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PhD student position and postdoc position in the CREDO project
at CWI, Amsterdam
The theme SEN3 Coordination Languages at CWI ( has 1 PhD position for four years and 1 postdoc position for three years.
Both positions are within the IST-33826 research CREDO project "Modeling and analysis of evolutionary structures for distributed services", recently funded by the European Union. This project starts September 1, 2006, and lasts for three years. The objective of this project is the development and application of an integrated suite of tools for compositional modelling, testing, and validation of software for evolving networks of dynamically reconfigurable components. More information on this project can be found at the following webpage:
Job description
The candidates are expected to work on the design and development of a new high-level modelling language Credo for the dynamic composition of highly reconfigurable component-based software systems, and light-weight and automated verification techniques and tools supporting this language. The main overall idea of Credo is the integration of a formal component model based on concurrent objects which support run-time updates with a new model of component connectors based on mobile channels. The main objective of this integration is to support rapid prototyping and automated validation of networks of distributed services implemented by components, focusing on analyzing the effect of dynamic reconfiguration. The kernel of the Credo tool will consists of an abstract interpreter for the language implemented in the rewriting logic of the Maude system ( The abstract interpreter forms the basis for the development and integration of simulation, testing and validation tools for the compositional analysis of functional, timing, and resource requirements.
Both candidates should have a background in software engineering, concurrency and distributed systems, and practical software development or formal methods. The PhD candidate should have at least a master degree in computer science and the candidate for the postdoc position should have a PhD degree in computer science.
Scientific Cluster of Software Engineering at CWI
CWI is an internationally renowned research institute in mathematics and computer science, located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The theme SEN3 Coordination Languages of the Scientific Cluster of Software Engineering at CWI is a dynamic group of internationally recognized researchers who work on Coordination Models and Languages and Component-Based Software Composition. The activity in SEN3 is a productive, healthy mix of theoretical, foundational, and experimental work in Computer Science, ranging in a spectrum covering mathematical foundations of models of computation, formal methods and semantics, implementation of advanced research software systems, as well as their real-life applications.
Terms of employment
The salary and terms at CWI are in accordance with the Dutch "CAO-onderzoeksinstellingen". The initial salary for a Ph.D. student is Euro 1848,- gross per month. The salary grows to Euro 2367,- in the fourth year. The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 4.1 %. The initial salary for a postdoc is around Euro 2803,- (Euro 2848,- per 1/8/06) gross per month. The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 4.1 %.
CWI offers very attractive working conditions, including flexibility and help with housing for foreigners.
Further details
More information can be obtained Dr. F.S. D Boer, telephone +31-20-592-4139, email at
How to apply
To apply, please send a statement of your interest, together with curriculum vitae, letters of references, and possibly list of publications to at Make sure that you specifically mention the CREDO project.
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