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14-20 August 2003, Student and Young Researcher Grants for LC 2003
Graduate students and young researchers are invited to apply for travel awards to attend the Logic Colloquium 2003 in Helsinki, Finland, August 14-20, 2003. Applications for the following three categories of travel awards should be submitted to the Organizing Committee of the meeting and they should be received before the deadline of April 1, 2003:
- Up to full compensation of travel, subsistence, and participation fees for graduate students and young researchers who are nationals of an EU Member State or Associated State (see list of countries below) and active inside a Member State or Associated State at the time of the meeting.
- Modest travel awards for graduate students and recent Ph.D.'s who are either students at USA universities or citizens or permanent residents of the USA.
- Modest travel awards for graduate students, recent Ph.D.'s and young researchers who are not eligible for either of the previous two categories.
Category 1 is funded by the European Community (EC) and category 2 by the US National Science Foundation (NSF). Category 3 is funded by the ASL and to some extent by the Organizing Committee directly.
For more information, see
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