For ordering copies of ILLC dissertations, please contact the ILLC Buro.
Complementing the dissertations listed below, the ILLC 'Historical Dissertations' Series is a new initiative meant to make some dissertations available that are of historical, and partly also contemporary relevance to the ILLC, and that are not readily accessible elsewhere.
- DS-2025-05:
- Niels M. P. Neumann Adaptive Quantum Computers: decoding and state preparation
- DS-2025-04:
- Aleksi Anttila Not Nothing: Nonemptiness in Team Semantics
- DS-2025-03:
- Rochelle Choenni Multilinguality and Multiculturalism: Towards more Effective and Inclusive Neural Language Models
- DS-2025-02:
- Dmitry Grinko Mixed Schur-Weyl duality in quantum information
- DS-2025-01:
- Julian Chingoma On Proportionality in Complex Domains
- DS-2024-13:
- Jaap Jumelet Finding Structure in Language Models
- DS-2024-12:
- Yanlin Chen On Quantum Algorithms and Limitations for Convex Optimization and Lattice Problems
- DS-2024-11:
- Daira Pinto Prieto Combining Uncertain Evidence: Logic and Complexity
- DS-2024-10:
- Willem Feijen Fast, Right, or Best? Algorithms for Practical Optimization Problems
- DS-2024-09:
- Rene Allerstorfer Position-based Quantum Cryptography: From Theory towards Practice
- DS-2024-08:
- Philip Verduyn Lunel Quantum Position Verification: Loss-tolerant Protocols and Fundamental Limits
- DS-2024-07:
- Marco Degano Indefinites and their values
- DS-2024-06:
- Jana Sotáková Isogenies and Cryptography
- DS-2024-05:
- Fatemeh Seifan Coalgebraic fixpoint logic Expressivity and completeness result
- DS-2024-04:
- Ece Takmaz Visual and Linguistic Processes in Deep Neural Networks: A Cognitive Perspective
- DS-2024-03:
- Nicola De Cao Entity Centric Neural Models for Natural Language Processing
- DS-2024-02:
- Bas Cornelissen Measuring musics: Notes on modes, motifs, and melodies
- DS-2024-01:
- Jan Rooduijn Fragments and Frame Classes: Towards a Uniform Proof Theory for Modal Fixed Point Logics
- DS-2023-12:
- Ned J.H. Wontner Views From a Peak: Generalisations and Descriptive Set Theory
- DS-2023-11:
- Guillermo Menéndez Turata Cyclic Proof Systems for Modal Fixpoint Logics
- DS-2023-10:
- Mario Giulianelli Neural Models of Language Use: Studies of Language Comprehension and Production in Context
- DS-2023-09:
- Simon Rey Variations on Participatory Budgeting
- DS-2023-08:
- Lei Li Games, Boards and Play: A Logical Perspective
- DS-2023-07:
- Yiyan Wang Collective Agency: From Philosophical and Logical Perspectives
- DS-2023-06:
Jialiang Yan
Monotonicity in Intensional Contexts: Weakening and
Pragmatic Effects under Modals and Attitudes - DS-2023-05:
- Dean McHugh Causation and Modality: Models and Meanings
- DS-2023-04:
- Samira Abnar Inductive Biases for Learning Natural Language
- DS-2023-03:
- Robert Paßmann Logical Structure of Constructive Set Theories
- DS-2023-02:
- Arjan Cornelissen Quantum multivariate estimation and span program algorithms
- DS-2023-01:
- Subhasree Patro Quantum Fine-Grained Complexity
- DS-2022-07:
- Freek Gerrit Witteveen Quantum information theory and many-body physics
- DS-2022-06:
- Emma Mojet Observing Disciplines: Data Practices In and Between Disciplines in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
- DS-2022-05:
- Lwenn Bussière-Carae No means No! Speech Acts in Conflict
- DS-2022-04:
Ruben Brokkelkamp
How Close Does It Get?
From Near-Optimal Network Algorithms to Suboptimal Equilibrium Outcomes - DS-2022-03:
- Sonia Ramotowska Quantifying quantifier representations: Experimental studies, computational modeling, and individual differences
- DS-2022-02:
- Jan Czajkowski Post-Quantum Security of Hash Functions
- DS-2022-01:
- Anna Bellomo Sums, Numbers and Infinity: Collections in Bolzano’s Mathematics and Philosophy
- DS-2021-14:
- Álvaro Piedrafita On Span Programs and Quantum Algorithms
- DS-2021-13:
- Dazhu Li Formal Threads in the Social Fabric: Studies in the Logical Dynamics of Multi-Agent Interaction
- DS-2021-12:
- Michael Cohen Dynamic Introspection
- DS-2021-11:
- Sirin Botan Strategyproof Social Choice for Restricted Domains
- DS-2021-10:
- Levin Hornischer Dynamical Systems via Domains: Toward a Unified Foundation of Symbolic and Non-symbolic Computation
- DS-2021-09:
- Taichi Uemura Abstract and Concrete Type Theories
- DS-2021-08:
- Michael Sejr Schlichtkrull Incorporating Structure into Neural Models for Language Processing
- DS-2021-07:
- Anthia Solaki Logical Models for Bounded Reasoners
- DS-2021-06:
- Zoi Terzopoulou Collective Decisions with Incomplete Individual Opinions
- DS-2021-05:
Cian Guilfoyle Chartier
A Pragmatic Defense of Logical Pluralism
1.Abstract, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-2021-04:
- Sophie Arnoult Adjunction in Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation
- DS-2021-03:
- Seyyed Hadi Hashemi Modeling Users Interacting with Smart Devices
- DS-2021-02:
- Elbert J. Booij The Things Before Us: On What it Is to Be an Object
- DS-2021-01:
- Yfke Dulek Delegated and Distributed Quantum Computation
- DS-2020-17:
- Francesca Zaffora Blando Patterns and Probabilities: A Study in Algorithmic Randomness and Computable Learning
- DS-2020-16:
- Ilaria Canavotto Where Responsibility Takes You: Logics of Agency, Counterfactuals and Norms
- DS-2020-15:
- Tom Schoonen Tales of Similarity and Imagination. A modest epistemology of possibility
- DS-2020-14:
- Gianluca Grilletti Questions & Quantification: A study of first order inquisitive logic
- DS-2020-13:
- Thom van Gessel Questions in Context
- DS-2020-12:
- Bastiaan van der Weij Experienced listeners: Modeling the influence of long-term musical exposure on rhythm perception
- DS-2020-11:
- Marco Del Tredici Linguistic Variation in Online Communities: A Computational Perspective
- DS-2020-10:
- Arnold Kochari Perceiving and communicating magnitudes: Behavioral and electrophysiological studies
- DS-2020-09:
- Jasmijn Bastings A Tale of Two Sequences: Interpretable and Linguistically-Informed Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
- DS-2020-08:
- Philip Schulz Latent Variable Models for Machine Translation and How to Learn Them
- DS-2020-07:
- Ana Lucia Vargas Sandoval On the Path to the Truth: Logical & Computational Aspects of Learning
- DS-2020-06:
- Dieuwke Hupkes Hierarchy and interpretability in neural models of language processing
- DS-2020-05:
- Tom Bannink Quantum and stochastic processes
- DS-2020-04:
- Joran van Apeldoorn A Quantum View on Convex Optimization
- DS-2020-03:
- Jouke Witteveen Parameterized Analysis of Complexity
- DS-2020-02:
- Koen Groenland Quantum protocols for few-qubit devices
- DS-2020-01:
- Mostafa Dehghani Learning with Imperfect Supervision for Language Understanding
- DS-2019-07:
- Frederik Möllerström Lauridsen Cuts and Completions: Algebraic aspects of structural proof theory
- DS-2019-06:
- Peter T.S. van der Gulik Considerations in Evolutionary Biochemistry
- DS-2019-05:
- Nadine Theiler Taking a unified perspective: Resolutions and highlighting in the semantics of attitudes and particles
- DS-2019-04:
- Lorenzo Galeotti The theory of the generalised real numbers and other topics in logic
- DS-2019-03:
- András Gilyén Quantum Singular Value Transformation & Its Algorithmic Applications
- DS-2019-02:
- Jort Bergfeld Quantum logics for expressing and proving the correctness of quantum programs
- DS-2019-01:
- Carlos Vaquero What Makes A Performer Unique? Idiosyncrasies and commonalities in expressive music performance
- DS-2018-13:
- Jeroen Zuiddam Algebraic complexity, asymptotic spectra and entanglement polytopes
- DS-2018-12:
- Julia Ilin Filtration Revisited: Lattices of Stable Non-Classical Logics
- DS-2018-11:
- Malvin Gattinger New Directions in Model Checking Dynamic Epistemic Logic
- DS-2018-10:
- Chenwei Shi Reason to Believe
- DS-2018-09:
- Hugo de Holanda Cunha Nobrega Games for functions: Baire classes, Weihrauch degrees, transfinite computations, and ranks
- DS-2018-08:
- Srinivasan Arunachalam Quantum Algorithms and Learning Theory
- DS-2018-07:
- Julian Schlöder Assertion and Rejection
- DS-2018-06:
- Thomas Brochhagen Signaling under Uncertainty
- DS-2018-05:
- Joachim Daiber Typologically Robust Statistical Machine Translation: Understanding and Exploiting Differences and Similarities Between Languages in Machine Translation
- DS-2018-04:
- Jelle Bruineberg Anticipating Affordances: Intentionality in self-organizing brain-body-environment systems
- DS-2018-03:
- Corina Koolen Reading beyond the female: The relationship between perception of author gender and literary quality
- DS-2018-02:
- Hugo Huurdeman Supporting the Complex Dynamics of the Information Seeking Process
- DS-2018-01:
- Berit Janssen Retained or Lost in Transmission? Analyzing and Predicting Stability in Dutch Folk Songs
- DS-2017-09:
- Miloš Stanojević Permutation Forests for Modeling Word Order in Machine Translation
- DS-2017-08:
- Raquel Garrido Alhama Computational Modelling of Artificial Language Learning: Retention, Recognition & Recurrence
- DS-2017-07:
- Aybüke Özgün Evidence in Epistemic Logic: A Topological Perspective
- DS-2017-06:
- Peter Hawke The Problem of Epistemic Relevance
- DS-2017-05:
- Shane Noah Steinert-Threlkeld Communication and Computation: New Questions About Compositionality
- DS-2017-04:
- Giovanni Cinà Categories for the working modal logician
- DS-2017-03:
- Matthijs Westera Exhaustivity and intonation: a unified theory
- DS-2017-02:
- Riccardo Pinosio The Logic of Kant's Temporal Continuum
- DS-2017-01:
- Paolo Galeazzi Play Without Regret
- DS-2016-10:
- Paula Henk Nonstandard Provability for Peano Arithmetic. A Modal Perspective
- DS-2016-09:
- Teresa Piovesan Quantum entanglement: insights via graph parameters and conic optimization
- DS-2016-08:
- Florian Speelman Position-based Quantum Cryptography and Catalytic Computation
- DS-2016-07:
- Andreas van Cranenburgh Rich Statistical Parsing and Literary Language
- DS-2016-06:
- Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger Aligning the Foundations of Hierarchical Statistical Machine Translation
- DS-2016-05:
- Phong Lê Learning Vector Representations for Sentences - The Recursive Deep Learning Approach
- DS-2016-04:
- Johannes Marti Interpreting Linguistic Behavior with Possible World Models
- DS-2016-03:
- Fleur Leonie Bouwer What do we need to hear a beat? The influence of attention, musical abilities, and accents on the perception of metrical rhythm
- DS-2016-02:
- Zoé Christoff Dynamic Logics of Networks: Information Flow and the Spread of Opinion
- DS-2016-01:
- Ivano A. Ciardelli Questions in Logic
- DS-2015-05:
- Facundo Carreiro Fragments of Fixpoint Logics: Automata and Expressiveness
- DS-2015-04:
- Sumit Sourabh Correspondence and Canonicity in Non-Classical Logic
- DS-2015-03:
- Shengyang Zhong Orthogonality and Quantum Geometry: Towards a Relational Reconstruction of Quantum Theory
- DS-2015-02:
- Mathias Winther Madsen The Kid, the Clerk, and the Gambler - Critical Studies in Statistics and Cognitive Science
- DS-2015-01:
- María Inés Crespo Affecting Meaning. Subjectivity and evaluativity in gradable adjectives.
- DS-2014-04:
- Ben Rodenhäuser A Matter of Trust: Dynamic Attitudes in Epistemic Logic
- DS-2014-03:
- Harald A. Bastiaanse Very, Many, Small, Penguins
- DS-2014-02:
- Thomas Icard The Algorithmic Mind: A Study of Inference in Action
- DS-2014-01:
- Machiel Keestra Sculpting the Space of Actions. Explaining Human Action by Integrating Intentions and Mechanisms
- DS-2013-03:
- Giannicola Scarpa Quantum entanglement in non-local games, graph parameters and zero-error information theory
- DS-2013-02:
- Virginie Fiutek Playing with Knowledge and Belief
- DS-2013-01:
- Simon Pauw Size Matters: Grounding Quantifiers in Spatial Perception
- DS-2012-12:
- Joris Dormans Engineering emergence: applied theory for game design
- DS-2012-11:
- Floor Sietsma Logics of Communication and Knowledge
- DS-2012-10:
- Jeremy Meyers Locations, Bodies, and Sets: A model theoretic investigation into nominalistic mereologies
- DS-2012-09:
- Wesley Halcrow Holliday Knowing What Follows: Epistemic Closure and Epistemic Logic
- DS-2012-08:
- Umberto Grandi Binary Aggregation with Integrity Constraints
- DS-2012-07:
- Pietro Galliani The Dynamics of Imperfect Information
- DS-2012-06:
- Dimitris Gakis Contextual Metaphilosophy - The Case of Wittgenstein
- DS-2012-05:
- David García Soriano Query-Efficient Computation in Property Testing and Learning Theory
- DS-2012-04:
- Yurii Khomskii Regularity Properties and Definability in the Real Number Continuum: idealized forcing, polarized partitions, Hausdorff gaps and mad families in the projective hierarchy.
- DS-2012-03:
- Edgar José Andrade Lotero Models of Language: Towards a practice-based account of information in natural language
- DS-2012-02:
- Markos Mylonakis Learning the Latent Structure of Translation
- DS-2012-01:
- Federico Sangati Decomposing and Regenerating Syntactic Trees
- DS-2011-11:
- Gideon Borensztajn The neural basis of structure in language
- DS-2011-10:
- Lena Kurzen Complexity in Interaction
- DS-2011-09:
- Raul Andres Leal Modalities Through the Looking Glass: A study on coalgebraic modal logic and their applications
- DS-2011-08:
Stefan Minica
Dynamic Logic of Questions
1.Full Text, 2.Cover, 3.Abstract (PDF), 4.Abstract (TXT), 5.Samenvatting (PDF), 6.Samenvatting (TXT).
- DS-2011-07:
- Jop Briët Grothendieck Inequalities, Nonlocal Games and Optimization
- DS-2011-06:
- Rianne Kaptein Effective Focused Retrieval by Exploiting Query Context and Document Structure
- DS-2011-05:
- Lauri Keskinen Characterizing All Models in Infinite Cardinalities
- DS-2011-04:
- Junte Zhang System Evaluation of Archival Description and Access
- DS-2011-03:
- Marijn Koolen The Meaning of Structure: the Value of Link Evidence for Information Retrieval
- DS-2011-02:
- Fernando Raymundo Velazquez-Quesada Small steps in dynamics of information
- DS-2011-01:
- Wouter M. Koolen Combining Strategies Efficiently: High-Quality Decisions from Conflicting Advice
- DS-2010-12:
- Martin Mose Bentzen Stit, Iit, and Deontic Logic for Action Types
- DS-2010-11:
- Nina Gierasimczuk Knowing One's Limits. Logical Analysis of Inductive Inference
- DS-2010-10:
- Jacob Vosmaer Logic, Algebra and Topology. Investigations into canonical extensions, duality theory and point-free topology.
- DS-2010-09:
- Gaëlle Fontaine Modal Fixpoint Logic: Some Model Theoretic Questions
- DS-2010-08:
- Amélie Gheerbrant Fixed-Point Logics on Trees
- DS-2010-07:
- Marc Staudacher Use theories of meaning between conventions and social norms
- DS-2010-06:
- Yanjing Wang Epistemic Modelling and Protocol Dynamics
- DS-2010-05:
- Jarmo Kontinen Coherence and Complexity in Fragments of Dependence Logic
- DS-2010-04:
- Daisuke Ikegami Games in Set Theory and Logic
- DS-2010-03:
- Cédric Dégremont The Temporal Mind. Observations on the logic of belief change in interactive systems
- DS-2010-02:
- Jonathan Zvesper Playing with Information
- DS-2010-01:
- Reut Tsarfaty Relational-Realizational Parsing
- DS-2009-13:
- Stefan Bold Cardinals as Ultrapowers. A Canonical Measure Analysis under the Axiom of Determinacy.
- DS-2009-12:
- Joel Uckelman More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Compact Preference Representation Over Combinatorial Domains
- DS-2009-11:
- Michael Franke Signal to Act: Game Theory in Pragmatics
- DS-2009-10:
- Tikitu de Jager "Now that you mention it, I wonder...": Awareness, Attention, Assumption
- DS-2009-09:
- Olivia Ladinig Temporal expectations and their violations
- DS-2009-08:
- Tomohiro Hoshi Epistemic Dynamics and Protocol Information
- DS-2009-07:
- Kata Balogh Theme with Variations. A Context-based Analysis of Focus
- DS-2009-06:
- Chantal Bax Subjectivity after Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein's embodied and embedded subject and the debate about the death of man.
- DS-2009-05:
- Andreas Witzel Knowledge and Games: Theory and Implementation
- DS-2009-04:
- Sara L. Uckelman Modalities in Medieval Logic
- DS-2009-03:
- Brian Thomas Semmes A Game for the Borel Functions
- DS-2009-02:
- Hartmut Fitz Neural Syntax
- DS-2009-01:
- Jakub Szymanik Quantifiers in TIME and SPACE. Computational Complexity of Generalized Quantifiers in Natural Language
- DS-2008-10:
- Marian Counihan Looking for logic in all the wrong places: an investigation of language, literacy and logic in reasoning
- DS-2008-09:
- Floris Roelofsen Anaphora Resolved
- DS-2008-08:
- Fabrice Nauze Modality in Typological Perspective
- DS-2008-07:
- Steven de Rooij Minimum Description Length Model Selection: Problems and Extensions
- DS-2008-06:
- Falk Unger Noise in Quantum and Classical Computation and Non-locality
- DS-2008-05:
- Erik Rietveld Unreflective Action: A Philosophical Contribution to Integrative Neuroscience
- DS-2008-04:
- Patrick Girard Modal Logic for Belief and Preference Change
- DS-2008-03:
- Olivier Roy Thinking before Acting: Intentions, Logic, Rational Choice
- DS-2008-02:
- Fenrong Liu Changing for the Better: Preference Dynamics and Agent Diversity
- DS-2008-01:
- Stephanie Wehner Cryptography in a Quantum World
- DS-2007-05:
- Yoav Seginer Learning Syntactic Structure
- DS-2007-04:
- Katrin Schulz Minimal Models in Semantics and Pragmatics: Free Choice, Exhaustivity, and Conditionals
- DS-2007-03:
Darrin Hindsill
It's a Process and an Event: Perspectives in Event Semantics
1.Full Text, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-2007-02:
- Neta Spiro What contributes to the perception of musical phrases in western classical music?
- DS-2007-01:
- Rudi Cilibrasi Statistical Inference Through Data Compression
- DS-2006-08:
- Darko Sarenac Products of Topological Modal Logics
- DS-2006-07:
- Marie Nilsenova Rises and Falls. Studies in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Intonation
- DS-2006-06:
Merlijn Sevenster
Branches of imperfect information: logic, games, and computation
1.Full Text, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-2006-05:
- Aline Honingh The Origin and Well-Formedness of Tonal Pitch Structures
- DS-2006-04:
- Robert Špalek Quantum Algorithms, Lower Bounds, and Time-Space Tradeoffs
- DS-2006-03:
- Clemens Kupke Finitary coalgebraic logics
- DS-2006-02:
- Nick Bezhanishvili Lattices of intermediate and cylindric modal logics
- DS-2006-01:
- Troy Lee Kolmogorov complexity and formula size lower bounds
- DS-2005-05:
- Sieuwert van Otterloo A Strategic Analysis of Multi-agent Protocols
- DS-2005-04:
- Anna Pilatova A User's Guide to Proper names: Their Pragmatics and Semanics
- DS-2005-03:
- Rosja Mastop What can you do? Imperative mood in Semantic Theory
- DS-2005-02:
- Willem-Jan van Hoeve Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming
- DS-2005-01:
- Balder David ten Cate Model theory for extended modal languages
- DS-2004-03:
- Boudewijn de Bruin Explaining Games. On the Logic of Game Theoretic Explanations
- DS-2004-02:
- Sebastian Brand Rule-based Constraint Propagation: Theory and Applications
- DS-2004-01:
- Hein Philipp Röhrig Quantum Query Complexity and Distributed Computing
- DS-2003-04:
- Christof Monz From Document Retrieval to Question Answering
- DS-2003-03:
- Juan Heguiabehere Building Logic Toolboxes
- DS-2003-02:
- Elisabeth Catherine Brouwer Imagining Metaphors: Cognitive Representation in Interpretation and Understanding
- DS-2003-01:
Barteld Kooi
Knowledge, chance, and change
1.Samenvatting, 2.Cover, 3.Full Text (PDF), 4.Full Text (PS), 5.Stellingen (PDF), 6.Stellingen (PS).
- DS-2002-06:
Ivar Vermeulen
A Logical Approach to Competition in Industries
1.Full Text.
- DS-2002-05:
- Rosella Gennari Mapping Inferences: Constraint Propagation and Diamond Satisfaction
- DS-2002-04:
Willem Klaas van Dam
On Quantum Computation Theory
1.Full Text.
- DS-2002-03:
- Yuri Engelhardt The Language of Graphics
- DS-2002-02:
- Marco Aiello Spatial Reasoning: Theory and Practice
- DS-2002-01:
- Nikos Massios Decision-Theoretic Robotic Surveillance
- DS-2001-10:
- Marc Pauly Logic for Social Software
- DS-2001-09:
- Gwen Kerdiles Saying It with Pictures: a Logical Landscape of Conceptual Graphs
- DS-2001-08:
- Allard Tamminga Belief Dynamics. (Epistemo)logical Investigations
- DS-2001-07:
- Katsumi Sasaki Logics and Provability
- DS-2001-06:
- Ronald de Wolf Quantum Computing and Communication Complexity
- DS-2001-05:
- Eva Hoogland Definability and Interpolation: Model-theoretic investigations
- DS-2001-04:
- Rosalie Iemhoff Provability Logic and Admissible Rules
- DS-2001-03:
- Erik de Haas Logics For OO Information Systems: a Semantic Study of Object Orientation from a Categorial Substructural Perspective
- DS-2001-02:
- Alexander van den Bosch Rationality in Discovery - a study of Logic, Cognition, Computation and Neuropharmacology
- DS-2001-01:
- Maria Aloni Quantification under Conceptual Covers
- DS-2000-07:
- Egbert L.J. Fortuin Polysemy or monosemy: Interpretation of the imperative and the dative-infinitive construction in Russian
- DS-2000-06:
- Hans van Ditmarsch Knowledge Games
- DS-2000-05:
- Carlos Areces Logic Engineering. The Case of Description and Hybrid Logics
- DS-2000-04:
- Paul van Ulsen E.W. Beth als logicus
- DS-2000-03:
- Marco Vervoort Games, Walks and Grammars: Problems I've Worked On
- DS-2000-02:
- Jaap Kamps A Logical Approach to Computational Theory Building (with applications to sociology)
- DS-2000-01:
- Renata Wassermann Resource Bounded Belief Revision
- DS-1999-04:
- Barbara Terhal Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Entanglement
- DS-1999-03:
Jaap Maat
Philosophical Languages in the Seventeenth Century: Dalgarno, Wilkins, Leibniz
- DS-1999-02:
- Khalil Sima'an Learning efficient disambiguation
- DS-1999-01:
- Jelle Gerbrandy Bisimulations on Planet Kripke
- DS-1998-05:
- Mehdi Dastani Languages of Perception
- DS-1998-04:
- Giovanna d'Agostino Modal Logic and Non-Well-Founded Set Theory: Translation, Bisimulation, Interpolation
- DS-1998-03:
- Peter Grunwald The Minimum Description Length Principle and Reasoning under Uncertainty
- DS-1998-02:
- Sjoerd D. Zwart Approach to the Truth: Verisimilitude and Truthlikeness
- DS-1998-01:
Sebastiaan A. Terwijn
Computability and Measure
1.Full Text, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-1997-06:
- Leonie Bosveld - de Smet On Mass and Plural Quantification. The Case of French `des'/`du'-NP's
- DS-1997-05:
- Harry Stein The Fiber and the Fabric: An Inquiry into Wittgenstein's Views on Rule-Following and Linguistic Normativity
- DS-1997-04:
- Atocha Aliseda-LLera Seeking Explanations: Abduction in Logic, Philosophy of Science and Artificial Intelligence
- DS-1997-03:
Arthur Nieuwendijk
On Logic. Inquiries into the Justification of Deduction
1.Full Text, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-1997-02:
- Natasa Rakic Common Sense Time and Special Relativity
- DS-1997-01:
- Ronald Cramer Modular Design of Secure yet Practical Cryptographic Protocols
- DS-1996-04:
Jeroen Bruggeman
Formalizing Organizational Ecology
- DS-1996-03:
Martin H. van den Berg
Some Aspects of the Internal Structure of Discourse: the Dynamics of Nominal Anaphora
1.Full Text.
- DS-1996-02:
- Angelo Montanari Metric and Layered Temporal Logic for Time Granularity
- DS-1996-01:
- Lex Hendriks Computations in Propositional Logic
- DS-1995-20:
- Natasha Alechina Modal Quantifiers
- DS-1995-19:
- Erik Aarts Investigations in Logic, Language and Computation
- DS-1995-18:
- Willem Groeneveld Logical Investigations into Dynamic Semantics
- DS-1995-17:
- Michiel Leezenberg Contexts of Metaphor
- DS-1995-16:
- Sophie Fischer The Solution Sets of Local Search Problems
- DS-1995-15:
- Marten Trautwein Computational Pitfalls in Tractable Grammatical Formalisms
- DS-1995-14:
- Rens Bod Enriching Linguistics with Statistics: Performance Models of Natural Language
- DS-1995-13:
- Marianne Kalsbeek Meta-Logics for Logic Programming
- DS-1995-12:
- Szabolcs Mikulás Taming Logics
- DS-1995-11:
- W.P.M. Meyer Viol Instantial Logic. An Investigation into Reasoning with Instances
- DS-1995-10:
- Giovanna Cepparello Studies in Dynamic Logic
- DS-1995-09:
G.J. Veltink
Tools for PSF
- DS-1995-08:
- Natasha Kurtonina Frames and Labels. A Modal Analysis of Categorial Inference
- DS-1995-07:
Sandro Etalle
Transformation and Analysis of (Constraint) Logic Programs
1.Full Text, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-1995-06:
Jos van Wamel
Verification Techniques for Elementary Data Types and Retransmission Protocols
- DS-1995-05:
- Frank Tip Generation of Program Analysis Tools
- DS-1995-04:
- Dejuan Wang Study on the Formal Semantics of Pictures
- DS-1995-03:
- Maarten Marx Algebraic Relativization and Arrow Logic
- DS-1995-02:
Andreja Prijatelj
Investigating Bounded Contraction
- DS-1995-01:
Jacob Brunekreef
On Modular Algebraic Protocol Specification
- DS-1994-10:
- Zhisheng Huang Logics for Agents with Bounded Rationality
- DS-1994-09:
Wan Fokkink
Clocks, Trees and Stars in Process Theory
- DS-1994-08:
Makoto Kanazawa
Learnable Classes of Categorial Grammars
- DS-1994-07:
V. Yu. Shavrukov
Adventures in Diagonalizable Algebras
1.Abstract, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-1994-06:
- Domenico Zambella Chapters on Bounded Arithmetic and on Provability Logic
- DS-1994-05:
Arie van Deursen
Executable Language Definitions, Case Studies and Origin Tracking Techniques
- DS-1994-04:
Jan Jaspars
Calculi for Constructive Communication, a Study of the Dynamics of Partial States
- DS-1994-03:
Nicoline Johanna Drost
Process Theory and Equation Solving
1.Abstract, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-1994-02:
Jan Willem Cornelis Koorn
Generating Uniform User-Interfaces for Interactive Programming Environments
1.Abstract, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-1994-01:
Harold Schellinx
The Noble Art of Linear Decorating
Authors homepage:
- DS-1993-06:
John Tromp
Aspects of Algorithms and Complexity
1.Abstract, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-1993-05:
Herman Hendriks
Studied Flexibility
1.Abstract, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-1993-04:
- Maarten de Rijke Extending Modal Logic
- DS-1993-03:
- Rineke Verbrugge Efficient Metamathematics
- DS-1993-02:
Harry Buhrman
Resource Bounded Reductions
1.Abstract, 2.Samenvatting.
- DS-1993-01:
- Paul Dekker Transsentential Meditations; Ups and downs in dynamic semantics