Searchable List of Research Output

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  • van Rooy, R.A.M. (2007) Taal.
    Article | UvA-DARE
  • van Rooy, R.A.M. (2007) A review of B. Skyrms’s ‘The Stag Hunt’ [Review of: The Stag Hunt].
    Studia Logica, Vol. 85 (pp 133-138)
    Book/Film/Article/Exhibition review | UvA-DARE
  • van Someren, M., Hollink, V., ten Hagen, S.H.G. (2003) Greedy recommending is not always optimal.
    In Proc. of the 1st European Web Mining Forum (EWMF)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • van Strien, D., Beelen, K., Ardanuy, M.C., Hosseini, K., McGillivray, B., Colavizza, G. (2020) Assessing the Impact of OCR Quality on Downstream NLP Tasks.
    In Rocha, A. Steels, L. van den Herik, J. (Eds.), ICAART 2020: proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence : Valletta, Malta, February 22-24, 2020 (pp 484-496). ScitePress.
  • van Ulsen, P., de Jongh, D. (2000) Over de kinderjaren van denkende machines.
    Folia Civitatis (pp 20-21)
    Article | UvA-DARE
  • van Ulsen, P. (2000) E.W. Beth als logicus.
    ILLC dissertation series 2000-04.
    Thesis, fully internal | UvA-DARE
  • van Vliet, L., Chueri, J., Törnberg, P., Uitermark, J. (2024) Political groups over national parties: Measuring the Europeanization of the political arena through MEPs Twitter interactions.
    Party Politics, Vol. 30 (pp 479-492)
  • van Westen, M., Rietveld, E., Figee, M., Denys, D. (2015) Clinical outcome and mechanisms of deep brain stimulation for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
    Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports, Vol. 2 (pp 41-48)
  • van Wierst, P., Hofstede, S., Oortwijn, Y., Castermans, T., Koopman, R., Wang, S., Westenberg, M.A., Betti, A. (2018) BolVis: Visualization for Text-based Research in Philosophy.
    In 3rd Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities: Sunday, 21 October 2018 - Berlin, Germany : accepted papers . VIS4DH.
  • van Wierst, P., Vrijenhoek, S., Schlobach, S., Betti, A. (2016) Phil@Scale: Computational Methods within Philosophy.
    In Wieneke, L. Jones, C. Düring, M. Armaselu, F. Leboutte, R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third Conference on Digital Humanities in Luxembourg with a Special Focus on Reading Historical Sources in the Digital Age: Luxembourg, Luxembourg, December 5-6, 2013 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1681). CEUR-WS.
  • van Wissen, L., Carretta Zamborlini, Veruska, van den Heuvel, C. (2022) Modeling Provenance and Uncertainties in the Use of Archival Sources of the Dutch Golden Age.
    Abstract | UvA-DARE
  • van Wissen, L., Latronico, Chiara, Van Ginhoven, Sandra, Carretta Zamborlini, Veruska (2020) The Montias Case: An Experiment with Data Reconciliation and Provenance between Research and Cultural Heritage Institutions.
  • van Woerkom, W., Grossi, D., Prakken, H., Verheij, B. (2022) Landmarks in Case-Based Reasoning: From Theory to Data.
    In Schlobach, S. Pérez-Ortiz, M. Tielman, M. (Eds.), HHAI2022: Augmenting Human Intellect: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (pp 212-224) (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 354). IOS Press.
    Conference contribution | | UvA-DARE
  • van Woerkom, W., Grossi, D., Prakken, H., Verheij, B. (2023) Hierarchical Precedential Constraint.
    In Nineteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law: Proceedings of the Conference : Braga, Portugal, June 19-23, 2023, Universidade do Minho Law School (pp 333-342). The Association for Computing Machinery.
  • van Woerkom, W., Zuidema, W. (2017) Selecting the model that best fits the data.
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 40
    Comment/Letter to the editor | | UvA-DARE
  • van Zaanen, M.M., Adriaans, P. (2001) Alignment-based learning versus emile: A comparison.
    In Kröse, B. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Dutch-Belgian Artificial Intelligence Conference, De Rode Hoed, Amsterdam, 25-26 October 2001 (pp 315-322)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • van Zaanen, M.M., Bod, R., Honing, H. (2003) A memory-based approach to meter induction.
    In Proceedings of the ESCOM (pp 250-253). ESCOM.
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • van Zaanen, M.M. (2002) Implementing Alignment-Based Learning.
    In Adriaans, P. van Zaanen, M.M. Fernau, H. (Eds.), Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and Applications (pp 312-315). Springer Verlag.
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Vaquero Patricio, C., Chew, Elaine (2016) Application of Hidden Markov Models to music performance style classification via timing and loudness features.
    Abstract | UvA-DARE
  • Vaquero Patricio, C., Honing, H. (2014) Generating expressive timing by combining rhythmic categories and Lindenmayer systems.
    In Majid al-Rifaie, M. Gow, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Convention of the AISB. AISB.

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