Searchable List of Research Output

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  • Bod, R. (2001) Using natural language processing techniques for musical parsing.
    In Proceedings ACH/ALLC'2001
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2001) A memory-based model for music analysis.
    Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Vol. 2001
    Article | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2001) Sentence memory: Storage vs. computation of frequent sentences.
    In Proceedings CUNY'2001 Conference
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2001) What is the minimal set of fragments that achieves maximal parse accuracy?.
    In Proceedings ACL'2001
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2001) Stochastic models of melodic analysis: Challenging the gestalt principles.
    In Proceedings 14th Meeting of the FWO Research Society on Foundations of Systematic Musicology Ghent
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2001) Probabilistic grammars for music.
    In Proceedings BNAIC'2001
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2002) Memory-based models of melodic analysis: challenging the gestalt principles.
    Journal of New Music Research, Vol. 31 (pp 27-37)
  • Bod, R. (2002) Combining likelihood and simplicity in language and music.
    In Proceedings CogSci'2002
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2002) A general parsing model for language and music.
    In Music and Artificial Intelligence (pp 5-17). Springer Verlag.
    Chapter | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2002) A unified model of structural organization in language and music.
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 17 (pp 289-308)
    Article | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2002) Minimalism vs. maximalism in natural and social sciences.
    In Proceedings CENSS'02 (Causation and Explanation in Natural and Social Sciences)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2003) Explaining New Phenomena in Terms of Previous Phenomena.
    Technical Reports. Institute for Logic, Language and Computation.
    Working paper | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2003) Do all fragments count?.
    Natural Language Engineering, Vol. 9 (pp 307-323)
    Article | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2003) An efficient implementation of a new dop model.
    In Proceedings EACL'03 (pp 19-26)
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2003) Extracting stochastic grammars from treebanks.
    In Abeille, A. (Eds.), Treebanks (pp 333-350). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Chapter | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2003) Introduction to probability theory and formal stochastic language theory.
    In Bod, R. Hay, J. Jannedy, S. (Eds.), Probabilistic Linguistic (pp 11-39). The MIT Press.
    Chapter | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2003) Stochastic analysis of music.
    In Proceedings UCM'2003
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2004) From Theory to Technology: Rules versus Exemplars.
    In Proceedings of PSA 2004
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2005) Modelling Scientific Problem Solving by DOP.
    In Proceedings of CogSci '05
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE
  • Bod, R. (2005) Exemplar-Based Explanation.
    In Proceedings of MBR'04
    Conference contribution | UvA-DARE

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