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Call for "Outline" proposals for ESF Scientific
The ESF Standing Committee for the Physical and Engineering Sciences (PESC) herewith launches (9 September 2002) a call for "outline" proposals for ESF Scientific Programmes. PESC wishes proposals to address NOVEL SCIENCE in one or more of the following fields: chemistry, physics, mathematics, information sciences and technology, fundamental engineering sciences, materials sciences and engineering. Multi-disciplinary proposals based in these areas but also involving fields within the remit of other ESF Standing Committees are also welcome. Deadline for proposals is October 31st, 2002.
An ESF Scientific Programme is a networking activity, bringing together key researchers and research groups for four or five years to address a major scientific issue at the European level. Key objectives are to bring synergy and European added value to research work being undertaken at the national level, and to achieve a visible impact at the European level to the advantage of European science.
For more information, see note that this newsitem has been archived, and may contain outdated information or links.