News and Events: Conferences

30 June - 4 July 2025, European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2025), Bergen, Norway

Date: 30 June - 4 July 2025
Location: Bergen, Norway
Deadline: Wednesday 5 March 2025

ECOOP is Europe’s longest-standing annual Programming Languages conference, bringing together researchers, practitioners, and students to share their ideas and experiences in all topics related to programming languages, software development, systems and applications. ECOOP welcomes high quality research papers relating to these fields in a broad sense. ECOOP was originally focused on object orientation, but now includes all practical and theoretical investigations of programming languages, systems and environments. ECOOP solicits innovative solutions to real problems as well as evaluations of existing solutions.

Submissions will be done through HotCRP but are not yet open at the time of this writing. Authors are asked to pick one of the following paper categories: Research, Replication Experience, or Pearls/Brave New Ideas. Submission must not have been published, or have major overlap with previous work. ECOOP uses double-anonymous reviewing. Each paper will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Soundness, Significance and Presentation. There is no page limit on submissions, but authors must understand that reviewers have a fixed time budget for each paper, so the length of the feedback is likely to be unaffected by length. Brevity is a virtue.

For more information, see or contact Giorgio Audrito at .