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6 March 2009, Computational Social Choice Seminar, Freek Wiedijk

Speaker: Freek Wiedijk
Title: Formalizing Arrow's Theorem
Date: Friday 6 March 2009
Time: 16:00
Location: Room P.327, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24, Amsterdam


Some time ago the Mizar system for formal mathematics was used to "formalize" a small proof of Arrow's theorem by John Geanakoplos. This talk describes formalization of mathematics in general, and also presents specifics of the Mizar formalization of Arrow's theorem. In particular two questions are addressed: whether errors were found in the proof by Geanakoplos, and more in general, whether formalization can be useful outside of mathematics.

For more information, see or contact Ulle Endriss ().

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