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16 June 2015, Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, Jeremy Ribeiro

Speaker: Jeremy Ribeiro
Title: A Tight Lower Bound for the BB84-states Quantum Position Verification Protocol
Date: Tuesday 16 June 2015
Time: 15:00-16:00
Location: CWI room L017, Science Park 123, Amsterdam

We use the entanglement sampling techniques developed in (Dupuis et al., 2015) to find a lower bound on the entanglement needed by a coalition of cheaters attacking the quantum postition verification protocol using the four BB84 states (QPVBB84) in the scenario where the cheaters have no access to a quantum channel but share a (possibly mixed) entangled state Φ. For a protocol using n qubits, a necessary condition for cheating is that the max-relative entropy of entanglement E_max(Φ) ≥ n − O(log n). This improves previously known best lower bound by a factor approx. 4, and it is essentially tight, since the protocol is vulnerable to a teleportation-based attack using n − O(1) ebits of entanglement.

For more information, see the article at or contact Christian Schaffner ().

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