(Senior) Lecturer Position in Mathematically Structured Programming @ Strathclyde, Glasgow (Scotland)
Deadline: Sunday 5 January 2025
The Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow seeks to appoint a Chancellors Fellow in Mathematically Structured Programming. We welcome applications from candidates with expertise in a range of topics in the mathematical foundations of computer sciences and applications, such as:
* Logic, including modal and temporal logic, model checking, and proof theory;
* Category theory, including categorical semantics, and applied category theory;
* Type theory and functional programming, including semantics, metatheory, and implementation;
* Formal and mechanised mathematics, including certified programming and the use and implementation of proof assistants.
For more information, see
or contact Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg at fredrik.nordvall-forsberg at strath.ac.uk, or Clemens Kupke at clemens.kupke at strath.ac.uk.