News and Events: Conferences

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26 - 28 February 2018, 2nd SYSMICS Workshop "Substructural logics: semantics, proof theory and applications", Vienna, Austria

Date: 26 - 28 February 2018
Location: Vienna, Austria
Deadline: Friday 15 December 2017

Substructural logics are non-classical logics lacking some of the structural rules of classical logic, and are motivated by philosophical, linguistic and computational considerations. Traditionally, substructural logics have been investigated using proof theoretic and algebraic methods. In recent years, combined approaches have started to emerge. The program of this SYSMICS workshop will be focused on the interactions between syntactic and semantic methods in substructural and related logics, as well as their applications.

If you would like to give a contributed talk, please submit an abstract of 1-3 pages in pdf via the EasyChair submission page.

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