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15 January 2025, Formalize!(?) – 5: A philosophical & educational perspective on formalization in mathematics, Online
We are organizing a one-day online workshop to commemorate World Logic Day 2025 (which is actually a day before this event). Registration is free of charge and everybody is welcome to attend.
This series of events began with the theme of foundations in the context of automated theorem proving: What are the chances and problems of the act of formalization in the context of mathematics? After three years on the topic, we have realized that this context is too narrow to understand formalization and thus we have we added a yearly theme (although not all talks are necessarily aligned with it). This year we focus on ethical perspectives: Are there ethical aspects of the practices of formal sciences (including math), which role play formal arguments in politca contexts, what about aspects of ethical AI ...
Speakers: Jordi Fairhurst (UIB), Seunghyun Song (Tilburg University), Robert Naylor (Manchester), Colin Rittberg (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) and Aleksandra Vuèkoviæ (Belgrade).
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