News and Events: Conferences

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19-21 September 2016, 10th Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP 2016), Aalborg, Denmark

Date: 19-21 September 2016
Location: Aalborg, Denmark
Deadline: 13 May 2016

The 10th Workshop on Reachability Problems is aimed at gathering together scholars from diverse disciplines interested in reachability problems that appear in algebraic structures, computational models, hybrid systems, logic and verification.

Invited Speakers: Alain Finkel (ENS de Cachan, France), Axel Legay (INRIA, Rennes Cedex, France) and Jaco van de Pol (Twente, the Netherlands).

In addition to regular papers that will appear in our LNCS proceedings, we invite researchers to apply to give a presentation at RP'16 without an accompanying paper. Such presentations can be based on work that has appeared (or which is going to appear) in the proceedings of another conference, or which has not yet been submitted. Deadline for abstract submission: August 1st, 2016.

For more information, see

Authors are invited to submit a draft of a full paper with at most 12 pages. Simultaneous submission to other conferences or workshops with published proceedings is not allowed. Submission deadline: 13 May 2016.

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