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23 March 2011, Beth Lecture, Hartry Field

Speaker: Hartry Field
Title: Property Theory and the Foundations of Mathematics
Date: Wednesday 23 March 2011
Time: 20:00
Location: Doelenzaal, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Singel 425

Prof. Field will speak on the intended distinction between sets and properties, and review work since Goedel toward resolving the property-theoretic paradoxes. He will also discuss the role of properties in the foundations of mathematics, as a replacement of proper classes and to implement an appropriate version of higher order logic.

The lecture forms part of the 'Truth be Told' workshop. Previous E.W.Beth Lecturers include P. Lorenzen, P. Aczel, B. van Fraassen, M. Finocchiaro, P. Suppes, S. Feferman, E. Agazzi, H. Kamp, J. Bricmont.

For more information and an abstract, see the 'Truth be Told' programme at

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