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PhD position in Logic and Language group
The ILLC Logic & Language group has one vacant PhD position for a candidate who wants to write a dissertation on a topic falling within the interdisciplinary field between logic, philosophy of language, and cognitive science, and who has completed a master's degree in a relevant area. Candidates shortlisted for this position will be asked to write a project proposal. See for more details about the research programme.
The PhD student needs to carry out the research within three years and needs to write a dissertation.
The candidate must be in posession of a Research Master's or other requisite degree in a relevant area.
More information
Further information for this position can be obtained from Prof. dr. J. Groenendijk at j.a.g.groenendijk at
The appointment will be for a period of three years and should lead to a dissertation. The gross monthly salary will be in accordance with University regulations for academic personnel, and will range from € 2,279 up to a maximum of € 2,502 (full time basis).
Job application
Applications should include a letter of motivation, a detailed curriculum vitae , and the names of two referees. They should be sent to the scientific director of ILLC, Prof. dr. F. Veltman, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Plantage Muidergracht 24, 1018 TV Amsterdam. Applications by E-mail will also be accepted: f.veltman at
The deadline for submission is March 11th 2007.
Please note that this newsitem has been archived, and may contain outdated information or links.