact the organisers at diagrams2010 at
Diagrams 2010 will consist of sessions including presentations of refereed papers, posters, and also tutorial and workshop sessions. For the first time in history of Diagrams we will organize workshops and postgraduate student sessions. We invite submissions of long and short research papers, posters, and tutorial and workshop proposals. Deadline for abstract submission: 8 January 2010.
29 July-04 August 2010, 2nd Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Location: University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, BrazilDeadline: 15 March 20102nd Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society, in honor of John Nash, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Nash equilibrium.
The workshop will offer the participants the opportunity to interact with some of the most productive researchers in Game Theory. The week-long event will consist of conferences, contributed papers sessions and mini-courses which will start at the introductory level and will reach the frontiers of current research.
Early registration; 03/15/2010. For more information, see and
Deadline for contributed paper abstracts: 03/15/2010 -
25-31 July 2010, 2010 ASL European Summer Meeting (Logic Colloquium 2010), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 19 April 2010The Logic Colloquium is the annual European conference on logic, organised under the auspices of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL). It provides a forum for presenting and discussing the new developments in the area of logic. The conference attracts researchers from logic, with an emphasis on mathematical logic, but also including researchers from computer science logic and philosophical logic.
For further information, contact R. Cori (email: cori at or T. Ehrhard (email: thomas.ehrhard at, or visit the website at
Abstracts should be submitted online by the deadline of April 19, 2010.
16-19 July 2010, The 5th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2010), Edinburgh, UK
Location: Edinburgh, UKDeadline: 15 January 2010IJCAR is the premier international joint conference on all topics in automated reasoning. The IJCAR technical program will consist of presentations of high-quality original research papers, system descriptions, and invited talks.
For more information, see
IJCAR 2010 invites submissions related to all aspects of automated reasoning, including foundations, implementations, and applications. Original research papers and descriptions of working automated deduction systems are solicited. Abstract submission deadline: January 15, 2010.
12-14 July 2010, 2010 International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (TMFCS-10), Orlando, USA
Location: Orlando, USADeadline: 3 March 2010TMFCS is an important event in the theoretical, mathematical and logical areas of computer science. The conference will be held at the same time and location where several other major international conferences will be taking place.
Please see for more details.
Draft paper submission date is extended to: March 3, 2010. -
11-14 July 2010, Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2010), Edinburgh, Scotland
Location: Edinburgh, ScotlandDeadline: 10 January 2010The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that relate to logic broadly construed. LICS 2010 will be organized as part of the "Fifth Federated Logic Conference" (FLoC) 2010 to be held in Edinburgh from July 9 to 21.
For more information, see For information regarding FLoC 2010 and the participating meetings, please visit
We invite submissions for full or short presentations. We welcome submissions in emergent areas, such as bioinformatics and quantum computation, if they have a substantial connection with logic. Titles & short abstracts are due January 10, 2010.
10 July 2010, International Workshop on Hybrid Logic and Applications (HyLo 2010), Edinburgh, Scotland
Location: Edinburgh, ScotlandDeadline: 30 March 2010Hybrid logic is an extension of modal logic which allows us to refer explicitly to states of the model in the syntax of formulas. This extra capability, very natural in the realm of temporal logics, where one usually wants to refer to specific times, has been shown very effective in other domains too. Although they date back to the late 1960s, and have been sporadically investigated ever since, it was only in the 1990s that work on them really got into its stride. Hybrid logic is now a mature field with significant impact on a range of other fields.
The topic of the HyLo workshop of 2010 is hybrid logic and its applications, for instance within the fields mentioned above. The scope is not only standard hybrid-logical machinery like nominals, satisfaction operators, and the downarrow binder but, more generally, extensions of modal logic that increase its expressive power.
See the workshop home page at for further information.
Authors are invited to submit papers in the following two categories: regular papers describing original research, and presentation-only papers describing work recently published or submitted. Deadline for submissions: March 30, 2010.
9-21 July 2010, Fifth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'10), Edinburgh, Scotland
Location: Edinburgh, ScotlandDeadline: 15 January 2010The fifth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'10), will be 9-21 July, 2010 hosted by the University of Edinburgh. The following seven conferences will participate in FLoC:
- International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV).
- International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP).
- International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP).
- International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR).
- IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS).
- International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA).
- International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT).
For more information, see or contact Philip Scott (FLoC Workshop Chair) at phil at
Detailed calls for papers (as well as submission instructions) for each of the participating conferences can be found at the FLoC'10 website. Deadline for submissions: January 11 (CAV), January 15th (IJCAR, ITP and RTA), January 26th (ICLP), February 1st (SAT) or February 4th (CSF).
7-9 July 2010, 10th Interational Conference on Deontic Logic in Computer Science (DEON 2010), Florence, Italy
Location: Florence, ItalyDeadline: 20 February 2010The biennial DEON conferences are designed to promote interdisciplinary cooperation amongst scholars interested in linking the formal-logical study of normative concepts and normative systems with computer science, artificial intelligence, philosophy, organisation theory and law.
In addition to these general themes, DEON2010 will encourage a special focus on the topics: Deontic Logic and Legal Systems.
For more information, see here.
The Program Committee invites papers concerned with any of the topics of DEON2010. We welcome both theoretical work and implementation-oriented work. Paper Submission Deadline: February 20, 2010
6-9 July 2010, 17th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2010), Brasilia, Brazil
Location: Brasilia, BrazilDeadline: 28 February 2010WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and tutorials as well as contributed papers. The Seventeenth WoLLIC will be held in Brasilia, Brazil, from July 6th to 9th, 2010.
Special Event 2010 will mark the 50-th anniversary of the first publication of Paul Halmos' classic book Naive Set Theory by Springer Verlag. WoLLIC will celebrate this by screening the documentary about Paul Halmos which was directed by George Csicsery: "I want to be a mathematician. A conversation with Paul Halmos" (
For more information, see
Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular interest in cross-disciplinary topics. A title and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by February 28.
5-7 July 2010, Ninth Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT 2010), Toulouse, France
Location: Toulouse, FranceDeadline: 15 March 2010This is the ninth in a series of conferences on the applications of logical methods to foundational issues in the theory of individual and interactive decision-making. Preference is given to papers which bring together the work and problems of several fields, such as game and decision theory, logic, computer science and artificial intelligence, philosophy, cognitive psychology, mathematics and mind sciences.
For more information, see
The three-day conference will give opportunity for paper presentations and discussions. Potential contributors should submit an extended abstract before March 15, 2010.
30 June-5 July 2010, Computability in Europe 2010 (CiE 2010): Programs, Proofs, Processes, Ponta Delgada (Azores, Portugal)
Location: Ponta Delgada (Azores, Portugal)Deadline: 7 January 2010CiE 2010 is the sixth in a successful series of conferences organised by CiE (Computability in Europe), a European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists, philosophers, physicists and others interested in new developments in computability and their underlying significance for the real world. Previous meetings took place in Amsterdam (2005), Swansea (2006), Siena (2007), Athens (2008), and Heidelberg (2009).
Formal systems, attendant proofs, and the possibility of their computer generation and manipulation (for instance, into programs) have been changing a whole spectrum of disciplines. The conference will address not only the more established lines of research of Computational Complexity and the interplay between Proof Theory and Computation, but also novel views that rely on physical and biological processes and models to find new ways of tackling computations and improving their efficiency. Also, information systems like the Web are a recent subject of attention in view of the fact that managing such complex and evolving systems pose particular problems. In all cases we are looking for fundamental and theoretical submissions.
In line with other conferences in this series, CiE2010 has a broad scope and provides a forum for the discussion of theoretical and practical issues in Computation with an emphasis on new paradigms of computation and the development of their mathematical theory.
For more information, see
In a Call for Papers to be sent out this month, the PC will invite all researchers in the area of the conference to submit their papers for presentation at CiE 2010. We particularly invite papers that build bridges between different parts of the research community.
30 June - 5 July 2010, Computability in Europe (CiE 2010), Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal
Location: Ponta Delgada, Azores, PortugalDeadline: 20 January 2010Computability in Europe provides the largest international conference dealing with the full spectrum of computability-related research. CiE serves as an interdisciplinary forum for research in all aspects of computability and foundations of computer science, as well as the interplay of these theoretical areas with practical issues in computer science and with other disciplines such as biology, mathematics, philosophy, or physics.
CiE 2010 in the Azores is the sixth conference of the Series, held in a geographically unique and dramatic location, Europe's most Westerly outpost. The theme of CiE 2010 - "Programs, Proofs, Processes" - points to the usual CiE synergy of Computer Science, Mathematics and Logic, with important computability-theoretic connections to science and the real universe. The conference will address not only the more established lines of research of Computational Complexity and the interplay between Proofs and Computation, but also novel views that rely on physical and biological processes and models to find new ways of tackling computations and improving their efficiency.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers in the area of the conference to submit their papers (in PDF-format, at most 10 pages) for presentation at CiE 2010. The committee particularly invites papers that build bridges between different parts of the research community. Submission date of papers: January 20, 2010.
28 June to 2 July 2010, 9th Summer School on Modelling and Verifying Parallel Processes (MOVEP 2010), Aachen (Germany)
Location: Aachen (Germany)Costs: € 50-100Deadline: 21 May 2010MOVEP is a 5 day summer school about modelling and verifying parallel processes. The first five occurrences of the School took place in Nantes (France) every two years from 1994 to 2002. The next editions were held in Brussels (Belgium) in December 2004, in Bordeaux (France) in June 2006, and in Orleans (France) in June 2008.
The purpose of MOVEP is to bring together researchers, students and people from industry working in the fields of control and verification of concurrent and reactive systems. The school seeks to offer a broad spectrum of current research in this area of theoretical and applied computer science. The topics covered by MOVEP 2010 include model checking, testing, synthesis, real-time and hybrid systems, games, stochastic systems, security, computational systems biology etc.
In addition to the tutorials and talks, there will be special sessions where Ph.D. students have the possibility to present their on-going research.
Web site:
Email: movep2010 at automata.rwth-aachen.deExtended abstracts have to be submitted electronically until May 21st (see the web site for detailed submission instructions). -
25-26 June 2010, Graduate Conference "Philosophy of Probability III", London, U.K.
Location: London, U.K.Deadline: 16 April 2010The Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science announces its Third Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Probability to be held at the London School of Economics.
We are very pleased to have Professor Dorothy Edgington (Birkbeck), Professor Mauricio Suárez (Compultense University) and Dr. Antony Eagle (Oxford) as our keynote speakers.
For more information, see or contact Seamus Bradley at :s.c.bradley at
Submissions are invited from graduate students. Papers may be on any topic within the philosophy of probability, including, but not restricted to, interpretations of probability in the social and natural sciences. Abstracts should be received by no later than Friday 16th April 2010.
21-23 June 2010, "From Practice to Results in Logic and Mathematics", Nancy, France
Location: Nancy, FranceDeadline: 15 January 2010This conference is part of a series of conferences organised by the PratiScienS research group at the Archives Henri Poincaré, Nancy University, France. It is aimed at discussing and exploring the practice of mathematics and logic from an epistemological standpoint. That is, we look for papers on how the concrete practices of mathematicians and logicians may influence the results of their enquiries and, more broadly, the notion of what counts as proof. Through this conference, the PratiScienS group also aims at promoting a methodological reflection on the difficulties that a critical analysis of such practices in logic and mathematics implies and on issues related to the development of the appropriate exploratory conceptual tools.
For more information, see
The PratiScienS group invites the submission of research papers. Deadline for submission by e-mail is January 15th, 2010.
20-26 June 2010, North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (NASSLLI 2010), Bloomington IN, U.S.A.
Location: Bloomington IN, U.S.A.Deadline: 5 April 2010The fourth NASSLLI (after previous editions at Stanford University, Indiana University, and UCLA) will return to Bloomington, Indiana, June 20 - 26, 2010. The summer school, loosely modeled on the long-running ESSLLI series in Europe, will consist of a number of courses and workshops, selected on the basis of the proposals. By default, courses and workshops meet for 90 or 120 minutes on each of five days.
For more information, see or contact the local organisers at nasslli at
The NASSLLI Student Session provides an opportunity for pre-doctoral students to present original, unpublished work to an interdisciplinary audience. Authors will also receive useful feedback on their submissions from multiple reviewers. We invite submissions in all areas related to the school: logic, computation, language, and any combinations thereof. Deadline for submissions: April 5, 2010
17-20 June 2010, 2nd World Congress on the Square of Oppositions, Corte (Corsica, France)
Deadline: 15 January 2010The square of opposition is a very famous theme related to Aristotelian logic dealing with the notions of opposition, negation, quantification and proposition. This will be the second world congress organized about the square of opposition after a very succesful first edition organized in Montreux , Switzerland in 2007.
The square will be considered in its various aspects. There will be talks by the best specialists of the square and this will be an interdisciplinary event gathering people from various fields : logic, philosophy, mathematics, psychology, linguistics, anthropology, semiotics. Visual and artistic representations of the square will also be presented. There will be a music show and a movie illustrating the square. Invited speakers include Alain Badiou, Pierre Cartier, Jaakko Hintikka, Saul Kripke, Stephen Read.
For more information, see
Any contribution related to the square of opposition is welcome. Deadline for contributed talks: January 15th 2010.
17-18 June 2010, 1st Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification (GandALF 2010), Minori, Italy
Location: Minori, ItalyDeadline: 21 March 2010The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers from academia and industry which are actively working in the fields of Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification. The idea is to cover an ample spectrum of themes, ranging from theory to concrete applications, and to stimulate cross-fertilization.
For more information, see
Authors are invited to submit original research or tool papers on any relevant topic in these areas. Papers discussing new ideas that are at an early stage of development are also welcome. Papers focused on formal methods are especially welcome. Abstract submission deadline: March 21, 2010
9-11 June 2010, 4th Workshop in Decisions, Games & Logic (DGL10), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 30 March 2010Formal approaches to rational individual and interactive decision making is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field of research. The workshop series in Decisions, Games & Logic (DGL) started in 2007 aims at fostering interactions between graduate students, post-docs and senior researchers from economics, logic and philosophy. These year;s workshop will take place at the ENS in Paris and will feature three tutorials in Decisions, Games & Logic, and a panel discussion on the theme 'The future of the Decision Sciences'.
For more information, see the website at or contact the organizers at dgl2010 at
Each DGL features presentations by young researchers. We invite submissions in the fields of decision theory, game theory, logic and formal philosophy, for both presentation and poster sessions. Deadline for submission: March 30, 2010.
8-10 June 2010, Algebra and Substructural Logics (AsubL4), Ishikawa, Japan
Location: Ishikawa, JapanDeadline: noneAlgebra and Substructural Logics is a workshop on algebraic structures related to substructural logic, organized by Hiroakira Ono (Research Center of Integrated Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology JAIST) and Constantine Tsinakis (Vanderbilt University and Consortium for Order in Algebra and Logic, OAL) at the Research Center for Integrated Science at JAIST.
Please direct all inquiries to asubl4 at and visit the workshopÿÿs webpage at
If you plan to participate please contact the organizers as soon as possible at asubl4 at If you plan to give a talk (30min max) please inform us, too.
2-5 June 2010, PHILOSOPHY AND MODEL THEORY: History and Contemporary Developments, Philosophical Issues and Applications, Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 1 February 2010This is a conference on Model Theory from a philosophical perspective. The conference is supported by the Institute of Philosophical Research (EA 373) and the “Knowledge, Language and Modelling” Graduate School (ED 139) of the University Paris Ouest Nanterre, and by the Institute of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST). It will be held in Paris from June 2 to June 5, 2010 at the University Paris Ouest and at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. Conference organizers are Denis Bonnay, Brice Halimi and Jean-Michel Salanskis.
Please also note the conference website:
We welcome any submission in the following areas, broadly construed: 1) history of model theory, 2) contemporary developments of model theory, 3) philosophical issues related to model theory, 4) applications of model theory outside of mathematics. Given that the conference's main perspective is philosophical, submissions in area 2) should be targeted so as to be of interest to a general audience. Deadline for submission: February 1st, 2010 (Notification of acceptance by March 15th, 2010).
2-6 June 2010, Boolean Algebras, Lattices, Algebra, Set Theory, Topology (BLAST 2010), Boulder CO, U.S.A.
Location: Boulder CO, U.S.A.Deadline: 1 March 2010BLAST is a conference focusing on Boolean Algebras, Lattices, Algebraic Logic, Universal Algebra, Set Theory, Set-theoretic Topology and Point-free Topology. The conference is the third in a series that will rotate among universities of the region.
There will be invited talks by Mohamed Bekkali, Robert Bonnet, Ken Kunen, Ralph McKenzie, David Milovich, Grigor Sargsyan, Juris Steprans, and Friedrich Wehrung. There will also be tutorials by Andreas Blass, Gary Gruenhage, Sabine Koppelberg, and Ross Willard.
More information can be found at or obtained by contacting blast at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline to be announced.
1-6 June 2010, AAA80 workshop on general algebra / non-classical algebraic semantics, Bedlewo, Poland
Location: Bedlewo, PolandDeadline: 30 March 2010The conference will consist of two parts:
1. A workshop on non-classical algebraic structures (June 2-3, 2010);
2. A workshop within the series of AAA conferences (June 4-6, 2010);
each comprising several longer keynote plenary lectures, a number of shorter plenary lectures, and a larger number of 20-minute contributed talks.The primary aim of the conference is to review the most recent research results and trends in the above areas, and to promote discussions and interactions between researchers. It should bring together researchers working in the above areas, in order to foster collaboration and future research. A secondary goal is to attract the interest of graduate students and younger researchers, providing them with interesting and significant problems to work on.
The deadline for registration is 7 May 2010. For more information, view the conference web site at
Abstracts of proposed talks should be sent by 30 March 2010.
28 - 29 May 2010, Game Theory and Communication: Prospects and Syntheses
Location: Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford UniversityDeadline: 1 March 2010This conference aims to explore the state of the art of game-theoretic models in the study of communication and language. The importance of the interplay between participants in modeling the dynamics of communication has long been appreciated. Only recently, however, have the specific models of game theory been applied to this problem. Recent developments in fields as diverse as evolutionary biology and multi-agent systems have shed new light on both the sophistication of game-theoretic models and the breadth of phenomena they can address. The goal of this conference is to consolidate perspectives and encourage communication on this topic across disciplinary lines. As such, both "communication" and "game-theoretic model" should be construed as broadly as possible; researchers in any field actively pursuing this endeavor are encouraged to apply.
Invited speakers include Robert Stalnaker, Rohit Parikh, Prashant Parikh.
Send submission or any inquiries to Alistair Isaac at aisaac at
Interested parties should submit a 1 - 2 page abstract summarizing material suitable for a 30 - 40 minute talk. Deadline: March 1, 2010. This is an interdisciplinary conference: submissions from any relevant field are welcome.
27-29 May 2010, Third Colloquium 'Semantics and Philosophy in Europe' (SPE3), Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceDeadline: 28 February 2010The purpose of the SPE colloquium is to enhance the dialogue between linguists and philosophers and to provide a new forum for presenting research in the interface between linguistic semantics and the related areas of philosophy (philosophy of language, metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind, epistemology) . The colloquium takes place annually in different European cities, such as Paris (SPE1, 2008), London (SPE2, 2009), and Bochum (SPE4, 2011).
Invited speakers: Thomas Hofweber (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), Peter Pagin (University of Stockholm), Paul Portner (University of Maryland), Graham Priest (University of Melbourne and CUNY Graduate Center)
For more information, see
Two-page anonymous abstracts are invited for a 30-minute talk. Submission deadline: February 28, 2010.
27-28 May 2010, Mathematical Logic in the Netherlands (MLNL'10), Utrecht, The Netherlands
Location: Utrecht, The NetherlandsDeadline: 16 May 2010MLNL'10 is the second issue of a series of yearly meetings on Mathematical Logic and related areas in the Netherlands. Rather than a specialized conference, where advanced research results are reported, the aim is to get to know each other better and strengthen our community.
We have reserved a generous amount of time for expository talks, but also strongly encourage contributions by young researchers and Ph.D. students. Master students in logic are most welcome to attend the meeting too.
For further information, please visit the website at
Anyone working in mathematical logic in (or close to) the Netherlands who wishes to give a talk can send an email containing title and abstract of the proposed talk to the local organizers. The deadline for submissions is extended to May 16th.
24-28 May 2010, 4th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2010), Trier, Germany
Location: Trier, GermanyDeadline: 3 December 2009LATA is a yearly conference in theoretical computer science and its applications. As linked to the International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications that was developed at Rovira i Virgili University (the host of the previous three editions and co-organizer of this one) in the period 2002-2006, LATA 2010 will reserve significant room for young scholars at the beginning of their career. It will aim at attracting contributions from both classical theory fields and application areas (bioinformatics, systems biology, language technology, artificial intelligence, etc.).
For more information, see or contact gindorf-ti at
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research. Deadline for submission: December 3, 2009
21-25 May 2010, 100th Anniversary of Principia Mathematica, Conference, Hamilton ON, Canada
Location: Hamilton ON, CanadaDeadline: 1 February 2010The Bertrand Russell Research Centre in 2010 will host a conference to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publication of the first volume of Russell and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica.
Additional informations is available at:
Submissions to the conference are sought in all areas relating to Principia Mathematica or to the development of logic and to the philosophy and foundations of mathematics in the years between the two editions. Deadline for abstract submission: 1 February 2010. Graduate students are also encouraged to submit.
17-20 May 2010, Symposium "Meaning, Modality and Apriority", Cologne, Germany
Location: Cologne, GermanyDeadline: 15 March 2010The symposium comprises a two-day graduate conference and a two-day research workshop with Scott Soames. It is organized by the Emmy Noether Research Group "Understanding and the A Priori" at the University of Cologne. The graduate conference will feature eight talks by graduated students on issues related to meaning, modal truths, a priori knowledge and their interrelations, each followed by a short comment by a graduate student. The keynote lecturer is Scott Soames. The workshop is aimed at researchers interested in the work of Scott Soames. In addition to a discussion of selected papers of Soames' the workshop will feature four critical comments on aspects of his work.
For further information on the symposium and general registration details see: or contact mmasymposium at
Graduate students interested in presenting at the conference are encouraged to submit a manuscript of about 4000 words by 1 February 2010. Researchers interested in presenting are encouraged to submit a detailed abstract of 1000 words or less by 15 March 2010.
14-16 May 2010, NMR'2010 Special session on Argument, Dialogue and Decision, Toronto, Canada
Location: Toronto, CanadaDeadline: 29 January 2010Since the work of John Pollock, Ronald Loui and others in the eighties, argumentation has proven to be successful in nonmonotonic logic. In the early nineties Dung and others showed that argumentation is also very suitable as a general framework for relating different nonmonotonic logics. Finally, in recent years argument-based logics have been used to facilitate reasoning and communication in multi-agent systems.
Argumentation can be studied on its own, but it also has interesting relations with other topics, such as dialogue and decision. For instance, argumentation is an essential component of such phenomena as fact finding investigations, computer supported collaborative work, negotiation, legal procedure, and online dispute mediation. However, only recently researchers have begun to explore the use of argumentation in these contexts.
For more information, see,_Dialog_and_Decision.html.
We invite submissions of original research on all topics related to the logical study of argumentation and its connections with decision and dialogue, in particular the study of argument-based logics and the development of argument-based logical systems in formal models of multi-agent reasoning and interaction. Deadline for submission of papers: January 29 (Friday), 2010
13-15 May 2010, Logic in Cognitive Science, Torun, Poland
Location: Torun, PolandDeadline: 1 March 2010Logic is an independent research area, however its significance in science depends on its possible applications. Cognitive Science is an area where applications of logic are especially needed and welcomed.
The Conference is organized by Department of Logic at Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland. At the same time two other related conferences concerning philosophy of mind and artificial intelligence will take place in Torun. All three events are parts of the project called Argumentation as a Cognitive Process. We hope to gather broader audience consisting of logicians, philosophers and computer scientists among others.
For more information, see
We encourage everyone who finds his research results important to Cognitive Science to participate in our Conference. Deadline for submissions: March 1, 2010.
12-14 May 2010, NICSO 2010 (The IV International Workshop on Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization), Granada, Spain
Location: Granada, SpainDeadline: 15 October 2009Biological and natural processes have always been a source of inspiration for computer science and information technology. It is well known that biological entities, from single cell organisms -like bacteria- to humans, often engage in a rich repertoire of social interaction that could range from altruistic cooperation through open conflict. One specific kind of social interaction is cooperative problem solving (CPS), where a group of autonomous entities work together in order to achieve certain goal. The NICSO 2010 aims at promoting cooperative problem solving strategies bringing together international researchers and practitioners from different disciplines in order to discuss the investigations and exchange ideas on the current state of the art of the topic.
The conference seeks contributions that are inspired by Nature and that encompass a range of spatio-temporal scales, for visionary conceptions of information processing and computation as pertaining to cooperation mechanisms in the context of problem solving. Full paper submission deadline: October 15, 2009. For more information, please visit
11-13 May 2010, 3rd Formal Epistemology Festival: Learning from experience & defeasible reasoning, Toronto ON, Canada
Location: Toronto ON, CanadaDeadline: 28 February 2010This is the third of three small, thematically focused events in formal epistemology, organized by Franz Huber (Konstanz), Eric Swanson (Michigan), and Jonathan Weisberg (Toronto). This year;s festivities coincide with the 30th anniversary of Ray Reiter's "A Logic for D efault Reasoning" and the 15th anniversary of John Pollock's "Cognitive Carpentry". The event is dedicated to the memory of John Pollock. Confirmed participants include Thony Gillies, John Horty, Mohan Matthen, Jim Pryor, Susanna Siegel, and Scott Sturgeon.
The conference website is
We welcome submissions of papers on topics related to learning from experience, defeasible reasoning, or both. Please send a pdf prepared for blind reviewing to FEF3 at Deadline for submissions: February 28, 2010.
8-14 May 2010, The 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2010), Toronto ON, Canada
Location: Toronto ON, CanadaDeadline: 8 October 2009AAMAS is the leading scientific conference for research in autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. The AAMAS conference series was initiated in 2002 by merging three highly-respected meetings: International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS); International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL); and International Conference on Autonomous Agents (AA). The aim of the joint conference is to provide a single, high-profile, internationally-respected archival forum for scientific research in the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. AAMAS-2010 is the Ninth conference in the AAMAS series, following enormously successful previous conferences, and will be held at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel in downtown Toronto.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is October 8, 2009.
7-8 May 2010, Third New York Graduate Student Logic Conference, New York NY, U.S.A.
Location: New York NY, U.S.A.Deadline: 25 March 2010This event, sponsored by the National Science Foundation funded Mid- Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (MAMLS) and the City University of New York, provides an opportunity for graduate students in logic to present their research, meet students from other institutions, and interact with senior logicians.
For further information, visit the website below.
Students of mathematical logic and related areas are invited to submit abstracts for talks. Talks may be either on original research or expository in nature, and should be directed at other students of logic. Please submit abstracts by March 25, 2010.
25 April - 1 May 2010, Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-16), Dakar, Senegal
Location: Dakar, SenegalDeadline: 5 January 2010The series of International Conferences on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR) is a forum where, year after year, some of the most renowned researchers in the areas of logic, automated reasoning, computational logic, programming languages and their applications come to present cutting-edge results, to discuss advances in these fields, and to exchange ideas in a scientifically emerging part of the world. The 16th edition will be held in Dakar, Senegal.
For more information, see
New results in the fields of computational logic and applications are welcome. Also welcome are more exploratory presentations, which may examine open questions and raise fundamental concerns about existing theories and practices, or experimental papers describing implementation or evaluation of systems. Deadline for abstract submission: January 5, 2010.
New open access journal: RMM, Rationality, Markets, Morals
Deadline: noneRationality, Markets and Morals (RMM) offers a forum to all scholars interested in problems at the intersection of philosophy and economics, whether they are looking at economic problems from a philosophical point of view, are applying economic methods in investigating philosophical problems, or are engaging issues concerning the common foundations of both disciplines as, for instance, in the theory of rational decision making.
RMM is an international online journal based in Europe, published by Frankfurt School Verlag. Articles are generally published in English. Authors using formal methods are welcomed yet requested to take pains to make their arguments accessible to a broad audience. Technical details should be placed in appendices. In addition to original research articles, RMM features a discussion section with short articles and comments and a book review section.
For more information, see
15-16 April 2010, The 2010 Synthese Conference (focus on epistemology and economics), New York NY, U.S.A.
Location: New York NY, U.S.A.Deadline: 1 February 2010On April 15th and 16th of 2010, the Synthese Conference will take place at Columbia University. The 2010 edition of the Synthese Conference will focus on the theme of epistemology and economics. Recent years have seen an increasing amount of interaction between epistemology and economics: traditional topics in epistemology, such as the analysis of knowledge, have found a significant role in the study of interactive decision making, while traditional topics in economics, such as the analysis of rationality, now figure prominently into certain areas of epistemology.
The conference will feature the announcement of the first Synthese Distinguished Paper Award, for the best paper published in the journal of every other year.
For more information, see here or, or contact synthese.conference.2010 at
We encourage submissions for the contributed slots. Submissions should be relevant to the conference theme of epistemology and economics, broadly construed, and should satisfy the usual guidelines for submissions to Synthese. Submissions for the contributed slots must be received no later than February 1, 2010.
14-16 April 2010, Sydney-Tilburg Conference on "The Future of Philosophy of Science", Tilburg, The Netherlands
Location: Tilburg, The NetherlandsDeadline: 15 November 2009Philosophy of science deals with the foundations and the methods of science. While the scope of philosophy of science is rather uncontroversial, there is considerable disagreement about its methodology. A look into the relevant journals reveals that there is a plurality of approaches. In spite of this, there also seem to be undeniable trends in our discipline, such as the increasing specialization, and the increasing co-operation with empirical scientists. This conference will explore the future of philosophy of science. In particular, we are interested in how the different methods philosophers of science use relate to each other, whether they can fruitfully complement each other, and whether current trends allow predictions about the development of our field.
For more information, see
We invite contributions that combine cutting-edge individual research with a general perspective on the methods and future of philosophy of science. Deadline for submissions: 15 November 2009.
13 April 2010, Workshop "Scientific Philosophy: Past and Future", Tilburg, The Netherlands
Location: Tilburg, The NetherlandsDeadline: 15 January 2010Various philosophers of the past - and many philosophers of today - believe that there can be real progress in philosophy and that such progress is facilitated crucially by a close interaction between philosophy and the sciences. "Scientific Philosophy" maintains that philosophical theses and arguments should be just as clear and precise as scientific ones; philosophers ought to build theories and models much as scientists do; and the application of mathematical methods as well as input from empirical studies are often necessary in order to gain new insights into old philosophical questions and to progress to new and deeper ones. This workshop will address what Scientific Philosophy is all about, what it has in common with science and where it might diverge from it, what we can learn from its historical successes and failures, and, most importantly, how we should assess its future prospects.
For more information, see
Most talks will be given by the invited speakers. We will reserve, however, 3-4 slots for contributed papers. If you are interested in presenting something, please send an extended abstract of up to 1500 words to TiLPS at by 15 January 2010. Decisions will be made by 1 February 2010.
CfP special issue of Studia Logica, "Algebras related to non-classical logics"
Deadline: 30 September 2010This special issue of Studia Logica is devoted to recent developments in the field of the structures that incorporate algebraic methods to the study of logic, as the title suggests. We invite submissions of papers presenting new results in the area, that can be of interest to both logicians and algebraists.
The deadline for paper submissions is September 30, 2010, but we ask to inform us as soon as possible of your intention to submit by sending a message to the Guest Editors at imabad at
For more information, see
10-11 April 2010, Special Session on Universal Algebra, St. Paul MI, U.S.A.
Location: St. Paul MI, U.S.A.Deadline: 16 February 2010A Special Session on Universal Algebra and Order is to be held at the AMS Sectional Meeting in St. Paul, Minnesota on April 10 and 11.
For more information, see or contact Jeffrey Olson at jolson at
If you are interested in giving a 20-minute contributed talk at this session, please submit a title and abstract via the online submission form at the AMS website. Although there is a final deadline of February 16, 2010, first priority will go to abstracts submitted by December 1.
6-9 April 2010, Symposium on AI and Games (AISB 2010), Leicester (U.K.)
Location: Leicester (U.K.)Deadline: 1 July 2009The AISB convention is an annual event organised as a number of collocated symposia loosely organised around a theme, and interspersed with invited plenary talks and poster sessions.
For more information, see or contact Aladdin Ayesh at aayesh at
The society is pleased to call for symposium proposals for the 2010 annual convention on wide range of contemporary AI topics. There is no specific theme for the convention and multidisciplinary proposals would be most welcomed. Deadline for submitting proposals: 1 July 2009.
3 April 2010, Harvard-MIT Graduate Student Philosophy Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA
Location: Cambridge, MA, USADeadline: 10 January 2010The Harvard-MIT Gradute Philosophy Conference is an annual philosophy conference for graduate students organized by graduate students at Harvard and MIT.
2010 Keynote Speaker: Derek Parfit, All Souls College, Oxford
For more information, see here or contact the organizers at harvardmit2010 at
The Programme Committee seeks submissions from graduate students in any area of philosophy. Submissions should be suitable for a 40-minute presentation. Submission Deadline: Sunday, January 10th, 2010.
CfP Special Issue on "Formal Models of Norm Change", Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logic (JANCL)
Deadline: 30 June 2010Formal models of norm change have been drawing attention since the seminal work of Alchourrón and Bulygin on normative systems, and that of Alchourrón, Gärdenfors and Makinson on the logic of theory change. Research trends in Artificial Intelligence have recently revived this attention emphasizing the importance of a formal analysis of the type(s) of dynamics involved in systems of norms, and norm change has become the topic of a dedicated international workshop.
This special issue aims at providing an up to date account of the formal analysis of norm change, an area at the interface of logic, philosophy, computer science and legal theory.
Deadline for submissions (extended): 30 June 2010. For more information, see the CfP at
29-30 March 2010, Symposium on Mathematical Practice and Cognition, Leicester, U.K.
Location: Leicester, U.K.Deadline: 30 December 2009The belief that what mathematicians think and do is important to the philosophy of mathematics is a relatively recent position. This focus on mathematical practice suggests that research into how mathematical definitions or axioms are motivated, representations changed, problems discovered and explained, analogies formed between different mathematical fields, etc., and how these processes grow out of biologically important competences in dealing effectively with rich and complex environments, is relevant and necessary. This contrasts the traditional focus in philosophy on how mathematics should be done, or the epistemological status of mathematical theorems. The new direction is complemented by recent work in cognitive science on the origin and development of mathematical ideas. Researchers are now working at all levels to investigate how people, from young babies up to professionals and geniuses are able to perform different mathematical tasks.
With the new approach in the philosophy of mathematics, and developments in cognitive science of mathematics and embodied cognition, we feel that the time is ripe for interaction between the fields. We hope to promote a sharing of ideas and enable an atmosphere in which new connections and collaborations are forged.
For more information, see
We welcome submissions from anyone interested in themes such as those described above, and especially encourage interdisciplinary submissions which link previously unassociated fields. We welcome full papers and short papers, where a full paper comprises a completed piece of work and a short paper describes ongoing work. Full papers should be between six and eight pages in length and short papers two pages. Accepted papers will be published in the AISB 2010 proceedings. Submission deadline: 20th December, 2009.
29 March - 1 April 2010, Linguistic and Cognitive Approaches to Dialog Agents (LaCATODA 2010), Leicester, U.K.
Location: Leicester, U.K.Deadline: 11 January 2010The age of information explosion gives us a whole new spectrum of possibilities for creating an intelligent machine. Many marvelous ideas of the dawn of Artificial Intelligence research faced problems of exceptions and the impossibility of manual input of all needed knowledge, but today we have vast amounts of data from sensors and text so that we can rethink classical AI methods and approaches. The increased use of WWW, RFID, Bluetooth, etc. could allow us to determine standard human behaviors, emotions or even moral reasoning according to the Wisdom of Crowds hypothesis. Collective input data could also help to retrieve knowledge about the physical world we live in. By combining Natural Language Processing methods with cognitive approaches, we can discover a new range of intelligent systems that understand us, our environment and our feelings.
In this context, we see a role for NLP and cognitive approaches to play in developing a new generation of user-friendly, safe systems that, through interaction with the user and the world, can learn how to reason, behave or speak naturally. We are interested in original papers on systems and ideas for systems that use common sense knowledge and reasoning, affective computing, cognitive methods, learning from broad sets of data and acquiring knowledge, or language and user preferences. The symposium intends to spark an interdisciplinary discussion on joining forces to return AI to its original, broader and deeper goals which are currently represented by AGI - Artificial General Intelligence.
For more information, see
We invite submissions of high-quality papers describing original research on different approaches to artificial dialog algorithms their implementation, their supporting theories, and their applications. Paper submission deadline: Monday 11th January 2010 Types of submission: Full and short papers.
29-30 March 2010, 5th International Workshop on Normative Multiagent Systems (NorMAS'10), Leicester, UK
Location: Leicester, UKDeadline: 15 January 2010A normative multi-agent system is a multi-agent system to which norms (e.g., obligations, permissions) are added, which specify the desired agents' behavior within the system. Agents, on the other hand, can autonomously decide whether to follow or to violate such norms and, possibly, whether to change them.
The workshop brings together researchers at the interface of several disciplines such as multi-agent systems, deontic logic, sociology, legal theory.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is 15 January 2009.
27-28 March 2010, Second International Workshop on Philosophy and Ethics of Social Reality (SOCREAL 2010), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Location: Hokkaido University, Sapporo, JapanDeadline: 1 November 2009In the past two decades, a number of logics and game theoretical analyses have been proposed and combined to model various aspects of social interaction among agents including individual agents, organizations, and individuals representing organizations. The aim of SOCREAL Workshop is to bring together researchers working on diverse aspects of such interaction in logic, philosophy, ethics, computer science, cognitive science and related fields in order to share issues, ideas, techniques, and results.
For more information, see
Researchers from various fields, including logic, philosophy, ethics, computer science, cognitive science are hereby invited to submit an extended abstract (up to two thousand words) by 1 November 2009 to CAEP (
27-28 March 2010, 2nd Workshop on Philosophy and Ethics of Social Reality (SOCREAL 2010), Sapporo, Japan
Location: Sapporo, JapanDeadline: 15 November 2009In the past two decades, a number of logics and game theoretical analyses have been proposed and combined to model various aspects of social interaction among agents including individual agents, organizations, and individuals representing organizations. The aim of SOCREAL Workshop is to bring together researchers working on diverse aspects of such interaction in logic, philosophy, ethics, computer science, cognitive science and related fields in order to share issues, ideas, techniques, and results. Invited speakers include Johan van Benthem (University of Amsterdam and Stanford University) and Fenrong Liu (Tsinghua University, China).
For more information, see or contact Shunzo Majima (caep at
Researchers from various fields, including logic, philosophy, ethics, computer science, cognitive science are hereby invited to submit an extended abstract (up to two thousand words) by 15 November 2009 (extended deadline) to CAEP (caep at
27-29 March 2010, 19th Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory (BEST 2010), Boise ID, U.S.A.
Location: Boise ID, U.S.A.Deadline: 25 March 2010The 19-th annual meeting of BEST will be hosted at Boise State University during the weekend of March 27 (Saturday) - March 29 (Monday), 2010
Contributed and invited talks will be held on Saturday, Sunday and Monday at the Department of Mathematics, Boise State University. The invited speakers curently include: Justin Moore (Cornell University), Frank Tall (University of Toronto) and Toshimichi Usuba (University of Bonn).
The conference webpage is available at
The deadline for submitting an abstract for invited or contributed talk is MARCH 25.
26-28 March 2010, The 10th International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS 2010), Paphos, Cyprus
Location: Paphos, CyprusDeadline: 27 February 2010The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers with a common interest in the theory of coalgebras and its applications. Over the last two decades, coalgebra has developed into a field of its own, presenting a mathematical foundation for various kinds of dynamical systems, infinite data structures, and logics. Coalgebra has an ever growing range of applications in and interactions with other fields such as reactive and interactive system theory, object oriented and concurrent programming, formal system specification, modal logic, dynamical systems, control systems, category theory, algebra, analysis, etc.
CMCS 2010 is co-located with ETAPS 2010. For more information, see or contact cmcs10 at
There are two types of submissions possible: regular papers presenting original research, and short contributions describing work in progress or summarising work submitted to a conference or workshop elsewhere. Submission deadline is 8 January 2010 (regular papers) or 27 February 2010 (short contributions).
22-24 March 2010, AAAI Spring Symposium on Time and Interactive Behaviour, Stanford CA, U.S.A.
Location: Stanford CA, U.S.A.Deadline: 2 October 2009People do not experience the world solely as an ordered sequence of events. The timing of our perceptions and behaviors has as much of an impact on our experiences as the nature of the events themselves. Yet many of the representations currently used to model human behavior do not incorporate explicit models of the temporal expression of these stimuli or actions. Dynamic behavior is often modeled sequentially in such a way that its temporal resolution is reduced and potential nonstationarity is ignored for the sake of computational efficiency (as in Markov state-based models of behavior), and/or causal mappings between observations and behavior are simplified to mitigate the sparseness of available datasets. Given that any artificial agent designed to interact with people will be dealing with intelligent partners with rich mental representations of time, are we using the appropriate representations?
This symposium is oriented towards several different groups of researchers, including, but not limited to: computer scientists who use machine learning techniques to model human behavior, psychologists and neuroscientists who study social behavior, and designers of robots or computational artifacts that interact naturally with humans in real time. By bringing together members of these communities through a shared interest in temporal representations, our goal is to identify critical areas of study and promising techniques.
For more information, see
Papers on any aspect of modeling or studying the temporal aspects of human or human-machine social interaction are welcome, including reports on experimental results, descriptions of implemented systems, and position papers. Submission deadline is October 2, 2009
11-15 March 2010, 11th Szklarska Poreba Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poreba, Poland
Location: Szklarska Poreba, PolandDeadline: 18 January 2010Linguists, logicians and (experimental) philosophers are invited to join the opening of a new decade of conferences on the Roots of Pragmasemantics. The focus of this eleventh convention is the role of logic in the interplay of theoretical and empirical research into natural language meaning and human reasoning.
Conference Homepage:
We invite submissions related to this topic but also warmly welcome contributions relevant to any of the more classical subjects of this workshop. Novel, young and unpublished ideas are preferred, even if still in need of later refinement. Submission Deadline: Monday, 18.01.2010
8-10 March 2010, Rudolf Carnap Lectures 2010 & International Graduate Workshop in Philosophy, Bochum, Germany
Location: Bochum, GermanyDeadline: 5 February 2010The workshop offers lectures by keynote speakers Prof. David Papineau (King's College London), and Michael Esfeld (University of Lausanne, CH), as well as presentations of selected Graduate Papers.
General Registration deadline: February 25th. For more information, see
Submissions (full papers, not longer than 3000 words) for the graduate conference should be send electronically to Robert.Schuetze at no later than February 5th.
5-8 March 2010, 3rd Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI-10), Lugano, Switzerland
Location: Lugano, SwitzerlandDeadline: 12 November 2009Continuing the mission of the highly successful First and Second AGI Conferences, AGI-10 will gather an international group of leading academic and industry researchers involved in serious scientific and engineering work aimed directly toward the goal of artificial general intelligence.
This is the only major conference series devoted wholly and specifically to the creation of AI systems possessing general intelligence at the human level and ultimately beyond. By gathering together active researchers in the field, for presentation of results and discussion of ideas, we accelerate our progress toward our common goal.
For more information, see
AGI-10 will accept two types of submissions: full-length papers (6 pages) and short position statements (2 pages). Submission deadline is 15 October 2009.
18-19 February 2010, Colloquium "PhD's in Logic II", Tilburg, The Netherlands
Location: Tilburg, The NetherlandsDeadline: 18 December 2009The aim of PhD's in Logic II is to bring together young researchers in the field of logic. During these two days there will be 4 tutorials in to tal, 2 about mathematical and 2 about philosophical logic. In addition, PhD students and recent postdocs in mathematical or philosophical logic are in vited to present their work. Of course, everyone is kindly invited to attend the tutorials and contribut ed talks!
For more information, see or contact phdsinlogic at
Abstract submission before December 18, 2009.
17-20 February 2010, Workshop on "Logical Approaches to Barriers in Computing and Complexity", Greifswald, Germany
Location: Greifswald, GermanyDeadline: 15 October 2009Computability theory and complexity theory have their origins in logic. Famous names such as Goedel, Turing, Cook, and Kolmogorov connect these areas of computer science to foundations of mathematics. The fundamental goal of this area is to understand the limits of computability (that is analysing which problems can be solved on nowadays and future computers in principle) and effective computability (that is understanding the class of problems which can be solved quickly and with restricted resources) where the most famous open problem is the P=NP-problem. Logic provides a multifarious toolbox of techniques to analyse questions like this, some of which promise to provide a deep insight in the structure of limit of computation.
In our workshop, we shall focus on the following aspects: logical descriptions of complexity (e.g., descriptive complexity, bounded arithmetic), complexity classes of abstract, algebraic and infinite structures, barriers in proving complexity results, and Kolmogorov complexity and randomness.
Some of these aspects are particularly timely: recently, research in these areas became more intense. Part of this is the new conference series CiE (run by the Association for Computability in Europe) whose range of interests includes those of our workshop, creating an important focus on the emerging topics of the field. This workshop is intended as a research-oriented follow-up to the CiE conferences, allowing researchers ample time for discussions and joint work.
For more information, see
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers in the area of the workshop to submit their extended abstracts (in PDF-format, at most 4 pages) for presentation at the workshop. Submission deadline is 15 October 2009.
CfP special issue of Studia Logica, "Logic and Natural Language"
Deadline: 3 September 2010Studia Logica invites contributions to a special issue on "Logic and Natural Language", edited by Nissim Francez (Technion, Haifa) and Ian Pratt-Hartmann (University of Manchester). It is envisaged that the issue will comprise papers in two broad areas: (i) the use of logical techniques in the presentation and analysis of grammar formalisms; (ii) investigation of the logical characteristics (expressiveness, complexity, proof-theory) of natural language.
Deadline for submission of manuscripts to the issue editors: 3.9.2010.
For more information, see or, or the PDF of the full CFP at
22-24 January 2010, International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2010), Valencia, Spain
Location: Valencia, SpainDeadline: 28 July 2009ICAART brings together top researchers and practitioners in several areas of Artificial Intelligence, from multiple areas of knowledge, such as Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Software Platforms, Distributed Problem Solving and Distributed AI in general, including web applications, on one hand, and within the area of non-distributed AI, including the more traditional areas such as Knowledge Representation, Planning, Learning, Scheduling, Perception and also not so traditional areas such as Reactive AI Systems, Evolutionary Computing and other aspects of Computational Intelligence and many other areas related to intelligent systems, on the other hand.
For more information, see
We hope you can participate in this prestigious conference by submitting a paper reflecting your current research. The paper submission deadline is scheduled for the next July 28, 2009. Workshops and special sessions are also invited. If you wish to propose workshop or a special session, for example based on the results of a specific research project, please send a proposal to the ICAART secretariat.
20-22 January 2010, "Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind at the Crossroads", 4th Conference of the Dutch-Flemish Association for Analytic Philosophy, Leuven, Belgium
Location: Leuven, BelgiumDeadline: 10 November 2009The Dutch-Flemish Association for Analytic Philosophy organizes its Fourth Conference from wendesday January 20 (1.30 p.m) till Friday January 22 (4 p.m) 2010 at the Institute of Philosophy (University of Leuven, Belgium). This year's topic will be Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind at The Crossroads.
For more information, see or contact Filip Buekens at f.a.i.buekens at
The Programme Committee cordially invites all researchers to submit their papers for presentation. Submission deadline is November 10, 2009.
18-29 January 2010, Third Indian School on Logic and its Applications, Hyderabad, India
Location: Hyderabad, IndiaDeadline: 31 May 2009The Indian School on Logic and Applications is a biennial event. The first school was held during January 2006 at IIT Bombay and the second school during January 2008 at IIT Kanpur. The objective is to present before graduate students and researchers of the country, some basics as well as active research areas in logic. The School typically attracts students and teachers from mathematics, philosophy and computer science departments. The School is complemented by a biennial conference. The third conference was held at IMSc, Chennai, this year and the proceedings published as LNAI 5378.
The 3rd School will adopt a dual format: the mornings will consist of introductory courses on fundamental aspects of logic, by eminent researchers in the area. The afternoons will have workshops, which can be of the nature of advanced tutorials, or presentations on research areas, in different aspects of logic and applications.
The deadline for receiving applications is November 13, 2009. For more information, see or contact the organizers at icla at
The ISLA programme committee invites proposals for workshops for the School, in the broad interdisciplinary area connecting logic and the foundations of mathematics with artificial intelligence, computing science and philosophy. The objective is to bring before students and faculty an active research theme. Deadline for workshop proposals: 31 May 2009.
Past Conferences
21 December 2010, Workshop on Kleene Coalgebra, Mohrmannkamer , Comeniuslaan 2, University of Nijmegen
Speaker: Dexter Kozen, Luis Barbosa, Alexandra SilvaLocation: Mohrmannkamer , Comeniuslaan 2, University of NijmegenOn the occasion of the PhD defense of Alexandra Silva, we are organizing a workshop around the theme "Kleene Coalgebra", which is the subject of Alexandra's thesis.
The programme will consist of talks by Dexter Kozen (Cornell), Luis Barbosa (Minho) and Alexandra Silva (CWI).
For more details, on the programme and location, check the workshop's webpage at or contact ams at
20 December 2010, Tractatus in Holland
Location: Zaal 008, Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte, Matthias de Vrieshof 4, Universiteit LeidenIn the week December 13-20, 1919, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell met at The Hague in order to discuss - line by line - the manuscript of the Tractatus so that Russell could write his preface. Now 91 years later, the Philosophical Institute at Leiden, with support from the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Logica en de Grondslagen van de Exacte Wetenschappen, devotes a day to the careful study of Wittgenstein’s classical book.
The speakers at this Tagung will be Harm Boukema (Nijmegen), Jaap van der Does (Amsterdam), Martin Stokhof (Amsterdam), Göran Sundholm (Leiden), and Albert Visser (Utrecht).
Please find programme and abstracts at
9-10 December 2010, "Rational Trust" (Copenhagen Epistemology Workshop), Copenhagen, Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, DenmarkOn December 9-10, 2010, SERG will be organizing a two-day workshop on rational trust. The workshop will feature talks by Paul Faulkner (Sheffield), Gloria Origgi (Jean Nicod), David Owens (Sheffield), Erik Olsson (Lund), Klemens Kappel (SERG), Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (SERG), and Kristoffer Ahlstrom (SERG).
For more information, see
7-8 December 2010, Workshop on Automata and Logic for Data Manipulating Programs, Paris, France
Location: Paris, FranceA fundamental challenge in software model-checking is to deal with rich data, residing in variables or on the heap. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from both practical and theoretical sides, and to investigate how the recently developed tools in automata theory and logic, such as register and higher-order pushdown automata and logics on data words, can be used to model and verify programs with both rich data structures and operating on unbounded data values.
For details, a preliminary programme and list of invited speakers see Registration deadline: December 1st 2010 There will be no registration fee for the workshop. We will cover lunches for all participants and may be able to cover travel and accommodation costs for a limited number of students.
6-8 December 2010, Nijmegen Lectures 2010: Music, language, and the brain, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Location: Nijmegen, the NetherlandsThe Nijmegen Lectures committee is pleased to announce that the Nijmegen Lectures 2010 will take place on December 6th, 7th and 8th.
This year's lectures will be given by Aniruddh D. Patel (Esther J. Burnham Senior Fellow, The Neurosciences Institute). The title of the lecture series is: Music, language, and the brain.For more information, see
6-17 December 2010, Logic Summer School, Canberra, Australia
Location: Canberra, AustraliaAs computers become more powerful, their ability to perform complicated reasoning tasks increases. In order to harness their power, we need to understand the reasoning they can do, and how they may do it more efficiently. This understanding begins with logic.
The Logic Summer School comprises a blend of practical and theoretical short courses on aspects of pure and applied logic taught by international and national experts. The school provides a unique learning experience for all participants, backed up with state-of-the-art computational science facilities at the Australian National University.
For more information, see
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26-28 November 2010, Dialogues, Inference, and Proof - Logical and Empirical Perspectives, Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaTraditional conceptions of logic model correct inference quite abstractly by Tarski style semantics or by reference to formal proof systems without much concern about empirical findings about human reasoning. The fact that logical inference has to be embedded in language use and thus implies communicative interaction between human agents, that is to be addressed also by empirical methods, is often neglected. The three EurocoresLogICCC
projects organising this workshop DiFoS, LcpR, and LoMoReVI address this challenge in various ways. The workshop aims at corresponding cross fertilization, stimulated by invited talks by external experts.For more information, see
21-24 November 2010, Highlights of AutoMathA, Vienna, Austria
Location: Vienna, AustriaThe conference "Highlights of AutoMathA" is the culmination of the activities of the Research Network "Automata: From Mathematics to Applications", joining top research teams from 14 countries and funded by the European Science Foundation (ESF).
In 18 survey lectures by leading experts, the current state-of-the-art of automata theory will be presented, with a focus on progress obtained during the past decade, both in foundations and applications, and addressing also the challenges that will guide future research. The conference is an ideal and unique venue for all who are interested in an up-to-date overview of this rich and fastly developing area.
For younger researchers the conference will serve as an "Advanced Winter School of Automata Theory". Limited travel support for young researchers (up to 30 year old) is available (up to 300 Euro per person). Applications should be sent to Werner Kuich, the head of the organizing committee (kuich at
For more information, registration (free but mandatory) and a program, see the conference website at
18-19 November 2010, 3rd Workshop on the Philosophy of Information, Brussels, Belgium
Location: Brussels, BelgiumAn ambitious project like the philosophy of information cannot operate in isolation. Not only does it have to rely on input from the sciences of information and computation, it also needs to convince those who are sympathetic to the project (including those who had been philosophers of information without realising it) to contribute actively, and encourage the sceptics to challenge the basic assumptions of the philosophy of information. The series of workshops in the philosophy of information provide a platform for this kind of interaction.
For the third workshop on the philosophy of information, we bring together researchers who have been working in the philosophy of information, with researchers working in related areas.
Admission is free, but registration is required. Please send an email to patrick.allo at with your name and affiliation. For more information, see
12 November 2010, CWI Symposium Day on Large-Scale and Uncertain Optimization
Location: CWI, Turing room (Z011), Science Park 123, AmsterdamOptimization problems arising from applications such as medical imaging, radiation therapy, machine learning, shape design of mechanical structures and more, pose severe challenges due to the large dimensionality of the design space and the uncertainty affecting the problems' parameters. The four talks in this symposium present some current methodologies and computational schemes addressing the above challenges.
For more information, see
12-13 November 2010, Leonardo-Kolleg Workshop 2010: "Intelligence, Reflection and the Good Life", Erlangen, Germany
Location: Erlangen, GermanyThe Leonardo-Kolleg Workshop 2010 "Intelligence, Reflection and the Good Life" is organized by a multi-disciplinary committee of former scholars of the Leonardo-Kolleg of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, supported by the Leonardo-Kolleg, the Zentralinstitut für Angewandte Ethik und Wissenschaftskommunikation (ZIEW), and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Advanced students and young researchers from all academic areas are invited to submit contributions addressing the workshop's topic "Intelligence, Reflection and the Good Life". Both, submissions addressing one of the aforementioned subtopics, as well as submissions addressing the entire complex, are equally welcome.
For more information (as e.g. the complete Call for Papers and Participation), see here or email leonardo.kolleg.workshop at
10-14 November 2010, Rationality, Heuristics and Motivation in Decision Making, Pisa, Italy
Location: Pisa, ItalyThe problem of modelling rational decisions is as central to our understanding of human behaviour as ever. The past few decades, however, witnessed a dramatic change in the way the problem has been approached. The mathematical core of the field is now steadily coupled with empirical and computational methods and techniques. As a result, current models move towards increasingly more accurate predictive capabilities.
Unfortunately, however, the problem can hardly said to be solved, as we all witnessed in recent years. Yet there is a tangible feeling that the present situation is favourable to the development of new, groundbreaking ideas, which will perhaps give the discipline its most significant turn in decades. The purpose of this workshop is to bring leading scholars and practitioners to share their view and vision on the current trends in rational decision theory, with a particular emphasis on its application to economics and finan>e.
For more information, see
3-5 November 2010, The Number Concept: Axiomatization, Cognition and Genesis, Nancy, France, at the Archives Henri Poincaré of Université Nancy 2
Location: Nancy, France, at the Archives Henri Poincaré of Université Nancy 2This is an interdisciplinary conference on the philosophy of arithmetic, featuring speakers who represent a variety of historically, empirically, and logically informed perspectives on this central topic in the philosophy of mathematics. The keynote speaker is Charles Parsons (Department of Philosophy, Harvard University).
Information about the other speakers and the other particulars of the conference can be found at and For more information, please contact the organizers at Walsh.108 at
29-30 October 2010, Colloquium in Honour of Ernst Specker's 90th Birthday, Zuerich, Switzerland
Location: Zuerich, SwitzerlandThis colloquium will be held on the occasion of Ernst Specker's 90th Birthday. It will cover recent developments topics of E. Specker's work. In particular:
* Recursive analysis
* Combinatorics
* Model theory
* Set theory
* Complexity theory
* Quantum theory and quantum computingFor more information and registration, see the official website at More background information about E. Specker may be found at
15-18 October 2010, Formal Epistemology Workshops, Copenhagen, Denmark
Location: Copenhagen, DenmarkThe CPH-NIP Formal Epistemology Workshop is held October 15-16, 2010, followed by FEW20101018 on October 18. Registration deadlines: October 8 and October 11, respectively.
For more information, see and
29 September 2010, Workshop on Decision Theory, London, U.K.
Location: London, U.K.Speakers include James Joyce, David Etlin, Richard Bradley, Jason Alexander, Christian List and Franz Dietrich.
For more information, see
27 September to 1 October 2010, Logic or Logics?, St Andrews, Scotland
Location: St Andrews, ScotlandThe Arché "Logic or Logics?" Mini-course and Workshop are organised by the members of the AHRCé funded Foundations of Logical Consequence project. The Mini-Course is intended for graduate students and younger researchers (postdocs and junior faculty) working on related topics. The aim is to provide intensive graduate-level instruction on the latest thinking about pluralism and revision in logic. Topics will include the revision of logic debate, logical pluralism vs. absolutism (or monism), and combining logics. The week will conclude with a Workshop dedicated to contemporary research on the same theme.
For more information see the event website here: Any further inquiries should be directed to arche at
16-18 September 2010, Meeting in Honour of Jouko Vaananen's 60th Birthday, Helsinki, Finland
Location: Helsinki, FinlandThis meeting, organized by the Helsinki Logic Group, is in honour of professor Jouko Väänänen's sixtieth birthday. Topics include model theory, set theory, foundations of mathematics, logic in computer science, semantics of natural language, games, generalized quantifiers, infinitary languages, and abstract logic.
There will be two tutorials 13-15th September by Andres Villaveces (Model Theory of Sheaves) and by Boban Velickovic (Transfinite Games).
For more information, see
14 September 2010, Kick-off Symposium Brain and Cognition, Euclides, Plantange Muidergracht 24, P.227
Location: Euclides, Plantange Muidergracht 24, P.227Research in the area of cognition is very well represented within several faculties of the University of Amsterdam (FMG, FNWI, FGW, AMC, FEB) in research teams that include psychologists, neurobiologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, behavioral economists, logicians, and linguists. They study cognition at the level of the neurons and neural systems involved, as well as at the level of the regulation of behavior, the theoretical modeling of behavior, and cognitive disorders. The Executive Board of the UvA has decided to designate Brain & Cognition as the university’s first research priority program, a decision motivated by the fact that, on the one hand, several UvA faculties house excellent cognitive scientists and, on the other hand, by the consideration that a strengthening of the mutual interdisciplinary collaboration would not only mean a significant step ahead, but would also increase the international visibility of the cognitive research at the UvA.
For more information, see
7-10 September 2010, Formal Ethics Week, Groningen, The Netherlands
Location: Groningen, The NetherlandsThe application of formal tools from logic and rational choice theory to the analysis of ethical concepts and theories is a rapidly growing field of research. It has proved its mettle by shedding new light on a variety of concepts that are central to ethical theory, such as freedom, responsibility, values, norms, and conventions.
Due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland last April, the Formal Ethics Week has been rescheduled. The event will be hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) on *September 7-10, 2010*. A joint venture of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen and the Department of Philosophy of Uppsala University, the workshop aims to bring together researchers at the crossroads of ethical theory and formal methods. The event will feature four tutorials by leading scholars, and eight working sessions, where researchers from Groningen and from Uppsala will present and discuss each other's work.
Attendance to the Formal Ethics Week is open to everyone, but registration is required. For more information, and to register, please visit the website of the workshop:
6-8 September 2010, Recent Advances in Unprovability, Gent, Belgium
Location: Gent, BelgiumWorkshop on concrete incompleteness.
Talks by Harvey Friedman (main speaker), Michael Rathjen, Alan Woods and Konrad Zdanowski. Organised by Andrey Bovykin, Lorenzo Carlucci, Michiel De Smet, Florian Pelupessy, Sam Sanders and Andreas Weiermann.Venue: Conference centre "Het Pand", Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent (Belgium). Conference centre "Het Pand" is located in the beautiful city centre of Ghent and is easy to reach by public transport.
For more information, registration, or enquiries regarding student grants, please send an e-mail to pelupessy at
5-11 September 2010, MALOA Training Workshop ("From Mathematical Logic to Applications"), Fischbachau, Germany
Location: Fischbachau, GermanyThe workshop consists of main lecture courses and contributed talks across a range of logic as well as informal discussion groups in the evenings. It is intended particularly for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers working in or around mathematical logic and applications. It is primarily aimed at members of the involved research centres of the MALOA network, but participants from external sites are welcome as well.
The workshop is being held at the Hotel Aurachhof in Fischbachau, a picturesque small village outside of Munich. Full board accommodation is available from € 50 to € 80 per person and day, depending on the room type and includes the workshop costs.
For more information, including a full timetable of lecture courses and talks, please see the website at If interested in participating, please email Emma Jones at e.j.jones at as soon as possible, and by Monday May 3 at absolute latest, as we need to make the accommodation booking in Fischbachau.
For more information on MALOA, see
4-5 September 2010, Logic and Mathematics 2010, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois (U.S.A.)
Location: Urbana-Champaign, Illinois (U.S.A.)This meeting, the fourth in a series, will focus on descriptive set theory and model theory and their connections to other parts of mathematics.
Application deadline for student and postdoc travel support: July 4, 2010. For more information, see the meeting web page at
30 August - 3 September 2010, The Third Workshop on Logics for Resource-Bounded Agents (LRBA), Domaine Valpré, Lyon, France
Location: Domaine Valpré, Lyon, FranceFormal models of knowledge and belief, as well as other attitudes such as desire or intention, have been extensively studied. However, most of the treatments of knowledge and belief make strong assumptions about reasoners. For example, traditional epistemic logic says that agents know all logical consequences of their knowledge. Similarly, logics of action and strategic interaction are usually based on game theoretic models which assume perfect rationality. Models based on such assumptions can be used to describe ideal agents without bounds on resources such as time, memory, etc, but they fail to accurately describe non-ideal agents which are computationally bounded.
The Third Workshop on Logics for Resource-Bounded Agents (LRBA) (with special emphasis on awareness and limited reasoning) aims to provide a forum for discussing possible solutions to the problem of formally capturing the properties of knowledge, belief, action, etc. of non-idealised resource-bounded agents. We are particularly interested in formal models of agents' limited reasoning and (un)awareness.
The workshop will be held as part of Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations - Federated Workshops (MALLOW 2010) (see
For more information, see
29 August - 11 September 2010, ICCL Summer School 2010: Cognitive Science, Computational Logic and Connectionism, Dresden, Germany
Location: Dresden, GermanyThe summer school will focus on the relationship between modern formal logic (including its use for automated reasoning and computation) and, on the other hand, the rationality and common sense underlying human reasoning. Traditionally, a huge gap is perceived between the symbolic representation of knowledge used in modern logic and the sub-symbolic representation considered dominant in human reasoning. Psychological experiments of the past even suggested that people often don't reason logically and, in general, that logic seems to play only a minor role in human reasoning. However, recently, new ways of explaining human reasoning seem to revive its relatedness to logic. Connectionist models even show a closer relation between formal reasoning and brain activities. For these reasons this summer school attempts to bring together researchers from various sides for an exchange of views.
If you want to attend the summer school, we'd prefer that you register by April 1, 2010. For more information, see
23-27 August 2010, 12th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS-2010), Saint-Etienne, France
Location: Saint-Etienne, FranceEASSS is the annual European summer school on multiagent systems for PhD and Master's students. The school provides a wide range of state-of-the-art courses given by the most prominent researchers in the area. A typical course has 4 hours in total and they are broad enough to provide a general introduction to the chosen topic, whilst also covering the most important contributions in depth.
The summer school will be followed by the Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops (MALLOW 2010) held in Lyon.
Deadline for early registration and grant requests: 30 June 2010. For more information, see
23-27 August 2010, 5th Cologne Summer School in Philosophy: "New Perspectives in Epistemology", Cologne, Germany
Location: Cologne, GermanyThe Fifth Cologne Summer School in Philosophy on "New Perspectives in Epistemology" will take place in Cologne, August 23 - 27, 2010. This year's visiting professor will be Ernest Sosa (Rutgers University, USA). The main focus is the intersection of epistemology, theory of action and philosophy of language. We will discuss foundational issues in epistemology (the analysis of knowledge and justification, the controversy between internalism and externalism), as well as more specific issues in the current debate: virtue epistemology, knowledge as a norm of assertion, is there a normative link between knowledge and action?, intuitions and armchair philosophy, the philosophy of disagreement, and epistemic agency. The Summer School mainly aims at professional philosophers and advanced graduate students.
The attendance is free, but limited to 50 participants - on the basis of motivation and qualification. Online application is possible through April 30. For more information visit the website at or contact the organizers at summerschoolphilosophy at
16-17 August 2010, 5th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (M-PREF10), Lisbon, Portugal
Location: Lisbon, PortugalPreferences are a central concept of decision making. As preferences are fundamental for the analysis of human choice behavior, they are becoming of increasing importance for computational fields such as artificial intelligence, databases, and human-computer interaction.
M-PREF provides a forum for presenting advances in preference handling and for exchanging experiences between researchers facing similar questions, but coming from different fields. The workshop builds on the large number of AI researchers working on preference-related issues, but also seeks to attract researchers from databases, multi- criteria decision making, economics, etc.
For more information, see
2-6 August 2010, 11th Max Planck Advanced Course on the Foundations of Computer Science (ADFOCS 2010): Approximation Algorithms and Algorithmic Game Theory, Saarbrücken
Location: SaarbrückenCosts: € 110 (register by 30 June 2010)The purpose of the ADFOCS summer school is to introduce young researchers to topics which are in the focus of current research in the field of theoretical computer science. In order to achieve this, ADFOCS brings together leading researchers from this field with international participants of graduate level and above.
Lecturers are Christos Papadimitriou, Vijay Vazirani, and Guido Schäfer.
For more information, see
13-15 July 2010, Summer School on Epistemology, Aberdeen, Scotland
Location: Aberdeen, ScotlandThe Northern Institute of Philosophy (Aberdeen) and The Institute of Philosophy (London) are pleased to announce the first joint NIP/IP Summer School. The Summer School will be dedicated to contemporary issues in one of the Northern Institute's main research areas: Epistemology.
The school will cover three areas of interest in Epistemology: Modal Epistemology, Entitlement, and Fallibilism versus Infallibilism. It will be led by Crispin Wright, Carrie Jenkins, Jonathan Ichikawa, Sonia Roca Royes, Elia Zardini, Dylan Dodd, Aidan McGlynn and Bjorn Brodowski.
For more information go to the summer school webpage The Summer School will be followed by the IP/NIP graduate conference (16-18 July). Summer School participants are most welcome to stay on to attend the Graduate Conference.
7-9 July 2010, The 9th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI2010), Beijing, China
Location: Beijing, ChinaCognitive Informatics (CI) is a cutting-edge and transdisciplinary research area that tackles the fundamental problems shared by modern informatics, computing, AI, cybernetics, computational intelligence, cognitive science, neuropsychology, medical science, systems science, software engineering, telecommunications, knowledge engineering, philosophy, linguistics, economics, management science, and life sciences. CI is a transdisciplinary enquiry on the internal information processing mechanisms and processes of the natural intelligence ~ human brains and minds ~ and their engineering applications in cognitive computing, computational intelligence, as well as the information/communication technology and software industries.
The development and the cross fertilization between the aforementioned science and engineering disciplines have led to a whole range of extremely interesting new research areas known as CI. Following the first eight successful conferences on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI'02 through ICCI'09), the 9th IEEE Int'l Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI'10) focuses on the theme of Cognitive Computing and Cognitive Communications. ICCI'10 welcomes researchers, practitioners, and graduate students to join the international cognitive informatics and cognitive computing initiative toward the investigation of cognitive mechanisms and processes of human information processing, and the development of next generation computers that learn and think.
For more information, see
7-9 July 2010, 6th Spain, Italy and Netherlands meeting on Game Theory (SING 6), Palermo, Italy
Location: Palermo, ItalySING 6 is the sixth in the series of Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meetings on Game Theory. Presentations will focus on new research directions in different disciplines. The meeting provides an avenue where new research collaborations can be forged.
For more information, see
5-17 July 2010, 17th International Summer School in Cognitive Science, Sofia, Bulgaria
Location: Sofia, BulgariaThe New Bulgarian University is announcing the 17th Summer School in Cognitive Science. The summer school features advanced courses for graduate students and young researchers in a variety of areas, including embodied cognition, brain functions and development, computational cognitive neuroscience, collective behavior, creativity, analogy-making, cognitive modeling and neural networks, individual differences, animal cognition, etc.
The summer school this year will be extraordinary good and the lecturers include famous researchers like Shimon Ullman, Arthur Markman, Jesse Bering, Rick Altman. This is a unique chance to learn about the latest developments and big challenges first hand.
Applications will be processed on first-come-first-served basis as long as there are available positions. For more information, see or contact the organizers at school at
5-23 July 2010, UCLA Logic Center Summer School for Undergraduates, Los Angeles CA (U.S.A.)
Location: Los Angeles CA (U.S.A.)The UCLA Logic Center is organizing a summer school for undergraduates this July. The goal of the school is to introduce future mathematicians to methods and central results from mathematical logic. Courses are _very_ intensive, designed to assume little if any prior experience with logic, yet reach highly advanced, graduate level material, within three weeks.
Further information is available on the summer school webpage, Questions about the summer school can be directed to logicschool at
3-8 July 2010, 5th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2010), Utrecht
Location: UtrechtTerm rewriting is a powerful model of computation that underlies much of declarative programming and which is heavily used in symbolic computation in logic and computer science. Applications can be found for example in theorem proving and protocol verification, but also in fields such as mathematics, philosophy and biology.
To accommodate the different backgrounds of the participants, we offer two tracks: basic (master / Phd - level) and advanced (PhD / researcher - level).
The Fifth International School on Rewriting (ISR 2010) will be held at Utrecht University, as part of Utrecht Summer School 2010. Previous editions of ISR were held in Nancy, Obergurgl and Brasília.
For more information, see and
28 June - 23 July 2010, Asian Initiative for Infinity (AII) Graduate Summer School in Logic, Singapore
The Graduate Summer School bridges the gap between a general graduate education in mathematical logic and the specific preparation necessary to do research on problems of current interest in the subject. In general, students who attend the AII Summer School should have completed their first year, and in some cases, may already be working on a thesis. While a majority of the participants will be graduate students, some postdoctoral scholars and researchers may also be interested in attending. Having completed at least one course in Mathematical Logic is required, and completion of an additional graduate course in either set theory or recursion theory is strongly recommended. Students should be familiar with the Gödel Completeness and Incompleteness Theorems and with the Gö del and Cohen Independence Theorems in Set Theory.
The main activity of the AII Graduate Summer School will be a set of three intensive short courses offered by leaders in the field, designed to introduce students to exciting, current research topics. These lectures will not duplicate standard courses available elsewhere. Each course will consist of lectures with problem sessions. On average, the participants of the AII Graduate Summer School meet twice each day for lectures and then again for a problem session.
Applications are invited from interested students. Each student selected for participation will be provided with a stipend of at least US$2000. Additional funding will be available to cover accommodation. Applications will be considered from 7 April 2010 and decisions made on a rolling basis, for as along as funds remain available. For further details, visit
26-27 June 2010, Opening Celebration Conference, Center for Formal Epistemology, Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.
Location: Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A.Confirmed speakers include:
Johan van Benthem, Amsterdam and Stanford
Paul Egre, Jean-Nicod Institute
Branden Fitelson, Rutgers
Stephan Hartmann, Tilburg
James Joyce, Michigan
Hans Kamp, Stuttgart
Hannes Leitgeb, Bristol
Rohit Parikh, CUNY
Wilfried Sieg, Carnegie Mellon
Brian Skyrms, UC Irvine
Wolfgang Spohn, Konstanz
James Woodward, Cal TechFor details regarding the Center for formal epistemology, the opening celebration conference, and local arrangements, please follow the relevant links at:
22-25 June 2010, Workshop on Solution Concepts for Extensive Games, Aarhus, Denmark
Location: Aarhus, DenmarkSolution concepts for extensive form games is a classical topic of game theory. In recent years, the topic has also been attracting attention from various subcommunities of the theoretical computer science community. This workshop brings together researchers from game theory, economics, cryptography, algorithms and formal methods.
Topics to be discussed include
* Game theoretic analysis and solution concepts for cryptographic protocols,
* Computational properties of solution concepts (e.g., algorithms and computational hardness of equilibrium refinements),
* Bounded and computational rationality in extensive games,
* Solution concepts for extensive form games from the perspective of epistemic game theory,
* Solution concepts for infinite duration games (stochastic games, recursive games, reachability games etc.).The workshop will be open to a limited number of participants. There will be no registration fee. If you wish to participate please send an email to cagt at with subject header [SCEG] by May 15th.
Detailed information about the workshop will be added later at the workshop webpage: A detailed program can be expected around June 1st.
21-25 June 2010, Conference on Algebras and Lattices (ICAL 2010, aka "Jardafest"), Prague, Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech RepublicThe subject of the conference is general algebra, lattice theory and their applications. The program will consist of inivited lectures, shorter plenary talks and contributed talks in parallel sections. The list of shorter plenary lectures includes Jaroslav Jezek (Prague) and Vera Trnkova (Prague).
The registration deadline is June 1 (unless you request dormitories, see bellow). For more information, see
19-25 June 2010, "Model Theory of Fields" for PhD students, Snowbird UT, U.S.A.
Location: Snowbird UT, U.S.A.This summer there will be a Math Research Community in the Model Theory of Fields. The program is run by the American Mathematical Society, funded largely by the NSF, and it will take place at Snowbird, Utah June 19-25, 2010. Those of us organizing the program believe it will be a great and intense opportunity for 40 Ph-D-young researchers to learn about and work on problems related to the model theory of valued fields, including topics in motivic integration, Witt-Frobenius, and Berkovich spaces. There will also be a follow-up with a special session in New Orleans in January 2011, and some support for travel there as well.
See for details. Application deadline: March 1,2010.
18 - 19 June 2010, Proof, Computation, Complexity (PCC), Bern
Location: BernCosts: CHF 25The aim of PCC is to stimulate research in proof theory, computation, and complexity, focusing on issues which combine logical and computational aspects. Topics may include applications of formal inference systems in computer science, as well as new developments in proof theory motivated by computer science demands. Specific areas of interest are (non-exhaustively listed) foundations for specification and programming languages, logical methods in specification and program development including program extraction from proofs, type theory, new developments in structural proof theory, and implicit computational complexity.
For more information, see
16-19 June 2010, Logic and Knowledge, Rome, Italy
Location: Rome, ItalyThe conference subject is the relationship between logic and knowledge, considered as a topic of current debate, or as an historical case study, or when appropriate as both. Each paper has been assigned a discussant. The Conference is open to public. No registration fee.
For more information, see or contact emiliano.ippoliti at
14-18 June 2010, School in Formal Epistemology, Aberdeen, Scotland
Location: Aberdeen, ScotlandThe goal of our school is to bring people up to speed on certain areas of formal epistemology. We hope to bring those attending up to the point where they have a sense of the cutting edge of the subjects being covered, and understand outstanding issues and problems that researchers hope to address in the future. Our target audience will be philosophers who have a background in logic, but not necessarily in formal epistemology. We particularly welcome the attendance of graduate students.
We ask that you submit a letter of interest to us by April 30. For more information, see here or contact the two organizers, Dylan Dodd (dylan.dodd at and Luca Moretti (l.moretti at
11-12 June 2010, 3rd Workshop on Context, Genoa, Italy
Speaker: Claudia Bianchi, Emma Borg, Joana Garmendia, Kepa Korta & Stefano PredelliLocation: Genoa, ItalyCosts: freeFor more information, see ,
7-9 June 2010, 5th International Federated Conferences on Distributed Computing Techniques (DisCoTec;10), CWI, Science Park 123, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Location: CWI, Science Park 123, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsThe DisCoTec series of federated conferences is one of the major events sponsored by the International Federation for Information processing (IFIP). This year the main conferences, taking place on 07-09 June, are:
- COORDINATION - 12th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
- DAIS - 10th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
- FMOODS / FORTE - 12th Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems & 30th Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems
For more information, see
7-25 June 2010, Carnegie Mellon Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology, Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.)
Location: Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.)In the summer of 2010, the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University will hold a three-week summer school in logic and formal epistemology for promising undergraduates in philosophy, mathematics, computer science, linguistics, and other sciences. The goals are to introduce students to cross-disciplinary fields of research at an early stage in their career, and to forge lasting links between the various disciplines.
The summer school will be held from Monday, June 7 to Friday, June 25, 2010. There will be morning and afternoon lectures and daily problem sessions, as well as outings and social events. This year's topics are "Logic and Scientific Inquiry", "Computability and Foundations" and "Philosophical Logic and Formal Epistemology".
The summer school open to undergraduates, as well as to students who will have just completed their first year of graduate school. Applicants need not be US citizens. There is a $20 nonrefundable application fee. Deadline for applications: March 15, 2010.
For more information, see or contact Jeremy Avigad at avigad at
4-6 June 2010, Modern formalisms for Pre-Modern Indian Logic and Epistemology, Hamburg, Germany
Speaker: Piotr Balcerowicz, Jonardon Ganeri, Klaus Glashoff, Marie-Helene Gorisse, Wilfrid Hodges, Laurent Keiff, Birgit Kellner, Claus Oetke, Graham Priest, Shahid Rahman, Sara UckelmanLocation: Hamburg, GermanyThe Indian traditions of logic and epistemology do not fit into the deductive paradigm of mathematical logic which forms the foundations of a large part of current philosophical logic. Instead, intersubjectivity and interaction play an important role. In this respect, they are siumilar to large parts of the Western medieval and early modern logic traditions (e.g., the obligationes or the Logique du Port Royal).
In the past decades, logicians focused on the interactive paradigm and investigated logics of knowledge, belief and communication. These logics have been successfully used in the formalization of Western medieval texts. We expect that similar successes are possible in the field of Indian logic and epistemology. Our workshop will be an encounter between the two relevant research communities.
For more information, see
30 May 2010, Confluences in Models of Rationality, Leuven, Belgium
Location: Leuven, BelgiumThis one-day workshop will bring together members of the philosophy and artificial intelligence communities, to discuss analogies and points of contact between different bodies of research that offer formal models of various aspects of rationality.
The event is timed to coincide with a local meeting of the Rationality and Decisions network. This network connects approximately 25 researchers, both senior and junior, from a group of institutions that includes KU Leuven, the London School of Economics, the University of Amsterdam, the University of Groningen, the University of Lund, the University of Kent and the University of Tilburg. Needless to say that we anticipate a productive and insightful Q&A session!
For further information, please contact Jake Chandler (jacob.chandler at or see
24-28 May 2010, 5th Conference on Logic, Computability and Randomness, Notre Dame (U.S.A)
Location: Notre Dame (U.S.A)This event, to be held at the University of Notre Dame, will focus on algorithmic randomness and related topics in logic, computability, complexity, and randomness. This meeting is supported by the National Science Foundation via NSF-DMS-0652669, FRG: Collaborative Research: Algorithmic Randomness
For further information, visit the website below.
14-15 May 2010, Workshop "Degrees of Belief vs Belief", Stirling, Scotland
Location: Stirling, ScotlandThis is the second of a series of workshops looking at issues located in the area of overlap between formal and traditional epistemology. The general thought behind this workshop is to bring together both formal and 'traditional' epistemologists for an event dedicated to a topic lying within the area of overlap between the two. The topic for the workshop is the relationship between beliefs and degrees of belief. The notion of belief is often used by 'traditional' epistemologists, while the idea of degrees of belief is at the heart of formal methods in epistemology and the philosophy of science.
For more information, see
7-8 May 2010, Workshop "Vagueness and Similarity", Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
Location: Ecole Normale Supérieure, ParisThe aim of this workshop will be to discuss aspects of the psychology and semantics of similarity and comparison in relation to vagueness. The following issues will be addressed and of special interest during the workshop: relation between vagueness and categorical perception; referential consensus in color categories; clarity, borderliness and distance to prototypes in conceptual space; static and dynamic constraints on comparison in classification tasks; logic of vagueness in relation to similarity.
For more information, see: or contact the local committee at paulegre at or davewripley at
9-14 April 2010, COST-ADT Doctoral School on Computational Social Choice, April 2010, Estoril, Portugal
Location: Estoril, PortugalThe European Science Foundation's COST Action on Algorithmic Decision Theory will sponsor a doctoral school on Computational Social Choice during 9-14 April 2010 in Estoril, near Lisbon, Portugal.
All interested PhD students, working in fields such as Computational Social Choice, (classical) Social Choice Theory and related areas of Mathematical Economics, Multiagent Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Logic, Theoretical Computer Science, as well as Operations Research and Decision Analysis, are encouraged to apply (by sending a CV and a short cover letter).
The doctoral school can accommodate up to 30 participants. The registration fee is EUR 225 (full pension). Applications must be received by the end of January 2010.
For further information, see or contact Ulle Endriss (ulle.endriss at
29-30 March 2010, Symposium on Mathematical Practice and Cognition, Leicester, U.K.
Location: Leicester, U.K.The belief that what mathematicians think and do is important to the philosophy of mathematics is a relatively recent position. This focus on mathematical practice suggests that research into how mathematical definitions or axioms are motivated, representations changed, problems discovered and explained, analogies formed between different mathematical fields, etc., and how these processes grow out of biologically important competences in dealing effectively with rich and complex environments, is relevant and necessary. This contrasts the traditional focus in philosophy on how mathematics should be done, or the epistemological status of mathematical theorems. The new direction is complemented by recent work in cognitive science on the origin and development of mathematical ideas. Researchers are now working at all levels to investigate how people, from young babies up to professionals and geniuses are able to perform different mathematical tasks.
With the new approach in the philosophy of mathematics, and developments in cognitive science of mathematics and embodied cognition, we feel that the time is ripe for interaction between the fields. We hope to promote a sharing of ideas and enable an atmosphere in which new connections and collaborations are forged.
For more information, see
15-19 February 2010, Third Young Set Theory Workshop, Raach, Austria
Location: Raach, AustriaThe aim of this conference is to bring together PhD students and postdocs in Set Theory in order to learn from leading researchers in the field, hear about the latest research and to discuss research issues in a co-operative environment. The conference format will be similar to previous years, including tutorials, postdoc research talks and discussion sessions.
For more information, please see:
8-9 February 2010, Dialogues and Games: Historical Roots and Contemporary Models, Lille
Location: LilleA two-day workshop covering historical and modern aspects of games and dialogues in logic.
Studies in the history of logic have shown that the medieval traditions, both in western Europe and in India, have many distinctive dialogical and epistemological characteristics. As a result, they have much more in common with each other than they do mathematical logic of the 1950's. Recently, it has become apparent that these shared characteristics can be fruitfully modeled in the context of modern developments in logic, which are dynamic and dialogical in flavor. We believe that investigating the common properties of these two historical approaches can advance our understanding of these philosophical and historical traditions with the help of recent technical advances in dialogical and game semantics and dialogue games. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together LogICCC researchers from both the philosophical and technical traditions to provide a spring-board for collaboration and potential cross-discipline applications, allowing people working in both historical traditions, the Western and the Indian, to gain knowledge of current modeling techniques and those on the technical side access to new problems and theories to model.
The four fields that we intend to represent are: the dialogical tradition in Indian logic, obligationes in medieval Western logic, dialogical semantics and dialogue models, and games for dialogues and semantics. Each day there will be two tutorials; the first day will cover the historical topics and the second day will cover the modern techniques.
For more information, see
18-29 January 2010, Third Indian School on Logic and its Applications (ISLA 2010), University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, India
Location: University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, IndiaThe Indian School on Logic and Applications is a biennial event. The first school was held during January 2006 at IIT Bombay and the second school during January 2008 at IIT Kanpur. The objective is to present before graduate students and researchers of the country, some basics as well as active research areas in logic. The School typically attracts students and teachers from mathematics, philosophy and computer science departments. The School is complemented by a biennial conference. The third conference was held at IMSc, Chennai, in January 2009, and the proceedings published as LNAI 5378.
For more information, see
MoL and PhD defenses
17 December 2010, PhD defense, Nina Gierasimczuk
Title: Knowing One's Limits. Logical Analysis of Inductive InferenceLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Johan van Benthem and Dick de JonghFor more information, see
15 December 2010, Master of Logic defense, Chris Regenboog
Title: Reactive ValuationsLocation: Room A1.08, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Alban Ponse -
14 December 2010, Master of Logic defense, Alexandru Marcoci
Title: The Surprise Examination Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic LogicLocation: Room C1.05, Oudemanhuispoort, AmsterdamSupervisor: Johan van Benthem and Sonja Smets -
14 December 2010, PhD defense, Jacob Vosmaer
Title: Logic, Algebra and Topology. Investigations into canonical extensions, duality theory and point-free topologyLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Mai Gehrke, Yde VenemaFor more information, see
9 December 2010, PhD defense, Amélie Gheerbrant
Title: Fixed-Point Logics on TreesLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Johan van BenthemCopromotor: Balder ten CateAssociated workshop: For more information, contact A.Gheerbrant at
9 December 2010, PhD defense, Gaëlle Fontaine
Title: Modal fixpoint logic: some model theoretic questionsLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Johan van Benthem and Yde VenemaAssociated workshop: For more information, contact G.M.M.Fontaine at
2 December 2010, PhD defense, Marc Staudacher
Title: Use theories of meaning: between conventions and social normsLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: prof.dr. M.J.B. StokhofCopromotor: dr. P.J.E. Dekker and dr. R.A.M. van RooijFor more information, contact M.Staudacher at
19 October 2010, Master of Logic defense, Remi Turk
Title: A modern back-end for a dependently typed languageLocation: Room G4.15, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Andres Löh and Piet Rodenburg -
21 September 2010, PhD defense, Yanjing Wang
Title: Epistemic Modelling and Protocol DynamicsLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Jan van EijckFor more information, contact Jan.van.Eijck at
9 September 2010, Master of Logic defense, Kian Mintz-Woo
Title: Weakening Independence in Judgment AggregationLocation: Room B1.25, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Ulle Endriss and Daniele Porello -
7 September 2010, Master of Logic defense, Charlotte Vlek
Title: Definability in degrees of randomnessLocation: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: George Barmpalias -
3 September 2010, Master of Logic defense, Nicola di Giorgio
Title: Non-standard models of arithmetic: a philosophical and historical perspectiveLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Catarina Dutilh Novaes and Dick de Jongh -
1 September 2010, Master of Logic defense, Lorenz Demey
Title: Agreeing to Disagree in Probabilistic Dynamic Epistemic LogicLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Johan van Benthem and Dick de Jongh -
1 September 2010, Master of Logic defense, Matt Wampler-Doty
Title: Evidentialist LogicLocation: Room A1.06, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Johan van Benthem and Alessandra Palmigiano -
31 August 2010, Master of Logic defense, Margaux Smets
Title: A U-DOP approach to modeling language acquisitionLocation: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Rens Bod and Federico Sangati -
30 August 2010, Master of Logic defense, Hélène Tourigny
Title: Exploiting systematicity: a connectionist model of bootstrapping in language acquisition.Location: Room A1.10, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Stefan Frank -
30 August 2010, Master of Logic defense, Yacin Hamami
Title: The Interrogative Model of Inquiry meets Dynamic LogicsLocation: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Johan van Benthem and Eric Pacuit -
27 August 2010, Master of Logic defense, Hanne Berg
Title: Philosophy of Time: Combining the A-series and the B-seriesLocation: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Frank Veltman -
27 August 2010, Master of Logic defense, Jonathan Shaheen
Title: Relevance-Based Partition Semantics for Why-QuestionsLocation: Room B1.25, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Jeroen Groenendijk -
16 July 2010, Master of Logic defense, Antonio Negro
Title: Quine's challenge and Logical PluralismLocation: Room B1.25, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Catarina Dutilh Novaes -
2 July 2010, Master of Logic defense, Christian Geist
Title: Automated Search for Impossibility Theorems in Choice Theory: Ranking Sets of ObjectsLocation: Room C1.112, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Ulle Endriss -
22 June 2010, PhD defense, Jarmo Kontinen
Title: Coherence and Complexity in Fragments of Dependence LogicLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Jouko Väänänen -
21 June 2010, Master of Logic defense, David Fiske
Title: Towards an Evolutionary Linguistic TheoryLocation: Room A1.14, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Martin Stokhof -
1 June 2010, PhD defense, Daisuke Ikegami
Title: Games in Set Theory and LogicLocation: Aula der Universiteit, Singel 411, AmsterdamPromotor: Prof. dr. Benedikt Löwe, Prof. dr. Jouko VäänänenCopromotor: Prof. dr. Ralf-Dieter SchindlerFor more information, contact Daisuke Ikegami at d.ikegami at
21 May 2010, Master of Logic defense, Mark Beumer
Title: Apportionment in Theory and PracticeLocation: Room A1.04, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Krzysztof Apt -
10 May 2010, Master of Logic defense, Ernst Odolphi
Title: Temporal Binding by Short Term PlasticityLocation: Room A1.08, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Reinhard Blutner -
24 March 2010, PhD defense, Reut Tsarfaty
Title: Relational-Realizational ParsingLocation: The University Aula, Oude Lutherse Kerk, Single 411Promotor: Prof. Remko SchaCopromotor: Dr. Khalil Sima'an -
9 March 2010, PhD defense, Jonathan A. Zvesper
Title: Playing with InformationLocation: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Prof. Krzysztof Apt and Prof. Johan van Benthem -
9 March 2010, PhD defense, Cédric Dégremont
Title: The Temporal Mind. Observations on the logic of belief change in interactive systems.Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, AmsterdamPromotor: Prof. Johan van Benthem -
15 February 2010, Master of Logic defense, Stephan Schroevers
Title: Expressiveness and Extensions of an Instruction Sequence Semigroup.Location: Room C3.158, Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Alban PonseFor guests who do not own a UvA card to enter the upper floors of the Science Park building, please report yourself at the reception desk stating that your visiting the defense of Stephan Schroevers in room C3.158.
5 February 2010, Master of Logic defense, Frank Nebel
Title: Shortest Path Games - Computational Complexity of Solution ConceptsLocation: Room A1.10 Science Park 904, AmsterdamSupervisor: Ulle Endriss
Projects and Awards
VIDI awarded to Catarina Dutilh-Novaes!
Catarina Dutilh-Novaes, currently holding a VENI project at the ILLC, is awarded a VIDI grant for her project "The roots of deduction – Integrating philosophy, psychology and history". She will receive the sum of 800,000 EURO to form her own research group consisting of one postdoc and one PhD student.
For more information, see Catarina's website
NWO: Cooperation Hong Kong - Joint Research Scheme (JRS)
The Research Grants Council (RGC) and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) have agreed to establish a joint research scheme to promote research collaboration between Hong Kong and the Netherlands by providing researchers in the two places one-year and two-year travel grants. The scheme also offers workshop grant to sponsor workshops held in Hong Kong and the Netherlands. Research collaboration proposals under the following subject areas are eligible for application: Astronomy, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Computer Science.
Deadline: 30 November 2010. For more information, see
Chantal Bax wins Praemium Erasmianum research prize
The Erasmus Prize Foundation yearly awards five Research Prizes of 3,000 Euro in recognition of an exceptional PhD dissertation by a young academic researcher in the field of the humanities and social sciences. Chantal Bax receives the prize for her thesis "Subjectivity after Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein's embodied and embedded subject and the debate about death of man". Her promotor was Martin Stokhof.
For more information about the Erasmus Prize Foundation, see
For Chantal's dissertation, please follow this link:
VENI award for Katrin Schulz
We are very happy that NWO has awarded a VENI grant to Katrin Schulz for her project "The semantic anatomy of conditional sentences". Katrin will receive the sum of 241,000 EURO for a 4 year's parttime position as a postdoc (next to her UD position).
For more information: k.schulz at
Semester programme on "Semantics and Syntax" at the Isaac Newton Institute
The Isaac Newton Institute has just accepted a proposal for a semester programme entitled "Semantics and Syntax: A legacy of Alan Turing" organized by Benedikt Löwe (jointly with Arnold Beckmann, Barry Cooper, Elvira Mayordomo, and Nigel Smart) to be run from January to July 2012 in Cambridge (in the year of the Turing Centenary).
Semester programmes at the Newton Institute are one of the most prestigious long-term research events in mathematics and the mathematical sciences and allow to invite the leaders of the research field for mid- to long-term visits to the Newton Institute in Cambridge (U.K.) and organize a series of associated workshops.
Ivano Ciardelli's MOL thesis wins AILA award
Ivano Ciardelli's MOL thesis has been recognized by the Italian Association for Logic and its Applications as one of the best four MSc theses of the year.
For more information, see
MoL course 'Kant, logic and cognition' wins 2nd prize in the 'best course competition' of the Faculty of Humanities
In a ceremony that took place on June 2, the MoL course 'Kant, logic and cognition' (Dora Achourioti and Michiel van Lambalgen) was awarded 2nd prize in the 'Onderwijsprijs' ('best course prize') competition of the Faculty of Humanities. The jury praised the way Kant's notoriously difficult Critique of pure Reason has been made accessible through a combination of original research and use of web resources.
For more information, please contact M.vanLambalgen at -
Henkjan Honing awarded honorary KNAW-Muller Chair
Henkjan Honing is awarded an honorary KNAW-Muller Chair in 'Music Cognition', endowed by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), as of September 1, 2010.
For more information, see
NWO "Free Competition in the Humanities" grant awarded to Jeroen Groenendijk
Jeroen Groenendijk was awarded an grant in the NWO programme "Free Competition in the Humanities", for a project entitled "The Inquisitive Turn. A New Perspective on Semantics, Logic, and Pragmatics".
Marie Curie grant awarded to Stefan Frank
Stefan Frank, currently an ILLC postdoc, was awarded a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for a two-year project entitled "Uncovering the nature of human sentence processing: a computational/experimental approach". The project will be carried out at the Department of Psychology of the University College London, probably starting some time this summer.
Funding, Grants and Competitions
Fellowship Opportunities in Philosophy
Location: Georgia State UniversityThe Master's program of the Philosophy Department at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia is accepting applications from qualified students for its two Neurophilosophy Fellowships, its Legal/Political Philosophy Scholarship, its German Philosophy Scholarship, and its Assistantships. All funding packages cover two years of full tuition. Fellowships provide $15,000/year, Scholarships provide $12,000/year, and Assistantships provide $5,000-$10,000/year.
Initial application deadline: February 1, 2011.
More information about the department and on application procedures can be found at -
KNAW Merianprize - women in science
The KNAW established the Merian Prize in order to draw attention to women scientists and encourage more women to pursue careers in science in the Netherlands. The Academy presents the KNAW Merian Prize every two years to a female scientist working in the Netherlands who has performed outstanding research in the social sciences/humanities (2009) or the natural sciences (2011).
The prize consists of € 50,000, to be used for scientific purposes. In addition, the laureate receives a special ornament designed by artist Aimee Rhemrev. wel de bètawetenschappen, die hiermee anderen inspireert tot een loopbaan in de wetenschap.
Deadline: Friday 1 April 2011. For more information, see
Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
The UvA Bureau Kennistransfer makes the latest funding information available to UvA employees, at Additionally, users can subscribe to a monthly 'nieuwsflits'.
As a new service, the Bureau Kennistransfer presents the Research Professional database. As of now, UvA employees can login to this database which gives access to worldwide funding opportunities and has a personalized search function for keywords specific for research topics.
The top 3 grants for December:
NWO ERA-Net Research networks on biodiversity and ecosystem service. Deadline preliminary proposals 5 January 2011
PhDs in the Humanities. Deadline 1 March 2011 (only by nomination by dean of faculty)
FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2011-1 - Collaboration between research organisations and civil society organisations, deadline 20 January 2011For more information, see
NWO: Veni, Vidi, Vici
The Innovational Research Incentives Scheme has been set up in 2000 by NWO, KNAW and the universities jointly. The aim is to promote innovation in the academic research field. The scheme is directed at providing encouragement for individual researchers and gives talented, creative researchers the opportunity to conduct their own research programme independently and promote talented researchers to enter and remain committed to the scientific profession.
Deadline: 6 January 2011 23:59 hrs. For more information, see
International Blaise Pascal research chair programme
The French State and Ile-de-France Paris region invite applications for the international Blaise Pascal research chair programme. Funding enables foreign scientists in exact sciences, life sciences, humanities and social sciences, applied sciences and new technologies to spend 12 months at one or more well known higher learning or research institutions in Paris or Ile-de-France.
Deadline: 10 January 2011. For more information, see
The Feinberg Graduate School: postdoctoral fellowship programme
The Feinberg Graduate School of the Weizmann Institute of Science is charted as a higher education institute in the State of New York, and accredited by the Israel Council for Higher Education. It awards MSc and PhD degrees and trains its students for senior positions in academia, research, and industry.
For more information, see
Nominations for the Gödel prize
The Gödel Prize for outstanding papers in the area of theoretical computer science is sponsored jointly by the ACM SIGACT. This award is presented annually, with the presentation taking place alternately at the International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) and ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC). The Prize is named in honor of Kurt Gödel in recognition of his major contributions to mathematical logic and of his interest, discovered in a letter he wrote to John von Neumann shortly before Neumann's death, in what has become the famous "P versus NP" question. The Prize includes an award of $5000 (US).
Deadline: 10 december 2010. For more information, see
CORDIS FP7 Marie Curie career integration grants
The CORDIS Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) invites applications for its Marie Curie career integration grants. These enable researchers to establish themselves in an EU member state or associated country, for example after a period of mobility.
Deadline: 8 maart 2011. For more information, see
CORDIS FP7 Marie Curie co-funding of regional, national and international grants
The CORDIS Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) invites proposals for the Marie Curie co-funding of regional, national and international grants. Proposals may address existing transnational fellowship programmes or new fellowship programmes with transnational mobility.
Deadline: 17 February 2011. For more information, see
Erasmus intensive programmes, students mobility for studies and placements and staff mobility (EACEA)
The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the Directorate General for Education and Culture invite proposals for Erasmus intensive programmes, students mobility for studies and placements and staff mobility. Projects will encourage education, vocational education and training. The Erasmus programme enables students to study abroad and supports collaboration between higher education institutions.
Deadline: 11 maart 2011. For more information, see
CORDIS FP7 Marie Curie Action international research staff exchange scheme
The CORDIS Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) invites proposals for the Marie Curie Action international research staff exchange scheme. Each application must represent a partnership between at least two independent participants established in different member states or associated countries, and one or more organisations located in countries with which the Community has a science and technology agreement, or who are in the process of negotiation, or in countries covered by the European neighbourhood policy.
Deadline: 17 maart 2011. For more information, see
British Academy Visiting Scholarships
The British Academy is pleased to announce a call for applications to its Visiting Scholars scheme for the year 2011-12 . The scheme is intended to enable overseas postdoctoral academics to come to the UK for a period of between two and six months in order to carry out research in a British institution.
The scheme is open to any scholar from outside the UK. Application must be made in conjunction with a UK-based academic sponsor whose home institution is willing to host the visit.
The closing date for applications is 8 December 2010, for visits to take place after 1 May 2011. Results of the competition will be announced in late March 2011. For more information, see
New EG-Liaison/SenterNovem Newsletter 'R&D in Europa'
The october edition of the EGL newsletter "R&D in Europa" (dutch only) is available from the SenterNovem website, at
NWO: Rubicon
The aim of the Rubicon programme is to encourage talented researchers at Dutch universities and research institutes run by KNAW and NWO to dedicate themselves to a career in postdoctoral research. Rubicon offers researchers who have completed their doctorates in the past year the chance to gain experience at a top research institution outside the Netherlands (maximum of two years).
The Rubicon programme also offers talented researchers from abroad the opportunity to obtain grants to spend a maximum of two years in the Netherlands to conduct research.
Deadline: 1 December 2010. For more information, see
Lorentz Center: Call for Workshop Proposals
The Lorentz Center aims at organizing international workshops at the forefront of the sciences, which bring together scientists in a work environment that fosters exchange and interaction and the establishment of collaborations. Submission of a proposal for a workshop is open to any individual or group of scientists from any country. Selection of the workshops is primarily focused on scientific quality, but factors like impact and the interest from the Dutch scientific community are also considered.
Deadlines for submission are 15 January, 15 May and 15 September.
For more information, see and
NWO: Internationalisation in the Humanities
With this grant instrument, the Humanities Divisional Board wants to facilitate the international cooperation between Dutch research groups and their foreign colleagues, stimulate the formation of international networks within the humanities and encourage humanities applications to international agencies.
Deadline: 1 March 2011 12:00. For more information, see
KNAW: Hendrik Casimir-Karl Ziegler Research Grant
Object: to promote cooperation between German and Dutch science through the exchange of young promising researchers. The research grant is awarded annually to both German and Dutch researchers, alternately in the fields of the natural and life sciences, including the technical sciences (2011, 2013) and the humanities and social sciences (2010, 2012).
Deadline: 17-01-2011. For more information, see
Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
The UvA Bureau Kennistransfer makes the latest funding information available to UvA employees, at Additionally, users can subscribe to a monthly 'nieuwsflits'.
As a new service, the Bureau Kennistransfer presents the Research Professional database. As of now, UvA employees can login to this database which gives access to worldwide funding opportunities and has a personalized search function for keywords specific for research topics. For more information, see
The top 3 grants for October:
PEOPLES NIGHT: 23rd September 2011. Submission for proposals now open. This action and aims to bring the researchers closer to the public and will be the next occasion for the promotion of research careers. See
ICT call: FP7-ICT-2011-7 now open, deadline: 18 January 2011, indicative budget 778.5 million euro. See
NWO Spinoza Prize: Deadline for nominations of candidates 1 November 2010. The NWO Spinoza Prize is a personal award for top researchers with international reputations. See
NWO: Cooperation China (CSC) - Talent and Training (TTChina)
The aim of the programme is to increase the quality and quantity of PhD research in the Netherlands and to strengthen scientific cooperation with China, by inviting highly talented Chinese PhD candidates to conduct research at selected Dutch graduate schools.
Deadline for applications: 29 October 2010. For more information, see
Kurt Gödel Centenary Research Prize Fellowship
The Kurt Gödel Society invites applications for the Kurt Gödel research prize fellowships. The purpose of these fellowships is to support original research in, and areas surrounding, the foundations of mathematics. Original fellowship proposals the following areas are eligible: set theory; recursion theory; proof theory/intuitionism; model theory; computer assisted reasoning; philosophy of mathematics.
Deadline: 15 November 2010. For more information, see or contact goedel-fellowship at
21 September 2010, Walk-in lunch Knowledge Transfer Office and Amsterdam Centre for Entrepreneurship
Location: the hall of the Faculty of Science buildingNext Tuesday, September 21, between 12 and 14 hours the Knowledge Transfer Office (BKT) and the Amsterdam Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE), invite you to a walk-in lunch.
During lunch we offer you information that you as a scientist -sooner or later- will face:
- How can I get more money for research through grants?
- If a company approaches me, how to handle?
- Who can help me draw up a partnership agreement?
- What is the value of my scientific finding?
- I would perhaps start an enterprise, who can assist me with that?In addition, an entrepreneurial researcher will give a short interactive presentation to explain his experiences with starting a company with UvA knowledge.
For more information, see
NWO: Information sessions for Innovational Research Incentives Scheme
Researchers interested in submitting an application for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Innovational Research Incentives Scheme can attend information days at NWO on Friday, 17 September or Thursday, 7 October 2010.
NB: the VIDI application deadline has been extended from February to October.
For more information, see
NWO: Doctoral Research for Teachers
Doctoral Research for Teachers aims to increase the number of teachers holding a doctorate. It is aimed at teachers from primary, secondary, vocational and special education. A larger number of teachers holding a doctorate who are employed in the classroom increases the quality of education and strengthens the ties between universities and schools.
Closing date for submitting preliminary proposals (brief applications) is 31 March 2011. For more information, see
Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
The UvA Bureau Kennistransfer makes the latest funding information available to UvA employees, at Additionally, users can subscribe to a monthly 'nieuwsflits'.
The top 3 grants for September:
NWO Veni-Vidi-Vici: Deadlines 2011 and new regulations for resubmission now announced. For Veni and Vidi , researchers may only submit a proposal on two occasions. See
Harvard Residential Fellowships at the Radcliffe Institute: Fellowships for 1-2 semesters: Humanities, Social Sciences, Creative Arts, Natural Sciences and Mathematics. See
NWO Incentive Fund Open Access Publications - Journals in the Humanities: Founding of new or conversion of existing journals to open access journals. See
AFR postdoctoral grants
National Research Fund Luxembourg is inviting applications for its AFR postdoctoral grants. Applicants must have obtained their PhD no more than eight years prior to applying for the grant, and the research training should be carried out in a different country to where the applicant has been working for the 24 months preceding the intended funding period.
Deadline: 22 september 2010. For more information, see
The Association for Symbolic Logic invites nominations for the Sacks prize
The Association for Symbolic Logic invites nominations for the Sacks prize. This prize is awarded for the
most outstanding doctoral dissertation in mathematical logic.Deadline: 30 september 2010. For more information, see
VINNMER Marie Curie International Qualification
VINNOVA hereby invites research groups/Centres of Excellence in research and innovation to submit project financing proposals under the call, VINNMER – Marie Curie international qualification in the VINNMER programme – researcher qualification for VINNMER Fellows (primarily female doctoral researchers).
Deadline for applications: 2010-10-01. For more information, see
Rice University's Humanities Research Center External Faculty Fellowships
Rice University's Humanities Research Center invites applications for its external faculty fellowships. Fellowships are awarded to support research projects in the humanities. This includes, but is not limited to: history, philosophy, languages, literature, linguistics, religious studies, art history and the arts.
Deadline: 29 October 2010. For more information, see
NWO: Incentive Fund Open Access Publications
Within the field of Dutch humanities, there is both the opportunity and the need for high-quality open access journals. This grant instrument aims to support the founding of new, or the conversion of existing journals to, open access journals solely within the field of the humanities. In assessing the proposals, the governing body of the Humanities division of NWO will give the scientific quality of the journals to be founded absolute priority, but the digital sustainability of the new journals also plays an important role.
Deadline: 1 October 2010 12:00. For more information, see
EG-Liaison training events KP7
EG-Liaison organises training events to inform (potential) applicants on all aspects of constructing, submitting and managing projects within the Framework Programme. Trainings include basics of the Framework Programme, project management, juridical and financial, as well as specialized in-house courses.
For more information, see and
NWO: Incentive Fund Open Access Publications
The aim of this fund is to increase awareness of Open Access and to encourage the Open Access publication of NWO results. All main applicants from the NWO bodies ALW, CW/ACTS, EW, FOM, GW, MaGW, N, NCF, STW, WOTRO, ZonMw and the temporary taskforces ICTRegie, NGI and NIHC can apply. One can apply to the fund for replenishment of fees for Open Access publications or Open Access publication-rights for other publications.
For more information, see
Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
The UvA Bureau Kennistransfer makes the latest funding information available to UvA employees, at Additionally, users can subscribe to a monthly 'nieuwsflits'.
The top 3 grants for August:
On 20 juli the next FP7 calls Cooperation Social Sciences and Humanties (FP7-SSH-2011) will be published, as well as the next call for Starting Independent Researcher Grants (ERC-2011-StG) of the European Research Council (ERC). At the end of July many other FP7 calls Cooperation (various themes) as well as Capacities are expected to be published on the Cordis website.
Investment Subsidy NWO Medium (NWO-middelgroot). Grants for scientific apparatus with a financial contribution by NWO ranging between 110,000 and 900,000 euro. Included are costs for setting up databases, necessary software and bibliographies. Deadline: 1 September 2010. See
EDUlink - Call expected in Fall 2010. The programme purpose is to strengthen the capacity of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States. See
ESF Research Networking Programmes - 2010 Call for Proposals
An ESF Research Networking Programme is a networking activity bringing together nationally funded research activities for four to five years, to address a major scientific issue or a science-driven topic of research infrastructure, at the European level with the aim of advancing the frontiers of science.
The ESF is soliciting proposals for 2010. Deadline for submission: 14 October 2010. For more information, see
Call for Conference Proposals - ESF Research Conferences 2012
The European Science Foundation invites scientists to submit proposals for high-level research conferences to take place in 2012 within the framework of its Research Conferences Scheme in the following scientific domains:
- Molecular Biology at the Interface with other Science Disciplines
- Interdisplinary Environmental Sciences
- Mathematics
- Physics/Biophysics and Environmental Sciences
- Social Sciences and Humanities
Submission deadline: 15 September 2010, midnight CET. For more information, see
Selby Fellowship
The Fellowship is financed through the generosity of the trustees of the Selby Scientific Foundation. In 1980 the Director of H. B. Selby Australia recognised the need for a continuing source of funds to help finance education, research and development in the fields of science and medicine, with which the company had been involved for some 80 years as a supplier of scientific instruments, laboratory apparatus and chemicals. Accordingly, the Selby Scientific Foundation was established with contributions from H. B. Selby Australia Ltd, members of the Selby family and a number of shareholders in the Selby company.
Deadline: 31 August 2010
For more information, see
Investment Subsidy NWO Medium
The aim of this subsidy is to strengthen the social sciences research infrastructure. The Divisional Board of the Division for Humanities wants to realise this objective by addressing medium-sized, research-driven, thematically organised and/or discipline wide infrastructural initiatives that promote the humanities in the Netherlands in general. Such large-scale projects with a broader scientific importance can only be realised if researchers match their research agendas with each other. The Start Subsidies actively support the setting up of such coordinated large-scale collaborations.
Deadline: Wednesday 1 September 2010. For more information, see (Division for Humanities) and (Division for the Physical Sciences)
Call for Research Group proposals (2012/2013) at the ZiF in Bielefeld (Germany)
The Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) of Bielefeld University offers the opportunity to establish an interdisciplinary Research Group in the academic year 2012/13. For several months up to one year fellows reside at the ZiF and work together on a broader research theme. ZiF provides a budget of up to 500.000 €, support by a research assistance, and a professional infrastructure (i.e. accommodation, conference facilities).
Applications for organizing a ZiF Research Group may be submitted by any scholar from Germany or abroad. In the initial phase, a draft proposal for a Research Group (up to 5 pages) is required. In a second phase, invitations to submit full proposals will be issued. Draft proposals should be received by the Managing Director of the ZiF, Professor Dr. Jörg Bergmann, by October 1, 2010 at the latest.
For further information, see or contact Dr. Britta Padberg at britta.padberg at
The Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize
The Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize is awarded annually to a mathematical monograph of an expository nature, written in English, which presents the latest developments in an active area of research in Mathematics, in which advances have been produced recently. It amounts to 15.000 euros and the winning monograph is published by Birkhäuser Verlag in the series "Progress in Mathematics".
The monograph must be original, written in English, and of at least 150 pages. The monograph must not be subject to any previous copyright agreement. In exceptional cases, manuscripts in other languages may be considered.
Deadline for submissions: Friday 3 December 2010. The name of the prize-winner will be announced in Barcelona in April, 2011. For more information, see
Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
The UvA Bureau Kennistransfer makes the latest funding information available to UvA employees, at Additionally, users can subscribe to a monthly 'nieuwsflits'.
The top 3 grants for June:
The next ERC calls - Starting Grant 2011 and Advanced Grant 2010 - are expected to be announced in July 2010 and winter 2010/2011, respectively. See
NWO talent classes for PhD students and Postdocs, with training in skills such as networking, presentations for the media and successful publishing. See
EU - Australia / New Zealand / Republic of Korea / Japan - Education Cooperation Programme, to support international curriculum development projects that involve short term mobility or development of joint degree programmes. See -
Grant Up-to-Date "Nieuwsflits"
Up to now, Bureau Kennistransfer sent out the Grant Update once a month - an overview of funding opportunities for research and education. As of now UvA employees will find the latest funding information in a user friendly environment on the new funding website at
Additionally, users can subscribe to a monthly 'nieuwsflits'. The top 3 grants for May:
Calls are open for various types of Marie Curie individual fellowships (IIF,IEF, IOF and RG). See
The Future of the Internet. See
Open Education Call: ALFA Regional Cooperation Programme. ALFA is a programme of cooperation between Higher Education Institutions of the European Union and Latin America. Deadline: 25 June 2010. See -
ESF travel grants for ESSLLI 2010 (Copenhagen, Denkmark)
ESSLLI2010 have received a number of travel grants from the ESF - European Science Foundation. Each grant is for 500 euros. The regulations for being eligible for a travel grant according to the ESF reads: The funding awarded should be used for travel and subsistence support for the active participation of European Early Career Researchers (see note 1) (i.e., researchers affiliated to European universities or research institutes in countries having agencies that are Member Organisations of the ESF; for a full list see:
In order to be considered for such a grant please write ESSLLI 2010 Organization Chair, Vincent F. Hendricks @ esslli2010cph at Be sure to include all necessary contact details and student status and documentation that your institution is a Member Organisation of the ESF.
Deadline for Applications is May 15, 2010. Notification deadline is May 20, 2010.
Call for nominations of the Descartes-Huygensprijs 2010
The Descartes-Huygens Prize was instituted by the French and Dutch governments to promote scientific cooperation between France and the Netherlands. The prize will be awarded on a rotating basis to scientists from the humanities and social sciences, the natural sciences and the life sciences. The agreement between the two countries stipulates that the Netherlands will select the French candidate for this prize, and that France will select the Dutch candidate.
Deadline for submission: 15-09-2010. For more information, see
John Templeton Foundation Research Grant
Our Core Funding Areas cover the full range of the Foundation’s activities and grantmaking. Science & the Big Questions is the largest of these Core Funding Areas and is further divided into several subfields. The descriptions and illustrative grants attached to the Core Funding Areas are not meant to be exhaustive, but they should give potential applicants a general understanding of the sorts of activities that the Foundation does and does not fund.
Deadline for the second round of inquiries: October 15, 2010. For more information, see
Grant Update 3-4 available
Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.
The 4th issue of 2010 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at
Call for Nominations: E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize 2010
Since 2002, FoLLI (the Association for Logic, Language, and Information) awards the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize to outstanding dissertations in the fields of Logic, Language, and Information. We invite submissions for the best dissertation which resulted in a Ph.D. degree in the year 2009. The dissertations will be judged on technical depth and strength, originality, and impact made in at least two of three fields of Logic, Language, and Computation. Interdisciplinarity is an important feature of the theses competing for the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize.
Deadline for Submissions: April 30, 2010. For more information, see or here.
New EG-Liason/SenterNovem Newsletter 'R&D in Europa'
The february and march editions of the EGL newsletter "R&D in Europa" (dutch only) are available from the SenterNovem/AgentschapNL website, at
Cooperation China - Joint Scientific Thematic Research Programme (JSTP)
The aim of the thematic dialogues is twofold: the seminars serve as foresighting exercises aimed at identification of research topics for future joint research that can be embedded in the research lines of the participating research teams. Secondly, the seminars are important networking opportunities for Chinese and Dutch researchers.
The seminars for thematic dialogue are aimed, broadly, at all scientific disciplines. They serve as foresighting exercises for future research topics, and are therefore not bound to the annual theme for the JSTP call for proposals of the joint research projects.
Submission deadline: 27 April 2010. For more information, see
Call for Eurocores Theme Proposals
EUROCORES Themes are "bottom-up" proposals for the creation of new collaborative research programmes dealing with broad and complex topics which are best addressed through multinational cooperation. Through its annual call for theme proposals, ESF solicits new ideas from the scientific community with a view to creating large-scale European Collaborative Research (EUROCORES) programmes in and across all scientific domains.
Deadline for submitting theme proposals: 21 May 2010. For more information, see
Grant Update 3-3 available
Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.
The 3rd issue of 2010 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at
Van Gogh Grant
The Van Gogh programme has as its aim to support the exchange of French and Dutch scientists for collaboration in a research group.
For more information, see
Brian Michael Goldberg Memorial Award (Computing & Philosophy)
The impact of research in Computational Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Formal Models of Learning, and Agent-based Simulations on the discipline of Philosophy has been profound. Contemporary discussions of epistemology, ethics, theory of mind, and philosophy of language have all benefited from lively, interdisciplinary debates over the relation between computational and formal models, and traditional philosophical questions. These debates have found their way into scholarly publications and textbooks, as well as into a growing number of Masters and Ph.D. theses.
In order to recognize outstanding achievements by Graduate Students in this area of research and scholarship, the International Association for Computing and Philosophy is proud to offer the "Brian Michael Goldberg Memorial Award" for presentations in any category listed above. This Award, which carries a $500 USD stipend, will be presented each year at one of the North American Computing and Philosophy conferences. Nominees and applicants are welcome from around the world.
Submissions for the 2010 award are due on or before March 1st, 2010. For more information, see or contact Mara Harrell at mharrell at
NWO: Internationalisation in Humanities
With this grant instrument, the Humanities Divisional Board wants to facilitate the international cooperation between Dutch research groups and their foreign colleagues, stimulate the formation of international networks within the social sciences and encourage social sciences applications to international agencies.
For more information, see
Grant Update 3-2 available
Grant Update offers the latest information on grant applications and deadlines. It is published monthly by the grant advisory team of Bureau Kennistransfer UvA (Knowledge Transfer Office UvA), formerly known as the UvA Liaison Office. The grant advisory team offers support and expertise concerning procedures for applying for national and international grants.
The 2nd issue of 2010 is now available from the ILLC website at For more information, see the website of the Bureau Kennistransfer at
Call for Outline Proposals for Collaborative Research Projects under the EUROCORES programme "Understanding and Misunderstanding: Cognition, Communication and Culture" (EuroUnderstanding)
The thematic programme “Understanding and Misunderstanding: Cognition, Communication and Culture (EuroUnderstanding)” addresses a set of inter-related questions of major current theoretical and practical importance, such as:
How do communicative processes give rise to shared understandings, and how do these processes vary between cultures?
How do intercultural misunderstandings arise, and what are their consequences?
How do cultural and historical processes, and cultural-cognitive models, impinge on individual cognition, cognitive development and the development of personal identity?
How can intercultural communication be made more effective in diverse cultural contexts?For more information, see
Open Positions at ILLC
2 open PhD positions at ILLC (FGw)
The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation has two four-year PhD positions available at the Faculty of Humanities (FGw)
Deadline for project proposal submissions is February 1, 2011 (for the FGw positions). Candidates who wish to be considered for both the FGw and FDNWI positions should follow the FGw deadline.
For more information, see the full joboffer announcement at here or the project proposal guidelines at (PDF), or contact the ILLC's scientific director, Dr. Leen Torenvliet, at L.Torenvliet at
1 open PhD position at ILLC (FNWI)
The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation has a four-year PhD position available at the Faculty of Science (FNWI) starting September 2011.
Deadline for project proposal submissions is 15 March 2011 (for the FNWI position).
For more information, see the full joboffer announcement at here, or contact the ILLC's scientific director, Dr. Leen Torenvliet, at L.Torenvliet at
PhD position (0.8) in Music Cognition
The PhD student will take part in the CSCA research programme: The role of neural plasticity in conscious perception and will be supervised by the principal investigator Prof. Henkjan Honing and a postdoctoral researcher. This programme consists of three intertwined projects addressing the following three questions:
- Does consciousness require synaptic plasticity?
- Does perceptual learning depend on consciousness and not on attention?
- Does conscious perception depend on previous learning of image statistics?
Vacancy number: 10-3032. Application deadline: September 1, 2010. For more information, including a detailed description of the research programme, see and
Assistant Professorship (Universitair Docent) in Statistical Natural Language Processing
The Language and Computation group in the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam has a job opening for an Assistant Professorship in Statistical Natural Language Processing ('Universitair Docent', 50% research, 50% teaching) 38 hours per week, for 2 years, starting in Fall 2010.
The Language and Computation group is headed by Rens Bod and Khalil Sima'an and has six staff, seven postdoctoral researchers and a dozen of PhD students. For more information on the group, see
Application deadline: Tuesday 1 June 2010. Vacancy number: 10-1027. For more information, see or contact Rens Bod (rens.bod at or Khalil Sima'an. (K.Simaan at
2 PhD positions ILLC Logic and Language Group
The two PhD students will take part in the NWO funded research programme: The Inquisitive Turn. A New Perspective on Semantics, Logic, and Pragmatics. The PhD students will be supervised by the programme leader Prof. dr. Jeroen Groenendijk and the postdoctoral researcher Dr. Floris Roelofsen.
The programme consists of three intertwined projects:
Inquisitive Semantics (postdoctoral researcher)
Inquisitive Logic (PhD student)
Inquisitive Pragmatics (PhD student)The primary aim of the semantics project is to develop a notion of meaning that directly reflects the interactive communicative function of language. In the logic project the logical and philosophical foundations of the semantics are investigated. In the pragmatics project the semantics is put to work in a system that models information exchange in dialogue.
Vacancy number 10-3027. For more information, see and, and further information can be obtained from the programme leader Prof. dr. Jeroen Groenendijk (j.a.g.groenendijk at"> Or see here.
Open Positions, General
PhD in Computer Science at University of Luxembourg
The University of Luxembourg invites applications for a PhD position in the area of normative reasoning in computer science, e.g. on normative multi-agent systems. Applicants should have a Master's degree in computer science or a similar field and atrong background in logic-based approaches to artificial intelligence and/or multi-agent systems.
Deadline: 15 January 2010. For more information, see For more info on the ICR group, see
Postdoctoral scholarship and PhD student position in interdisciplinary studies, Brussels (Belgium)
The Leo Apostel Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies offers doctoral scholarships and post-doctoral fellowships. CLEA is interested in candidates motivated to investigate the foundations of one of the scientific disciplines, including foundations of cognition (with special interest for concept theories, decision theories, theories of meaning) and philosophy (with special interest for philosophy of science, philosophy of meaning and meaningfulness). CLEA is also specifically interested to employ mathematicians engaged in mathematical modeling of different aspects of different domains of the different sciences. CLEA is open to original ideas and effectively wants to stimulate researchers to ponder about the 'big questions' in each of the disciplines within an interdisciplinary perspective.
A candidate who wants to apply for a post-doctoral fellowship or a doctoral scholarship, needs to contact Diederik Aerts, director of the Leo Apostel Centre at before January 11, 2011, and with preference before January 4, 2011. For more information, see
PhD Studentship, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
The Formal Linguistics Group in the Department of Translation and Language Sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, announces one four-year research assistantship for doctoral study associated with the funded project "Natural Language Ontology and the Semantic Representation of Abstract Objects." Applications Deadline: 10-Jan-2011. Contact Information: Louise McNally (louise.mcnally at
Applications Deadline: 10-Jan-2011. For more information, see
PhD studentship in pragmatics at University College London, UK
The Division of Psychology and Language Sciences at University College London has a new fully-funded PhD studentship in Pragmatics (theoretical and/or experimental), made available by funding from the Leverhulme Trust to Professor Robyn Carston for a project entitled ‘Understanding Metaphor: Ad Hoc Concepts and Imagined Worlds’. We invite applications for this PhD studentship, which must start by 1st July 2011 at the latest and preferably by April 2011.
The deadline for applications is 31st January 2011. For more information, see here or contact Robyn Carston: robyn.carston at
Senior research fellowship in mathematics (including logic/set theory), Pasadena CA (U.S.A.)
The California Institute of Technology offers a Senior Research Fellowship in Mathematics (either Divisional or Scott Russell Johnson) to a candidate within six years of having received the Ph.D. who shows strong research promise in one of the areas in which Caltech's mathematics faculty is currently active.
The initial appointment is for three years with an additional three-year terminal extension expected. The position includes a $6,000 per year research fund. This position is being offered if funds are available.
There are three terms in the Caltech academic year. The fellow is expected to teach one course in two terms each year, and is expected to be in residence even during terms when not teaching.Applications including all letters of reference should be completed no later than January 1, 2011. For more information, see
PhD student position in Deontic Logic, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
The University of Luxembourg invites applications a position as Junior researcher/ PhD student in Computer Science (M/F) in its Computer Science and Communications Research Unit within its Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication.
Tasks include performing research in the area of deontic logic in computer science, e.g. normative multi-agent systems; prepareing a doctoral thesis at the Computer Science and Communications(CSC) research unit in Luxembourg, working under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Leon van der Torre, head of the Individual and Collective Reasoning (ICR) group; contributing to teaching activities, one to three hours per week and semester (Bachelor and/or Master); and collaborating actively with other group members.
Ref: F1-080008A. The deadline for applications is January 15th, 2011. For more information, see
Assistant Professorship (tenure-track) in mathematics (particular focus on logic), Storrs CT (U.S.A.)
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Connecticut invites applicants for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level starting in Fall 2011. Highly qualified candidates in all mathematical disciplines are encouraged to apply, but logic, geometry and topology, and numerical linear algebra and numerical analysis are areas of particular, but not exclusive, focus of the search.
Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2010, and continue until the position is filled. For more information, see Additional questions or requests for further information should be sent to the Hiring Committee at mathhiring at
Lecturer in Multi-agent Systems, University of Liverpool
The Department, ranked in the top 10 UK Computer Science Departments in RAE2008, is seeking to further strengthen their current research portfolio around existing themes in the Agent ART group including: Logical Approaches to Multi-agent Systems, Co-operation and Game Theory, The Semantic Web and Argumentation and Dialogue. The Agent ART group enjoys close collaborative links with other research groups in the Department (Economics and Computation, Logic and Computation, Complexity Theory and Algorithms). You should have a PhD in computer science or a related discipline, and demonstrated the ability to carry out independent research to a high standard.
Job Ref: A-557059/JAC. Closing date : 4 January 2011.
For more information, see
Assistant Professorship (tenure-track) in mathematics, Pasadena CA (U.S.A.)
The Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy at the California Institute of Technology invites applications for a possible tenure-track position at the assistant professor level. We are especially interested in the following research areas: topology/geometry, analysis, algebraic geometry/number theory, but other fields may be considered.
The term of the initial appointment is normally four years for a tenure-track assistant professor (with a possible extension to as much as seven years). Appointment is contingent upon completion of the Ph.D. Exceptionally well-qualified applicants may also be considered at the associate or full professor level.
Further Info:
Assistant Professorship (tenure-track) in mathematics (logic), Denton TX (U.S.A.)
The Mathematics Department at the University of North Texas invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in dynamical systems. Strong applications in logic also will be considered. The expected appointment is to begin in Fall 2011.
Applications will continue until the search is closed. For more information, see or contact the Chair of the Search Committee, Professor Mariusz Urbanski, at urbanski at
Tutorial Fellowship and University Lectureship in Philosophy, Oxford (U.K.)
Corpus Christi College and the Faculty of Philosophy propose to appoint to a Tutorial Fellowship in Philosophy in association with a University Lecturership (CUF), with effect from 1 October 2011.
It is a requirement of this post that the successful candidate be able to deliver research-led teaching, undergraduate and graduate, in one or more of: moral philosophy; epistemology; metaphysics; philosophy of language; philosophy of mind. Applications in moral philosophy will be particularly welcome and additional competence in political or legal philosophy may also be an advantage.
Applications must be received before 5 January 2011. Further particulars, including details of how to apply, can be found at
Postdoctoral position in mathematical logic, Notre Dame IN (U.S.A.)
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Notre Dame invites applications from recent doctorates (since 2010) in mathematical logic for a postdoctoral position. Candidates in any area of mathematical logic compatible with the research interests of the logicians in the department will be considered. The position is contingent upon the availability of funding and, if funded, will extend for a term of three years beginning August 22, 2011. It is not renewable and is not tenure track; the teaching load is one course per semester. The salary will be competitive with those of distinguished instructorships at other AMS Group I universities, and the position includes summer research support for each of the first two summers and some discretionary funding each year.
The evaluation of candidates will begin December 1, 2010. For more information, see
Assistant Professorship (tenure-track) in philosophy of science / logic, Philadelphia PA (U.S.A.)
Drexel University (Philadelphia), PA. anticipates hiring an Assistant Professor, beginning Fall 2011. This is a tenure-track appointment. AOS: Philosophy of Science. AOC: Logic. Ph.D. prior to appointment. Faculty teach 2 courses per quarter, 10 weeks per quarter, and 3 quarters per year. Summer teaching possible. Usual non-teaching duties. The successful candidate will show great promise at publishing and be expected to place articles in philosophy journals of high standing in the period leading to the midterm tenure review, that is, in the 3rd year of the appointment, and thereafter, leading to the year of tenure review, that is, in the 6th year of the appointment.
Deadline for the receipt of the application and supporting materials is December 8th, 2010. For more information, go to and search the job postings for 'philosophy'.
Assistant professorship (tenure-track) in Epistemology / logic, Bowling Green KY (U.S.A.)
The Department of Philosophy and Religion at Western Kentucky University invites applications for a tenure-track position in philosophy at the assistant professor level. AOS: Epistemology. AOC: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, or Logic. Duties to begin August 2011. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate, introductory-level courses, including logic, as well as upper-level courses for majors and minors. The normal teaching load per year is 21 semester hours or its equivalent.
Review of applications will begin December 10, 2010 and continue until the position is filled. For more information, see the department website at or the full announcement at (Word document).
Postdoctoral positions in theoretical computer science at Microsoft Research New England
Microsoft Research New England has available postdoc positions in various areas (including theoretical CS) for the next academic year. The deadline to apply is December 1st. Please see for more details.
Some candidates may also want to apply to the joint MIT/MSR Schramm postdoctoral fellowship in probability theory and discrete mathematics (same deadline, apply through MIT). We also have summer internship positions as well for graduate students - email Irene Money at msrnejob at for details on how to apply.
Visiting Assistant Professorship in Philosophy of Science / Logic, Brockport NY (U.S.A.)
There is an opening at the College at Brockport (State University of New York, Brockport NY) for a Visiting Assistant Professor, three year position, with the possibility of renewal, beginning fall semester, 2011.
Four courses per semester, undergraduate, and normal full-time faculty commitment, committee work, and advisement. AOS: Philosophy of Science, AOC: Logic and Critical Thinking. Ph.D. prior to start date. Salary competitive. EO/AAE.
Candidates should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and writing sample online at Candidates should also send official transcripts and three letters of recommendation to Gordon Barnes, Philosophy Department, 101b Hartwell Hall, The College at Brockport, 350 New Campus Drive, Brockport, NY 14420. Deadline for applications: December 15, 2002.
Tenure-track assistant professorship in philosophy of science/mind, Cincinnati OH (U.S.A.)
The University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH) seeks an Assistant Professor, tenure-track, to begin September 1, 2011, Ph.D. in hand by time of appointment.
AOS: Philosophy of mind/philosophy of science AOC: Open, but we have a preference for epistemology or logic. We seek a colleague prepared to develop an extensive and rich research program, including where appropriate, external research support, to excel in teaching, and to pursue university and professional service and professional development opportunities. 6 courses per year on quarters transitioning to 4 courses per year on semesters in 2012-2013. Includes graduate, advanced undergraduate, and introductory undergraduate supervision/instruction. We are a Ph.D.-granting department with strengths in philosophy of biology, philosophy and cognitive science, and aesthetics. The University of Cincinnati is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.
Applicants must apply online at (position number 210UC2002) and send a full dossier by snail mail to: Christopher Gauker, Search Committee Chair, Department of Philosophy, 206 McMicken Hall, University of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210374, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0374, including a cover letter, CV, writing sample(s), three letters of recommendation, and evidence of teaching qualifications. Review of dossiers will begin on 22 November and continue until the position is filled.
Professorship (tenure-track or tenured) in Logic or Philosophy of Logic/Mathematics/Physics, Irvine CA (U.S.A.)
The Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science invites applications for an Assistant Professor - Tenure Track or Tenured Associate / Full Professorship. Levels up to early Full Professor may be considered, budget permitting, for extraordinary candidates. AOS: Open with a special interest in Logic, Philosophy of Logic or Mathematics, and/or Philosophy of Physics; AOC: Open.
For more information, see
Postdoc Position at Teamcore Group, University of Southern California
The Teamcore group ( focusses on fundamental research issues in Decision Theoretic (distributed MDPs), Game Theoretic, Belief-Desire-Intentions (BDI), and Distributed Constraint Reasoning (DCR) approaches to multiagent systems. In addition to fundamental research, our group is particularly interested in use-inspired research: applying research in multiagent systems to real-world problems and advancing fundamental research to address these needs. We have a new opening for a post-doctoral research associate position starting in early Spring 2011.
Interested applicants should send their CV and have three letters of recommendation forwarded to Prof. Milind Tambe (tambe at
Postdoctoral Research Fellows at University of Southampton
Applications are invited for a number of 3-year postdoctoral Research Fellow positions in the Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group, in the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. The successful candidates will work on a major new collaborative interdisciplinary project that is seeking to apply novel ICT techniques (particularly, intelligent agents, artificial intelligence, decentralised information systems, participatory systems and ubiquitous computing) within a range of challenging applications (including energy systems and disaster response). In particular, the project will explore how humans and intelligent agents can work together, as a human-agent collective, in a flexible and agile manner in order to achieve their individual and collective goals.
Application deadline: 15 January 2011. Full details are available at
Assistant professorship in Philosophy of Mind/Science/Language, Epistemology or Logic, Stillwater OK (U.S.A.)
Oklahoma State University at Stillwater, OK has an opening for an Assistant Professor, tenure-track, beginning the Fall, 2011 semester. Initial appointment for four years. Two-three classes/semester. Some committee work. Salary competitive. AOS: at least one of Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Logic. AOC: (two of the above).
We are searching for a philosopher in the Analytic Tradition who can teach Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. Ph.D. and some teaching experience required. Application deadline is November 29th, 2010. Initial interviews at Eastern APA meetings. Search will continue until the position is filled. This position is subject to available funding.
To apply, send a letter of application, CV, at least three letters of recommendation, copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, writing sample and evidence of teaching ability to Dr. Doren Recker, Head; Department of Philosophy; Oklahoma State University; 246 Murray Hall; Stillwater, OK 74078-5064. The OSU Department of Philosophy homepage can be accessed at Oklahoma State is an AA/EEO/E-Verify employer. OSU-Stillwater is a tobacco-free campus.
Assistant Professorship in Metaphysics and Epistemology, Bloomington IL (U.S.A.)
Asst. Prof., tenure-trsck, beginning Fall Semester, 2011. 6 courses/year, (semester/May Term), lower level and advanced undergraduate. Usual non-teaching duties. AOS: Metaphysics and Epistemology and/or Modern. AOC: Open, but willingness to teach Symbolic Logic desirable. The successful candidate will be expected to teach a range of philosophy and writing intensive courses. Ph.D. required by August 1, 2011. Salary competitive. Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse work force.
Application due: December 1, 2010. For more information, see
W1 Junior Professorship in Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric in Arabic-Islamic Culture (800-1100), Freiburg (Germany)
The Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Freiburg invites applications for the position of Assistant Professorship/Juniorprofessur in Philosophy (W1) with tenure-track option - Bertha Ottenstein Professorship. The Bertha Ottenstein Professorship is an initiative to support promising female researchers. The position is based on a temporary appointment with tenure-track option. It is funded by means of the German Excellence Initiative. The successful candidate will lead a research group and conduct research on "Grammar - Logic - Rhetoric: Conceptions of Language at the Crossroads of Scientific Disciplines and Social Groups in Arabic-Islamic Culture (800-1100)" which has been granted a strategic position within the Faculty of Philosophy. The initial appointment will begin in Summer 2011 and be for four years.
Applications should be sent to arrive by 01.12.2010. For more information, see or contact Professor Maarten J.F.M. Hoenen (maarten.hoenen at
Research Positions at NICTA
National ICT Australia (NICTA) currently has several positions available for Reseachers and Senior Researchers to join the expanding Intelligent Fleet Logistics project in both Sydney and Canberra.
Successful candidates will hold a PhD in computer science, mathematics operations research or a related discipline. They will have an interest to research one or more of the following areas: routing and scheduling algorithms for transport optimisation, constraint programming for modelling complex operations, combining simulation with mathematical optimisation, combining machine learning with optimisation, robust routing and scheduling algorithms. Appointments will be initially for two years extending thereafter as part of this five year project.
Deadline: 22 November 2010. Contact Toby Walsh (toby.walsh at for more details and visit to see how to apply online.
Postdoctoral or PhD student position in "Logical Foundations of Computer Science", Leipzig (Germany)
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Leipzig, Germany, announces an open full-time position (research assistant) in the group "Algebraic and Logical Foundations of Computer Science" (Prof. Dr. Markus Lohrey).
The position is funded via the DFG research project "Graphs with decidable logics", and is available for 3 years starting January 2011. The project investigates infinite graphs with finite presentations (e.g. automatic graphs, various transition graphs of infinite state systems, etc.) with decidable logics (first-order logic, monadic second-order logic, temporal logics, etc.) and in particular the complexity of the model checking problem. The post comes without teaching obligations, and knowledge of the German language is not a requirement for the position.
Deadline for applications: November 15th, 2010. For more information, see Informal inquiries are welcome and should be directed to Markus Lohrey via lohrey at
PhD studentship in probabilistic model checking, Oxford (U.K.)
One Doctoral Studentship is available in association with ERC Advanced Grant VERIWARE led by Professor Marta Kwiatkowska. Two one year Research Assistant positions (Grade 6 and Grade 7) in probabilistic model checking are expected to be announced shortly, supervised by Professor Marta Kwiatkowska and Dr Dave Parker. The successful applicants will be working with the probabilistic model checker PRISM (
Informal enquiries enclosing CVs should be sent to Professsor Marta Kwiatkowska, email Marta.Kwiatkowska at, before 15th November 2010. For more information, see
UBC Computer Science Merit Scholarships
The Computer Science Department at the University of British Columbia is offering Merit Awards, in the amount of $10,000 each, to outstanding incoming graduate students in several areas including AI, KR and machine learning. The awards will be given on top of a guaranteed full package of financial support, which the department offers to all of its graduate students. All students applying to the MSc and PhD programs will be automatically considered.
The application deadline to the 2010 MSc and PhD programs is December 15. For more information see:
For more information about AI at UBC see: -
Up to two PhD studentships in algorithms, Milwaukee WI (U.S.A.)
1-2 Research assistantships are available for PhD Students in the area of algorithms and computational geometry in the department of Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. These appointments are for a duration of one year, extendible after the first year. These assistantships are to work towards PhD degrees under the supervision of Prof. Adrian Dumitrescu. The research will be focused on the theory of algorithms, particularly in the area of computational geometry.
Position start: Spring 2011 or Fall 2011. Further information can be obtained on the Web at or by contacting Prof. Adrian Dumitrescu at ad at
Postdoctoral position in computer science, Munich (Germany)
A position is available for a research assistant (36 months) in the DFG project "Pointers as an abstract data type: complexity-theoretic and programming-language aspects (PURPLE)", led by Martin Hofmann and Ulrich Schöpp. The project will be carried out at the Institute for Informatics of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany.
The project investigates the expressivity of abstract pointer concepts in the sense of complexity theory. In particular we aim at a separation of programming language versions of LOGSPACE and PTIME. For example, we conjecture that the PTIME-complete problem of Horn-satisfiability cannot be solved with a constant number of abstract pointers, even in the presence of non-determinism or an oracle for reachability.Additionally, we want to contribute to the formal specification and verification of programs with abstract pointers.
Start date: as soon as possible but not later than June 2011. For more information, see here or, or contact the investigators at mhofmann at and schoepp at
Graduate Studies opportunities in Logic, Auckland, New Zealand
The Philosophy Department at the University of Auckland is an excellent place to pursue graduate study in logic. We have 6 logicians in the department who are able to offer supervision in many areas of formal and philosophical logic. New Zealand itself has an active logic community, Pukeko Logic. We hold regular meetings where logicians (including students) in New Zealand present papers and discuss issues.
The University of Auckland also offers scholarships. This includes a one-year MA in philosophy, which may be taken either by thesis or by doing coursework, and a PhD scholarship (by thesis only) which may be completed within 3 to 4 years.
For more information, see here or contact Fred Kroon on f.kroon at (MA) or Gillian Brock on g.brock at (PhD).
Associate Professorships in Mathematics and CS, Odense (Denmark)
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, invites applicants for faculty positions in computational mathematics and computer science. The appointments are expected to take effect on 1st February, 2011. The successful candidates are expected to establish and lead vigorous independent research programmes and interact with existing projects at the department.
Please see the full call, including how to apply, on Deadline for applications: December 10th, 2010 at 12:00 hrs. For further information please contact Head of Department Claus Michelsen, cmich at (note Job ID 103047).
Two postdoctoral positions in Theoretical Philosophy, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
The Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, has vacancies for two Post-Doc Researchers in Theoretical Philosophy. The positions are part of the research project 'Indeterminism Ltd.: An intervention on the free will debate', which is a five year project on the notions of indeterminism, intervention, and free will, funded by a Starting Grant of the European Research Council. One job is for working on a sub-project on limited indeterminism, substances and capacities. The other job is for working on a new libertarian, interventionist account of free will based on limited indeterminism.
We are looking for two talented and dedicated young researchers with a strong PhD in a relevant area of philosophy and with proven research capabilities, who are willing to work in an active team. The research carried out in the project includes logic and philosophy of science, and the applicants should preferably have some background in these fields. Fluency in English is required.
Submission deadline: 25 October 2010 For further details and information on how to apply, see here:
A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities, Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.)
Carnegie Mellon University, with the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, is pleased to accept applications for two A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities for the 2011-2013 academic years. These fellowships are designed to foster the academic careers of scholars who have recently received their Ph.D. degrees by permitting them to pursue their research while gaining mentored experience as teachers and members of one of Carnegie Mellon's four humanities departments (English, History, Modern Languages, and Philosophy) in which they will be housed.
The Department of Philosophy seeks candidates whose research focuses on semantics or pragmatics of natural languages from the perspective of linguistics, philosophy, logic or computer science. Candidates whose work is of relevance to the research directions of the department's Centerqq for Formal Epistemology are particularly encouraged to apply.
Applications for the 2011-2013 fellowships must be received in the Administrator's office by November 19, 2010. For more information, see Should you have more questions, please direct them to hssdean at
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme for research on Corpus/Computational Linguistics
Established in 2009 by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme aims to attract the outstanding students in the world to pursue their PhD degree programmes in Hong Kong's institutions. The Fellowship provides a monthly stipend of HK$20,000 (approx. US$2,600) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$10,000 (approx. US$1,300) per year for a period of three years. 135 PhD Fellowships will be awarded in each academic year. Applications related to dialogue systems or corpus/computational linguistics research are welcome.
The application deadline is 1 December 2010. General information about the Scheme can be found here: For further information, please contact Raquel Fernandez at raquel.fernandez at
Faculty positions in Computer Science, Haifa (Israel)
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Haifa invites applications for faculty positions at all levels. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Computer Science or in a closely related field, and a strong research record.
In addition to excellence in fundamental research and education, the department intends to develop close interaction with the advanced technology industry in Haifa, which includes advanced research centers of IBM, Intel and Microsoft, Google and Yahoo.
Candidates interested in being considered for positions starting in October 2011 are encouraged to apply before November 15, 2010. For more information, see
Herbert Simon Fellowship in Scientific Philosophy, Pittsburgh PA (U.S.A.)
The Carnegie Mellon Department of Philosophy invites applications for the Herbert Simon Fellowship in Scientific Philosophy. We are seeking applications from scholars working in logic or philosophy of mathematics (including its history). Applications in the following areas of logic are particularly welcome: proof theory, category theory, categorical logic, formal verification, and automated proof search.
The Fellowship is intended primarily for those who have recently received doctorates, including scholars with a continuing faculty appointment elsewhere. The Fellowship has a tenure of two years (non-renewable), with teaching duties of 2 courses/year, one of which should be a research seminar in the Fellow's specialty. Appointments of one year are possible for applicants with a continuing faculty appointment elsewhere. Residence in Pittsburgh is expected.
The deadline for application is December 1, 2010. For more information, see or send an email to phil-search at
PhD positions on Computational Semantics, University of Groningen
Two PhD positions in Computational Semantics are available at the University of Groningen. The PhD candidate will work on the project "Computing Subordinating and Coordinating Discourse Relations" or "Robust Interpretation of Comparative Expressions", respectively, under the supervision of Johan Bos. The starting date is 1 January 2011.
Closing date for applications: 1 November 2010. A description of the positions and the application procedure can be found here: Interested ILLC students can contact Raquel Fernandez at raquel.fernandez at
Three postdoctoral research assistant positions, Oxford (U.K.)
The Computing Laboratory has a vacancy for three postdoctoral research assistants to work in the Information Systems Group. The posts are funded by EPSRC as part of the LogMap project (1 post) and ExODA project (2 posts). The posts are available immediately and will be of 24 months (for LogMap) or 36 months (for ExODA) duration.
The successful applicants will join an internationally leading and rapidly growing research group led by Professor Georg Gottlob and Professor Ian Horrock and with more than 25 doctoral and post-doctoral researchers working on a range of projects in the area of databases and knowledge representation and reasoning.
The closing date for applications is 22nd October 2010. For more information, see
Postdoctoral research assistantship on the Connectionist reading model, Aachen, Germany
The Institute for Language and Communication Studies at RWTH Aachen University has an opening for a Post-doctoral Research Assistant.
"Anthropological universals - cultural differences" is an interdisciplinary project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The project compares the German writing system with Japanese Kanji as well as their cognitive processing. The aim of the project is to create an empirically appropriate connectionist cognitive model for single word recognition.
The succesful candidate will be responsible for programming and analysing an artificial neural network of single word recognition and lexical decision in Japanese (Kanji), and cooperate closely with the researchers of the other sub-projects. Half of the time will be spent in Oxford (UK) at the lab of Gert Westermann. The position is to be filled as soon as possible and is for a fixed term limited to 15.09.2011.
Please send your application by 30 October 2010. For further information, see or contact Christoph Wenzel at c.wenzel at
Postdoctoral position in theoretical computer science, Kassel (Germany)
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Kassel, Germany, announces an open full-time post-doc position in the research group "Theoretical Computer Science / Formal Methods and Verification" (Prof. Martin Lange).
The position is funded via the ERC project "Model Checking Unleashed", and is - subject to the final agreement between the ERC and the University of Kassel - initially available for 2 years starting December 2010 with the possibility for an extension of 3 more years. The project will investigate non-standard applications of model checking techniques in various areas of computer science and related subjects.
Deadline for applications: October 15th, 2010. Official job announcement (in German): Informal inquiries are welcome and should be directed to Martin Lange via martin.lange at
PhD student position in Logics for Privacy, Bern (Switzerland)
The research group for Theoretical Computer Science and Logic of the University of Bern has an open position for a PhD student in the project "Logics for Privacy"
The PhD project will be granted by the Swiss National Science Foundation over a period of three years. Salary and employment conditions are attractive. We offer a stimulating and enjoyable working environment in a internationally oriented research group.
For more information, see here or contact Thomas Studer at tstuder at
Postdoctoral fellowship in cognitive models of problem gambling (12m), Uxbridge (U.K.)
Applications are invited for a researcher position to work on an project funded by the British Academy on 'Cognitive Models of Problem Gambling: Testing the Implicit-Learning Hypothesis'. This ambitious project aims to extend the CHREST ( computational model so that it will simulate key phenomena in problem gambling. Problem gambling is gambling behaviour that produces negative consequences for the gambler, their family or the community. In spite of substantial empirical research, there are currently no detailed models of problem gambling.
The successful candidate will work under the direction of Prof F Gobet (fernand.gobet at S/he will have good knowledge of cognitive or clinical psychology, computer modelling, and programming. Experience in at least one of Java, C++, Lisp and/or Scheme is required. (CHREST is programmed in Lisp and Java). Ideally, the candidate should have post-doctoral experience in one or several cognitive-modelling project(s).
Vacancy Ref: CLA0166-1. Salary R1 £32,019 - £37,812 pa incl. London Weighting. Full-time post, fixed term for 12 months. Closing date for applications: 17 September 2010.
For further details and to apply please visit
Several PhD student and postdoctoral position in "Automation of Logic", Saarbruecken (Germany)
The Max Planck Institute for Informatics seeks several Researchers at the PHD Student or Postdoc level for the Automation of Logic Group directed by Christoph Weidenbach. We are looking for applicants with a background and interest in Automated Reasoning, including areas like SAT, Tableau, Rewriting, Superposition or theory reasoning with respect to arithmetic or data structures.
The Max Planck Institute for Informatics is located on the campus of Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany. Currently, 14 researchers from several nationalities work in the Automation of Logic Group. Our working language is English. The group collaborates with several of the major research institutions in Europe and the U.S. and has high international visibility. There is generous travel support available for all group members. Depending on qualification positions are between 1,300 and 2,600 Euros per month, after taxes.
Please send your application by September 30, 2010. For more information, see or contact Jennifer Müller at jmueller at
Call for one PhD position
Location: Bolzano-Trento, ItalySupervisor: Bernardi, Calvanese, MagniniFondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK – Trento, Italy) and Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (FUB – Bolzano, Italy) are seeking candidates for a 3-year PhD project on Multilingual Interactive Question Answering.
Interactive Question Answering systems require some understanding of the dialogue context and user needs to interact with end-users properly. The project aims at investigating how statistically based language technologies and logic based query answering methods over ontologies can be combined to achieve such an understanding. As a case study, the PhD project will build on top of the experience of the QALL-ME ( and OBDA@FUB ( projects.
Submission Deadline: 18th of October 2010. For more information, see here or (click on “Public Competition Announcement for PhD courses - 26th cycle” to download the call), or contact Bernardo Magnini - Fondazione Bruno Kessler (magnini at, Raffaella Bernardi – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (bernardi at or Diego Calvanese – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (calvanese at
Post-doc position at Arche', St. Andrews
An 18-month Research Fellowship is available within the Foundations of Logical Consequence project in the Arché Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology from 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2012.
Closing Date for application: 11 October 2010. For more information, see
W2 professorship of Computational Logic, Dresden (Germany)
At the Faculty of Computer Science, Institute of Artificial Intelligence (Dresden), the position of "Chair (W2) of Computational Logic" is to be filled at the earliest possible date. The successful candidate is required to represent the area mentioned above in research and teaching. The task in teaching consists of lectures (in English) in Computational Logic in the international master program in Computational Logic, lectures (in German) in Computer Science in the other programs of the faculty or for other faculties as well as the supervision of bachelor-, master- and PhD-students.
Please send your application before October 15, 2010 (stamped arrival date of the university central mail service applies). For more information, see
PhD grants in the Sciences (including Computer Science and Mathematics), Pisa, Italy
We would like to announce a number of grants reserved for candidates educated outside Italy at the Phd School Galileo Galilei:
The deadline for applications is September 30th, 2010, and the selection will be made on CV and reference letters.
There are also further grants for 10 or more PhD positions, for italian and foreign candidates, to be selected through a written and oral exam, also in English.
For further details, visit or (follow link "Informazioni sulle selezioni (Allegati A)"), respectively.
PhD student position in Algorithmics, Odense (Denmark)
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark has funding for a PhD student for a project in Algorithmics. The project will be in one of the areas of On-Line Algorithms, Graph Algorithms, and Bioinformatics. The expected start date for these scholarships is January 17, 2010.
The application deadline is October 20, 2010. For application details see: For more information, see or contact Joan Boyar, joan at
PhD student positions in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning with Ontologies, Dayton OH (U.S.A.)
The Knowledge Engineering Lab at the Kno.e.sis Center at Wright State University, Datyon, Ohio, U.S.A., has several positions available for prospective PhD students. The lab focuses on knowledge representation and reasoning with ontologies for the Semantic Web. Kno.e.sis, which is the Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing, is one of the leading places for Semantic Web research in the United States.
A Bachelor or Master degree is required, as well as very good English language skills. Applicants should either have excellent programming skills, or should have excellent background in theory and foundations, preferrably logic in computer science (or be able to acquire this quickly).
There is no application deadline - applications will be processed as they come in. Applicants shall send a CV, including grades, to Pascal Hitzler, pascal.hitzler at
For more information, see the Kno.e.sis Center website at, the Knowledge Engineering Lab website at, or contact Pascal Hitzler (homepage:
Post-doc Position "Influencing Collective Human Behavior Using Distributed Intelligent Systems", Masdar Institute & MIT
Supervisor: Dr. Iyad Rahwan and Prof. Alex (Sandy) PentlandApplications are invited for the position of “Post-doctoral Research Fellow” as part of a joint research project between the Masdar Institute of Science & Technology and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The project’s Principal Investigators are Dr. Iyad Rahwan and Prof. Alex (Sandy) Pentland.
The successful candidate will work on a collaborative interdisciplinary research project. The project, titled &Influencing Collective Human Behavior Using Distributed Intelligent Systems,& aims to help people use resources more efficiently. The project will have (1) a theoretical component focusing on game-theoretic and incentive mechanism design issues, and (2) an empirical component to test these techniques in behavioral experiments using lab experiments and real deployment through mobile computing and sensor technologies.
The Research Fellow will work on both the theoretical and empirical part of the research. The fellow will be mainly based in the Masdar Institute campus in Abu Dhabi, but will also conduct visits to MIT to work with the MIT counterpart team.
The application processs will remain open until the position is filled. For more information, see
3 PhD Positions at KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data, Bolzano, Italy
The Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (FUB), Italy, offers an opening for 18 positions for its 3-year PhD program. 9 of the positions are fully funded by a PhD studentship. 3 of the PhD positions with studentship are offered by the KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data.
The research activities in the KRDB research centre require good knowledge of Logic and of Foundations of Databases, and some knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and of Knowledge Representation. Good knowledge of English is also preferred.
The application deadline is Oct. 18, 2010 (arrival date of documents, electronic application is not possible). For information about the PhD program, the studentship, and the application, please visit
The KRDB Research Centre invites applicants to get in touch with the research group as soon as possible, in order to have a better understanding of the possible research activities in which the applicants may be involved. For more information, see the KRDB website at or send an email to prof. Diego Calvanese at calvanese at To get in touch with the current PhD students, see
PhD/Graduate Teaching Assistants in Computer Science
Location: Leicester, United KingdomThe Department of Computer Science at the University of Leicester is pleased to offer four Graduate Teaching Assistant posts starting starting October 2010 or January 2011, allowing those applying for entry to the PhD programme to finance their studies through part-time teaching work within the University.
Deadline for initial contact: 1 September 2010. For more information, see or
Three open positions in Vici project 'Cognitive systems in interaction: Logical and computational models of higher-order social cognition', Groningen (The Netherlands)
Software agents are capable of recursion in their social reasoning: A thinks about what B knows that A knows, and so on. However, humans lose track of such reasoning after only two or three levels. If software agents work together with human team-mates, they need to take into account the limits of their social cognition.
In the Vici project 'Cognitive systems in interaction: Logical and computational models of higher-order social cognition', we investigate children's development and adults' limitations in applying higher-order reasoning, using a close-knit combination of empirical research and formal modelling. Whereas first-order social cognition has been intensely investigated, higher-order social cognition is far less well-understood. This Vici project aims to apply improved understanding of higher-order social reasoning to design realistic logics, ready for implementation in systems supporting mixed human-computer teams.
There are three open positions in the Multi-agent systems group at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, all with starting date Autumn 2010. Deadline for applications: September 1, 2010
1) Ph.D. position: Modeling the evolution of theory of mind (Vacancy number 210247)
2) Ph.D. position: A cognitive system supporting intelligent interaction (Vacancy number 210248)
3) Post-doc position: Logics for higher-order social cognition (Vacancy number 210249)Deadline for applications: September 1, 2010. For more information you may contact Prof. dr. Rineke Verbrugge, L.C.Verbrugge at, or see
5 open positions at the Department of Knowledge Engineering, Maastricht University
The Department of Knowledge Engineering (DKE) at Maastricht University, the Netherlands, invites applications for three full-time tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level, in Dynamical Networks, Mathematical Systems Biology and Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems, respectively, as well as two full-time postdoc positions, in Biomedical Signal Analysis and in Swarm Robotics. Application deadline for all positions is 30 August 2010.
For more information, see
TU Wien: 10 PhD student positions in Mathematical Logic in Computer Science
The Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) is offering 10 PhD student positions within the doctoral program "Mathematical Logic in Computer Science" which is launched in Fall 2010; five of the positions are reserved for female applicants.
The program is jointly organized by the faculties of Informatics, Mathematics, and Physics, with a strong emphasis on Logic in Computer Science; computational logic is one of the priority research areas of the Faculty of Informatics. two envisaged key application areas are "Model-Based Design and Verification" and "Advanced Information Systems".
Applications are solicited starting immediately, and will be considered starting from September 10, 2010, until all positions are filled, but no longer than March 15, 2011.
Further details about the program and the application procedure are available at, or contact dk-info at
PhD student position in efficient polynomial time approximation schemes, Kiel (Germany)
A PhD or postdoc position is available in the research group "Theory of Parallelism" (Prof. Klaus Jansen) at the Department of Computer Science of the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany, within the research project "Efficient polynomial time approximation schemes (EPTAS) for scheduling and related optimization problems" funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The position is for three years (TV-L E 13) starting 1st October 2010 (exact date is negotiable).
Deadline for applications: 30th July 2010. For more information, see here or Or contact Prof. Klaus Jansen at kj at
Postdoctoral position in cyrptography, Stockholm (Sweden)
The School of Computer Science and Communications (CSC) at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, is seeking a post-doctoral researcher in Cryptography.
In the Theory Group of CSC we do research in topics such as complexity theory and approximation algorithms, computer and network security, cryptography, programming languages, and formal methods. The post-doctoral research may be done on foundational topics, e.g., relating basic cryptographic notions, and/or more practically oriented topics, e.g., improving the efficiency or proving the security of concrete constructions. The successful candidate should have a PhD degree in a subject relevant for the research, such as cryptography or related areas of complexity theory. The position is initially for one year.
To receive full consideration, the application should be received no later than August 31, 2010. Detailed instructions on how to apply can be found at For more information on the Theory Group or the position, visit, or contact Assistant Professor Douglas Wikström at dog at
PhD and postdoc position "Logics for Intelligent Interaction: Expressivity and Succinctness"
The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, seeks one PhD candidate and one postdoc for the research project "Logics for Intelligent Interaction: Expressivity and Succinctness" led by Barteld Kooi and funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). The deadline for applications is September 1st 2010.
For more information, see
Postdoctoral position in Algorithms and Complexity, Edinburgh (Scotland)
The Algorithms and Complexity group at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to work on the EPSRC-funded project "Hierarchies, Circuit Lower Bounds and Pseudorandomness" under the supervision of Dr Rahul Santhanam. The position is open to researchers who have, or soon expect to have, a PhD in computer science or a closely related field. Skills in theoretical computer science, with an emphasis on computational complexity and finite model theory, will be particularly appreciated.
The post is available from 23rd July 2010 (flexible) for one year with a possibility of extension.
Informal enquiries may be sent to Dr. Rahul Santhanam (mail to: rsanthan at For further details and the application procedure, please visit:
PhD student position in Algorithms, Bergen (Norway)
A 3 year PhD position is available at the Algorithms Research Group of the University of Bergen, Norway. The successful candidate will be a part of the project "Exploiting Structure to Cope with Hard Problems", funded by the Research Council of Norway.
Annual salary: approximately 45,000 € before tax.
Application deadline: August 15, 2010.
Preferred starting time: October 2010.More details are available and the application procedure is explained at Please do not hesitate to contact Pinar Heggernes at pinar at with questions if you are interested in the position.
Master of Arts in Language and Information Processing
The Research Institute in Information and Language Processing (RIILP), University of Wolverhampton invites applications for a Master of Arts course in Language and Information Processing with a start date of September 2010. The duration of the course is 12 months and gives students valuable hands-on experience through lab-based practical sessions as well as a solid theoretical grounding via lectures. The modules offered in this programme focus on different areas within Language and Information Processing, ranging from Computational Linguistics and Programming to Translation Tools and Cybermetrics.
Deadline for applications is 30th July 2010. The short-listed applicants will be interviewed by email and telephone during the first week of August 2010.
Informal inquiries and electronic applications can be sent by email to: Erin Phillips, Course administrator, at erin.phillips at More information about the programme can be found at
Research Position with perspective of a PhD degree in Spoken Language Dialogue Systems Development
The Dialogue Systems Group in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of Ulm is seeking a researcher at MSc level to work on aspects of Spoken Language Dialogue Systems Development. The research topic will fit into the scientific context of the group (including Intelligent, Adaptive and Proactive Spoken Language Dialogue Interaction, Semantic Analysis and Dialogue Modelling and Acoustic Speech Signal Preprocessing and Speech Recognition) but will be adapted to the areas of interest of the candidate.
The appointment (0,5 TVL) has a fixed duration of 36 months. Deadline for applications: July 31, 2010.
For more information, contact wolfgang.minker at or see
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Algorithms and Complexity, Liverpool (U.K.)
A researcher is required to participate in the EPSRC-funded Research Project "Algorithmic Mechanism Design and Optimization Problems with Economic Applications". The research will be undertaken within the Economics and Computation Research Group in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool (UK), under the supervision of Dr Piotr Krysta. The aim of the project is to apply algorithmic and computational complexity tools to game theoretic problems motivated by concrete applications in electronic commerce and networks. In particular approximation algorithms techniques will be used. The project may involve collaboration with other staff members in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool.
The successful candidate will have a PhD in the area of Algorithms and Complexity Theory. Knowledge and/or a PhD in the area of Algorithmic Game Theory will be highly appreciated. The post is available for 20 months, commencing August 2010, or as soon as possible thereafter, by negotiation; a further extension may be possible. The starting salary is GBP 30,747 - 31,671 pa.
Closing date for Applications: 23 July 2010. Further particulars and details of the application procedure can be found at: and, or contact Dr Piotr Krysta at P.Krysta at
Professorship in Mathematical Logic, Stockholm (Sweden)
Stockholm University announces a position as Professor in Mathematical Logic within the Department of Mathematics. The subject comprises both the logical study of the deductive structure of mathematics, and the mathematical study of formal logical systems. In addition, it deals with the use of logic in computer science.
The position holder is expected to work at developing the relations between the Mathematics Department and theoretical computer science at NADA and other institutions in the Stockholm area. Since most professors at the Faculty of Science are men, applications from women are particularly welcome.
Applications must be received before 2008. Ref. nr SU 611-1310-10. For more information, see or contact professor Mikael Passare at passare at or professor Tom Britton at tom.britton at
PhD student position in Algorithmic Network Theory, London (U.K.)
Dr. Moez Draief at Imperical College London is actively looking for an excellent PhD candidate to work with him on problems at the frontier between graph theory, game theory and statistical physics. The funding covers stipend, and fees for EU/UK students together with travel fund to conferences and summer schools for the duration of the PhD.
For more information, see here or contact Dr. Draief at m.draief at
Two PhD student positions in Philosophy of Mind, Duesseldorf (Germany)
The Institute for Philosophy, section Theoretical Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind and Cognition at Düsseldorf University invites applications for two pre-doctoral positions (65% TVL13), starting October 2010. The appointments are limited to three years. The successful candidate will be expected to: work out a doctoral research project within one of the two following interdisciplinary projects: Grounding Thoughts in Action: Interdependencies between Thoughts and Motor Control (ThinkAct), and Who is Thinking? Authorship and Control of Thoughts, respectively. Both are financially supported by the VolkswagenStiftung.
Requirements: Master's degree (or equivalent) in philosophy or in a related discipline. A focus on philosophy of mind as well as profound knowledge in at least one of the following areas is desirable: cognitive sciences, psychology, neurology, psychiatry, neurosciences. Furthermore, very good language skills in English are expected as well as the willingness to actively participate in interdisciplinary collaboration.
Applications have to be send by 30 June 2010 at the latest. For more information, see and
Assistant Professorship (non-tenure track) in Mathematical Philosophy, Munich (Germany)
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich is seeking applications for an Assistant Professorship in Mathematical Philosophy at the new Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) which will be tied to the Chair in Logic and Philosophy of Language (Prof. Dr. Hannes Leitgeb) at the Faculty for Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion. The position, which is to start from October 1st 2010, is for three years with the possibility of extension. Technically, it is a so-called 'Akademische Ratsstelle auf Zeit' in the Bavarian university system, which means basically that one has the rights and perks of a civil servant. The appointment will be made within the German A13 salary scheme.
The appointee will be expected (i) to do philosophical research assisted by logical or mathematical methods, (ii) to teach five hours a week in areas of philosophy in which logical or mathematical methods are applied, and (iii) to take on management tasks in the new Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy. The successful candidate will have (iv) a PhD in philosophy or logic, and (v) teaching experience in philosophy or logic.
Applications (including CV, certificates, list of publications) should be sent by July 2nd, 2010. More information on this position can be found at: For informal inquiries, contact Prof. Dr. Hannes Leitgeb at Hannes.Leitgeb at
Assistant Professorship (non-tenure track) in Logic and Philosophy of Language, Munich (Germany)
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich is seeking applications for an Assistant Professorship in Logic and Philosophy of Language at the Chair for Logic and Philosophy of Language (Professor Hannes Leitgeb) at the Faculty for Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion. The position, which is to start from October 1st 2010, is for three years with the possibility of extension. Technically, it is a so-called 'Akademische Ratsstelle auf Zeit' in the Bavarian university system, which means basically that one has the rights and perks of a civil servant. The appointment will be made within the German A13 salary scheme.
The appointee will be expected (i) to do research in logic and philosophy of language, (ii) to teach five hours a week in these or in related areas, and (iii) to contribute to the new Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) which is about to be founded at the LMU. The successful candidate will have (iv) a PhD in philosophy or logic, and (v) teaching experience in philosophy or logic.
Applications (including CV, certificates, list of publications) should be sent by July 2nd, 2010. More information on this position can be found at For informal enquiries, contact Prof. Dr. Hannes Leitgeb at Hannes.Leitgeb at
PhD student position in theoretical computer science / mathematical logic, Lausanne (Switzerland)
There is an open position in Lausanne for a PhD student. inside the research group headed by Prof. Jacques Duparc at the University of Lausanne. We are looking for an enthusiastic student with a strong background in mathematical logic, to work on "Profinite Topologies in Automata Theory", a project financed by the Swiss NSF. PhD students are paid employees of the university. Salary and employment conditions are attractive. The university regulations require doctoral students to hold a Master's or equivalent degree. The successful candidate is expected to be able to join us on October 1st, 2010.
Applications and inquiries should be sent to Kevin.Fournier at For more information, see
PhD student position in Theoretical Computer Science, Kassel (Germany)
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Kassel, Germany, announces an open full-time position in theoretical computer science at the research assistant / associate level (paid according to EG13 TV-H). The position is available immediately and should ideally be filled no later than October 1st, 2010.
The successful candidate will join the newly formed research group "Formal Methods and Verification" headed by Prof. Martin Lange. Research of the group will focus on topics around computational logic with applications in program verification etc.
Deadline for applications: July 16th, 2010. Official job announcement (in German): For more information, contact Martin Lange via martin.lange at
PhD student or postdoctoral position in Theory of Artificial Intelligence, Bremen (Germany)
The Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Bremen has a position available for a Doctoral Research Assistant / Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science (TVL-13, 35,000 to 50,000 Euro p.a. pre-tax)
The successful candidate will be associated with the group `theory of artificial intelligence', carry out research on logic-based knowledge representation, and teach courses in computer science (theoretical computer science and AI). The position can be used for scientific qualification (PhD or habilitation). Candidates must have a degree in computer science or a related field (diploma, MSc or PhD). The focus of the group is on description logic, modal logic in computer science, and related areas. Candidates with a background in knowledge representation and/or logic in computer science will be given preference.
The position is available from October 2010 and is initally limited to three years, extension possible. The application deadline is June 30, 2010, but applications will continue to be considered until the position is filled.
Please address questions to Prof. Carsten Lutz at clu at, or see
6 June 2010, Post-doc posititon at The Logic and Computation Group at the Australian National University
The Logic and Computation Group at the Australian National University in Canberra is currently advertising a three-year fixed term post-doc. Applications close on June 6th 2010. We are looking for people whose research interests are in logic in computer science, automated reasoning, non-classical logics or proof theory.
For more information, see
MRes student grant in Logic and Computation, Swansea (Wales)
Swansea University invites applications for an industrial funded studentship for studying a Master of Research in Logic and Computation at the department of Computer Science, Swansea. The successful candidate will be awarded the home fee and a £6,000 per annum bursary, to commence in September 2010. Required qualification is a Bachelor / Master (or equivalent) in Computer Science or Mathematics.
The studentship is dedicated to an industrial related research project under the supervision of Dr Roggenbach in the Processes and Data Group. The objectives of this project are
- to provide a model of test data in the algebraic specification language CASL and
- to utilise this model for decision table based testing.
Besides data modelling in CASL, the project will involve automatic and interactive theorem proving.For more information, see and, or contact contact Markus Roggenbach at csmarkus at
PhD position in Mathematical Logic at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
A four year PhD position in Mathematical Logic is available at the Department of Philosophy of Utrecht University in The Netherlands. The position is part of the research project "The power of constructive proofs", which is a five year project on proof theory and constructive mathematics, funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.
We are looking for a talented and dedicated student with a MSc or equivalent degree in mathematics or computer science. The research carried out in the project belongs to the area of mathematical logic, and the applicant should preferably have a background in this field.
The deadline for applications is June 14th, 2010. For more information on the project and application procedure, please visit
PhD student position in "Formal Analysis of Social Procedures", Tilburg (The Netherlands)
The Department of Philosophy and the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science invite applications for a four-year full-time PhD position, commencing August 2010. The successful candidate will work as part of the Vidi project 'A Formal Analysis of Social Procedures' led by Eric Pacuit and complete a PhD thesis within four years.
The project combines logical/mathematical modeling with philosophical/conceptual analysis. Drawing on work in logics of rational agency, formal argumentation theory, and social choice theory, the candidate will develop formal models of group deliberation and decision making that are grounded in the relevant philosophical theories.
The deadline for applications is May 21, 2010. For more information, see Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr. Eric Pacuit at E.J.Pacuit at (mentioning the vacancy number 500.10.11).
Three PhD student positions at GSLT
The Swedish National Graduate School of Language Technology (GSLT) announces three four-year graduate fellowships beginning 1st Sept. 2010 (application deadline 7th June, 2010).
The Graduate School of Language Technology (GSLT) is a national graduate school for which University of Gothenburg (Faculty of Arts) is the coordinating host. The school offers a doctoral programme in language technology. One of its main aims is to provide advanced training in the foundations of both speech and natural language processing technologies.
For more information, see
PhD student position in Contextual approach to scientific problem solving processes, Gent (Belgium)
The Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science of Ghent University ( has a vacancy for a pre-doctoral researcher in a research project entitled Contextual and formal- logical approach to scientific problem solving processes.
The general aim of the project is to develop formal tools - in the adaptive logics tradition originating in the work of D. Batens - for the analysis of scientific reasoning processes. Other researchers already working on this project deal with e.g. abductive and inductive reasoning and conceptual change.
Applications must be received before 6 June 2010. For more information, see here or Or contact Prof. Dr. Erik Weber at Erik.Weber at
PhD Offers on Agents and Multi-agent Systems for Musical Metacreation
The School of Interactive Arts and Technology of Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada) offers two three-years PhD scholarships for students willing to pursue a full-time PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Creativity.
Closing date for applications: 30 June, 2010. For further information see here, or contact Pr. Philippe Pasquier (pasquier at
Postdoctoral research assistantship & PhD student position in theoretical computer science, Oxford (U.K.)
The Automated Formal Verification Group is advertising posts for a Grade 7 Research Assistant and a fully funded DPhil (Oxford's "PhD") position, to work on the automated verification of concurrent programs that make use of shared memory under the direction of Daniel Kroening and Joël Ouaknine in the Oxford University Computing Laboratory.
The work will take place within the Verification group in the Oxford University Computing La bo ratory, which comprises, in addition to the two investigators, world-leading experts in software verification and model checking such as Marta Kwiatkowska, Tom Melham, Luke Ong, and Bill Roscoe.
Applications must be received before 14 or 31 May 2010, respectively. For more information, see the ads at and, or contact the project supervisors Daniel Kroening (kroening at and Joël Ouaknine (joel at
Two PhD student positions in formal methods / mathematical logic, Zurich (Switzerland)
The research group headed by Prof. David Basin at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETH Zurich) has two open positions for PhD students. For these positions, we are looking for enthusiastic students with a strong background in formal methods or mathematical logic and with an interest in applying their knowledge to formal development and testing of secure software. Additionally, experience in either formal software development by refinement or automated test case generation techniques would be an asset.
The PhD student employed will be given the opportunity to carry out a PhD in Computer Science at ETH Zurich. ETH Zurich regulations require doctoral students to hold a Master's or equivalent degree (e.g. Diplom). Successful candidates are expected to be able to join us on October 1st, 2010.
For more information, see Inquiries should be sent to Christoph Sprenger and Mohammad Torabi Dashti at the following email address: infsec.positions at
PhD position in Bordeaux
Project title: categorical interpretations of first order linear logic, with application to ontological aspects of lexical semantics.
The project will involve mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, category theory and topology, with some applications to the semantics of natural language.
Advisors:Christian Retoré INRIA & LaBRIJean Gillibert IMB — Université de BordeauxFor more information, see
Seven postdoctoral positions (E14) in all areas at the Zukunftskolleg, Konstanz (Germany)
The Zukunftskolleg is a central scientific institution of the University of Konstanz for the promotion of young scientists in the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. It forms a platform for interdisciplinary discourse between distinguished researchers in Germany and abroad, and provides young scientists with resources for obtaining third-party funding.
The Zukunftskolleg invites Calls for Nominations for 7 Research Positions (Salary Scale 14 TV-L) to develop and implement individual research projects / research groups. The initial appointments will begin on 1 December 2010 and end on 31 May 2012. The employment contract will be extended for a further 3.5 years, financed by the Zukunftskolleg, provided that substantial external third-party funding for a research project has been raised.
To qualify for acceptance, candidates must hold a doctoral degree and have outstanding scientific qualifications as documented by research activities and publications. The ideal candidate will have acquired initial work experience as a postdoctoral researcher. International experience in teaching or research and a strong interest in interdisciplinary topics are desirable.
The call for nominations is targeted to a strictly defined group of nominators. More information on the nominators and the fellowships as well as the additional opportunities for participation in the Zukunftskolleg is available on our website at Closing Date: 31 May 2010
Maastricht University: PhD-position in Coalition Formation and Network Structures
This project aims at contributing to the knowledge of coalition formation processes and network structures and will pay particular attention to how these influence each other. The project will focus on (1) the influence of coalition formation on the performance of networks, (2) the influence of networks on the process of coalition formation, and (3) the interaction between coalition formation and networks in dynamical processes. These issues are addressed from the perspective of game theory.
Deadline: 30 May 2010. For more information, see
Postdoctoral Associate position in computational logic, Morgantown WV (U.S.A.)
The Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering invites applications for one postdoctoral position in the field of Computational Logic with an emphasis on certifying algorithms. Duties include design and development of certifying algorithms for problems in combinatorial optimization and logic.
Required qualifications include an earned Ph.D. in theoretical computer science (with an emphasis on logic) or applied mathematics or a closely related discipline.
Interested candidates must send a letter of application, a CV and contact information for at least three references to k.subramani at Review of completed applications will commence immediately and the positions will remain open until filled. A preliminary round of decisions will be made on June 1.
For more information, see
12-month postdoctoral position at INRIA/LIP6/UPMC SALSA
A 12-month postdoctoral position is available at the INRIA/LIP6/UPMC SALSA team on Campus Jussieu (located in the "Quartier Latin" of Paris, France). We are seeking candidates to apply for this position. The postdoc will work in the joint ANR/NSFC EXACTA project on polynomial system solving and its applications in cryptography, computational geometry, and biology.
Application deadline: June, 5 2010. For more information, see;3394ec94.1004
Temporary (34 months) full professorship in Theoretical Philosophy, Helsinki (Finland)
The Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies at the University of Helsinki invites applications for a Professorship of Theoretical Philosophy for a fixed term from 1.8.2010 to 31.5.2013 (substitution). The professorship covers History of Philosophy, Logic, Epistemology and Systematic Philosophy. According to Section 33 of the Universities Act (No 558/2009), a professor will carry out and supervise scientific research, provide education based on it, follow developments in research and participate in societal interaction in his/her field and in international cooperation.
The closing date is April 22, 2010 at 15.45 local Helsinki time. Further details may be found at,
PhD studentship in Automated Reasoning, Manchester (U.K.)
One EPSRC funded PhD studentship is available in the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester. The project forms part of an EPSRC Research Project with the aim to automatically generate implemented automated reasoners. The focus of the PhD project will be on tableau prover generation for modal and description logics (or other non-classical logics depending on the background of the successful applicant).
The expected tasks include significantly contributing to the development of a prototype implementation of a tableau prover generator and auxiliary tools, conducting case studies for various logics, developing refinements and optimisations, and undertaking an evaluation of the developed technology. The project will be supervised by Dr Renate Schmidt and Dr Dmitry Tishkovsky.
The deadline for applications is 14 May 2010. Late applications may be considered. For further details about the studentship and the project, see or contact Dr Renate Schmidt at schmidt at
Postdoctoral position in spatial modelling and reasoning, Lausanne (Switzerland)
In the context of a project on environmental sensing, the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL) is developing new techniques for modeling atmospheric phenomena based on spatial reasoning techniques. The goal is to be able to replace numerical models by more efficient qualitative models that can be used to compress and clean the sensor data. The project is currently approved until March, 2013 and might be extended beyond that date.
We have an opening for a post-doctoral researcher to work on this project. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in computer science or a closely related field, experience with spatial modeling and reasoning, for example in the context of GIS or AI, and possibly also experience with numerical simulation models. The position is open immediately.
Interested candidates should contact boi.faltings at For more information, see
PhD studentship Descriptive Complexity Theory, Cambridge (U.K.)
There is a funded position for a student to undertake a PhD in the area of Logic and Complexity Theory at the University of Cambridge starting on 1 October 2010. The successful candidate will work on an EPSRC funded project in the area of Descriptive Complexity with Algebraic Operators under the supervision of Prof.Anuj Dawar.
Closing date: 30 April 2010. Details can be found here:
Postdoctoral position in theoretical computer science, Boston MA (U.S.A.)
Postdoc in theoretical computer science at Northeastern University, Boston, with Rajmohan Rajaraman, Ravi Sundaram, and Emanuele Viola.
To apply, send CV and two letters of recommendation to theory-postdoc at Applications received by April 15 will receive close consideration. For more information, see
Seven postdoctoral positions on Main and Brain, Berlin (Germany)
The newly established Center (CILS) invites applications for seven 18-month Postdoc positions at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, starting on 1 May 2010. The successful candidates are expected to pursue one of seven designated projects in an interdisciplinary research environment during the 18 months - an extension is possible but depends on additional funding.
The Center for Integrative Life-Sciences has a highly interdisciplinary research focus. Candidates should have experience in interdisciplinary work within one of the center's main research areas:
- Action and Decision-making
- Conditions of Cooperation: Perspective Taking, Empathy, Communication
- Norms, Conventions, InstitutionsApplications received within three weeks after publication of this advertisement (13 April 2010) will be assured full consideration. For more information, see
Postdoctoral position in set theory or model theory (17 months), Helsinki (Finland)
Applications are invited for a post-doc position in the areas of model theory and set theory at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki, Finland, for the period from 1 August 2010 to 31 December 2011. The position is funded by the Academy of Finland research project Mathematical Logic and Its Applications.
Salary is determined by the new salary system (UPJ) for universities. It is expected to be between 2,903.12 € and 3,219.54 € per month.
Applications should be sent to jouko.vaananen at and should include: research plan, CV, list of publications, and name and contact information of up to 3 recommenders. Deadline for applications is 15 April 2010. For inquiries, please contact prof. Jouko Väänänen (jouko.vaananen at
Two lectureships in Economics and Computation, Liverpool (U.K.)
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool seeks to significantly expand current research around existing strengths at the intersection of economics/game theory and computer science through the appointment of two lecturers (a lecturer is broadly the UK equivalent of a tenured assistant professor, with full opportunities for promotion to full professor).
The succesful candidates will join Professor Paul Goldberg, Dr Martin Gairing, Dr Piotr Krysta, and Dr Rahul Savani in our newly established research group on Economics and Computation. The group carries out research in the computational foundations of economics and game theory and enjoys close collaborative links with other strong research groups in the Department (algorithms and complexity theory, multi-agent systems, and logic and computation).
Job Ref: A-570581. Closing Date: 30 April 2010. For more information, see or or e-mail: jobs at Informal enquiries are welcome, and may be directed either to the head of group, Prof Paul Goldberg (goldberg at,. or to the head of department, Prof Wiebe van der Hoek (Wiebe.Van-Der-Hoek at
PhD student position in AI for Formal Methods, Edinburgh (Scotland)
The mathematical reasoning research group in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh is advertising for a PhD funded by the EPSRC project "AI4FM: Using AI to aid automation of proof search in Formal Methods". The proposed topic of the PhD is "The Productive Use of Failure in Formal Methods".
For more information, see, the web page for the AI4FM project at, and the school's PhD application page at
Four PhD positions in Data and Knowledge Management, Trento, Italy
DKM has open Master and PhD positions on the following topics:
* Contextualize knowledge representation
* Collaborative knowledge engineering
* Semantic annotation of Processes
* Statistical-logical knowledge representationThese PhD positions are among the FBK Project Specific Grants of the ICT International Doctoral School, University of Trento. Please quote the specific project you are interested in when applying. All the positions are covered by a scholarship.
Closing date for applications is April 20, 2010, before 12 noon, local time. For more information, see
Postdoctoral Marie Curie fellowship in philosophy/logic of information, Hatfield (U.K.)
Young researchers who
- have completed their PhD (but NOT in the UK)
- are fluent in English
- are keen on spending two years of postdoctoral studies at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK
- would like to work on a project related to the philosophy, logic, epistemology, metaphysics or ethics of information, broadly conceived
- would like to join the research group in the philosophy of information at the University of Hertfordshire
- have not recently spent more than one year in the UK for academic reasonsare very welcome to send their CVs and an initial expression of interest (all in English) to Mrs Penny Driscoll, p.j.driscoll2 at
Four postdoctoral and five PhD student positions in philosophy, Barcelona, Girona & Valencia (Spain)
PERSP is a Spanish research network focusing on philosophical issues posed by the perspectival character of some thoughts and the facts they represent, funded by the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Scheme (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation). The PERSP project ( invites applications for 5 pre-doctoral and 4 full-time post-doctoral research positions.
The pre-doctoral positions are one-year contracts (starting date: 1 October 2010) competitively renewable up to four if the candidate is accepted to the Ph. D. program. The post-doctoral positions are funded for one to three years, preferably starting October 1st 2010, but extendable to January 1, 2011. Successful candidates will be assigned to one of the research groups developing the project and recruited by one of the institutions where they are based, depending on their interests and qualification. The main language of communication is English.
For further details, please consult the PERPS webpage under or send inquiries to at or at The deadline for applications is 26 March 2010, 12pm (Central European Time).
Four PhD student positions in computer science, Swansea (Wales)
Four PhD studentships are available in Computer Science at Swansea University, with funding of up to 15,000 GBP. For two of the studentships only UK candidates are eligible. Computer Science at Swansea University offers an active and stimulating research atmosphere for PhD students, with internationally-leading research groups in Theory, Graphics and HCI.
Deadline: 23 April 2010. For more information, see or contact Dr Oliver Kullmann at o.kullmann at
PhD student position in mathematical logic (set theory or model theory), Muenster (Germany)
There is a 36-month position as an Early Stage Researcher to do a PhD in Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, in Muenster. The position is funded by the Initial Training Network MALOA ('from Mathematical Logic to Applications' -- The successful applicant will be expected to undertake doctoral studies on a project in one of the research areas covered by MALOA, and in an area of expertise of the Logic group in Muenster (set theory or model theory, with a preference for set theory). He/she will be expected to participate in the research and seminar activities of the Logic group, and to meet regularly with his/her PhD supervisor.
Applications must be received before 31 March 2010. For more information, see Or contact contact Ralf Schindler at rds at if you are interested.
Two PhD Positions in Logics for Quantum Interaction
Location: University of Groningen, the NetherlandsTwo PhD positions are available in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the Institute of Artificial Intelligence (ALICE), offered in collaboration with the department of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Groningen. The candidates will join the five-year NWO Vidi project of Dr. Sonja Smets on "Reasoning about quantum interaction: Logical modelling and verification of multi-agent quantum protocols".
Candidates should have (or obtain before 1 September 2010) an excellent Masters degree in Logic, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, Mathematics or Physics. Fluent English is a prerequisite. We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in Logic (especially in any of the areas such as Modal Logic, Epistemic Logic, Dynamic Logic, Linear Logic, Categorical Logic or Quantum Logic) and in Quantum Information Theory or Quantum Computing.
The deadline for applications is 7 June 2010. For more information contact Dr. S. Smets at S.J.L.Smets at or see
Open Post-Doc position in Logics for Quantum Interaction
Location: University of Groningen, the NetherlandsA 2,5 year Post-Doc position is available in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the Institute of Artificial Intelligence (ALICE), offered in collaboration with the department of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Groningen. The candidate will join the Vidi project of Dr. Sonja Smets on "Reasoning about quantum interaction: Logical modelling and verification of multi-agent quantum protocols".
We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in Quantum Information Theory and either Probability Theory or/and Logic (especially in any of the areas such as Modal Logic, Epistemic Logic, Dynamic Logic, Linear Logic, Categorical Logic or Quantum Logic). Candidates should have (or obtain before 1 September 2010) a PhD degree in any area connected to Logic, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, Mathematics or Physics.
The deadline for Applications: 7 June 2010
For more information please contact Dr. Sonja Smets at S.J.L.Smets at Or see -
PhD student positions in Algorithms, Lugano (Switzerland)
At the Faculty of Informatics, University of Lugano, Switzerland, there is an immediate opening for a PhD student in Computer Science in the area of Algorithms and Computational Geometry under a project entitled: 'Generalized Voronoi diagrams of polygonal objects: algorithms and applications'. The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation for a time period of three years (extension possible). More positions in the area of Algorithms may become available this Spring.
This project will investigate open problems on generalized Voronoi diagrams of polygonal objects as motivated by concrete applications. Voronoi diagrams are among the most fundamental structures in Computational Geometry and they have proved to be powerful tools in solving diverse and seemingly unrelated computational problems. Research will combine the design and analysis of efficient algorithms, combinatorial issues, as well as implementation and application issues.
Interested candidates should apply as soon as possible, for full consideration by March 31st. For further information please contact Professor Evanthia Papadopoulou at evanthia.papadopoulou at or see
PhD student position on theoretical aspects of XML, Edinburgh (Scotland)
A fully funded PhD position is available in the Database Group, Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, at the University of Edinburgh. The start date is 1 September 2010.
The projects of the group are centered around theoretical aspects of XML. However, prior knowledge of XML is *not* a requirement - XML is easy to learn (think of trees). It is essential that the candidate possess strong theoretical skills, especially in logic, automata, complexity, algorithms.
For more information, see here or, or contact Prof. Leonid Libkin at libkin at
PhD student position in "Formal Verification via SMT Solving", Trento (Italy)
One Doctoral Student Position in Information and Communication Technologies on the research project "WORD-LEVEL FORMAL VERIFICATION VIA SMT SOLVING" is available at the International Doctorate School in Information and Communication Technologies of the University of Trento, Italy, under the joint supervision of Dr. Alessandro Cimatti, and Prof. Roberto Sebastiani.
The research activity will be carried out jointly within the Embedded Systems (ES) Research Unit of the Center for Scientific and Technological Research of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, and the Software Engineering & Formal Methods (SE&FM) Research Program, at Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) of University of Trento.
The research activity will aim at investigating and developing novel techniques, methodologies and support tools for Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) for the verification of WORD-level circuit designs. This work will be part of the "Word-Level Formal Verification via SMT Solving" (WOLFLING) project. SMT tools will be developed on top of the MathSAT SMT platform, and Formal Verification tools will be developed on top of the NuSMV Model Checking platform. Both platforms are jointly developed and maintained by ES and SE&FM.
For more information, see or contact Prof. Roberto Sebastiani at rseba at
PETAF Initial Training Network: 7 PhD student positions
The PETAF FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network is pleased to announce seven 3-year pre-doctoral positions in philosophy, in various European universities.
PETAF is the first research and training network exclusively in philosophy ever to be financed by the European Commission. It aims to serve as a European research and training platform for joint philosophical research on perspectival thought, its linguistic expression and its consequences for our conception of objective, mind-independent reality. PETAF's research programme, which runs for 4 years, addresses both general issues in metaphysics and in logic and semantics and specific issues in more specialised areas in which perspective-bound cognition plays a pivotal role.
The deadline for applications is 19 March 2010, 12pm (Central European Time). For more information, see or consult PETAF's webpage at
Five PhD student positions in Algorithmics, Odense (Denmark)
Five PhD Scholarships in Algorithmics -------------------------------------
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark has funding for five PhD students for projects in Algorithmics. Each project will be in one of the areas of On-Line Algorithms, Graph Algorithms, and Bioinformatics. The start date for these scholarships is August 16, 2010.
The application deadline is April 1, 2010. For application details see: For further information, please contact Joan Boyar, joan at
Further information about these areas and projects can be found at:
Postdoc on psycholinguistics/cognitive science at Aberdeen
As part of the EPSRC-funded project "Affecting People with Natural Language", the University of Aberdeen is looking for a psycholinguist or cognitive scientist to work on the issue of vagueness in language, in collaboration with computer scientists who work on natural language generation, and with other psycholinguists. The successful candidate is expected to focus on the comprehension of vague expressions, for example by trying to find out how quickly and accurately different quantitative expressions are comprehended and acted upon (e.g, 'Pick up the box that contains two marbles' versus 'Pick up the box that contains few marbles').
The closing date for the receipt of applications is 29 March 2010. Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Kees van Deemter at k.vdeemter at, or see
Open PhD Position (Luxembourg/Lens): Dynamics of Argumentation
The University of Luxembourg is inviting applications for a 2+2-year PhD position in Computer Science. The position is embedded in a project "Dynamics of Argumentation", which is a common project between the Individual and Collective Reasoning (ICR) group at the Computer Science and Communication Research Unit (CSC) in Luxembourg (Responsible: Leon van der Torre) and the Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens (CRIL) at the Université d'Artois, in Lens, France (Responsible: Souhila Kaci). The position is foreseen as a co-tutuelle position, that is the student will receive a degree from both universities.
Application End : Thursday April 15 2010. Ref. number F1-070088. For more information, see
PhD student positions in computer science, Aarhus (Denmark)
At the computer science department of Aarhus University, Denmark, 3 PhD positions will be available starting August or September 2010. The background is the establishment of a new research center: Foundations of Electronic Markets (FEM). The center will initiate a major new research effort, combining the fields of cryptography, algorithms and computational complexity with subjects in economics, such as game theory and mechanism design. It involves several international partners in industry and academic research. We are therefore looking for students with a strong background in computer science and/or mathematics and an interest in any of the relevant computer science fields.
For more information, see here or Or contact either Ivan Damgard (ivan at or Peter Bro Miltersen (bromille at
1 PhD position in either Cognitive Science or General Lingustics at the University of Lund
1 doctoral studentship in either Cognitive Science or General Lingustics at the Centre for Languages and Literature or the Department of Philosophy of the University of Lund, within the research project “Cognition, Communication and Learning”, specialising in behavioural events and the semantics of behavioural events (reg. No 315).
For more information, please contact Sven Strömqvist (General Lingustics) or Professor Peter Gärdenfors (Cognitive Science). For information on the project, see
Post Doc Researcher Machine Translation, Utrecht
T4ME Net aims to work towards a major collective technology acceleration in order to be able to preserve Europe's multilinguality. As a first step it aims at the development of a new paradigm of collective research in Machine Translation (MT) and other fields of language technology that is based on evolutionary principles, that integrates all required disciplines and schools of research and thus becomes adequate for the scope and complexity of the task. A second step is the development of shared visions and of a strategic research agenda (SRA) based on the new paradigm of research
UIL-OTS is involved in several aspects of this project but the main focus is on bringing more semantics into MT. A PostDoc position is available for a researcher to carry out research focused on bringing semantics into MT and evaluating it, ensuring that part of this research is in accordance with the T4ME project plan and any arrangements made later in the project. The researcher also supports the UIL-OTS project coordinator with other tasks assigned to UiL-OTS in the T4ME project
For more information, see here
Faculty of Science: 5 MacGillavry Fellowships (tenure track) for women
The Faculty of Science (FNWI) of the University of Amsterdam aims to stimulate increased diversity in its research institutes. For this reason we are initiating a new recruitment programme for top level female talent, named after the ground breaking crystallographer Carolina MacGillavry, an UvA alumnus.
In the first round of this programme we offer
** 5 MacGillavry Fellowships (tenure track) **We are seeking women that excel in one of the faculty's disciplines, who possess leadership potential and aspire to a career as a professor at the University of Amsterdam. The ILLC, as one of the research institutes of the FNWI, strongly encourages applications by women in one of the ILLC disciplines.
Deadline: April 1st, 2010. For more information, see or contact ILLC Manager Ingrid van Loon: i.m.vanloon at; +31 20 525 6090
Postdoctoral position in Philosophy of Mind (18m), Berlin (Germany)
The Berlin School of Mind and Brain invites applications for a Postdoc position at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, starting on 1 May 2010 and available until 31 October 2011 (extension possible). Area of specialization: Philosophy of Mind or Philosophy and Neuroscience. Area of competence: Philosophy of Science, Neuroscience and/or Psychology. A focus on one of the school's main research topics - 'conscious and unconscious perception', 'decision-making', 'language', 'brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny', or 'brain disorders and mental dysfunction' - is desirable.
The successful candidate is expected to pursue a project at the interface between philosophy and neuroscience. He or she will be a member of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain and of the Institute of Philosophy at Humboldt-Universität. He or she will be expected to teach at Bachelor or Master level and participate in the school's activities.
The code number for this position is: DR/007/10. Application deadline: 19 February 2010. For more information, see
PhD student position in philosophy of science, Tilburg (The Netherlands)
The Department of Philosophy and the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) invite applications for a three-year full-time PhD position, commencing September 1, 2010. The successful candidate is expected to work on a topic from the philosophy of science (including general philosophy of science, formal philosophy of science, philosophy of economics, and philosophy of psychology) and complete a PhD thesis within three years.
The deadline for applications is April 15, 2010. For more information, see or contact Professor Stephan Hartmann at S.Hartmann at
PhD student stipends on models and logics for verification
Location: Kongens Lyngby, DenmarkWe are happy to announce several PhD Stipends on Models and Logics for Verification and Analysis incorporating Static Analysis and Model Checking to the held at The Technical University of Denmark.
Deadline for applicatios: March 1st, 2010. Full details are available at
PhD student positions in philosophical logic, London (U.K.)
Two three-year, full-time studentships are available at the Department of Philosophy of Birkbeck College, with funding from the European Research Council (ERC). The studentships are associated with a research project in philosophical logic and the philosophy of mathematics, concerned with higher-order logic, the logical paradoxes, modality and the foundation of set theory.
The closing deadline for applications is 4.00pm on 15 February For more information, see
Postdoctoral position in Fuzzy Logics, Vienna (Austria)
The position is associated to the project "Fuzzy Logics: from Mathematics to Medical Application" funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund WWTF. The project is a cooperation between the Vienna University of Technology (Dr. Agata Ciabattoni) and the Medical University of Vienna (Univ.-Prof.Dr.Klaus-Peter Adlassnig).
Candidates are expected to have very good knowledge in mathematical logic, knowledge representation and/or formal ontologies. They should have (or shortly expect to receive) a PhD in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence or a closely related field. The post is for a fixed term appointment of up to 24 months.
Application deadline is March 8, 2010. For more information, see
Ph.D. Position for Datalog Research
The Declarative Languages and Artificial Intelligence Group at the Catholic University of Leuven is looking for doctoral research candidates in the area of Datalog. The position concerns research related to language development, program optimization, integration with constraint solvers, problem modeling, refactoring, profiling, debugging, ... Close collaboration with our US-based industrial partner is expected. Promotor will be Tom Schrijvers.
Review of applications begins as of March 1, 2010. For more information, see or Please direct inquiries and applications, preferably by e-mail, to: professor Bart Demoen at bart.demoen at, or Tom Schrijvers at tom.schrijvers at
2 PhD student scholarships in Computer Science, Hull (U.K.)
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Hull has TWO (DCS) PhD scholarship available for the current academic session, starting no later than May 2010. Each DCS Scholarship amounts to (per annum) Home/EU Fees plus a stipend of £13290, for a period of three years. Non-EU students may also apply.
It is suggested that applications be lodged no later than 5th March 2010. Application forms and procedure may be found at:; PhD project outlines may be found at Enquiries may also be made via email to: Dr Darryl N. Davis at d.n.davis at
Research Master programme in Philosophy (in cooperation with TiLPS), Tilburg, The Netherlands
Tilburg University offers a Master's Programme in Philosophy especially catering to students who want to prepare for a career in research. The programme, a joint venture with the Faculty of Philosophy at Radboud University Nijmegen, has a duration of two years and is taught in English. Students can choose from a wide range of specializations, including some offered in close cooperation with TiLPS, the Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science. They can also take courses in Nijmegen, a short train ride from Tilburg.
Further information and details about eligibility criteria and the application procedure can be found at and
PhD student position in Spatial Cognition, Bremen (Germany)
The University of Bremen has an opening for a Research Assistant / Doctoral Researcher in Spatial Cognition. The position is initially available from 1 March 2010 onwards for a duration of 1 year.
The project, "DesignSpace: Assistive Intelligence for Spatial Design Tasks", investigates the application of formal (logical) representation and reasoning techniques for the development of tools and methodologies that provid assistive intelligence for spatial design tasks. The present emphasis in this project is on the paradigm of (spatial) intelligence driven iterative refinement of designs in the architecture domain. Of specific interest to the project are formal methods in spatial representation and reasoning, and logic-based approaches to diagnosis, recommendation and explanatory reasoning.
Application Deadline: 5 February 2010 (or until a suitable candidate is found). For further information, see here or contact: Mehul Bhatt (bhatt at
Postdoctoral and PhD student position on approximating NP-hard optimization problems, Stockholm (Sweden)
Open positions in a project for approximating NP-hard optimization problems at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.
One post doc position and one opening as graduate student.
Deadline of application February 15. For details consult home-page of project leader Johan Håstad at
PhD student positions in theoretical computer science, Leiden (The Netherlands)
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) of Leiden University and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam are looking for two PhD students for working in the NWO funded research project "CoRE: Coinductive Calculi of Regular Expressions"
The purpose of the project is to use the theory of coalgebras and Kleene algebras for automatic reasoning and verification of quantitative and probabilistic systems, interactive systems and advanced functional programs.
Please send your application before 1 March 2010. For more information, see here.
Student research opportunities at USC/ICT
There are opportunities for students to join the natural language dialogue research group at University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies.
The group engages in basic and applied research on dialogue systems, embodied virtual humans, and related areas in natural language processing and computational linguistics.
We are looking for summer interns (must be enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate program for the following fall).More information including the list of possible projects and the online application can be found here:
The deadline to apply is February 28th. The following projects are with the dialogue group: 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1016, 1027 and 1028.For more information, see the ICT website at or contact Raquel Fernandez at raquel.fernandez at
Tenure-track positions in Computer Science (Theory of Algorithms, Computational Social Science), Los Angeles CA (U.S.A.)
The Computer Science Department of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering seeks to hire one or more tenure-track faculty this year. We are interested in outstanding faculty candidates at all levels, with priority in the areas of:
- Analysis of massive data, machine learning, and web/information search
- Networking, cloud computing, and computer security
- Theory and algorithms, computational economics and computational social sciences
- Games, art and visual computation, and beyond games/graphics
For more information or to submit applications online, see:
Past appointments
Professorship for Yde Venema
Yde Venema was recently appointed full professor in Logic, in particular Mathematical Logic and Foundations of Computer Science. He is the successor of Jouko Väänänen who is partially affiliated with the ILLC as of August 1, 2009.
Yde is and will remain programme leader of the Logic&Computation group. He will accept his appointment publicly in September.
For more information, see
15 November 2010, Leo Esakia died unexpectedly in Tbilisi at the age of 76 years.
On November 15, 2010, Leo Esakia died rather unexpectedly in Tbilisi at the age of 76 years. He was one of the important logicians, mainly working in algebraic logic. His name will live on in his Esakia spaces, ordered topological spaces that play a fundamental role in the theory of Heyting Algebras by the Esakia duality between the categories of these spaces and algebras, and in many other theorems and concepts.
By his knowledge, energy and enthousiasm he was a source of inspiration to a large number of students, among which Guram and Nick Bezhanishvili, and David Gabelaia. Through these students he had important connections with the ILLC, and he himself was always involved in the organization of the 2-yearly Tbilisi Symposia in which the ILLC joins the Georgian logicians and linguists. [The last of these Symposia, in 2009, was dedicated to his 75th and Dick de Jongh's 70th birthday.] Leo Esakia was continuously working with his students on new problems, he gave a long lecture to them only last week.
New books in the library
The following books are now available in the library at the Science Park:
- Descriptive set theory and definable forcing / J. Zapletal. 31.10 IVc - ZAPL
Handbook of knowledge representation / ed. F. van Harmelen ...
31.10 Va - HARM
For more information, see
TV interview Rens Bod with Max Pam and Theodor Holman
On October 29th, 2010, the programme OBA Live broadcast a TV Interview of Rens Bod with Max Pam and Theodor Holman about his book "De Vergeten Wetenschappen" ("The Forgotten Sciences")
For more information, see
Result Funds gathering retirement event Peter van Emde Boas
Having completed the accounting process Theo Janssen recently has transferred the collected donations to het Universitair Asiel Fonds; the total result equals 2260 Euro.
At this occasion I like to thank those contributors who belong to the ILLC community for their gracious donations. And Theo Janssen for a job well done.
Peter van Emde Boas
A copy of the acknowledgement letter send by the UAF can be found at:
Paper by J. van Benthem, P. Girard and O. Roy among ten best philosophy papers 2009
The Philosopher's Annual's goal is to select the ten best articles published in philosophy each year -- an attempt as simple to state as it is admittedly impossible to fulfill.
For more information, see and
"Modelling intelligent interaction: the social face of logic" at ESF News site
The story "Modelling intelligent interaction: the social face of logic" is now available at the ESF News site with links from the general EUROCORES webpage, the LogICCC homepage and the Humanities webpage.
For more information, see
Jelle Zuidema in Trouw 19 April
In Trouw van 19 april 2010 staat een interview met Jelle Zuidema.
"Tussen dierengeluiden en de complexe menselijke taal gaapt een enorme kloof. Maar is het menselijk taalvermogen uniek? En waar komt het vandaan? Cruciaal lijkt dat taal zich ook aan de mens heeft aangepast."
Voor meer informatie, zie
ILLC 2008 Annual Report now available online
The Annual Report of the ILLC over 2008 is now available online.
For more information, see
6 March 2010, Mevrouw de Professor: Debat over tekort aan vrouwelijke hoogleraren
Location: Zuiveringshal West, Westergasfabriek terrein, Amsterdam[In Dutch only]
In 2010 moet een kwart van de hoogleraren in Europa vrouw zijn. Nederland haalt dat bij lange na niet: slechts een op de tien leerstoelen wordt bekleed door een vrouw. Daarmee bungelt Nederland onderaan de ranglijsten. Is er een gebrek aan vrouwelijk wetenschappelijk talent? Is het hoogleraarschap wel te combineren met een gezin? Leiden quota tot excuus-Truzen? Vaderlands bekendste wetenschapper Robbert Dijkgraaf leidt een bruisend debat om mevrouw de professor beter op de kaart te krijgen.For more information, see or the invitation (PDF)
Henkjan Honing in het NRC
Een interview met Henkjan Honing over zijn boek 'Iedereen is Muzikaal' is te lezen in het NRC Handelsblad van zaterdag 13 februari.
Voor meer informatie, zie
Henkjan Honing bij de VPRO
In de eerste uitzending van het programma 'Boeken' van de VPRO, op 3 januari, werd Henkjan Honing ge-interviewed over zijn boek 'Iedereen is Muzikaal'.
Voor meer informatie en om de uitzending online te bekijken, zie