News and Events: Upcoming Events

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23-25 September 2002, 6th International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, Amsterdam

Date: 23-25 September 2002
Location: Amsterdam
Deadline: 19 April 2002

ICGI-2002 is the sixth in a series of successful biennial international conferences on the area of grammatical inference. Grammatical inference has been extensively addressed by researchers in information theory, automata theory, language acquisition, computational linguistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, computational learning theory and neural networks. This colloquium aims at bringing together researchers in these fields. Previous editions of this meeting were held in Essex, U.K.; Alicante, Spain; Montpellier, France; Ames, Iowa, USA; and Lisbon, Portugal.

Submission of manuscripts: April 19, 2002
Notification of acceptance: May 27th, 2002
Final version of manuscript: June 28th, 2002

For more information, see

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