23 - 26 September 2025, 5th European Conference on Argumentation (ECA 2025): Argumentation in the Digital Society, Warsaw, Poland
The European Conference on Argumentation (ECA) is a biennial pan-European initiative aiming to consolidate and advance research on argumentation. After four successful editions, ECA will be hosted in 2025 by the Warsaw University of Technology, in Warsaw, Poland. We aim to attract scholars on argumentation worldwide from various disciplines, dealing with a range of themes and adopting a variety of approaches.
The special theme of this conference is Argumentation in the Digital Society. The main objective of the conference is to identify the key research areas related to the dynamics of change and development in today's digitised society. There is a need to develop the theoretical tools of argumentation and related disciplines that allow discussion and argument to be founded on trust, charity, and goodwill. The conference aims to explore these topics and ensure a high-quality exchange of research results.
The ECA 2025 summer school organized by Barbara Konat and Leonard Kupś (Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences) will take place at Adam Mickiewicz University, in Poznań, Poland, before the ECA conference, from 17th to 20th September 2025. The summer school allows Early Career Researchers to explore current methods in the empirical analysis of natural language argumentation. This includes a variety of topics such as formal and informal logic, erotetic logic, computational approaches, conversation and discourse analysis, and experimental methods in psychology with a strong focus on practical, hands-on analysis.
We invite submissions from all sub-disciplines of argumentation, on all relevant topics, and employ a variety of methods and approaches. Submissions outside of the scope of the special theme Argumentation in the Digital Society are also accepted. Submissions will open on 20 January 2025 via the Easy Chair platform.