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30 August 2013, Citation Maps of Authors in the Humanities: Some Dutch Examples, Howard D. White

Speaker: Howard D. White
Date: Friday 30 August 2013
Time: 16:00
Location: BG5 2.13 Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237, 1012 DL

The AuthorWeb system, developed a decade ago at Drexel University, presents researchers with a new kind of transdisciplinary reference tool made possible by a citation database - in this case, the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. It allows the user to enter a seed author of interest (e.g., Spinoza) and then to instantly retrieve and map the 24 other authors who are most frequently cited with the seed. Such maps would seem to have uses in teaching and exploratory research across the humanities and to bear on fields such as audience reception theory, canon formation studies, the study of interdisciplinarity, the sociology of literature, and intellectual history.

For more information, see

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