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19-20 October 2007, PhiMSAMP-2: Philosophy of Mathematics: Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice, Utrecht
PhiMSAMP-2 is a workshop of the PhiMSAMP network for its members. Part of the workshop is open for the general public, and we cordially invite all researchers and students in the vicinity of Utrecht to come. Friday evening, we will present research results of the PhiMSAMP network in short talks by Eva Wilhelmus, Dirk Schlimm, and Esther Ramharter. The whole Saturday is devoted to tutorials on methodology in the social sciences and cognitive science by leading researchers. These tutorials could be particularly interesting for graduate students who are most enthusiastically invited. Speakers include Vincent Buskens, Herbert Kalthoff, Hansjörg Neth and Keith Stenning.
For more information, see or contact Thomas Müller at <Thomas.Mueller at>
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