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6 June 2002, Logic Tea, Paul Égré

Speaker: Paul Égré
Title: The Knower Paradox in the Light of Provability Interpretations of
Modal Logic
Date: Thursday 6 June 2002
Time: 15:30-17:00
Location: Room P.018, Euclides Building, Plantage Muidergracht 24,

In this talk I offer to discuss more closely the links between the Knower Paradox and provability interpretations of modal logic. First, I bring together and compare the respective strength of several inconsistency results respectively involving truth predicates, provability predicates, up to knowledge and belief predicates. In a second part, I examine how provability interpretations of modal logic enable to bypass the limitations imposed by the Knower and related results. The discussion rests more specifically on an examination of the distinct treatments elaborated by B. Skyrms (1978), C.A. Anderson (1983), and R. Solovay (1976). imposed by the Knower and related results.

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