News and Events: Conferences

28 July - 8 August 2025, 5th Natural Logic Meets Machine Learning Workshop (NALOMA 2025), Bochum, Germany

Date: 28 July - 8 August 2025
Location: Bochum, Germany
Deadline: Friday 25 April 2025

There has been an ever-growing interest in tasks targeting Natural Language Understanding and Reasoning. Although deep learning models have achieved human-like performance in many such tasks, it has also been repeatedly shown that they lack the precision, generalization power, reasoning capabilities, and explainability found in more traditional, symbolic approaches. Thus, current research has started employing hybrid methods, combining the strengths of each tradition and mitigating its weaknesses. This workshop would like to promote this research direction and foster fruitful dialog between the two disciplines by bringing together researchers working on hybrid methods in any subfield of Natural Language Understanding and Reasoning. 

The 5th NALOMA Workshop is co-located with ESSLLI.

The NALOMA workshop invites submissions on any (theoretical or computational) aspect of hybrid methods concerning Natural Language Understanding and Reasoning (NLU&R). NALOMA accepts archival papers (to appear in the ACL anthology proceedings) and (non-archival) extended abstracts. Both accepted papers and extended abstracts are expected to be presented at the workshop. Extended abstracts will be presented as talks or posters at the discretion of the program committee.

For more information, see