News and Events: Conferences

(New) 31 August - 5 September 2025, 10th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving (AITP 2025), Aussois, France

Date: 31 August - 5 September 2025
Location: Aussois, France
Deadline: Monday 5 May 2025

Large-scale semantic processing and strong computer assistance of mathematics and science is our inevitable future. New combinations of AI and reasoning methods and tools deployed over large mathematical and scientific corpora will be instrumental to this task.  The AITP conference is the forum for discussing how to get there as soon as possible, and the force driving the progress towards that.

There will be several focused sessions on AI for ATP, ITP, mathematics, relations to general AI (AGI), Formal Abstracts, linguistic processing of mathematics/science, modern AI and big-data methods, and several sessions with contributed talks. The focused sessions will be based on invited talks and discussion oriented. AITP'25 is planned as an in-person conference.

We solicit contributed talks. Selection of those will be based on extended abstracts/short papers of 2 pages formatted with easychair.cls. Submission is via EasyChair. The extended abstracts are considered non-archival. The contributed talks have to be presented in-person.


For more information, see