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PhD positions in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization, Copenhagen (Denmark)

The CS department at Lund University invites applications for PhD positions in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization.
The PhD student will be working in the Mathematical Insights into Algorithms for Optimization (MIAO) group headed by Jakob Nordstrom, which is active at both Lund University and the University of Copenhagen on either side of the Oresund Bridge. We have a fairly unusual profile in that we are doing cutting-edge research both on the theoretical, mathematical foundations of efficient computation and on state-of-the-art applied algorithms for real-world problems. Much of the activities of the group revolve around powerful algorithmic paradigms such as Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solving, Groebner basis computations, integer linear programming, constraint programming, and semidefinite programming. This leads to classic questions in computational complexity theory—though often with new, interesting twists—but also involves work on devising new algorithmic approaches that can exploit the power of such paradigms in practice.
This is a four-year full-time employed position, but PhD positions usually (though not necessarily) include 20% teaching, in which case they are prolonged for one more year. The expected starting date is in the autumn of 2021, but is to some extent negotiable. The position is fully funded and comes with a competitive salary.
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