2 May 2025, PhD defense, Niels Neumann
Candidate: Niels Neumann
Title: Adaptive Quantum Computers
Date: Friday 2 May 2025
Time: 13:00
Location: Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam
Promotor: Harry Buhrman and Frank Phillipson
Copromotor: Jop Briët
This dissertation considers the power of Adaptive Quantum Computers. As current quantum devices are limited in their capabilities, it might be wise to offload as many computations as possible to a conventional computer. Quick intermediate conventional computations can then help boost the power of the quantum computer as a whole.
In this dissertation, we explore two directions. First, we show that adaptive quantum computers are strictly more powerful than similar conventional computations. Second, we show that adaptive quantum computers can enhance non-adaptive quantum computations, for instance by reducing the circuit depth or by having a higher probability of success.
For more information, contact Niels Neumann at niels.neumann at tno.nl.