News and Events: Conferences

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18 - 21 June 2024, Cracow Logic Conference (CLoCk) 69 and Trends in Logic 24, Kraków, Poland

Date: 18 - 21 June 2024
Location: Kraków, Poland
Deadline: Tuesday 18 June 2024

The Department of Logic of the Jagiellonian University and Studia Logica organise a common event: Cracow Logic Conference 69 and Trends in Logic 24 -- 90 Years of Studia Logica with a historical lecture on Jan Łukasiewicz 1934 Studia Logica volume.

Cracow Logic Conference (CLoCk) is the oldest Polish conference series on logic. For many years it existed under a deceptive name Konferencja Historii Logiki (Conference on the History of Logic), and was for the most part limited to the Polish logic community.  Since 2023 CLoCk went truly international and welcomes contributions on all areas of logic, as long as they are mathematical in the sense once conveyed by the name symbolic logic.

Trends in Logic is the conference series of the journal Studia Logica aimed at worldwide promotion of logic and Studia Logica. The series began in 2003, and have been held annually at different logic centres. The series has been instrumental in increasing the visibility of Studia Logica and elevating its international standing.

We call for papers on all areas of mathematical logic; we will also accept a limited number of non-mathematical contributions on history and/or philosophy of logic. Paper submission is via EasyChair.All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The list of our preferred topics include Algebraic logic, Model theory, Proof theory, Philosophical logic, History of logic.

For more information, see

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