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23 March 2017, Exhaustivity and intonation: a unified theory, Matthijs Westera

Candidate: Matthijs Westera
Date: Thursday 23 March 2017
Time: 10:00
Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
Promotor: Jeroen Groenendijk
Copromotor: Floris Roelofsen
Everyone is cordially invited to attend the public defence of the dissertation of Matthijs Westera, with reception afterwards.
In his dissertation he develops a rationality-based account of two central linguistic/cognitive phenomena: exhaustivity (that we tend to assume that what isn't explicitly mentioned is false) and intonational meaning (that we use rises and falls in our speech to indicate compliance with certain standards for rational conversation).
For more information,
contact Matthijs Westera at matthijs.westera at
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