News and Events: Upcoming Events

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<< June 2015 >>
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
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4 June 2015, Coalgebra in the Netherlands (COIN)

Date & Time: Thursday 4 June 2015, 13:30-16:00
Location: Room HG02.032, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

COIN, or Coalgebra in the Netherlands, is a seminar taking place alternating at the Radboud University in Nijmegen and the CWI in Amsterdam. The aim of COIN is to bring together coalgebra researchers from various locations in the Netherlands, and share current results and questions in the world of coalgebra. We welcome presentations on any subject related to coalgebra. As usual, everyone who is interested is cordially invited to come.

Julian Salamanca: Equations and Coequations for Weighted Automata.
Renato Neves: Towards a calculus of hybrid components
Henning Basold: Dependent Inductive and Coinductive Types via Dialgebras in Fibrations

For more information, see

4 June 4 2015, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Henry Yuen (MIT)

Date & Time: Thursday 4 June 4 2015, 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Henry Yuen (MIT)
Title: Parallel repetition for entangled games via fast quantum search
Location: CWI room L017, Science Park 123, Amsterdam

The Parallel Repetition Theorem is an important tool in complexity theory and cryptography, used to amplify the hardness of multiplayer games. It roughly states that if a game G, involving two non-communicating players, has value p, then the two-player game G^n -- n independent instances of G in parallel -- has value f(p,G)^n, where f(p,G) is some (complicated) function of p and the game. Recently, there has been much interest in proving a quantum analogue of the Parallel Repetition Theorem, where the players are allowed to use quantum entanglement as part of their strategy. We give improved parallel repetition theorems for entangled games in the case that the players' inputs are uncorrelated.

For more information, contact Ronald de Wolf ()

5 June 2015, Yablo workshop, Room C3.17, Oudemanhuispoort, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

Date & Time: Friday 5 June 2015, 10:30 - 16:45
Speaker: Stephen Yablo, Katrin Schulz, Robert van Rooij, Matteo Plebani
Location: Room C3.17, Oudemanhuispoort, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

On Friday 5th of June there will be a workshop in honour of Professor Stephen Yablo (MIT). Yablo is a world-leading figure in metaphysics, philosophical logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of mind. The workshop will consist of three talks addressing different aspects of Yablo's work and will conclude with a keynote address by Yablo himself.

The workshop is free and you can simply turn up on the day, but if you are definitely planning to attend please email Luca Incurvati. For more information, please contact .

For more information, see here .

5 June 2015, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Thomas Pashby.

Date & Time: Friday 5 June 2015, 14:30-16:00
Speaker: Thomas Pashby.
Title: Schroedinger's Cat, Event Times and Quantum Logic
Location: Room F1.15, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

For more information, see

11 June 2015, Crosslinguistic semantics (XLSX) colloquium, Henk Zeevat

Date & Time: Thursday 11 June 2015, 16:30-18:00
Speaker: Henk Zeevat
Title: The Importance of Typology for a Linguistic Semantics
Location: Room E1.08, Oudemanhuispoort, Vendelstraat 8, Amsterdam

For more information, see here or contact . After the talk there will be drinks to celebrate Henk's 25 year jubilee at the UvA.

For more information, please contact

15 June 2015, DIP Colloquium, Prof. Stephen Yablo

Date & Time: Monday 15 June 2015, 13:00-15:00
Speaker: Prof. Stephen Yablo (MIT)
Title: Issues and Attitudes
Location: Room F1.15, ILLC, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

For abstracts and more information, see

16 June 2015, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Jeremy Ribeiro

Date & Time: Tuesday 16 June 2015, 15:00-16:00
Speaker: Jeremy Ribeiro
Title: A Tight Lower Bound for the BB84-states Quantum Position Verification Protocol
Location: CWI room L017, Science Park 123, Amsterdam

We use the entanglement sampling techniques developed in (Dupuis et al., 2015) to find a lower bound on the entanglement needed by a coalition of cheaters attacking the quantum postition verification protocol using the four BB84 states (QPVBB84) in the scenario where the cheaters have no access to a quantum channel but share a (possibly mixed) entangled state Φ. For a protocol using n qubits, a necessary condition for cheating is that the max-relative entropy of entanglement E_max(Φ) ≥ n − O(log n). This improves previously known best lower bound by a factor approx. 4, and it is essentially tight, since the protocol is vulnerable to a teleportation-based attack using n − O(1) ebits of entanglement.

For more information, see the article at or contact Christian Schaffner ().

17 June 2015, ILLC Midsummernight Colloquium 2015, ILLC Common room, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

Date: Wednesday 17 June 2015
Location: ILLC Common room, Science Park 107, Amsterdam

The ILLC Colloquium is a half-yearly festive event (either the New Year's Colloquium, the Midsummernight Colloquium or the Midwinter Colloquium) that brings together the three research groups at the ILLC. Each colloquium consists of three main talks by representatives from the Logic and Language group, the Language and Computation group and the Logic and Computation group, which are occasionally followed by Wild Idea Talks. The colloquium is concluded by a get together of the entire ILLC community.

For more information, see

19 June 2015, Taalverwerving: Kinderspel of Monnikenwerk?, Jeannette Schaeffer

Date & Time: Friday 19 June 2015, 16:00
Speaker: Jeannette Schaeffer
Location: Aula, Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam

Inaugural lecture of Jeannette Schaeffer, professor of Language Acquisition.

For more information, see

26 June 2015, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Rick Statman

Date & Time: Friday 26 June 2015, 15:30-16:30
Speaker: Rick Statman
Title: The Algebraic Approach to Recursive Types
Location: VU University, Faculty of Sciences, room P631

For more information, see or here.

30 June 2015, Colloquium on Mathematical Logic, Benjamin Rin

Date & Time: Tuesday 30 June 2015, 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Benjamin Rin
Title: On Set-Theoretic and Transfinite Analogues of Epistemic Arithmetic and Flagg Consistency
Location: ILLC, Science Park 107, room F1.15

For abstracts and more information, see or contact Benno van den Berg ().