Searchable List of Research Output

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  • Kaart, M, Torenvliet, L., van Best, J.P., Vree, W.G. (2004) The importance of measurements for Internet policy.
    In Proc. of the IEEE 2004 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2004) (pp 4711)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Kackovic, M., Colavizza, G., Leiter, A. (2021) Crypto Art – The new kid on the block.
    Global Digital Cultures.
  • Kaldewaij, A., Dielissen, V.J. (1996) Leaf trees.
    Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 26 (pp 149-165)
  • Kalsbeek, M.B., Jiang, Y. (1995) A vademecum of ambivalent logic.
    In Turini, F. Apt, K.R. (Eds.), Meta-logics and Logic Programming (pp 27-56). The MIT Press.
    Chapter | UvA-DARE
  • Kalsbeek, M.B., Jiang, Y. (1995) Vademecum of Ambivalent Logic.
    Technical Report. onbekend (FdL).
    Report | UvA-DARE
  • Kalsbeek, M.B. (1995) Correctness of the vanilla meta-interpreter and ambivalent syntax.
    In Turini, F. Apt, K.R. (Eds.), Meta-logics and Logic Programming (pp 3-26). The MIT Press.
    Chapter | UvA-DARE
  • Kalsbeek, M.B. (1995) Meta-Logics for Logic Programming.
    Thesis, fully internal | UvA-DARE
  • Kamp, H., Stokhof, M. (2008) Information in natural language.
    In Adriaans, P. van Benthem, J. (Eds.), Philosophy of information (pp 49-112) (Handbook of the philosophy of science). North-Holland.
  • Kamps, J., de Rijke, M., Sigurbjörnsson, B. (2003) Topic field selection and smoothing for XML retrieval.
    In de Vries, A.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop (DIR 2003) (pp 69-75)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Kamps, J., de Rijke, M., Sigurbjörnsson, B. (2003) The University of Amsterdam at INEX 2003.
    In Mounia Fuhr, Norbert, Lalmas Saadia Malik (Eds.), INEX 2003 Workshop Proceedings (pp 80-86)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Kamps, J., de Rijke, M., Sigurbjörnsson, B. (2004) EuroGOV: A Multilingual Web Retrieval Collection.
  • Kamps, J., de Rijke, M., Sigurbjörnsson, B. (2004) Length normalization in XML retrieval.
    In Proceedings 27th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference (pp 80-87)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Kamps, J., de Rijke, M., Sigurbjörnsson, B. (2005) The University of Amsterdam at WebCLEF 2005.
    In Working Notes for the CLEF 2005 Workshop
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Kamps, J., de Rijke, M., Sigurbjörnsson, B. (2005) University of Amsterdam at INEX 2005: Interactive Track.
    In INEX 2005 Workshop Pre-proceedings (pp 327-332)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Kamps, J., de Rijke, M., Sigurbjörnsson, B. (2005) The Importance of Length Normalization for XML Retrieval.
    Information Retrieval, Vol. 8 (pp 631-654)
  • Kamps, J., de Rijke, M. (2004) The effectiveness of combining information retrieval strategies for European languages.
    In Proceedings 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (pp 1073-1077)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Kamps, J., Fissaha Adafre, S., de Rijke, M. (2005) Effective Translation, Tokenization and Combination for Cross-Lingual Retrieval.
    In Peters, C. Clough, P.D. Jones, G.J.F. Gonzalo, J. Kluck, M. Magnini, B. (Eds.), Multilingual information access for text, speech and images: 5th workshop of the cross-language evaluation forum, CLEF 2004, Bath, UK, September 15-17, 2004: revised selected papers (pp 123-135) (LNCS). Springer.
    Chapter | UvA-DARE
  • Kamps, J., Geva, S., Peters, C., Sakai, T., Trotman, A., Voorhees, E. (2009) Report on the SIGIR 2009 Workshop on the Future IR Evaluation.
    SIGIR Forum, Vol. 43 (pp 13-23)
  • Kamps, J., Geva, S., Trotman, A., Woodley, A., Koolen, M.H.A. (2008) Overview of the INEX 2008 Ad Hoc Track.
    In Geva, S. Kamps, J. Trotman, A. (Eds.), INEX 2008 workshop pre-proceedings (pp 1-28)
  • Kamps, J., Geva, S., Trotman, A. (2008) Report on the SIGIR 2008 Workshop on Focused Retrieval.
    SIGIR Forum, Vol. 42 (pp 59-65)

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