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26 - 28 November 2024, 2024 Australasian Association for Logic Conference (AAL 2024), Sydney, Australia / online (Zoom)
The Australasian Association for Logic will hold its annual conference in hybrid format (using Zoom for the online component) from Tuesday 26 November to Thursday 28 November, 2024. The physical location will be the University of Sydney in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The conference aims to bring together logicians, either based in Australasia or with the desire to connect with logicians based in Australasia, working in mathematical, computational, or philosophical logic. The conference is intended to provide a platform for presentation and exchange of ideas.
There will be three one-hour invited talks on different logic topics. The speakers will be Noam Greenberg (Victoria University of Wellington), Annalisa Conversano (Massey University), and Manfred Droste (University of Leipzig).
We invite submission of abstracts in any area of logic, broadly construed. To submit, send an anonymized short abstract (at most 2 pages) and title by email with the subject “AAL 2024”. The soft deadline for submissions is 5 September. Submissions will be accepted for consideration until the hard deadline of Saturday, 20 September. Decisions will be sent out in late September. We would like to encourage submissions from members of groups that are underrepresented in logic.
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