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23 March 2017, Workshop on intonation and pragmatics, on the occasion of the defense of Matthijs Westera

Date: Thursday 23 March 2017
Time: 15:00-17:30
Location: ILLC Seminar room F1.15
Target audience: Everyone with an interest in intonation and pragmatics.
I'm very happy that my three external committee members will give talks at the ILLC! They are:
- Craige Roberts (NYU/Rutgers)
- Michael Wagner (McGill)
- Jörg Peters (Oldenburg)
Topics will include focus/prominence in natural language, the tone inventories of languages like Dutch, German and English, experimental work on intonation, and of course pragmatics.
Precise program TBA.
For more information, see
or contact Matthijs Westera at m.westera at
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