News and Events: Upcoming Events

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7 December 2015, History of Humanities and Sciences Meeting

Date: Monday 7 December 2015
Time: 15:00-17:15
Location: Belle van Zuylenzaal (Room C1.13), Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425, Amsterdam

The next History of Humanities and Sciences Meeting will take place on Monday 7 December, with two talks on HHS -- ranging from Europe to Japan!

After the talks, we will give an update about the latest news on our Center. The Governing Board (CvB) of the UvA has decided last month to grant our subsidy request and we will start as an official Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences from 2016 onwards. This is great news, and we will celebrate the new Center with a major kick-off event in 2016. More news will follow soon. On December 7 we will already give some further details about our new course in HHS, our research program for the years to come, our ideas about the fellowship program, and our new collaboration between the Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte and the UvA.


15.00-15.45h: *Marleen Rensen* (University of Amsterdam), “Restoring the Republic of Letters: Romain Rolland, Stefan Zweig and transnational community building in interwar European humanities and sciences”

15.45-16.00h: Coffee break

16.00-16.45h: *Yuji** Nawata* (Chuo University), "Bun and Bunka - notions of culture in Japanese scholarship in the past and present"

16.45-17.15h: *The Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences*

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