22 - 26 September 2025, Polish Congress of Logic, Toruń, Poland
The conference aims to honour the legacy of outstanding Polish logicians, particularly those associated with the Lvov-Warsaw School and the Polish Mathematical School. The conference focuses on topics from various areas of logic and its applications, in particular, in the foundations of mathematics, computer science and linguistics. Submissions in the area of philosophy of science are also welcomed. The Congress will feature plenary sessions, sections, and the following workshops:
• 3rd Workshop on Relating Logic (WRL3), org. by Mateusz Klonowski and Jacek Malinowski.
• 1st Workshop on Mechanisms and Causes (WMaC1) org. by Michał Oleksowicz and Mateusz Chwastyk.
• 1st Symposium on the Languages and Logics of Syllogistics (SYLLOS1) org. by Luis Estrada-González and Tomasz Jarmużek.
• 3rd Workshop on Non-Fregean Logics (WNFL3) org. by Dorota Leszczyńska-Jasion and Szymon Chlebowski.
Submissions should be prepared using the provided latex template and sent to ptlifn.sekretarz at gmail.com. For workshop submissions, please include the workshop name in the email subject line.