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PhD student position in Knowledge Representation Formalisms, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
At Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, we are looking for a PhD student to investigate Knowledge Representation Formalisms for Hybrid Intelligence (HI).
Hybrid Intelligence is the combination of human and machine intelligence, expanding human intellect instead of replacing it. Knowledge graphs (KGs) can play an important role in representing knowledge for different agents in Hybrid Intelligence settings. Unfortunately, the current KR formalisms are not sufficiently well-designed to work with complex, conflicting, dynamic and contextualised knowledge. What is needed to make KGs suitable formalisms for data and knowledge exchange in a HI network, is for individual agents to adapt their own knowledge in a KG (or at least the active part it is doing reasoning with) w.r.t. the interaction with one or more actors in its network.
You will study non-classical logical operators under (possibly changing) contexts, where the contexts are (semi)formal representations of the other agents' requirements, knowledge, (cultural) background, necessity, and other modalities of choice. Furthermore, you will design or adapt formalisms appropriate to the knowledge modeling challenges as well as protocols for agents to use the knowledge in HI interaction scenarios. Finally, you will apply and validate the solutions for a select number of application domains. The research project is based at the VU Amsterdam, and will be co-supervised by TU Delft and University of Twente researchers.
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