News Archives 2004

Please note that these newsitems have been archived, and may contain outdated information or links.


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Past Events

  • 21 December 2004 21 December 2004, DIP Colloquium, Jelle Gerbrandy

    Date & Time: 21 December 2004 Tuesday 21 December 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Jelle Gerbrandy
    Title: Bisimulation versus Epistemic Equivalence
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 17 December 2004, Cognitieve Linguïstiek Dag, Drift 21, Utrecht

    Date: Friday 17 December 2004
    Location: Drift 21, Utrecht
    Deadline: 10 September 2004

    In de afgelopen decennia is er in de taalwetenschap in toenemende mate aandacht besteed aan de relatie tussen taal en cognitie. De Cognitieve Linguïstiek, zoals die is ontwikkeld door o.a. Lakoff, Langacker, Talmy en Fauconnier, beschouwt het menselijk taalsysteem niet als een aparte module, maar als een systeem dat fundamenteel verbonden is met meer algemene aspecten van cognitie. In de analyse van taalverschijnselen wordt een centrale rol toebedeeld aan aspecten als taalgebruik, (culturele) ervaring, en algemene cognitieve processen (zoals analogie en 'image schemas').

    Ook in Nederland en Vlaanderen is er steeds meer belangstelling voor deze benadering van taalwetenschap, ook in aangrenzende disciplines als taalbeheersing en psycholinguïstiek. Om die reden wordt op 17 december 2004 een (informele) lezingendag georganiseerd, de Cognitieve Linguïstiek Dag. Het doel van deze dag is om een platform te bieden voor het werk van cognitief georiënteerde taalwetenschappers.

    Deadline for submissions: 10 september 2004. For more information, see

  • 14 December 2004, Logic Tea, Alexandre Costa-Leite

    Date & Time: Tuesday 14 December 2004, 17:15-18:15
    Speaker: Alexandre Costa-Leite (Neuchatel)
    Title: Paraconsistency and Knowability
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster () or Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 14 December 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Francien Dechesne

    Date & Time: Tuesday 14 December 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Francien Dechesne
    Title: IF-logic from a game-theoretical perspective
    Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.29

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Georgi Jojgov ().

  • 13-16 December 2004, ILLC's Stanford Visitors: Seminars, Room 3.27, Euclides Building (P),
    Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    Date: 13-16 December 2004
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building (P),
    Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    Four stanford Ph.D. students: Patrick Girard, Darko Sarenac, Josh Snyder, and Tomasz Sadzik, are visiting the ILLC this week and the week after. On this occasion, we are organizing a series of technical seminars on update, space-time, games and complexity. The seminars will be real working sessions (not 'sales talks'), consisting of a one hour talk followed by discussion among expert students and researchers.

    You are welcome to join one or more of the sessions if you have an interest. Papers will be made available beforehand on the website.

    For more information, a schedule of lectures, and papers, please visit the website at For all other matters, contact Olivier Roy at .

  • 11 December 2004, Special ILLC Event

    Date & Time: Saturday 11 December 2004, 14:00-19:00
    Title: The Dynamics of Reason
    Location: TIN auditorium, Herengracht 168, Amsterdam
    With a workshop around this year's annual Beth Lecturer & Vienna Circle Lecturer Michael Friedman we start a new series of


    You are cordially invited to attend this event that will take place Saturday December 11.

    Michael Friedman (Bloomington & Stanford) is a well-known philosopher of science and historian of philosophy with special interests in Kant and the Vienna Circle. He will speak about his new book "The Dynamics of Reason" which brings together insights on scientific progress from Carnap and Kuhn, in a Kant-inspired perspective.

    Further speakers are Boudewijn de Bruin, Henk de Regt, Jan-Willen Romeyn, Rens Bod, and Johan van Benthem.

    For more information, see here or

  • 10 December 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Guram Bezhanishvili

    Date & Time: Friday 10 December 2004, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Guram Bezhanishvili
    Title: MacNeille completions in modal logic
    Location: Room P.014, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan.)

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 10 December 2004 , DIP Colloquium, Jelle Zuidema

    Date & Time: Friday 10 December 2004 <em>(changed)</em>, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Jelle Zuidema (ILLC/Edinburgh)
    Title: Language, Evolution & the Theory of Games
    Location: Room D118c, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 8 December 2004, "Dynamic Semantics in Perspective", an afternoon dedicated to the work of Kees Vermeulen

    Date & Time: Wednesday 8 December 2004, 13:30--17:00
    Location: Sweelinckzaal, Drift 21, Utrecht

    Lectures by Jan van Eijck & Albert Visser, Rick Nouwen and Frank Veltman.
    The lectures are followed by drinks.

    All are invited, but you are requested to preregister by sending an email to

    For more information, please contact .

  • 6 December 2004, Ninth Workshop on Games in Logic, Language, and Computation

    Date & Time: Monday 6 December 2004, 13:00-18:00
    Location: Room A-102, UvA Building A, Roeterstraat 15, Amsterdam
    Costs: entrance free

    GLLC9 is an informal workshop about applications of game theory in logic, linguistics, and computer science, and on the logical foundations of game and decision theory. Speakers include Wlodek Rabinowicz (Lund University) and Marc Pauly (Toulouse).

    For more information, a programme and abstracts, see, or write to

  • 3 December 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Agatha Walczak-Typke

    Date & Time: Friday 3 December 2004, 14:50-15:40
    Speaker: Agatha Walczak-Typke (Leeds)
    Title: Stable structures and their non-choice analogues
    Location: Hotel Dennenhoeven, Nunspeet (<em>changed</em>)

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 3 December 2004, OzsL Accolade 2004

    Date: Friday 3 December 2004
    Location: Nunspeet
    Deadline: 15 November 2004

    On friday, 3 december 2004 the annual Student Accolade of the OzsL, the Dutch research school in logic, is held, as part of the OzsL schoolweek. The Accolade is a day on which the PhD students of the OzsL communicate on their research and share their experience as a doctoral student. PhD students of the OzsL are hereby warmly invited to submit an abstract for a 15 minute presentation.

    Submission deadline: November 15, 2004.
    For more information, see here or contact H. J. Sander Bruggink () or Joost J. Joosten ().

  • 30 November 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Ana Sokolova

    Date & Time: Tuesday 30 November 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Ana Sokolova
    Title: Week bisimulation for action-type coalgebras
    Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Georgi Jojgov ().

  • 30 November 2004, IKAT-SIKS Symposium Games and AI, Universiteit Maastricht, Feestzaal, Bouillonstraat 3, Maastricht

    Date: Tuesday 30 November 2004
    Location: Universiteit Maastricht, Feestzaal, Bouillonstraat 3, Maastricht

    Programme: 14:00 - 14:10: Opening
    14:10 - 14:45: Hiroyuki Iida, Games and Ranking
    14:45 - 15:15: Erik van der Werf, Full Board Evaluation in the Game of Go
    15:15 - 15:30: Break
    15:30 - 16:00: Levente Kocsis, Omaha Hi-Lo Poker
    16:00 - 16:30: Mark Winands, Building a World Champion LOA Program

    For more information, see

  • 29 November 2004, Maagdenhuis op maandag, Johan van Benthem

    Date & Time: Monday 29 November 2004, 17:30-18:00
    Speaker: Johan van Benthem
    Title: Natuurlijke en kunstmatige talen: therapie of huwelijk?
    Location: Maagdenhuis, Spui 21, Amsterdam
    Costs: Free

    (dutch only)
    Onder de titel Maagdenhuis op Maandag buigen topwetenschappers van de UvA en hun gasten zich over wat onlangs ontdekt, bedacht of uitgevonden is. Universiteitshoogleraar Johan van Benthem houdt in zijn verhandeling de verhouding tussen natuurlijke talen en kunsstalen nog eens tegen het licht.

    Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 29 November - 3 December 2004, OzsL Schoolweek, Hotel Dennenhoeve, Nunspeet

    Date: 29 November - 3 December 2004
    Location: Hotel Dennenhoeve, Nunspeet

    From Monday the 29th of November till Friday the 3rd of December the OzsL Schoolweek will be held in the forests of Nunspeet. The week will consist of two parts:

    • Lectures on Automated Theorem Proving [Aut], Provability Logic [PL], Proof Theory [PT] and Philosophy [Phil]
    • Accolade meeting. PhD students of the OzsL communicate on their research and share their experience as a doctoral student.

    If you are a PhD-student of the ILLC or one of the other participating groups of the OzsL, the group wil pay your registration fee. For others, the fee is € 700. The registration fee includes 4 nights at Hotel Dennenhoeve, as well as Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    For more information, see the OzsL Schoolweek page at

  • 26-29 November 2004, Foundations of the Formal Sciences V: Infinite Games, Mathematisches Institut, RhFWU Bonn

    Date: 26-29 November 2004
    Location: Mathematisches Institut, RhFWU Bonn
    Deadline: 15 September 2004

    Infinite Games have been investigated by mathematicians since the beginning of the twentieth century and have played a central role in mathematical logic. However, their applications go far beyond mathematics: they feature prominently in theoretical computer science, philosophical Gedankenexperiments, as limit cases in economical applications, and in many other applications. The conference FotFS V wants to bring together researchers from the various areas that employ infinitary game techniques to talk about similarities and dissimilarities of the different approaches and develop cross-cultural bridges.

    We invite all researchers from areas applying infinitary game-theoretic methods (economists, mathematicians, logicians, philosophers, computer scientists, sociologists) to submit their papers before September 15th, 2004. Topics will include Games in Algebra and Logic, Games in Higher Set Theory, Games in Set-Theoretic Topology, Infinite Games & Computer Science, Infinite Games in Philosophy, Infinite Evolutionary Games, Machine Games, Game Logics, Infinite Games in the Social Sciences.

    For more information, see

  • 25 November 2004, Semantics in the Netherlands day, Radboud University Nijmegen

    Date: Thursday 25 November 2004
    Location: Radboud University Nijmegen
    Costs: 0,-
    Deadline: 1 October 2004

    The Nijmegen Centre for Semantics (NCS) presents the third Semantics in the Netherlands day. SiN provides a platform for graduate students working on natural language semantics in the Netherlands. This year's edition is hosted by the NCS and will take place Thursday, November 25 at the Radboud University Nijmegen (deadline for submission of 1p PDF abstracts: October 1). The SiNday is the opportunity for graduate students to present their research in any area of natural language semantics and its interfaces with pragmatics, syntax, morphology, logic, computational linguistics, and the like. SiN III will be concluded with an invited lecture by Prof. dr Henriëtte de Swart (Utrecht University).

    Deadline for submissions is October 1st, 2004. For more information, see here or point a browser at

  • 23 November 2004, Lectures on occasion of Dick de Jongh's 65th birthday

    Date & Time: 23 November 2004, 13:00-18:00
    Location: Herengracht 182, room 0.07

    Preliminary program:

    13.00-13.30 Welcome with tea or coffee.
    13.30-14.00 Albert Visser:
    Dick de Jongh and provability
    14.10-14.40 Rosalie Iemhoff:
    Dick and rules
    14.50-15.05 Ingrid van Loon:
    Dick de Jongh, a master of logic
    15.05-15.20 Tea break
    15.20-15.50 Yoav Seginer:
    A topic from learning theory
    16.00-16.30 Jaap van Oosten:
    Proving maximality results by realizability
    16.40-17.40 Drinks

    For more information mail to .

  • 22 November 2004, Afscheidscollege, "Volledigheid en Onvolledigheid"
    , Dick de Jongh

    Date & Time: Monday 22 November 2004, 14:00
    Speaker: Dick de Jongh
    Location: Aula van de Universiteit, ingang Singel 411, Hoek Spui, Amsterdam

    Het afscheidscollege begint om *14 uur precies*. Na afloop van het college vindt een receptie plaats.

    Dick de Jongh heeft aangegeven graag in toga te gaan, en hierbij het verzoek aan alle collega-hoogleraren hem desgewenst daarin te volgen. In dat geval wordt u verwacht een kwartiertje eerder aanwezig te zijn.

  • 22-23 November 2004, SIKS Advanced Course

    Date: 22-23 November 2004
    Title: The Semantic Web
    Location: Conference center Woudschoten, Zeist

    The idea of a "Semantic Web" has rapidly gained visibility on both the academic and the industrial agenda in recent years. Currently, some cornerstone technologies are in place, some applications are beginning to emerge, and many new research challenges have emerged. In this two day course, all these aspects will be highlighted.

    Deadline for registration for SIKS-Ph.D students (who can participate at no charge): 1 November 2004. For more information, including an online registration form, see

  • 19 November 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Rineke Verbrugge

    Date & Time: Friday 19 November 2004, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Rineke Verbrugge (Groningen)
    Title: Strong completeness for non-compact hybrid logics
    Location: Room P.014, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan.)

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 19 November 2004, DIP Colloquium, Fred Keijzer

    Date & Time: Friday 19 November 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Fred Keijzer (Groningen)
    Title: Embodied cognition: Opportunities and problems
    Location: Room C105, Oudemanhuispoort 4, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 16 November 2004, MPI Colloquium Series, Ingo Plag

    Date & Time: Tuesday 16 November 2004, 15:45
    Speaker: Ingo Plag (Siegen, Germany)
    Title: What constrains possible suffix combinations?
    The role of grammatical and processing restrictions
    in derivational morphology
    Location: Room 1.63, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Wundtlaan 1,

    There is a long-standing debate about the principles and mechanisms that constrain the combinatorial properties of affixes, in particular of English suffixes. Most recently, Hay has proposed a psycholinguistic model of morphological complexity, according to which an affix which can be easily parsed out in processing should not occur inside an affix which cannot. This model has been called 'complexity based ordering'. The general claim is that affixes can be approximately ordered along a hierarchy of complexity, with more separable affixes at one end, and less separable affixes at the other end. More separable affixes can attach outside less separable affixes, but not vice-versa.

    In this talk, Ingo Plag presents research that tested the predictions of complexity based ordering through an investigation of 30 English suffixes and their potential combinations.

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 12 November 2004, VvL symposium "Logica in de Lage Landen", Room 414, Jaarbeurs, Utrecht

    Date: Friday 12 November 2004
    Location: Room 414, Jaarbeurs, Utrecht

    (dutch only)
    De Vereniging voor Logica en Wijsbegeerte der Exacte Wetenschappen (VvL) nodigt u hierbij uit voor een VvL symposium "Logica in de Lage Landen". Deze gebeurtenis vindt plaats op vrijdag 12 november 2004 in zaal 414 van de de Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. Het programma begint om 12.45 met een broodjeslunch, u aangeboden door de VvL, tijdens de jaarlijkse Algemene Ledenvergadering.

    Alle belangstellenden zijn van harte welkom. De toegang is gratis. Voor het programma en abstracts van de lezingen, zie here.

  • 10 November 2004, CSCA Lecture, Prof. dr. W.T.A.M. Everaerd

    Date & Time: Wednesday 10 November 2004, 16:00
    Speaker: Prof. dr. W.T.A.M. Everaerd (UvA)
    Title: Accessibility of emotional memories: autobiographical memories and
    emotional experience
    Location: University Library, Doelenzaal, Singel 425, Amsterdam
    'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind', a recent movie, presents a romantic and futuristic neuroscience approach to deleting autobiographical memories. Although the idea of inducing amnesia may be intriguing it seems to be mere speculation in the light of the state of the art in neuroscience. In this lecture I will review the role of autobiographical memories in emotional experience; how do these memories contribute to what is experienced? After that I will discuss an approach to the modulation of emotional memories, which may eventually result in the modulation of emotional experience. I propose that retrieval of past emotional experiences needs hippocampal and amygdaloid transmission as long as this retrieval generates emotional responses. Memories that generate emotions are 'hot', in contrast to cold memories that are not accompanied by arousing emotional reactions. I hypothesize that these hot memories are better consolidated than cold memories. Modulation of emotional memories occurs through the action of stress hormones, which may influence encoding, consolidation as well as retrieval. Let's see where we are at this point in time.

    For more information see the CSCA website at

  • 9 November 2004, Logic Tea, Marie Duzi, Tu Ostrava

    Date & Time: Tuesday 9 November 2004, 17:15-18:15
    Speaker: Marie Duzi, Tu Ostrava
    Title: Epistemic Closure and Inferable Knowledge
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster () or Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 9 November 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Georgi Jojgov

    Date & Time: Tuesday 9 November 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Georgi Jojgov
    Title: A stepwise approach to formalizing mathematics
    Location: TU Eindhoven, MA 1.44

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Georgi Jojgov ().

  • 8 November 2004,
    KNAW Themamiddag "Communicatie als Cognitief Proces"

    Date & Time: Monday 8 November 2004, 13:30-17:30
    Location: KNAW, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam

    (Dutch only)
    Themamiddag met als onderwerp 'Communicatie als cognitief proces'. De sprekers belichten een aantal interdisciplinaire aspecten van het onderzoek, waarbij zij aandacht besteden aan vier onderwerpen:

    • de evolutie en ontwikkeling van communicatief gedrag bij mens en dier
    • communicatie vanuit neurocognitief perspectief
    • gestoorde communicatie, in het bijzonder autisme
    • communicatie tussen en met kunstmatige systemen.

    Aanmelding is open tot 22 Oktober 2004. Voor meer informatie en het programma kunt u kijken op

  • 2 November 2004, Logic Tea, Tine Wilde

    Date & Time: Tuesday 2 November 2004, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Tine Wilde
    Title: When Art Meets Science
    Location: Room 001, Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster () or Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 29 October 2004, Workshop on Belief Revision: 'Changing Minds', Room A-303, University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 15, Amsterdam

    Date & Time: Friday 29 October 2004, 13:45-19:45
    Location: Room A-303, University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 15, Amsterdam

    Belief revision theory was first developed to give a formal answer to this question, following a long tradition of philosophical work on theory change. In the last two decades, belief revision has become one of the most active areas of research, at the confluence between cognitive science, logic, philosophy, and AI. Nevertheless, the most crucial features of belief revision still remain unsolved - and the main reason lies in a serious lack of integration between the 'formal side' and the 'cognitive side' of the problem, i.e. between approaches first developed in logic, computer science and philosophy, and theoretical models and empirical evidences gathered in the field of cognitive science and experimental psychology.

    This workshop brings together leading experts in several related fields to discuss these issues and compare distinct approaches. Different paradigms need not to merge, since they might turn out to address complementary aspects of belief change. But in this workshop they will be confronted with each other, to clarify differences and synergies - with special emphasis on the primacy of cognitive studies. Belief revision is perhaps the most fundamental of our cognitive skills: therefore, its formal understanding cannot abstract from empirical data on belief change in humans.

    For more information and abstracts, see:

    For more information, see here .
  • 29 October, Generating Anaphoric Expressions

    Date & Time: Friday 29 October, 13:30
    Speaker: Kristina Striegnitz (Saarland University)
    Location: Room F009, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    Discourse anaphora are important devices for achieving cohesion in natural language texts. It is, therefore, important that natural language generation systems are able to correctly use the anaphoric devices provided by natural languages in order generate fluent and natural sounding texts.

    Research in natural language generation has concentrated on one specific class of anaphoric expressions, namely, definite noun phrases referring to a previously mentioned entity. Anaphora that establish a link to an expression which is not co-referent with the anaphoric expression and non-nominal anaphora have not been treated, so far.

    In my talk, I will present the standard approaches to the generation of co-referential noun phrases and will then show how to extend them to other kinds of anaphoric expressions. In particular, I will discuss the generation of bridging descriptions (as in 1) and of additive particles (as in 2).

    (1) Antonia walked towards the house. Suddenly, THE DOOR opened.
    (2) Antonia likes cake. She ALSO likes ice cream.

    For more information, please contact

  • 29 October 2004, Masterclass 'Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation'

    Date: 29 October 2004
    Speaker: Judith Aissen, Gerhard Jaeger, Barbara Partee, Paul Smolensky
    Location: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam

    As part of the Colloquium 'Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation' the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences organizes a masterclass on 29 October 2004 in Amsterdam, co-sponsored by the Cognition Programme of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. There are lectures by Judith Aissen, Gerhard Jaeger, Barbara Partee, and Paul Smolensky about topics in the area of linguistic explanation, semantic interpretation and cognitive architecture. The masterclass is intended for PhD students in linguistics and cognitive science and has an advanced level.

    For more information, see here or

  • 27 October 2004 , DIP Colloquium, Claudia Casadio

    Date & Time: Wednesday 27 October 2004 <em>(changed)</em>, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Claudia Casadio
    (Università degli studi G. d'Annunzio)
    Title: Quantifiers and Scope in Pregroup Grammar
    Location: Room 001, Department of Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 20 october, MoL room brainstorm session

    Date & Time: Wednesday 20 october, 17:15
    Location: MoL room (P.130), Euclides building
    Target audience: MoL students

    The main purpose of the meeting is to come up with ideas for biweekly activities to be held in the MoL room for and by the MoL students. Other than that, we are happy to discuss ongoing issues, wishes and complaints (about the room).

  • 20 October 2004, AI in the Wild, Cognition in dynamic environments, RUG Academiegebouw, Senaatskamer, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

    Date & Time: Wednesday 20 October 2004, 11:30
    Location: RUG Academiegebouw, Senaatskamer, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

    The symposium 'Artificial Intelligence in the wild' will be organized at the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the AI Institute Groningen on Wednesday October 20th, before the BNAIC'04 conference.

    The symposium will be focusing on the achievements of the situated & embodied paradigm, in contrast to logic-based approaches. The "wild" environment in this respect covers both the natural and man-made environments and environments in which the physical presence of the human user plays a central role in man-machine interaction. Speakers will be invited who cover a number of views on these topics.

    For more information, see

  • 15 October 2004, DIP Colloquium, Jason Mattausch

    Date & Time: Friday 15 October 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Jason Mattausch (ZAS, Berlin)
    Title: Bias & the Optimization of Grammar
    Location: Room C105, Oudemanhuispoort 4, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 12 October 2004, Logic Tea, Boudewijn de Bruin

    Date & Time: Tuesday 12 October 2004, 17:15-18:15
    Speaker: Boudewijn de Bruin
    Title: Logic, Games and Paradoxes
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam (<em>changed</em>)

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster () or Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 8 October 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Robbert Brak

    Date & Time: Friday 8 October 2004, 15:00-17:00
    Speaker: Robbert Brak (Edinburgh)
    Title: Theorem provers and Agent Interaction Protocols
    Location: Room 048, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
    (Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 8-10 October 2004, North Texas Logic Conference, Denton TX, U.S.A.

    Date: 8-10 October 2004
    Location: Denton TX, U.S.A.
    Deadline: 8 August 2004

    Plenary speakers: Andreas Blass, Gregg Hjorth, Julia Knight, Peter Komjath, Ted Slaman and John Steel. Invited speakers: Peter Cholak, John Clemens, Ilias Farah, Matt Foreman, Benedikt Löwe, Itay Neeman, Reed Solomon, Slawomir Solecki, Jindra Zapletal and Martin Zeman

    For more information, see

  • 7-8 October 2004, Secure Multi-Party Protocols (SMP '04)

    Date: 7-8 October 2004
    Location: Amsterdam

    Cryptographic protocols play an important role for building secure distributed systems. Such protocols involve the interaction of several agents with potentially conflicting security goals. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from the cryptography and distributed computing areas, from academia and industry, who are working on secure multiparty protocols for distributed systems, in order to engage in a discussion about common goals and important research problems in the overlap of the areas.

    The Secure Multi-Party Protocols (SMP '04) workshop is organized by ECRYPT, the European Network of Excellence in Cryptology, and in connection with DISC 2004, the 18th Annual Conference on Distributed Computing, which takes place October 5-7, in Amsterdam. (The program of October 7 will be partially joint with DISC, and held at the same venue.)

    For more information, see

  • 5 October 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Jan Hidders

    Date & Time: Tuesday 5 October 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Jan Hidders
    Title: Deciding static properties of XPath expressions
    Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.29

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Georgi Jojgov ().

  • 28 September 2004, Logic Tea, Barteld Kooi

    Date & Time: Tuesday 28 September 2004, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Barteld Kooi
    Title: The Hangman Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic Logic
    Location: Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam (<em>changed</em>)

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster () or Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 28 September - 1 October 2004, Logic, Games and Philosophy: Foundational Perspectives, Prague, Czech Republic

    Date: 28 September - 1 October 2004
    Location: Prague, Czech Republic
    Deadline: 15 June 2004

    Games, like logics, are tools for investigating the world, language, and their relationship. Semantic, dialogic, evolutionary, interrogative, argumentative, and pragmatic methods have been included into the toolkit. Following the recent increase in investment on games and game-theoretic methods in logic, language, computation and communication, we still need a better understanding of the possibilities of forming converging methodologies underlying these diverse contemporary currents. The purpose of the Prague Conference on Logic, Games and Philosophy: Foundational Perspectives is to explore the interfaces between logic and games with the eye on philosophical, methodological and foundational issues.

    Deadline for submissions is June 15, 2004. For more information, see or here.

  • 24 September 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Andrés Perea

    Date & Time: Friday 24 September 2004, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Andrés Perea (Maastricht)
    Title: Minimal belief revision leads to backward induction
    Location: Room P.014, Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan.)

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 24 September 2004, DIP Colloquium, Emar Maier

    Date & Time: Friday 24 September 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Emar Maier (Nijmegen)
    Title: De se vs de re belief reports under quantification
    Location: Room C105, Oudemanhuispoort 4, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 23-26 August 2004, 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2004), Cambridge, UK

    Date: 23-26 August 2004
    Location: Cambridge, UK

    The ICPR2004 Theme is "Pattern Recognition in the Digital World", and will be a multi-track international forum for discussions on recent advances in the fields of:

    • Computer Vision and Robotics
    • Pattern Recognition
    • Neural Networks
    • Image and Signal Processing
    • Biomedical, multimedia and e-commerce applications

    Deadline for registration: 6 August 2004

    For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see

  • 21-22 October 2004, BNAIC'04, Groningen

    Date: 21-22 October 2004
    Location: Groningen
    Deadline: 1 June 2004

    The 16th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC'04) aims at presenting an overview of state-of-the art research in AI in Belgium and the Netherlands. Topics of interest include cognitive modeling, neural networks and AI in law, music & art. The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2004. The conference is preceded by the workshop "AI in the wild: Cognition in dynamic environments".

    For more information, see

  • 15 September 2004, The History of Rhetoric, Jeroen Bons

    Date & Time: Wednesday 15 September 2004, 15:15-17:00
    Speaker: Jeroen Bons (Utrecht)
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    This lecture will cover the history of classical rhetoric, concentrating on the role of argumentation, and give some perspectives on development into the Middle Ages. It is part of the course "Core Logic" and specifically addressing the students in the M.Sc. programme in logic. Of course, all other ILLC logicians (both students and staff members) are cordially invited as well.

  • 14 September 2004, Logic Tea, Stefan Bold

    Date & Time: Tuesday 14 September 2004, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Stefan Bold
    Title: Sets and Games
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster () or Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 11 - 12 September 2004, 1st international workshop on Views On Designing Complex Architectures (VODCA 2004)

    Date: 11 - 12 September 2004
    Location: Bertinoro, Italy
    Deadline: 12 September 2004

    Security and management of information are key issues in informatics, and are among its fast-developing fields. On the one hand, this calls for a continuous attention of the researchers to the most recent developments in these areas. On the other hand, it asks those same researchers to come up with novel ideas and insights, while designing their own views for the growth of these fields.

    The workshop aims at providing a platform for young scientist to present their research views on all areas related to the design of complex architectures, with a special focus on the security and management of information.

    Deadline for submissions is June 25th, 2004. For more information, see or here, or contact

  • 10 September 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Alexander Leitsch

    Date & Time: Friday 10 September 2004, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Alexander Leitsch (Vienna)
    Title: CERES: Cut-Elimination by Resolution
    Location: Room 048, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
    (Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 10 September 2004, DIP Colloquium, Yoad Winter

    Date & Time: Friday 10 September 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Yoad Winter (Technion)
    Title: How strong is the Strongest Meaning Hypothesis?
    Location: Room C105, Oudemanhuispoort 4, Amsterdam (<em>changed</em>)

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 9-11 September 2004, Advances in Modal Logic (AiML-2004), Manchester, UK

    Date: September 9-11, 2004
    Location: Manchester, UK
    Deadline: 15 April 2004

    Advances in Modal Logic is an initiative aimed at presenting an up-to-date picture of the state of the art in modal logic and its many applications. The initiative consists of a conference series together with volumes based on the conferences. AiML-2004 is the fifth conference organized as part of this initiative.

    Invited speakers include: Philippe Balbiani (Toulouse), Keith Devlin (Stanford) , Valentin Goranko (Johannesburg), Wiebe van der Hoek (Liverpool), Maarten Marx (Amsterdam), Robert Stalnaker (MIT). During the conference there will be a special session on "Modal Logics for Knowledge and Action".

    For more information, see

  • 2 September 2004, Annual ILLC Boat Trip

    Date & Time: Thursday 2 September 2004, 16:30
    Location: Gather at frontdesk, Building Euclides, Plantage Muidergracht 24

    The Master of Logic Programme will be organising an introduction for the new students on Thursday 2nd of September. Part of the Master of Logic programme is a boattrip through the canals of Amsterdam. The boat will depart at 16.30 sharp from behind Euclides (same as last year).

    We would like to invite you all to join the boattrip. However, as we have quite a few new students and as this is the first year we are running the 2nd year programme we may encounter a capacity problem as only 60 people are allowed on the boat. To prevent dissapointment we ask you to register for the boattrip.

    For more information, see here.

  • 22-27 August 2004, 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004), Valencia, Spain

    Date: 22-27 August 2004
    Location: Valencia, Spain
    Deadline: 13 February 2004

    ECAI is the more and more becoming a key reference point for assessing a worldwide State-of-the-Art in Artificial Intelligence. The conference brings together researchers from academy, software developers and users from industry and public organizations, offering them invaluable occasions to meet and exchange ideas, thus contributing to making real the upcoming 'Information Society'.

    Along with refereed paper presentations and invited talks by prestigious speakers, the conference will offer, on August 22 through 24, 2004, workshops and tutorials on most advanced topics.

    For more information, see the conference website at

  • 16-20 August 2004, Workshop: Semantic Approaches to Binding Theory

    Date: 16-20 August 2004
    Location: Nancy, France
    Deadline: 26 March 2004

    Binding Theory, which is concerned with sentence-internal constraints on anaphora, was originally conceived in syntactic terms as a set of conditions on the distribution of indices. But other researchers have attempted to derive these constraints from lexical semantics or the interpretative procedure rather than the syntax. Some add a semantic component to a syntactic core, but others are more radically semantic.

    The workshop, which is intended for advanced PhD students and researchers, will provide a forum to compare and assess these diverse proposals. We welcome proposals for 45mn contributions (30mn presentation + 15mn discussion), which should be specific, explicit and semantically informed.

    Extended deadline for submissions is March 26, 2004. This workshop is part of ESSLLI 2004. For more information, see the workshop website at

  • 16-20 August 2004, LCMAS04, Nancy, France

    Date: 16-20 August 2004
    Location: Nancy, France
    Deadline: 15 March 2004

    The workshop, this year in its second edition, aims at bringing together graduate students and researchers interested in topics related to the use of formal tools when applied to modelling, specifying, verifying, and reasoning about multi-agent systems in which communication and updating play a crucial role. Specifically, the workshop aims at providing a forum for discussing technical issues that arise with formalisms (epistemic, temporal, dynamic and authentication logics and tools) inspired by the needs of modelling information exchanges in multi-agent systems.

    The workshop will be held within the context of ESSLLI04, the 2004 edition of the European Summer School on Logic Language and Computation, to be held in Nancy in August 2004.

    Those wishing to participate in the workshop are invited to submit an original research paper, at or before March 15, 2004. For more information, see

    For more information, see here .
  • 9-10 August 2004, Canceled: LAMAS 2 (Second Australasian Workshop on Logic and Multiagent Systems)

    Date: 9-10 August 2004
    Location: Sheraton Auckland Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand
    Deadline: 15 May 2004

    LAMAS 2 is one the workshops associated with the eighth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( PRICAI ). It is a follow-up workshop to a previous workshop on logic and multiagent Systems ( LAMAS ) held at the University of Otago in October 2002. The workshop aims to provide a forum to foster lively and fruitful discussion on issues involved in logic and multiagent systems.

    The LAMAS2 organizers are Hans van Ditmarsch, Stephen Cranefield, Thomas Meyer, and Guido Governatori. The submission deadline is 15 May 2004. Particular topics of interest are: (1) Specification, verification, and synthesis of multiagent systems (2) Belief revision, belief merging, and dynamic epistemic logics (3) Protocols concerning commitment and negotiation (4) Logics of institutional agency (5) Non-monotonic reasoning, automated reasoning, and model checking.

    For more information, see

  • 09-21 August 2004, ESSLLI-2004:
    16th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Nancy, France

    Date: 09-21 August 2004
    Location: Nancy, France
    Deadline: 16 July 2003

    The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic and computation. Foundational, introductory and advanced courses together with workshops cover a wide variety of topics within the three areas of interest: Language and Computation, Language and Logic, and Logic and Computation.

    The school has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students, researchers and IT professionals interested in the interdisciplinary study of Logic, Language and Information. ESSLLI-2004 is organised under the auspices of the European Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI).

    Extended deadline for early registration is May 7th, 2004. For more information and an online registration form, see the website at

  • 24-31 July 2004, Logic Colloqium 2004 (ASL European Summer Meeting), Torino, Italy

    Date: 24-31 July 2004
    Location: Torino, Italy

    For more information, see

  • 19-22 July 2004, 11th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC'2004), Paris, France

    Date: 19-22 July 2004
    Location: Paris, France

    WoLLIC is a series of workshops which started in 1994 with the aim of fostering interdisciplinary research in pure and applied logic. The idea is to have a forum which is large enough in the number of possible interactions between logic and the sciences related to information and computation, and yet is small enough to allow for concrete and useful interaction among participants.

    For more information, an online registration form and a preliminary program, see

  • 16 - 18 July 2004, LOFT: Logic and the Foundations of the Theory of Games and Decisions, Leipzig, Germany

    Date: 16 - 18 July 2004
    Location: Leipzig, Germany
    Deadline: 31 March 2004

    This is the sixth in a series of conferences on the applications of logical methods to foundational issues in the theory of individual and interactive decision-making.

    The aim of the LOFT conferences is to promote exchange across different disciplines. Preference is given to papers which bring together the work and problems of several fields, such as game and decision theory, logic, computer science and artificial intelligence, philosophy, cognitive psychology, mathematics and mind sciences. Among the topics of particular relevance are:

    For more information, see here or the conference website at

  • 14-17 July 2004, LICS 2004, Turku, Finland

    Date: 14-17 July 2004
    Location: Turku, Finland

    The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that relate to logic in a broad sense. The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Computing.

    LICS 2004 will be held in conjunction with the thirty-first International Colloquium on Automata ,Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2004). The LICS Program Chair is H.Ganzinger ( ). Workshops are planned for July 12 13 and July 18.

    For more information, see the conference website at

  • 12-16 July 2004, ICALP 2004, Turku, Finland

    Date: 12-16 July 2004
    Location: Turku, Finland

    The 31st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2004) is organized at Turku University by the Department of Mathematics and Turku Centre for Computer Science. ICALP is the main conference and annual meeting of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS). ICALP 2004 is colocated with the 19th International Conference on Logic in Computer Science (LICS04).

    For more information, see the conference website at

  • 10-11 July 2004, Knowledge and Games Workshop

    Date: 10-11 July 2004
    Location: Liverpool
    Deadline: 1 May 2004

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from the multi-agent systems, logic, and game theory communities in order to discuss work that combines, in some way, formal theories of knowledge and games. The workshop will take place immediately after the European Agent Systems Summer School, which will also be held in Liverpool.

    For more information, see here or

  • 5 - 9 July 2004, 6th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS'04)

    Date: 5 - 9 July 2004
    Location: Liverpool, UK

    After successful summer schools on Agent Systems in Utrecht, Saarbrucken, Prague, Bologna and Barcelona, AgentLink III organises the 6th European Agent Systems Summer School in Liverpool, UK., 5 - 9 July 2004.

    EASSS 2004 will consist of a mixture of introductory and advanced courses delivered by internationally leading experts in the agent field, and will cover the full range of theoretical and practical aspects of agent-based computing.

    EASSS'04 is open to anyone from research or industry, both AgentLink members and non-members alike. A registration fee will be charged to cover costs, but some support will also be available for PhD students.

    For more information, see

  • 29 June 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Suzana Andova

    Date & Time: Tuesday 29 June 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Suzana Andova
    Title: Equivalences for silent transitions in Probabilistic Systems
    Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Georgi Jojgov ().

  • 25 June 2004, DIP Colloquium, David Ahn

    Date & Time: Friday 25 June 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: David Ahn (ILPS)
    Title: Bi-polar domain restriction in adverbial quantification
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 25 June 2004, DIP Colloquium, Isidora Stojanovic

    Date & Time: Friday 25 June 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Isidora Stojanovic (Stanford)
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 25 June 2004, The Plastic Brain, Gertrudiskapel, Utrecht, across Utrecht CS

    Date & Time: 25 June 2004, 10:00-17:00
    Location: Gertrudiskapel, Utrecht, across Utrecht CS

    "THE BRAIN IS MORE CHANGEABLE THAN WE EVER THOUGHT", to quote the special issue of Scientific American, "Better Brains", September 2003. The Dutch national Cognition programme is organizing a scientific symposium around this theme at Friday June 25 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. At the symposium, our distinguished speakers Gregory Ball, Barbara Koenig (to be confirmed), Tom Mitchell and Gregory Quirk will discuss these issues from the points of view of ethology, ethics, artificial intelligence and physiology respectively. Get ready for a stimulating event about seasonal brain changes, the reduction of fear, computers reading our mind and free will.

    Participation is free, but as there is only a limited numbers of seats available registration is obligatory. Registration is possible by sending an e-mail before Monday June 14 to stating your name and affiliation. You will be informated as soon as possible about your participation.

    For more information, see

  • 22 June 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Clemens Grabmayer

    Date & Time: Tuesday 22 June 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Clemens Grabmayer (VU)
    Title: Derivability and admissibility of inference rules in abstract Hilbert systems
    Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Georgi Jojgov ().

  • 22 June 2004, Computing with LLI Seminar, Paul Ogilvie

    Date & Time: Tuesday 22 June 2004, 12:00
    Speaker: Paul Ogilvie
    (Language Technologies Institute, CMU)
    Title: Understanding Combination of Evidence in the Language Modeling
    Location: Room F.009, Gebouw F, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 17 June 2004, Logic Tea, Detlef Prescher

    Date & Time: Thursday 17 June 2004, 17:15-18:30
    Speaker: Detlef Prescher
    Title: Probabilistic Grammars
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Olivier Roy () or Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 11 June 2004, Computing with LLI Seminar, Michael Masuch

    Date & Time: Friday 11 June 2004, 16:00
    Speaker: Michael Masuch
    Title: Consistency Is a Largely Overrated Concept---Ken Livingston,
    Mayor of London
    Location: Room F.009, Gebouw F, Kruislaan 403, Amsterdam

    Michael Masuch will retire at the end of this term, and the LIT group wants to take the opportunity to celebrate. There will be drinks and nibbles after Michael's presentation.

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 10 June 2004, FNWI sitevisit to ILLC

    Date & Time: 10 June 2004, 13:00-17:30
    Location: Room P.018, Euclides, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    On Thursday, June 10th, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and his staff will visit our Institute. The program consists of two parts:

    13.00 -13.30 uur: Reception by institute, lunch
    13.30 -14.45 uur: Board meeting Faculty-Institute

    15.00-15.45: Lecture by Rens Bod and Aline Honingh: "Computational models of Language, Images, and Music"
    15.45-16.15 uur: Meeting in which everybody can ask questions to the management of the Faculty of Science and of the ILLC
    16.15 --17.30: Drinks!!!

    For more information, please contact

  • 10-11 June 2004, Linguistic Perspectives on Numerical Expressions, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics-OTS

    Date: 10-11 June 2004
    Location: Utrecht Institute of Linguistics-OTS

    Knowledge of language and knowledge of the number system are two cognitive capacities that have been characterized as being genuinely human. A core property which is shared by these two cognitive domains is that of discrete infinity: just like the series of numbers goes on indefinitely (you can always add one more), you can go on building linguistic structures by adding new linguistic material to the already built structure, as in John and Peter and Sue and Betty and ... This property of discrete infinity accounts for the fact that there is no limit in principle to how many words a sentence may contain. In Language and Problems of Knowledge, Noam Chomsky speculates on the idea that the number faculty developed as a by-product of the language faculty. He states that we might think of the human number faculty as essentially an abstraction from human language, preserving the mechanisms of discrete infinity and eliminating the other special features of language. This thought-provoking idea suggests a certain relationship between knowledge of language and numerical knowledge. The general aim of the workshop is to further our understanding of this relationship between the two cognitive systems.

    For more information, a program and an online registration form, see

  • 9 June 2004, DIP Colloquium, Gennaro Chierchia

    Date & Time: Wednesday 9 June 2004, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Gennaro Chierchia (Milan)
    Title: Domain Widening and its implicatures. A new look at negative
    polarity vs. free choice and the grammar/pragmatics interface
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 9 June 2004, DIP Colloquium, Gennaro Chierchia

    Date & Time: Wednesday 9 June 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Gennaro Chierchia (Milan)
    Title: Domain Widening and its implicatures: A new look at negative
    polarity vs. free choice and the grammar/pragmatics interface
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 8 June 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Martijn Oostdijk

    Date & Time: Tuesday 8 June 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Martijn Oostdijk
    Location: TU Eindhoven, MA 1.41

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Georgi Jojgov ().

  • 4 June 2004, DIP Colloquium, Beata Gyuris

    Date & Time: Friday 4 June 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Beata Gyuris (ZAS, Berlin)
    Title: A new look at the semantics/pragmatics of contrastive topics in Hungarian
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 4 June 2004, Computing with LLI Seminar, Maarten Marx

    Date & Time: Friday 4 June 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: Maarten Marx
    Title: A generalization of Kamp's theorem to trees
    Location: Room F.009, Gebouw F, Kruislaan 409, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 4-5 June 2004, OzsL School Event, Utrecht

    Date: 4-5 June 2004
    Location: Utrecht

    OZSL organizes, in collaboration with the Heyting Foundation a SCHOOL EVENT on June 4 and 5. Everybody is welcome!

    For more information and a program, see

  • 28 May 2004, Computing with LLI Seminar, Jan Kors

    Date & Time: Friday 28 May 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: Jan Kors
    (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
    Title: Thesaurus-based detection and disambiguation of gene symbols in large text corpora
    Location: Room F.009, Gebouw F, Kruislaan 409, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 26 May 2004, Automath Symposium, Auditorium 16, TU Eindhoven

    Date & Time: Wednesday 26 May 2004, 14:30 - 17:45
    Speaker: Henk Barendregt, Herman Geuvers, Freek Wiedijk, N.G. de Bruijn, Georgi Jojgov
    Location: Auditorium 16, TU Eindhoven

    An important question is whether computer assisted proofs are acceptable to the scientific community. One can distinguish romantic (human understandable) vs cool (machine verified) proofs. The heart of the matter is whether a proof is reliable. Reliability can be obtained by providing fully formalised proofs that can be algorithmically verified. The methodology of de Bruijn's Automath Project delivers proofs that are reliable and human-readable.

    What is the feasibility of constructing fully formalised proofs for `everyday use' in mathematics? Interactive support from the computer in developing proofs brings us a step forward, but how far can we get? On the occasion of the digitizing of the Automath Archive a short symposium is organised on these matters, as a cooperation of the ZIC-colloquium and the Brouwer Seminar of the Foundations group in Nijmegen.

    All information on the program of this symposium can be found at the website: For more information, please contact

  • 24 May 2004, International Workshop on Language Resources: Integration and Development in E-Learning and in Teaching Computational Linguistics., Centro Cultural de Belem, LISBON, Portugal

    Date: Monday 24 May 2004
    Location: Centro Cultural de Belem, LISBON, Portugal
    Costs: 100 EURO for LREC Conference participants and 170 EURO for other participants
    Deadline: 15 February 2004

    Language resources (LRs) are of crucial importance not only for research and development in language and speech technology but also for teaching purposes. E-learning added a new dimension to the usability of language resources and made them interesting outside the area of computational linguistics.

    This one-day workshop will focus on the integration of LRs in the educational process and the relation between LRs and e-learning. Special attention will be dedicated to the use of LRs in the curriculum of computational linguistics.

    Extended Deadline for abstract submissions is February 15th, 2004. For more information, see This workshop is organized in association with the LREC 2004, the 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evalution.

  • 19 May 2004, Computing with LLI Seminar, Karin Müller

    Date & Time: Wednesday 19 May 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: Karin Müller
    Title: Semi-Automatic Construction of a Question Treebank
    Location: Room F.009, Gebouw F, Kruislaan 409, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 May 2004, DIP Colloquium, Hans-Christian Schmitz

    Date & Time: Friday 14 May 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Hans-Christian Schmitz (Bonn)
    Title: Optimal accentuation
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 May 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Andreas Weiermann

    Date & Time: Friday 14 May 2004, 15:00-17:00
    Speaker: Andreas Weiermann (Utrecht)
    Title: Classifying the phase transition
    for Ackermannian Paris Harrington - functions
    Location: Room K11, Wiskundegebouw, Budapestlaan 6, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 May 2004, Language and Inference Technology (LIT) Seminar, Walter Daelemans

    Date & Time: Friday 14 May 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: Walter Daelemans
    Title: Memory-Based Word Sense Disambiguation
    Location: Room F.009, Gebouw F, Kruislaan 409, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 14 May 2004, Leve de Wiskunde! Passie voor het vak (Open dag)

    Date & Time: Friday 14 May 2004, 11:00-16:30
    Location: Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    On friday 14 May the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation will host an Open Day for teachers of mathematics, students, and other interested parties. 'Leve de Wiskunde' is the opportunity to become acquainted with the renowned research programs in mathematics and logic at the UvA.

    For more information and an online application form, see

  • Two Days of Truth

    Date: Friday-Saturday 14-15 May, 2004
    Speaker: Wolfgang Künne (Hamburg), Göran Sundholm (Leiden/NIAS), Jan Wolenski (Cracow/NIAS), Kevin Mulligan (Geneva)
    Location: Leiden

    On 14/5 Wolfgang Künne will give an overview of his recent magnum opus "Conceptions of Truth", Oxford U. P., 2003. On 15/5 Sundholm and Wolenski will discuss specific issues in the book, and Mulligan will speak on truth- and -fact-making.

    For more information, see

  • 14-16 May 2004, Third Flamish-Dutch Congress for Philosophy of Science, ISVW, Leusden

    Date: 14-16 May 2004
    Location: ISVW, Leusden

    From Friday May 14th to Sunday May 16th the Third Flamish-Dutch Congress for General and Special Philosophy of Science will take place. The congress will be organized by the Dutch Society for Philosophy of Science (NVWF) and hosted by the International School for Philosophy (ISVW) in Leusden.

    For more information (in Dutch), see here or

  • 26-29 April 2004, Ciber@RT Bilbao 2004: "Challenges for a Ubiquitous Identity", Valencia, España

    Date: 26-29 April 2004
    Location: Valencia, España
    Costs: € 120; € 60 for students
    Deadline: 30 November 2003

    Focus on the challenges posed by cyberculture and the new artistic practices that use digital technologies and emerging technologies for their development. These technologies and the discussions, which they generate, have a wide-reaching social repercussion.

    For more information, see here or

  • 23 April 2004, DIP Colloquium, Henriette de Swart

    Date & Time: Friday 23 April 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Henriette de Swart (Utrecht University)
    Title: Marking and interpretation of negation: a bi-directional OT approach
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 23 April 2004, Computing with LLI Seminar, Arjen P. de Vries

    Date & Time: Friday 23 April 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: Arjen P. de Vries
    (CWI, Amsterdam)
    Title: Tolerance to Irrelevance: A User-effort Oriented Evaluation of Retrieval Systems without Predefined Retrieval Unit
    Location: Room F.009, Gebouw F, Kruislaan 409, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 22 April 2004, Logic Tea, Alessandra Palmigiano

    Date & Time: Thursday 22 April 2004, 17:15-18:30
    Speaker: Alessandra Palmigiano (Barcelona)
    Title: Selfextensional logics, duality and coalgebras
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster () or Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 20 April 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Jesper Carlström

    Date & Time: Tuesday 20 April 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Jesper Carlström
    Title: Interpreting descriptions in intensional type theory
    Location: TU Eindhoven, Auditorium 12 (<em>please note the unusual location</em>)

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Georgi Jojgov ().

  • 20 April 2004, ILLC 'TEST-TALKS' MOSAIEK, Fenrong Liu, Reut Tsarfati, Loredana Afanasiev

    Date & Time: Tuesday 20 April 2004, 11:30-13:00
    Speaker: Fenrong Liu Reut Tsarfati Loredana Afanasiev
    Location: room 3.27, building Euclides, Pl. Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    NWO organized three workshops to guide and evaluate the candidates and their proposals. On the 23rd of April the third workshop will take place and it involves talks by the candidates that will be play a role in evaluating the candidates and their proposals for this final round of selection. In this preparatory meeting, the three ILLC candidates will present their talks and invite comments.

    Max duration is 1 hour 30 minutes, up to 30 minutes per candidate. The candidates and titles of talks:
    1) Fenrong Liu; Logic of Social behavior
    2) Reut Tsarfati; Beyond Trees: Morphological and Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution for Hebrew
    3) Loredana Afanasiev;Model checking based algorithms for efficient query evaluation on XML documents

  • 16 April 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Nick Bezhanishvili

    Date & Time: Friday 16 April 2004, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Nick Bezhanishvili
    Title: The logic of the Rieger-Nishimura ladder
    Location: Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan.)

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 16 April 2004, DIP Colloquium, Andreas Haida

    Date & Time: Friday 16 April 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Andreas Haida (Berlin)
    Title: Focus in Interrogatives
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 16 April 2004, Computing with LLI Seminar, Jan Hidders

    Date & Time: Friday 16 April 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: Jan Hidders
    (ADReM, University of Antwerp)
    Title: Satisfiability of XPath Expressions
    Location: Room B2.44, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 15 April 2004, Logic Tea, Sieuwert van Otterloo

    Date & Time: Thursday 15 April 2004, 17:15-18:30
    Speaker: Sieuwert van Otterloo (Liverpool)
    Title: Preferences in Game Logics
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster () or Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 15-16 April 2004, Workshop on MODELS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

    Date: 15-16 April 2004
    Location: 'Soeterbeeck', Ravenstein (NB)
    Target audience: PhD-students and Post Docs
    Costs: Euro 185

    The goal of the workshop is to inform PhD-students about the standard philosophical views on the logical and methodological function of models in science and technology. Furthermore, it is our objective to confront these views with the ways in which scientists and engineers use models in their everyday scientific work.

    This workshop will be held in the context of the Dutch-Flemish Network for Philosophy of Science and Technology. Speakers include Wilfrid Hodges, Marcel Boumans, Peter van Oosterom, Michiel Korthals and Sjoerd Zwart.

    Participants should register before April 1st,by sending an e-mail to and by paying the workshop fee of Euro 185. The fee covers accommodation, meals and course material. Registration is definitive only after the workshop fee has been received.

    For more specific information turn to: Sjoerd Zwart (, tel: 015-2785906).

  • 6 April 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Gilles Dowek

    Date & Time: Tuesday 6 April 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Gilles Dowek (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
    Title: Cut elimination for axiomatic theories
    Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne ().

  • 2 April 2004, DIP Colloquium, Anna Mlynarczyk

    Date & Time: Friday 2 April 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Anna Mlynarczyk (Utrecht)
    Title: An Aspectual Classification of Polish Verbs
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 2 April 2004, Computing with LLI Seminar, Caterina Caracciolo and Sebastian Brand

    Date & Time: Friday 2 April 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: Caterina Caracciolo and Sebastian Brand
    Title: Towards a topic driven access to full text documents
    / Qualitative Spatial Reasoning
    Location: Room B2.44, Gebouw B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 2 April 2004, ILLC Meeting on Intuitionism

    Date & Time: Friday 2 April 2004, 13:15-17:00
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides building, Pl. Muidergracht 24

    It happens that at the ILLC there are presently 6 persons who have some actual relation with intuitionism. A meeting is organized in which they present their interests in an introductory way to each other; other ILLC members are welcome as well.

    For a preliminary program, see here

  • 1 April 2004, Logic Tea, Francien Dechesne, Universiteit Tilburg/TU Eindhoven

    Date & Time: Thursday 1 April 2004, 17:15-18:30
    Speaker: Francien Dechesne, Universiteit Tilburg/TU Eindhoven
    Title: IF-Logic and The Art of Theorem Reconstruction
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 27 March - 4 April 2004, ETAPS 2004, Barcelona, Spain

    Date: 27 March - 4 April 2004
    Location: Barcelona, Spain

    The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) is the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers working on topics related to Software Science. It is a confederation of five main conferences, a number of satellite workshops and other events.

    For more information, see the ETAPS website at

  • 26 March 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Alfred Jurcka ()

    Date & Time: Friday 26 March 2004, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Alfred Jurcka (<em>Canceled</em>)
    Title: Cardinal Characteristics of the Continuum
    Location: Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan.)

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 26 March 2004, Language and Inference Technology (LIT) Seminar, Frank Neven

    Date & Time: Friday 26 March 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: Frank Neven
    Title: Automata, Logic, and XML
    Location: Room G1.03, Gebouw G, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 26 March 2004, CSCA Symposium on Development of Cognitive Control:
    Normative Changes and Psychopathology

    Date: Friday 26 March 2004
    Location: University of Amsterdam

    On March 26 2004 a symposium will be held on the development of cognitive control. Executive control refers to a domain of cognitive processing that is required for maintaining goal-directed, future-oriented behavior. This symposium focuses on a variety of research on the development of executive control. Applications to normal development as well as to deviant development will be covered.

    For more information and registration, see

  • 24 March 2004, CSCA Lecture, Brendan McGonigle

    Date & Time: Wednesday 24 March 2004, 16:00-17:15
    Speaker: Brendan McGonigle
    Title: Cognitive systems in evolution and development
    Location: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
    There are strong commonalities in human and non-human primate cognitive organisation. This similarity is the (inevitable) outcome of an adaptive economy principle governing the selection of actions and procedures beyond 'brute force' environmental arbitration and designed to secure the most powerful adaptations for the least investment in resource.

    For more information see the CSCA website at

  • 24-28 May 2004, Workshop Quantum Information Processing

    Date: 24-28 May 2004
    Location: Lorentz Center, Leiden University

    In recent years, quantum information science has emerged as a major research area at the intersection of physics, information theory, and computer science. It originated from the realization that information is not a purely abstract concept but depends on the physics of the systems in which it is represented.

    For more information, see

  • 22 March 2004, Mathematical Principles of Fuzzy Logic, Vilem Novak (University of Ostrava)

    Date & Time: Monday 22 March 2004, 17:00-19:00
    Speaker: Vilem Novak (University of Ostrava)
    Location: P.014

    For more information, see here, or contact either Jan van Eijck () or Benedikt Löwe ().

  • 19 March 2004, The Elegant Universe, dr. Brian Greene (Columbia Univerity)

    Date & Time: Friday 19 March 2004, 20:00
    Speaker: dr. Brian Greene (Columbia Univerity)
    Location: Aula, Singel 411, Amsterdam

    The Institute for Theoretical Physics cordially invites you to attend the lecture 'The Elegant Universe' by Dr. Brian Greene (Columbia University). The lecture is about the String Theory and the search for the ultimate theory. Dr. Greene is the author of a book with the title 'The Elegant Universe' and he is frequently invited to give lectures.

    Registration: Please contact before 16 March next. Please state your name and adress and the free entrance ticket will be send to you.
    For more information, see

  • 19 March 2004, DIP Colloquium, Kris de Jaegher

    Date & Time: Friday 19 March 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Kris de Jaegher (Brussel)
    Title: Costly signaling conversations in the electronic mail game
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 17 March 2004, General Mathematics Colloquium, John Kuiper

    Date & Time: Wednesday 17 March 2004, 11:15-12:15
    Speaker: John Kuiper (Utrecht)
    Title: Brouwer's road to intuitionism
    Location: Room P.014, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    In the beginning of the twentieth century a new movement was added to the existing two that attempted to lay a solid foundation for the mathematical building. After Frege, Russell and Couturat, who viewed logic as the ultimate basis for mathematics, and Hilbert's formalist approach in which mathematics is just a manipulation with meaningless signs and symbols, Brouwer worked out earlier ideas by Poincaré and Borel: mathematics has an extra-logical content too.

    For Brouwer, the ultimate basis for all mathematics is the ur-intuition of `the move of time', that is, the experience of the fact that two not-coinciding mental events are connected by a time continuum. Departing from this ur-intuition, the whole of mathematics, hence including set theory and geometry, can be constructed. In is early years as an active mathematician (in his own terms: his `first intuitionistic period', between 1907 and, say, 1914; note that most of his time during those years was spent on topology) his constructivistic requirements were very strict: only that what is constructed by the individual mind (mathematics is essentially languageless) counts as a mathematical object. In this lecture we will work this out for the logical figure of the hypothetical judgement in a mathematical context, and we will see that, in hindsight, Brouwer went too far in his constructivism.

    For more information, see

  • 16 March 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Luís Cruz-Filipe

    Date & Time: Tuesday 16 March 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Luís Cruz-Filipe
    Title: Formalizing Constructive Mathematics in Type Theory
    Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne ().

  • 15 March 2004, Maagdenhuis op maandag

    Date & Time: Monday 15 March 2004, 17:30-18:00
    Speaker: Rens Bod
    Title: De unificatie van taal, beeld en muziek
    Location: Maagdenhuis, Spui 21, Amsterdam
    Costs: Free

    Taal, muziek en beeld lijken essentieel verschillend. Toch is er ook een opvallende overeenkomst. Bij het waarnemen van talige, muzikale en visuele stimuli vindt een structureringsproces plaats dat het best kan worden omschreven als een boom met vertakkingen. Dit doet de vraag rijzen of er een onderliggend model voor perceptie bestaat dat de waargenomen structuur kan voorspellen voor sensorische invoer in het algemeen - of deze nu talig, muzikaal of visueel is. Rens Bod, onderzoeker aan het Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) van de UvA, zal deze vraag in zijn voordracht bevestigend beantwoorden.

    For more information, see here or http://www.uva.nli/

  • 12 March 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Claire Kouwenhoven

    Date & Time: Friday 12 March 2004, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Claire Kouwenhoven (Utrecht)
    Title: The algebraic set theory of the effective topos
    Location: Room K11, Wiskundegebouw, Budapestlaan 6, Utrecht
    (Bus 11 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 12 March 2004 (changed), DIP Colloquium, Gerlof Bouma

    Date & Time: Friday 12 March 2004 (changed), 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Gerlof Bouma (Groningen)
    Title: Pronoun Resolution in Optimality Theory
    Location: MFR (Room 001), Philosophy Department, Nw. Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 12 March 2004, Language and Inference Technology (LIT) Seminar, Gianni Amati

    Date & Time: Friday 12 March 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: Gianni Amati (Rome)
    Title: Parameter-free model and selective application of Query Expansion
    Location: Room G1.03, Gebouw G, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 11 March 2004, Logic Tea, Krister Segerberg

    Date & Time: Thursday 11 March 2004, 17:15-18:30
    Speaker: Krister Segerberg
    Title: The getting of knowledge or some remarks on epistemic logic
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster () or Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 10 - 11 March 2004, Expert workshop "The State of the Art in Modal Logic"

    Date & Time: 10 - 11 March 2004, 09:30-
    Location: Room P.017/P.019, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    A group of leading researchers in Modal Logic will meet in Amsterdam, to discuss their contributions to the upcoming Handbook of Modal Logic. The Handbook, edited by Johan van Benthem, Patrick Blackburn and Frank Wolter, will provide an authoritative document concerning the scope and uses of modal logic today, while also creating new perspectives on most promising future research developments.

    10 March: room P.017, 10.00 - (coffee and tea are available at 09:30)
    11 March: room P.018, 09.30 - (coffee and tea area available at 09.00)

    For more detailed information about the Handbook, cf. If you are interested in attending some of the sessions, please contact Balder ten Cate <>.

  • 10-13 March 2004, IAS-8: The 8th Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, The Grand Hotel, Amsterdam

    Date: 10-13 March 2004
    Location: The Grand Hotel, Amsterdam

    The IAS conferences have been meeting places for researchers on intelligent systems that can directly sense and act in their own environment without demanding detailed supervision from humans. These systems are beginning to enter our daily life in ambient intelligence applications. Many new challenges are emerging to create systems that can operate and interact in human inhabited environments. The goal of the IAS-8 Conference is to exchange and stimulate research ideas about how to bring active, intelligent systems into our daily lives.

    For more information, see

  • 2 March 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Nicola Gambino

    Date & Time: Tuesday 2 March 2004, 17:00-18:00
    Speaker: Nicola Gambino (Cambridge)
    Title: Wellfounded Trees, Fixpoints and Free Monads
    Location: Euclides Building (P), Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    (Tram 9 from Central Station, to Plantage Badlaan.)

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 2 March 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Jos Baeten

    Date & Time: Tuesday 2 March 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Jos Baeten
    Title: A brief history of process algebra
    Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne ().

  • 29 February - 5 March 2004, 9th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS'04, Palmse, Estonia

    Date: 29 February - 5 March 2004
    Location: Palmse, Estonia
    Target audience: PhD students in logic and theoretical computer science
    Deadline: 16 January 2004

    This is the 9th edition of a regional-scope international winter school for (theoretical) computer science. Lecturers include S. Artemov (CUNY), R. Freivalds (U. Latvia), A. Jung (Birmingham), M. Naor (Weizmann) and M. Sudan (MIT / Radcliffe)

    The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts for student talks/posters is 16 Jan. 2004. For more information, a program and an online registration form, see

  • 27 February 2004, Computing with LLI Seminar, David Ahn

    Date & Time: Friday 27 February 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: David Ahn
    (Rochester and Amsterdam)
    Title: Domain restriction in adverbial quantification
    Location: Room G1.03, Gebouw G, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 27 February 2004, DIP Colloquium, Henriette de Swart ()

    Date: Friday 27 February 2004
    Speaker: Henriette de Swart (<em>Canceled</em>)

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 27-29 February 2004, 28th Penn Linguistics Colloquium (PLC28), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

    Date: February 27-29, 2004
    Speaker: Juliette Blevins (University of California, Berkeley)
    Location: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
    Costs: registration by 18 feb. $15 students/$20 non
    Deadline: 8 December 2003

    The Penn Linguistics Colloquium is an annual conference organized by graduate students in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. Papers on any topic in linguistics and associated fields are welcome.

    Invited speaker is Juliette Blevins, who will speak on "Structure-preserving sound change: How and why?"

    Deadline for submissions is December 8, 2003. For more information and an online submission form, see or e-mail .

  • 26 February 2004, Logic Tea, Fabio Paglieri

    Date & Time: Thursday 26 February 2004, 17:15-18:30
    Speaker: Fabio Paglieri
    Title: AGM Belief Revision vs. Cognitive Models
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 20 February 2004, Language and Inference Technology (LIT) Seminar, Bart Jacobs

    Date & Time: Friday 20 February 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: Bart Jacobs
    Title: Formal Methods for Smart Cards: an experience report
    Location: Room G1.03, Gebouw G, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 19 February 2004, Logic Tea, Paul Harrenstein

    Date & Time: Thursday 19 February 2004, 17:15-18:30
    Speaker: Paul Harrenstein (Utrecht University)
    Title: Control and Preference in Propositional Logic
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 13 February 2004, DIP Colloquium, Jonathan Ginzburg

    Date & Time: Friday 13 February 2004, 16:30-17:30
    Speaker: Jonathan Ginzburg
    Title: The Simplest theory of Interrogative Meaning
    Location: Koffiehuis KHL, Oostelijke Handelskade 44, Amsterdam

    On Friday February 13, Jonathan Ginzburg will give a DIP talk at a workshop on Amsterdam research into questions which is held February 13/14. Please notice the unusual time and location.

    Those who are interested in attending the workshop are kindly asked to (fee-freely) register with: For abstracts and more information, see

  • 13 February 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Klaas Pieter Hart

    Date & Time: Friday 13 February 2004, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Klaas Pieter Hart (Delft)
    Title: Embeddability of the measure algebra
    Location: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
    (Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 13 February 2004, Computing with LLI Seminar, Börkur Sigurbjörnsson

    Date & Time: Friday 13 February 2004, 13:30
    Speaker: Börkur Sigurbjörnsson
    (LIT, Amsterdam)
    Title: The Importance of Element Length in XML Retrieval
    Location: Room G1.03, Gebouw G, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 13-14 February 2004, Questions Workshop in preparation of the Crispi volume

    Date: 13-14 February 2004
    Location: Koffiehuis KHL, Oostelijke Handelskade 44, Amsterdam

    Those who are interested in attending the workshop are kindly asked to (fee-freely) register with:

    For more information, see here.

  • 9 February 2004, CWI Talk, Chih-Jen Lin, National Taiwan University

    Date & Time: 9 February 2004, 14:00-15:00
    Speaker: Chih-Jen Lin, National Taiwan University
    Title: Support Vector Machines for Data Classification
    Location: Room Z 009, CWI, Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam

    Support vector machine (SVM) is a promising technique for data classification and regression. In this talk the speaker will 1) introduce its basic concepts, 2) discuss its current status, and 3) present an example using real-world data sets. Finally, the speaker would like to discuss common mistakes made by users when applying SVM.

    For more information, contact Rudi Cilibrasi (020-5924232, ) or Paul Vitanyi ().

  • 6 February 2004, Symposium 'Philosophy of Constructive Type Theory', Room 148, WSD-Building 1175, Leiden University

    Date: 6 February 2004
    Location: Room 148, WSD-Building 1175, Leiden University

    11.00-12.30: Per Martin-Löf (Stockholm), 'Sets, Types and Categories'
    14.00-15.00: B. G. Sundholm( Leiden), 'Three Key Features of Martin-Löf's Philosophy of Logic: Content, Judgement, First-Person Perspective?
    15.00-16.00: A. Ranta (Gothenburg), 'Language: A Type-Theoretical View'
    16.30-17.30: M. Bourdeau (MSH, Paris), 'Categories, Types, and Constructive Reference'
    17.30-18.30: Guido Löhrer (Bern), 'On Ends and Means - Constructive Type Theory as a Guide for Historical and Systematical Interpretation'.

  • 6 February 2004, Cognitie Publieksdag "De Toekomst van het Leren", RAI Congrescentrum, Amsterdam

    Date: 6 February 2004
    Location: RAI Congrescentrum, Amsterdam
    Costs: EUR 10,- including lunch ( EUR 5,- for students )

    Leren in je slaap. Hersentransplantaties. Een leerpil. Geheugenchips waarmee we informatie direct naar de hersenen kunnen downloaden. Toekomstmuziek? Of binnenkort realiteit? Op de Publieksdag "De Toekomst van het Leren" laten vooraanstaande wetenschappers hun licht schijnen op de mogelijkheden én de grenzen van hun vakgebied. Daarnaast kunt u op de Demonstratiemarkt aan de hand van experimenten, video's, proeven en simulaties zelf ervaren welke verrassende dingen er soms gebeuren als we iets leren, onthouden of zien. Een spetterende dag voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in hoe wij leren. Ook voor studenten zeer de moeite waard!

    Er zijn slechts een beperkt aantal kaarten beschikbaar. Vol = vol! Voor meer informatie, zie

  • 5-7 February 2004, Philosophical Logic Meets Mathematical Logic: From Classical to Quantum

    Date: 5-7 February 2004
    Location: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, Brussels, Belgium
    Deadline: 6 January 2004

    Broadly the aim of this workshop is to explore the connections between quantum and other non-classical logics such as modal and dynamic logics, linear logic and multivalued logics. It is our hope to develop closer connections between these areas of research. 

    Invited speakers at this workshop: S. Abramsky, A. Baltag, B. Coecke, D. Foulis, P. Ptak and A. Wilce.

    Deadline for submitting abstracts is January 6, 2004. For more information & the call for contributed talks, see:

  • 3 February 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Georgi Jojgov

    Date & Time: Tuesday 3 February 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Georgi Jojgov
    Title: A Calculus of Tactics and Its Operational Semantics
    Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne ().

  • 30 January 2004, DIP Colloquium, Regine Eckardt

    Date & Time: Friday 30 January 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Regine Eckardt (Berlin)
    Title: Particles in Questions
    Location: MFR (Room 001), Philosophy Department, Nw. Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 30 January 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Jan Wolenski

    Date & Time: Friday 30 January 2004, 15:00-17:00
    Speaker: Jan Wolenski (Kraków)
    Title: The status of T-sentences
    Location: Room 465, Bestuursgebouw, Heidelberglaan 8, Utrecht
    (Bus 12 from Utrecht Central Station).

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 29 January 2004, Logic Tea, Yoav Seginer, ILLC

    Date & Time: Thursday 29 January 2004, 17:15-18:30
    Speaker: Yoav Seginer, ILLC
    Title: Learning Theory and Natural Language
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 28 January 2004, The Fifth Amsterdam-Utrecht Workshop: Psycholinguistics

    Date: Wednesday 28 January 2004
    Location: Room 004, Bungehuis, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam

    This is already the fifth workshop in the series of `Amsterdam - Utrecht workshops', that were initiated to further improve the interaction between the ILLC and OTS. For this occasion, the topic we have decided on is psycholinguistics. The program consists of talks on various subjects in this field such as: acquisition of tense, ellipsis processing, autism and an afternoon session on aphasia. Participation is free, lunch will be arranged for and everyone is welcome!

    For more information, see Information about past meetings is available at

    For more information, see here .
  • 24-30 January 2004, SOFSEM 2004, Hotel VZ Merin, Czech Republic

    Date: 24-30 January 2004
    Location: Hotel VZ Merin, Czech Republic
    Deadline: 18 August 2003

    SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) is an annual five-day international conference devoted to the theory and practice of Computer Science. Its aim is to foster co-operation among professionals from academia and industry working in various areas of Computer Science. The program consists of series of Invited Talks, given by prominent professionals and researchers, Contributed Talks selected by the Program Committee from submitted papers, Workshop Sessions discussing work-in-progress, and the Student Research Forum.

    For more information, see the conference website:

  • 23 January 2004, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Sergei Artemov

    Date & Time: Friday 23 January 2004, 16:00-17:00
    Speaker: Sergei Artemov (New York)
    Title: Reflexive Combinatory Logic
    Location: <em>(Changed!)</em>
    Opzomerkamer, Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht

    We use de Jongh Theorem in a combination with the usual methods of the logic of proofs to establish the completeness of the basic intuitionistic logic of proofs w.r.t. the Heyting arithmetic.

    For more information, see

  • 20 January 2004, Zuidelijk Interuniversitair Colloquium (ZIC), Peter Grünwald

    Date & Time: Tuesday 20 January 2004, 14:15-16:00
    Speaker: Peter Grünwald (CWI, Eurandom)
    Title: Shannon information and Kolmogorov Complexity
    Location: TU Eindhoven, HG 6.96

    For abstracts and more information, see or contact Francien Dechesne ().

  • 20 January 2004, Tf Lunch meetings, William W. Tait

    Date & Time: January 20, 2004, 11:00-13:00
    Speaker: William W. Tait
    Title: Are there intuitionistic counterexamples to classical mathematical logic?
    Location: BG 036, Bestuursgebouw, Uithof, Utrecht

    For more information, see

  • 17-18 January 2004,
    Annual conference of the Australasian Association of Logic(AAL 2004)
    , Dunedin, New Zealand

    Date: 17-18 January 2004
    Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
    Costs: NZ$50
    Deadline: 15 September 2003

    The annual conference of the Australasian Association of Logic will be held in Dunedin, University of Otago, on 17 and 18 January, directly prior to the Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW 2004).

    For more information, see

  • 9 January 2004, DIP Colloquium, Laura Alonso i Alemany

    Date & Time: Friday 9 January 2004, 16:00-17:30
    Speaker: Laura Alonso i Alemany (University of Barcelona)
    Title: A feature-based characterisation of discourse markers for shallow NLP
    Location: Room 001 (MFR), Philosophy Department, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15, Amsterdam

    For abstracts and more information, see

  • 8 January 2004, Logic Tea, Aline Honingh, ILLC

    Date & Time: Thursday 8 January 2004, 17:15-18:30
    Speaker: Aline Honingh, ILLC
    Title: Just Intonation in Music: a Group-Theoretic Approach
    Location: Room P.017, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    The Logic Tea homepage can be found at For more information, please contact Merlijn Sevenster () or Hartmut Fitz ().

  • 7 January 2004, CSCA Lecture, Roelien Bastiaanse

    Date & Time: Wednesday 7 January 2004, 16:00-17:15
    Speaker: Roelien Bastiaanse
    Title: The role of the verb in sentence production in Dutch
    Location: Universiteitsmuseum De Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam

    This lecture elaborates on how neurolinguistic research on aphasic patients, children with and without language impairments and non-brain-damaged speakers can serve to test hypotheses on the grammatical structure of the Dutch language.

    For more information see the CSCA website at

Calls for Paper

  • Questions and Answers: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives. Special issue of the Journal of Applied Logic

    Deadline: 31 January 2005

    We have been invited by the "Journal of Applied Logic" to prepare a Special Issue stimulated by the 2nd CoLogNET-ELSNET Symposium on "Questions and Answers: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives".

    Based on the successful symposium experience, we invite papers on both theoretical issues involved in question answering or practical issues involved in querying systems for integrated structured domains (like databases, ontologies,..) as well as for open domain sources (like web-based documents).

    (changed) Submissions deadline is February 28th, 2005. For more information, see here.

  • Journal of Applied Logic Special Issue on Methods for Modalities

    Deadline: 31 October 2004

    The workshop `Methods for Modalities' (M4M) organized every two years aims to bring together researchers interested in developing proof tools and decision methods for modal logic broadly conceived, including description logic, hybrid logic, temporal logic, etc.

    During 1993 M4M-3, the third instance of the workshop was organized in Nancy, France. We have been invited by the Journal of Applied Logic to prepare a Special Issue containing selected publications from the workshop, in addition to other articles that might fit within the topics of interest of M4M.

    Deadline for submissions is October 31th, 2004. For more information, see here or contact .

  • JLLIC Special Issue on Guarded Logics and Decidable Fragments

    Deadline: 1 December 2004

    It has been almost ten years since Andreka, van Benthem and Nemeti proved the decidability of the guarded fragment of first order logic. Given how expressive guarded quantification is, this result gave logicians a powerful tool for proving the decidability of many formalisms arising in computer science applications, and has generated extensive research into guarded quantification in logics other than first order and into various generalisations of guarded quantification. A wealth of new proof techniques has been developed as a result of this research. This special issue, based on a workshop on guarded fragments held at ESSLLI 2004 in Nancy, aims to reflect new developments in the search for decidable fragments and their applications.

    Deadline for submissions is December 1st, 2004. For more information, see here or contact .

  • 9-20 August, 2004, ESSLLI-2004 Student Session, Nancy (France)

    Date: 9-20 August, 2004
    Location: Nancy (France)
    Deadline: 1 March 2004

    This ninth ESSLLI Student Session will provide, like the previous editions, an opportunity for ESSLLI participants who are students to present their own work in progress and get feedback from senior researchers and fellow-students.

    The ESSLLI Student Session encourages submissions from students at any level, undergraduates (before completion of the Master Thesis) as well as postgraduates (before completion of the PhD degree). Student authors are invited to submit a full paper, not to exceed 7 pages of length exclusive of references, by March 1, 2004 (extended deadline).

    For more information, see the ESSLLI'04 student session website at

MoL and PhD defenses

  • 15 December 2004, PhD defense, Hedde Zeijlstra

    Date & Time: Wednesday 15 December 2004, 10:00
    Title: Sentential Negation & Negative Concord
    Location: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Hans Bennis, Jeroen Groenendijk
    Copromotor: Hans den Besten syntax, semantics

    For more information, please contact

  • 7 December 2004, PhD defense, Boudewijn de Bruin

    Date & Time: Tuesday 7 December 2004, 12:00
    Title: Explaining Games. On the Logic of Game Theoretic Explanations
    Location: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Johan van Benthem, Martin Stokhof

    For more information, please contact

  • 3 december 2004, PhD defense, Sebastian Brand

    Date & Time: 3 december 2004, 14:00
    Title: Rule-based Constraint Propagation: Theory and Applications
    Location: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Prof. Dr K. Apt
  • 26 November 2004, PhD defense, Joost J. Joosten

    Date & Time: Friday 26 November 2004, 14:30
    Title: Interpretability formalized
    Location: Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, Utrecht
    Promotor: Prof. dr. Albert Visser and Prof. dr. Dick de Jongh
    Copromotor: dr. Lev D. Beklemishev

    For more information, see

  • 7 October 2004, Master of Logic defense, Ji Ruan

    Date & Time: Thursday 7 October 2004, 10:30
    Title: Exploring the Update Universe
    Location: Room JK 391, Van der Waals-Zeeman lab, Valckenierstraat 65, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Johan van Benthem and Jan van Eijck
  • 6 October 2004, Master of Logic defense, Spencer Gerhardt

    Date & Time: Wednesday 6 October 2004, 11:30
    Title: A Construction Method for Modal Logics of Space.
    Location: Room P-015b, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Johan van Benthem and Dick de Jongh

    For more information, please contact

  • 28 September 2004, Master of Logic defense, Thuy Linh Nguyen

    Date & Time: Tuesday 28 September 2004, 15:00
    Title: Rank Consistent Estimation: The DOP Case.
    Location: Room P-3.27, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Khalil Sima'an and Dick de Jongh

    For more information, please contact

  • 17 September 2004, Master of Logic defense, Piotr Labenz

    Date & Time: Friday 17 September 2004, 13:00
    Title: Event-calculus semantics of Polish aspect
    Location: room 001 at Philosophy, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Michiel van Lambalgen

    For more information, please contact

  • 30 August 2004, Master of Logic defense, Fenrong Liu

    Date & Time: 30 August 2004, 10:30
    Title: Dynamic Variations: Update and Revision for Diverse Agents
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: J. van Benthem

    For more information, please contact

  • 25 May 2004, Master of Logic defense, Giosuè Baggio

    Date & Time: Tuesday 25 May 2004, 16:30
    Title: Two ERP studies on Dutch temporal semantics
    Location: Room P.327, Euclides, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Promotor: M. van Lambalgen
    Copromotor: P. Hagoort

    For more information, please contact

  • 18 May 2004, Master of Logic defense, Andreas Zollmann

    Date & Time: Tuesday 18 May 2004, 14:00
    Title: A Consistent Estimator for the Data-Oriented Parsing Model
    Location: Room P.327, Euclides, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Promotor: Khalil Sima'an
    Copromotor: Detlef Prescher

    For more information, please contact

  • 16 March 2004, Master of Logic defense, Be Birchall

    Date & Time: Tuesday 16 March 2004, 16:00
    Title: Duality for Distributive Modal Algebras with an application on subdirect irreducibility
    Location: Room 3.27, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam
    Supervisor: Yde Venema
    Mentor: Dick de Jongh

    For more information, please contact

  • 11 February 2004, Master of Logic defense, Katrin Schulz

    Date & Time: Wednesday 11 February 2004, 12:00-13:00

Projects and Awards

  • 2004 Bakkenist Jong Talent Afstudeerprijs Informatica

    The 2004 Bakkenist Jong Talent Afstudeerprijs (successor to the CIVI afstudeerprijs - a reward of 10000 Euro) has been awarded to our master student mrs. S.D.C. Wehner, who graduated last July on a master thesis on the subject of Quantum Computing. The award ceremony will be held on Thursday 25 November in the building of the Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschapij voor Wetenschappen te Haarlem.

    For more information, contact Peter van Emde Boas ()

  • DAAD Grant for Brian Semmes "Rationality in Infinite Games"

    Date: May to August 2004
    Supervisor: Dr B. Löwe

    Brian Semmes has received a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) grant (A/04/33952) for a extended visit at the RhFWU Bonn (Germany), for a research project entitled "Rationality in Infinite Games" supervised by Benedikt Löwe and Peter Koepke (Bonn).

    For more information, please contact Brian Semmes <> or Benedikt Löwe <>.

  • NWO Vidi Grant for project Robert van Rooij

    NWO has awarded Robert van Rooij the prestigious VIDI subsidy for his project "The Economics of Language: Language Use and the Evolution of Linguistic Conventions".

    For more information, see here or contact

  • NWO has granted 2 PhD positions within the MOZAIEK competition

    The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) awards Reut Tsarfati and Loredana Afanasiev with a grant for a 4 year Ph.D position within the MOZAIEK competition. The mozaiek programme is designed to attract more ethnic minority graduates into academic research.

    For more information, see here or

  • E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize 2004: John Hale

    The E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize 2004 has been awarded to John Hale (Michigan State University) for the dissertation ``Grammar, Uncertainty and Sentence Processing''. An award ceremony will take place during ESSLLI 04 in Nancy, on Thursday 12 August at 20:30 hrs.

    The abstract can be found at: For more information, see the FoLLI site at, or the ESSLLI site at

  • NWO project proposal by Rens Bod has been granted

    NWO has granted a project proposal by Rens Bod in the Open Competition (NWO Exact). The project will deal with modeling language acquisition and language evolution with the DOP model, and will last three years. Jelle Zuidema (from the University of Edinburgh) will start on August 1st as a postdoc in this project.

    For more information, please contact

  • Arthur Elsenaar and Remko Scha Win the 2003 Leonardo Award for Excellence

    Arthur Elsenaar and Remko Scha's article "Electric Body Manipulation as Performance Art: A Historical Perspective," published in Leonardo Music Journal 12, has been named the winner of the 2003 Leonardo Award for Excellence.

    lsenaar and Scha's winning article traces the historical development of using electrically manipulated human bodies for theatrical display. Addressing the controversial aspects of this sometimes destructive art form, they extend their inquiry to investigate the implications of electrical executions. More often, they note the stimulating effects of electricity upon the body, studying Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation as implemented in the 19th Century by Duchenne and continued in practice today by artists such as Stelarc and co-author Elsenaar. Citing technological advances that enable interactive nerve stimulation, Elsenaar and Scha point toward a future of computer-generated dance and theater performances.

    The Leonardo Award for Excellence was originally established by chemist and inventor Myron Coler and Leonardo publisher Robert Maxwell. The 2003 Leonardo Award for Excellence is co-sponsored by the Technoculture Studies Department and the Art Department at the University of California, Davis, where it will be presented at a prize award lecture on campus during the Spring 2004 session.

    For more information, including downloadable versions of the winning article and three honorable mentions, see
  • PODS 2004 Awards for LIT Member

    At PODS 2004, the 23rd ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, the Best Paper Award and the Best Newcomer Award went to

    XCPath, the first order complete XPath dialect
    Maarten Marx

    Many congratulations to LIT member Maarten Marx on this double success!

    PODS is a very competetive database event; in 2002 the acceptance rate was 22% and in 2003 <20%. For more information, see

  • MoL students progress to next NWO MOZAIEK selection round

    We are pleased to announce that three proposals by ILLC master of logic students for the NWO MOZAIEK program have been short-listed (out of 194 submitted proposals only 40 were short-listed). After a second round 18-20 from these 40 will be awarded with a PhD position.

    Candidate: Loredana Afanasiev
    Supervisors: Paul Vitanyi and Maarten de Rijke and Maarten Marx

    Candidate: Reut Tsarfaty (Master of Logic)
    Supervisors: Remko Scha and Khalil Sima'an

    Candidate: Fenrong Liu (Master of Logic)
    Supervisors: Johan van Benthem

    For more information, please contact

  • Robert van Rooij received the 2004 Hendrik Casimir - Karl Ziegler Research Stipendium

    We are happy to announce that Robert van Rooij received the 2004 Hendrik Casimir - Karl Ziegler Research Stipendium awarded by the KNAW. This will enable him to spend some time at the Institut fuer Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik (IPK) in Bonn (Germany) to enhance the already existing cooperation between the ILLC and the interfacultary research group `Wissensformate: Information, Representation, Kognition' (Formats of Knowledge) in Bonn.

  • NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls 2003 awards for ILLC researchers

    NWO has announced the names of the 2003 award winners of their Vernieuwingsimpuls program. We are happy to inform you that two ILLC researchers were among them:

    • Professor Harry Buhrman (ILLC/CWI) has been awarded one of the 26 prestigious VICI grants for his project on "Quantum Information Processing"
    • Dr Maria Aloni has been awarded a VENI grant, for her research on "Semantic Structure and Dynamics in Natural Language Interpretation"

Funding, Grants and Competitions

  • Tweede ronde Mozaiek

    (Dutch only)
    In 2005 gaat een tweede ronde van het Mozaiek programma van NWO van start. Dit programma beoogt meer afgestudeerden uit minderheidsgroepen in de wetenschap te laten instromen middels een promotieplaats. Hiertoe stelt NWO in 2005 4 miljoen euro beschikbaar om ca. 20 promotieplaasten te financieren.

    Het afgelopen jaar heeft het ILLC drie kandidaten aangemeld, waarvan er twee, Loredana Afanasiev en Reut Tsarfati, een promotieplaats hebben gekregen. De derde, Fenrong Liu, heeft later, naar aanleiding van deze aanmelding, alsnog via de Universiteit van Amsterdam zelf een promotieplek gekregen.

    Meer informatie kunt u vinden op here. Gedetailleerde informatie over de doelgroep, procedure en criteria vindt u verder in de brochure Mozaiek 2005. Brochure en aanmeldingsformulier (en Veelgestelde Vragen) zijn downloadbaar via 'subsidie aanvragen' op de website

    Contactpersoon voor het Mozaiekprogramma bij NWO is mw.dr. W.A. van Donselaar, .

  • Keetje Hodshon Award 2005

    Target audience: For Philosophical research in the field of Linguistics

    The Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen announces that the J.C. Ruigrok Stichting will award a prize of € 12.000,- for Philosophical research. This year this will be in the field of Linguistics.

    The award is meant as an incouragement for researches who took their doctoral degree in 2000 or after. It will be awarded to only one researcher. He or she should be Dutch or should have done most of his/her research with a Dutch Institute.

    Professors, and other experienced scientists in this area, are requested to submit recommendations for awarding the prize. These recommendations need to be signed by two professors of a Dutch institute and must be with the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen before January 1, 2005.

    For more information and details on the proper way to submit a recommendation for a suitable candidate please contact Ms. Tanja Kassenaar at or 020-5256051.

  • NWO Call for Application-oriented Cognitive Research Projects

    Date: Continuous Submission from February 1, 2004

    The Special Programme for the Cognitive Sciences combines forces with the Technology Foundation STW and invites strong groups working in different domains of the cognitive sciences to submit proposals for application-oriented cognitive research projects with clear innovative qualities. For this Call for Application-oriented Cognitive Research Projects, a budget with a maximum of 2.25 million euro is available.

    Proposals must be submitted electronically to NWO (). Proposals should be written in accordance with the Guidelines for the STW Open Technology Programme. In addition to these guidelines, it is compulsory to write a supplement in which fulfilment of the specific criteria as formulated by the programme committee should be explained. Completion of the assessment procedure will take approximately 8 months. It is possible to submit proposals from February, 1, 2004, until the available budget for the application-oriented cognitive research proposals is exhausted.

    For further information on the NWO Special Programme for the Cognitive Sciences, please email or visit the NWO Cognitie website at For further information on the STW OTP procedure, please contact: Mw. Dipl. Phys. C.N.M. Jansz 030 - 6001 290 or Dr. R.D.T. Janssen 030 - 6001 313

  • Descartes Prize 2004

    The Descartes Prize: the European Prize for Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievements Resulting from European Collaborative Research.

    Named in honour of one of Europe's greatest figures of learning, René Descartes: mathematician, natural scientist, and philosopher, this prize is awarded to research teams who have obtained exceptional results from European collaborative research. The Descartes Prize aims to raise awareness of the scientific achievements of European scientists, highlighting the benefits of working together and the importance of the results achieved. The prize is open to all fields of scientific endeavour.

    Deadline for submissions is 11 May 2004. For more information, see or

  • Doorstart COST: European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research

    Founded in 1971, COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, allowing the co-ordination of nationally funded research (NWO) on a European level. COST Actions cover basic and pre-competitive research as well as activities of public utility and have the character of coordination/network actions.

    COST has clearly shown its strength in non-competitive research, in pre-normative co-operation and in solving environmental and cross-border problems and problems of public utility. It has been successfully used to maximize European synergy and added value in research co-operation and it is a useful tool to further European integration, in particular concerning Central and Eastern European countries.

    Deadline: continuous

    For more information, see

  • NWO schrijfsubsidie voor KP6

    The NWO has once again made available subsidies for preparing KP6-applications. Deadlines are June 1st, September 1st and December 1st 2004. Be advised that the criteria have changed slightly since last year.

    For more information (in Dutch), see

Open Positions at ILLC

  • PhD position at ILLC

    The ILLC/Department of Philosophy of the Universiteit van Amsterdam offers a PhD position with the project "The Economics of Language. Language Use and the Evolution of Linguistic Conventions", which is an NWO funded Vidi project, with Dr. Robert van Rooij as the principal investigator. The PhD position will be mainly about the evolution of linguistic conventions.

    We sollicit applications for this position from candidates with a master degree (now, or soon) in formal linguistics (e.g. semantics, but also philosophy of language), learning and dynamical systems, and/or game theory, and with proven expertise in the areas covered by the project.

    Applications should be sent before january 20, 2005 to Robert van Rooij. For more information including a description of the project, see here or contact Robert van Rooij at

  • Vacancy for assistant professor at ILLC

    Within the ILLC there is a vacancy for an Assistant Professor (Universitair docent) in Computational Logic. Application deadline: October 15.

    Candidates from all areas on the borderline of logic and computer science will be considered. For example, both specialists in algorithmics, and researchers in logic programming, automated theorem proving, or computational semantics are invited to apply. The candidate is expected to open up a new research line and to acquire external funds for it.

    Teaching duties include undergraduate teaching in the bachelor program of artificial intelligence, where the course in logic programming is one of the main responsibilities. At the master level teaching duties will depend on the research interests of the succesful applicant.

    The closing date for application is 15 October 2004. For more information, see here or contact Prof. dr. F. Veltman at .

  • PhD and Postdoc positions at Department of Philosophy

    The Department of Philosophy, UvA, has several PhD positions available, of which one is at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. Deadline for applications: April 1st, 2004. Applications should be accompanied by a research proposal, curriculum vitae, and grade lists.

    For more information, see or contact Prof. Maarten Stokhof at

Open Positions, General

  • Permanent Senior Research Position in Philosophy of Social Sciences

    Location: CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), France

    There is a job opportunity in the domain of Philosophy of Social Sciences. The I.H.P.S.T. is ready to support the application of suitable candidates in the process, and to incorporate the elected person.

    The profile is: Strategic Interaction and Collective Norms.
    It would be suitable for a confirmed scholar, dedicated to the following topics: epistemic conditions of coordination (common knowledge a.s.o.), emergence of norms (as studied in evolutionary game theory), normative economics. Competence in decision theory, game theory and formal tools of economic modelization is required. Suitable candidates ought to be willing to work in a philosophical research environment.

    For more information, see the full text at here or the original announcement at

  • Lecturer in Mathematical Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics at the Bristol Institute for Research in the Humanities and Arts.

    The Departments of Philosophy and Mathematics intend to make a joint appointment in the area of mathematical and philosophical logic and foundations of mathematics. You will have an outstanding record of research or outstanding research potential in one or other of these areas. You will contribute to the research theme 'Science, Knowledge, and Reality' and will be expected to promote research co-operation between the two departments and between the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science.

    Grade: Lecturer Grade B
    Salary: GBP 27,989 - GBP 35,883
    Contact for informal enquiries:
    Professor A Bird (, Tel. 0117 928 7826)
    Professor P Welch (, Tel. 0117 928 9052)

    Closing date for applications is 21 january 2005 (9.00 am). For more information, see:

  • Ubbo Emmius PhD Scholarships

    Location: Groningen

    Two ``Ubbo Emmius'' scholarships are being offered by the Faculty of Philosophy in Groningen, the Netherlands, to non-Dutch students who wish to work for a Ph.D. in philosophy. Deadline for applications is December 13th, 2004.

    For more information, see here or, or contact

  • Assistant professor vacancy, Stanford University

    There is an opening at Stanford University for an Assistant Professor in Logic, tenure track, beginning September 2005. Application deadline is December 1, 2004.

    For more information, see here or contact .

  • Logic Vacancy, University of Wisconsin, Madison

    There is an opening at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, for an Associate (tenured) or Assistant Professor (tenure-track) position, beginning August 2005. Candidates with strengths in Philosophy of Mathematics or Origins of Analytic Philosophy are especially encouraged to apply. Candidates must be qualified to teach in a strong Ph.D. program. To ensure full consideration, applications must be received by December 1, 2004.

    For more information, see here or

  • Vacancies at the University of Twente

    At the Distributed and Embedded Systems group of the University of Twente we have a number of vacancies at PhD and Post-Doc level. We are also looking for candidates with a background in mathematics or computational logic who are interested in security in general and in one of the following three topics in particular:

    • formal verification of protocols
    • distributed trust management
    • (languages for) privacy protection

    For more information, see, and

  • European Master in Language and Communication Technologies

    The Faculty of Computer Science at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, and the Department of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics (CoLi) of Saarland University, Germany, offer a distributed European Master in Language and Communication Technologies, as part of their individual Master of Science Programmes in Computer Science (Laurea Specialistica in Informatica) and Language Science and Technology (M.Sc.), respectively. Students of the European Master enrol in one of the two universities and are required to spend at least one semester at the other university; both universities adopt the ECTS credit system. In the context of the European Master Programme the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano co-operates with ITC-irst of Trento, while the Saarland University cooperates with the German Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI); these centres are connected by more than 10 years of close partnership.

    Human communication is at the heart of the information society and, in a richly multilingual area such as the European Union, full participation requires multilingual facilities for creating, exchanging and accessing information across language borders, throughout Europe and beyond. During the last few years, Language and Communication Technologies have seen a rapid increase in development at both research and industrial levels due to the fast growth of the Internet, of speech-based technologies, and the success of mobile communication. This has caused an acute need for continuous advancements in multilingual human language processing, cross-lingual information access, and multimodal human computer interaction. New expertise, skills and professional profiles are needed which can answer the growing requirements of our societies in the Human Language and Communication Technologies area.

    For more information, see here or

  • PhD Studentship in Logic and Computation, Manchester Metropolitan
    University, deadline June 18th

    The Department of Computing and Mathematics has one, three year, PhD studentship available in Logic and Computation starting in September/October 2004. The project is focused on investigation of logical consequence in non-standard logics, originating in AI and Computer Science. The prime focus of the research will be logical inference in modal intransitive and multi-modal logics. The studentship will be supervised by Dr.Vladimir Rybakov.

    The closing date for applications is Friday the 18th of June 2004. For more information, see here, or contact or .

  • Postions in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

    Location: University of Groningen

    The research programme "Modelling Freedom: Formal Analysis and Normative Philosophy", carried out at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, aims to contribute to the further explication and understanding of concepts of freedom by engendering an interaction between philosophical and rational choice approaches to freedom. The programme covers a wide spectrum of issues, ranging from the conceptual analysis of freedom to significant contemporary social and political applications.

    The research programme has in total five openings in the area of philosophy, politics and economics: three full-time PhD positions, and two full-time postdoctoral positions.

    (Extended) closing date for application: 14 April 2004. Further details about the vacancies, as well as information about how to apply, can be found at or here. More information on the research program can be found at

  • PhD and Postdoc positions at Department of Philosophy

    The Department of Philosophy, UvA, has several PhD positions available, of which one is at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. Deadline for applications: April 1st, 2004. Applications should be accompanied by a research proposal, curriculum vitae, and grade lists.

    For more information, see or contact Prof. Maarten Stokhof at

  • Open Researcher Level B position
    at National ICT Australia: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    National ICT Australia Limited (NICTA) invites applications from highly motivated researchers for appointment as Researchers (Level B). The positions are to work within the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Program (KRR) in traditional areas of knowledge representation for a fixed term period of two to three years. Preference will be given to applicants with a strong background in logic. Research conducted in the KRR program includes, but is not limited to, the following:

    • Nonmonotonic reasoning
    • Belief revision and merging
    • Negotiation and games
    • Ontologies
    • Cognitive robotics and planning
    • Multi-agent systems
    • Logic programming

    The full vacancy announcement is available as PDF from For more information about NICTA and the KRR program, go to and

Past appointments

  • New ILLC Guest: Sieuwert van Otterloo

    From September 1 until October 31, Sieuwert van Otterloo(PhD) is a guest at our institute, working in the field of 'Games and Logic", mentored by Johan van Benthem.

    His contact details:
    room P-3.18
    phone 020 525 6508

  • New ILLC PhD Students: Olivier Roy, Mark Ka-Wo Chan and Stefan Bold

    As of September 1, Olivier Roy (Canada) and Ka-Wo Chan (Hongkong) started their PhD program at the Faculty of Sciences. Olivier will be mentored by Johan van Benthem, Mark Ka-Wo Chan will be mentored by Yde Venema. Stefan Bold is a PhD (joint) student of the University of Bonn and the UvA, working under supervision of Benedikt Loewe.

    Their contact details:
    Olivier Roy and Mark Ka Wo Chan
    room P-3.11
    phone 020-525 5356
    E-mail and

    Stefan Bold
    room P-3.21
    phone 020 525 6054

  • New ILLC Postdoc: Jelle Zuidema

    As of August 1, Jelle Zuidema is appointed a NWO postdoc position on the project 'Unsupervised Grammar Induction' in cooperation with Rens Bod.

    His contact details:
    room P-3.12
    phone 020-525 536

  • New ILLC Lecturer: Maricarmen Martinez

    As of September 1, Maricarmen Martinez is appointed lecturer in the field of Mathematical Logic for the period of one year.

    Her contact details:
    room P-3.28
    phone 020-525 5361

  • New ILLC PhD student: Chantal Bax

    As of September 1, Chantal Bax is appointed a PhD student at the Faculty of Humanities. She will work under the supervision of Martin Stokhof on "Subjectivity after Wittgenstein".

    Her contact details:
    phone 020 525 4529

  • Change of Directors at ILLC

    We would like to let you know that Martin Stokhof has stepped down as scientific director to the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. He passed this position on to Frank Veltman (professor Logic and Cognition) as of the 1st of March.


  • Corrido[o]r: A look into a part of the philosophical community at Vendelstraat 8, second floor

    Author: Tine Wilde
    Website CORRIDO[O]R can give visitors, for example students, head hunters eagerly scouting about for genius talent, mothers who have lost their clever child, politicians searching for bright quotes, or visiting smart professors from competing universities, and the like, a glimpse behind the scenes of the everyday practices of a group of philosophers in the Universiteit van Amsterdam.

    In order to look behind and beyond the scenes, it is desirable that one has a view on the scenes themselves. Thus, I - an artist/philosopher who occupies room 222 - took photographs i.e., I made an overview - of what someone sees when he opens the door of a particular room, situated on the second floor at the right of Vendelstraat 8. I am convinced that a philosophy department should have a perspicuous organisation, one that is intelligible and transparent for the outside world, so that students, head hunters, mothers and children, politicians and professors know what they can expect.

    This website is part of a larger project and as such will play a role in an exhibition next year. For more information, see the website at or contact

  • Why do some melodies stick in your mind?

    It is a phenomenon not yet fully understood. Since if we would, we could make a computer model that generates songs that would be guaranteed to stick. Luckily, in this case, few people would mind.

    Nieuwslicht (the science program of Vara Television) of 12 November contained a short item on related music cognition research.

    For more information, see (or

  • 28 October 2004, goodbye party Ruud Roël

    Date & Time: Thursday 28 October 2004, 14:00-16:00
    Location: Room P.227, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam

    Op donderdag 28 oktober as. neemt Ruud Roël afscheid als docent Informatica. Om dit afscheid niet onopgemerkt voorbij te laten gaan, zijn van 14.00 tot 16.00 uur in zaal P.227 verschillende feestelijkheden gepland. Aansluitend vindt een receptie plaats in gebouw Euclides. Een gedetailleerd programma wordt t.z.t. bekend gemaakt.

  • 26-28 October 2004, Life's longing for itself, lectures by Doyne Farmer

    Date & Time: 26-28 October 2004, 19:30-20:30
    Location: Place: Lecturehall A and C, Building A, Roeterseiland 15

    Professor Doyne Farmer of the Santa Fe Institute for Nonlinear Studies presents a miniseries of lectures (on 26, 27, and 28 October) titled: "Life's longing for itself: On propagation, prediction, purpose and progress"

    The physicist (at present mostly economist) Doyne Farmer is one of the pioneers of chaos theory. He was involved in developing some fundamental aspects of the theory, but also in developing a number of interesting applications. He is well-known as one of the founders of the succesful Prediction Company, a firm whose business is automatic trading of financial instruments based on time series based directional forecasting methods. An inspiring lecturer on the multidisciplinary adventures on the intersection of between mathematics, natural science, economics and the social sciences.

    The series is a joint initiative of the:
    Institute for Theoretical Physics (FNWI)
    Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS)
    and the Department of Quantitative Economics (FEE)

    For more information, see A poster is available at

  • 26 October - 14 December 2004, Een Interdisciplinaire Collegereeks

    Date & Time: Tuesdays, 26 October - 14 December 2004, 19:00-21:30
    Speaker: Johan van Benthem and Robbert Dijkgraaf
    Title: Denkpatronen, hoe wiskunde en logica werken
    Location: Room A404, Gebouw A, Roeterstraat 15, Amsterdam
    Target audience:
    students (alfa, beta en gamma) and other interested parties
    Costs: free for students and UvA-lecturers, € 150 for teachers
    and UvA-alumni, € 210 for others.

    (dutch only)
    Logicus en universiteitshoogleraar Johan van Benthem en mathematisch fysicus Robbert Dijkgraaf geven acht weken lang hun visie op de thama's 'tellen', 'oneindig', 'symmetrie', 'bewijzen', 'paradoxen', 'waarschijnlijkheid', 'voorspelbaarheid' en 'spelen'. Vanuit hun eigen ervaring en viesie spreken zij over de 'onredelijke effectiviteit' van de wiskunde om de structuren om ons heen te vatten. Zij illustreren de rol van de moderne wiskunde en logica in alle mogelijke disciplines door onconventioneel, dwars door alle traditionele grenzen, juist de samenhang van de ideeënte benadrukken.

    For more information, see or call the secretariat of the IIS (Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies) at 020-525 5190.

  • Invitation to do an online listening experiment

    On the link given below you will find a short listening experiment (a pilot study) on the perception of music performance.
    Your contribution is much appreciated!

    N.B. Those of you who did the experiment earlier: there is no need to do it again (the layout might look different, the sound examples used are the same).

  • ASL Newsletter September 2004 available

    The September 2004 issue of the Newsletter of the Association of Symbolic Logic is out. It is available online from the ASL website at

  • New Journal "Logical Methods in Computer Science"

    Logical Methods in Computer Science is a fully refereed, open access, free, electronic journal. It welcomes papers on theoretical and practical areas in computer science involving logical methods, taken in a broad sense. Papers are refereed in the traditional way, with two or more referees per paper. Copyright is retained by the author.

    Full-text access to all papers is freely available. No registration or subscription is required, and a free email notification service is available.

    For further information, visit

  • Noorderlicht (VPRO Radio) on AI and music cognition

    VPRO reporter Sam Verhaert decided to test 'The Continuator', interactive music software made by Francois Pachet of Sony Computer Science Laboratories, and invited Henkjan Honing (ILLC), Music critic Koen Schouten (Volkskrant) and pianist Albert van Veenendaal to do an informal, yet musical version of the Turing Test.

    For the full broadcast of 31 August 2004, see (For a short fragment, see under 'News Clippings').

  • The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming

    Authors: Kees Doets and Jan van Eijck
    From the cover:
    The purpose of this book is to teach logic and mathematical reasoning in practice, and to connect logical reasoning with computer programming in Haskell.

    Texts in Computing Vol.4
    King's College Publications, 2004
    x+426 pp

    For more information, see

  • 2004, Muziekcognitie in Hoe?Zo!

    Date: Friday 2004

    Hoe?Zo!, het Teleac/NOT wetenschapsprogramma, besteedde op 28 mei 2004 aandacht aan muziekcognitie -- musicologisch onderzoek naar het computationeel modelleren van ritme & timing in muziek. Wat maakt een ritme spannend, sloom of hip? En wat is het juiste tempo?

    De uitzending (15 min) is te beluisteren op

  • Reading group on Formal and Cognitive Approaches to Music

    Date: Every month, next meeting 28 May

    For more information and if you like to be listed on the mailing list, contact Aline Honingh:

  • 23 April 2004, Invitation opening exhibition ' One Installation'

    Date & Time: Friday 23 April 2004, 18:00-20:00
    Speaker: Tijmen van Grootheest and Martin Stokhof
    Location: Arti et Amicitiae, Rokin 112, Amsterdam

    Arti et Amicitiae is a society specially for visual artists. This special exhibition is the completion of a course at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, given by ILLC-member Tine Wilde, that investigated the relationships between [visual] art and philosophy [of language].

    While entrance is free, you have to have a copy of the in order to get in. For more information, see

  • Honing at Chicago

    In May 2004 dr H. Honing will be a visiting professor at the Music and Cognitive Science departments of Northwestern University, Chicago, lecturing on music cognition.

    For more information, see

  • ASL Newsletter April 2004 available

    The April 2004 issue of the Newsletter of the Association of Symbolic Logic is out. It is available online from the ASL website at

  • LIT Leaves ILLC

    As of April 1, 2004 the Language and Inference Technology (LIT) group of Maarten de Rijke, is no longer part of the ILLC. They are now part of the Informatics Institute of the Universiteit van Amsterdam.

    Maarten joined ILLC in 1998, and in 2001 he and Michael Masuch founded the LIT group. The group quickly grew to become an award-winning group of over 20 people pursuing foundational, experimental, and applied research in intelligent information access.

    At the Informatics Institute, Maarten has taken up a professorship in Information Processing and Internet. The following people have left the ILLC along with Maarten de Rijke: Loredana Afanasiev, David Ahn, Caterina Caracciolo, Sisay Fissaha, Massimo Franceschet, Evan Goris, Willem van Hage, Gabriel Infante-Lopez, Valentin Jijkoun, Jaap Kamps, Maarten Marx, Gilad Mishne, Rob Mokken, Karin Mueller, Stefan Schlobach, Borkur Sigurbjornsson, Maarten Stol, and Petrucio Viana.

    The LIT group has moved out of the B building to the Watergraafsmeer, where the Informatics Institute is housed. Their new address is:
    Informatics Institute
    Kruislaan 403
    1098 SJ Amsterdam
    tel: +31 (0)20 525 7561

  • H.C. Longuet-Higgins (1923-2004)

    Prof. Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins, who proposed the field of the 'Cognitive Sciences' in the seventies, has passed away earlier this week at the age of 81.

    Longuet-Higgins's career began as a theoretical chemist applying a more rigorous use of quantum mechanics to chemistry than had heretofore been customary. Having done all the chemistry he wanted to do by the age of 40, work that was recognized by his election to be a Fellow of the Royal Society, he joined Donald Michie and Richard Gregory in founding the Department of Machine Intelligence and Perception in Edinburgh University in 1967. Longuet-Higgins brought a thorough knowledge of the mathematics of the continuum to enrich that environment, and it has always informed his work in Artificial Intelligence, together with that of some at least of his students, of whom Geoffrey Hinton is perhaps best known. Longuet-Higgins has worked on various aspects of perception, including pose-recovery in machine vision, speech and the perception of music. His work on developing computational models of music understanding was recognized in the nineties by the award of an Honorary Doctorate of Music by Sheffield University.

    For more information, see

  • 200 September 3, Principles of Constraint Programming

    Date: September 2003
    Costs: US$50 or £35

    The book 'Principles of Constraint Programming', by Krzysztof R. Apt., is now available.

    For more information, see here.

  • ASL Newsletter January 2004 available

    The January 2004 issue of the Newsletter of the Association of Symbolic Logic is out. It is available online from the ASL website at

  • Question Answering Reading Group

    Date: Every other Thursday at 10:30, starting Feb. 5th
    Location: Room B.235

    In February The LIT group will start a reading group for question answering. We intend to meet every other Thursday (starting 5th of February), and discuss recent papers regarding QA; please join us if you are interested, and forward to other people who may be interested as well.

    For more information, see

  • 9 January - 1 February 2004, Exhibition New Members Arti et Amicae 2003

    Date & Time: 9 January - 1 February 2004, 18:00-20:00
    Location: Arti et Amicitae, Rokin 112, Amsterdam

    Arti et Amicitiae is a society specially for visual artists. You are most cordially invited to be present at the opening of the exhibition of the new members. The exhibition includes a contribution by ILLC member Tine Wilde: "The CAVE-Models and Meaning: 'A Room is Brought to Sound', based on her current work with the CAVE project at SARA.

    For more information, see or, or view the original invitation at

  • ILLC Publications Archives move to UvA-DARE server

    After long and faithful service, the Beta Preprint Server is finally being retired. The electronic ILLC Publication Archives are moving to the new UvA-DARE server.

    The Digital Academic Repository of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA-DARE) is a service which is part of a national and international network of scientific and scholarly information services. The repository makes sure that references to your publications become available within this international network of information services, hereby increasing the visibility of your publications.

    Information on how to submit documents to the new server is available at the ILLC Support and Information pages.

    For more information, see or