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8 March 2002, Second Utrecht-Amsterdam Workshop,
Computational Tools for Linguistics
This second Utrecht-Amsterdam workshop aims at bringing together researchers from the University of Utrecht (UiL OTS) and the University of Amsterdam (ILLC), with common interests in the area of computational linguistics and information systems. Speakers include M. Moortgat, J. Kamps, P. Monachesi, C. Caracciolo, C. Monz, R. Moot, T. v.d. Wouden, K. Sima'an, P. Adriaans
The full program, including abstract, will be announced asap and published on the web site at For logistic reasons we ask you to register yourself before March 6th: registration is free. For registration and further information, please contact Caterina Caracciolo (caterina at or Paola Monachesi (paola.monachesi at
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