News and Events: Upcoming Events

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10 December 2015, Workshop on Fixpoint Logics, Automata and Expressiveness, Room 1.90, Building J/K, Valckeniersstraat 65-67, 1018 XE Amsterdam

Date: Thursday 10 December 2015
Location: Room 1.90, Building J/K, Valckeniersstraat 65-67, 1018 XE Amsterdam

Invited Speakers:
- Martin Otto (TU Darmstadt)
- Igor Walukiewicz (LABRI, Université Bordeaux-I)
- Sebastian Enqvist (University of Amsterdam)
- Alessandro Facchini (IDSIA)
- Yde Venema (University of Amsterdam)

International experts will give talks on topics related to fixpoint logics, automata, bisimulation and second-order logics. More information on the workshop can be found on the webpage at, or contact .

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